diff.js 2.54 KB
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(function() {
  this.Diff = (function() {

    UNFOLD_COUNT = 20;

    function Diff() {
      $('.files .diff-file').singleFileDiff();
      this.filesCommentButton = $('.files .diff-file').filesCommentButton();
11 12 13
      if (this.diffViewType() === 'parallel') {
        $('.content-wrapper .container-fluid').removeClass('container-limited');
Fatih Acet's avatar
Fatih Acet committed
14 15 16
      $(document).off('click', '.js-unfold');
      $(document).on('click', '.js-unfold', (function(_this) {
        return function(event) {
          var line_number, link, file, offset, old_line, params, prev_new_line, prev_old_line, ref, ref1, since, target, to, unfold, unfoldBottom;
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18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
          target = $(event.target);
          unfoldBottom = target.hasClass('js-unfold-bottom');
          unfold = true;
          ref = _this.lineNumbers(target.parent()), old_line = ref[0], line_number = ref[1];
          offset = line_number - old_line;
          if (unfoldBottom) {
            line_number += 1;
            since = line_number;
            to = line_number + UNFOLD_COUNT;
          } else {
            ref1 = _this.lineNumbers(target.parent().prev()), prev_old_line = ref1[0], prev_new_line = ref1[1];
            line_number -= 1;
            to = line_number;
            if (line_number - UNFOLD_COUNT > prev_new_line + 1) {
              since = line_number - UNFOLD_COUNT;
            } else {
              since = prev_new_line + 1;
              unfold = false;
38 39
          file = target.parents('.diff-file');
          link = file.data('blob-diff-path');
Fatih Acet's avatar
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40 41 42 43 44 45
          params = {
            since: since,
            to: to,
            bottom: unfoldBottom,
            offset: offset,
            unfold: unfold,
46 47 48
            // indent is used to compensate for single space indent to fit
            // '+' and '-' prepended to diff lines,
            // see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/707
49 50
            indent: 1,
            view: file.data('view')
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51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
          return $.get(link, params, function(response) {
            return target.parent().replaceWith(response);

59 60 61 62
    Diff.prototype.diffViewType = function() {
      return $('.inline-parallel-buttons a.active').data('view-type');

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63 64 65 66
    Diff.prototype.lineNumbers = function(line) {
      if (!line.children().length) {
        return [0, 0];
67 68 69 70

      return line.find('.diff-line-num').map(function() {
        return parseInt($(this).data('linenumber'));
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71 72 73 74 75 76 77

    return Diff;

