[configuring the Prometheus project service in GitLab](##configuration-in-gitlab).
Now that Prometheus is configured, proceed to
[configure the Prometheus project service in GitLab](##configuration-in-gitlab).
## Configuration in GitLab
@@ -156,8 +154,21 @@ The queries utilized by GitLab are shown in the following table.
| Average Memory (MB) | `(sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{container_name="app",environment="$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG"}) / count(container_memory_usage_bytes{container_name="app",environment="$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG"})) /1024/1024` |
| Average CPU Utilization (%) | `sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name="app",environment="$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG"}[2m])) / count(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name="app",environment="$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG"}) * 100` |
## Monitoring CI/CD Environments
Once configured, GitLab will attempt to retrieve performance metrics for any environment which has had a successful deployment. If monitoring data was successfully retrieved, a metrics button will appear on the environment's detail page.

Clicking on the metrics button will display a new page, showing up to the last 8 hours of performance data. It may take a minute or two for data to appear after initial deployment.
## Troubleshooting
If the metrics button is not appearing, then one of a few issues may be occurring:
- GitLab is not able to reach the Prometheus server. A test request can be sent to the Prometheus server from the [Prometheus Service](#configuration-in-gitlab) configuration screen.
- No successful deployments have occurred to this environment.
- Prometheus does not have performance data for this environment, or the metrics are not labeled correctly. To test this, connect to the Prometheus server and run a [query](#gitlab-prometheus-queries), replacing $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG with the name of your environment.