Commit 7bdd936e authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Simplify workflow scripts, as validation is mostly done using constraints.

We still use workflow scripts for "transiant validation" : for example, validating that at the time we validate this transaction an accounting period is open, other parties are not invalidated.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 626f45ac
......@@ -76,45 +76,41 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.Message import Message\n
transaction = state_change[\'object\']\n
N_ = lambda msg, **kw: Message(\'erp5_ui\', msg, **kw)\n
# do we have to check transaction is in openned periods ? \n
# XXX manually default start date to stop date\n
if not transaction.getStartDate() and transaction.getStopDate():\n
# Check constraints\n
# Check that the transaction is in an open accounting period when we validate\n
# it.\n
skip_period_validation = state_change[\'kwargs\'].get(\n
\'skip_period_validation\', 0)\n
transition = state_change[\'transition\']\n
if in (\'plan_action\', \'confirm_action\') :\n
skip_period_validation = 1\n
# Get sections and a currency.\n
source_section = transaction.getSourceSectionValue(\n
portal_type=[\'Organisation\', \'Person\'])\n
if source_section is None:\n
raise ValidationFailed(N_(\'Source Section is not Defined.\'))\n
destination_section = transaction.getDestinationSectionValue(\n
portal_type=[\'Organisation\', \'Person\'])\n
# if it\'s not an invoice, then we can validate without destination\n
if destination_section is None and \\\n
transaction.getPortalType() in transaction.getPortalInvoiceTypeList():\n
raise ValidationFailed(N_(\'Destination Section is not Defined.\'))\n
currency = transaction.getResource(portal_type = \'Currency\')\n
if not currency :\n
raise ValidationFailed(N_(\'Currency is not Defined.\'))\n
if source_section is None and destination_section is None:\n
raise ValidationFailed(N_(\'At Least One Section Must be Defined\'))\n
# XXX manually default start date to stop date\n
if not transaction.getStartDate() and transaction.getStopDate():\n
# check that no categories are used for section\n
if transaction.getSourceSectionValue(portal_type=\'Category\') is not None or\\\n
transaction.getDestinationSectionValue(portal_type=\'Category\') is not None:\n
raise ValidationFailed(N_(\'Using Category for Section is Invalid\'))\n
transaction_line_list = transaction.getMovementList(\n
if not transaction.getStartDate() :\n
raise ValidationFailed(N_(\'Date is not Defined\'))\n
if not skip_period_validation :\n
if not skip_period_validation :\n
# check the date is in an opened period\n
if source_section is not None:\n
# if we don\'t have any accounts on this side, we don\'t enforce date\n
# checks\n
# if we don\'t have any accounts on this side, we don\'t enforce date checks\n
valid_date = False\n
no_accounts = True\n
for line in transaction_line_list:\n
......@@ -142,8 +138,7 @@ else:\n
"for source section"))\n
# do the same for destination section \n
if destination_section is not None:\n
# if we don\'t have any accounts on this side, we don\'t enforce date\n
# checks\n
# if we don\'t have any accounts on this side, we don\'t enforce date checks\n
valid_date = False\n
no_accounts = True\n
for line in transaction_line_list:\n
......@@ -239,9 +234,8 @@ else:\n
......@@ -71,176 +71,66 @@
from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import ValidationFailed\n
from Products.ERP5Type.Message import Message\n
SOURCE, DESTINATION = (\'source\', \'destination\')\n
transaction = state_change[\'object\']\n
portal = transaction.getPortalObject()\n
valid_section_portal_type_list = [\'Person\', \'Organisation\']\n
bank_account_portal_type = portal.getPortalPaymentNodeTypeList()\n
section_portal_type_list = [\'Person\', \'Organisation\']\n
invalid_state_list = [\'invalidated\', \'deleted\']\n
N_ = lambda msg, **kw: Message(\'erp5_ui\', msg, **kw)\n
# first of all, validate the transaction itself\n
# Get sections.\n
source_section = transaction.getSourceSectionValue(\n
destination_section = transaction.getDestinationSectionValue(\n
# do we want to check validity for destination as well?\n
check_for_destination = 0\n
if source_section is not None and destination_section is not None:\n
source_section_group = source_section.getGroup(\'\').lstrip(\'group/\').split(\'/\')\n
destination_section_group = destination_section\\\n
if destination_section_group and source_section_group and \\\n
destination_section_group[0] == source_section_group[0] \\\n
and destination_section.getPortalType() != \'Person\':\n
check_for_destination = 1\n
source_sum = 0\n
destination_sum = 0\n
# Check transaction lines\n
if transaction.getPortalType() not in (\'Balance Transaction\',) :\n
accounting_transaction_line_list = transaction.contentValues(\n
filter={ \'portal_type\':\n
for transaction_line in accounting_transaction_line_list:\n
# XXX would source_section != destination_section work here ?\n
if source_section is not None and destination_section is not None and\\\n
source_section.getUid() != destination_section.getUid():\n
source_quantity = transaction_line\\\n
.getSourceInventoriatedTotalAssetPrice() or 0\n
destination_quantity = transaction_line\\\n
.getDestinationInventoriatedTotalAssetPrice() or 0\n
destination_quantity = source_quantity = ((transaction_line\\\n
.getSourceInventoriatedTotalAssetPrice() or 0) + \\\n
(transaction_line.getDestinationInventoriatedTotalAssetPrice() or 0))\n
# Check that all lines uses open accounts, and doesn\'t use invalid third\n
# parties or bank accounts\n
for line in transaction.contentValues(filter=dict(\n
source_sum += source_quantity\n
destination_sum += destination_quantity\n
for account, third_party, bank_account in (\n
( line.getSourceValue(portal_type=\'Account\'),\n
( line.getDestinationValue(portal_type=\'Account\'),\n
line.getSourceSectionValue(portal_type=section_portal_type_list),), ):\n
if transaction_line.getSource( portal_type = \'Account\') is None and \\\n
transaction_line.getDestination(portal_type = \'Account\') is None and \\\n
transaction_line.getQuantity() != 0:\n
if account is not None and account.getValidationState() != \'validated\':\n
raise ValidationFailed, N_(\n
"Action failed: no account defined for line \'${line_id}\'.",\n
mapping = {\'line_id\': transaction_line.getId()} )\n
for side in (SOURCE, DESTINATION) :\n
if side == SOURCE:\n
account = transaction_line.getSourceValue(portal_type=\'Account\')\n
payment = transaction_line.getSourcePaymentValue(\n
third_party = transaction_line.getDestinationSectionValue(\n
account = transaction_line.getDestinationValue(portal_type=\'Account\')\n
payment = transaction_line.getDestinationPaymentValue(\n
third_party = transaction_line.getSourceSectionValue(\n
if account is None:\n
if account.getValidationState() != \'validated\':\n
raise ValidationFailed, N_(\n
"Action failed: account \'${account_title}\' is not opened.",\n
mapping = {\'account_title\':\n
unicode(account.getTranslatedTitle(), \'utf8\')})\n
"Account ${account_title} is not opened",\n
account.Account_getFormattedTitle(), \'utf8\')))\n
# Test third party related-data\n
if account.getAccountTypeId() in ("receivable", "payable"):\n
# Test existence\n
if third_party is None:\n
raise ValidationFailed, N_(\n
"Action failed: no third party defined for line \'${line}\'.",\n
mapping = {\'line\': transaction_line.getId()} )\n
if third_party is not None and third_party.getPortalType() \\\n
in [\'Person\', \'Organisation\']:\n
# Test state :(\n
if third_party.getValidationState() != \'validated\':\n
raise ValidationFailed, N_(\n
"Action failed: third party \'${third_party_name}\' is not "\n
mapping = {\'third_party_name\':\n
unicode(third_party.getTranslatedTitle(), \'utf8\')} )\n
# Test region\n
# Note: This test is normally handle by the entity workflow which\n
# don\'t allow validation of entity until region is set. So if the\n
# previous condition is not verified, the previous test catch it. We\n
# add this redundent test for easy upgrade of previous ERP5\n
# accounting system.\n
if not third_party.getRegion():\n
raise ValidationFailed, N_(\n
"Action failed: third party \'${third_party_name}\' has no "\n
mapping = {\'third_party_name\':\n
unicode(third_party.getTranslatedTitle(), \'utf8\')})\n
if (side == SOURCE) and account.isMemberOf(\n
# XXX we must check for source only if we are intersted in the\n
# accounting for source. Today, payment transaction cannot be validated\n
# if they do not have a source, so this check is not needed yet.\n
if payment is None:\n
raise ValidationFailed, N_(\n
"Action failed: no source bank account defined for line \'${line}\'.",\n
mapping = {\'line\': transaction_line.getId()} )\n
bank_account_currency = payment.getProperty(\'price_currency\')\n
if bank_account_currency is not None and \\\n
bank_account_currency != transaction_line.getResource():\n
if third_party is not None and\\\n
third_party.getValidationState() in invalid_state_list:\n
raise ValidationFailed, N_(\n
"Action failed: source bank account for line \'${line}\' "\\\n
"uses ${bank_account_currency} as default currency.",\n
mapping = { \'line\' : transaction_line.getId(),\n
unicode(payment.getPriceCurrencyReference(), \'utf8\')})\n
"Third Party ${third_party_name} is invalid",\n
third_party.getTitle(), \'utf8\')))\n
if (side == DESTINATION) and account.isMemberOf(\n
# we check account for destination section only if we are interested in\n
# the accounting for this entity.\n
if not check_for_destination:\n
if payment is None:\n
if bank_account is not None and\\\n
bank_account.getValidationState() in invalid_state_list:\n
raise ValidationFailed, N_(\n
"Action failed: no destination bank account defined for"\n
" line \'${line}\'.",\n
mapping = {\'line\': transaction_line.getId()} )\n
bank_account_currency = payment.getProperty(\'price_currency\')\n
"Bank Account ${bank_account_reference} is invalid",\n
bank_account.getReference(), \'utf8\')))\n
if account is not None:\n
# also check that currencies are consistent if we use this quantity for\n
# accounting.\n
bank_account_currency = bank_account.getProperty(\'price_currency\')\n
if bank_account_currency is not None and \\\n
bank_account_currency != transaction_line.getResource():\n
raise ValidationFailed, N_(\n
"Action failed: bank account for line \'${line}\' "\\\n
"uses ${bank_account_currency} as default currency.",\n
mapping = { \'line\' : transaction_line.getId(),\n
unicode(payment.getPriceCurrencyReference(), \'utf8\')})\n
source_precision = destination_precision = 2\n
if source_section is not None and\\\n
source_section.getPortalType() == \'Organisation\':\n
source_currency = source_section.getPriceCurrencyValue()\n
if source_currency is not None:\n
source_precision = source_currency.getQuantityPrecision()\n
if round(source_sum, source_precision) != 0:\n
raise ValidationFailed, N_(\n
\'Action failed: transaction is not balanced for source section.\')\n
if destination_section is not None and\\\n
destination_section.getPortalType() == \'Organisation\':\n
destination_currency = destination_section.getPriceCurrencyValue()\n
if destination_currency is not None:\n
destination_precision = destination_currency.getQuantityPrecision()\n
if round(destination_sum, destination_precision) != 0:\n
raise ValidationFailed, N_(\n
\'Action failed: transaction is not balanced for destination section.\')\n
"Bank Account ${bank_account_reference} "\n
"uses ${bank_account_currency} as default currency",\n
bank_account.getReference(), \'utf8\'),\n
bank_account.getPriceCurrencyReference(), \'utf8\')))\n
# Delete empty lines\n
</string> </value>
......@@ -307,40 +197,25 @@ transaction.AccountingTransaction_deleteEmptyLines(redirect=0)\n
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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