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Commit 5ee8521c authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel

test error raised by workflow and rewrite all the test, createion and

check must be in the same method

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 28241b3a
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import convertToUpperCase
from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import SequenceList
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import Unauthorized
from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import Unauthorized, ValidationFailed
from Testing.ZopeTestCase.PortalTestCase import PortalTestCase
# Needed in order to have a log file inside the current folder
......@@ -502,6 +502,8 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
Each time this method is called, it simulates a call to tic
which invoke activities in the Activity Tool
# execute transaction
......@@ -586,10 +588,14 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.caisse_2.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
def stepCheckCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
def stepCreateCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check data in the cash transfer
Create a cash transfer document and check it
# Cash transfer has caisse_1 for source, caisse_2 for destination, and a price cooreponding to the sum of banknote of 10000 abd coin of 200 ( (2+3) * 1000 + (5+7) * 200 )
self.cash_transfer = self.cash_transfer_module.newContent(id='cash_transfer_1', portal_type='Cash Transfer', source_value=self.caisse_1, destination_value=self.caisse_2, price=52400.0)
# execute tic
# check we have only one cash transfer
self.assertEqual(len(self.cash_transfer_module.objectValues()), 1)
# get the cash transfer document
......@@ -606,10 +612,16 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
#raise 'alex', repr( self.cash_transfer.get_local_roles() )
def stepCheckValidLine1(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
def stepCreateValidLine1(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the cash transfer line as been well created
Create the cash transfer line 1 with banknotes of 10000 and check it has been well created
# create the cash transfer line
self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.cash_transfer, 'valid_line_1', 'Cash Transfer Line', self.billet_10000,
('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/k', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
# execute tic
# check there is only one line created
self.assertEqual(len(self.cash_transfer.objectValues()), 1)
# get the cash transfer line
......@@ -658,10 +670,16 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.cash_transfer.getTotalPrice(), 10000 * 5.0)
def stepCheckValidLine2(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
def stepCreateValidLine2(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the cash transfer line 2 has been well created
Create the cash transfer line 2 wiht coins of 200 and check it has been well created
# create the line
self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.cash_transfer, 'valid_line_2', 'Cash Transfer Line', self.piece_200,
('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/k', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
# execute tic
# check the number of lines (line1 + line2)
self.assertEqual(len(self.cash_transfer.objectValues()), 2)
# get the second cash transfer line
......@@ -691,22 +709,48 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):'Wrong cell created : %s' % cell.getId())
def stepCheckTotal(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
def stepTryConfirmCashTransferWithBadUser(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the total after the creation of the two cash transfer lines
Try to confirm cash transfer with a user that doesn't have the right and
check that the try of confirm by a bad user doesn't change the cash transfer
# Check number of lines (line1 + line2)
self.assertEqual(len(self.cash_transfer.objectValues()), 2)
# Check quantity, banknotes : 2 for 1992 and 3 for 2003, coin : 5 for 1992 and 7 for 2003
self.assertEqual(self.cash_transfer.getTotalQuantity(), 5.0 + 12.0)
# check the total price
self.assertEqual(self.cash_transfer.getTotalPrice(), 10000 * 5.0 + 200 * 12.0)
# logout from user_1
# log in as bad user
# get workflow tool
self.workflow_tool = self.getWorkflowTool()
# check that an Unauthorized exception is raised when trying to confirm the cash transfer
self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, self.workflow_tool.doActionFor, self.cash_transfer, 'confirm_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# logout from user_3
# login as default user
# execute tic
# get state of the cash transfer
state = self.cash_transfer.getSimulationState()
# check it has remain as draft
self.assertEqual(state, 'draft')
# get the workflow history
workflow_history = self.workflow_tool.getInfoFor(ob=self.cash_transfer, name='history', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# check its len is one
self.assertEqual(len(workflow_history), 1)
def stepCheckBadTotal(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
def stepCreateInvalidLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the total with the invalid cash transfer line
Create an invalid cash transfer line and
check the total with the invalid cash transfer line
# create a line in which quanity of banknotes of 5000 is higher that quantity available at source
# here create a line with 24 (11+13) banknotes of 500 although the vault caisse_1 has no banknote of 5000
self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.cash_transfer, 'invalid_line', 'Cash Transfer Line', self.billet_5000,
('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/k', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
# execute tic
# Check number of cash transfer lines (line1 + line2 +invalid_line)
self.assertEqual(len(self.cash_transfer.objectValues()), 3)
# Check quantity, same as checkTotal + banknote of 500: 11 for 1992 and 13 for 2003
......@@ -715,24 +759,17 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.cash_transfer.getTotalPrice(), 10000 * 5.0 + 200 * 12.0 + 5000 * 24)
def stepCheckBadUserConfirmCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check that the try of confirm by a bad user doesn't change the cash transfer
# get state of the cash transfer
state = self.cash_transfer.getSimulationState()
# check it has remain as draft
self.assertEqual(state, 'draft')
# get the workflow history
workflow_history = self.workflow_tool.getInfoFor(ob=self.cash_transfer, name='history', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# check its len is one
self.assertEqual(len(workflow_history), 1)
def stepCheckBadInventoryConfirmCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
def stepTryConfirmCashTransferWithBadInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the try of confirm the cash transfer with the invalid line has failed
Try to confirm the cash transfer with a bad cash transfer line and
check the try of confirm the cash transfer with the invalid line has failed
# fix amount (10000 * 5.0 + 200 * 12.0 + 5000 * 24)
# try to do the workflow action "confirm_action', cath the exception ValidationFailed raised by workflow transition
self.assertRaises(ValidationFailed, self.workflow_tool.doActionFor, self.cash_transfer, 'confirm_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# execute tic
# get state of the cash transfer
state = self.cash_transfer.getSimulationState()
# check the state is draft
......@@ -745,10 +782,35 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual('Insufficient balance' in workflow_history[-1]['error_message'], True)
def stepCheckConfirmCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
def stepDelInvalidLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Delete the invalid cash transfer line previously create
def stepCheckTotal(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the total after the creation of the two cash transfer lines
# Check number of lines (line1 + line2)
self.assertEqual(len(self.cash_transfer.objectValues()), 2)
# Check quantity, banknotes : 2 for 1992 and 3 for 2003, coin : 5 for 1992 and 7 for 2003
self.assertEqual(self.cash_transfer.getTotalQuantity(), 5.0 + 12.0)
# check the total price
self.assertEqual(self.cash_transfer.getTotalPrice(), 10000 * 5.0 + 200 * 12.0)
def stepConfirmCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the confirm the cash transfer
Confirm the cash transfer and check it
# fix amount (10000 * 5.0 + 200 * 12.0)
# do the Workflow action
self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.cash_transfer, 'confirm_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# execute tic
# get state
state = self.cash_transfer.getSimulationState()
# check state is confirmed
......@@ -787,10 +849,23 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.caisse_2.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 12.0)
def stepBadUserCheckDeliverCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
def stepTryDeliverCashTransferWithBadUser(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check that the try to deliver a Cash Transfer with a bad user have failed
Try to deliver a cash transfer with a user that doesn't have the right
and check that it failed
# logout from user_1
# log in as bad user
# check we raise an Unauthorized Exception if we try to deliver cash transfer
self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, self.workflow_tool.doActionFor, self.cash_transfer, 'deliver_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# logout from bad user
# log in as default user
# execute tic
# get state of the cash transfer
state = self.cash_transfer.getSimulationState()
# check that state is confirmed
......@@ -801,10 +876,25 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(workflow_history), 4)
def stepCheckDeliverCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
def stepDeliverCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check that the deliver of a cash tranfer have achieved
Deliver the cash transfer with a good user
and check that the deliver of a cash tranfer have achieved
# logout from user_1
# log in as good user (controleur_caisse)
# self.security_manager = AccessControl.getSecurityManager()
# self.user = self.security_manager.getUser()
# do the workflow transition "deliver_action"
self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.cash_transfer, 'deliver_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# logout from user_2
# log in as default user
# execute tic
# get state of cash transfer
state = self.cash_transfer.getSimulationState()
# check that state is delivered
......@@ -839,123 +929,6 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.caisse_2.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 12.0)
def stepCreateCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Create a cash transfer document
# Cash transfer has caisse_1 for source, caisse_2 for destination, and a price cooreponding to the sum of banknote of 10000 abd coin of 200 ( (2+3) * 1000 + (5+7) * 200 )
self.cash_transfer = self.cash_transfer_module.newContent(id='cash_transfer_1', portal_type='Cash Transfer', source_value=self.caisse_1, destination_value=self.caisse_2, price=52400.0)
def stepCreateValidLine1(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Create the cash transfer line 1 with banknotes of 10000
self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.cash_transfer, 'valid_line_1', 'Cash Transfer Line', self.billet_10000,
('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/k', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
def stepCreateValidLine2(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Create the cash transfer line 2 wiht coins of 200
self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.cash_transfer, 'valid_line_2', 'Cash Transfer Line', self.piece_200,
('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/k', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
def stepCreateInvalidLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Create an invalid cash transfer line
# create a line in which quanity of banknotes of 5000 is higher that quantity available at source
# here create a line with 24 (11+13) banknotes of 500 although the vault caisse_1 has no banknote of 5000
self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.cash_transfer, 'invalid_line', 'Cash Transfer Line', self.billet_5000,
('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/k', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
def stepDelInvalidLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Delete the invalid cash transfer line previously create
def stepBadUserConfirmCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Try to confirm cash transfer with a user that doesn't have the right
# logout from user_1
# log in as bad user
# get workflow tool
self.workflow_tool = self.getWorkflowTool()
# check that an Unauthorized exception is raised when trying to confirm the cash transfer
self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, self.workflow_tool.doActionFor, self.cash_transfer, 'confirm_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# logout from user_3
# login as default user
def stepBadInventoryConfirmCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Try to confirm the cash transfer with a bad cash transfer line
# fix amount (10000 * 5.0 + 200 * 12.0 + 5000 * 24)
# try to do the workflow action "confirm_action'
self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.cash_transfer, 'confirm_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
def stepConfirmCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Confir the cash transfer
# fix amount (10000 * 5.0 + 200 * 12.0)
# do the Workflow action
self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.cash_transfer, 'confirm_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
def stepBadUserDeliverCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Try to deliver a cash transfer with a user that doesn't have the right
# logout from user_1
# log in as bad user
# check we raise an Unauthorized Exception if we try to deliver cash transfer
self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, self.workflow_tool.doActionFor, self.cash_transfer, 'deliver_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# logout from bad user
# log in as default user
def stepDeliverCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Deliver the cash transfer with a good user
# logout from user_1
# log in as good user (controleur_caisse)
# self.security_manager = AccessControl.getSecurityManager()
# self.user = self.security_manager.getUser()
# do the workflow transition "deliver_action"
self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.cash_transfer, 'deliver_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# logout from user_2
# log in as default user
## Tests
......@@ -967,21 +940,21 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
if not run: return
sequence_list = SequenceList()
# define the sequence
sequence_string = 'Tic CheckObjects Tic CheckInitialInventory CheckSource CheckDestination' \
+ ' CreateCashTransfer Tic CheckCashTransfer' \
+ ' CreateValidLine1 Tic CheckValidLine1 CheckSubTotal' \
+ ' CreateValidLine2 Tic CheckValidLine2 CheckTotal' \
+ ' BadUserConfirmCashTransfer Tic CheckBadUserConfirmCashTransfer' \
+ ' CheckSource CheckDestination' \
+ ' CreateInvalidLine Tic CheckBadTotal' \
+ ' BadInventoryConfirmCashTransfer Tic CheckBadInventoryConfirmCashTransfer' \
+ ' DelInvalidLine Tic CheckTotal' \
+ ' ConfirmCashTransfer Tic CheckConfirmCashTransfer' \
+ ' CheckSourceDebitPlanned CheckDestinationCreditPlanned' \
+ ' BadUserDeliverCashTransfer Tic BadUserCheckDeliverCashTransfer' \
+ ' CheckSourceDebitPlanned CheckDestinationCreditPlanned' \
+ ' DeliverCashTransfer Tic CheckDeliverCashTransfer' \
+ ' CheckSourceDebit CheckDestinationCredit'
sequence_string = 'Tic CheckObjects Tic CheckInitialInventory CheckSource CheckDestination ' \
+ 'CreateCashTransfer ' \
+ 'CreateValidLine1 CheckSubTotal ' \
+ 'CreateValidLine2 CheckTotal ' \
+ 'TryConfirmCashTransferWithBadUser ' \
+ 'CheckSource CheckDestination ' \
+ 'CreateInvalidLine ' \
+ 'TryConfirmCashTransferWithBadInventory ' \
+ 'DelInvalidLine Tic CheckTotal ' \
+ 'ConfirmCashTransfer ' \
+ 'CheckSourceDebitPlanned CheckDestinationCreditPlanned ' \
+ 'TryDeliverCashTransferWithBadUser ' \
+ 'CheckSourceDebitPlanned CheckDestinationCreditPlanned ' \
+ 'DeliverCashTransfer ' \
+ 'CheckSourceDebit CheckDestinationCredit '
# play the sequence
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