Commit 29149d39 authored by Rusty Russell's avatar Rusty Russell

First cut of ccan-izing talloc

parent f7315b84
/* Simple config.h for gcc. */
#define HAVE_TYPEOF 1
- Remove talloc.h cruft
- Restore errno around (successful) talloc_free.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "config.h"
* talloc - tree allocator routines
* Talloc is a hierarchical memory pool system with destructors: you keep your
* objects in heirarchies reflecting their lifetime. Every pointer returned
* from talloc() is itself a valid talloc context, from which other talloc()s
* can be attached. This means you can do this:
* struct foo *X = talloc(mem_ctx, struct foo);
* X->name = talloc_strdup(X, "foo");
* and the pointer X->name would be a "child" of the talloc context "X" which
* is itself a child of mem_ctx. So if you do talloc_free(mem_ctx) then it is
* all destroyed, whereas if you do talloc_free(X) then just X and X->name are
* destroyed, and if you do talloc_free(X->name) then just the name element of
* X is destroyed.
* If you think about this, then what this effectively gives you is an n-ary
* tree, where you can free any part of the tree with talloc_free().
* Talloc has been measured with a time overhead of around 4% over glibc
* malloc, and 48/80 bytes per allocation (32/64 bit).
* This version is based on svn:// revision 23158.
* Example:
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <stdarg.h>
* #include <err.h>
* #include "talloc/talloc.h"
* // A structure containing a popened comman.
* struct command
* {
* FILE *f;
* const char *command;
* };
* // When struct command is freed, we also want to pclose pipe.
* static int close_cmd(struct command *cmd)
* {
* pclose(cmd->f);
* // 0 means "we succeeded, continue freeing"
* return 0;
* }
* // This function opens a writable pipe to the given command.
* struct command *open_output_cmd(const void *ctx, char *fmt, ...)
* {
* va_list ap;
* struct command *cmd = talloc(ctx, struct command);
* if (!cmd)
* return NULL;
* va_start(ap, fmt);
* cmd->command = talloc_vasprintf(cmd, fmt, ap);
* va_end(ap);
* if (!cmd->command) {
* talloc_free(cmd);
* return NULL;
* }
* cmd->f = popen(cmd->command, "w");
* if (!cmd->f) {
* talloc_free(cmd);
* return NULL;
* }
* talloc_set_destructor(cmd, close_cmd);
* return cmd;
* }
* int main(int argc, char *argv[])
* {
* struct command *cmd;
* if (argc != 2)
* errx(1, "Usage: %s <command>\n");
* cmd = open_output_cmd(NULL, "%s hello", argv[1]);
* if (!cmd)
* err(1, "Running '%s hello'", argv[1]);
* fprintf(cmd->f, "This is a test\n");
* talloc_free(cmd);
* return 0;
* }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 2)
return 1;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "depends") == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
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<refpurpose>hierarchical reference counted memory pool system with destructors</refpurpose>
<synopsis>#include &lt;talloc/talloc.h&gt;</synopsis>
If you are used to talloc from Samba3 then please read this
carefully, as talloc has changed a lot.
The new talloc is a hierarchical, reference counted memory pool
system with destructors. Quite a mouthful really, but not too bad
once you get used to it.
Perhaps the biggest change from Samba3 is that there is no
distinction between a "talloc context" and a "talloc pointer". Any
pointer returned from talloc() is itself a valid talloc context.
This means you can do this:
struct foo *X = talloc(mem_ctx, struct foo);
X->name = talloc_strdup(X, "foo");
and the pointer <literal role="code">X-&gt;name</literal>
would be a "child" of the talloc context <literal
role="code">X</literal> which is itself a child of
<literal role="code">mem_ctx</literal>. So if you do
<literal role="code">talloc_free(mem_ctx)</literal> then
it is all destroyed, whereas if you do <literal
role="code">talloc_free(X)</literal> then just <literal
role="code">X</literal> and <literal
role="code">X-&gt;name</literal> are destroyed, and if
you do <literal
role="code">talloc_free(X-&gt;name)</literal> then just
the name element of <literal role="code">X</literal> is
If you think about this, then what this effectively gives you is an
n-ary tree, where you can free any part of the tree with
If you find this confusing, then I suggest you run the <literal
role="code">testsuite</literal> program to watch talloc
in action. You may also like to add your own tests to <literal
role="code">testsuite.c</literal> to clarify how some
particular situation is handled.
<refsect1><title>TALLOC API</title>
The following is a complete guide to the talloc API. Read it all at
least twice.
<refsect2><title>(type *)talloc(const void *ctx, type);</title>
The talloc() macro is the core of the talloc library. It takes a
memory <emphasis role="italic">ctx</emphasis> and a <emphasis
role="italic">type</emphasis>, and returns a pointer to a new
area of memory of the given <emphasis
The returned pointer is itself a talloc context, so you can use
it as the <emphasis role="italic">ctx</emphasis> argument to more
calls to talloc() if you wish.
The returned pointer is a "child" of the supplied context. This
means that if you talloc_free() the <emphasis
role="italic">ctx</emphasis> then the new child disappears as
well. Alternatively you can free just the child.
The <emphasis role="italic">ctx</emphasis> argument to talloc()
can be NULL, in which case a new top level context is created.
<refsect2><title>void *talloc_size(const void *ctx, size_t size);</title>
The function talloc_size() should be used when you don't have a
convenient type to pass to talloc(). Unlike talloc(), it is not
type safe (as it returns a void *), so you are on your own for
type checking.
<refsect2><title>(typeof(ptr)) talloc_ptrtype(const void *ctx, ptr);</title>
The talloc_ptrtype() macro should be used when you have a pointer and
want to allocate memory to point at with this pointer. When compiling
with gcc >= 3 it is typesafe. Note this is a wrapper of talloc_size()
and talloc_get_name() will return the current location in the source file.
and not the type.
<refsect2><title>int talloc_free(void *ptr);</title>
The talloc_free() function frees a piece of talloc memory, and
all its children. You can call talloc_free() on any pointer
returned by talloc().
The return value of talloc_free() indicates success or failure,
with 0 returned for success and -1 for failure. The only
possible failure condition is if <emphasis
role="italic">ptr</emphasis> had a destructor attached to it and
the destructor returned -1. See <link
for details on destructors.
If this pointer has an additional parent when talloc_free() is
called then the memory is not actually released, but instead the
most recently established parent is destroyed. See <link
for details on establishing additional parents.
For more control on which parent is removed, see <link
talloc_free() operates recursively on its children.
<refsect2 id="talloc_reference"><title>void *talloc_reference(const void *ctx, const void *ptr);</title>
The talloc_reference() function makes <emphasis
role="italic">ctx</emphasis> an additional parent of <emphasis
The return value of talloc_reference() is always the original
pointer <emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>, unless talloc ran
out of memory in creating the reference in which case it will
return NULL (each additional reference consumes around 48 bytes
of memory on intel x86 platforms).
If <emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis> is NULL, then the
function is a no-op, and simply returns NULL.
After creating a reference you can free it in one of the
following ways:
you can talloc_free() any parent of the original pointer.
That will reduce the number of parents of this pointer by 1,
and will cause this pointer to be freed if it runs out of
you can talloc_free() the pointer itself. That will destroy
the most recently established parent to the pointer and leave
the pointer as a child of its current parent.
For more control on which parent to remove, see <link
<refsect2 id="talloc_unlink"><title>int talloc_unlink(const void *ctx, const void *ptr);</title>
The talloc_unlink() function removes a specific parent from
<emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>. The <emphasis
role="italic">ctx</emphasis> passed must either be a context used
in talloc_reference() with this pointer, or must be a direct
parent of ptr.
Note that if the parent has already been removed using
talloc_free() then this function will fail and will return -1.
Likewise, if <emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis> is NULL, then
the function will make no modifications and return -1.
Usually you can just use talloc_free() instead of
talloc_unlink(), but sometimes it is useful to have the
additional control on which parent is removed.
<refsect2 id="talloc_set_destructor"><title>void talloc_set_destructor(const void *ptr, int (*destructor)(void *));</title>
The function talloc_set_destructor() sets the <emphasis
role="italic">destructor</emphasis> for the pointer <emphasis
role="italic">ptr</emphasis>. A <emphasis
role="italic">destructor</emphasis> is a function that is called
when the memory used by a pointer is about to be released. The
destructor receives <emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis> as an
argument, and should return 0 for success and -1 for failure.
The <emphasis role="italic">destructor</emphasis> can do anything
it wants to, including freeing other pieces of memory. A common
use for destructors is to clean up operating system resources
(such as open file descriptors) contained in the structure the
destructor is placed on.
You can only place one destructor on a pointer. If you need more
than one destructor then you can create a zero-length child of
the pointer and place an additional destructor on that.
To remove a destructor call talloc_set_destructor() with NULL for
the destructor.
If your destructor attempts to talloc_free() the pointer that it
is the destructor for then talloc_free() will return -1 and the
free will be ignored. This would be a pointless operation
anyway, as the destructor is only called when the memory is just
about to go away.
<refsect2><title>int talloc_increase_ref_count(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>);</title>
The talloc_increase_ref_count(<emphasis
role="italic">ptr</emphasis>) function is exactly equivalent to:
<programlisting>talloc_reference(NULL, ptr);</programlisting>
You can use either syntax, depending on which you think is
clearer in your code.
It returns 0 on success and -1 on failure.
<refsect2><title>size_t talloc_reference_count(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>);</title>
Return the number of references to the pointer.
<refsect2 id="talloc_set_name"><title>void talloc_set_name(const void *ptr, const char *fmt, ...);</title>
Each talloc pointer has a "name". The name is used principally
for debugging purposes, although it is also possible to set and
get the name on a pointer in as a way of "marking" pointers in
your code.
The main use for names on pointer is for "talloc reports". See
and <link
for details. Also see <link
and <link
The talloc_set_name() function allocates memory as a child of the
pointer. It is logically equivalent to:
<programlisting>talloc_set_name_const(ptr, talloc_asprintf(ptr, fmt, ...));</programlisting>
Note that multiple calls to talloc_set_name() will allocate more
memory without releasing the name. All of the memory is released
when the ptr is freed using talloc_free().
<refsect2><title>void talloc_set_name_const(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>, const char *<emphasis role="italic">name</emphasis>);</title>
The function talloc_set_name_const() is just like
talloc_set_name(), but it takes a string constant, and is much
faster. It is extensively used by the "auto naming" macros, such
as talloc_p().
This function does not allocate any memory. It just copies the
supplied pointer into the internal representation of the talloc
ptr. This means you must not pass a <emphasis
role="italic">name</emphasis> pointer to memory that will
disappear before <emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis> is freed
with talloc_free().
<refsect2><title>void *talloc_named(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ctx</emphasis>, size_t <emphasis role="italic">size</emphasis>, const char *<emphasis role="italic">fmt</emphasis>, ...);</title>
The talloc_named() function creates a named talloc pointer. It
is equivalent to:
<programlisting>ptr = talloc_size(ctx, size);
talloc_set_name(ptr, fmt, ....);</programlisting>
<refsect2><title>void *talloc_named_const(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ctx</emphasis>, size_t <emphasis role="italic">size</emphasis>, const char *<emphasis role="italic">name</emphasis>);</title>
This is equivalent to:
<programlisting>ptr = talloc_size(ctx, size);
talloc_set_name_const(ptr, name);</programlisting>
<refsect2><title>const char *talloc_get_name(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>);</title>
This returns the current name for the given talloc pointer,
<emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>. See <link
for details.
<refsect2><title>void *talloc_init(const char *<emphasis role="italic">fmt</emphasis>, ...);</title>
This function creates a zero length named talloc context as a top
level context. It is equivalent to:
<programlisting>talloc_named(NULL, 0, fmt, ...);</programlisting>
<refsect2><title>void *talloc_new(void *<emphasis role="italic">ctx</emphasis>);</title>
This is a utility macro that creates a new memory context hanging
off an exiting context, automatically naming it "talloc_new:
__location__" where __location__ is the source line it is called
from. It is particularly useful for creating a new temporary
working context.
<refsect2><title>(<emphasis role="italic">type</emphasis> *)talloc_realloc(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ctx</emphasis>, void *<emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>, <emphasis role="italic">type</emphasis>, <emphasis role="italic">count</emphasis>);</title>
The talloc_realloc() macro changes the size of a talloc pointer.
It has the following equivalences:
<programlisting>talloc_realloc(ctx, NULL, type, 1) ==> talloc(ctx, type);
talloc_realloc(ctx, ptr, type, 0) ==> talloc_free(ptr);</programlisting>
The <emphasis role="italic">ctx</emphasis> argument is only used
if <emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis> is not NULL, otherwise
it is ignored.
talloc_realloc() returns the new pointer, or NULL on failure.
The call will fail either due to a lack of memory, or because the
pointer has more than one parent (see <link
<refsect2><title>void *talloc_realloc_size(const void *ctx, void *ptr, size_t size);</title>
the talloc_realloc_size() function is useful when the type is not
known so the type-safe talloc_realloc() cannot be used.
<refsect2><title>TYPE *talloc_steal(const void *<emphasis role="italic">new_ctx</emphasis>, const TYPE *<emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>);</title>
The talloc_steal() function changes the parent context of a
talloc pointer. It is typically used when the context that the
pointer is currently a child of is going to be freed and you wish
to keep the memory for a longer time.
The talloc_steal() function returns the pointer that you pass it.
It does not have any failure modes.
NOTE: It is possible to produce loops in the parent/child
relationship if you are not careful with talloc_steal(). No
guarantees are provided as to your sanity or the safety of your
data if you do this.
<refsect2><title>TYPE *talloc_move(const void *<emphasis role="italic">new_ctx</emphasis>, TYPE **<emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>);</title>
The talloc_move() function is a wrapper around
talloc_steal() which zeros the source pointer after the
move. This avoids a potential source of bugs where a
programmer leaves a pointer in two structures, and uses the
pointer from the old structure after it has been moved to a
new one.
<refsect2><title>size_t talloc_total_size(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>);</title>
The talloc_total_size() function returns the total size in bytes
used by this pointer and all child pointers. Mostly useful for
Passing NULL is allowed, but it will only give a meaningful
result if talloc_enable_leak_report() or
talloc_enable_leak_report_full() has been called.
<refsect2><title>size_t talloc_total_blocks(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>);</title>
The talloc_total_blocks() function returns the total memory block
count used by this pointer and all child pointers. Mostly useful
for debugging.
Passing NULL is allowed, but it will only give a meaningful
result if talloc_enable_leak_report() or
talloc_enable_leak_report_full() has been called.
<refsect2 id="talloc_report"><title>void talloc_report(const void *ptr, FILE *f);</title>
The talloc_report() function prints a summary report of all
memory used by <emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>. One line
of report is printed for each immediate child of ptr, showing the
total memory and number of blocks used by that child.
You can pass NULL for the pointer, in which case a report is
printed for the top level memory context, but only if
talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full()
has been called.
<refsect2 id="talloc_report_full"><title>void talloc_report_full(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ptr</emphasis>, FILE *<emphasis role="italic">f</emphasis>);</title>
This provides a more detailed report than talloc_report(). It
will recursively print the entire tree of memory referenced by
the pointer. References in the tree are shown by giving the name
of the pointer that is referenced.
You can pass NULL for the pointer, in which case a report is
printed for the top level memory context, but only if
talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full()
has been called.
<refsect2 id="talloc_report_depth_cb">
<funcdef>void <function>talloc_report_depth_cb</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><parameter>const void *ptr</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><parameter>int depth</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><parameter>int max_depth</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><parameter>void (*callback)(const void *ptr, int depth, int max_depth, int is_ref, void *priv)</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><parameter>void *priv</parameter></paramdef>
This provides a more flexible reports than talloc_report(). It
will recursively call the callback for the entire tree of memory
referenced by the pointer. References in the tree are passed with
<emphasis role="italic">is_ref = 1</emphasis> and the pointer that is referenced.
You can pass NULL for the pointer, in which case a report is
printed for the top level memory context, but only if
talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full()
has been called.
The recursion is stopped when depth >= max_depth.
max_depth = -1 means only stop at leaf nodes.
<refsect2 id="talloc_report_depth_file">
<funcdef>void <function>talloc_report_depth_file</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><parameter>const void *ptr</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><parameter>int depth</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><parameter>int max_depth</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><parameter>FILE *f</parameter></paramdef>
This provides a more flexible reports than talloc_report(). It
will let you specify the depth and max_depth.
<refsect2 id="talloc_enable_leak_report"><title>void talloc_enable_leak_report(void);</title>
This enables calling of talloc_report(NULL, stderr) when the
program exits. In Samba4 this is enabled by using the
--leak-report command line option.
For it to be useful, this function must be called before any
other talloc function as it establishes a "null context" that
acts as the top of the tree. If you don't call this function
first then passing NULL to talloc_report() or
talloc_report_full() won't give you the full tree printout.
Here is a typical talloc report:
<screen format="linespecific">talloc report on 'null_context' (total 267 bytes in 15 blocks)
libcli/auth/spnego_parse.c:55 contains 31 bytes in 2 blocks
libcli/auth/spnego_parse.c:55 contains 31 bytes in 2 blocks
iconv(UTF8,CP850) contains 42 bytes in 2 blocks
libcli/auth/spnego_parse.c:55 contains 31 bytes in 2 blocks
iconv(CP850,UTF8) contains 42 bytes in 2 blocks
iconv(UTF8,UTF-16LE) contains 45 bytes in 2 blocks
iconv(UTF-16LE,UTF8) contains 45 bytes in 2 blocks
<refsect2 id="talloc_enable_leak_report_full"><title>void talloc_enable_leak_report_full(void);</title>
This enables calling of talloc_report_full(NULL, stderr) when the
program exits. In Samba4 this is enabled by using the
--leak-report-full command line option.
For it to be useful, this function must be called before any
other talloc function as it establishes a "null context" that
acts as the top of the tree. If you don't call this function
first then passing NULL to talloc_report() or
talloc_report_full() won't give you the full tree printout.
Here is a typical full report:
<screen format="linespecific">full talloc report on 'root' (total 18 bytes in 8 blocks)
p1 contains 18 bytes in 7 blocks (ref 0)
r1 contains 13 bytes in 2 blocks (ref 0)
reference to: p2
p2 contains 1 bytes in 1 blocks (ref 1)
x3 contains 1 bytes in 1 blocks (ref 0)
x2 contains 1 bytes in 1 blocks (ref 0)
x1 contains 1 bytes in 1 blocks (ref 0)
<refsect2><title>(<emphasis role="italic">type</emphasis> *)talloc_zero(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ctx</emphasis>, <emphasis role="italic">type</emphasis>);</title>
The talloc_zero() macro is equivalent to:
<programlisting>ptr = talloc(ctx, type);
if (ptr) memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(type));</programlisting>
<refsect2><title>void *talloc_zero_size(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ctx</emphasis>, size_t <emphasis role="italic">size</emphasis>)</title>
The talloc_zero_size() function is useful when you don't have a
known type.
<refsect2><title>void *talloc_memdup(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ctx</emphasis>, const void *<emphasis role="italic">p</emphasis>, size_t size);</title>
The talloc_memdup() function is equivalent to:
<programlisting>ptr = talloc_size(ctx, size);
if (ptr) memcpy(ptr, p, size);</programlisting>
<refsect2><title>char *talloc_strdup(const void *<emphasis role="italic">ctx</emphasis>, const char *<emphasis role="italic">p</emphasis>);</title>
The talloc_strdup() function is equivalent to:
<programlisting>ptr = talloc_size(ctx, strlen(p)+1);
if (ptr) memcpy(ptr, p, strlen(p)+1);</programlisting>
This function sets the name of the new pointer to the passed
string. This is equivalent to:
<programlisting>talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)</programlisting>
<refsect2><title>char *talloc_strndup(const void *<emphasis role="italic">t</emphasis>, const char *<emphasis role="italic">p</emphasis>, size_t <emphasis role="italic">n</emphasis>);</title>
The talloc_strndup() function is the talloc equivalent of the C
library function strndup(3).
This function sets the name of the new pointer to the passed
string. This is equivalent to:
<programlisting>talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)</programlisting>
<refsect2><title>char *talloc_append_string(const void *<emphasis role="italic">t</emphasis>, char *<emphasis role="italic">orig</emphasis>, const char *<emphasis role="italic">append</emphasis>);</title>
The talloc_append_string() function appends the given formatted
string to the given string.
This function sets the name of the new pointer to the new
string. This is equivalent to:
<programlisting>talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)</programlisting>
<refsect2><title>char *talloc_vasprintf(const void *<emphasis role="italic">t</emphasis>, const char *<emphasis role="italic">fmt</emphasis>, va_list <emphasis role="italic">ap</emphasis>);</title>
The talloc_vasprintf() function is the talloc equivalent of the C
library function vasprintf(3).
This function sets the name of the new pointer to the new
string. This is equivalent to:
<programlisting>talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)</programlisting>
<refsect2><title>char *talloc_asprintf(const void *<emphasis role="italic">t</emphasis>, const char *<emphasis role="italic">fmt</emphasis>, ...);</title>
The talloc_asprintf() function is the talloc equivalent of the C
library function asprintf(3).
This function sets the name of the new pointer to the passed
string. This is equivalent to:
<programlisting>talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)</programlisting>
<refsect2><title>char *talloc_asprintf_append(char *s, const char *fmt, ...);</title>
The talloc_asprintf_append() function appends the given formatted
string to the given string.
This function sets the name of the new pointer to the new
string. This is equivalent to:
<programlisting>talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)</programlisting>
<refsect2><title>(type *)talloc_array(const void *ctx, type, uint_t count);</title>
The talloc_array() macro is equivalent to:
<programlisting>(type *)talloc_size(ctx, sizeof(type) * count);</programlisting>
except that it provides integer overflow protection for the
multiply, returning NULL if the multiply overflows.
<refsect2><title>void *talloc_array_size(const void *ctx, size_t size, uint_t count);</title>
The talloc_array_size() function is useful when the type is not
known. It operates in the same way as talloc_array(), but takes a
size instead of a type.
<refsect2><title>(typeof(ptr)) talloc_array_ptrtype(const void *ctx, ptr, uint_t count);</title>
The talloc_ptrtype() macro should be used when you have a pointer to an array
and want to allocate memory of an array to point at with this pointer. When compiling
with gcc >= 3 it is typesafe. Note this is a wrapper of talloc_array_size()
and talloc_get_name() will return the current location in the source file.
and not the type.
<refsect2><title>void *talloc_realloc_fn(const void *ctx, void *ptr, size_t size)</title>
This is a non-macro version of talloc_realloc(), which is useful
as libraries sometimes want a realloc function pointer. A
realloc(3) implementation encapsulates the functionality of
malloc(3), free(3) and realloc(3) in one call, which is why it is
useful to be able to pass around a single function pointer.
<refsect2><title>void *talloc_autofree_context(void);</title>
This is a handy utility function that returns a talloc context
which will be automatically freed on program exit. This can be
used to reduce the noise in memory leak reports.
<refsect2><title>void *talloc_check_name(const void *ptr, const char *name);</title>
This function checks if a pointer has the specified <emphasis
role="italic">name</emphasis>. If it does then the pointer is
returned. It it doesn't then NULL is returned.
<refsect2><title>(type *)talloc_get_type(const void *ptr, type);</title>
This macro allows you to do type checking on talloc pointers. It
is particularly useful for void* private pointers. It is
equivalent to this:
<programlisting>(type *)talloc_check_name(ptr, #type)</programlisting>
<refsect2><title>talloc_set_type(const void *ptr, type);</title>
This macro allows you to force the name of a pointer to be a
particular <emphasis>type</emphasis>. This can be
used in conjunction with talloc_get_type() to do type checking on
void* pointers.
It is equivalent to this:
<programlisting>talloc_set_name_const(ptr, #type)</programlisting>
All the additional features of talloc(3) over malloc(3) do come at a
price. We have a simple performance test in Samba4 that measures
talloc() versus malloc() performance, and it seems that talloc() is
about 10% slower than malloc() on my x86 Debian Linux box. For
Samba, the great reduction in code complexity that we get by using
talloc makes this worthwhile, especially as the total overhead of
talloc/malloc in Samba is already quite small.
<refsect1><title>SEE ALSO</title>
malloc(3), strndup(3), vasprintf(3), asprintf(3),
<ulink url=""/>
Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2004
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Samba Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
Samba trivial allocation library - new interface
NOTE: Please read talloc_guide.txt for full documentation
Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2004
Copyright (C) Stefan Metzmacher 2006
** NOTE! The following LGPL license applies to the talloc
** library. This does NOT imply that all of Samba is released
** under the LGPL
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
inspired by
#include "talloc.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* use this to force every realloc to change the pointer, to stress test
code that might not cope */
#define MAX_TALLOC_SIZE 0x10000000
#define TALLOC_MAGIC 0xe814ec70
#define TALLOC_FLAG_FREE 0x01
#define TALLOC_FLAG_LOOP 0x02
#define TALLOC_MAGIC_REFERENCE ((const char *)1)
/* by default we abort when given a bad pointer (such as when talloc_free() is called
on a pointer that came from malloc() */
#define TALLOC_ABORT(reason) abort()
#ifndef discard_const_p
#if defined(INTPTR_MIN)
# define discard_const_p(type, ptr) ((type *)((intptr_t)(ptr)))
# define discard_const_p(type, ptr) ((type *)(ptr))
/* these macros gain us a few percent of speed on gcc */
/* the strange !! is to ensure that __builtin_expect() takes either 0 or 1
as its first argument */
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
#define likely(x) x
#define unlikely(x) x
/* this null_context is only used if talloc_enable_leak_report() or
talloc_enable_leak_report_full() is called, otherwise it remains
static void *null_context;
static void *autofree_context;
struct talloc_reference_handle {
struct talloc_reference_handle *next, *prev;
void *ptr;
typedef int (*talloc_destructor_t)(void *);
struct talloc_chunk {
struct talloc_chunk *next, *prev;
struct talloc_chunk *parent, *child;
struct talloc_reference_handle *refs;
talloc_destructor_t destructor;
const char *name;
size_t size;
unsigned flags;
/* 16 byte alignment seems to keep everyone happy */
#define TC_HDR_SIZE ((sizeof(struct talloc_chunk)+15)&~15)
#define TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(tc) ((void *)(TC_HDR_SIZE + (char*)tc))
/* panic if we get a bad magic value */
static inline struct talloc_chunk *talloc_chunk_from_ptr(const void *ptr)
const char *pp = (const char *)ptr;
struct talloc_chunk *tc = discard_const_p(struct talloc_chunk, pp - TC_HDR_SIZE);
if (unlikely((tc->flags & (TALLOC_FLAG_FREE | ~0xF)) != TALLOC_MAGIC)) {
if (tc->flags & TALLOC_FLAG_FREE) {
TALLOC_ABORT("Bad talloc magic value - double free");
} else {
TALLOC_ABORT("Bad talloc magic value - unknown value");
return tc;
/* hook into the front of the list */
#define _TLIST_ADD(list, p) \
do { \
if (!(list)) { \
(list) = (p); \
(p)->next = (p)->prev = NULL; \
} else { \
(list)->prev = (p); \
(p)->next = (list); \
(p)->prev = NULL; \
(list) = (p); \
} while (0)
/* remove an element from a list - element doesn't have to be in list. */
#define _TLIST_REMOVE(list, p) \
do { \
if ((p) == (list)) { \
(list) = (p)->next; \
if (list) (list)->prev = NULL; \
} else { \
if ((p)->prev) (p)->prev->next = (p)->next; \
if ((p)->next) (p)->next->prev = (p)->prev; \
} \
if ((p) && ((p) != (list))) (p)->next = (p)->prev = NULL; \
} while (0)
return the parent chunk of a pointer
static inline struct talloc_chunk *talloc_parent_chunk(const void *ptr)
struct talloc_chunk *tc;
if (unlikely(ptr == NULL)) {
return NULL;
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
while (tc->prev) tc=tc->prev;
return tc->parent;
void *talloc_parent(const void *ptr)
struct talloc_chunk *tc = talloc_parent_chunk(ptr);
return tc? TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(tc) : NULL;
find parents name
const char *talloc_parent_name(const void *ptr)
struct talloc_chunk *tc = talloc_parent_chunk(ptr);
return tc? tc->name : NULL;
Allocate a bit of memory as a child of an existing pointer
static inline void *__talloc(const void *context, size_t size)
struct talloc_chunk *tc;
if (unlikely(context == NULL)) {
context = null_context;
if (unlikely(size >= MAX_TALLOC_SIZE)) {
return NULL;
tc = (struct talloc_chunk *)malloc(TC_HDR_SIZE+size);
if (unlikely(tc == NULL)) return NULL;
tc->size = size;
tc->flags = TALLOC_MAGIC;
tc->destructor = NULL;
tc->child = NULL;
tc->name = NULL;
tc->refs = NULL;
if (likely(context)) {
struct talloc_chunk *parent = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(context);
if (parent->child) {
parent->child->parent = NULL;
tc->next = parent->child;
tc->next->prev = tc;
} else {
tc->next = NULL;
tc->parent = parent;
tc->prev = NULL;
parent->child = tc;
} else {
tc->next = tc->prev = tc->parent = NULL;
return TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(tc);
setup a destructor to be called on free of a pointer
the destructor should return 0 on success, or -1 on failure.
if the destructor fails then the free is failed, and the memory can
be continued to be used
void _talloc_set_destructor(const void *ptr, int (*destructor)(void *))
struct talloc_chunk *tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
tc->destructor = destructor;
increase the reference count on a piece of memory.
int talloc_increase_ref_count(const void *ptr)
if (unlikely(!talloc_reference(null_context, ptr))) {
return -1;
return 0;
helper for talloc_reference()
this is referenced by a function pointer and should not be inline
static int talloc_reference_destructor(struct talloc_reference_handle *handle)
struct talloc_chunk *ptr_tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(handle->ptr);
_TLIST_REMOVE(ptr_tc->refs, handle);
return 0;
more efficient way to add a name to a pointer - the name must point to a
true string constant
static inline void _talloc_set_name_const(const void *ptr, const char *name)
struct talloc_chunk *tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
tc->name = name;
internal talloc_named_const()
static inline void *_talloc_named_const(const void *context, size_t size, const char *name)
void *ptr;
ptr = __talloc(context, size);
if (unlikely(ptr == NULL)) {
return NULL;
_talloc_set_name_const(ptr, name);
return ptr;
make a secondary reference to a pointer, hanging off the given context.
the pointer remains valid until both the original caller and this given
context are freed.
the major use for this is when two different structures need to reference the
same underlying data, and you want to be able to free the two instances separately,
and in either order
void *_talloc_reference(const void *context, const void *ptr)
struct talloc_chunk *tc;
struct talloc_reference_handle *handle;
if (unlikely(ptr == NULL)) return NULL;
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
handle = (struct talloc_reference_handle *)_talloc_named_const(context,
sizeof(struct talloc_reference_handle),
if (unlikely(handle == NULL)) return NULL;
/* note that we hang the destructor off the handle, not the
main context as that allows the caller to still setup their
own destructor on the context if they want to */
talloc_set_destructor(handle, talloc_reference_destructor);
handle->ptr = discard_const_p(void, ptr);
_TLIST_ADD(tc->refs, handle);
return handle->ptr;
internal talloc_free call
static inline int _talloc_free(void *ptr)
struct talloc_chunk *tc;
if (unlikely(ptr == NULL)) {
return -1;
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
if (unlikely(tc->refs)) {
int is_child;
/* check this is a reference from a child or grantchild
* back to it's parent or grantparent
* in that case we need to remove the reference and
* call another instance of talloc_free() on the current
* pointer.
is_child = talloc_is_parent(tc->refs, ptr);
if (is_child) {
return _talloc_free(ptr);
return -1;
if (unlikely(tc->flags & TALLOC_FLAG_LOOP)) {
/* we have a free loop - stop looping */
return 0;
if (unlikely(tc->destructor)) {
talloc_destructor_t d = tc->destructor;
if (d == (talloc_destructor_t)-1) {
return -1;
tc->destructor = (talloc_destructor_t)-1;
if (d(ptr) == -1) {
tc->destructor = d;
return -1;
tc->destructor = NULL;
if (tc->parent) {
_TLIST_REMOVE(tc->parent->child, tc);
if (tc->parent->child) {
tc->parent->child->parent = tc->parent;
} else {
if (tc->prev) tc->prev->next = tc->next;
if (tc->next) tc->next->prev = tc->prev;
tc->flags |= TALLOC_FLAG_LOOP;
while (tc->child) {
/* we need to work out who will own an abandoned child
if it cannot be freed. In priority order, the first
choice is owner of any remaining reference to this
pointer, the second choice is our parent, and the
final choice is the null context. */
void *child = TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(tc->child);
const void *new_parent = null_context;
if (unlikely(tc->child->refs)) {
struct talloc_chunk *p = talloc_parent_chunk(tc->child->refs);
if (p) new_parent = TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(p);
if (unlikely(_talloc_free(child) == -1)) {
if (new_parent == null_context) {
struct talloc_chunk *p = talloc_parent_chunk(ptr);
if (p) new_parent = TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(p);
talloc_steal(new_parent, child);
tc->flags |= TALLOC_FLAG_FREE;
return 0;
move a lump of memory from one talloc context to another return the
ptr on success, or NULL if it could not be transferred.
passing NULL as ptr will always return NULL with no side effects.
void *_talloc_steal(const void *new_ctx, const void *ptr)
struct talloc_chunk *tc, *new_tc;
if (unlikely(!ptr)) {
return NULL;
if (unlikely(new_ctx == NULL)) {
new_ctx = null_context;
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
if (unlikely(new_ctx == NULL)) {
if (tc->parent) {
_TLIST_REMOVE(tc->parent->child, tc);
if (tc->parent->child) {
tc->parent->child->parent = tc->parent;
} else {
if (tc->prev) tc->prev->next = tc->next;
if (tc->next) tc->next->prev = tc->prev;
tc->parent = tc->next = tc->prev = NULL;
return discard_const_p(void, ptr);
new_tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(new_ctx);
if (unlikely(tc == new_tc || tc->parent == new_tc)) {
return discard_const_p(void, ptr);
if (tc->parent) {
_TLIST_REMOVE(tc->parent->child, tc);
if (tc->parent->child) {
tc->parent->child->parent = tc->parent;
} else {
if (tc->prev) tc->prev->next = tc->next;
if (tc->next) tc->next->prev = tc->prev;
tc->parent = new_tc;
if (new_tc->child) new_tc->child->parent = NULL;
_TLIST_ADD(new_tc->child, tc);
return discard_const_p(void, ptr);
remove a secondary reference to a pointer. This undo's what
talloc_reference() has done. The context and pointer arguments
must match those given to a talloc_reference()
static inline int talloc_unreference(const void *context, const void *ptr)
struct talloc_chunk *tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
struct talloc_reference_handle *h;
if (unlikely(context == NULL)) {
context = null_context;
for (h=tc->refs;h;h=h->next) {
struct talloc_chunk *p = talloc_parent_chunk(h);
if (p == NULL) {
if (context == NULL) break;
} else if (TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(p) == context) {
if (h == NULL) {
return -1;
return _talloc_free(h);
remove a specific parent context from a pointer. This is a more
controlled varient of talloc_free()
int talloc_unlink(const void *context, void *ptr)
struct talloc_chunk *tc_p, *new_p;
void *new_parent;
if (ptr == NULL) {
return -1;
if (context == NULL) {
context = null_context;
if (talloc_unreference(context, ptr) == 0) {
return 0;
if (context == NULL) {
if (talloc_parent_chunk(ptr) != NULL) {
return -1;
} else {
if (talloc_chunk_from_ptr(context) != talloc_parent_chunk(ptr)) {
return -1;
tc_p = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
if (tc_p->refs == NULL) {
return _talloc_free(ptr);
new_p = talloc_parent_chunk(tc_p->refs);
if (new_p) {
new_parent = TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(new_p);
} else {
new_parent = NULL;
if (talloc_unreference(new_parent, ptr) != 0) {
return -1;
talloc_steal(new_parent, ptr);
return 0;
add a name to an existing pointer - va_list version
static inline const char *talloc_set_name_v(const void *ptr, const char *fmt, va_list ap) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2,0);
static inline const char *talloc_set_name_v(const void *ptr, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
struct talloc_chunk *tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
tc->name = talloc_vasprintf(ptr, fmt, ap);
if (likely(tc->name)) {
_talloc_set_name_const(tc->name, ".name");
return tc->name;
add a name to an existing pointer
const char *talloc_set_name(const void *ptr, const char *fmt, ...)
const char *name;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
name = talloc_set_name_v(ptr, fmt, ap);
return name;
create a named talloc pointer. Any talloc pointer can be named, and
talloc_named() operates just like talloc() except that it allows you
to name the pointer.
void *talloc_named(const void *context, size_t size, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
void *ptr;
const char *name;
ptr = __talloc(context, size);
if (unlikely(ptr == NULL)) return NULL;
va_start(ap, fmt);
name = talloc_set_name_v(ptr, fmt, ap);
if (unlikely(name == NULL)) {
return NULL;
return ptr;
return the name of a talloc ptr, or "UNNAMED"
const char *talloc_get_name(const void *ptr)
struct talloc_chunk *tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
if (unlikely(tc->name == TALLOC_MAGIC_REFERENCE)) {
return ".reference";
if (likely(tc->name)) {
return tc->name;
return "UNNAMED";
check if a pointer has the given name. If it does, return the pointer,
otherwise return NULL
void *talloc_check_name(const void *ptr, const char *name)
const char *pname;
if (unlikely(ptr == NULL)) return NULL;
pname = talloc_get_name(ptr);
if (likely(pname == name || strcmp(pname, name) == 0)) {
return discard_const_p(void, ptr);
return NULL;
this is for compatibility with older versions of talloc
void *talloc_init(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
void *ptr;
const char *name;
* samba3 expects talloc_report_depth_cb(NULL, ...)
* reports all talloc'ed memory, so we need to enable
* null_tracking
ptr = __talloc(NULL, 0);
if (unlikely(ptr == NULL)) return NULL;
va_start(ap, fmt);
name = talloc_set_name_v(ptr, fmt, ap);
if (unlikely(name == NULL)) {
return NULL;
return ptr;
this is a replacement for the Samba3 talloc_destroy_pool functionality. It
should probably not be used in new code. It's in here to keep the talloc
code consistent across Samba 3 and 4.
void talloc_free_children(void *ptr)
struct talloc_chunk *tc;
if (unlikely(ptr == NULL)) {
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
while (tc->child) {
/* we need to work out who will own an abandoned child
if it cannot be freed. In priority order, the first
choice is owner of any remaining reference to this
pointer, the second choice is our parent, and the
final choice is the null context. */
void *child = TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(tc->child);
const void *new_parent = null_context;
if (unlikely(tc->child->refs)) {
struct talloc_chunk *p = talloc_parent_chunk(tc->child->refs);
if (p) new_parent = TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(p);
if (unlikely(_talloc_free(child) == -1)) {
if (new_parent == null_context) {
struct talloc_chunk *p = talloc_parent_chunk(ptr);
if (p) new_parent = TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(p);
talloc_steal(new_parent, child);
Allocate a bit of memory as a child of an existing pointer
void *_talloc(const void *context, size_t size)
return __talloc(context, size);
externally callable talloc_set_name_const()
void talloc_set_name_const(const void *ptr, const char *name)
_talloc_set_name_const(ptr, name);
create a named talloc pointer. Any talloc pointer can be named, and
talloc_named() operates just like talloc() except that it allows you
to name the pointer.
void *talloc_named_const(const void *context, size_t size, const char *name)
return _talloc_named_const(context, size, name);
free a talloc pointer. This also frees all child pointers of this
pointer recursively
return 0 if the memory is actually freed, otherwise -1. The memory
will not be freed if the ref_count is > 1 or the destructor (if
any) returns non-zero
int talloc_free(void *ptr)
return _talloc_free(ptr);
A talloc version of realloc. The context argument is only used if
ptr is NULL
void *_talloc_realloc(const void *context, void *ptr, size_t size, const char *name)
struct talloc_chunk *tc;
void *new_ptr;
/* size zero is equivalent to free() */
if (unlikely(size == 0)) {
return NULL;
if (unlikely(size >= MAX_TALLOC_SIZE)) {
return NULL;
/* realloc(NULL) is equivalent to malloc() */
if (ptr == NULL) {
return _talloc_named_const(context, size, name);
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
/* don't allow realloc on referenced pointers */
if (unlikely(tc->refs)) {
return NULL;
/* by resetting magic we catch users of the old memory */
tc->flags |= TALLOC_FLAG_FREE;
new_ptr = malloc(size + TC_HDR_SIZE);
if (new_ptr) {
memcpy(new_ptr, tc, tc->size + TC_HDR_SIZE);
new_ptr = realloc(tc, size + TC_HDR_SIZE);
if (unlikely(!new_ptr)) {
tc->flags &= ~TALLOC_FLAG_FREE;
return NULL;
tc = (struct talloc_chunk *)new_ptr;
tc->flags &= ~TALLOC_FLAG_FREE;
if (tc->parent) {
tc->parent->child = tc;
if (tc->child) {
tc->child->parent = tc;
if (tc->prev) {
tc->prev->next = tc;
if (tc->next) {
tc->next->prev = tc;
tc->size = size;
_talloc_set_name_const(TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(tc), name);
return TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(tc);
a wrapper around talloc_steal() for situations where you are moving a pointer
between two structures, and want the old pointer to be set to NULL
void *_talloc_move(const void *new_ctx, const void *_pptr)
const void **pptr = discard_const_p(const void *,_pptr);
void *ret = _talloc_steal(new_ctx, *pptr);
(*pptr) = NULL;
return ret;
return the total size of a talloc pool (subtree)
size_t talloc_total_size(const void *ptr)
size_t total = 0;
struct talloc_chunk *c, *tc;
if (ptr == NULL) {
ptr = null_context;
if (ptr == NULL) {
return 0;
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
if (tc->flags & TALLOC_FLAG_LOOP) {
return 0;
tc->flags |= TALLOC_FLAG_LOOP;
total = tc->size;
for (c=tc->child;c;c=c->next) {
total += talloc_total_size(TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(c));
tc->flags &= ~TALLOC_FLAG_LOOP;
return total;
return the total number of blocks in a talloc pool (subtree)
size_t talloc_total_blocks(const void *ptr)
size_t total = 0;
struct talloc_chunk *c, *tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
if (tc->flags & TALLOC_FLAG_LOOP) {
return 0;
tc->flags |= TALLOC_FLAG_LOOP;
for (c=tc->child;c;c=c->next) {
total += talloc_total_blocks(TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(c));
tc->flags &= ~TALLOC_FLAG_LOOP;
return total;
return the number of external references to a pointer
size_t talloc_reference_count(const void *ptr)
struct talloc_chunk *tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
struct talloc_reference_handle *h;
size_t ret = 0;
for (h=tc->refs;h;h=h->next) {
return ret;
report on memory usage by all children of a pointer, giving a full tree view
void talloc_report_depth_cb(const void *ptr, int depth, int max_depth,
void (*callback)(const void *ptr,
int depth, int max_depth,
int is_ref,
void *private_data),
void *private_data)
struct talloc_chunk *c, *tc;
if (ptr == NULL) {
ptr = null_context;
if (ptr == NULL) return;
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(ptr);
if (tc->flags & TALLOC_FLAG_LOOP) {
callback(ptr, depth, max_depth, 0, private_data);
if (max_depth >= 0 && depth >= max_depth) {
tc->flags |= TALLOC_FLAG_LOOP;
for (c=tc->child;c;c=c->next) {
if (c->name == TALLOC_MAGIC_REFERENCE) {
struct talloc_reference_handle *h = (struct talloc_reference_handle *)TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(c);
callback(h->ptr, depth + 1, max_depth, 1, private_data);
} else {
talloc_report_depth_cb(TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(c), depth + 1, max_depth, callback, private_data);
tc->flags &= ~TALLOC_FLAG_LOOP;
static void talloc_report_depth_FILE_helper(const void *ptr, int depth, int max_depth, int is_ref, void *_f)
const char *name = talloc_get_name(ptr);
FILE *f = (FILE *)_f;
if (is_ref) {
fprintf(f, "%*sreference to: %s\n", depth*4, "", name);
if (depth == 0) {
fprintf(f,"%stalloc report on '%s' (total %6lu bytes in %3lu blocks)\n",
(max_depth < 0 ? "full " :""), name,
(unsigned long)talloc_total_size(ptr),
(unsigned long)talloc_total_blocks(ptr));
fprintf(f, "%*s%-30s contains %6lu bytes in %3lu blocks (ref %d) %p\n",
depth*4, "",
(unsigned long)talloc_total_size(ptr),
(unsigned long)talloc_total_blocks(ptr),
(int)talloc_reference_count(ptr), ptr);
#if 0
fprintf(f, "content: ");
if (talloc_total_size(ptr)) {
int tot = talloc_total_size(ptr);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < tot; i++) {
if ((((char *)ptr)[i] > 31) && (((char *)ptr)[i] < 126)) {
fprintf(f, "%c", ((char *)ptr)[i]);
} else {
fprintf(f, "~%02x", ((char *)ptr)[i]);
fprintf(f, "\n");
report on memory usage by all children of a pointer, giving a full tree view
void talloc_report_depth_file(const void *ptr, int depth, int max_depth, FILE *f)
talloc_report_depth_cb(ptr, depth, max_depth, talloc_report_depth_FILE_helper, f);
report on memory usage by all children of a pointer, giving a full tree view
void talloc_report_full(const void *ptr, FILE *f)
talloc_report_depth_file(ptr, 0, -1, f);
report on memory usage by all children of a pointer
void talloc_report(const void *ptr, FILE *f)
talloc_report_depth_file(ptr, 0, 1, f);
report on any memory hanging off the null context
static void talloc_report_null(void)
if (talloc_total_size(null_context) != 0) {
talloc_report(null_context, stderr);
report on any memory hanging off the null context
static void talloc_report_null_full(void)
if (talloc_total_size(null_context) != 0) {
talloc_report_full(null_context, stderr);
enable tracking of the NULL context
void talloc_enable_null_tracking(void)
if (null_context == NULL) {
null_context = _talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "null_context");
disable tracking of the NULL context
void talloc_disable_null_tracking(void)
null_context = NULL;
enable leak reporting on exit
void talloc_enable_leak_report(void)
enable full leak reporting on exit
void talloc_enable_leak_report_full(void)
talloc and zero memory.
void *_talloc_zero(const void *ctx, size_t size, const char *name)
void *p = _talloc_named_const(ctx, size, name);
if (p) {
memset(p, '\0', size);
return p;
memdup with a talloc.
void *_talloc_memdup(const void *t, const void *p, size_t size, const char *name)
void *newp = _talloc_named_const(t, size, name);
if (likely(newp)) {
memcpy(newp, p, size);
return newp;
strdup with a talloc
char *talloc_strdup(const void *t, const char *p)
char *ret;
if (!p) {
return NULL;
ret = (char *)talloc_memdup(t, p, strlen(p) + 1);
if (likely(ret)) {
_talloc_set_name_const(ret, ret);
return ret;
append to a talloced string
char *talloc_append_string(const void *t, char *orig, const char *append)
char *ret;
size_t olen = strlen(orig);
size_t alenz;
if (!append)
return orig;
alenz = strlen(append) + 1;
ret = talloc_realloc(t, orig, char, olen + alenz);
if (!ret)
return NULL;
/* append the string with the trailing \0 */
memcpy(&ret[olen], append, alenz);
_talloc_set_name_const(ret, ret);
return ret;
strndup with a talloc
char *talloc_strndup(const void *t, const char *p, size_t n)
size_t len;
char *ret;
for (len=0; len<n && p[len]; len++) ;
ret = (char *)__talloc(t, len + 1);
if (!ret) { return NULL; }
memcpy(ret, p, len);
ret[len] = 0;
_talloc_set_name_const(ret, ret);
return ret;
char *talloc_vasprintf(const void *t, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
int len;
char *ret;
va_list ap2;
char c;
/* this call looks strange, but it makes it work on older solaris boxes */
va_copy(ap2, ap);
len = vsnprintf(&c, 1, fmt, ap2);
if (len < 0) {
return NULL;
ret = (char *)__talloc(t, len+1);
if (ret) {
va_copy(ap2, ap);
vsnprintf(ret, len+1, fmt, ap2);
_talloc_set_name_const(ret, ret);
return ret;
Perform string formatting, and return a pointer to newly allocated
memory holding the result, inside a memory pool.
char *talloc_asprintf(const void *t, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
char *ret;
va_start(ap, fmt);
ret = talloc_vasprintf(t, fmt, ap);
return ret;
* Realloc @p s to append the formatted result of @p fmt and @p ap,
* and return @p s, which may have moved. Good for gradually
* accumulating output into a string buffer.
char *talloc_vasprintf_append(char *s, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
struct talloc_chunk *tc;
int len, s_len;
va_list ap2;
char c;
if (s == NULL) {
return talloc_vasprintf(NULL, fmt, ap);
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(s);
s_len = tc->size - 1;
va_copy(ap2, ap);
len = vsnprintf(&c, 1, fmt, ap2);
if (len <= 0) {
/* Either the vsnprintf failed or the format resulted in
* no characters being formatted. In the former case, we
* ought to return NULL, in the latter we ought to return
* the original string. Most current callers of this
* function expect it to never return NULL.
return s;
s = talloc_realloc(NULL, s, char, s_len + len+1);
if (!s) return NULL;
va_copy(ap2, ap);
vsnprintf(s+s_len, len+1, fmt, ap2);
_talloc_set_name_const(s, s);
return s;
Realloc @p s to append the formatted result of @p fmt and return @p
s, which may have moved. Good for gradually accumulating output
into a string buffer.
char *talloc_asprintf_append(char *s, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
s = talloc_vasprintf_append(s, fmt, ap);
return s;
alloc an array, checking for integer overflow in the array size
void *_talloc_array(const void *ctx, size_t el_size, unsigned count, const char *name)
if (count >= MAX_TALLOC_SIZE/el_size) {
return NULL;
return _talloc_named_const(ctx, el_size * count, name);
alloc an zero array, checking for integer overflow in the array size
void *_talloc_zero_array(const void *ctx, size_t el_size, unsigned count, const char *name)
if (count >= MAX_TALLOC_SIZE/el_size) {
return NULL;
return _talloc_zero(ctx, el_size * count, name);
realloc an array, checking for integer overflow in the array size
void *_talloc_realloc_array(const void *ctx, void *ptr, size_t el_size, unsigned count, const char *name)
if (count >= MAX_TALLOC_SIZE/el_size) {
return NULL;
return _talloc_realloc(ctx, ptr, el_size * count, name);
a function version of talloc_realloc(), so it can be passed as a function pointer
to libraries that want a realloc function (a realloc function encapsulates
all the basic capabilities of an allocation library, which is why this is useful)
void *talloc_realloc_fn(const void *context, void *ptr, size_t size)
return _talloc_realloc(context, ptr, size, NULL);
static int talloc_autofree_destructor(void *ptr)
autofree_context = NULL;
return 0;
static void talloc_autofree(void)
return a context which will be auto-freed on exit
this is useful for reducing the noise in leak reports
void *talloc_autofree_context(void)
if (autofree_context == NULL) {
autofree_context = _talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "autofree_context");
talloc_set_destructor(autofree_context, talloc_autofree_destructor);
return autofree_context;
size_t talloc_get_size(const void *context)
struct talloc_chunk *tc;
if (context == NULL)
return 0;
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(context);
return tc->size;
find a parent of this context that has the given name, if any
void *talloc_find_parent_byname(const void *context, const char *name)
struct talloc_chunk *tc;
if (context == NULL) {
return NULL;
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(context);
while (tc) {
if (tc->name && strcmp(tc->name, name) == 0) {
return TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(tc);
while (tc && tc->prev) tc = tc->prev;
if (tc) {
tc = tc->parent;
return NULL;
show the parentage of a context
void talloc_show_parents(const void *context, FILE *file)
struct talloc_chunk *tc;
if (context == NULL) {
fprintf(file, "talloc no parents for NULL\n");
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(context);
fprintf(file, "talloc parents of '%s'\n", talloc_get_name(context));
while (tc) {
fprintf(file, "\t'%s'\n", talloc_get_name(TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(tc)));
while (tc && tc->prev) tc = tc->prev;
if (tc) {
tc = tc->parent;
return 1 if ptr is a parent of context
int talloc_is_parent(const void *context, const void *ptr)
struct talloc_chunk *tc;
if (context == NULL) {
return 0;
tc = talloc_chunk_from_ptr(context);
while (tc) {
if (TC_PTR_FROM_CHUNK(tc) == ptr) return 1;
while (tc && tc->prev) tc = tc->prev;
if (tc) {
tc = tc->parent;
return 0;
#ifndef _TALLOC_H_
#define _TALLOC_H_
Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
Samba temporary memory allocation functions
Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2004-2005
Copyright (C) Stefan Metzmacher 2006
** NOTE! The following LGPL license applies to the talloc
** library. This does NOT imply that all of Samba is released
** under the LGPL
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "config.h"
/* this is only needed for compatibility with the old talloc */
typedef void TALLOC_CTX;
this uses a little trick to allow __LINE__ to be stringified
#ifndef __location__
#define __TALLOC_STRING_LINE1__(s) #s
#define __location__ __FILE__ ":" __TALLOC_STRING_LINE3__
#if (__GNUC__ >= 3)
/** Use gcc attribute to check printf fns. a1 is the 1-based index of
* the parameter containing the format, and a2 the index of the first
* argument. Note that some gcc 2.x versions don't handle this
* properly **/
#define PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(a1, a2) __attribute__ ((format (__printf__, a1, a2)))
#define PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(a1, a2)
/* try to make talloc_set_destructor() and talloc_steal() type safe,
if we have a recent gcc */
#if (__GNUC__ >= 3)
#define _TALLOC_TYPEOF(ptr) __typeof__(ptr)
#define talloc_set_destructor(ptr, function) \
do { \
int (*_talloc_destructor_fn)(_TALLOC_TYPEOF(ptr)) = (function); \
_talloc_set_destructor((ptr), (int (*)(void *))_talloc_destructor_fn); \
} while(0)
/* this extremely strange macro is to avoid some braindamaged warning
stupidity in gcc 4.1.x */
#define talloc_steal(ctx, ptr) ({ _TALLOC_TYPEOF(ptr) __talloc_steal_ret = (_TALLOC_TYPEOF(ptr))_talloc_steal((ctx),(ptr)); __talloc_steal_ret; })
#define talloc_set_destructor(ptr, function) \
_talloc_set_destructor((ptr), (int (*)(void *))(function))
#define _TALLOC_TYPEOF(ptr) void *
#define talloc_steal(ctx, ptr) (_TALLOC_TYPEOF(ptr))_talloc_steal((ctx),(ptr))
#define talloc_reference(ctx, ptr) (_TALLOC_TYPEOF(ptr))_talloc_reference((ctx),(ptr))
#define talloc_move(ctx, ptr) (_TALLOC_TYPEOF(*(ptr)))_talloc_move((ctx),(void *)(ptr))
/* useful macros for creating type checked pointers */
#define talloc(ctx, type) (type *)talloc_named_const(ctx, sizeof(type), #type)
#define talloc_size(ctx, size) talloc_named_const(ctx, size, __location__)
#define talloc_ptrtype(ctx, ptr) (_TALLOC_TYPEOF(ptr))talloc_size(ctx, sizeof(*(ptr)))
#define talloc_new(ctx) talloc_named_const(ctx, 0, "talloc_new: " __location__)
#define talloc_zero(ctx, type) (type *)_talloc_zero(ctx, sizeof(type), #type)
#define talloc_zero_size(ctx, size) _talloc_zero(ctx, size, __location__)
#define talloc_zero_array(ctx, type, count) (type *)_talloc_zero_array(ctx, sizeof(type), count, #type)
#define talloc_array(ctx, type, count) (type *)_talloc_array(ctx, sizeof(type), count, #type)
#define talloc_array_size(ctx, size, count) _talloc_array(ctx, size, count, __location__)
#define talloc_array_ptrtype(ctx, ptr, count) (_TALLOC_TYPEOF(ptr))talloc_array_size(ctx, sizeof(*(ptr)), count)
#define talloc_realloc(ctx, p, type, count) (type *)_talloc_realloc_array(ctx, p, sizeof(type), count, #type)
#define talloc_realloc_size(ctx, ptr, size) _talloc_realloc(ctx, ptr, size, __location__)
#define talloc_memdup(t, p, size) _talloc_memdup(t, p, size, __location__)
#define talloc_set_type(ptr, type) talloc_set_name_const(ptr, #type)
#define talloc_get_type(ptr, type) (type *)talloc_check_name(ptr, #type)
#define talloc_find_parent_bytype(ptr, type) (type *)talloc_find_parent_byname(ptr, #type)
#define talloc_zero_p(ctx, type) talloc_zero(ctx, type)
#define talloc_p(ctx, type) talloc(ctx, type)
#define talloc_array_p(ctx, type, count) talloc_array(ctx, type, count)
#define talloc_realloc_p(ctx, p, type, count) talloc_realloc(ctx, p, type, count)
#define talloc_destroy(ctx) talloc_free(ctx)
/* The following definitions come from talloc.c */
void *_talloc(const void *context, size_t size);
void _talloc_set_destructor(const void *ptr, int (*destructor)(void *));
int talloc_increase_ref_count(const void *ptr);
size_t talloc_reference_count(const void *ptr);
void *_talloc_reference(const void *context, const void *ptr);
int talloc_unlink(const void *context, void *ptr);
const char *talloc_set_name(const void *ptr, const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2,3);
void talloc_set_name_const(const void *ptr, const char *name);
void *talloc_named(const void *context, size_t size,
const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(3,4);
void *talloc_named_const(const void *context, size_t size, const char *name);
const char *talloc_get_name(const void *ptr);
void *talloc_check_name(const void *ptr, const char *name);
void *talloc_parent(const void *ptr);
const char *talloc_parent_name(const void *ptr);
void *talloc_init(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(1,2);
int talloc_free(void *ptr);
void talloc_free_children(void *ptr);
void *_talloc_realloc(const void *context, void *ptr, size_t size, const char *name);
void *_talloc_steal(const void *new_ctx, const void *ptr);
void *_talloc_move(const void *new_ctx, const void *pptr);
size_t talloc_total_size(const void *ptr);
size_t talloc_total_blocks(const void *ptr);
void talloc_report_depth_cb(const void *ptr, int depth, int max_depth,
void (*callback)(const void *ptr,
int depth, int max_depth,
int is_ref,
void *private_data),
void *private_data);
void talloc_report_depth_file(const void *ptr, int depth, int max_depth, FILE *f);
void talloc_report_full(const void *ptr, FILE *f);
void talloc_report(const void *ptr, FILE *f);
void talloc_enable_null_tracking(void);
void talloc_disable_null_tracking(void);
void talloc_enable_leak_report(void);
void talloc_enable_leak_report_full(void);
void *_talloc_zero(const void *ctx, size_t size, const char *name);
void *_talloc_memdup(const void *t, const void *p, size_t size, const char *name);
char *talloc_strdup(const void *t, const char *p);
char *talloc_strndup(const void *t, const char *p, size_t n);
char *talloc_append_string(const void *t, char *orig, const char *append);
char *talloc_vasprintf(const void *t, const char *fmt, va_list ap) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2,0);
char *talloc_vasprintf_append(char *s, const char *fmt, va_list ap) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2,0);
char *talloc_asprintf(const void *t, const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2,3);
char *talloc_asprintf_append(char *s, const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2,3);
void *_talloc_array(const void *ctx, size_t el_size, unsigned count, const char *name);
void *_talloc_zero_array(const void *ctx, size_t el_size, unsigned count, const char *name);
void *_talloc_realloc_array(const void *ctx, void *ptr, size_t el_size, unsigned count, const char *name);
void *talloc_realloc_fn(const void *context, void *ptr, size_t size);
void *talloc_autofree_context(void);
size_t talloc_get_size(const void *ctx);
void *talloc_find_parent_byname(const void *ctx, const char *name);
void talloc_show_parents(const void *context, FILE *file);
int talloc_is_parent(const void *context, const void *ptr);
Using talloc in Samba4
Andrew Tridgell
September 2004
The most current version of this document is available at
If you are used to the "old" talloc from Samba3 before 3.0.20 then please read
this carefully, as talloc has changed a lot. With 3.0.20 (or 3.0.14?) the
Samba4 talloc has been ported back to Samba3, so this guide applies to both.
The new talloc is a hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system
with destructors. Quite a mouthful really, but not too bad once you
get used to it.
Perhaps the biggest change from Samba3 is that there is no distinction
between a "talloc context" and a "talloc pointer". Any pointer
returned from talloc() is itself a valid talloc context. This means
you can do this:
struct foo *X = talloc(mem_ctx, struct foo);
X->name = talloc_strdup(X, "foo");
and the pointer X->name would be a "child" of the talloc context "X"
which is itself a child of mem_ctx. So if you do talloc_free(mem_ctx)
then it is all destroyed, whereas if you do talloc_free(X) then just X
and X->name are destroyed, and if you do talloc_free(X->name) then
just the name element of X is destroyed.
If you think about this, then what this effectively gives you is an
n-ary tree, where you can free any part of the tree with
If you find this confusing, then I suggest you run the testsuite to
watch talloc in action. You may also like to add your own tests to
testsuite.c to clarify how some particular situation is handled.
All the additional features of talloc() over malloc() do come at a
price. We have a simple performance test in Samba4 that measures
talloc() versus malloc() performance, and it seems that talloc() is
about 4% slower than malloc() on my x86 Debian Linux box. For Samba,
the great reduction in code complexity that we get by using talloc
makes this worthwhile, especially as the total overhead of
talloc/malloc in Samba is already quite small.
talloc API
The following is a complete guide to the talloc API. Read it all at
least twice.
talloc itself does not deal with threads. It is thread-safe (assuming
the underlying "malloc" is), as long as each thread uses different
memory contexts.
If two threads uses the same context then they need to synchronize in
order to be safe. In particular:
- when using talloc_enable_leak_report(), giving directly NULL as a
parent context implicitly refers to a hidden "null context" global
variable, so this should not be used in a multi-threaded environment
without proper synchronization ;
- the context returned by talloc_autofree_context() is also global so
shouldn't be used by several threads simultaneously without
(type *)talloc(const void *context, type);
The talloc() macro is the core of the talloc library. It takes a
memory context and a type, and returns a pointer to a new area of
memory of the given type.
The returned pointer is itself a talloc context, so you can use it as
the context argument to more calls to talloc if you wish.
The returned pointer is a "child" of the supplied context. This means
that if you talloc_free() the context then the new child disappears as
well. Alternatively you can free just the child.
The context argument to talloc() can be NULL, in which case a new top
level context is created.
void *talloc_size(const void *context, size_t size);
The function talloc_size() should be used when you don't have a
convenient type to pass to talloc(). Unlike talloc(), it is not type
safe (as it returns a void *), so you are on your own for type checking.
(typeof(ptr)) talloc_ptrtype(const void *ctx, ptr);
The talloc_ptrtype() macro should be used when you have a pointer and
want to allocate memory to point at with this pointer. When compiling
with gcc >= 3 it is typesafe. Note this is a wrapper of talloc_size()
and talloc_get_name() will return the current location in the source file.
and not the type.
int talloc_free(void *ptr);
The talloc_free() function frees a piece of talloc memory, and all its
children. You can call talloc_free() on any pointer returned by
The return value of talloc_free() indicates success or failure, with 0
returned for success and -1 for failure. The only possible failure
condition is if the pointer had a destructor attached to it and the
destructor returned -1. See talloc_set_destructor() for details on
If this pointer has an additional parent when talloc_free() is called
then the memory is not actually released, but instead the most
recently established parent is destroyed. See talloc_reference() for
details on establishing additional parents.
For more control on which parent is removed, see talloc_unlink()
talloc_free() operates recursively on its children.
int talloc_free_children(void *ptr);
The talloc_free_children() walks along the list of all children of a
talloc context and talloc_free()s only the children, not the context
void *talloc_reference(const void *context, const void *ptr);
The talloc_reference() function makes "context" an additional parent
of "ptr".
The return value of talloc_reference() is always the original pointer
"ptr", unless talloc ran out of memory in creating the reference in
which case it will return NULL (each additional reference consumes
around 48 bytes of memory on intel x86 platforms).
If "ptr" is NULL, then the function is a no-op, and simply returns NULL.
After creating a reference you can free it in one of the following
- you can talloc_free() any parent of the original pointer. That
will reduce the number of parents of this pointer by 1, and will
cause this pointer to be freed if it runs out of parents.
- you can talloc_free() the pointer itself. That will destroy the
most recently established parent to the pointer and leave the
pointer as a child of its current parent.
For more control on which parent to remove, see talloc_unlink()
int talloc_unlink(const void *context, const void *ptr);
The talloc_unlink() function removes a specific parent from ptr. The
context passed must either be a context used in talloc_reference()
with this pointer, or must be a direct parent of ptr.
Note that if the parent has already been removed using talloc_free()
then this function will fail and will return -1. Likewise, if "ptr"
is NULL, then the function will make no modifications and return -1.
Usually you can just use talloc_free() instead of talloc_unlink(), but
sometimes it is useful to have the additional control on which parent
is removed.
void talloc_set_destructor(const void *ptr, int (*destructor)(void *));
The function talloc_set_destructor() sets the "destructor" for the
pointer "ptr". A destructor is a function that is called when the
memory used by a pointer is about to be released. The destructor
receives the pointer as an argument, and should return 0 for success
and -1 for failure.
The destructor can do anything it wants to, including freeing other
pieces of memory. A common use for destructors is to clean up
operating system resources (such as open file descriptors) contained
in the structure the destructor is placed on.
You can only place one destructor on a pointer. If you need more than
one destructor then you can create a zero-length child of the pointer
and place an additional destructor on that.
To remove a destructor call talloc_set_destructor() with NULL for the
If your destructor attempts to talloc_free() the pointer that it is
the destructor for then talloc_free() will return -1 and the free will
be ignored. This would be a pointless operation anyway, as the
destructor is only called when the memory is just about to go away.
int talloc_increase_ref_count(const void *ptr);
The talloc_increase_ref_count(ptr) function is exactly equivalent to:
talloc_reference(NULL, ptr);
You can use either syntax, depending on which you think is clearer in
your code.
It returns 0 on success and -1 on failure.
size_t talloc_reference_count(const void *ptr);
Return the number of references to the pointer.
void talloc_set_name(const void *ptr, const char *fmt, ...);
Each talloc pointer has a "name". The name is used principally for
debugging purposes, although it is also possible to set and get the
name on a pointer in as a way of "marking" pointers in your code.
The main use for names on pointer is for "talloc reports". See
talloc_report() and talloc_report_full() for details. Also see
talloc_enable_leak_report() and talloc_enable_leak_report_full().
The talloc_set_name() function allocates memory as a child of the
pointer. It is logically equivalent to:
talloc_set_name_const(ptr, talloc_asprintf(ptr, fmt, ...));
Note that multiple calls to talloc_set_name() will allocate more
memory without releasing the name. All of the memory is released when
the ptr is freed using talloc_free().
void talloc_set_name_const(const void *ptr, const char *name);
The function talloc_set_name_const() is just like talloc_set_name(),
but it takes a string constant, and is much faster. It is extensively
used by the "auto naming" macros, such as talloc_p().
This function does not allocate any memory. It just copies the
supplied pointer into the internal representation of the talloc
ptr. This means you must not pass a name pointer to memory that will
disappear before the ptr is freed with talloc_free().
void *talloc_named(const void *context, size_t size, const char *fmt, ...);
The talloc_named() function creates a named talloc pointer. It is
equivalent to:
ptr = talloc_size(context, size);
talloc_set_name(ptr, fmt, ....);
void *talloc_named_const(const void *context, size_t size, const char *name);
This is equivalent to:
ptr = talloc_size(context, size);
talloc_set_name_const(ptr, name);
const char *talloc_get_name(const void *ptr);
This returns the current name for the given talloc pointer. See
talloc_set_name() for details.
void *talloc_init(const char *fmt, ...);
This function creates a zero length named talloc context as a top
level context. It is equivalent to:
talloc_named(NULL, 0, fmt, ...);
void *talloc_new(void *ctx);
This is a utility macro that creates a new memory context hanging
off an exiting context, automatically naming it "talloc_new: __location__"
where __location__ is the source line it is called from. It is
particularly useful for creating a new temporary working context.
(type *)talloc_realloc(const void *context, void *ptr, type, count);
The talloc_realloc() macro changes the size of a talloc
pointer. The "count" argument is the number of elements of type "type"
that you want the resulting pointer to hold.
talloc_realloc() has the following equivalences:
talloc_realloc(context, NULL, type, 1) ==> talloc(context, type);
talloc_realloc(context, NULL, type, N) ==> talloc_array(context, type, N);
talloc_realloc(context, ptr, type, 0) ==> talloc_free(ptr);
The "context" argument is only used if "ptr" is NULL, otherwise it is
talloc_realloc() returns the new pointer, or NULL on failure. The call
will fail either due to a lack of memory, or because the pointer has
more than one parent (see talloc_reference()).
void *talloc_realloc_size(const void *context, void *ptr, size_t size);
the talloc_realloc_size() function is useful when the type is not
known so the typesafe talloc_realloc() cannot be used.
void *talloc_steal(const void *new_ctx, const void *ptr);
The talloc_steal() function changes the parent context of a talloc
pointer. It is typically used when the context that the pointer is
currently a child of is going to be freed and you wish to keep the
memory for a longer time.
The talloc_steal() function returns the pointer that you pass it. It
does not have any failure modes.
NOTE: It is possible to produce loops in the parent/child relationship
if you are not careful with talloc_steal(). No guarantees are provided
as to your sanity or the safety of your data if you do this.
talloc_steal (new_ctx, NULL) will return NULL with no sideeffects.
size_t talloc_total_size(const void *ptr);
The talloc_total_size() function returns the total size in bytes used
by this pointer and all child pointers. Mostly useful for debugging.
Passing NULL is allowed, but it will only give a meaningful result if
talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full() has
been called.
size_t talloc_total_blocks(const void *ptr);
The talloc_total_blocks() function returns the total memory block
count used by this pointer and all child pointers. Mostly useful for
Passing NULL is allowed, but it will only give a meaningful result if
talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full() has
been called.
void talloc_report_depth_cb(const void *ptr, int depth, int max_depth,
void (*callback)(const void *ptr,
int depth, int max_depth,
int is_ref,
void *priv),
void *priv);
This provides a more flexible reports than talloc_report(). It
will recursively call the callback for the entire tree of memory
referenced by the pointer. References in the tree are passed with
is_ref = 1 and the pointer that is referenced.
You can pass NULL for the pointer, in which case a report is
printed for the top level memory context, but only if
talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full()
has been called.
The recursion is stopped when depth >= max_depth.
max_depth = -1 means only stop at leaf nodes.
void talloc_report_depth_file(const void *ptr, int depth, int max_depth, FILE *f);
This provides a more flexible reports than talloc_report(). It
will let you specify the depth and max_depth.
void talloc_report(const void *ptr, FILE *f);
The talloc_report() function prints a summary report of all memory
used by ptr. One line of report is printed for each immediate child of
ptr, showing the total memory and number of blocks used by that child.
You can pass NULL for the pointer, in which case a report is printed
for the top level memory context, but only if
talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full() has
been called.
void talloc_report_full(const void *ptr, FILE *f);
This provides a more detailed report than talloc_report(). It will
recursively print the ensire tree of memory referenced by the
pointer. References in the tree are shown by giving the name of the
pointer that is referenced.
You can pass NULL for the pointer, in which case a report is printed
for the top level memory context, but only if
talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full() has
been called.
void talloc_enable_leak_report(void);
This enables calling of talloc_report(NULL, stderr) when the program
exits. In Samba4 this is enabled by using the --leak-report command
line option.
For it to be useful, this function must be called before any other
talloc function as it establishes a "null context" that acts as the
top of the tree. If you don't call this function first then passing
NULL to talloc_report() or talloc_report_full() won't give you the
full tree printout.
Here is a typical talloc report:
talloc report on 'null_context' (total 267 bytes in 15 blocks)
libcli/auth/spnego_parse.c:55 contains 31 bytes in 2 blocks
libcli/auth/spnego_parse.c:55 contains 31 bytes in 2 blocks
iconv(UTF8,CP850) contains 42 bytes in 2 blocks
libcli/auth/spnego_parse.c:55 contains 31 bytes in 2 blocks
iconv(CP850,UTF8) contains 42 bytes in 2 blocks
iconv(UTF8,UTF-16LE) contains 45 bytes in 2 blocks
iconv(UTF-16LE,UTF8) contains 45 bytes in 2 blocks
void talloc_enable_leak_report_full(void);
This enables calling of talloc_report_full(NULL, stderr) when the
program exits. In Samba4 this is enabled by using the
--leak-report-full command line option.
For it to be useful, this function must be called before any other
talloc function as it establishes a "null context" that acts as the
top of the tree. If you don't call this function first then passing
NULL to talloc_report() or talloc_report_full() won't give you the
full tree printout.
Here is a typical full report:
full talloc report on 'root' (total 18 bytes in 8 blocks)
p1 contains 18 bytes in 7 blocks (ref 0)
r1 contains 13 bytes in 2 blocks (ref 0)
reference to: p2
p2 contains 1 bytes in 1 blocks (ref 1)
x3 contains 1 bytes in 1 blocks (ref 0)
x2 contains 1 bytes in 1 blocks (ref 0)
x1 contains 1 bytes in 1 blocks (ref 0)
void talloc_enable_null_tracking(void);
This enables tracking of the NULL memory context without enabling leak
reporting on exit. Useful for when you want to do your own leak
reporting call via talloc_report_null_full();
void talloc_disable_null_tracking(void);
This disables tracking of the NULL memory context.
(type *)talloc_zero(const void *ctx, type);
The talloc_zero() macro is equivalent to:
ptr = talloc(ctx, type);
if (ptr) memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(type));
void *talloc_zero_size(const void *ctx, size_t size)
The talloc_zero_size() function is useful when you don't have a known type
void *talloc_memdup(const void *ctx, const void *p, size_t size);
The talloc_memdup() function is equivalent to:
ptr = talloc_size(ctx, size);
if (ptr) memcpy(ptr, p, size);
char *talloc_strdup(const void *ctx, const char *p);
The talloc_strdup() function is equivalent to:
ptr = talloc_size(ctx, strlen(p)+1);
if (ptr) memcpy(ptr, p, strlen(p)+1);
This functions sets the name of the new pointer to the passed
string. This is equivalent to:
talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
char *talloc_strndup(const void *t, const char *p, size_t n);
The talloc_strndup() function is the talloc equivalent of the C
library function strndup()
This functions sets the name of the new pointer to the passed
string. This is equivalent to:
talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
char *talloc_append_string(const void *t, char *orig, const char *append);
The talloc_append_string() function appends the given formatted
string to the given string.
This function sets the name of the new pointer to the new
string. This is equivalent to:
talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
char *talloc_vasprintf(const void *t, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
The talloc_vasprintf() function is the talloc equivalent of the C
library function vasprintf()
This functions sets the name of the new pointer to the new
string. This is equivalent to:
talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
char *talloc_asprintf(const void *t, const char *fmt, ...);
The talloc_asprintf() function is the talloc equivalent of the C
library function asprintf()
This functions sets the name of the new pointer to the new
string. This is equivalent to:
talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
char *talloc_asprintf_append(char *s, const char *fmt, ...);
The talloc_asprintf_append() function appends the given formatted
string to the given string.
This functions sets the name of the new pointer to the new
string. This is equivalent to:
talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
(type *)talloc_array(const void *ctx, type, uint_t count);
The talloc_array() macro is equivalent to:
(type *)talloc_size(ctx, sizeof(type) * count);
except that it provides integer overflow protection for the multiply,
returning NULL if the multiply overflows.
void *talloc_array_size(const void *ctx, size_t size, uint_t count);
The talloc_array_size() function is useful when the type is not
known. It operates in the same way as talloc_array(), but takes a size
instead of a type.
(typeof(ptr)) talloc_array_ptrtype(const void *ctx, ptr, uint_t count);
The talloc_ptrtype() macro should be used when you have a pointer to an array
and want to allocate memory of an array to point at with this pointer. When compiling
with gcc >= 3 it is typesafe. Note this is a wrapper of talloc_array_size()
and talloc_get_name() will return the current location in the source file.
and not the type.
void *talloc_realloc_fn(const void *ctx, void *ptr, size_t size);
This is a non-macro version of talloc_realloc(), which is useful
as libraries sometimes want a ralloc function pointer. A realloc()
implementation encapsulates the functionality of malloc(), free() and
realloc() in one call, which is why it is useful to be able to pass
around a single function pointer.
void *talloc_autofree_context(void);
This is a handy utility function that returns a talloc context
which will be automatically freed on program exit. This can be used
to reduce the noise in memory leak reports.
void *talloc_check_name(const void *ptr, const char *name);
This function checks if a pointer has the specified name. If it does
then the pointer is returned. It it doesn't then NULL is returned.
(type *)talloc_get_type(const void *ptr, type);
This macro allows you to do type checking on talloc pointers. It is
particularly useful for void* private pointers. It is equivalent to
(type *)talloc_check_name(ptr, #type)
talloc_set_type(const void *ptr, type);
This macro allows you to force the name of a pointer to be a
particular type. This can be used in conjunction with
talloc_get_type() to do type checking on void* pointers.
It is equivalent to this:
talloc_set_name_const(ptr, #type)
talloc_get_size(const void *ctx);
This function lets you know the amount of memory alloced so far by
this context. It does NOT account for subcontext memory.
This can be used to calculate the size of an array.
void *talloc_find_parent_byname(const void *ctx, const char *name);
Find a parent memory context of the current context that has the given
name. This can be very useful in complex programs where it may be
difficult to pass all information down to the level you need, but you
know the structure you want is a parent of another context.
(type *)talloc_find_parent_bytype(ctx, type);
Like talloc_find_parent_byname() but takes a type, making it typesafe.
Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
local testing of talloc routines.
Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2004
Converted to ccan tests by Rusty Russell 2008
** NOTE! The following LGPL license applies to the talloc
** library. This does NOT imply that all of Samba is released
** under the LGPL
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "talloc/talloc.c"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "tap.h"
#define torture_assert(test, expr, str) \
ok(expr, "failure: %s [\n%s: Expression %s failed: %s\n]\n", \
test, __location__, #expr, str)
#define torture_assert_str_equal(test, arg1, arg2, desc) \
ok(strcmp(arg1, arg2) == 0, \
"failure: %s [\n%s: Expected %s, got %s: %s\n]\n", \
test, __location__, arg1, arg2, desc)
#define CHECK_SIZE(test, ptr, tsize) \
ok(talloc_total_size(ptr) == (tsize), \
"failed: %s [\nwrong '%s' tree size: got %u expected %u\n]\n", \
test, #ptr, \
(unsigned)talloc_total_size(ptr), \
#define CHECK_BLOCKS(test, ptr, tblocks) \
ok(talloc_total_blocks(ptr) == (tblocks), \
"failed: %s [\nwrong '%s' tree blocks: got %u expected %u\n]\n", \
test, #ptr, \
(unsigned)talloc_total_blocks(ptr), \
#define CHECK_PARENT(test, ptr, parent) \
ok(talloc_parent(ptr) == (parent), \
"failed: %s [\n'%s' has wrong parent: got %p expected %p\n]\n", \
test, #ptr, \
talloc_parent(ptr), \
test references
static bool test_ref1(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2, *ref, *r1;
root = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "root");
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "p1");
p2 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "p2");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 2, "x2");
talloc_named_const(p1, 3, "x3");
r1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "r1");
ref = talloc_reference(r1, p2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", p1, 5);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", r1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", p1, 5);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", r1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", r1, 1);
if (talloc_reference(root, NULL)) {
return false;
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", root, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("ref1", root, 0);
return true;
test references
static bool test_ref2(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2, *ref, *r1;
root = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "root");
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "p1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x2");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x3");
p2 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "p2");
r1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "r1");
ref = talloc_reference(r1, p2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", p1, 5);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", r1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", p1, 5);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", r1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", p1, 4);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", r1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", r1, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("ref2", root, 0);
return true;
test references
static bool test_ref3(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2, *ref, *r1;
root = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "root");
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "p1");
p2 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "p2");
r1 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "r1");
ref = talloc_reference(p2, r1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref3", p1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref3", p2, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref3", r1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref3", p2, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref3", r1, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("ref3", root, 0);
return true;
test references
static bool test_ref4(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2, *ref, *r1;
root = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "root");
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "p1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x2");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x3");
p2 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "p2");
r1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "r1");
ref = talloc_reference(r1, p2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref4", p1, 5);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref4", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref4", r1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref4", p1, 5);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref4", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref4", p1, 4);
CHECK_SIZE("ref4", root, 0);
return true;
test references
static bool test_unlink1(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2, *ref, *r1;
root = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "root");
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "p1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x2");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x3");
p2 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "p2");
r1 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "r1");
ref = talloc_reference(r1, p2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("unlink", p1, 7);
CHECK_BLOCKS("unlink", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("unlink", r1, 2);
talloc_unlink(r1, p2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("unlink", p1, 6);
CHECK_BLOCKS("unlink", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("unlink", r1, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("unlink", root, 0);
return true;
static int fail_destructor(void *ptr)
return -1;
miscellaneous tests to try to get a higher test coverage percentage
static bool test_misc(void)
void *root, *p1;
char *p2;
double *d;
const char *name;
root = talloc_new(NULL);
p1 = talloc_size(root, 0x7fffffff);
torture_assert("misc", !p1, "failed: large talloc allowed\n");
p1 = talloc_strdup(root, "foo");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 2);
talloc_unlink(NULL, p1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 2);
p2 = talloc_strdup(p1, "foo");
torture_assert("misc", talloc_unlink(root, p2) == -1,
"failed: talloc_unlink() of non-reference context should return -1\n");
torture_assert("misc", talloc_unlink(p1, p2) == 0,
"failed: talloc_unlink() of parent should succeed\n");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 2);
name = talloc_set_name(p1, "my name is %s", "foo");
torture_assert_str_equal("misc", talloc_get_name(p1), "my name is foo",
"failed: wrong name after talloc_set_name(my name is foo)");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 3);
talloc_set_name_const(p1, NULL);
torture_assert_str_equal ("misc", talloc_get_name(p1), "UNNAMED",
"failed: wrong name after talloc_set_name(NULL)");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 3);
torture_assert("misc", talloc_free(NULL) == -1,
"talloc_free(NULL) should give -1\n");
talloc_set_destructor(p1, fail_destructor);
torture_assert("misc", talloc_free(p1) == -1,
"Failed destructor should cause talloc_free to fail\n");
talloc_set_destructor(p1, NULL);
p2 = (char *)talloc_zero_size(p1, 20);
torture_assert("misc", p2[19] == 0, "Failed to give zero memory\n");
torture_assert("misc", talloc_strdup(root, NULL) == NULL,
"failed: strdup on NULL should give NULL\n");
p2 = talloc_strndup(p1, "foo", 2);
torture_assert("misc", strcmp("fo", p2) == 0,
"strndup doesn't work\n");
p2 = talloc_asprintf_append(p2, "o%c", 'd');
torture_assert("misc", strcmp("food", p2) == 0,
"talloc_asprintf_append doesn't work\n");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 3);
p2 = talloc_asprintf_append(NULL, "hello %s", "world");
torture_assert("misc", strcmp("hello world", p2) == 0,
"talloc_asprintf_append doesn't work\n");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 3);
d = talloc_array(p1, double, 0x20000000);
torture_assert("misc", !d, "failed: integer overflow not detected\n");
d = talloc_realloc(p1, d, double, 0x20000000);
torture_assert("misc", !d, "failed: integer overflow not detected\n");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 1);
p1 = talloc_named(root, 100, "%d bytes", 100);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 3);
talloc_unlink(root, p1);
p1 = talloc_init("%d bytes", 200);
p2 = talloc_asprintf(p1, "my test '%s'", "string");
torture_assert_str_equal("misc", p2, "my test 'string'",
"failed: talloc_asprintf(\"my test '%%s'\", \"string\") gave: \"%s\"");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 3);
CHECK_SIZE("misc", p2, 17);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 1);
talloc_unlink(NULL, p1);
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 10, "p1");
p2 = (char *)talloc_named_const(root, 20, "p2");
(void)talloc_reference(p1, p2);
talloc_unlink(root, p2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 3);
talloc_unlink(p1, p2);
talloc_unlink(root, p1);
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 10, "p1");
p2 = (char *)talloc_named_const(root, 20, "p2");
(void)talloc_reference(NULL, p2);
talloc_unlink(root, p2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 2);
talloc_unlink(NULL, p2);
talloc_unlink(root, p1);
/* Test that talloc_unlink is a no-op */
torture_assert("misc", talloc_unlink(root, NULL) == -1,
"failed: talloc_unlink(root, NULL) == -1\n");
CHECK_SIZE("misc", root, 0);
CHECK_SIZE("misc", NULL, 0);
return true;
test realloc
static bool test_realloc(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2;
root = talloc_new(NULL);
p1 = talloc_size(root, 10);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc", p1, 10);
p1 = talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p1, 20);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc", p1, 20);
p2 = talloc_realloc_size(p1, NULL, 30);
p2 = talloc_realloc_size(p1, p2, 40);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc", p2, 40);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc", root, 60);
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc", p1, 4);
p1 = talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p1, 20);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc", p1, 60);
torture_assert("realloc", talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p2, 5) == NULL,
"failed: talloc_realloc() on a referenced pointer should fail\n");
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc", p1, 4);
talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p2, 0);
talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p2, 0);
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc", p1, 3);
torture_assert("realloc", talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p1, 0x7fffffff) == NULL,
"failed: oversize talloc should fail\n");
talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p1, 0);
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc", root, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc", root, 0);
return true;
test realloc with a child
static bool test_realloc_child(void)
void *root;
struct el2 {
const char *name;
} *el2;
struct el1 {
int count;
struct el2 **list, **list2, **list3;
} *el1;
root = talloc_new(NULL);
el1 = talloc(root, struct el1);
el1->list = talloc(el1, struct el2 *);
el1->list[0] = talloc(el1->list, struct el2);
el1->list[0]->name = talloc_strdup(el1->list[0], "testing");
el1->list2 = talloc(el1, struct el2 *);
el1->list2[0] = talloc(el1->list2, struct el2);
el1->list2[0]->name = talloc_strdup(el1->list2[0], "testing2");
el1->list3 = talloc(el1, struct el2 *);
el1->list3[0] = talloc(el1->list3, struct el2);
el1->list3[0]->name = talloc_strdup(el1->list3[0], "testing2");
el2 = talloc(el1->list, struct el2);
el2 = talloc(el1->list2, struct el2);
el2 = talloc(el1->list3, struct el2);
el1->list = talloc_realloc(el1, el1->list, struct el2 *, 100);
el1->list2 = talloc_realloc(el1, el1->list2, struct el2 *, 200);
el1->list3 = talloc_realloc(el1, el1->list3, struct el2 *, 300);
return true;
test type checking
static bool test_type(void)
void *root;
struct el1 {
int count;
struct el2 {
int count;
struct el1 *el1;
root = talloc_new(NULL);
el1 = talloc(root, struct el1);
el1->count = 1;
torture_assert("type", talloc_get_type(el1, struct el1) == el1,
"type check failed on el1\n");
torture_assert("type", talloc_get_type(el1, struct el2) == NULL,
"type check failed on el1 with el2\n");
talloc_set_type(el1, struct el2);
torture_assert("type", talloc_get_type(el1, struct el2) == (struct el2 *)el1,
"type set failed on el1 with el2\n");
return true;
test steal
static bool test_steal(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2;
root = talloc_new(NULL);
p1 = talloc_array(root, char, 10);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", p1, 10);
p2 = talloc_realloc(root, NULL, char, 20);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", p1, 10);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", root, 30);
torture_assert("steal", talloc_steal(p1, NULL) == NULL,
"failed: stealing NULL should give NULL\n");
torture_assert("steal", talloc_steal(p1, p1) == p1,
"failed: stealing to ourselves is a nop\n");
CHECK_BLOCKS("steal", root, 3);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", root, 30);
talloc_steal(NULL, p1);
talloc_steal(NULL, p2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("steal", root, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", root, 0);
talloc_steal(root, p2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("steal", root, 2);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", root, 20);
CHECK_BLOCKS("steal", root, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", root, 0);
p1 = talloc_size(NULL, 3);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", NULL, 3);
return true;
test move
static bool test_move(void)
void *root;
struct t_move {
char *p;
int *x;
} *t1, *t2;
root = talloc_new(NULL);
t1 = talloc(root, struct t_move);
t2 = talloc(root, struct t_move);
t1->p = talloc_strdup(t1, "foo");
t1->x = talloc(t1, int);
*t1->x = 42;
t2->p = talloc_move(t2, &t1->p);
t2->x = talloc_move(t2, &t1->x);
torture_assert("move", t1->p == NULL && t1->x == NULL &&
strcmp(t2->p, "foo") == 0 && *t2->x == 42,
"talloc move failed");
return true;
test talloc_realloc_fn
static bool test_realloc_fn(void)
void *root, *p1;
root = talloc_new(NULL);
p1 = talloc_realloc_fn(root, NULL, 10);
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc_fn", root, 2);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc_fn", root, 10);
p1 = talloc_realloc_fn(root, p1, 20);
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc_fn", root, 2);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc_fn", root, 20);
p1 = talloc_realloc_fn(root, p1, 0);
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc_fn", root, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc_fn", root, 0);
return true;
static bool test_unref_reparent(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2, *c1;
root = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "root");
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "orig parent");
p2 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "parent by reference");
c1 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "child");
talloc_reference(p2, c1);
CHECK_PARENT("unref_reparent", c1, p1);
CHECK_PARENT("unref_reparent", c1, p2);
talloc_unlink(p2, c1);
CHECK_SIZE("unref_reparent", root, 1);
return true;
static bool test_lifeless(void)
void *top = talloc_new(NULL);
char *parent, *child;
void *child_owner = talloc_new(NULL);
parent = talloc_strdup(top, "parent");
child = talloc_strdup(parent, "child");
(void)talloc_reference(child, parent);
(void)talloc_reference(child_owner, child);
talloc_unlink(top, parent);
return true;
static int loop_destructor_count;
static int test_loop_destructor(char *ptr)
return 0;
static bool test_loop(void)
void *top = talloc_new(NULL);
char *parent;
struct req1 {
char *req2, *req3;
} *req1;
parent = talloc_strdup(top, "parent");
req1 = talloc(parent, struct req1);
req1->req2 = talloc_strdup(req1, "req2");
talloc_set_destructor(req1->req2, test_loop_destructor);
req1->req3 = talloc_strdup(req1, "req3");
(void)talloc_reference(req1->req3, req1);
torture_assert("loop", loop_destructor_count == 1,
loop_destructor_count = 0;
return true;
static int fail_destructor_str(char *ptr)
return -1;
static bool test_free_parent_deny_child(void)
void *top = talloc_new(NULL);
char *level1;
char *level2;
char *level3;
level1 = talloc_strdup(top, "level1");
level2 = talloc_strdup(level1, "level2");
level3 = talloc_strdup(level2, "level3");
talloc_set_destructor(level3, fail_destructor_str);
talloc_set_destructor(level3, NULL);
CHECK_PARENT("free_parent_deny_child", level3, top);
return true;
static bool test_talloc_ptrtype(void)
void *top = talloc_new(NULL);
struct struct1 {
int foo;
int bar;
} *s1, *s2, **s3, ***s4;
const char *location1;
const char *location2;
const char *location3;
const char *location4;
s1 = talloc_ptrtype(top, s1);location1 = __location__;
ok1(talloc_get_size(s1) == sizeof(struct struct1));
ok1(strcmp(location1, talloc_get_name(s1)) == 0);
s2 = talloc_array_ptrtype(top, s2, 10);location2 = __location__;
ok1(talloc_get_size(s2) == (sizeof(struct struct1) * 10));
ok1(strcmp(location2, talloc_get_name(s2)) == 0);
s3 = talloc_array_ptrtype(top, s3, 10);location3 = __location__;
ok1(talloc_get_size(s3) == (sizeof(struct struct1 *) * 10));
torture_assert_str_equal("ptrtype", location3, talloc_get_name(s3),
"talloc_array_ptrtype() sets the wrong name");
s4 = talloc_array_ptrtype(top, s4, 10);location4 = __location__;
ok1(talloc_get_size(s4) == (sizeof(struct struct1 **) * 10));
torture_assert_str_equal("ptrtype", location4, talloc_get_name(s4),
"talloc_array_ptrtype() sets the wrong name");
return true;
static int _test_talloc_free_in_destructor(void **ptr)
return 0;
static bool test_talloc_free_in_destructor(void)
void *level0;
void *level1;
void *level2;
void *level3;
void *level4;
void **level5;
level0 = talloc_new(NULL);
level1 = talloc_new(level0);
level2 = talloc_new(level1);
level3 = talloc_new(level2);
level4 = talloc_new(level3);
level5 = talloc(level4, void *);
*level5 = level3;
(void)talloc_reference(level0, level3);
(void)talloc_reference(level3, level3);
(void)talloc_reference(level5, level3);
talloc_set_destructor(level5, _test_talloc_free_in_destructor);
return true;
static bool test_autofree(void)
/* autofree test would kill smbtorture */
void *p;
p = talloc_autofree_context();
p = talloc_autofree_context();
return true;
struct torture_context;
static bool torture_local_talloc(struct torture_context *tctx)
bool ret = true;
ret &= test_ref1();
ret &= test_ref2();
ret &= test_ref3();
ret &= test_ref4();
ret &= test_unlink1();
ret &= test_misc();
ret &= test_realloc();
ret &= test_realloc_child();
ret &= test_steal();
ret &= test_move();
ret &= test_unref_reparent();
ret &= test_realloc_fn();
ret &= test_type();
ret &= test_lifeless();
ret &= test_loop();
ret &= test_free_parent_deny_child();
ret &= test_talloc_ptrtype();
ret &= test_talloc_free_in_destructor();
ret &= test_autofree();
return ret;
int main(void)
return exit_status();
Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
local testing of talloc routines.
Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2004
** NOTE! The following LGPL license applies to the talloc
** library. This does NOT imply that all of Samba is released
** under the LGPL
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "replace.h"
#include "system/time.h"
#include "talloc.h"
static struct timeval timeval_current(void)
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return tv;
static double timeval_elapsed(struct timeval *tv)
struct timeval tv2 = timeval_current();
return (tv2.tv_sec - tv->tv_sec) +
(tv2.tv_usec - tv->tv_usec)*1.0e-6;
#define torture_assert(test, expr, str) if (!(expr)) { \
printf("failure: %s [\n%s: Expression %s failed: %s\n]\n", \
test, __location__, #expr, str); \
return false; \
#define torture_assert_str_equal(test, arg1, arg2, desc) \
if (strcmp(arg1, arg2)) { \
printf("failure: %s [\n%s: Expected %s, got %s: %s\n]\n", \
test, __location__, arg1, arg2, desc); \
return false; \
#if _SAMBA_BUILD_==3
#ifdef malloc
#undef malloc
#ifdef strdup
#undef strdup
#define CHECK_SIZE(test, ptr, tsize) do { \
if (talloc_total_size(ptr) != (tsize)) { \
printf("failed: %s [\nwrong '%s' tree size: got %u expected %u\n]\n", \
test, #ptr, \
(unsigned)talloc_total_size(ptr), \
(unsigned)tsize); \
talloc_report_full(ptr, stdout); \
return false; \
} \
} while (0)
#define CHECK_BLOCKS(test, ptr, tblocks) do { \
if (talloc_total_blocks(ptr) != (tblocks)) { \
printf("failed: %s [\nwrong '%s' tree blocks: got %u expected %u\n]\n", \
test, #ptr, \
(unsigned)talloc_total_blocks(ptr), \
(unsigned)tblocks); \
talloc_report_full(ptr, stdout); \
return false; \
} \
} while (0)
#define CHECK_PARENT(test, ptr, parent) do { \
if (talloc_parent(ptr) != (parent)) { \
printf("failed: %s [\n'%s' has wrong parent: got %p expected %p\n]\n", \
test, #ptr, \
talloc_parent(ptr), \
(parent)); \
talloc_report_full(ptr, stdout); \
talloc_report_full(parent, stdout); \
talloc_report_full(NULL, stdout); \
return false; \
} \
} while (0)
test references
static bool test_ref1(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2, *ref, *r1;
printf("test: ref1 [\nSINGLE REFERENCE FREE\n]\n");
root = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "root");
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "p1");
p2 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "p2");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 2, "x2");
talloc_named_const(p1, 3, "x3");
r1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "r1");
ref = talloc_reference(r1, p2);
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", p1, 5);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", r1, 2);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing p2\n");
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", p1, 5);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", r1, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing p1\n");
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", r1, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing r1\n");
talloc_report_full(NULL, stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "Testing NULL\n");
if (talloc_reference(root, NULL)) {
return false;
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref1", root, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("ref1", root, 0);
printf("success: ref1\n");
return true;
test references
static bool test_ref2(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2, *ref, *r1;
printf("test: ref2 [\nDOUBLE REFERENCE FREE\n]\n");
root = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "root");
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "p1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x2");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x3");
p2 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "p2");
r1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "r1");
ref = talloc_reference(r1, p2);
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", p1, 5);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", r1, 2);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing ref\n");
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", p1, 5);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", r1, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing p2\n");
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", p1, 4);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", r1, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing p1\n");
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref2", r1, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing r1\n");
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_SIZE("ref2", root, 0);
printf("success: ref2\n");
return true;
test references
static bool test_ref3(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2, *ref, *r1;
printf("test: ref3 [\nPARENT REFERENCE FREE\n]\n");
root = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "root");
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "p1");
p2 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "p2");
r1 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "r1");
ref = talloc_reference(p2, r1);
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref3", p1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref3", p2, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref3", r1, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing p1\n");
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref3", p2, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref3", r1, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing p2\n");
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_SIZE("ref3", root, 0);
printf("success: ref3\n");
return true;
test references
static bool test_ref4(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2, *ref, *r1;
printf("test: ref4 [\nREFERRER REFERENCE FREE\n]\n");
root = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "root");
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "p1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x2");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x3");
p2 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "p2");
r1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "r1");
ref = talloc_reference(r1, p2);
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref4", p1, 5);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref4", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref4", r1, 2);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing r1\n");
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref4", p1, 5);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref4", p2, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing p2\n");
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("ref4", p1, 4);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing p1\n");
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_SIZE("ref4", root, 0);
printf("success: ref4\n");
return true;
test references
static bool test_unlink1(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2, *ref, *r1;
printf("test: unlink [\nUNLINK\n]\n");
root = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "root");
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "p1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x1");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x2");
talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "x3");
p2 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "p2");
r1 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "r1");
ref = talloc_reference(r1, p2);
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("unlink", p1, 7);
CHECK_BLOCKS("unlink", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("unlink", r1, 2);
fprintf(stderr, "Unreferencing r1\n");
talloc_unlink(r1, p2);
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("unlink", p1, 6);
CHECK_BLOCKS("unlink", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("unlink", r1, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing p1\n");
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_SIZE("unlink", root, 0);
printf("success: unlink\n");
return true;
static int fail_destructor(void *ptr)
return -1;
miscellaneous tests to try to get a higher test coverage percentage
static bool test_misc(void)
void *root, *p1;
char *p2;
double *d;
const char *name;
printf("test: misc [\nMISCELLANEOUS\n]\n");
root = talloc_new(NULL);
p1 = talloc_size(root, 0x7fffffff);
torture_assert("misc", !p1, "failed: large talloc allowed\n");
p1 = talloc_strdup(root, "foo");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 2);
talloc_unlink(NULL, p1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 2);
p2 = talloc_strdup(p1, "foo");
torture_assert("misc", talloc_unlink(root, p2) == -1,
"failed: talloc_unlink() of non-reference context should return -1\n");
torture_assert("misc", talloc_unlink(p1, p2) == 0,
"failed: talloc_unlink() of parent should succeed\n");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 2);
name = talloc_set_name(p1, "my name is %s", "foo");
torture_assert_str_equal("misc", talloc_get_name(p1), "my name is foo",
"failed: wrong name after talloc_set_name(my name is foo)");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 3);
talloc_set_name_const(p1, NULL);
torture_assert_str_equal ("misc", talloc_get_name(p1), "UNNAMED",
"failed: wrong name after talloc_set_name(NULL)");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 3);
torture_assert("misc", talloc_free(NULL) == -1,
"talloc_free(NULL) should give -1\n");
talloc_set_destructor(p1, fail_destructor);
torture_assert("misc", talloc_free(p1) == -1,
"Failed destructor should cause talloc_free to fail\n");
talloc_set_destructor(p1, NULL);
talloc_report(root, stderr);
p2 = (char *)talloc_zero_size(p1, 20);
torture_assert("misc", p2[19] == 0, "Failed to give zero memory\n");
torture_assert("misc", talloc_strdup(root, NULL) == NULL,
"failed: strdup on NULL should give NULL\n");
p2 = talloc_strndup(p1, "foo", 2);
torture_assert("misc", strcmp("fo", p2) == 0,
"strndup doesn't work\n");
p2 = talloc_asprintf_append(p2, "o%c", 'd');
torture_assert("misc", strcmp("food", p2) == 0,
"talloc_asprintf_append doesn't work\n");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 3);
p2 = talloc_asprintf_append(NULL, "hello %s", "world");
torture_assert("misc", strcmp("hello world", p2) == 0,
"talloc_asprintf_append doesn't work\n");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 3);
d = talloc_array(p1, double, 0x20000000);
torture_assert("misc", !d, "failed: integer overflow not detected\n");
d = talloc_realloc(p1, d, double, 0x20000000);
torture_assert("misc", !d, "failed: integer overflow not detected\n");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 1);
p1 = talloc_named(root, 100, "%d bytes", 100);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 3);
talloc_unlink(root, p1);
p1 = talloc_init("%d bytes", 200);
p2 = talloc_asprintf(p1, "my test '%s'", "string");
torture_assert_str_equal("misc", p2, "my test 'string'",
"failed: talloc_asprintf(\"my test '%%s'\", \"string\") gave: \"%s\"");
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 3);
CHECK_SIZE("misc", p2, 17);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 1);
talloc_unlink(NULL, p1);
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 10, "p1");
p2 = (char *)talloc_named_const(root, 20, "p2");
(void)talloc_reference(p1, p2);
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
talloc_unlink(root, p2);
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 3);
talloc_unlink(p1, p2);
talloc_unlink(root, p1);
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 10, "p1");
p2 = (char *)talloc_named_const(root, 20, "p2");
(void)talloc_reference(NULL, p2);
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
talloc_unlink(root, p2);
talloc_report_full(root, stderr);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p2, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", p1, 1);
CHECK_BLOCKS("misc", root, 2);
talloc_unlink(NULL, p2);
talloc_unlink(root, p1);
/* Test that talloc_unlink is a no-op */
torture_assert("misc", talloc_unlink(root, NULL) == -1,
"failed: talloc_unlink(root, NULL) == -1\n");
talloc_report(root, stderr);
talloc_report(NULL, stderr);
CHECK_SIZE("misc", root, 0);
CHECK_SIZE("misc", NULL, 0);
printf("success: misc\n");
return true;
test realloc
static bool test_realloc(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2;
printf("test: realloc [\nREALLOC\n]\n");
root = talloc_new(NULL);
p1 = talloc_size(root, 10);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc", p1, 10);
p1 = talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p1, 20);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc", p1, 20);
p2 = talloc_realloc_size(p1, NULL, 30);
p2 = talloc_realloc_size(p1, p2, 40);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc", p2, 40);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc", root, 60);
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc", p1, 4);
p1 = talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p1, 20);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc", p1, 60);
torture_assert("realloc", talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p2, 5) == NULL,
"failed: talloc_realloc() on a referenced pointer should fail\n");
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc", p1, 4);
talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p2, 0);
talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p2, 0);
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc", p1, 3);
torture_assert("realloc", talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p1, 0x7fffffff) == NULL,
"failed: oversize talloc should fail\n");
talloc_realloc_size(NULL, p1, 0);
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc", root, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc", root, 0);
printf("success: REALLOC\n");
return true;
test realloc with a child
static bool test_realloc_child(void)
void *root;
struct el2 {
const char *name;
} *el2;
struct el1 {
int count;
struct el2 **list, **list2, **list3;
} *el1;
printf("test: REALLOC WITH CHILD\n");
root = talloc_new(NULL);
el1 = talloc(root, struct el1);
el1->list = talloc(el1, struct el2 *);
el1->list[0] = talloc(el1->list, struct el2);
el1->list[0]->name = talloc_strdup(el1->list[0], "testing");
el1->list2 = talloc(el1, struct el2 *);
el1->list2[0] = talloc(el1->list2, struct el2);
el1->list2[0]->name = talloc_strdup(el1->list2[0], "testing2");
el1->list3 = talloc(el1, struct el2 *);
el1->list3[0] = talloc(el1->list3, struct el2);
el1->list3[0]->name = talloc_strdup(el1->list3[0], "testing2");
el2 = talloc(el1->list, struct el2);
el2 = talloc(el1->list2, struct el2);
el2 = talloc(el1->list3, struct el2);
el1->list = talloc_realloc(el1, el1->list, struct el2 *, 100);
el1->list2 = talloc_realloc(el1, el1->list2, struct el2 *, 200);
el1->list3 = talloc_realloc(el1, el1->list3, struct el2 *, 300);
printf("success: REALLOC WITH CHILD\n");
return true;
test type checking
static bool test_type(void)
void *root;
struct el1 {
int count;
struct el2 {
int count;
struct el1 *el1;
printf("test: type [\ntalloc type checking\n]\n");
root = talloc_new(NULL);
el1 = talloc(root, struct el1);
el1->count = 1;
torture_assert("type", talloc_get_type(el1, struct el1) == el1,
"type check failed on el1\n");
torture_assert("type", talloc_get_type(el1, struct el2) == NULL,
"type check failed on el1 with el2\n");
talloc_set_type(el1, struct el2);
torture_assert("type", talloc_get_type(el1, struct el2) == (struct el2 *)el1,
"type set failed on el1 with el2\n");
printf("success: type\n");
return true;
test steal
static bool test_steal(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2;
printf("test: steal [\nSTEAL\n]\n");
root = talloc_new(NULL);
p1 = talloc_array(root, char, 10);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", p1, 10);
p2 = talloc_realloc(root, NULL, char, 20);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", p1, 10);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", root, 30);
torture_assert("steal", talloc_steal(p1, NULL) == NULL,
"failed: stealing NULL should give NULL\n");
torture_assert("steal", talloc_steal(p1, p1) == p1,
"failed: stealing to ourselves is a nop\n");
CHECK_BLOCKS("steal", root, 3);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", root, 30);
talloc_steal(NULL, p1);
talloc_steal(NULL, p2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("steal", root, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", root, 0);
talloc_steal(root, p2);
CHECK_BLOCKS("steal", root, 2);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", root, 20);
CHECK_BLOCKS("steal", root, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", root, 0);
p1 = talloc_size(NULL, 3);
talloc_report_full(NULL, stderr);
CHECK_SIZE("steal", NULL, 3);
printf("success: steal\n");
return true;
test move
static bool test_move(void)
void *root;
struct t_move {
char *p;
int *x;
} *t1, *t2;
printf("test: move [\nMOVE\n]\n");
root = talloc_new(NULL);
t1 = talloc(root, struct t_move);
t2 = talloc(root, struct t_move);
t1->p = talloc_strdup(t1, "foo");
t1->x = talloc(t1, int);
*t1->x = 42;
t2->p = talloc_move(t2, &t1->p);
t2->x = talloc_move(t2, &t1->x);
torture_assert("move", t1->p == NULL && t1->x == NULL &&
strcmp(t2->p, "foo") == 0 && *t2->x == 42,
"talloc move failed");
printf("success: move\n");
return true;
test talloc_realloc_fn
static bool test_realloc_fn(void)
void *root, *p1;
printf("test: realloc_fn [\ntalloc_realloc_fn\n]\n");
root = talloc_new(NULL);
p1 = talloc_realloc_fn(root, NULL, 10);
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc_fn", root, 2);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc_fn", root, 10);
p1 = talloc_realloc_fn(root, p1, 20);
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc_fn", root, 2);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc_fn", root, 20);
p1 = talloc_realloc_fn(root, p1, 0);
CHECK_BLOCKS("realloc_fn", root, 1);
CHECK_SIZE("realloc_fn", root, 0);
printf("success: realloc_fn\n");
return true;
static bool test_unref_reparent(void)
void *root, *p1, *p2, *c1;
printf("test: unref_reparent [\nUNREFERENCE AFTER PARENT FREED\n]\n");
root = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "root");
p1 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "orig parent");
p2 = talloc_named_const(root, 1, "parent by reference");
c1 = talloc_named_const(p1, 1, "child");
talloc_reference(p2, c1);
CHECK_PARENT("unref_reparent", c1, p1);
CHECK_PARENT("unref_reparent", c1, p2);
talloc_unlink(p2, c1);
CHECK_SIZE("unref_reparent", root, 1);
printf("success: unref_reparent\n");
return true;
measure the speed of talloc versus malloc
static bool test_speed(void)
void *ctx = talloc_new(NULL);
unsigned count;
const int loop = 1000;
int i;
struct timeval tv;
printf("test: speed [\nTALLOC VS MALLOC SPEED\n]\n");
tv = timeval_current();
count = 0;
do {
void *p1, *p2, *p3;
for (i=0;i<loop;i++) {
p1 = talloc_size(ctx, loop % 100);
p2 = talloc_strdup(p1, "foo bar");
p3 = talloc_size(p1, 300);
count += 3 * loop;
} while (timeval_elapsed(&tv) < 5.0);
fprintf(stderr, "talloc: %.0f ops/sec\n", count/timeval_elapsed(&tv));
tv = timeval_current();
count = 0;
do {
void *p1, *p2, *p3;
for (i=0;i<loop;i++) {
p1 = malloc(loop % 100);
p2 = strdup("foo bar");
p3 = malloc(300);
count += 3 * loop;
} while (timeval_elapsed(&tv) < 5.0);
fprintf(stderr, "malloc: %.0f ops/sec\n", count/timeval_elapsed(&tv));
printf("success: speed\n");
return true;
static bool test_lifeless(void)
void *top = talloc_new(NULL);
char *parent, *child;
void *child_owner = talloc_new(NULL);
printf("test: lifeless [\nTALLOC_UNLINK LOOP\n]\n");
parent = talloc_strdup(top, "parent");
child = talloc_strdup(parent, "child");
(void)talloc_reference(child, parent);
(void)talloc_reference(child_owner, child);
talloc_report_full(top, stderr);
talloc_unlink(top, parent);
talloc_report_full(top, stderr);
printf("success: lifeless\n");
return true;
static int loop_destructor_count;
static int test_loop_destructor(char *ptr)
return 0;
static bool test_loop(void)
void *top = talloc_new(NULL);
char *parent;
struct req1 {
char *req2, *req3;
} *req1;
printf("test: loop [\nTALLOC LOOP DESTRUCTION\n]\n");
parent = talloc_strdup(top, "parent");
req1 = talloc(parent, struct req1);
req1->req2 = talloc_strdup(req1, "req2");
talloc_set_destructor(req1->req2, test_loop_destructor);
req1->req3 = talloc_strdup(req1, "req3");
(void)talloc_reference(req1->req3, req1);
talloc_report_full(top, stderr);
talloc_report_full(top, stderr);
talloc_report_full(NULL, stderr);
torture_assert("loop", loop_destructor_count == 1,
loop_destructor_count = 0;
printf("success: loop\n");
return true;
static int fail_destructor_str(char *ptr)
return -1;
static bool test_free_parent_deny_child(void)
void *top = talloc_new(NULL);
char *level1;
char *level2;
char *level3;
printf("test: free_parent_deny_child [\nTALLOC FREE PARENT DENY CHILD\n]\n");
level1 = talloc_strdup(top, "level1");
level2 = talloc_strdup(level1, "level2");
level3 = talloc_strdup(level2, "level3");
talloc_set_destructor(level3, fail_destructor_str);
talloc_set_destructor(level3, NULL);
CHECK_PARENT("free_parent_deny_child", level3, top);
printf("success: free_parent_deny_child\n");
return true;
static bool test_talloc_ptrtype(void)
void *top = talloc_new(NULL);
struct struct1 {
int foo;
int bar;
} *s1, *s2, **s3, ***s4;
const char *location1;
const char *location2;
const char *location3;
const char *location4;
printf("test: ptrtype [\nTALLOC PTRTYPE\n]\n");
s1 = talloc_ptrtype(top, s1);location1 = __location__;
if (talloc_get_size(s1) != sizeof(struct struct1)) {
printf("failure: ptrtype [\n"
"talloc_ptrtype() allocated the wrong size %lu (should be %lu)\n"
"]\n", (unsigned long)talloc_get_size(s1),
(unsigned long)sizeof(struct struct1));
return false;
if (strcmp(location1, talloc_get_name(s1)) != 0) {
printf("failure: ptrtype [\n"
"talloc_ptrtype() sets the wrong name '%s' (should be '%s')\n]\n",
talloc_get_name(s1), location1);
return false;
s2 = talloc_array_ptrtype(top, s2, 10);location2 = __location__;
if (talloc_get_size(s2) != (sizeof(struct struct1) * 10)) {
printf("failure: ptrtype [\n"
"talloc_array_ptrtype() allocated the wrong size "
"%lu (should be %lu)\n]\n",
(unsigned long)talloc_get_size(s2),
(unsigned long)(sizeof(struct struct1)*10));
return false;
if (strcmp(location2, talloc_get_name(s2)) != 0) {
printf("failure: ptrtype [\n"
"talloc_array_ptrtype() sets the wrong name '%s' (should be '%s')\n]\n",
talloc_get_name(s2), location2);
return false;
s3 = talloc_array_ptrtype(top, s3, 10);location3 = __location__;
if (talloc_get_size(s3) != (sizeof(struct struct1 *) * 10)) {
printf("failure: ptrtype [\n"
"talloc_array_ptrtype() allocated the wrong size "
"%lu (should be %lu)\n]\n",
(unsigned long)talloc_get_size(s3),
(unsigned long)(sizeof(struct struct1 *)*10));
return false;
torture_assert_str_equal("ptrtype", location3, talloc_get_name(s3),
"talloc_array_ptrtype() sets the wrong name");
s4 = talloc_array_ptrtype(top, s4, 10);location4 = __location__;
if (talloc_get_size(s4) != (sizeof(struct struct1 **) * 10)) {
printf("failure: ptrtype [\n"
"talloc_array_ptrtype() allocated the wrong size "
"%lu (should be %lu)\n]\n",
(unsigned long)talloc_get_size(s4),
(unsigned long)(sizeof(struct struct1 **)*10));
return false;
torture_assert_str_equal("ptrtype", location4, talloc_get_name(s4),
"talloc_array_ptrtype() sets the wrong name");
printf("success: ptrtype\n");
return true;
static int _test_talloc_free_in_destructor(void **ptr)
return 0;
static bool test_talloc_free_in_destructor(void)
void *level0;
void *level1;
void *level2;
void *level3;
void *level4;
void **level5;
printf("test: free_in_destructor [\nTALLOC FREE IN DESTRUCTOR\n]\n");
level0 = talloc_new(NULL);
level1 = talloc_new(level0);
level2 = talloc_new(level1);
level3 = talloc_new(level2);
level4 = talloc_new(level3);
level5 = talloc(level4, void *);
*level5 = level3;
(void)talloc_reference(level0, level3);
(void)talloc_reference(level3, level3);
(void)talloc_reference(level5, level3);
talloc_set_destructor(level5, _test_talloc_free_in_destructor);
printf("success: free_in_destructor\n");
return true;
static bool test_autofree(void)
#if _SAMBA_BUILD_ < 4
/* autofree test would kill smbtorture */
void *p;
printf("test: autofree [\nTALLOC AUTOFREE CONTEXT\n]\n");
p = talloc_autofree_context();
p = talloc_autofree_context();
printf("success: autofree\n");
return true;
struct torture_context;
bool torture_local_talloc(struct torture_context *tctx)
bool ret = true;
ret &= test_ref1();
ret &= test_ref2();
ret &= test_ref3();
ret &= test_ref4();
ret &= test_unlink1();
ret &= test_misc();
ret &= test_realloc();
ret &= test_realloc_child();
ret &= test_steal();
ret &= test_move();
ret &= test_unref_reparent();
ret &= test_realloc_fn();
ret &= test_type();
ret &= test_lifeless();
ret &= test_loop();
ret &= test_free_parent_deny_child();
ret &= test_talloc_ptrtype();
ret &= test_talloc_free_in_destructor();
if (ret) {
ret &= test_speed();
ret &= test_autofree();
return ret;
#if _SAMBA_BUILD_ < 4
int main(void)
bool ret = torture_local_talloc(NULL);
if (!ret)
return -1;
return 0;
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