Commit 75a31ebf authored by Rusty Russell's avatar Rusty Russell

New module wwviaudio.

Also, add external depends to ogg_to_pcm.
parent 67fed658
......@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 2)
return 1;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "depends") == 0)
if (strcmp(argv[1], "depends") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "libs") == 0) {
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "config.h"
* wwviaudio - realtime playback and mixing of 16 bit signed PCM audio data.
* wwviaudio provides a set of functions for realtime playback and mixing
* of audio samples, e.g. music, sound effects, etc. as in a video game.
* Example:
* something along these lines:
* if (wwviaudio_initialize_portaudio() != 0)
* bail_out_and_die();
* You would probably use #defines or enums rather than bare ints...
* wwviaudio_read_ogg_clip(1, "mysound1.ogg");
* wwviaudio_read_ogg_clip(2, "mysound2.ogg");
* wwviaudio_read_ogg_clip(3, "mysound3.ogg");
* wwviaudio_read_ogg_clip(4, "mymusic.ogg");
* ...
* wwviaudio_play_music(4); <-- begins playing music in background, returns immediately
* while (program isn't done) {
* do_stuff();
* if (something happened)
* wwviaudio_add_sound(1);
* if (something else happened)
* wwviaudio_add_sound(2);
* time_passes();
* }
* wwviaudio_cancel_all_sounds();
* wwviaduio_stop_portaudio();
* Licence: LGPL (2 or any later version)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 2)
return 1;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "depends") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "libs") == 0) {
return 0;
return 1;
(C) Copyright 2007,2008, Stephen M. Cameron.
This file is part of wordwarvi.
wordwarvi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
wordwarvi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with wordwarvi; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "wwviaudio.h"
#include "portaudio.h"
#include "ccan/ogg_to_pcm/ogg_to_pcm.h"
#define FRAMES_PER_BUFFER (1024)
static PaStream *stream = NULL;
static int audio_paused = 0;
static int music_playing = 1;
static int sound_working = 0;
static int nomusic = 0;
static int sound_effects_on = 1;
static int sound_device = -1; /* default sound device for port audio. */
static int max_concurrent_sounds = 0;
static int max_sound_clips = 0;
/* Pause all audio output, output silence. */
void wwviaudio_pause_audio(void)
audio_paused = 1;
/* Resume playing audio previously paused. */
void wwviaudio_resume_audio(void)
audio_paused = 0;
/* Silence the music channel */
void wwviaudio_silence_music(void)
music_playing = 0;
/* Resume volume on the music channel. */
void wwviaudio_resume_music(void)
music_playing = 1;
void wwviaudio_toggle_music(void)
music_playing = !music_playing;
/* Silence the sound effects. */
void wwviaudio_silence_sound_effects(void)
sound_effects_on = 0;
/* Resume volume on the sound effects. */
void wwviaudio_resume_sound_effects(void)
sound_effects_on = 1;
void wwviaudio_toggle_sound_effects(void)
sound_effects_on = !sound_effects_on;
void wwviaudio_set_nomusic(void)
nomusic = 1;
static struct sound_clip {
int active;
int nsamples;
int pos;
int16_t *sample;
} *clip = NULL;
static struct sound_clip *audio_queue = NULL;
int wwviaudio_read_ogg_clip(int clipnum, char *filename)
uint64_t nframes;
char filebuf[PATH_MAX];
struct stat statbuf;
int samplesize, sample_rate;
int nchannels;
int rc;
if (clipnum >= max_sound_clips || clipnum < 0)
return -1;
strncpy(filebuf, filename, PATH_MAX);
rc = stat(filebuf, &statbuf);
if (rc != 0) {
snprintf(filebuf, PATH_MAX, "%s", filename);
rc = stat(filebuf, &statbuf);
if (rc != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "stat('%s') failed.\n", filebuf);
return -1;
printf("Reading sound file: '%s'\n", filebuf);
printf("frames = %lld\n", sfinfo.frames);
printf("samplerate = %d\n", sfinfo.samplerate);
printf("channels = %d\n", sfinfo.channels);
printf("format = %d\n", sfinfo.format);
printf("sections = %d\n", sfinfo.sections);
printf("seekable = %d\n", sfinfo.seekable);
if (clip[clipnum].sample != NULL)
/* overwriting a previously read clip... */
rc = ogg_to_pcm(filebuf, &clip[clipnum].sample, &samplesize,
&sample_rate, &nchannels, &nframes);
if (clip[clipnum].sample == NULL) {
printf("Can't get memory for sound data for %llu frames in %s\n",
nframes, filebuf);
goto error;
if (rc != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: ogg_to_pcm('%s') failed.\n",
goto error;
clip[clipnum].nsamples = (int) nframes;
if (clip[clipnum].nsamples < 0)
clip[clipnum].nsamples = 0;
return 0;
return -1;
/* This routine will be called by the PortAudio engine when audio is needed.
** It may called at interrupt level on some machines so don't do anything
** that could mess up the system like calling malloc() or free().
static int patestCallback(const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer,
unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo,
PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *userData )
int i, j, sample, count;
float *out = NULL;
float output;
out = (float*) outputBuffer;
output = 0.0;
count = 0;
if (audio_paused) {
/* output silence when paused and
* don't advance any sound slot pointers
for (i = 0; i < framesPerBuffer; i++)
*out++ = (float) 0;
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < framesPerBuffer; i++) {
output = 0.0;
count = 0;
for (j = 0; j < max_concurrent_sounds; j++) {
if (!audio_queue[j].active ||
audio_queue[j].sample == NULL)
sample = i + audio_queue[j].pos;
if (sample >= audio_queue[j].nsamples) {
audio_queue[j].active = 0;
if (j != WWVIAUDIO_MUSIC_SLOT && sound_effects_on)
output += (float) audio_queue[j].sample[sample] * 0.5 / (float) (INT16_MAX);
else if (j == WWVIAUDIO_MUSIC_SLOT && music_playing)
output += (float) audio_queue[j].sample[sample] / (float) (INT16_MAX);
*out++ = (float) output / 2.0;
for (i = 0; i < max_concurrent_sounds; i++) {
if (!audio_queue[i].active)
audio_queue[i].pos += framesPerBuffer;
if (audio_queue[i].pos >= audio_queue[i].nsamples)
audio_queue[i].active = 0;
return 0; /* we're never finished */
static void decode_paerror(PaError rc)
if (rc == paNoError)
fprintf(stderr, "An error occured while using the portaudio stream\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Error number: %d\n", rc);
fprintf(stderr, "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText(rc));
static void wwviaudio_terminate_portaudio(PaError rc)
int wwviaudio_initialize_portaudio(int maximum_concurrent_sounds, int maximum_sound_clips)
PaStreamParameters outparams;
PaError rc;
PaDeviceIndex device_count;
max_concurrent_sounds = maximum_concurrent_sounds;
max_sound_clips = maximum_sound_clips;
audio_queue = malloc(max_concurrent_sounds * sizeof(audio_queue[0]));
clip = malloc(max_sound_clips * sizeof(clip[0]));
if (audio_queue == NULL || clip == NULL)
return -1;
memset(audio_queue, 0, sizeof(audio_queue[0]) * max_concurrent_sounds);
memset(clip, 0, sizeof(clip[0]) * max_sound_clips);
rc = Pa_Initialize();
if (rc != paNoError)
goto error;
device_count = Pa_GetDeviceCount();
printf("Portaudio reports %d sound devices.\n", device_count);
if (device_count == 0) {
printf("There will be no audio.\n");
goto error;
rc = 0;
sound_working = 1;
outparams.device = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice(); /* default output device */
printf("Portaudio says the default device is: %d\n", outparams.device);
if (sound_device != -1) {
if (sound_device >= device_count)
fprintf(stderr, "wordwarvi: Invalid sound device "
"%d specified, ignoring.\n", sound_device);
outparams.device = sound_device;
printf("Using sound device %d\n", outparams.device);
if (outparams.device < 0 && device_count > 0) {
printf("Hmm, that's strange, portaudio says the default device is %d,\n"
" but there are %d devices\n",
outparams.device, device_count);
printf("I think we'll just skip sound for now.\n");
printf("You might try the '--sounddevice' option and see if that helps.\n");
sound_working = 0;
return -1;
outparams.channelCount = 1; /* mono output */
outparams.sampleFormat = paFloat32; /* 32 bit floating point output */
outparams.suggestedLatency =
outparams.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
rc = Pa_OpenStream(&stream,
NULL, /* no input */
paNoFlag, /* paClipOff, */ /* we won't output out of range samples so don't bother clipping them */
patestCallback, NULL /* cookie */);
if (rc != paNoError)
goto error;
if ((rc = Pa_StartStream(stream)) != paNoError)
goto error;
return rc;
return rc;
void wwviaudio_stop_portaudio(void)
int i, rc;
if (!sound_working)
if ((rc = Pa_StopStream(stream)) != paNoError)
goto error;
rc = Pa_CloseStream(stream);
if (audio_queue) {
audio_queue = NULL;
max_concurrent_sounds = 0;
if (clip) {
for (i = 0; i < max_sound_clips; i++) {
if (clip[i].sample)
clip = NULL;
max_sound_clips = 0;
static int wwviaudio_add_sound_to_slot(int which_sound, int which_slot)
int i;
if (!sound_working)
return 0;
if (nomusic && which_slot == WWVIAUDIO_MUSIC_SLOT)
return 0;
if (which_slot != WWVIAUDIO_ANY_SLOT) {
if (audio_queue[which_slot].active)
audio_queue[which_slot].active = 0;
audio_queue[which_slot].pos = 0;
audio_queue[which_slot].nsamples = 0;
/* would like to put a memory barrier here. */
audio_queue[which_slot].sample = clip[which_sound].sample;
audio_queue[which_slot].nsamples = clip[which_sound].nsamples;
/* would like to put a memory barrier here. */
audio_queue[which_slot].active = 1;
return which_slot;
for (i=1;i<max_concurrent_sounds;i++) {
if (audio_queue[i].active == 0) {
audio_queue[i].nsamples = clip[which_sound].nsamples;
audio_queue[i].pos = 0;
audio_queue[i].sample = clip[which_sound].sample;
audio_queue[i].active = 1;
return (i >= max_concurrent_sounds) ? -1 : i;
int wwviaudio_add_sound(int which_sound)
return wwviaudio_add_sound_to_slot(which_sound, WWVIAUDIO_ANY_SLOT);
int wwviaudio_play_music(int which_sound)
return wwviaudio_add_sound_to_slot(which_sound, WWVIAUDIO_MUSIC_SLOT);
void wwviaudio_add_sound_low_priority(int which_sound)
/* adds a sound if there are at least 5 empty sound slots. */
int i;
int empty_slots = 0;
int last_slot;
if (!sound_working)
last_slot = -1;
for (i = 1; i < max_concurrent_sounds; i++)
if (audio_queue[i].active == 0) {
last_slot = i;
if (empty_slots >= 5)
if (empty_slots < 5)
i = last_slot;
if (audio_queue[i].active == 0) {
audio_queue[i].nsamples = clip[which_sound].nsamples;
audio_queue[i].pos = 0;
audio_queue[i].sample = clip[which_sound].sample;
audio_queue[i].active = 1;
void wwviaudio_cancel_sound(int queue_entry)
if (!sound_working)
audio_queue[queue_entry].active = 0;
void wwviaudio_cancel_music(void)
void wwviaudio_cancel_all_sounds(void)
int i;
if (!sound_working)
for (i = 0; i < max_concurrent_sounds; i++)
audio_queue[i].active = 0;
int wwviaudio_set_sound_device(int device)
sound_device = device;
return 0;
#else /* stubs only... */
int wwviaudio_initialize_portaudio() { return 0; }
void wwviaudio_stop_portaudio() { return; }
void wwviaudio_set_nomusic() { return; }
int wwviaudio_read_ogg_clip(int clipnum, char *filename) { return 0; }
void wwviaudio_pause_audio() { return; }
void wwviaudio_resume_audio() { return; }
void wwviaudio_silence_music() { return; }
void wwviaudio_resume_music() { return; }
void wwviaudio_silence_sound_effects() { return; }
void wwviaudio_resume_sound_effects() { return; }
void wwviaudio_toggle_sound_effects() { return; }
int wwviaudio_play_music(int which_sound) { return 0; }
void wwviaudio_cancel_music() { return; }
void wwviaudio_toggle_music() { return; }
int wwviaudio_add_sound(int which_sound) { return 0; }
void wwviaudio_add_sound_low_priority(int which_sound) { return; }
void wwviaudio_cancel_sound(int queue_entry) { return; }
void wwviaudio_cancel_all_sounds() { return; }
int wwviaudio_set_sound_device(int device) { return 0; }
#ifndef _WWVIAUDIO_H_
#define _WWVIAUDIO_H_
(C) Copyright 2007,2008, Stephen M. Cameron.
This file is part of wordwarvi.
wordwarvi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
wordwarvi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with wordwarvi; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#define GLOBAL
#define GLOBAL extern
* Configuration functions.
/* Disables the music channel. Meant to be called prior to
* wwviaudio_initialize_portaudio
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_set_nomusic(void);
/* Set the audio device number to the given value
* This is meant to be called prior to calling
* wwviaudio_initialize_portaudio. If you don't use
* this function, portaudio's default device will be
* used. This function provides a way to use a
* device other than the default
GLOBAL int wwviaudio_set_sound_device(int device);
/* Initialize portaudio and start the audio engine.
* Space will be allocated to allow for the specified
* number of concurrently playing sounds. The 2nd parameter
* indicates how many different sound clips are to be held
* in memory at once. e.g. if your app has five different
* sounds that it plays, then this would be 5.
* 0 is returned on success, -1 otherwise.
GLOBAL int wwviaudio_initialize_portaudio(int maximum_concurrent_sounds,
int maximum_sound_clips);
/* Stop portaudio and the audio engine. Space allocated
* during initialization is freed.
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_stop_portaudio(void);
* Audio data functions
/* Read and decode an ogg vorbis audio file into a numbered buffer
* The sound_number parameter is used later with wwviaudio_play_music and
* wwviaudio_add_sound. 0 is returned on success, -1 otherwise.
* Audio files should be 44100Hz, MONO. The sound number is one you
* provide which will then be associated with that sound.
GLOBAL int wwviaudio_read_ogg_clip(int sound_number, char *filename);
* Global sound control functions.
/* Suspend all audio playback. Silence is output. */
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_pause_audio(void);
/* Resume all previously playing audio from whence it was previusly paused. */
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_resume_audio(void);
* Music channel related functions
/* Begin playing a numbered buffer into the mix on the music channel
* The channel number of the music channel is returned.
GLOBAL int wwviaudio_play_music(int sound_number);
/* Output silence on the music channel (pointer still advances though.) */
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_silence_music(void);
/* Unsilence the music channel */
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_resume_music(void);
/* Silence or unsilence the music channe. */
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_toggle_music(void);
/* Stop playing the playing buffer from the music channel */
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_cancel_music(void);
* Sound effect (not music) related functions
/* Begin playing a sound on a non-music channel. The channel is returned.
* sound_number refers to a sound previously associated with the number by
* wwviaudio_read_ogg_clip()
GLOBAL /* channel */ int wwviaudio_add_sound(int sound_number);
/* Begin playing a sound on a non-music channel. The channel is returned.
* If fewer than five channels are open, the sound is not played, and -1
* is returned.
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_add_sound_low_priority(int sound_number);
/* Silence all channels but the music channel (pointers still advance though) */
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_silence_sound_effects(void);
/* Unsilence all channels but the music channel */
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_resume_sound_effects(void);
/* Either silence or unsilence all but the music channel */
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_toggle_sound_effects(void);
/* Stop playing the playing buffer from the given channel */
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_cancel_sound(int channel);
/* Stop playing the playing buffer from all channels */
GLOBAL void wwviaudio_cancel_all_sounds(void);
Example usage, something along these lines:
if (wwviaudio_initialize_portaudio() != 0)
You would probably use #defines or enums rather than bare ints...
wwviaudio_read_ogg_clip(1, "mysound1.ogg");
wwviaudio_read_ogg_clip(2, "mysound2.ogg");
wwviaudio_read_ogg_clip(3, "mysound3.ogg");
wwviaudio_read_ogg_clip(4, "mymusic.ogg");
wwviaudio_play_music(4); <-- begins playing music in background, returns immediately
while (program isn't done) {
if (something happened)
if (something else happened)
#undef GLOBAL
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