Commit d3526b09 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Updated to support the registerDB framework which allows storages to

generate it's own invalidations.  Also updated to honor the storage
APIs more carefully.  These changes together allow a ClientStorage to
be served by a storage server.
parent 9efd46d7
......@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ import warnings
import transaction
import ZODB.serialize
import ZEO.zrpc.error
from ZEO import ClientStub
from ZEO.CommitLog import CommitLog
from ZEO.monitor import StorageStats, StatsServer
......@@ -625,24 +628,37 @@ class ZEOStorage:
self.log(msg, logging.ERROR)
err = StorageServerError(msg)
# The exception is reported back as newserial for this oid
newserial = err
newserial = [(oid, err)]
if serial != "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0":
self.invalidated.append((oid, version))
if newserial == ResolvedSerial:
if isinstance(newserial, str):
newserial = [(oid, newserial)]
if newserial:
for oid, s in newserial:
if s == ResolvedSerial:
self.stats.conflicts_resolved += 1
self.log("conflict resolved oid=%s" % oid_repr(oid), BLATHER)
self.serials.append((oid, newserial))
self.log("conflict resolved oid=%s"
% oid_repr(oid), BLATHER)
self.serials.append((oid, s))
return err is None
def _vote(self):
# If a store call failed, then return to the client immediately.
# The serialnos() call will deliver an exception that will be
if not self.store_failed:
# Only call tpc_vote of no store call failed, otherwise
# the serialnos() call will deliver an exception that will be
# handled by the client in its tpc_vote() method.
if self.store_failed:
serials =
if serials:
def _abortVersion(self, src):
tid, oids =, self.transaction)
......@@ -741,6 +757,30 @@ class ZEOStorage:
return 1
class StorageServerDB:
def __init__(self, server, storage_id):
self.server = server
self.storage_id = storage_id
self.references = ZODB.serialize.referencesf
def invalidate(self, tid, oids, version=''):
storage_id = self.storage_id
None, storage_id, tid,
[(oid, version) for oid in oids],
for zeo_server in self.server.connections.get(storage_id, ())[:]:
except ZEO.zrpc.error.DisconnectedError:
break # We only need to pull one :)
def invalidateCache(self):
class StorageServer:
......@@ -845,17 +885,12 @@ class StorageServer:
# The list is kept in sorted order with the most recent
# invalidation at the front. The list never has more than
# self.invq_bound elements.
self.invq_bound = invalidation_queue_size
self.invq = {}
for name, storage in storages.items():
lastInvalidations = getattr(storage, 'lastInvalidations', None)
if lastInvalidations is None:
self.invq[name] = [(storage.lastTransaction(), None)]
self.invq[name] = list(
self.invq_bound = invalidation_queue_size
self._setup_invq(name, storage)
storage.registerDB(StorageServerDB(self, name))
self.connections = {}
self.dispatcher = self.DispatcherClass(addr,
......@@ -875,6 +910,17 @@ class StorageServer:
self.monitor = None
def _setup_invq(self, name, storage):
lastInvalidations = getattr(storage, 'lastInvalidations', None)
if lastInvalidations is None:
self.invq[name] = [(storage.lastTransaction(), None)]
self.invq[name] = list(
def _setup_auth(self, protocol):
# Can't be done in global scope, because of cyclic references
from ZEO.auth import get_module
......@@ -947,6 +993,49 @@ class StorageServer:
stats.clients += 1
return self.timeouts[storage_id], stats
def _invalidateCache(self, storage_id):
"""We need to invalidate any caches we have.
This basically means telling our clients to
invalidate/revalidate their caches. We do this by closing them
and making them reconnect.
# This method can be called from foreign threads. We have to
# worry about interaction with the main thread.
# 1. We modify self.invq which is read by get_invalidations
# below. This is why get_invalidations makes a copy of
# self.invq.
# 2. We access connections. There are two dangers:
# a. We miss a new connection. This is not a problem because
# if a client connects after we get the list of connections,
# then it will have to read the invalidation queue, which
# has already been reset.
# b. A connection is closes while we are iterating. This
# doesn't matter, bacause we can call should_close on a closed
# connection.
# Rebuild invq
self._setup_invq(storage_id, self.storages[storage_id])
connections = self.connections.get(storage_id, ())
# Make a copy since we are going to be mutating the
# connections indirectoy by closing them. We don't care about
# later transactions since they will have to validate their
# caches anyway.
connections = connections[:]
for p in connections:
except ZEO.zrpc.error.DisconnectedError:
def invalidate(self, conn, storage_id, tid, invalidated=(), info=None):
"""Internal: broadcast info and invalidations to clients.
......@@ -972,6 +1061,27 @@ class StorageServer:
# This method can be called from foreign threads. We have to
# worry about interaction with the main thread.
# 1. We modify self.invq which is read by get_invalidations
# below. This is why get_invalidations makes a copy of
# self.invq.
# 2. We access connections. There are two dangers:
# a. We miss a new connection. This is not a problem because
# we are called while the storage lock is held. A new
# connection that tries to read data won't read committed
# data without first recieving an invalidation. Also, if a
# client connects after getting the list of connections,
# then it will have to read the invalidation queue, which
# has been updated to reflect the invalidations.
# b. A connection is closes while we are iterating. We'll need
# to cactch and ignore Disconnected errors.
if invalidated:
invq = self.invq[storage_id]
if len(invq) >= self.invq_bound:
......@@ -980,7 +1090,11 @@ class StorageServer:
for p in self.connections.get(storage_id, ()):
if invalidated and p is not conn:
p.client.invalidateTransaction(tid, invalidated)
except ZEO.zrpc.error.DisconnectedError:
elif info is not None:
......@@ -994,7 +1108,13 @@ class StorageServer:
do full cache verification.
invq = self.invq[storage_id]
# We make a copy of invq because it might be modified by a
# foreign (other than main thread) calling invalidate above.
invq = invq[:]
if not invq:
log("invq empty")
return None, []
Storage Servers should call registerDB on storages to propigate invalidations
Storages servers propagate invalidations from their storages. Among
other things, this allows client storages to be used in storage
servers, allowing storage-server fan out, spreading read load over
multiple storage servers.
We'll create a Faux storage that has a registerDB method.
>>> class FauxStorage:
... invalidations = [('trans0', [('ob0', '')]),
... ('trans1', [('ob0', ''), ('ob1', '')]),
... ]
... def registerDB(self, db):
... self.db = db
... def isReadOnly(self):
... return False
... def getName(self):
... return 'faux'
... def lastTransaction(self):
... return self.invq[0][0]
... def lastInvalidations(self, size):
... return list(self.invalidations)
We dont' want the storage server to try to bind to a socket. We'll
subclass it and give it a do-nothing dispatcher "class":
>>> import ZEO.StorageServer
>>> class StorageServer(ZEO.StorageServer.StorageServer):
... DispatcherClass = lambda *a, **k: None
We'll create a storage instance and a storage server using it:
>>> storage = FauxStorage()
>>> server = StorageServer('addr', dict(t=storage))
Our storage now has a db attribute that provides IStorageDB. It's
references method is just the referencesf function from ZODB.Serialize
>>> import ZODB.serialize
>>> storage.db.references is ZODB.serialize.referencesf
To see the effects of the invalidation messages, we'll create a client
stub that implements the client invalidation calls:
>>> class Client:
... def __init__(self, name):
... = name
... def invalidateTransaction(self, tid, invalidated):
... print 'invalidateTransaction', tid,
... print invalidated
>>> class Connection:
... def __init__(self, mgr, obj):
... self.mgr = mgr
... self.obj = obj
... def should_close(self):
... print 'closed',
... self.mgr.close_conn(self)
... def poll(self):
... pass
>>> class ZEOStorage:
... def __init__(self, server, name):
... = name
... self.connection = Connection(server, self)
... self.client = Client(name)
Now, we'll register the client with the storage server:
>>> _ = server.register_connection('t', ZEOStorage(server, 1))
>>> _ = server.register_connection('t', ZEOStorage(server, 2))
Now, if we call invalidate, we'll see it propigate to the client:
>>> storage.db.invalidate('trans2', ['ob1', 'ob2'])
invalidateTransaction trans2 1
[('ob1', ''), ('ob2', '')]
invalidateTransaction trans2 2
[('ob1', ''), ('ob2', '')]
>>> storage.db.invalidate('trans3', ['ob1', 'ob2'], 'v')
invalidateTransaction trans3 1
[('ob1', 'v'), ('ob2', 'v')]
invalidateTransaction trans3 2
[('ob1', 'v'), ('ob2', 'v')]
The storage servers queue will reflect the invalidations:
>>> for tid, invalidated in server.invq['t']:
... print repr(tid), invalidated
'trans3' [('ob1', 'v'), ('ob2', 'v')]
'trans2' [('ob1', ''), ('ob2', '')]
'trans1' [('ob0', ''), ('ob1', '')]
'trans0' [('ob0', '')]
If we call invalidateCache, the storage server will close each of it's
>>> storage.db.invalidateCache()
closed 1
closed 2
The connections will then reopen and revalidate their caches.
The servers's invalidation queue will get reset
>>> for tid, invalidated in server.invq['t']:
... print repr(tid), invalidated
'trans1' [('ob0', ''), ('ob1', '')]
'trans0' [('ob0', '')]
......@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ import time
import unittest
import shutil
import zope.testing.setupstack
from zope.testing import doctest
# ZODB test support
import ZODB
import ZODB.tests.util
......@@ -150,8 +153,10 @@ class GenericTests(
self._servers = [adminaddr]
self._conf_path = path
if not self.blob_cache_dir:
self.blob_cache_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # This is the blob cache for ClientStorage
self._storage = ClientStorage(zport, '1', cache_size=20000000,
# This is the blob cache for ClientStorage
self.blob_cache_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self._storage = ClientStorage(
zport, '1', cache_size=20000000,
min_disconnect_poll=0.5, wait=1,
wait_timeout=60, blob_dir=self.blob_cache_dir,
......@@ -816,10 +821,20 @@ test_classes = [FileStorageTests, MappingStorageTests, DemoStorageTests,
BlobAdaptedFileStorageTests, BlobWritableCacheTests]
def zeoFanOutSetup(test):
def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
for klass in test_classes:
sub = unittest.makeSuite(klass, "check")
ZEO Fan Out
We should be able to set up ZEO servers with ZEO clients. Let's see
if we can make it work.
We'll use some helper functions. The first is a helpter that starts
ZEO servers for us and another one that picks ports.
We'll start the first server:
>>> import ZEO.tests.forker, ZEO.tests.testZEO
>>> port0 = ZEO.tests.testZEO.get_port()
>>> zconf0 = ZEO.tests.forker.ZEOConfig(('', port0))
>>> zport0, adminaddr0, pid0, path0 = ZEO.tests.forker.start_zeo_server(
... '<filestorage 1>\n path fs\n</filestorage>\n', zconf0, port0)
Then we''ll start 2 others that use this one:
>>> port1 = ZEO.tests.testZEO.get_port()
>>> zconf1 = ZEO.tests.forker.ZEOConfig(('', port1))
>>> zport1, adminaddr1, pid1, path1 = ZEO.tests.forker.start_zeo_server(
... '<zeoclient 1>\n server %s\n</zeoclient>\n' % port0,
... zconf1, port1)
>>> port2 = ZEO.tests.testZEO.get_port()
>>> zconf2 = ZEO.tests.forker.ZEOConfig(('', port2))
>>> zport2, adminaddr2, pid2, path2 = ZEO.tests.forker.start_zeo_server(
... '<zeoclient 1>\n server %s\n</zeoclient>\n' % port0,
... zconf2, port2)
Now, let's create some client storages that connect to these:
>>> import ZEO.ClientStorage
>>> cs1 = ZEO.ClientStorage.ClientStorage(('', port1), '1')
>>> cs2 = ZEO.ClientStorage.ClientStorage(('', port2), '1')
And some databases and connections around these:
>>> from ZODB.DB import DB
>>> import transaction
>>> db1 = DB(cs1)
>>> tm1 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> c1 =
>>> r1 = c1.root()
>>> r1
>>> db2 = DB(cs2)
>>> tm2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> c2 =
>>> r2 = c2.root()
>>> r2
>>> db2 = DB(cs2)
>>> tm2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> c2 =
>>> r2 = c2.root()
>>> r2
If we update c1, we'll eventually see the change in c2:
>>> import persistent.mapping
>>> r1[1] = persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping()
>>> r1[1].v = 1000
>>> r1[2] = persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping()
>>> r1[2].v = -1000
>>> tm1.commit()
>>> import time
>>> for i in range(100):
... t = tm2.begin()
... if 1 in r2:
... break
... time.sleep(0.01)
>>> r2[1].v
>>> r2[2].v
Now, let's see if we can break it. :)
>>> def f():
... for i in range(100):
... r1[1].v -= 1
... r1[2].v += 1
... tm1.commit()
... time.sleep(0.01)
>>> import threading
>>> thread = threading.Thread(target=f)
>>> thread.start()
>>> for i in range(1000):
... t = tm2.begin()
... if r2[1].v + r2[2].v:
... print 'oops', r2[1], r2[2]
... if r1[1].v == 900:
... break # we caught up
... time.sleep(0.01)
>>> thread.join()
If we shutdown and restart the source server, the variables will be
>>> ZEO.tests.forker.shutdown_zeo_server(adminaddr0)
>>> zport0, adminaddr0, pid0, path0 = ZEO.tests.forker.start_zeo_server(
... '<filestorage 1>\n path fs\n</filestorage>\n', zconf0, port0)
>>> for i in range(1000):
... c1.sync()
... c2.sync()
... if (
... (r1[1]._p_changed is None)
... and
... (r1[2]._p_changed is None)
... and
... (r2[1]._p_changed is None)
... and
... (r2[2]._p_changed is None)
... ):
... print 'Cool'
... break
... time.sleep(0.01)
... else:
... print 'Dang'
>>> db1.close()
>>> db2.close()
>>> ZEO.tests.forker.shutdown_zeo_server(adminaddr0)
>>> ZEO.tests.forker.shutdown_zeo_server(adminaddr1)
>>> ZEO.tests.forker.shutdown_zeo_server(adminaddr2)
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