Commit 96742f78 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Bugs Fixed


- BTrees (and TreeSets) kept references to internal keys.

- BTree Sets and TreeSets don't support the standard set add method.
  (Now either add or the original insert method can be used to add an
  object to a BTree-based set.)
parent 94c2f2bf
......@@ -692,6 +692,37 @@ _BTree_set(BTree *self, PyObject *keyarg, PyObject *value,
/* A bucket got smaller. This is much harder, and despite that we
* don't try to rebalance the tree.
if (min && childlength)
{ /* We removed a key. but the node child is non-empty. If the
deleted key is the node key, then update the node key using
the smallest key of the node child.
This doesn't apply to the 0th node, whos key is unused.
int _cmp = 1;
TEST_KEY_SET_OR(_cmp, key, d->key) goto Error;
if (_cmp == 0)
{ /* Need to replace key with first key from child */
Bucket *bucket;
if (SameType_Check(self, d->child))
UNLESS(PER_USE(d->child)) goto Error;
bucket = BTREE(d->child)->firstbucket;
bucket = BUCKET(d->child);
UNLESS(PER_USE(bucket)) goto Error;
COPY_KEY(d->key, bucket->keys[0]);
if (status == 2) { /* this is the last reference to child status */
/* Two problems to solve: May have to adjust our own firstbucket,
* and the bucket that went away needs to get unlinked.
......@@ -202,8 +202,11 @@ static struct PyMethodDef Set_methods[] = {
"_p_deactivate() -- Reinitialize from a newly created copy"},
{"add", (PyCFunction)Set_insert, METH_VARARGS,
"add(id) -- Add a key to the set"},
{"insert", (PyCFunction)Set_insert, METH_VARARGS,
"insert(id,[ignored]) -- Add a key to the set"},
"insert(id) -- Add a key to the set"},
{"update", (PyCFunction)Set_update, METH_VARARGS,
"update(seq) -- Add the items from the given sequence to the set"},
......@@ -147,8 +147,11 @@ static struct PyMethodDef TreeSet_methods[] = {
{"clear", (PyCFunction) BTree_clear, METH_NOARGS,
"clear()\n\nRemove all of the items from the BTree."},
{"add", (PyCFunction)TreeSet_insert, METH_VARARGS,
"add(id) -- Add an item to the set"},
{"insert", (PyCFunction)TreeSet_insert, METH_VARARGS,
"insert(id,[ignored]) -- Add an id to the set"},
"insert(id) -- Add an item to the set"},
{"update", (PyCFunction)TreeSet_update, METH_VARARGS,
"update(collection)\n\n Add the items from the given collection."},
......@@ -697,11 +697,13 @@ class NormalSetTests(Base):
def testInsertReturnsValue(self):
t = self.t
self.assertEqual(t.insert(5) , 1)
self.assertEqual(t.add(4) , 1)
def testDuplicateInsert(self):
t = self.t
self.assertEqual(t.insert(5) , 0)
self.assertEqual(t.add(5) , 0)
def testInsert(self):
t = self.t
......@@ -1089,7 +1091,8 @@ class BTreeTests(MappingBase):
for x in delete_order:
try: del self.t[x]
except KeyError:
if self.t.has_key(x): self.assertEqual(1,2,"failed to delete %s" % x)
if self.t.has_key(x):
self.assertEqual(1,2,"failed to delete %s" % x)
def testRangeSearchAfterSequentialInsert(self):
r = range(100)
......@@ -1783,6 +1786,60 @@ class FamilyTest(TestCase):
self.failUnless(f1 is family)
self.failUnless(f2 is family)
class InternalKeysMappingTest(TestCase):
"""There must not be any internal keys not in the BTree
def add_key(self, tree, key):
tree[key] = key
def test_internal_keys_after_deletion(self):
"""Make sure when a key's deleted, it's not an internal key
We'll leverage __getstate__ to introspect the internal structures.
We need to check BTrees with BTree children as well as BTrees
with bucket children.
tree = self.t_class()
i = 0
# Grow the btree until we have multiple buckets
while 1:
i += 1
self.add_key(tree, i)
data = tree.__getstate__()[0]
if len(data) >= 3:
# Now, delete the internal key and make sure it's really gone
key = data[1]
del tree[key]
data = tree.__getstate__()[0]
self.assert_(data[1] != key)
# Grow the btree until we have multiple levels
while 1:
i += 1
self.add_key(tree, i)
data = tree.__getstate__()[0]
if data[0].__class__ == tree.__class__:
assert len(data[2].__getstate__()[0]) >= 3
# Now, delete the internal key and make sure it's really gone
key = data[1]
del tree[key]
data = tree.__getstate__()[0]
self.assert_(data[1] != key)
class InternalKeysSetTest:
"""There must not be any internal keys not in the TreeSet
def add_key(self, tree, key):
def test_suite():
s = TestSuite()
......@@ -1791,13 +1848,27 @@ def test_suite():
'II', 'IO', 'OI', 'IF',
'LL', 'LO', 'OL', 'LF',
for name, bases in (('Bucket', (MappingBase,)),
for name, bases in (
('BTree', (InternalKeysMappingTest,)),
('TreeSet', (InternalKeysSetTest,)),
klass = ClassType(kv + name + 'InternalKeyTest', bases,
for kv in ('OO',
'II', 'IO', 'OI', 'IF',
'LL', 'LO', 'OL', 'LF',
for name, bases in (
('Bucket', (MappingBase,)),
('TreeSet', (NormalSetTests,)),
('Set', (ExtendedSetTests,)),
klass = ClassType(kv + name + 'Test', bases,
for kv, iface in (
('OO', BTrees.Interfaces.IObjectObjectBTreeModule),
('IO', BTrees.Interfaces.IIntegerObjectBTreeModule),
......@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ class NastyConfict(Base, TestCase):
# The next block is still verifying preconditions.
self.assertEqual(len(state) , 2)
self.assertEqual(len(state[0]), 5)
self.assertEqual(state[0][1], 60)
self.assertEqual(state[0][1], 92)
self.assertEqual(state[0][3], 120)
......@@ -2,7 +2,20 @@
Change History
3.9.0c1 (2009-08-??)
3.9.0c2 (2009-08-??)
Bugs Fixed
- BTrees (and TreeSets) kept references to internal keys.
- BTree Sets and TreeSets don't support the standard set add method.
(Now either add or the original insert method can be used to add an
object to a BTree-based set.)
3.9.0c1 (2009-08-26)
Bugs Fixed
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