Commit 45939820 authored by Matthew Holt's avatar Matthew Holt

letsencrypt: Major refactor of Activate(), fixes #474 and closes #397

Makes restarts cleaner and improves configuration usability related to the tls directive
parent 94100a7b
......@@ -22,103 +22,10 @@ import (
func configureExisting(configs []server.Config) []server.Config {
// Identify and configure any eligible hosts for which
// we already have certs and keys in storage from last time.
configLen := len(configs) // avoid infinite loop since this loop appends plaintext to the slice
for i := 0; i < configLen; i++ {
if existingCertAndKey(configs[i].Host) && ConfigQualifies(configs, i) {
configs = autoConfigure(configs, i)
return configs
// ObtainCertsAndConfigure obtains certificates for all qualifying configs.
func ObtainCertsAndConfigure(configs []server.Config, optPort string) ([]server.Config, error) {
// Group configs by email address; only configs that are eligible
// for TLS management are included. We group by email so that we
// can request certificates in batches with the same client.
// Note: The return value is a map, and iteration over a map is
// not ordered. I don't think it will be a problem, but if an
// ordering problem arises, look at this carefully.
groupedConfigs, err := groupConfigsByEmail(configs)
if err != nil {
return configs, err
// obtain certificates for configs that need one, and reconfigure each
// config to use the certificates
finishedHosts := make(map[string]struct{})
for leEmail, cfgIndexes := range groupedConfigs {
// make client to service this email address with CA server
client, err := newClientPort(leEmail, optPort)
if err != nil {
return configs, errors.New("error creating client: " + err.Error())
// let's get free, trusted SSL certificates!
for _, idx := range cfgIndexes {
hostname := configs[idx].Host
// prevent duplicate efforts, for example, when host is served on multiple ports
if _, ok := finishedHosts[hostname]; ok {
finishedHosts[hostname] = struct{}{}
certificate, failures := client.ObtainCertificate([]string{hostname}, true)
if len(failures) == 0 {
// Success - immediately save the certificate resource
err := saveCertResource(certificate)
if err != nil {
return configs, errors.New("error saving assets for " + hostname + ": " + err.Error())
} else {
// Error - either try to fix it or report them it to the user and abort
var errMsg string // we'll combine all the failures into a single error message
var promptedForAgreement bool // only prompt user for agreement at most once
for errDomain, obtainErr := range failures {
if obtainErr != nil {
if tosErr, ok := obtainErr.(acme.TOSError); ok {
if !Agreed && !promptedForAgreement {
Agreed = promptUserAgreement(tosErr.Detail, true) // TODO: Use latest URL
promptedForAgreement = true
if Agreed {
err := client.AgreeToTOS()
if err != nil {
return configs, errors.New("error agreeing to updated terms: " + err.Error())
goto Obtain
// If user did not agree or it was any other kind of error, just append to the list of errors
errMsg += "[" + errDomain + "] failed to get certificate: " + obtainErr.Error() + "\n"
return configs, errors.New(errMsg)
// it all comes down to this: turning on TLS with all the new certs
for _, idx := range cfgIndexes {
configs = autoConfigure(configs, idx)
return configs, nil
// Activate sets up TLS for each server config in configs
// as needed. It only skips the config if the cert and key
// are already provided, if plaintext http is explicitly
// specified as the port, TLS is explicitly disabled, or
// the host looks like a loopback or wildcard address.
// as needed; this consists of acquiring and maintaining
// certificates and keys for qualifying configs and enabling
// OCSP stapling for all TLS-enabled configs.
// This function may prompt the user to provide an email
// address if none is available through other means. It
......@@ -138,23 +45,33 @@ func ObtainCertsAndConfigure(configs []server.Config, optPort string) ([]server.
// plaintext HTTP requests to their HTTPS counterpart.
// This function only appends; it does not prepend or splice.
func Activate(configs []server.Config) ([]server.Config, error) {
var err error
// just in case previous caller forgot...
// reset cached ocsp from any previous activations
ocspCache = make(map[*[]byte]*ocsp.Response)
// configure configs for which we have an existing certificate
configs = configureExisting(configs)
// pre-screen each config and earmark the ones that qualify for managed TLS
// place certificates and keys on disk
err := ObtainCerts(configs, "")
if err != nil {
return configs, err
// obtain certificates for configs which need one, and make them use them
configs, err = ObtainCertsAndConfigure(configs, "")
// update TLS configurations
// enable OCSP stapling (this affects all TLS-enabled configs)
err = StapleOCSP(configs)
if err != nil {
return configs, err
// set up redirects
configs = MakePlaintextRedirects(configs)
// renew all relevant certificates that need renewal; TODO: handle errors
renewCertificates(configs, false)
......@@ -179,11 +96,177 @@ func Deactivate() (err error) {
// MarkQualified scans each config and, if it qualifies for managed
// TLS, it sets the Marked field of the TLSConfig to true.
func MarkQualified(configs []server.Config) {
for i := 0; i < len(configs); i++ {
if ConfigQualifies(configs[i]) {
configs[i].TLS.Managed = true
// ObtainCerts obtains certificates for all these configs as long as a certificate does not
// already exist on disk. It does not modify the configs at all; it only obtains and stores
// certificates and keys to the disk.
// TODO: Right now by potentially prompting about ToS error, we assume this function is only
// called at startup, but that is not always the case because it could be during a restart.
func ObtainCerts(configs []server.Config, optPort string) error {
groupedConfigs := groupConfigsByEmail(configs)
for email, group := range groupedConfigs {
client, err := newClientPort(email, optPort)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("error creating client: " + err.Error())
for _, cfg := range group {
if existingCertAndKey(cfg.Host) {
certificate, failures := client.ObtainCertificate([]string{cfg.Host}, true)
if len(failures) == 0 {
// Success - immediately save the certificate resource
err := saveCertResource(certificate)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("error saving assets for " + cfg.Host + ": " + err.Error())
} else {
// Error - either try to fix it or report them it to the user and abort
var errMsg string // we'll combine all the failures into a single error message
var promptedForAgreement bool // only prompt user for agreement at most once
for errDomain, obtainErr := range failures {
// TODO: Double-check, will obtainErr ever be nil?
if tosErr, ok := obtainErr.(acme.TOSError); ok {
// Terms of Service agreement error; we can probably deal with this
if !Agreed && !promptedForAgreement {
Agreed = promptUserAgreement(tosErr.Detail, true) // TODO: Use latest URL
promptedForAgreement = true
if Agreed {
err := client.AgreeToTOS()
if err != nil {
return errors.New("error agreeing to updated terms: " + err.Error())
goto Obtain
// If user did not agree or it was any other kind of error, just append to the list of errors
errMsg += "[" + errDomain + "] failed to get certificate: " + obtainErr.Error() + "\n"
return errors.New(errMsg)
return nil
// groupConfigsByEmail groups configs by the email address to be used by its
// ACME client. It only includes configs that are marked as fully managed.
// This is the function that may prompt for an email address.
func groupConfigsByEmail(configs []server.Config) map[string][]server.Config {
initMap := make(map[string][]server.Config)
for _, cfg := range configs {
if !cfg.TLS.Managed {
leEmail := getEmail(cfg)
initMap[leEmail] = append(initMap[leEmail], cfg)
return initMap
// EnableTLS configures each config to use TLS according to default settings.
// It will only change configs that are marked as managed, and assumes that
// certificates and keys are already on disk.
func EnableTLS(configs []server.Config) {
for i := 0; i < len(configs); i++ {
if !configs[i].TLS.Managed {
configs[i].TLS.Enabled = true
configs[i].TLS.Certificate = storage.SiteCertFile(configs[i].Host)
configs[i].TLS.Key = storage.SiteKeyFile(configs[i].Host)
// StapleOCSP staples OCSP responses to each config according to their certificate.
// This should work for any TLS-enabled config, not just Let's Encrypt ones.
func StapleOCSP(configs []server.Config) error {
for i := 0; i < len(configs); i++ {
if configs[i].TLS.Certificate == "" {
bundleBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configs[i].TLS.Certificate)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("load certificate to staple ocsp: " + err.Error())
ocspBytes, ocspResp, err := acme.GetOCSPForCert(bundleBytes)
if err == nil {
// TODO: We ignore the error if it exists because some certificates
// may not have an issuer URL which we should ignore anyway, and
// sometimes we get syntax errors in the responses. To reproduce this
// behavior, start Caddy with an empty Caddyfile and -log stderr. Then
// add a host to the Caddyfile which requires a new LE certificate.
// Reload Caddy's config with SIGUSR1, and see the log report that it
// obtains the certificate, but then an error:
// getting ocsp: asn1: syntax error: sequence truncated
// But retrying the reload again sometimes solves the problem. It's flaky...
ocspCache[&bundleBytes] = ocspResp
if ocspResp.Status == ocsp.Good {
configs[i].TLS.OCSPStaple = ocspBytes
return nil
// hostHasOtherPort returns true if there is another config in the list with the same
// hostname that has port otherPort, or false otherwise. All the configs are checked
// against the hostname of allConfigs[thisConfigIdx].
func hostHasOtherPort(allConfigs []server.Config, thisConfigIdx int, otherPort string) bool {
for i, otherCfg := range allConfigs {
if i == thisConfigIdx {
continue // has to be a config OTHER than the one we're comparing against
if otherCfg.Host == allConfigs[thisConfigIdx].Host && otherCfg.Port == otherPort {
return true
return false
// MakePlaintextRedirects sets up redirects from port 80 to the relevant HTTPS
// hosts. You must pass in all configs, not just configs that qualify, since
// we must know whether the same host already exists on port 80, and those would
// not be in a list of configs that qualify for automatic HTTPS. This function will
// only set up redirects for configs that qualify. It returns the updated list of
// all configs.
func MakePlaintextRedirects(allConfigs []server.Config) []server.Config {
for i, cfg := range allConfigs {
if cfg.TLS.Managed &&
!hostHasOtherPort(allConfigs, i, "80") &&
(cfg.Port == "443" || !hostHasOtherPort(allConfigs, i, "443")) {
allConfigs = append(allConfigs, redirPlaintextHost(cfg))
return allConfigs
// ConfigQualifies returns true if the config at cfgIndex (within allConfigs)
// qualifes for automatic LE activation. It does NOT check to see if a cert
// and key already exist for the config.
func ConfigQualifies(allConfigs []server.Config, cfgIndex int) bool {
cfg := allConfigs[cfgIndex]
func ConfigQualifies(cfg server.Config) bool {
return cfg.TLS.Certificate == "" && // user could provide their own cert and key
cfg.TLS.Key == "" &&
......@@ -192,11 +275,8 @@ func ConfigQualifies(allConfigs []server.Config, cfgIndex int) bool {
cfg.Port != "80" &&
cfg.TLS.LetsEncryptEmail != "off" &&
// obviously we get can't certs for loopback or internal hosts
HostQualifies(cfg.Host) &&
// make sure another HTTPS version of this config doesn't exist in the list already
!otherHostHasScheme(allConfigs, cfgIndex, "https")
// we get can't certs for some kinds of hostnames
// HostQualifies returns true if the hostname alone
......@@ -208,33 +288,14 @@ func HostQualifies(hostname string) bool {
return hostname != "localhost" &&
strings.TrimSpace(hostname) != "" &&
net.ParseIP(hostname) == nil && // cannot be an IP address, see:
// TODO: net.ParseIP also catches the two variants without brackets
hostname != "[::]" && // before parsing
hostname != "::" && // after parsing
hostname != "[::1]" && // before parsing
hostname != "::1" // after parsing
// groupConfigsByEmail groups configs by user email address. The returned map is
// a map of email address to the configs that are serviced under that account.
// If an email address is not available for an eligible config, the user will be
// prompted to provide one. The returned map contains pointers to the original
// server config values.
func groupConfigsByEmail(configs []server.Config) (map[string][]int, error) {
initMap := make(map[string][]int)
for i := 0; i < len(configs); i++ {
// filter out configs that we already have certs for and
// that we won't be obtaining certs for - this way we won't
// bother the user for an email address unnecessarily and
// we don't obtain new certs for a host we already have certs for.
if existingCertAndKey(configs[i].Host) || !ConfigQualifies(configs, i) {
leEmail := getEmail(configs[i])
initMap[leEmail] = append(initMap[leEmail], i)
return initMap, nil
// existingCertAndKey returns true if the host has a certificate
// and private key in storage already, false otherwise.
func existingCertAndKey(host string) bool {
......@@ -344,68 +405,10 @@ func saveCertResource(cert acme.CertificateResource) error {
return nil
// autoConfigure enables TLS on allConfigs[cfgIndex] and appends, if necessary,
// a new config to allConfigs that redirects plaintext HTTP to its new HTTPS
// counterpart. It expects the certificate and key to already be in storage. It
// returns the new list of allConfigs, since it may append a new config. This
// function assumes that allConfigs[cfgIndex] is already set up for HTTPS.
func autoConfigure(allConfigs []server.Config, cfgIndex int) []server.Config {
cfg := &allConfigs[cfgIndex]
bundleBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(storage.SiteCertFile(cfg.Host))
// TODO: Handle these errors better
if err == nil {
ocspBytes, ocspResp, err := acme.GetOCSPForCert(bundleBytes)
ocspCache[&bundleBytes] = ocspResp
if err == nil && ocspResp.Status == ocsp.Good {
cfg.TLS.OCSPStaple = ocspBytes
cfg.TLS.Certificate = storage.SiteCertFile(cfg.Host)
cfg.TLS.Key = storage.SiteKeyFile(cfg.Host)
cfg.TLS.Enabled = true
if cfg.Port == "" {
cfg.Port = "443"
// Set up http->https redirect as long as there isn't already a http counterpart
// in the configs and this isn't, for some reason, already on port 80.
// Also, the port 80 variant of this config is necessary for proxying challenge requests.
if !otherHostHasScheme(allConfigs, cfgIndex, "http") && cfg.Port != "80" && cfg.Scheme != "http" {
allConfigs = append(allConfigs, redirPlaintextHost(*cfg))
return allConfigs
// otherHostHasScheme tells you whether there is ANOTHER config in allConfigs
// for the same host but with the port equal to scheme as allConfigs[cfgIndex].
// This function considers "443" and "https" to be the same scheme, as well as
// "http" and "80". It does not tell you whether there is ANY config with scheme,
// only if there's a different one with it.
func otherHostHasScheme(allConfigs []server.Config, cfgIndex int, scheme string) bool {
if scheme == "http" {
scheme = "80"
} else if scheme == "https" {
scheme = "443"
for i, otherCfg := range allConfigs {
if i == cfgIndex {
continue // has to be a config OTHER than the one we're comparing against
if otherCfg.Host == allConfigs[cfgIndex].Host && otherCfg.Port == scheme {
return true
return false
// redirPlaintextHost returns a new plaintext HTTP configuration for
// a virtualHost that simply redirects to cfg, which is assumed to
// be the HTTPS configuration. The returned configuration is set
// to listen on the "http" port (port 80).
// to listen on port 80.
func redirPlaintextHost(cfg server.Config) server.Config {
toURL := "https://" + cfg.Host
if cfg.Port != "443" && cfg.Port != "80" {
......@@ -131,14 +131,13 @@ func getCertsForNewCaddyfile(newCaddyfile Input) error {
return errors.New("loading Caddyfile: " + err.Error())
// TODO: Yuck, this is hacky. port 443 not set until letsencrypt is activated, so we change it here.
for i := range configs {
if configs[i].Port == "" && letsencrypt.ConfigQualifies(configs, i) {
configs[i].Port = "443"
// first mark the configs that are qualified for managed TLS
// we must make sure port is set before we group by bind address
// only get certs for configs that bind to an address we're already listening on
// we only need to issue certs for hosts where we already have an active listener
groupings, err := arrangeBindings(configs)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("arranging bindings: " + err.Error())
......@@ -156,8 +155,8 @@ GroupLoop:
// obtain certs for eligible configs; letsencrypt pkg will filter out the rest.
configs, err = letsencrypt.ObtainCertsAndConfigure(configsToSetup, letsencrypt.AlternatePort)
// place certs on the disk
err = letsencrypt.ObtainCerts(configsToSetup, letsencrypt.AlternatePort)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("obtaining certs: " + err.Error())
......@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ import (
// TLS sets up the TLS configuration (but does not activate Let's Encrypt; that is handled elsewhere).
func TLS(c *Controller) (middleware.Middleware, error) {
if c.Scheme == "http" {
if c.Scheme == "http" && c.Port != "80" {
c.TLS.Enabled = false
log.Printf("[WARNING] TLS disabled for %s://%s. To force TLS over the plaintext HTTP port, "+
"specify port 80 explicitly (https://%s:80).", c.Scheme, c.Address(), c.Host)
} else {
c.TLS.Enabled = true // assume this for now
c.TLS.Enabled = true
for c.Next() {
......@@ -32,13 +32,6 @@ func TLS(c *Controller) (middleware.Middleware, error) {
case 2:
c.TLS.Certificate = args[0]
c.TLS.Key = args[1]
// manual HTTPS configuration without port specified should be
// served on the HTTPS port; that is what user would expect, and
// makes it consistent with how the letsencrypt package works.
if c.Port == "" {
c.Port = "443"
// Optional block with extra parameters
......@@ -86,8 +79,9 @@ func TLS(c *Controller) (middleware.Middleware, error) {
return nil, nil
// SetDefaultTLSParams sets the default TLS cipher suites, protocol versions and server preferences
// of a server.Config if they were not previously set.
// SetDefaultTLSParams sets the default TLS cipher suites, protocol versions,
// and server preferences of a server.Config if they were not previously set
// (it does not overwrite; only fills in missing values).
func SetDefaultTLSParams(c *server.Config) {
// If no ciphers provided, use all that Caddy supports for the protocol
if len(c.TLS.Ciphers) == 0 {
......@@ -107,6 +101,11 @@ func SetDefaultTLSParams(c *server.Config) {
// Prefer server cipher suites
c.TLS.PreferServerCipherSuites = true
// Default TLS port is 443; only use if port is not manually specified
if c.Port == "" {
c.Port = "443"
// Map of supported protocols
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ type TLSConfig struct {
Certificate string
Key string
LetsEncryptEmail string
Managed bool // will be set to true if config qualifies for automatic, managed TLS
//DisableHTTPRedir bool // TODO: not a good idea - should we really allow it?
OCSPStaple []byte
Ciphers []uint16
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