Commit 7966b383 authored by Ed Reel's avatar Ed Reel Committed by GitHub

Add ltrace package (#5887)

parent dbc3adab
......@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ Latest Packages
| Name | Description | Date Added |
| ltrace | ltrace intercepts and records dynamic library calls which are called by an executed process and the signals received by that process. | 2021-06-22 |
| exodus | Exodus is a desktop crypto wallet | 2021-06-21 |
| snowflake | Snowflake (aka Muon) is a graphical SSH client. | 2021-06-19 |
| fd | A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find | 2021-06-08 |
......@@ -109,7 +110,6 @@ Latest Packages
| pdftk | PDFtk is a simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents. | 2021-05-31 |
| podofo | A PDF parsing, modification and creation library. | 2021-05-27 |
| gcloud | Command-line interface for Google Cloud Platform products and services | 2021-05-23 |
| upx | Extendable, high-performance executable packer for several executable formats | 2021-05-20 |
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require 'package'
class Ltrace < Package
description 'ltrace intercepts and records dynamic library calls which are called by an executed process and the signals received by that process.'
homepage ''
@_ver = '0.7.91'
version @_ver + '-ea8928'
license 'GPL-2'
compatibility 'all'
source_url ''
git_hashtag 'ea8928dab8a0a1f549d0ed8ebc6ec563e9fa1159'
binary_url ({
aarch64: '',
armv7l: '',
i686: '',
x86_64: '',
binary_sha256 ({
aarch64: '09bc63d26ef561e10f01628d61eb4a6c8d5caeb24a77f19deddb5fa1a5867dd2',
armv7l: '09bc63d26ef561e10f01628d61eb4a6c8d5caeb24a77f19deddb5fa1a5867dd2',
i686: 'fc5ca046f26608668f2885a0389d47baf7fea535503366c79464bb9c0014873d',
x86_64: '69ce6519d523f4b225e28f421f766c4f502a0e970e093a1d3beba117904898a7',
depends_on 'libunwind'
depends_on 'procps'
def self.patch
# Use readdir instead of deprecated readdir_r.
# This patch can be removed after the merge request is merged.
system 'curl -L#O'
abort 'Checksum mismatch. 😔 Try again.'.lightred unless Digest::SHA256.hexdigest('1.diff') ) == '77442c497bd8410e0afba3a03638a6504ed9ae216bd694a771682f592a9c3759'
system 'patch -p1 < 1.diff'
system './'
system 'filefix'
system "./configure #{CREW_OPTIONS} --disable-werror --without-elfutils --disable-maintainer-mode"
system 'make'
def self.check
system 'make', 'check'
def self.install
system 'make', "DESTDIR=#{CREW_DEST_DIR}", 'install'
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