Commit 0ffb4110 authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

adding content

parent 43e4e52d
......@@ -5,85 +5,12 @@ article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section,su
.ui-mobile-rendering > * { visibility:visible!important; /* no need */}
.splash:before { width: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; display: block; height: 115%; z-index: 999999; background-color: white; content: "offline version initializing..."; text-align: center; color: #bbb; text-shadow: none; line-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; }
/* webfonts
* { font-family: "Open Sans",Arial; font-size: 14.5px; } */
h1,h2,h3,h4, .ui-btn-inner{ font-weight: 400; }
/* responsive css */
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-webkit-border-top-right-radius: inherit;
border-top-right-radius: inherit;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: inherit;
border-top-left-radius: inherit;
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border-bottom-left-radius: inherit;
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border-radius: inherit;
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border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px;
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border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px;
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.rwd .ui-table-reflow tbody th {margin-top: 1.5em;}
@media all and (min-width: 30em) {
.rwd .ui-slider-track, .rwd .ui-slider-switch {min-width: 12em;}
.rwd .ui-table-reflow tbody th {margin-top: 1em;}
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.rwd div { min-height:12em; }
.rwd .ui-rwd-a, .rwd .ui-rwd-b { float:left; width: 49.95%; }
.rwd .ui-rwd-a p, .rwd .ui-rwd-b p { font-size:.8em;}
@media all and (max-width: 30em) {
.results_wrapper table ul li { max-width: 250px; }
@media all and (min-width: 45em) {
.rwd .ui-slider-track, .rwd .ui-slider-switch {min-width: 16em;}
.rwd .ui-table-reflow tbody th {margin: 0;}
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.rwd .ui-rwd-b { float:left; width: 100%; }
.rwd .ui-rwd-a, .rwd .ui-rwd-c { float:left; width: 49.95%; }
@media all and (min-width: 60em) {
.rwd .ui-slider-track, .rwd .ui-slider-switch {min-width: 24em;}
.rwd .ui-table-reflow tbody th {margin: 0;}
.ui-popup { max-width: 60%; margin: 0 auto;}
.rwd { font-size:125%; }
.rwd .ui-rwd-b { float:left; width: 100%; }
.rwd .ui-rwd-a, .rwd .ui-rwd-c { float:left; width: 49.95%; }
/* results table */
.results_wrapper table thead th {padding: 0.1em 0.25em;}
/* custom layouting */
.ui-title {
color: white;
......@@ -104,6 +31,12 @@ h1,h2,h3,h4, .ui-btn-inner{ font-weight: 400; }
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
.super {
font-size: 1em !important;
color: #636363;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
.small {
font-size: .8em !important;
color: #636363;
......@@ -125,7 +58,8 @@ h1,h2,h3,h4, .ui-btn-inner{ font-weight: 400; }
.ui-header-fixed.ui-fixed-hidden { padding-top: 1px; top: -1px; }
/* center the table, override JQM CSS */
table { margin: 0 auto; width: auto !important; display: table !important; }
table { margin: 0 auto; }
table.table-inline { width: auto !important; display: table !important; }
.ui-table thead th { padding-bottom: .25em; }
/* remove dotted abbr border */
......@@ -138,7 +72,6 @@ div.ui-body h2 { margin: 0.5em 0 0; }
/* ui-popup */
.ui-popup { max-width: 400px;}
.ui-popup .ui-header {margin: -15px -15px 15px; }
.ui-popup .ui-header {
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important;
......@@ -157,8 +90,3 @@ div.ui-body h2 { margin: 0.5em 0 0; }
/* ad */
.ad_wrapper {text-align: center;}
.ad_self {height: 80px;}
/* results */
/* configure */
/* move slider input to the right, add meter */
.ui-slider {float:left;}
.measure {float: right; line-height: 30px;padding: 7px 2px 5px 6px;}
input.ui-input-text.ui-slider-input { float: right;}
.ui-slider-track, .ui-slider-switch { margin: 0 68px 0 15px; }
/* table */
.quote_config .ui-block-c { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; text-align: center; }
.quote_config .get_quote{ margin-top: 0;}
.quote_config .get_quote .ui-btn-text {font-weight: bold !important;}
\ No newline at end of file
/* simple menu */
.simple_menu {list-style: none; display: inline-block; padding: 0 !important;}
.simple_menu li {float: right; padding: 0 0.5em;}
section {text-align: center; }
section p {margin: 0.2em 0;}
\ No newline at end of file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jqm-gadget.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jqm-gadget.css" />
<div class="ad_wrapper">
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<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
console.log("attaching gadget_call1 and 3");
gadget1 = RenderJs.GadgetIndex.getGadgetById("g1");
gadget1.gadget_call3 = function (e){gadget_call3("test parameter")};
gadget1.gadget_call1 = function (e){gadget_call1()};
var gadget = RenderJs.getSelfGadget();
// interaction listener
gadget.translate = function(){
// trigger enhancement
$(this).trigger("render_enhance", {gadget: gadget.dom});
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
.menu_analysis { text-align: center;}
<div class="method_menu" data-role="controlgroup" datatype="horizontal">
<a href="providers.html" data-role="button" data-i18n="[title]gen.providers">bla</a>
<a href="criteria.html" data-role="button" data-i18n="[title]gen.monitoring">bla</a>
<div class="menu_analysis">
<div class="method_menu" data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal">
<a class="t" data-inline="true" href="providers.html" data-role="button" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title]gen.providers_info;gen.providers"></a>
<a class="t" data-inline="true" href="criteria.html" data-role="button" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title]gen.monitoring_info;gen.monitoring"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var gadget = RenderJs.getSelfGadget();
// interaction listener
gadget.translate = function(){
create: function( event, ui ) {}
// trigger enhancement
$(this).trigger("render_enhance", {gadget: gadget.dom});
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
/* move slider input to the right, add meter */
.ui-slider {float:left;}
.measure {float: right; line-height: 30px;padding: 7px 2px 5px 6px;}
input.ui-input-text.ui-slider-input { float: right;}
.ui-slider-track, .ui-slider-switch { margin: 0 68px 0 15px; }
/* table */
.quote_config .ui-block-c { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; text-align: center; }
.quote_config .get_quote { margin-top: 0;}
.quote_config .get_quote .ui-btn-text {font-weight: bold !important;}
.menu_compare {text-align: center;}
/* responsive css */
quote_config.rwd { margin: 1em 0;}
.rwd .ui-first-child {
-webkit-border-top-right-radius: inherit;
border-top-right-radius: inherit;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: inherit;
border-top-left-radius: inherit;
.rwd .ui-last-child {
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: inherit;
border-bottom-right-radius: inherit;
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: inherit;
border-bottom-left-radius: inherit;
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-webkit-border-radius: inherit;
border-radius: inherit;
border-top-width: 0px;
border-bottom-width: 0px;
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border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px;
.rwd .ui-last-child .ui-body {
border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px;
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.rwd .ui-slider-track, .rwd .ui-slider-switch {min-width: 8em;}
.rwd .ui-table-reflow tbody th {margin-top: 1.5em; text-align: center;}
.rwd .info_popup { margin: 0 .5em;}
@media all and (min-width: 30em) {
.rwd .ui-slider-track, .rwd .ui-slider-switch {min-width: 12em;}
.rwd .ui-table-reflow tbody th {margin-top: 1em;}
.rwd .info_popup { margin: 0;}
.ui-popup-container { max-width: 80%; margin: 0 auto;}
.rwd div { min-height:12em; }
.rwd .ui-rwd-a p, .rwd .ui-rwd-b p { font-size:.8em;}
.rwd .ui-rwd-a, .rwd .ui-rwd-b { float:left; width: 49.95%; }*/
@media all and (max-width: 30em) {
.results_wrapper table ul li { max-width: 250px; }
@media all and (min-width: 45em) {
.rwd .ui-slider-track, .rwd .ui-slider-switch {min-width: 16em;}
.rwd .ui-table-reflow tbody th {margin: 0;}
.rwd .info_popup { margin: 0;}
.ui-popup-container { max-width: 70%; margin: 0 auto;}
.rwd div { min-height:17em; }
.rwd .ui-rwd-b { float:left; width: 100%; }
.rwd .ui-rwd-a, .rwd .ui-rwd-c { float:left; width: 49.95%; }*/
@media all and (min-width: 60em) {
.rwd .ui-slider-track, .rwd .ui-slider-switch {min-width: 24em;}
.rwd .ui-table-reflow tbody th {margin: 0;}
.rwd .info_popup { margin: 0;}
.ui-popup { max-width: 60%; margin: 0 auto;}
.rwd { font-size:125%; }
.rwd .ui-rwd-b { float:left; width: 100%; }
.rwd .ui-rwd-a, .rwd .ui-rwd-c { float:left; width: 49.95%; }*/
......@@ -11,7 +95,7 @@
<div class="ui-rwd-b">
<div class="ui-body ui-body-d">
<table data-role="table" id="configure" data-mode="reflow" class="ui-responsive table-stroke">
<table data-role="table" id="configure" data-mode="reflow" class="ui-responsive table-stroke table-inline">
<th data-priority="persist"><abbr class="t" data-i18n="[title]gen.feature_name;gen.feature_name"></abbr></th>
......@@ -26,7 +110,7 @@
<div class="measure">GB</div>
<a data-position-to="window" class="t scale-a" href="#database_info" data-rel="popup" data-role="button" data-theme="c" data-icon="info" data-inline="true" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title];[html]"></a>
<a data-position-to="window" class="info_popup t scale-a" href="#database_info" data-rel="popup" data-role="button" data-theme="c" data-icon="info" data-inline="true" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title];[html]"></a>
<div data-role="popup" id="database_info" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" class="ui-content">
<div data-role="header" data-theme="f" class="ui-header ui-body-f" role="banner">
<h1 class="ui-title t" role="heading" data-i18n="feat.database_info" aria-level="1"></h1>
......@@ -42,7 +126,7 @@
<div class="measure">GB</div>
<a data-position-to="window" class="t scale-a" data-role="button" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" data-icon="info" data-inline="true" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title];[html]" href="#archive_info" data-rel="popup"></a>
<a data-position-to="window" class="info_popup t scale-a" data-role="button" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" data-icon="info" data-inline="true" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title];[html]" href="#archive_info" data-rel="popup"></a>
<div data-role="popup" id="archive_info" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" class="ui-content">
<div data-role="header" data-theme="f" class="ui-header ui-body-f" role="banner">
<h1 class="ui-title t" role="heading" data-i18n="feat.archive_info" aria-level="1"></h1>
......@@ -58,7 +142,7 @@
<div class="measure">GB</div>
<a data-position-to="window" class="t scale-a" data-role="button" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" data-icon="info" data-inline="true" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title];[html]" href="#ram_info" data-rel="popup"></a>
<a data-position-to="window" class="info_popup t scale-a" data-role="button" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" data-icon="info" data-inline="true" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title];[html]" href="#ram_info" data-rel="popup"></a>
<div data-role="popup" id="ram_info" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" class="ui-content">
<div data-role="header" data-theme="f" class="ui-header ui-body-f" role="banner">
<h1 class="ui-title t" role="heading" data-i18n="feat.ram_info" aria-level="1"></h1>
......@@ -74,7 +158,7 @@
<div class="measure">GHz</div>
<a data-position-to="window" class="t scale-a" data-role="button" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" data-icon="info" data-inline="true" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title];[html]" href="#cpu_info" data-rel="popup"></a>
<a data-position-to="window" class="info_popup t scale-a" data-role="button" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" data-icon="info" data-inline="true" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title];[html]" href="#cpu_info" data-rel="popup"></a>
<div data-role="popup" id="cpu_info" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" class="ui-content">
<div data-role="header" data-theme="f" class="ui-header ui-body-f" role="banner">
<h1 class="ui-title t" role="heading" data-i18n="feat.cpu_info" aria-level="1"></h1>
......@@ -94,7 +178,7 @@
<a data-position-to="window" class="t scale-a" data-role="button" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" data-icon="info" data-inline="true" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title];[html]" href="#type_info" data-rel="popup"></a>
<a data-position-to="window" class="info_popup t scale-a" data-role="button" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" data-icon="info" data-inline="true" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title];[html]" href="#type_info" data-rel="popup"></a>
<div data-role="popup" id="type_info" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="c" class="ui-content">
<div data-role="header" data-theme="f" class="ui-header ui-body-f" role="banner">
<h1 class="ui-title t" role="heading" data-i18n="feat.type_info" aria-level="1"></h1>
......@@ -113,7 +197,7 @@
<a data-position-to="window" class="t scale-a" data-role="button" data-theme="c" data-icon="info" data-inline="true" href="#architecture_info" data-rel="popup">Info</a>
<a data-position-to="window" class="info_popup t scale-a" data-role="button" data-theme="c" data-icon="info" data-inline="true" href="#architecture_info" data-rel="popup">Info</a>
<div data-role="popup" id="architecture_info" data-theme="c" data-overlay-theme="a" class="ui-content">
<div data-role="header" data-theme="f" class="ui-header ui-body-f" role="banner">
<h1 class="ui-title t" role="heading" data-i18n="feat.architecture_info" aria-level="1"></h1>
......@@ -127,7 +211,7 @@
<div class="ui-rwd-c ui-last-child">
<div class="ui-body ui-body-d">
<div class="ui-body ui-body-d menu_compare">
<a href="results.html" data-transitions="slide" data-role="button" data-icon="arrow-r" data-iconpos="right" data-theme="b" data-inline="true" class="t get_quote" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title]tx.get_quote_info;[html]tx.get_quote"></a>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
/* header wrappers */
......@@ -85,10 +85,18 @@
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// TODOS: make RenderJs.getSelfGadget() available on JQM events
var gadget = RenderJs.getSelfGadget(),
lang = $.fn.fauna.i18n_current_lang,
switchIcon = function () {
// this should be the callback after create, which sets the icon
// however setting elem here cannot access the JQM enhanced elements
// although the functions is called after JQM is done enhancing...
// var elem = gadget.dom.find(".setIcon .ui-icon");
// if (elem.length > 0) {
// elem.removeClass()
// .addClass('ui-icon ui-shadow ui-icon-lang '+set_icon);
// }
// set interactions
set_lang = function (language) {
var set_icon, elem;
......@@ -114,19 +122,18 @@
if (gadget.isEnhanced() === false) {
$(document).trigger("render_enhance", {gadget: gadget.dom});
$(document).trigger("render_enhance", {"gadget": gadget.dom, "callback":switchIcon()});
// if jqm has not rendered the elements inside the gadget
// this will do nothing wihout a timeout set
// NONO!
setTimeout(function () {
elem = gadget.dom.find(".setIcon .ui-icon");
if (elem.length > 0) {
.addClass('ui-icon ui-shadow ui-icon-lang '+set_icon);
// set page title
......@@ -136,12 +143,15 @@
$(document).on('i18n_ready', function (e, data) {
console.log("hello lang =" +lang);
// regular page setter
if (lang !== undefined) {
console.log("binding to this=");
console.log( $(this) );
console.log("whats left");
console.log( $(this).filter(function() { return $(this).jqmData("i18n") !== true; }))
// switch language
.filter(function() { return $(this).jqmData("i18n") !== true; })
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
/* simple menu */
.simple_menu {list-style: none; display: inline-block; padding: 0 !important;}
.simple_menu li {float: right; padding: 0 0.5em;}
section {text-align: center; }
section p {margin: 0.2em 0;}
......@@ -21,9 +27,14 @@
$(document).ready(function() {
var gadget = RenderJs.getSelfGadget();
// interaction listener
gadget.translate = function(){
// trigger enhancement
$(this).trigger("render_enhance", {gadget: gadget.dom});
This diff is collapsed.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="results_list" data-gadget="../gadgets/results.html"></div>
<div id="results_ad" data-gadget="../gadgets/ad.html"></div>
<div class="rwd">
<div class="ui-rwd-a">
<div id="results_social" data-gadget="../gadgets/social.html"></div>
<div class="ui-rwd-b">
<div id="results_analysis" data-gadget="../gadgets/analysis.html"></div>
<div id="results_nav" data-gadget="../gadgets/navigation.html"></div>
<p class="mini t" data-i18n="gen.disclaimer"></p>
<!-- interactions -->
<div data-gadget="" class="main-interactor"
{&quot;source&quot;: &quot;results_wrapper.route_translate&quot;, &quot;destination&quot;: &quot;results_list.translate&quot;}
, {&quot;source&quot;: &quot;results_wrapper.route_translate&quot;, &quot;destination&quot;: &quot;results_ad.translate&quot;}
, {&quot;source&quot;: &quot;results_wrapper.route_translate&quot;, &quot;destination&quot;: &quot;results_social.translate&quot;}
, {&quot;source&quot;: &quot;results_wrapper.route_translate&quot;, &quot;destination&quot;: &quot;results_analysis.translate&quot;}
, {&quot;source&quot;: &quot;results_wrapper.route_translate&quot;, &quot;destination&quot;: &quot;results_nav.translate&quot;}
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var gadget = RenderJs.getSelfGadget();
gadget.translate = function(){
\ No newline at end of file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
.menu_social {text-align: center;}
.action_menu {display: inline-block;}
.follow_us {display: inline-block; margin: 0; padding: 0 .5em 0 0;}
<div data-role="fieldcontain" class="align_right">
<p class="super t float_left" data-i18n="soc.fw"></p>
<div class="menu_social">
<p class="super t follow_us" data-i18n="soc.fw"></p>
<div data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal" data-theme="c" class="action_menu">
<a href="#" id="follow_twitter" data-role="button" data-icon="tw" data-theme="c" class="t scale-a" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title]soc.tw_fw;[html]"></a>
<a href="#" id="follow_facebook" data-role="button" data-icon="fb" data-theme="c" class="t scale-a" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title]soc.fb_fw;[html]soc.fb"></a>
<a href="#" id="follow_linkedin" data-role="button" data-icon="li" data-theme="c" class="t scale-a" data-i18n-target=".ui-btn-text" data-i18n="[title]soc.li_fw;[html]"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
......@@ -28,10 +28,9 @@ define([], function () {
// get screen size
// screen size small/medium/large
framer: function () {
var self = this, framed;
if ($"screen and (max-width:480px)") || ($ && $(window).width() < 480 )) {
framed = "small";
} else if ($"screen and (min-width:768px)") || ($ && $(window).width() >= 768 )) {
......@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ define([], function () {
// i18next handler
// languages i18n handler
lang : function (elem) {
var translate = function (elem) {
......@@ -104,15 +103,7 @@ define([], function () {
// global page handling
// the problem is, that renderjs will finish way too late for everything else
// so we cannot listen to pagebeforecreate (add custom markup) and pagecreate
// add translations and then trigger(create) on pagebeforeshow, because
// renderjs will only be finished after pagebeforeshow.
// running translate and create after each other also does not work, because
// translations will not be done before trigger create is called and there is
// no global callback for the translation plugin, so some text always goes
// untranslated.
$(document).on('pageinit', 'div:jqmData(role="page")', function() {
$(document).on('pagecreate', 'div:jqmData(role="page")', function() {
var widgetsForThisRequest = [
......@@ -121,7 +112,7 @@ define([], function () {
target = [$('head'),$('body')],
page = $(this);
// <head> on first page
// <head>/page footer on first page
if (fauna.anchor_page === undefined) {
fauna.anchor_page = page.attr('id');
require( widgetsForThisRequest,
......@@ -138,17 +129,17 @@ define([], function () {
// initialize renderjs
RenderJs.bindReady(function () {
var elem = $(this);
// page.trigger('create');
// reset gadgets that are being removed
// reset gadgets on pages that are being removed
$(document).on('pageremove', 'div:jqmData(role="page")', function() {
var gadget = RenderJs.GadgetIndex.getGadgetById($(this).attr('id'));
......@@ -157,23 +148,34 @@ define([], function () {
// enhancing when everyone else is done
// because render_enhance does not work on external page gadgets...
//$(document).on('pageshow', 'div:jqmData(external-page="true")', function() {
// $(this)
// .filter(function() { return $(this).jqmData("pcm") !== true; })
// .jqmData("pcm", true)
// .trigger('pagecreate');
// enhancing gadgets when everyone else is done
$(document).on('render_enhance', function(e, data) {
console.log("render_enhance detected");
// if (data.callback !== undefined) {
// data.callback();
// }
// init
// init application
if ($.mobile.autoInitializePage === false){
// resize application
$(window).on('orientationchange resize', function(){
// initial resize depending on browser window
// initial size trigger
// expose public utilities
......@@ -10909,7 +10909,6 @@ $.mobile.document.bind( "pagecreate create", function( e ) {
_create: function() {
var self = this,
o = self.options,
$el = self.element,
......@@ -11146,8 +11145,6 @@ $.mobile.document.bind( "pagecreate create", function( e ) {
//auto self-init widgets
.bind( "pagecreate create", function( e ) {
console.log("event registered in fixed toolbars");
// DEPRECATED in 1.1: support for data-fullscreen=true|false on the page element.
// This line ensures it still works, but we recommend moving the attribute to the toolbars themselves.
if ( $( ).jqmData( "fullscreen" ) ) {
......@@ -111,9 +111,6 @@ var RenderJs = (function () {
// set current gadget as being loaded so gadget instance itself knows which gadget it is
console.log("where is the gadget");
console.log("should it be on the DOM");
// reset as no longer current gadget
......@@ -213,8 +210,6 @@ var RenderJs = (function () {
gadget_id = this.yourCustomData.gadget_id;
console.log("done loading");
RenderJs.setGadgetAndRecurse(gadget, data);
......@@ -475,8 +470,7 @@ var RenderJs = (function () {
* Update enhancment status
this.is_enhanced = value;
this.remove = function () {
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"en": "English",
"fr": "Français"
"criteria": "Kriterien:",
......@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@
"pages": {
"titles": {
"main": "Cloudquote",
"tx": {
......@@ -50,7 +51,6 @@
"get_quote_info": "Angebote verschiedener Cloud-Anbieter vergleichen",
"start_over":"Start Over",
"start_over_info":"Modify criteria and start a new calculation",
"search_results":"Search Results",
"ad_here":"Ihre Werbung könnte hier stehen"
"soc": {
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"en": "English",
"fr": "Français"
"criteria": "Criteria:",
......@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
"pages": {
"titles": {
"main": "Cloudquote",
"results":"Search Results"
"tx": {
......@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@
"get_quote_info": "Compare offers of different cloud hosting providers",
"start_over":"Start Over",
"start_over_info":"Modify criteria and start a new calculation",
"search_results":"Search Results",
"ad_here":"Advertise with us"
"soc": {
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"en": "Anglais",
"fr": "Français"
"criteria": "Critères:",
......@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
"pages": {
"titles": {
"main": "Cloudquote",
"results":"Résultats de la recherche"
"tx": {
......@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@
"get_quote_info": "Comparez les offres des différents fournisseurs d'hébergement cloud",
"start_over_info":"Modifier les critères et lancer un nouveau calcul",
"search_results":"Résultats de la recherche",
"ad_here":"Annoncez avec nous"
"soc": {
......@@ -9,13 +9,12 @@
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<div id="results_ad" data-gadget="../gadgets/ad.html"></div>
<div id="results_social" data-gadget="../gadgets/social.html"></div>
<div id="results_analysis" data-gadget="../gadgets/analysis.html"></div>
<div id="results_nav" data-gadget="../gadgets/navigation.html"></div>
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<div id="results_wrapper" data-gadget="../gadgets/results_wrapper.html"></div>
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{&quot;source&quot;: &quot;results_header.translate&quot;, &quot;destination&quot;: &quot;results_wrapper.translate&quot;}
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