Commit 0c06eb98 authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

Describe translation organization

parent fef05726
......@@ -4,6 +4,18 @@ Administration
Administration of Weblate is done through standard Django admin interface,
which is available under :file:`/admin/` URL.
Translation organization
Weblate organizes translatable content into tree like structure. The toplevel
object is :ref:`project`, which should hold all translations which belong
together (for example translation of an application in serveral versions
and/or documentation). On the next level, there is :ref:`subproject`, which is
actually the resource to translate. Here you define Git repository to use and
mask of files to translate. Bellow :ref:`subproject` there are individual
translations, which are handled automatically by Weblate as the translation
files (matching mask defined in :ref:`subproject`) appear in Git repository.
Adding new resources
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