Commit 125e3b73 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Merge branch 'vcard' of

parents f8056be8 b1a80ac5
0.2 (unreleased)
0.3 (unreleased)
- Add vCard support [jcbrand]
- Remember custom status messages upon reload. [jcbrand]
- Remove jquery-ui dependency. [jcbrand]
- Use backbone.localStorage to store the contacts roster, open chatboxes and
chat messages. [jcbrand]
- Fixed user status handling, which wasn't 100% according to the
spec. [jcbrand]
- Separate messages according to day in chats. [jcbrand]
0.2 (2013-03-28)
- Performance enhancements and general script cleanup [ichim-david]
// Backbone.js 0.9.2
// Backbone.js 1.0.0
// (c) 2010-2012 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.
// (c) 2010-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.
// Backbone may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
// For all details and documentation:
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
// Initial Setup
// -------------
// Save a reference to the global object (`window` in the browser, `global`
// Save a reference to the global object (`window` in the browser, `exports`
// on the server).
var root = this;
......@@ -18,12 +18,14 @@
// restored later on, if `noConflict` is used.
var previousBackbone = root.Backbone;
// Create a local reference to slice/splice.
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
var splice = Array.prototype.splice;
// Create local references to array methods we'll want to use later.
var array = [];
var push = array.push;
var slice = array.slice;
var splice = array.splice;
// The top-level namespace. All public Backbone classes and modules will
// be attached to this. Exported for both CommonJS and the browser.
// be attached to this. Exported for both the browser and the server.
var Backbone;
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
Backbone = exports;
......@@ -32,23 +34,15 @@
// Current version of the library. Keep in sync with `package.json`.
Backbone.VERSION = '0.9.2';
Backbone.VERSION = '1.0.0';
// Require Underscore, if we're on the server, and it's not already present.
var _ = root._;
if (!_ && (typeof require !== 'undefined')) _ = require('underscore');
// For Backbone's purposes, jQuery, Zepto, or Ender owns the `$` variable.
var $ = root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender;
// Set the JavaScript library that will be used for DOM manipulation and
// Ajax calls (a.k.a. the `$` variable). By default Backbone will use: jQuery,
// Zepto, or Ender; but the `setDomLibrary()` method lets you inject an
// alternate JavaScript library (or a mock library for testing your views
// outside of a browser).
Backbone.setDomLibrary = function(lib) {
$ = lib;
// For Backbone's purposes, jQuery, Zepto, Ender, or My Library (kidding) owns
// the `$` variable.
Backbone.$ = root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender || root.$;
// Runs Backbone.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `Backbone` variable
// to its previous owner. Returns a reference to this Backbone object.
......@@ -69,14 +63,12 @@
Backbone.emulateJSON = false;
// Backbone.Events
// -----------------
// Regular expression used to split event strings
var eventSplitter = /\s+/;
// ---------------
// A module that can be mixed in to *any object* in order to provide it with
// custom events. You may bind with `on` or remove with `off` callback functions
// to an event; trigger`-ing an event fires all callbacks in succession.
// custom events. You may bind with `on` or remove with `off` callback
// functions to an event; `trigger`-ing an event fires all callbacks in
// succession.
// var object = {};
// _.extend(object, Backbone.Events);
......@@ -85,58 +77,56 @@
var Events = Backbone.Events = {
// Bind one or more space separated events, `events`, to a `callback`
// function. Passing `"all"` will bind the callback to all events fired.
on: function(events, callback, context) {
var calls, event, node, tail, list;
if (!callback) return this;
events = events.split(eventSplitter);
calls = this._callbacks || (this._callbacks = {});
// Create an immutable callback list, allowing traversal during
// modification. The tail is an empty object that will always be used
// as the next node.
while (event = events.shift()) {
list = calls[event];
node = list ? list.tail : {}; = tail = {};
node.context = context;
node.callback = callback;
calls[event] = {tail: tail, next: list ? : node};
// Bind an event to a `callback` function. Passing `"all"` will bind
// the callback to all events fired.
on: function(name, callback, context) {
if (!eventsApi(this, 'on', name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this;
this._events || (this._events = {});
var events = this._events[name] || (this._events[name] = []);
events.push({callback: callback, context: context, ctx: context || this});
return this;
// Remove one or many callbacks. If `context` is null, removes all callbacks
// with that function. If `callback` is null, removes all callbacks for the
// event. If `events` is null, removes all bound callbacks for all events.
off: function(events, callback, context) {
var event, calls, node, tail, cb, ctx;
// Bind an event to only be triggered a single time. After the first time
// the callback is invoked, it will be removed.
once: function(name, callback, context) {
if (!eventsApi(this, 'once', name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this;
var self = this;
var once = _.once(function() {, once);
callback.apply(this, arguments);
once._callback = callback;
return this.on(name, once, context);
// No events, or removing *all* events.
if (!(calls = this._callbacks)) return;
if (!(events || callback || context)) {
delete this._callbacks;
// Remove one or many callbacks. If `context` is null, removes all
// callbacks with that function. If `callback` is null, removes all
// callbacks for the event. If `name` is null, removes all bound
// callbacks for all events.
off: function(name, callback, context) {
var retain, ev, events, names, i, l, j, k;
if (!this._events || !eventsApi(this, 'off', name, [callback, context])) return this;
if (!name && !callback && !context) {
this._events = {};
return this;
// Loop through the listed events and contexts, splicing them out of the
// linked list of callbacks if appropriate.
events = events ? events.split(eventSplitter) : _.keys(calls);
while (event = events.shift()) {
node = calls[event];
delete calls[event];
if (!node || !(callback || context)) continue;
// Create a new list, omitting the indicated callbacks.
tail = node.tail;
while ((node = !== tail) {
cb = node.callback;
ctx = node.context;
if ((callback && cb !== callback) || (context && ctx !== context)) {
this.on(event, cb, ctx);
names = name ? [name] : _.keys(this._events);
for (i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) {
name = names[i];
if (events = this._events[name]) {
this._events[name] = retain = [];
if (callback || context) {
for (j = 0, k = events.length; j < k; j++) {
ev = events[j];
if ((callback && callback !== ev.callback && callback !== ev.callback._callback) ||
(context && context !== ev.context)) {
if (!retain.length) delete this._events[name];
......@@ -147,81 +137,138 @@
// passed the same arguments as `trigger` is, apart from the event name
// (unless you're listening on `"all"`, which will cause your callback to
// receive the true name of the event as the first argument).
trigger: function(events) {
var event, node, calls, tail, args, all, rest;
if (!(calls = this._callbacks)) return this;
all = calls.all;
events = events.split(eventSplitter);
rest =, 1);
trigger: function(name) {
if (!this._events) return this;
var args =, 1);
if (!eventsApi(this, 'trigger', name, args)) return this;
var events = this._events[name];
var allEvents = this._events.all;
if (events) triggerEvents(events, args);
if (allEvents) triggerEvents(allEvents, arguments);
return this;
// For each event, walk through the linked list of callbacks twice,
// first to trigger the event, then to trigger any `"all"` callbacks.
while (event = events.shift()) {
if (node = calls[event]) {
tail = node.tail;
while ((node = !== tail) {
node.callback.apply(node.context || this, rest);
// Tell this object to stop listening to either specific events ... or
// to every object it's currently listening to.
stopListening: function(obj, name, callback) {
var listeners = this._listeners;
if (!listeners) return this;
var deleteListener = !name && !callback;
if (typeof name === 'object') callback = this;
if (obj) (listeners = {})[obj._listenerId] = obj;
for (var id in listeners) {
listeners[id].off(name, callback, this);
if (deleteListener) delete this._listeners[id];
return this;
// Regular expression used to split event strings.
var eventSplitter = /\s+/;
// Implement fancy features of the Events API such as multiple event
// names `"change blur"` and jQuery-style event maps `{change: action}`
// in terms of the existing API.
var eventsApi = function(obj, action, name, rest) {
if (!name) return true;
// Handle event maps.
if (typeof name === 'object') {
for (var key in name) {
obj[action].apply(obj, [key, name[key]].concat(rest));
if (node = all) {
tail = node.tail;
args = [event].concat(rest);
while ((node = !== tail) {
node.callback.apply(node.context || this, args);
return false;
// Handle space separated event names.
if (eventSplitter.test(name)) {
var names = name.split(eventSplitter);
for (var i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) {
obj[action].apply(obj, [names[i]].concat(rest));
return false;
return this;
return true;
// A difficult-to-believe, but optimized internal dispatch function for
// triggering events. Tries to keep the usual cases speedy (most internal
// Backbone events have 3 arguments).
var triggerEvents = function(events, args) {
var ev, i = -1, l = events.length, a1 = args[0], a2 = args[1], a3 = args[2];
switch (args.length) {
case 0: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]); return;
case 1: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1); return;
case 2: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1, a2); return;
case 3: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1, a2, a3); return;
default: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.apply(ev.ctx, args);
var listenMethods = {listenTo: 'on', listenToOnce: 'once'};
// Inversion-of-control versions of `on` and `once`. Tell *this* object to
// listen to an event in another object ... keeping track of what it's
// listening to.
_.each(listenMethods, function(implementation, method) {
Events[method] = function(obj, name, callback) {
var listeners = this._listeners || (this._listeners = {});
var id = obj._listenerId || (obj._listenerId = _.uniqueId('l'));
listeners[id] = obj;
if (typeof name === 'object') callback = this;
obj[implementation](name, callback, this);
return this;
// Aliases for backwards compatibility.
Events.bind = Events.on;
Events.unbind =;
// Allow the `Backbone` object to serve as a global event bus, for folks who
// want global "pubsub" in a convenient place.
_.extend(Backbone, Events);
// Backbone.Model
// --------------
// Create a new model, with defined attributes. A client id (`cid`)
// Backbone **Models** are the basic data object in the framework --
// frequently representing a row in a table in a database on your server.
// A discrete chunk of data and a bunch of useful, related methods for
// performing computations and transformations on that data.
// Create a new model with the specified attributes. A client id (`cid`)
// is automatically generated and assigned for you.
var Model = Backbone.Model = function(attributes, options) {
var defaults;
attributes || (attributes = {});
if (options && options.parse) attributes = this.parse(attributes);
if (defaults = getValue(this, 'defaults')) {
attributes = _.extend({}, defaults, attributes);
if (options && options.collection) this.collection = options.collection;
this.attributes = {};
this._escapedAttributes = {};
var attrs = attributes || {};
options || (options = {});
this.cid = _.uniqueId('c');
this.attributes = {};
_.extend(this, _.pick(options, modelOptions));
if (options.parse) attrs = this.parse(attrs, options) || {};
if (defaults = _.result(this, 'defaults')) {
attrs = _.defaults({}, attrs, defaults);
this.set(attrs, options);
this.changed = {};
this._silent = {};
this._pending = {};
this.set(attributes, {silent: true});
// Reset change tracking.
this.changed = {};
this._silent = {};
this._pending = {};
this._previousAttributes = _.clone(this.attributes);
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
// A list of options to be attached directly to the model, if provided.
var modelOptions = ['url', 'urlRoot', 'collection'];
// Attach all inheritable methods to the Model prototype.
_.extend(Model.prototype, Events, {
// A hash of attributes whose current and previous value differ.
changed: null,
// A hash of attributes that have silently changed since the last time
// `change` was called. Will become pending attributes on the next call.
_silent: null,
// A hash of attributes that have changed since the last `'change'` event
// began.
_pending: null,
// The value returned during the last failed validation.
validationError: null,
// The default name for the JSON `id` attribute is `"id"`. MongoDB and
// CouchDB users may want to set this to `"_id"`.
......@@ -236,6 +283,12 @@
return _.clone(this.attributes);
// Proxy `Backbone.sync` by default -- but override this if you need
// custom syncing semantics for *this* particular model.
sync: function() {
return Backbone.sync.apply(this, arguments);
// Get the value of an attribute.
get: function(attr) {
return this.attributes[attr];
......@@ -243,10 +296,7 @@
// Get the HTML-escaped value of an attribute.
escape: function(attr) {
var html;
if (html = this._escapedAttributes[attr]) return html;
var val = this.get(attr);
return this._escapedAttributes[attr] = _.escape(val == null ? '' : '' + val);
return _.escape(this.get(attr));
// Returns `true` if the attribute contains a value that is not null
......@@ -255,146 +305,195 @@
return this.get(attr) != null;
// Set a hash of model attributes on the object, firing `"change"` unless
// you choose to silence it.
set: function(key, value, options) {
var attrs, attr, val;
// Set a hash of model attributes on the object, firing `"change"`. This is
// the core primitive operation of a model, updating the data and notifying
// anyone who needs to know about the change in state. The heart of the beast.
set: function(key, val, options) {
var attr, attrs, unset, changes, silent, changing, prev, current;
if (key == null) return this;
// Handle both `"key", value` and `{key: value}` -style arguments.
if (_.isObject(key) || key == null) {
if (typeof key === 'object') {
attrs = key;
options = value;
options = val;
} else {
attrs = {};
attrs[key] = value;
(attrs = {})[key] = val;
// Extract attributes and options.
options || (options = {});
if (!attrs) return this;
if (attrs instanceof Model) attrs = attrs.attributes;
if (options.unset) for (attr in attrs) attrs[attr] = void 0;
// Run validation.
if (!this._validate(attrs, options)) return false;
// Extract attributes and options.
unset = options.unset;
silent = options.silent;
changes = [];
changing = this._changing;
this._changing = true;
if (!changing) {
this._previousAttributes = _.clone(this.attributes);
this.changed = {};
current = this.attributes, prev = this._previousAttributes;
// Check for changes of `id`.
if (this.idAttribute in attrs) = attrs[this.idAttribute];
var changes = options.changes = {};
var now = this.attributes;
var escaped = this._escapedAttributes;
var prev = this._previousAttributes || {};
// For each `set` attribute...
// For each `set` attribute, update or delete the current value.
for (attr in attrs) {
val = attrs[attr];
// If the new and current value differ, record the change.
if (!_.isEqual(now[attr], val) || (options.unset && _.has(now, attr))) {
delete escaped[attr];
(options.silent ? this._silent : changes)[attr] = true;
// Update or delete the current value.
options.unset ? delete now[attr] : now[attr] = val;
// If the new and previous value differ, record the change. If not,
// then remove changes for this attribute.
if (!_.isEqual(prev[attr], val) || (_.has(now, attr) != _.has(prev, attr))) {
if (!_.isEqual(current[attr], val)) changes.push(attr);
if (!_.isEqual(prev[attr], val)) {
this.changed[attr] = val;
if (!options.silent) this._pending[attr] = true;
} else {
delete this.changed[attr];
delete this._pending[attr];
unset ? delete current[attr] : current[attr] = val;
// Trigger all relevant attribute changes.
if (!silent) {
if (changes.length) this._pending = true;
for (var i = 0, l = changes.length; i < l; i++) {
this.trigger('change:' + changes[i], this, current[changes[i]], options);
// Fire the `"change"` events.
if (!options.silent) this.change(options);
// You might be wondering why there's a `while` loop here. Changes can
// be recursively nested within `"change"` events.
if (changing) return this;
if (!silent) {
while (this._pending) {
this._pending = false;
this.trigger('change', this, options);
this._pending = false;
this._changing = false;
return this;
// Remove an attribute from the model, firing `"change"` unless you choose
// to silence it. `unset` is a noop if the attribute doesn't exist.
// Remove an attribute from the model, firing `"change"`. `unset` is a noop
// if the attribute doesn't exist.
unset: function(attr, options) {
(options || (options = {})).unset = true;
return this.set(attr, null, options);
return this.set(attr, void 0, _.extend({}, options, {unset: true}));
// Clear all attributes on the model, firing `"change"` unless you choose
// to silence it.
// Clear all attributes on the model, firing `"change"`.
clear: function(options) {
(options || (options = {})).unset = true;
return this.set(_.clone(this.attributes), options);
var attrs = {};
for (var key in this.attributes) attrs[key] = void 0;
return this.set(attrs, _.extend({}, options, {unset: true}));
// Determine if the model has changed since the last `"change"` event.
// If you specify an attribute name, determine if that attribute has changed.
hasChanged: function(attr) {
if (attr == null) return !_.isEmpty(this.changed);
return _.has(this.changed, attr);
// Return an object containing all the attributes that have changed, or
// false if there are no changed attributes. Useful for determining what
// parts of a view need to be updated and/or what attributes need to be
// persisted to the server. Unset attributes will be set to undefined.
// You can also pass an attributes object to diff against the model,
// determining if there *would be* a change.
changedAttributes: function(diff) {
if (!diff) return this.hasChanged() ? _.clone(this.changed) : false;
var val, changed = false;
var old = this._changing ? this._previousAttributes : this.attributes;
for (var attr in diff) {
if (_.isEqual(old[attr], (val = diff[attr]))) continue;
(changed || (changed = {}))[attr] = val;
return changed;
// Get the previous value of an attribute, recorded at the time the last
// `"change"` event was fired.
previous: function(attr) {
if (attr == null || !this._previousAttributes) return null;
return this._previousAttributes[attr];
// Get all of the attributes of the model at the time of the previous
// `"change"` event.
previousAttributes: function() {
return _.clone(this._previousAttributes);
// Fetch the model from the server. If the server's representation of the
// model differs from its current attributes, they will be overriden,
// model differs from its current attributes, they will be overridden,
// triggering a `"change"` event.
fetch: function(options) {
options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true;
var model = this;
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(resp, status, xhr) {
if (!model.set(model.parse(resp, xhr), options)) return false;
if (success) success(model, resp);
options.success = function(resp) {
if (!model.set(model.parse(resp, options), options)) return false;
if (success) success(model, resp, options);
model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
options.error = Backbone.wrapError(options.error, model, options);
return (this.sync || Backbone.sync).call(this, 'read', this, options);
wrapError(this, options);
return this.sync('read', this, options);
// Set a hash of model attributes, and sync the model to the server.
// If the server returns an attributes hash that differs, the model's
// state will be `set` again.
save: function(key, value, options) {
var attrs, current;
save: function(key, val, options) {
var attrs, method, xhr, attributes = this.attributes;
// Handle both `("key", value)` and `({key: value})` -style calls.
if (_.isObject(key) || key == null) {
// Handle both `"key", value` and `{key: value}` -style arguments.
if (key == null || typeof key === 'object') {
attrs = key;
options = value;
options = val;
} else {
attrs = {};
attrs[key] = value;
(attrs = {})[key] = val;
options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
// If we're "wait"-ing to set changed attributes, validate early.
if (options.wait) {
// If we're not waiting and attributes exist, save acts as `set(attr).save(null, opts)`.
if (attrs && (!options || !options.wait) && !this.set(attrs, options)) return false;
options = _.extend({validate: true}, options);
// Do not persist invalid models.
if (!this._validate(attrs, options)) return false;
current = _.clone(this.attributes);
// Regular saves `set` attributes before persisting to the server.
var silentOptions = _.extend({}, options, {silent: true});
if (attrs && !this.set(attrs, options.wait ? silentOptions : options)) {
return false;
// Set temporary attributes if `{wait: true}`.
if (attrs && options.wait) {
this.attributes = _.extend({}, attributes, attrs);
// After a successful server-side save, the client is (optionally)
// updated with the server-side state.
if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true;
var model = this;
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(resp, status, xhr) {
var serverAttrs = model.parse(resp, xhr);
if (options.wait) {
delete options.wait;
serverAttrs = _.extend(attrs || {}, serverAttrs);
if (!model.set(serverAttrs, options)) return false;
if (success) {
success(model, resp);
} else {
model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
options.success = function(resp) {
// Ensure attributes are restored during synchronous saves.
model.attributes = attributes;
var serverAttrs = model.parse(resp, options);
if (options.wait) serverAttrs = _.extend(attrs || {}, serverAttrs);
if (_.isObject(serverAttrs) && !model.set(serverAttrs, options)) {
return false;
if (success) success(model, resp, options);
model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
wrapError(this, options);
method = this.isNew() ? 'create' : (options.patch ? 'patch' : 'update');
if (method === 'patch') options.attrs = attrs;
xhr = this.sync(method, this, options);
// Restore attributes.
if (attrs && options.wait) this.attributes = attributes;
// Finish configuring and sending the Ajax request.
options.error = Backbone.wrapError(options.error, model, options);
var method = this.isNew() ? 'create' : 'update';
var xhr = (this.sync || Backbone.sync).call(this, method, this, options);
if (options.wait) this.set(current, silentOptions);
return xhr;
......@@ -406,27 +505,24 @@
var model = this;
var success = options.success;
var triggerDestroy = function() {
var destroy = function() {
model.trigger('destroy', model, model.collection, options);
options.success = function(resp) {
if (options.wait || model.isNew()) destroy();
if (success) success(model, resp, options);
if (!model.isNew()) model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
if (this.isNew()) {
return false;
wrapError(this, options);
options.success = function(resp) {
if (options.wait) triggerDestroy();
if (success) {
success(model, resp);
} else {
model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
options.error = Backbone.wrapError(options.error, model, options);
var xhr = (this.sync || Backbone.sync).call(this, 'delete', this, options);
if (!options.wait) triggerDestroy();
var xhr = this.sync('delete', this, options);
if (!options.wait) destroy();
return xhr;
......@@ -434,14 +530,14 @@
// using Backbone's restful methods, override this to change the endpoint
// that will be called.
url: function() {
var base = getValue(this, 'urlRoot') || getValue(this.collection, 'url') || urlError();
var base = _.result(this, 'urlRoot') || _.result(this.collection, 'url') || urlError();
if (this.isNew()) return base;
return base + (base.charAt(base.length - 1) == '/' ? '' : '/') + encodeURIComponent(;
return base + (base.charAt(base.length - 1) === '/' ? '' : '/') + encodeURIComponent(;
// **parse** converts a response into the hash of attributes to be `set` on
// the model. The default implementation is just to pass the response along.
parse: function(resp, xhr) {
parse: function(resp, options) {
return resp;
......@@ -455,116 +551,63 @@
return == null;
// Call this method to manually fire a `"change"` event for this model and
// a `"change:attribute"` event for each changed attribute.
// Calling this will cause all objects observing the model to update.
change: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
var changing = this._changing;
this._changing = true;
// Silent changes become pending changes.
for (var attr in this._silent) this._pending[attr] = true;
// Silent changes are triggered.
var changes = _.extend({}, options.changes, this._silent);
this._silent = {};
for (var attr in changes) {
this.trigger('change:' + attr, this, this.get(attr), options);
if (changing) return this;
// Continue firing `"change"` events while there are pending changes.
while (!_.isEmpty(this._pending)) {
this._pending = {};
this.trigger('change', this, options);
// Pending and silent changes still remain.
for (var attr in this.changed) {
if (this._pending[attr] || this._silent[attr]) continue;
delete this.changed[attr];
this._previousAttributes = _.clone(this.attributes);
this._changing = false;
return this;
// Determine if the model has changed since the last `"change"` event.
// If you specify an attribute name, determine if that attribute has changed.
hasChanged: function(attr) {
if (!arguments.length) return !_.isEmpty(this.changed);
return _.has(this.changed, attr);
// Return an object containing all the attributes that have changed, or
// false if there are no changed attributes. Useful for determining what
// parts of a view need to be updated and/or what attributes need to be
// persisted to the server. Unset attributes will be set to undefined.
// You can also pass an attributes object to diff against the model,
// determining if there *would be* a change.
changedAttributes: function(diff) {
if (!diff) return this.hasChanged() ? _.clone(this.changed) : false;
var val, changed = false, old = this._previousAttributes;
for (var attr in diff) {
if (_.isEqual(old[attr], (val = diff[attr]))) continue;
(changed || (changed = {}))[attr] = val;
return changed;
// Get the previous value of an attribute, recorded at the time the last
// `"change"` event was fired.
previous: function(attr) {
if (!arguments.length || !this._previousAttributes) return null;
return this._previousAttributes[attr];
// Get all of the attributes of the model at the time of the previous
// `"change"` event.
previousAttributes: function() {
return _.clone(this._previousAttributes);
// Check if the model is currently in a valid state. It's only possible to
// get into an *invalid* state if you're using silent changes.
isValid: function() {
return !this.validate(this.attributes);
// Check if the model is currently in a valid state.
isValid: function(options) {
return this._validate({}, _.extend(options || {}, { validate: true }));
// Run validation against the next complete set of model attributes,
// returning `true` if all is well. If a specific `error` callback has
// been passed, call that instead of firing the general `"error"` event.
// returning `true` if all is well. Otherwise, fire an `"invalid"` event.
_validate: function(attrs, options) {
if (options.silent || !this.validate) return true;
if (!options.validate || !this.validate) return true;
attrs = _.extend({}, this.attributes, attrs);
var error = this.validate(attrs, options);
var error = this.validationError = this.validate(attrs, options) || null;
if (!error) return true;
if (options && options.error) {
options.error(this, error, options);
} else {
this.trigger('error', this, error, options);
this.trigger('invalid', this, error, _.extend(options || {}, {validationError: error}));
return false;
// Underscore methods that we want to implement on the Model.
var modelMethods = ['keys', 'values', 'pairs', 'invert', 'pick', 'omit'];
// Mix in each Underscore method as a proxy to `Model#attributes`.
_.each(modelMethods, function(method) {
Model.prototype[method] = function() {
var args =;
return _[method].apply(_, args);
// Backbone.Collection
// -------------------
// Provides a standard collection class for our sets of models, ordered
// or unordered. If a `comparator` is specified, the Collection will maintain
// If models tend to represent a single row of data, a Backbone Collection is
// more analagous to a table full of data ... or a small slice or page of that
// table, or a collection of rows that belong together for a particular reason
// -- all of the messages in this particular folder, all of the documents
// belonging to this particular author, and so on. Collections maintain
// indexes of their models, both in order, and for lookup by `id`.
// Create a new **Collection**, perhaps to contain a specific type of `model`.
// If a `comparator` is specified, the Collection will maintain
// its models in sort order, as they're added and removed.
var Collection = Backbone.Collection = function(models, options) {
options || (options = {});
if (options.url) this.url = options.url;
if (options.model) this.model = options.model;
if (options.comparator) this.comparator = options.comparator;
if (options.comparator !== void 0) this.comparator = options.comparator;
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
if (models) this.reset(models, {silent: true, parse: options.parse});
if (models) this.reset(models, _.extend({silent: true}, options));
// Default options for `Collection#set`.
var setOptions = {add: true, remove: true, merge: true};
var addOptions = {add: true, merge: false, remove: false};
// Define the Collection's inheritable methods.
_.extend(Collection.prototype, Events, {
......@@ -582,84 +625,132 @@
return{ return model.toJSON(options); });
// Add a model, or list of models to the set. Pass **silent** to avoid
// firing the `add` event for every new model.
// Proxy `Backbone.sync` by default.
sync: function() {
return Backbone.sync.apply(this, arguments);
// Add a model, or list of models to the set.
add: function(models, options) {
var i, index, length, model, cid, id, cids = {}, ids = {}, dups = [];
options || (options = {});
models = _.isArray(models) ? models.slice() : [models];
return this.set(models, _.defaults(options || {}, addOptions));
// Begin by turning bare objects into model references, and preventing
// invalid models or duplicate models from being added.
for (i = 0, length = models.length; i < length; i++) {
if (!(model = models[i] = this._prepareModel(models[i], options))) {
throw new Error("Can't add an invalid model to a collection");
cid = model.cid;
id =;
if (cids[cid] || this._byCid[cid] || ((id != null) && (ids[id] || this._byId[id]))) {
// Remove a model, or a list of models from the set.
remove: function(models, options) {
models = _.isArray(models) ? models.slice() : [models];
options || (options = {});
var i, l, index, model;
for (i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; i++) {
model = this.get(models[i]);
if (!model) continue;
delete this._byId[];
delete this._byId[model.cid];
index = this.indexOf(model);
this.models.splice(index, 1);
if (!options.silent) {
options.index = index;
model.trigger('remove', model, this, options);
cids[cid] = ids[id] = model;
return this;
// Update a collection by `set`-ing a new list of models, adding new ones,
// removing models that are no longer present, and merging models that
// already exist in the collection, as necessary. Similar to **Model#set**,
// the core operation for updating the data contained by the collection.
set: function(models, options) {
options = _.defaults(options || {}, setOptions);
if (options.parse) models = this.parse(models, options);
if (!_.isArray(models)) models = models ? [models] : [];
var i, l, model, attrs, existing, sort;
var at =;
var sortable = this.comparator && (at == null) && options.sort !== false;
var sortAttr = _.isString(this.comparator) ? this.comparator : null;
var toAdd = [], toRemove = [], modelMap = {};
// Turn bare objects into model references, and prevent invalid models
// from being added.
for (i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; i++) {
if (!(model = this._prepareModel(models[i], options))) continue;
// Remove duplicates.
i = dups.length;
while (i--) {
models.splice(dups[i], 1);
// If a duplicate is found, prevent it from being added and
// optionally merge it into the existing model.
if (existing = this.get(model)) {
if (options.remove) modelMap[existing.cid] = true;
if (options.merge) {
existing.set(model.attributes, options);
if (sortable && !sort && existing.hasChanged(sortAttr)) sort = true;
// This is a new model, push it to the `toAdd` list.
} else if (options.add) {
// Listen to added models' events, and index models for lookup by
// `id` and by `cid`.
for (i = 0, length = models.length; i < length; i++) {
(model = models[i]).on('all', this._onModelEvent, this);
this._byCid[model.cid] = model;
model.on('all', this._onModelEvent, this);
this._byId[model.cid] = model;
if ( != null) this._byId[] = model;
// Remove nonexistent models if appropriate.
if (options.remove) {
for (i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; ++i) {
if (!modelMap[(model = this.models[i]).cid]) toRemove.push(model);
if (toRemove.length) this.remove(toRemove, options);
// See if sorting is needed, update `length` and splice in new models.
if (toAdd.length) {
if (sortable) sort = true;
this.length += toAdd.length;
if (at != null) {
splice.apply(this.models, [at, 0].concat(toAdd));
} else {
push.apply(this.models, toAdd);
// Silently sort the collection if appropriate.
if (sort) this.sort({silent: true});
// Insert models into the collection, re-sorting if needed, and triggering
// `add` events unless silenced.
this.length += length;
index = != null ? : this.models.length;
splice.apply(this.models, [index, 0].concat(models));
if (this.comparator) this.sort({silent: true});
if (options.silent) return this;
for (i = 0, length = this.models.length; i < length; i++) {
if (!cids[(model = this.models[i]).cid]) continue;
options.index = i;
model.trigger('add', model, this, options);
// Trigger `add` events.
for (i = 0, l = toAdd.length; i < l; i++) {
(model = toAdd[i]).trigger('add', model, this, options);
// Trigger `sort` if the collection was sorted.
if (sort) this.trigger('sort', this, options);
return this;
// Remove a model, or a list of models from the set. Pass silent to avoid
// firing the `remove` event for every model removed.
remove: function(models, options) {
var i, l, index, model;
// When you have more items than you want to add or remove individually,
// you can reset the entire set with a new list of models, without firing
// any granular `add` or `remove` events. Fires `reset` when finished.
// Useful for bulk operations and optimizations.
reset: function(models, options) {
options || (options = {});
models = _.isArray(models) ? models.slice() : [models];
for (i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; i++) {
model = this.getByCid(models[i]) || this.get(models[i]);
if (!model) continue;
delete this._byId[];
delete this._byCid[model.cid];
index = this.indexOf(model);
this.models.splice(index, 1);
if (!options.silent) {
options.index = index;
model.trigger('remove', model, this, options);
for (var i = 0, l = this.models.length; i < l; i++) {
options.previousModels = this.models;
this.add(models, _.extend({silent: true}, options));
if (!options.silent) this.trigger('reset', this, options);
return this;
// Add a model to the end of the collection.
push: function(model, options) {
model = this._prepareModel(model, options);
this.add(model, options);
this.add(model, _.extend({at: this.length}, options));
return model;
......@@ -684,15 +775,15 @@
return model;
// Get a model from the set by id.
get: function(id) {
if (id == null) return void 0;
return this._byId[ != null ? : id];
// Slice out a sub-array of models from the collection.
slice: function(begin, end) {
return this.models.slice(begin, end);
// Get a model from the set by client id.
getByCid: function(cid) {
return cid && this._byCid[cid.cid || cid];
// Get a model from the set by id.
get: function(obj) {
if (obj == null) return void 0;
return this._byId[ != null ? : obj.cid || obj];
// Get the model at the given index.
......@@ -700,10 +791,11 @@
return this.models[index];
// Return models with matching attributes. Useful for simple cases of `filter`.
where: function(attrs) {
if (_.isEmpty(attrs)) return [];
return this.filter(function(model) {
// Return models with matching attributes. Useful for simple cases of
// `filter`.
where: function(attrs, first) {
if (_.isEmpty(attrs)) return first ? void 0 : [];
return this[first ? 'find' : 'filter'](function(model) {
for (var key in attrs) {
if (attrs[key] !== model.get(key)) return false;
......@@ -711,75 +803,75 @@
// Return the first model with matching attributes. Useful for simple cases
// of `find`.
findWhere: function(attrs) {
return this.where(attrs, true);
// Force the collection to re-sort itself. You don't need to call this under
// normal circumstances, as the set will maintain sort order as each item
// is added.
sort: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
if (!this.comparator) throw new Error('Cannot sort a set without a comparator');
var boundComparator = _.bind(this.comparator, this);
if (this.comparator.length == 1) {
this.models = this.sortBy(boundComparator);
options || (options = {});
// Run sort based on type of `comparator`.
if (_.isString(this.comparator) || this.comparator.length === 1) {
this.models = this.sortBy(this.comparator, this);
} else {
this.models.sort(_.bind(this.comparator, this));
if (!options.silent) this.trigger('reset', this, options);
if (!options.silent) this.trigger('sort', this, options);
return this;
// Figure out the smallest index at which a model should be inserted so as
// to maintain order.
sortedIndex: function(model, value, context) {
value || (value = this.comparator);
var iterator = _.isFunction(value) ? value : function(model) {
return model.get(value);
return _.sortedIndex(this.models, model, iterator, context);
// Pluck an attribute from each model in the collection.
pluck: function(attr) {
return, function(model){ return model.get(attr); });
// When you have more items than you want to add or remove individually,
// you can reset the entire set with a new list of models, without firing
// any `add` or `remove` events. Fires `reset` when finished.
reset: function(models, options) {
models || (models = []);
options || (options = {});
for (var i = 0, l = this.models.length; i < l; i++) {
this.add(models, _.extend({silent: true}, options));
if (!options.silent) this.trigger('reset', this, options);
return this;
return _.invoke(this.models, 'get', attr);
// Fetch the default set of models for this collection, resetting the
// collection when they arrive. If `add: true` is passed, appends the
// models to the collection instead of resetting.
// collection when they arrive. If `reset: true` is passed, the response
// data will be passed through the `reset` method instead of `set`.
fetch: function(options) {
options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
if (options.parse === undefined) options.parse = true;
var collection = this;
if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true;
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(resp, status, xhr) {
collection[options.add ? 'add' : 'reset'](collection.parse(resp, xhr), options);
if (success) success(collection, resp);
var collection = this;
options.success = function(resp) {
var method = options.reset ? 'reset' : 'set';
collection[method](resp, options);
if (success) success(collection, resp, options);
collection.trigger('sync', collection, resp, options);
options.error = Backbone.wrapError(options.error, collection, options);
return (this.sync || Backbone.sync).call(this, 'read', this, options);
wrapError(this, options);
return this.sync('read', this, options);
// Create a new instance of a model in this collection. Add the model to the
// collection immediately, unless `wait: true` is passed, in which case we
// wait for the server to agree.
create: function(model, options) {
var coll = this;
options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
model = this._prepareModel(model, options);
if (!model) return false;
if (!options.wait) coll.add(model, options);
if (!(model = this._prepareModel(model, options))) return false;
if (!options.wait) this.add(model, options);
var collection = this;
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(nextModel, resp, xhr) {
if (options.wait) coll.add(nextModel, options);
if (success) {
success(nextModel, resp);
} else {
nextModel.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
options.success = function(resp) {
if (options.wait) collection.add(model, options);
if (success) success(model, resp, options);
};, options);
return model;
......@@ -787,44 +879,43 @@
// **parse** converts a response into a list of models to be added to the
// collection. The default implementation is just to pass it through.
parse: function(resp, xhr) {
parse: function(resp, options) {
return resp;
// Proxy to _'s chain. Can't be proxied the same way the rest of the
// underscore methods are proxied because it relies on the underscore
// constructor.
chain: function () {
return _(this.models).chain();
// Create a new collection with an identical list of models as this one.
clone: function() {
return new this.constructor(this.models);
// Reset all internal state. Called when the collection is reset.
_reset: function(options) {
// Private method to reset all internal state. Called when the collection
// is first initialized or reset.
_reset: function() {
this.length = 0;
this.models = [];
this._byId = {};
this._byCid = {};
// Prepare a model or hash of attributes to be added to this collection.
_prepareModel: function(model, options) {
// Prepare a hash of attributes (or other model) to be added to this
// collection.
_prepareModel: function(attrs, options) {
if (attrs instanceof Model) {
if (!attrs.collection) attrs.collection = this;
return attrs;
options || (options = {});
if (!(model instanceof Model)) {
var attrs = model;
options.collection = this;
model = new this.model(attrs, options);
if (!model._validate(model.attributes, options)) model = false;
} else if (!model.collection) {
model.collection = this;
var model = new this.model(attrs, options);
if (!model._validate(attrs, options)) {
this.trigger('invalid', this, attrs, options);
return false;
return model;
// Internal method to remove a model's ties to a collection.
// Internal method to sever a model's ties to a collection.
_removeReference: function(model) {
if (this == model.collection) {
delete model.collection;
if (this === model.collection) delete model.collection;'all', this._onModelEvent, this);
......@@ -833,13 +924,11 @@
// events simply proxy through. "add" and "remove" events that originate
// in other collections are ignored.
_onModelEvent: function(event, model, collection, options) {
if ((event == 'add' || event == 'remove') && collection != this) return;
if (event == 'destroy') {
this.remove(model, options);
if ((event === 'add' || event === 'remove') && collection !== this) return;
if (event === 'destroy') this.remove(model, options);
if (model && event === 'change:' + model.idAttribute) {
delete this._byId[model.previous(model.idAttribute)];
this._byId[] = model;
if ( != null) this._byId[] = model;
this.trigger.apply(this, arguments);
......@@ -847,21 +936,274 @@
// Underscore methods that we want to implement on the Collection.
var methods = ['forEach', 'each', 'map', 'reduce', 'reduceRight', 'find',
'detect', 'filter', 'select', 'reject', 'every', 'all', 'some', 'any',
'include', 'contains', 'invoke', 'max', 'min', 'sortBy', 'sortedIndex',
'toArray', 'size', 'first', 'initial', 'rest', 'last', 'without', 'indexOf',
'shuffle', 'lastIndexOf', 'isEmpty', 'groupBy'];
// 90% of the core usefulness of Backbone Collections is actually implemented
// right here:
var methods = ['forEach', 'each', 'map', 'collect', 'reduce', 'foldl',
'inject', 'reduceRight', 'foldr', 'find', 'detect', 'filter', 'select',
'reject', 'every', 'all', 'some', 'any', 'include', 'contains', 'invoke',
'max', 'min', 'toArray', 'size', 'first', 'head', 'take', 'initial', 'rest',
'tail', 'drop', 'last', 'without', 'indexOf', 'shuffle', 'lastIndexOf',
'isEmpty', 'chain'];
// Mix in each Underscore method as a proxy to `Collection#models`.
_.each(methods, function(method) {
Collection.prototype[method] = function() {
return _[method].apply(_, [this.models].concat(_.toArray(arguments)));
var args =;
return _[method].apply(_, args);
// Underscore methods that take a property name as an argument.
var attributeMethods = ['groupBy', 'countBy', 'sortBy'];
// Use attributes instead of properties.
_.each(attributeMethods, function(method) {
Collection.prototype[method] = function(value, context) {
var iterator = _.isFunction(value) ? value : function(model) {
return model.get(value);
return _[method](this.models, iterator, context);
// Backbone.View
// -------------
// Backbone Views are almost more convention than they are actual code. A View
// is simply a JavaScript object that represents a logical chunk of UI in the
// DOM. This might be a single item, an entire list, a sidebar or panel, or
// even the surrounding frame which wraps your whole app. Defining a chunk of
// UI as a **View** allows you to define your DOM events declaratively, without
// having to worry about render order ... and makes it easy for the view to
// react to specific changes in the state of your models.
// Creating a Backbone.View creates its initial element outside of the DOM,
// if an existing element is not provided...
var View = Backbone.View = function(options) {
this.cid = _.uniqueId('view');
this._configure(options || {});
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
// Cached regex to split keys for `delegate`.
var delegateEventSplitter = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/;
// List of view options to be merged as properties.
var viewOptions = ['model', 'collection', 'el', 'id', 'attributes', 'className', 'tagName', 'events'];
// Set up all inheritable **Backbone.View** properties and methods.
_.extend(View.prototype, Events, {
// The default `tagName` of a View's element is `"div"`.
tagName: 'div',
// jQuery delegate for element lookup, scoped to DOM elements within the
// current view. This should be prefered to global lookups where possible.
$: function(selector) {
return this.$el.find(selector);
// Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
// initialization logic.
initialize: function(){},
// **render** is the core function that your view should override, in order
// to populate its element (`this.el`), with the appropriate HTML. The
// convention is for **render** to always return `this`.
render: function() {
return this;
// Remove this view by taking the element out of the DOM, and removing any
// applicable Backbone.Events listeners.
remove: function() {
return this;
// Change the view's element (`this.el` property), including event
// re-delegation.
setElement: function(element, delegate) {
if (this.$el) this.undelegateEvents();
this.$el = element instanceof Backbone.$ ? element : Backbone.$(element);
this.el = this.$el[0];
if (delegate !== false) this.delegateEvents();
return this;
// Set callbacks, where `` is a hash of
// *{"event selector": "callback"}*
// {
// 'mousedown .title': 'edit',
// 'click .button': 'save'
// 'click .open': function(e) { ... }
// }
// pairs. Callbacks will be bound to the view, with `this` set properly.
// Uses event delegation for efficiency.
// Omitting the selector binds the event to `this.el`.
// This only works for delegate-able events: not `focus`, `blur`, and
// not `change`, `submit`, and `reset` in Internet Explorer.
delegateEvents: function(events) {
if (!(events || (events = _.result(this, 'events')))) return this;
for (var key in events) {
var method = events[key];
if (!_.isFunction(method)) method = this[events[key]];
if (!method) continue;
var match = key.match(delegateEventSplitter);
var eventName = match[1], selector = match[2];
method = _.bind(method, this);
eventName += '.delegateEvents' + this.cid;
if (selector === '') {
this.$el.on(eventName, method);
} else {
this.$el.on(eventName, selector, method);
return this;
// Clears all callbacks previously bound to the view with `delegateEvents`.
// You usually don't need to use this, but may wish to if you have multiple
// Backbone views attached to the same DOM element.
undelegateEvents: function() {
this.$'.delegateEvents' + this.cid);
return this;
// Performs the initial configuration of a View with a set of options.
// Keys with special meaning *(e.g. model, collection, id, className)* are
// attached directly to the view. See `viewOptions` for an exhaustive
// list.
_configure: function(options) {
if (this.options) options = _.extend({}, _.result(this, 'options'), options);
_.extend(this, _.pick(options, viewOptions));
this.options = options;
// Ensure that the View has a DOM element to render into.
// If `this.el` is a string, pass it through `$()`, take the first
// matching element, and re-assign it to `el`. Otherwise, create
// an element from the `id`, `className` and `tagName` properties.
_ensureElement: function() {
if (!this.el) {
var attrs = _.extend({}, _.result(this, 'attributes'));
if ( = _.result(this, 'id');
if (this.className) attrs['class'] = _.result(this, 'className');
var $el = Backbone.$('<' + _.result(this, 'tagName') + '>').attr(attrs);
this.setElement($el, false);
} else {
this.setElement(_.result(this, 'el'), false);
// Backbone.sync
// -------------
// Override this function to change the manner in which Backbone persists
// models to the server. You will be passed the type of request, and the
// model in question. By default, makes a RESTful Ajax request
// to the model's `url()`. Some possible customizations could be:
// * Use `setTimeout` to batch rapid-fire updates into a single request.
// * Send up the models as XML instead of JSON.
// * Persist models via WebSockets instead of Ajax.
// Turn on `Backbone.emulateHTTP` in order to send `PUT` and `DELETE` requests
// as `POST`, with a `_method` parameter containing the true HTTP method,
// as well as all requests with the body as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
// instead of `application/json` with the model in a param named `model`.
// Useful when interfacing with server-side languages like **PHP** that make
// it difficult to read the body of `PUT` requests.
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
var type = methodMap[method];
// Default options, unless specified.
_.defaults(options || (options = {}), {
emulateHTTP: Backbone.emulateHTTP,
emulateJSON: Backbone.emulateJSON
// Default JSON-request options.
var params = {type: type, dataType: 'json'};
// Ensure that we have a URL.
if (!options.url) {
params.url = _.result(model, 'url') || urlError();
// Ensure that we have the appropriate request data.
if ( == null && model && (method === 'create' || method === 'update' || method === 'patch')) {
params.contentType = 'application/json'; = JSON.stringify(options.attrs || model.toJSON(options));
// For older servers, emulate JSON by encoding the request into an HTML-form.
if (options.emulateJSON) {
params.contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; = ? {model:} : {};
// For older servers, emulate HTTP by mimicking the HTTP method with `_method`
// And an `X-HTTP-Method-Override` header.
if (options.emulateHTTP && (type === 'PUT' || type === 'DELETE' || type === 'PATCH')) {
params.type = 'POST';
if (options.emulateJSON) = type;
var beforeSend = options.beforeSend;
options.beforeSend = function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-HTTP-Method-Override', type);
if (beforeSend) return beforeSend.apply(this, arguments);
// Don't process data on a non-GET request.
if (params.type !== 'GET' && !options.emulateJSON) {
params.processData = false;
// If we're sending a `PATCH` request, and we're in an old Internet Explorer
// that still has ActiveX enabled by default, override jQuery to use that
// for XHR instead. Remove this line when jQuery supports `PATCH` on IE8.
if (params.type === 'PATCH' && window.ActiveXObject &&
!(window.external && window.external.msActiveXFilteringEnabled)) {
params.xhr = function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
// Make the request, allowing the user to override any Ajax options.
var xhr = options.xhr = Backbone.ajax(_.extend(params, options));
model.trigger('request', model, xhr, options);
return xhr;
// Map from CRUD to HTTP for our default `Backbone.sync` implementation.
var methodMap = {
'create': 'POST',
'update': 'PUT',
'patch': 'PATCH',
'delete': 'DELETE',
'read': 'GET'
// Set the default implementation of `Backbone.ajax` to proxy through to `$`.
// Override this if you'd like to use a different library.
Backbone.ajax = function() {
return Backbone.$.ajax.apply(Backbone.$, arguments);
// Backbone.Router
// -------------------
// ---------------
// Routers map faux-URLs to actions, and fire events when routes are
// matched. Creating a new one sets its `routes` hash, if not set statically.
......@@ -874,9 +1216,10 @@
// Cached regular expressions for matching named param parts and splatted
// parts of route strings.
var namedParam = /:\w+/g;
var optionalParam = /\((.*?)\)/g;
var namedParam = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g;
var splatParam = /\*\w+/g;
var escapeRegExp = /[-[\]{}()+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g;
var escapeRegExp = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g;
// Set up all inheritable **Backbone.Router** properties and methods.
_.extend(Router.prototype, Events, {
......@@ -892,21 +1235,27 @@
// });
route: function(route, name, callback) {
Backbone.history || (Backbone.history = new History);
if (!_.isRegExp(route)) route = this._routeToRegExp(route);
if (_.isFunction(name)) {
callback = name;
name = '';
if (!callback) callback = this[name];
Backbone.history.route(route, _.bind(function(fragment) {
var args = this._extractParameters(route, fragment);
callback && callback.apply(this, args);
this.trigger.apply(this, ['route:' + name].concat(args));
Backbone.history.trigger('route', this, name, args);
}, this));
var router = this;
Backbone.history.route(route, function(fragment) {
var args = router._extractParameters(route, fragment);
callback && callback.apply(router, args);
router.trigger.apply(router, ['route:' + name].concat(args));
router.trigger('route', name, args);
Backbone.history.trigger('route', router, name, args);
return this;
// Simple proxy to `Backbone.history` to save a fragment into the history.
navigate: function(fragment, options) {
Backbone.history.navigate(fragment, options);
return this;
// Bind all defined routes to `Backbone.history`. We have to reverse the
......@@ -914,12 +1263,10 @@
// routes can be defined at the bottom of the route map.
_bindRoutes: function() {
if (!this.routes) return;
var routes = [];
for (var route in this.routes) {
routes.unshift([route, this.routes[route]]);
for (var i = 0, l = routes.length; i < l; i++) {
this.route(routes[i][0], routes[i][1], this[routes[i][1]]);
this.routes = _.result(this, 'routes');
var route, routes = _.keys(this.routes);
while ((route = routes.pop()) != null) {
this.route(route, this.routes[route]);
......@@ -927,15 +1274,22 @@
// against the current location hash.
_routeToRegExp: function(route) {
route = route.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&')
.replace(namedParam, '([^\/]+)')
.replace(optionalParam, '(?:$1)?')
.replace(namedParam, function(match, optional){
return optional ? match : '([^\/]+)';
.replace(splatParam, '(.*?)');
return new RegExp('^' + route + '$');
// Given a route, and a URL fragment that it matches, return the array of
// extracted parameters.
// extracted decoded parameters. Empty or unmatched parameters will be
// treated as `null` to normalize cross-browser behavior.
_extractParameters: function(route, fragment) {
return route.exec(fragment).slice(1);
var params = route.exec(fragment).slice(1);
return, function(param) {
return param ? decodeURIComponent(param) : null;
......@@ -943,19 +1297,34 @@
// Backbone.History
// ----------------
// Handles cross-browser history management, based on URL fragments. If the
// browser does not support `onhashchange`, falls back to polling.
// Handles cross-browser history management, based on either
// [pushState]( and real URLs, or
// [onhashchange](
// and URL fragments. If the browser supports neither (old IE, natch),
// falls back to polling.
var History = Backbone.History = function() {
this.handlers = [];
_.bindAll(this, 'checkUrl');
// Ensure that `History` can be used outside of the browser.
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
this.location = window.location;
this.history = window.history;
// Cached regex for cleaning leading hashes and slashes .
var routeStripper = /^[#\/]/;
// Cached regex for stripping a leading hash/slash and trailing space.
var routeStripper = /^[#\/]|\s+$/g;
// Cached regex for stripping leading and trailing slashes.
var rootStripper = /^\/+|\/+$/g;
// Cached regex for detecting MSIE.
var isExplorer = /msie [\w.]+/;
// Cached regex for removing a trailing slash.
var trailingSlash = /\/$/;
// Has the history handling already been started?
History.started = false;
......@@ -968,9 +1337,8 @@
// Gets the true hash value. Cannot use location.hash directly due to bug
// in Firefox where location.hash will always be decoded.
getHash: function(windowOverride) {
var loc = windowOverride ? windowOverride.location : window.location;
var match = loc.href.match(/#(.*)$/);
getHash: function(window) {
var match = (window || this).location.href.match(/#(.*)$/);
return match ? match[1] : '';
......@@ -978,15 +1346,14 @@
// the hash, or the override.
getFragment: function(fragment, forcePushState) {
if (fragment == null) {
if (this._hasPushState || forcePushState) {
fragment = window.location.pathname;
var search =;
if (search) fragment += search;
if (this._hasPushState || !this._wantsHashChange || forcePushState) {
fragment = this.location.pathname;
var root = this.root.replace(trailingSlash, '');
if (!fragment.indexOf(root)) fragment = fragment.substr(root.length);
} else {
fragment = this.getHash();
if (!fragment.indexOf(this.options.root)) fragment = fragment.substr(this.options.root.length);
return fragment.replace(routeStripper, '');
......@@ -999,24 +1366,28 @@
// Figure out the initial configuration. Do we need an iframe?
// Is pushState desired ... is it available?
this.options = _.extend({}, {root: '/'}, this.options, options);
this.root = this.options.root;
this._wantsHashChange = this.options.hashChange !== false;
this._wantsPushState = !!this.options.pushState;
this._hasPushState = !!(this.options.pushState && window.history && window.history.pushState);
this._hasPushState = !!(this.options.pushState && this.history && this.history.pushState);
var fragment = this.getFragment();
var docMode = document.documentMode;
var oldIE = (isExplorer.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && (!docMode || docMode <= 7));
if (oldIE) {
this.iframe = $('<iframe src="javascript:0" tabindex="-1" />').hide().appendTo('body')[0].contentWindow;
// Normalize root to always include a leading and trailing slash.
this.root = ('/' + this.root + '/').replace(rootStripper, '/');
if (oldIE && this._wantsHashChange) {
this.iframe = Backbone.$('<iframe src="javascript:0" tabindex="-1" />').hide().appendTo('body')[0].contentWindow;
// Depending on whether we're using pushState or hashes, and whether
// 'onhashchange' is supported, determine how we check the URL state.
if (this._hasPushState) {
$(window).bind('popstate', this.checkUrl);
Backbone.$(window).on('popstate', this.checkUrl);
} else if (this._wantsHashChange && ('onhashchange' in window) && !oldIE) {
$(window).bind('hashchange', this.checkUrl);
Backbone.$(window).on('hashchange', this.checkUrl);
} else if (this._wantsHashChange) {
this._checkUrlInterval = setInterval(this.checkUrl, this.interval);
......@@ -1024,14 +1395,14 @@
// Determine if we need to change the base url, for a pushState link
// opened by a non-pushState browser.
this.fragment = fragment;
var loc = window.location;
var atRoot = loc.pathname == this.options.root;
var loc = this.location;
var atRoot = loc.pathname.replace(/[^\/]$/, '$&/') === this.root;
// If we've started off with a route from a `pushState`-enabled browser,
// but we're currently in a browser that doesn't support it...
if (this._wantsHashChange && this._wantsPushState && !this._hasPushState && !atRoot) {
this.fragment = this.getFragment(null, true);
window.location.replace(this.options.root + '#' + this.fragment);
this.location.replace(this.root + + '#' + this.fragment);
// Return immediately as browser will do redirect to new url
return true;
......@@ -1039,18 +1410,16 @@
// in a browser where it could be `pushState`-based instead...
} else if (this._wantsPushState && this._hasPushState && atRoot && loc.hash) {
this.fragment = this.getHash().replace(routeStripper, '');
window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, loc.protocol + '//' + + this.options.root + this.fragment);
this.history.replaceState({}, document.title, this.root + this.fragment +;
if (!this.options.silent) {
return this.loadUrl();
if (!this.options.silent) return this.loadUrl();
// Disable Backbone.history, perhaps temporarily. Not useful in a real app,
// but possibly useful for unit testing Routers.
stop: function() {
$(window).unbind('popstate', this.checkUrl).unbind('hashchange', this.checkUrl);
Backbone.$(window).off('popstate', this.checkUrl).off('hashchange', this.checkUrl);
History.started = false;
......@@ -1065,8 +1434,10 @@
// calls `loadUrl`, normalizing across the hidden iframe.
checkUrl: function(e) {
var current = this.getFragment();
if (current == this.fragment && this.iframe) current = this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe));
if (current == this.fragment) return false;
if (current === this.fragment && this.iframe) {
current = this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe));
if (current === this.fragment) return false;
if (this.iframe) this.navigate(current);
this.loadUrl() || this.loadUrl(this.getHash());
......@@ -1095,31 +1466,31 @@
navigate: function(fragment, options) {
if (!History.started) return false;
if (!options || options === true) options = {trigger: options};
var frag = (fragment || '').replace(routeStripper, '');
if (this.fragment == frag) return;
fragment = this.getFragment(fragment || '');
if (this.fragment === fragment) return;
this.fragment = fragment;
var url = this.root + fragment;
// If pushState is available, we use it to set the fragment as a real URL.
if (this._hasPushState) {
if (frag.indexOf(this.options.root) != 0) frag = this.options.root + frag;
this.fragment = frag;
window.history[options.replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState']({}, document.title, frag);
this.history[options.replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState']({}, document.title, url);
// If hash changes haven't been explicitly disabled, update the hash
// fragment to store history.
} else if (this._wantsHashChange) {
this.fragment = frag;
this._updateHash(window.location, frag, options.replace);
if (this.iframe && (frag != this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe)))) {
// Opening and closing the iframe tricks IE7 and earlier to push a history entry on hash-tag change.
// When replace is true, we don't want this.
this._updateHash(this.location, fragment, options.replace);
if (this.iframe && (fragment !== this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe)))) {
// Opening and closing the iframe tricks IE7 and earlier to push a
// history entry on hash-tag change. When replace is true, we don't
// want this.
this._updateHash(this.iframe.location, frag, options.replace);
this._updateHash(this.iframe.location, fragment, options.replace);
// If you've told us that you explicitly don't want fallback hashchange-
// based history, then `navigate` becomes a page refresh.
} else {
window.location.assign(this.options.root + fragment);
return this.location.assign(url);
if (options.trigger) this.loadUrl(fragment);
......@@ -1128,304 +1499,73 @@
// a new one to the browser history.
_updateHash: function(location, fragment, replace) {
if (replace) {
location.replace(location.toString().replace(/(javascript:|#).*$/, '') + '#' + fragment);
} else {
location.hash = fragment;
// Backbone.View
// -------------
// Creating a Backbone.View creates its initial element outside of the DOM,
// if an existing element is not provided...
var View = Backbone.View = function(options) {
this.cid = _.uniqueId('view');
this._configure(options || {});
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
// Cached regex to split keys for `delegate`.
var delegateEventSplitter = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/;
// List of view options to be merged as properties.
var viewOptions = ['model', 'collection', 'el', 'id', 'attributes', 'className', 'tagName'];
// Set up all inheritable **Backbone.View** properties and methods.
_.extend(View.prototype, Events, {
// The default `tagName` of a View's element is `"div"`.
tagName: 'div',
// jQuery delegate for element lookup, scoped to DOM elements within the
// current view. This should be prefered to global lookups where possible.
$: function(selector) {
return this.$el.find(selector);
// Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
// initialization logic.
initialize: function(){},
// **render** is the core function that your view should override, in order
// to populate its element (`this.el`), with the appropriate HTML. The
// convention is for **render** to always return `this`.
render: function() {
return this;
// Remove this view from the DOM. Note that the view isn't present in the
// DOM by default, so calling this method may be a no-op.
remove: function() {
return this;
// For small amounts of DOM Elements, where a full-blown template isn't
// needed, use **make** to manufacture elements, one at a time.
// var el = this.make('li', {'class': 'row'}, this.model.escape('title'));
make: function(tagName, attributes, content) {
var el = document.createElement(tagName);
if (attributes) $(el).attr(attributes);
if (content) $(el).html(content);
return el;
// Change the view's element (`this.el` property), including event
// re-delegation.
setElement: function(element, delegate) {
if (this.$el) this.undelegateEvents();
this.$el = (element instanceof $) ? element : $(element);
this.el = this.$el[0];
if (delegate !== false) this.delegateEvents();
return this;
// Set callbacks, where `` is a hash of
// *{"event selector": "callback"}*
// {
// 'mousedown .title': 'edit',
// 'click .button': 'save'
// 'click .open': function(e) { ... }
// }
// pairs. Callbacks will be bound to the view, with `this` set properly.
// Uses event delegation for efficiency.
// Omitting the selector binds the event to `this.el`.
// This only works for delegate-able events: not `focus`, `blur`, and
// not `change`, `submit`, and `reset` in Internet Explorer.
delegateEvents: function(events) {
if (!(events || (events = getValue(this, 'events')))) return;
for (var key in events) {
var method = events[key];
if (!_.isFunction(method)) method = this[events[key]];
if (!method) throw new Error('Method "' + events[key] + '" does not exist');
var match = key.match(delegateEventSplitter);
var eventName = match[1], selector = match[2];
method = _.bind(method, this);
eventName += '.delegateEvents' + this.cid;
if (selector === '') {
this.$el.bind(eventName, method);
} else {
this.$el.delegate(selector, eventName, method);
// Clears all callbacks previously bound to the view with `delegateEvents`.
// You usually don't need to use this, but may wish to if you have multiple
// Backbone views attached to the same DOM element.
undelegateEvents: function() {
this.$el.unbind('.delegateEvents' + this.cid);
// Performs the initial configuration of a View with a set of options.
// Keys with special meaning *(model, collection, id, className)*, are
// attached directly to the view.
_configure: function(options) {
if (this.options) options = _.extend({}, this.options, options);
for (var i = 0, l = viewOptions.length; i < l; i++) {
var attr = viewOptions[i];
if (options[attr]) this[attr] = options[attr];
this.options = options;
// Ensure that the View has a DOM element to render into.
// If `this.el` is a string, pass it through `$()`, take the first
// matching element, and re-assign it to `el`. Otherwise, create
// an element from the `id`, `className` and `tagName` properties.
_ensureElement: function() {
if (!this.el) {
var attrs = getValue(this, 'attributes') || {};
if ( =;
if (this.className) attrs['class'] = this.className;
this.setElement(this.make(this.tagName, attrs), false);
var href = location.href.replace(/(javascript:|#).*$/, '');
location.replace(href + '#' + fragment);
} else {
this.setElement(this.el, false);
// Some browsers require that `hash` contains a leading #.
location.hash = '#' + fragment;
// The self-propagating extend function that Backbone classes use.
var extend = function (protoProps, classProps) {
var child = inherits(this, protoProps, classProps);
child.extend = this.extend;
return child;
// Set up inheritance for the model, collection, and view.
Model.extend = Collection.extend = Router.extend = View.extend = extend;
// Backbone.sync
// -------------
// Map from CRUD to HTTP for our default `Backbone.sync` implementation.
var methodMap = {
'create': 'POST',
'update': 'PUT',
'delete': 'DELETE',
'read': 'GET'
// Override this function to change the manner in which Backbone persists
// models to the server. You will be passed the type of request, and the
// model in question. By default, makes a RESTful Ajax request
// to the model's `url()`. Some possible customizations could be:
// * Use `setTimeout` to batch rapid-fire updates into a single request.
// * Send up the models as XML instead of JSON.
// * Persist models via WebSockets instead of Ajax.
// Turn on `Backbone.emulateHTTP` in order to send `PUT` and `DELETE` requests
// as `POST`, with a `_method` parameter containing the true HTTP method,
// as well as all requests with the body as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
// instead of `application/json` with the model in a param named `model`.
// Useful when interfacing with server-side languages like **PHP** that make
// it difficult to read the body of `PUT` requests.
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
var type = methodMap[method];
// Default options, unless specified.
options || (options = {});
// Default JSON-request options.
var params = {type: type, dataType: 'json'};
// Ensure that we have a URL.
if (!options.url) {
params.url = getValue(model, 'url') || urlError();
// Ensure that we have the appropriate request data.
if (! && model && (method == 'create' || method == 'update')) {
params.contentType = 'application/json'; = JSON.stringify(model.toJSON());
// For older servers, emulate JSON by encoding the request into an HTML-form.
if (Backbone.emulateJSON) {
params.contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; = ? {model:} : {};
// For older servers, emulate HTTP by mimicking the HTTP method with `_method`
// And an `X-HTTP-Method-Override` header.
if (Backbone.emulateHTTP) {
if (type === 'PUT' || type === 'DELETE') {
if (Backbone.emulateJSON) = type;
params.type = 'POST';
params.beforeSend = function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-HTTP-Method-Override', type);
// Don't process data on a non-GET request.
if (params.type !== 'GET' && !Backbone.emulateJSON) {
params.processData = false;
// Make the request, allowing the user to override any Ajax options.
return $.ajax(_.extend(params, options));
// Wrap an optional error callback with a fallback error event.
Backbone.wrapError = function(onError, originalModel, options) {
return function(model, resp) {
resp = model === originalModel ? resp : model;
if (onError) {
onError(originalModel, resp, options);
} else {
originalModel.trigger('error', originalModel, resp, options);
// Create the default Backbone.history.
Backbone.history = new History;
// Helpers
// -------
// Shared empty constructor function to aid in prototype-chain creation.
var ctor = function(){};
// Helper function to correctly set up the prototype chain, for subclasses.
// Similar to `goog.inherits`, but uses a hash of prototype properties and
// class properties to be extended.
var inherits = function(parent, protoProps, staticProps) {
var extend = function(protoProps, staticProps) {
var parent = this;
var child;
// The constructor function for the new subclass is either defined by you
// (the "constructor" property in your `extend` definition), or defaulted
// by us to simply call the parent's constructor.
if (protoProps && protoProps.hasOwnProperty('constructor')) {
if (protoProps && _.has(protoProps, 'constructor')) {
child = protoProps.constructor;
} else {
child = function(){ parent.apply(this, arguments); };
child = function(){ return parent.apply(this, arguments); };
// Inherit class (static) properties from parent.
_.extend(child, parent);
// Add static properties to the constructor function, if supplied.
_.extend(child, parent, staticProps);
// Set the prototype chain to inherit from `parent`, without calling
// `parent`'s constructor function.
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new ctor();
var Surrogate = function(){ this.constructor = child; };
Surrogate.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new Surrogate;
// Add prototype properties (instance properties) to the subclass,
// if supplied.
if (protoProps) _.extend(child.prototype, protoProps);
// Add static properties to the constructor function, if supplied.
if (staticProps) _.extend(child, staticProps);
// Correctly set child's `prototype.constructor`.
child.prototype.constructor = child;
// Set a convenience property in case the parent's prototype is needed later.
// Set a convenience property in case the parent's prototype is needed
// later.
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
return child;
// Helper function to get a value from a Backbone object as a property
// or as a function.
var getValue = function(object, prop) {
if (!(object && object[prop])) return null;
return _.isFunction(object[prop]) ? object[prop]() : object[prop];
// Set up inheritance for the model, collection, router, view and history.
Model.extend = Collection.extend = Router.extend = View.extend = History.extend = extend;
// Throw an error when a URL is needed, and none is supplied.
var urlError = function() {
throw new Error('A "url" property or function must be specified');
// Wrap an optional error callback with a fallback error event.
var wrapError = function (model, options) {
var error = options.error;
options.error = function(resp) {
if (error) error(model, resp, options);
model.trigger('error', model, resp, options);
* Backbone localStorage Adapter
* Version 1.1.0
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(["underscore","backbone"], function(_, Backbone) {
// Use global variables if the locals is undefined.
return factory(_ || root._, Backbone || root.Backbone);
} else {
// RequireJS isn't being used. Assume underscore and backbone is loaded in <script> tags
factory(_, Backbone);
}(this, function(_, Backbone) {
// A simple module to replace `Backbone.sync` with *localStorage*-based
// persistence. Models are given GUIDS, and saved into a JSON object. Simple
// as that.
// Hold reference to Underscore.js and Backbone.js in the closure in order
// to make things work even if they are removed from the global namespace
// Generate four random hex digits.
function S4() {
return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);
// Generate a pseudo-GUID by concatenating random hexadecimal.
function guid() {
return (S4()+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+S4()+S4());
// Our Store is represented by a single JS object in *localStorage*. Create it
// with a meaningful name, like the name you'd give a table.
// window.Store is deprectated, use Backbone.LocalStorage instead
Backbone.LocalStorage = window.Store = function(name) { = name;
var store = this.localStorage().getItem(;
this.records = (store && store.split(",")) || [];
_.extend(Backbone.LocalStorage.prototype, {
// Save the current state of the **Store** to *localStorage*.
save: function() {
this.localStorage().setItem(, this.records.join(","));
// Add a model, giving it a (hopefully)-unique GUID, if it doesn't already
// have an id of it's own.
create: function(model) {
if (! { = guid();
this.localStorage().setItem("-", JSON.stringify(model));
return this.find(model);
// Update a model by replacing its copy in ``.
update: function(model) {
this.localStorage().setItem("-", JSON.stringify(model));
if (!_.include(this.records,
return this.find(model);
// Retrieve a model from `` by id.
find: function(model) {
return this.jsonData(this.localStorage().getItem("-";
// Return the array of all models currently in storage.
findAll: function() {
return _(this.records).chain()
return this.jsonData(this.localStorage().getItem("-"+id));
}, this)
// Delete a model from ``, returning it.
destroy: function(model) {
if (model.isNew())
return false
this.records = _.reject(this.records, function(id){
return id ===;
return model;
localStorage: function() {
return localStorage;
// fix for "illegal access" error on Android when JSON.parse is passed null
jsonData: function (data) {
return data && JSON.parse(data);
// localSync delegate to the model or collection's
// *localStorage* property, which should be an instance of `Store`.
// window.Store.sync and Backbone.localSync is deprectated, use Backbone.LocalStorage.sync instead
Backbone.LocalStorage.sync = window.Store.sync = Backbone.localSync = function(method, model, options) {
var store = model.localStorage || model.collection.localStorage;
var resp, errorMessage, syncDfd = $.Deferred && $.Deferred(); //If $ is having Deferred - use it.
try {
switch (method) {
case "read":
resp = != undefined ? store.find(model) : store.findAll();
case "create":
resp = store.create(model);
case "update":
resp = store.update(model);
case "delete":
resp = store.destroy(model);
} catch(error) {
if (error.code === DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR && window.localStorage.length === 0)
errorMessage = "Private browsing is unsupported";
errorMessage = error.message;
if (resp) {
if (options && options.success)
if (Backbone.VERSION === "0.9.10") {
options.success(model, resp, options);
} else {
if (syncDfd)
} else {
errorMessage = errorMessage ? errorMessage
: "Record Not Found";
if (options && options.error)
if (Backbone.VERSION === "0.9.10") {
options.error(model, errorMessage, options);
} else {
if (syncDfd)
// add compatibility with $.ajax
// always execute callback for success and error
if (options && options.complete) options.complete(resp);
return syncDfd && syncDfd.promise();
Backbone.ajaxSync = Backbone.sync;
Backbone.getSyncMethod = function(model) {
if(model.localStorage || (model.collection && model.collection.localStorage)) {
return Backbone.localSync;
return Backbone.ajaxSync;
// Override 'Backbone.sync' to default to localSync,
// the original 'Backbone.sync' is still available in 'Backbone.ajaxSync'
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
return Backbone.getSyncMethod(model).apply(this, [method, model, options]);
return Backbone.LocalStorage;
Copyright (c) 2012 Yiorgis Gozadinos, Riot AS
Postboks 2236, 3103 Tønsberg, Norway
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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# burry.js
A simple caching layer on the browser's localStorage
## Usage
### Creation
Create a Burry `Store`, optionally passing a namespace. A default store is always available with no namespace:
var burry = new Burry.Store('mystuff');
If you want to also set a default time-to-live on a namespaced store, pass the time-to-live as a second parameter. For instance,
var burrywithttl = new Burry.Store('mystuff', 10);
will create a store where the default time-to-live when you set items is 10 minutes.
You can obtain all available stores, by invoking `stores()`:
var stores = Burry.stores(); // stores is ['', 'mystuff']
### Getting/Setting
`set` and `get` JSON-serializable javascript objects easily to and from the cache.
burry.set('foo', {bar: 'burry'});
var foo = burry.get('foo'); // foo is {bar: 'burry'}
foo = burry.get('unknown'); // foo is undefined
You can specify a time-to-live per key/value. This is expressed in minutes:
burry.set('foo', {bar: 'burry'}, 10);
var foo = burry.get('foo'); // foo is {bar: 'burry'}
// Ten minutes later...
foo = burry.get('foo'); // foo is undefined and also removed from localStorage
Attempting to `set` when the `localStorage` is full, will try again after flushing expired key/values from the cache. If this does not succeed either, your `set` will be ignored.
### Counters
You can increment/decrement persistent counters. If the counter does not exist, it is initialized with the value 0.
var counter = burry.get('counter'); // counter === 2
counter = burry.get('counter'); // counter === 1
### Helpers
The following more esoteric functions are also exposed:
* `burry.add(key, value, ttl)`, same as `set` except it will only add the key if it does not already exist, or it has already expired.
* `burry.replace(key, value, ttl)`, same as `set` except it will only add the key if it does already exist and has not expired.
* `burry.flush()`, removes from `localStorage` all Burry items.
* `burry.flushExpired()`, removes from `localStorage` all expired Burry items of the store.
* `Burry.flushExpired()`, removes from `localStorage` all expired Burry items of all stores.
* `burry.keys()`, returns all stored keys.
* `burry.expirableKeys()` return an dictionary of key/values where the values are the TTL of the keys from Epoch.
* `burry.hasExpired(key)`, returns whether a key has expired.
* `Burry.isSupported()`, returns whether `localStorage` and `JSON` serialization are supported on the browser.
## License is Copyright (C) 2012 Yiorgis Gozadinos, Riot AS.
It is distributed under the MIT license.
\ No newline at end of file
// Burry.js Storage v0.1
// (c) 2012 Yiorgis Gozadinos, Riot AS.
// Burry.js is distributed under the MIT license.
// AMD/global registrations
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define([], function () {
return factory();
} else {
// Browser globals
root.Burry = factory();
}(this, function () {
// Construct a new Burry store with an optional `namespace` and an optional default `ttl`.
var Burry = {
Store: function (ns, default_ttl) {
var stores = Burry.stores();
if (ns) {
this._CACHE_SUFFIX = this._CACHE_SUFFIX + ns;
this._EXPIRY_KEY = this._EXPIRY_KEY + ns;
if (stores.indexOf(ns) === -1)
localStorage.setItem('_burry_stores_', JSON.stringify(stores));
this.default_ttl = default_ttl;
// Time resolution in minutes
_EXPIRY_UNITS: 60 * 1000,
// Calculate the time since Epoch in minutes
_mEpoch: function () {
return Math.floor((new Date().getTime())/Burry._EXPIRY_UNITS);
stores: function () {
var stores = localStorage.getItem('_burry_stores_');
if (stores) {
stores = JSON.parse(stores);
} else {
stores = [''];
return stores;
// Checks for localStorage & JSON support.
isSupported: function () {
// If this has been called before we already know.
if (Burry._isSupported) return Burry._isSupported;
try {
localStorage.setItem('_burry_', '_burry_');
} catch (e) {
return Burry._isSupported = false;
if (!JSON) {
return Burry._isSupported = false;
return Burry._isSupported = true;
flushExpired: function () {
var i, match, key, val, ns,
remove = [],
now = Burry._mEpoch();
for (i=0; i< localStorage.length; i++) {
key = localStorage.key(i);
match = key.match(/(.+)-_burry_exp_(.*)/);
if (match) {
val = localStorage.getItem(key);
if (val < now) {
key = match[1]; ns = match[2];
remove.push(key + Burry.Store.prototype._CACHE_SUFFIX + ns);
remove.push(key + Burry.Store.prototype._EXPIRY_KEY + ns);
for (i=0; i< remove.length; i++) {
// Instance methods
Burry.Store.prototype = {
// Suffix to all keys in the cache
_CACHE_SUFFIX: '-_burry_',
// Key used to store expiration data
_EXPIRY_KEY: '-_burry_exp_',
// Return the internally used suffixed key.
_internalKey: function (key) {
return key + this._CACHE_SUFFIX;
// Return the internally used suffixed expiration key.
_expirationKey: function (key) {
return key + this._EXPIRY_KEY;
// Check if a key is a valid internal key
_isInternalKey: function (key) {
if (key.slice(-this._CACHE_SUFFIX.length) === this._CACHE_SUFFIX)
return key.slice(0, -this._CACHE_SUFFIX.length);
return false;
// Check if a key is a valid expiration key
_isExpirationKey: function (key) {
if (key.slice(-this._EXPIRY_KEY.length) === this._EXPIRY_KEY)
return key.slice(0, -this._EXPIRY_KEY.length);
return false;
// Returns in how many minutes after Epoch the key expires,
// or `undefined` if it does not expire.
_expiresOn: function (key) {
var expires = localStorage.getItem(this._expirationKey(key));
if (expires) {
return parseInt(expires, 10);
// Parse the value of a key as an integer.
_getCounter: function (bkey) {
var value = localStorage.getItem(bkey);
if (value === null) return 0;
return parseInt(value, 10);
// Returns the value of `key` from the cache, `undefined` if the `key` has
// expired or is not stored.
get: function (key) {
var value = localStorage.getItem(this._internalKey(key));
if (value === null) {
return undefined;
if (this.hasExpired(key)) {
return undefined;
try {
value = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (e) {
return undefined;
return value;
// Sets a `key`/`value` on the cache. Optionally, sets the expiration in `ttl` minutes.
set: function (key, value, ttl) {
var i, bkey, expires = {};
ttl = ttl || this.default_ttl;
if (ttl) ttl = parseInt(ttl, 10);
if (typeof key === undefined || typeof value === undefined) return;
value = JSON.stringify(value);
try {
localStorage.setItem(this._internalKey(key), value);
if (ttl) {
localStorage.setItem(this._expirationKey(key), Burry._mEpoch() + ttl);
} else {
} catch (e) {
// No space left on localStorage, let's flush expired items and try agagin.
try {
localStorage.setItem(this._internalKey(key), value);
if (ttl) {
localStorage.setItem(this._expirationKey(key), Burry._mEpoch() + ttl);
} else {
catch (e) {
// Oh well. Let's forget about it.
// Sets a `key`/`value` on the cache as does **set** but only if the key does not already exist or has expired.
add: function (key, value, ttl) {
if (localStorage.getItem(this._internalKey(key)) === null || this.hasExpired(key)) {
this.set(key, value, ttl);
// Sets a `key`/`value` on the cache as does **set** but only if the key already exist and has not expired.
replace: function (key, value, ttl) {
if (localStorage.getItem(this._internalKey(key)) !== null && !this.hasExpired(key)) {
this.set(key, value, ttl);
// Removes an item from the cache.
remove: function (key) {
// Increments the integer value of `key` by 1
incr: function (key) {
var bkey = this._internalKey(key),
value = this._getCounter(bkey);
localStorage.setItem(bkey, value);
// Decrements the integer value of `key` by 1
decr: function (key) {
var bkey = this._internalKey(key),
value = this._getCounter(bkey);
localStorage.setItem(bkey, value);
// Returns whether `key` has expired.
hasExpired: function (key) {
var expireson = this._expiresOn(key);
if (expireson && (expireson < Burry._mEpoch())) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns a list of all the cached keys
keys: function () {
var i, bkey, key, results = [];
for (i=0; i < localStorage.length ; i++) {
bkey = localStorage.key(i);
key = this._isInternalKey(bkey);
if (key) {
return results;
// Returns an object with all the expirable keys. The values are the ttl
// in minutes since Epoch.
expirableKeys: function () {
var i, bkey, key, results = {};
for (i=0; i < localStorage.length ; i++) {
bkey = localStorage.key(i);
key = this._isExpirationKey(bkey);
if (key) {
results[key] = parseInt(localStorage.getItem(bkey), 10);
return results;
// Removes all Burry items from `localStorage`.
flush: function () {
var i, key, remove = [];
for (i=0; i < localStorage.length ; i++) {
key = localStorage.key(i);
if (this._isInternalKey(key) || this._isExpirationKey(key)) {
for (i=0; i<remove.length; i++)
// Removes all expired items.
flushExpired: function () {
var expirable = this.expirableKeys(), now = Burry._mEpoch(), key, val;
for (key in expirable) {
val = expirable[key];
if (val < now) this.remove(key);
return Burry;
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<div class='docs'><h1>burry.js</h1></div>
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<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-0'>#</a>
<p>Burry.js Storage v0.1</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre></pre></div>
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<div class='section' id='section-1'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-1'>#</a>
<p>(c) 2012 Yiorgis Gozadinos, Riot AS.
Burry.js is distributed under the MIT license.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre></pre></div>
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<div class='section' id='section-2'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-2'>#</a>
<p>AMD/global registrations</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre><span class="p">(</span><span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">root</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">factory</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="k">typeof</span> <span class="nx">define</span> <span class="o">===</span> <span class="s1">&#39;function&#39;</span> <span class="o">&amp;&amp;</span> <span class="nx">define</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">amd</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-3'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-3'>#</a>
<p>AMD. Register as an anonymous module.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">define</span><span class="p">([],</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nx">factory</span><span class="p">();</span>
<span class="p">});</span>
<span class="p">}</span> <span class="k">else</span> <span class="p">{</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-4'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-4'>#</a>
<p>Browser globals</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">root</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">Burry</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">factory</span><span class="p">();</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">}(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-5'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-5'>#</a>
<p>Construct a new Burry store with an optional <code>namespace</code> and an optional default <code>ttl</code>.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">Burry</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">Store</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">ns</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">default_ttl</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">stores</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">Burry</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">stores</span><span class="p">();</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">ns</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_CACHE_SUFFIX</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_CACHE_SUFFIX</span> <span class="o">+</span> <span class="nx">ns</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_EXPIRY_KEY</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_EXPIRY_KEY</span> <span class="o">+</span> <span class="nx">ns</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">stores</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">indexOf</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">ns</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="o">===</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">)</span>
<span class="nx">stores</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">push</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">ns</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">setItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;_burry_stores_&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">JSON</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">stringify</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">stores</span><span class="p">));</span>
<span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">default_ttl</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">default_ttl</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-6'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-6'>#</a>
<p>Time resolution in minutes</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">_EXPIRY_UNITS</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="mi">60</span> <span class="o">*</span> <span class="mi">1000</span><span class="p">,</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-7'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-7'>#</a>
<p>Calculate the time since Epoch in minutes</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">_mEpoch</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nb">Math</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">floor</span><span class="p">((</span><span class="k">new</span> <span class="nb">Date</span><span class="p">().</span><span class="nx">getTime</span><span class="p">())</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="nx">Burry</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_EXPIRY_UNITS</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">},</span>
<span class="nx">stores</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">stores</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">getItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;_burry_stores_&#39;</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">stores</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">stores</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">JSON</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">parse</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">stores</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span> <span class="k">else</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">stores</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">[</span><span class="s1">&#39;&#39;</span><span class="p">];</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nx">stores</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-8'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-8'>#</a>
<p>Checks for localStorage &amp; JSON support.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">isSupported</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">try</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">setItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;_burry_&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="s1">&#39;_burry_&#39;</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">removeItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;_burry_&#39;</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span> <span class="k">catch</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">e</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="kc">false</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">!</span><span class="nx">JSON</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="kc">false</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="kc">true</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">},</span>
<span class="nx">flushExpired</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">match</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">val</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">ns</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="nx">remove</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">[],</span>
<span class="nx">now</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">Burry</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_mEpoch</span><span class="p">();</span>
<span class="k">for</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">&lt;</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">length</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">++</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">key</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">i</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="nx">match</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">match</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="sr">/(.+)-_burry_exp_(.*)/</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">match</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">val</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">getItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">val</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span> <span class="nx">now</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">key</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">match</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">];</span> <span class="nx">ns</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">match</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="mi">2</span><span class="p">];</span>
<span class="nx">remove</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">push</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span> <span class="o">+</span> <span class="nx">Burry</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">Store</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">prototype</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_CACHE_SUFFIX</span> <span class="o">+</span> <span class="nx">ns</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="nx">remove</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">push</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span> <span class="o">+</span> <span class="nx">Burry</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">Store</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">prototype</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_EXPIRY_KEY</span> <span class="o">+</span> <span class="nx">ns</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="k">for</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">&lt;</span> <span class="nx">remove</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">length</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">++</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">removeItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">remove</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="nx">i</span><span class="p">]);</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">};</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-9'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-9'>#</a>
<p>Instance methods</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">Burry</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">Store</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">prototype</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">{</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-10'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-10'>#</a>
<p>Suffix to all keys in the cache</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">_CACHE_SUFFIX</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="s1">&#39;-_burry_&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-11'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-11'>#</a>
<p>Key used to store expiration data</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">_EXPIRY_KEY</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="s1">&#39;-_burry_exp_&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-12'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-12'>#</a>
<p>Return the internally used suffixed key.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">_internalKey</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nx">key</span> <span class="o">+</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_CACHE_SUFFIX</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-13'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-13'>#</a>
<p>Return the internally used suffixed expiration key.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">_expirationKey</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nx">key</span> <span class="o">+</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_EXPIRY_KEY</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-14'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-14'>#</a>
<p>Check if a key is a valid internal key</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">_isInternalKey</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">slice</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_CACHE_SUFFIX</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">length</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="o">===</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_CACHE_SUFFIX</span><span class="p">)</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">slice</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_CACHE_SUFFIX</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">length</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="kc">false</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-15'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-15'>#</a>
<p>Check if a key is a valid expiration key</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">_isExpirationKey</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">slice</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_EXPIRY_KEY</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">length</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="o">===</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_EXPIRY_KEY</span><span class="p">)</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">slice</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_EXPIRY_KEY</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">length</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="kc">false</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-16'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-16'>#</a>
<p>Returns in how many minutes after Epoch the key expires,
or <code>undefined</code> if it does not expire.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">_expiresOn</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">expires</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">getItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_expirationKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">));</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">expires</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nb">parseInt</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">expires</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">10</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-17'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-17'>#</a>
<p>Parse the value of a key as an integer.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">_getCounter</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">bkey</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">value</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">getItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">bkey</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">value</span> <span class="o">===</span> <span class="kc">null</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">return</span> <span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nb">parseInt</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">10</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-18'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-18'>#</a>
<p>Returns the value of <code>key</code> from the cache, <code>undefined</code> if the <code>key</code> has
expired or is not stored.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">get</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">value</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">getItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_internalKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">));</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">value</span> <span class="o">===</span> <span class="kc">null</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="kc">undefined</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">hasExpired</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">))</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">remove</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="kc">undefined</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="k">try</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">value</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">JSON</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">parse</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span> <span class="k">catch</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">e</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="kc">undefined</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-19'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-19'>#</a>
<p>Sets a <code>key</code>/<code>value</code> on the cache. Optionally, sets the expiration in <code>ttl</code> minutes.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">set</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">ttl</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">bkey</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">expires</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">{};</span>
<span class="nx">ttl</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">ttl</span> <span class="o">||</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">default_ttl</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">ttl</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="nx">ttl</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nb">parseInt</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">ttl</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">10</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="k">typeof</span> <span class="nx">key</span> <span class="o">===</span> <span class="kc">undefined</span> <span class="o">||</span> <span class="k">typeof</span> <span class="nx">value</span> <span class="o">===</span> <span class="kc">undefined</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">return</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="nx">value</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">JSON</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">stringify</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">try</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">setItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_internalKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">ttl</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">setItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_expirationKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="nx">Burry</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_mEpoch</span><span class="p">()</span> <span class="o">+</span> <span class="nx">ttl</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span> <span class="k">else</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">removeItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_expirationKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">));</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">}</span> <span class="k">catch</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">e</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">e</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">name</span> <span class="o">===</span> <span class="s1">&#39;QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR&#39;</span> <span class="o">||</span> <span class="nx">e</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">name</span> <span class="o">===</span> <span class="s1">&#39;NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED&#39;</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-20'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-20'>#</a>
<p>No space left on localStorage, let's flush expired items and try agagin.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">Burry</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">flushExpired</span><span class="p">();</span>
<span class="k">try</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">setItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_internalKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">ttl</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">setItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_expirationKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="nx">Burry</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_mEpoch</span><span class="p">()</span> <span class="o">+</span> <span class="nx">ttl</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span> <span class="k">else</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">removeItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_expirationKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">));</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="k">catch</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">e</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-21'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-21'>#</a>
<p>Oh well. Let's forget about it.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-22'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-22'>#</a>
<p>Sets a <code>key</code>/<code>value</code> on the cache as does <strong>set</strong> but only if the key does not already exist or has expired.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">add</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">ttl</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">getItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_internalKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">))</span> <span class="o">===</span> <span class="kc">null</span> <span class="o">||</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">hasExpired</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">))</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">set</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">ttl</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-23'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-23'>#</a>
<p>Sets a <code>key</code>/<code>value</code> on the cache as does <strong>set</strong> but only if the key already exist and has not expired.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">replace</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">ttl</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">getItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_internalKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">))</span> <span class="o">!==</span> <span class="kc">null</span> <span class="o">&amp;&amp;</span> <span class="o">!</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">hasExpired</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">))</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">set</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">ttl</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-24'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-24'>#</a>
<p>Removes an item from the cache.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">remove</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">removeItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_internalKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">));</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">removeItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_expirationKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">));</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-25'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-25'>#</a>
<p>Increments the integer value of <code>key</code> by 1</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">incr</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">bkey</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_internalKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">),</span>
<span class="nx">value</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_getCounter</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">bkey</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="nx">value</span><span class="o">++</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">setItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">bkey</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-26'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-26'>#</a>
<p>Decrements the integer value of <code>key</code> by 1</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">decr</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">bkey</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_internalKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">),</span>
<span class="nx">value</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_getCounter</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">bkey</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="nx">value</span><span class="o">--</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">setItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">bkey</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">value</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-27'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-27'>#</a>
<p>Returns whether <code>key</code> has expired.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">hasExpired</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">expireson</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_expiresOn</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">expireson</span> <span class="o">&amp;&amp;</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">expireson</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span> <span class="nx">Burry</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_mEpoch</span><span class="p">()))</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="kc">true</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="kc">false</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-28'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-28'>#</a>
<p>Returns a list of all the cached keys</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">keys</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">bkey</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">results</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">[];</span>
<span class="k">for</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="nx">i</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">length</span> <span class="p">;</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">++</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">bkey</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">i</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="nx">key</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_isInternalKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">bkey</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">results</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">push</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nx">results</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-29'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-29'>#</a>
<p>Returns an object with all the expirable keys. The values are the ttl
in minutes since Epoch.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">expirableKeys</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">bkey</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">results</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">{};</span>
<span class="k">for</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="nx">i</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">length</span> <span class="p">;</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">++</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">bkey</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">i</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="nx">key</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_isExpirationKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">bkey</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">results</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">]</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nb">parseInt</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">getItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">bkey</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="mi">10</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nx">results</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-30'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-30'>#</a>
<p>Removes all Burry items from <code>localStorage</code>.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">flush</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">remove</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">[];</span>
<span class="k">for</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="nx">i</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">length</span> <span class="p">;</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">++</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">key</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">i</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_isInternalKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="o">||</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_isExpirationKey</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">))</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">remove</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">push</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="k">for</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="nx">remove</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">length</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="o">++</span><span class="p">)</span>
<span class="nx">localStorage</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">removeItem</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">remove</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="nx">i</span><span class="p">]);</span>
<span class="p">},</span></pre></div>
<div class='clearall'></div>
<div class='section' id='section-31'>
<div class='docs'>
<div class='octowrap'>
<a class='octothorpe' href='#section-31'>#</a>
<p>Removes all expired items.</p>
<div class='code'>
<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="nx">flushExpired</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">expirable</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">expirableKeys</span><span class="p">(),</span> <span class="nx">now</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">Burry</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">_mEpoch</span><span class="p">(),</span> <span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">val</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="k">for</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span> <span class="k">in</span> <span class="nx">expirable</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="nx">val</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">expirable</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">];</span>
<span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">val</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span> <span class="nx">now</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">this</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">remove</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">key</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="p">};</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nx">Burry</span><span class="p">;</span>
<span class="p">}));</span>
<div class='clearall'></div>
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(function (Burry) {
describe('burry.js Storage', function () {
afterEach(function () {
describe('Static methods', function () {
it('returns the stores that have been created', function () {
var burryfoo, burrybar;
burryfoo = new Burry.Store('foo');
burrybar = new Burry.Store('bar');
burrybar2 = new Burry.Store('bar');
expect(Burry.stores()).toEqual(['', 'foo', 'bar']);
it('calculates time elapsed since epoch in minutues', function () {
var datea = new Date(10 * 60 * 1000);
spyOn(window, 'Date').andReturn(datea);
it('supports localStorage', function () {
it('flushes expired key/values from all stores', function () {
burryfoo = new Burry.Store('foo');
burrybar = new Burry.Store('bar');
burryfoo.set('expired1', {foo: 'bar'}, -1);
burryfoo.set('expired2', {foo: 'bar'}, -2);
burryfoo.set('not-expired', {foo: 'bar'}, 10);
burrybar.set('expired1', {foo: 'bar'}, -1);
burrybar.set('expired2', {foo: 'bar'}, -2);
burrybar.set('not-expired', {foo: 'bar'}, 10);
describe('Instance methods', function () {
var burry;
beforeEach(function () {
burry = new Burry.Store('');
it('allows to set a default ttl', function () {
burry = new Burry.Store('', 10);
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'});
expect(parseInt(localStorage.getItem('akey-_burry_exp_'), 10)).toEqual(Burry._mEpoch() + 10);
it('calculates the key used internally', function () {
it('calculates the expiration key used internally', function () {
it('decides whether a key is a "burry" key', function () {
it('decides whether a key is a "burry" expiration key', function () {
it('applies correctly the namespace on the keys on construction', function () {
var nsburry = new Burry.Store('testing');
it('stores a key/value to localStorage', function () {
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'});
it('stores a key/value to localStorage with an expiration time', function () {
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'}, 10);
expect(parseInt(localStorage.getItem('akey-_burry_exp_'), 10)).toEqual(Burry._mEpoch() + 10);
it('returns the value from a stored key', function () {
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'});
expect(burry.get('akey')).toEqual({foo: 'bar'});
it('returns undefined for a non-existing key', function () {
it('returns undefined for an expired key, and removes it from localStorage', function () {
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'}, -1);
expect(parseInt(localStorage.getItem('akey-_burry_exp_'), 10)).toEqual(Burry._mEpoch() - 1);
it('adds a key/value when the key does not already exist or has expired', function () {
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'});
burry.add('akey', {bar: 'foo'});
expect(burry.get('akey')).toEqual({foo: 'bar'});
burry.add('otherkey', {foo: 'bar'});
expect(burry.get('otherkey')).toEqual({foo: 'bar'});
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'}, -10);
burry.add('akey', {bar: 'foo'});
expect(burry.get('akey')).toEqual({bar: 'foo'});
it('replaces a key/value only when the key already exists and has not expired', function () {
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'});
burry.replace('akey', {bar: 'foo'});
expect(burry.get('akey')).toEqual({bar: 'foo'});
burry.replace('otherkey', {foo: 'bar'});
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'}, -10);
burry.replace('akey', {bar: 'foo'});
it('removes a key/value', function () {
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'});
it('increments a counter', function () {
burry.set('counter', 0);
it('decrements a counter', function () {
burry.set('counter', 0);
it('determines if an item has expired', function () {
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'});
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'}, 10);
burry.set('akey', {foo: 'bar'}, -10);
it('returns all cache keys', function () {
var keys;
burry.set('expirable1', {foo: 'bar'}, 10);
burry.set('expirable2', {foo: 'bar'}, -20);
burry.set('non-expirable', {foo: 'bar'});
it('returns all expirable keys', function () {
var expirable, fakedate = new Date(0);
spyOn(window, 'Date').andReturn(fakedate);
burry.set('expirable1', {foo: 'bar'}, 10);
burry.set('expirable2', {foo: 'bar'}, 20);
burry.set('non-expirable', {foo: 'bar'});
expect(burry.expirableKeys()).toEqual({expirable1: 10, expirable2: 20});
it('flushes all Burry items', function () {
burry.set('expirable2', {foo: 'bar'}, 20);
burry.set('non-expirable', {foo: 'bar'});
localStorage.setItem('foo', 'bar');
it('flushes expired key/values', function () {
burry.set('expired1', {foo: 'bar'}, -1);
burry.set('expired2', {foo: 'bar'}, -2);
burry.set('not-expired', {foo: 'bar'}, 10);
it('removes expired objects when setting a value that does not fit in localStorage', function () {
var biggie = Array(1024*1024 + 1).join('0'),
key = '';
while (true) {
try {
key += 'key';
localStorage.setItem(burry._internalKey(key), JSON.stringify(biggie));
localStorage.setItem(burry._expirationKey(key), '0');
} catch (e) {
// The storage is now full.
expect(localStorage.length > 0).toBeTruthy();
burry.set('biggie', biggie);
\ No newline at end of file
Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Pivotal Labs
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers = {};
jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.createDom = function(type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) {
var el = document.createElement(type);
for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var child = arguments[i];
if (typeof child === 'string') {
} else {
if (child) {
for (var attr in attrs) {
if (attr == "className") {
el[attr] = attrs[attr];
} else {
el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
return el;
jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.getSpecStatus = function(child) {
var results = child.results();
var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
if (results.skipped) {
status = 'skipped';
return status;
jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.appendToSummary = function(child, childElement) {
var parentDiv = this.dom.summary;
var parentSuite = (typeof child.parentSuite == 'undefined') ? 'suite' : 'parentSuite';
var parent = child[parentSuite];
if (parent) {
if (typeof this.views.suites[] == 'undefined') {
this.views.suites[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView(parent, this.dom, this.views);
parentDiv = this.views.suites[].element;
jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers = function(ctor) {
for(var fn in jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers) {
ctor.prototype[fn] = jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers[fn];
jasmine.HtmlReporter = function(_doc) {
var self = this;
var doc = _doc || window.document;
var reporterView;
var dom = {};
// Jasmine Reporter Public Interface
self.logRunningSpecs = false;
self.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) {
var specs = runner.specs() || [];
if (specs.length == 0) {
reporterView = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.ReporterView(dom);
reporterView.addSpecs(specs, self.specFilter);
self.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {
reporterView && reporterView.complete();
self.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) {
self.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) {
if (self.logRunningSpecs) {
self.log('>> Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...');
self.reportSpecResults = function(spec) {
self.log = function() {
var console = jasmine.getGlobal().console;
if (console && console.log) {
if (console.log.apply) {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
} else {
console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie
self.specFilter = function(spec) {
if (!focusedSpecName()) {
return true;
return spec.getFullName().indexOf(focusedSpecName()) === 0;
return self;
function focusedSpecName() {
var specName;
(function memoizeFocusedSpec() {
if (specName) {
var paramMap = [];
var params ='&');
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
var p = params[i].split('=');
paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = decodeURIComponent(p[1]);
specName = paramMap.spec;
return specName;
function createReporterDom(version) {
dom.reporter = self.createDom('div', { id: 'HTMLReporter', className: 'jasmine_reporter' },
dom.banner = self.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' },
self.createDom('span', { className: 'title' }, "Jasmine "),
self.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, version)),
dom.symbolSummary = self.createDom('ul', {className: 'symbolSummary'}),
dom.alert = self.createDom('div', {className: 'alert'}),
dom.results = self.createDom('div', {className: 'results'},
dom.summary = self.createDom('div', { className: 'summary' }),
dom.details = self.createDom('div', { id: 'details' }))
jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers(jasmine.HtmlReporter);jasmine.HtmlReporter.ReporterView = function(dom) {
this.startedAt = new Date();
this.runningSpecCount = 0;
this.completeSpecCount = 0;
this.passedCount = 0;
this.failedCount = 0;
this.skippedCount = 0;
this.createResultsMenu = function() {
this.resultsMenu = this.createDom('span', {className: 'resultsMenu bar'},
this.summaryMenuItem = this.createDom('a', {className: 'summaryMenuItem', href: "#"}, '0 specs'),
' | ',
this.detailsMenuItem = this.createDom('a', {className: 'detailsMenuItem', href: "#"}, '0 failing'));
this.summaryMenuItem.onclick = function() {
dom.reporter.className = dom.reporter.className.replace(/ showDetails/g, '');
this.detailsMenuItem.onclick = function() {
this.addSpecs = function(specs, specFilter) {
this.totalSpecCount = specs.length;
this.views = {
specs: {},
suites: {}
for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) {
var spec = specs[i];
this.views.specs[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView(spec, dom, this.views);
if (specFilter(spec)) {
this.specComplete = function(spec) {
if (isUndefined(this.views.specs[])) {
this.views.specs[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView(spec, dom);
var specView = this.views.specs[];
switch (specView.status()) {
case 'passed':
case 'failed':
case 'skipped':
this.suiteComplete = function(suite) {
var suiteView = this.views.suites[];
if (isUndefined(suiteView)) {
this.refresh = function() {
if (isUndefined(this.resultsMenu)) {
// currently running UI
if (isUndefined(this.runningAlert)) {
this.runningAlert = this.createDom('a', {href: "?", className: "runningAlert bar"});
this.runningAlert.innerHTML = "Running " + this.completeSpecCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount);
// skipped specs UI
if (isUndefined(this.skippedAlert)) {
this.skippedAlert = this.createDom('a', {href: "?", className: "skippedAlert bar"});
this.skippedAlert.innerHTML = "Skipping " + this.skippedCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount) + " - run all";
if (this.skippedCount === 1 && isDefined(dom.alert)) {
// passing specs UI
if (isUndefined(this.passedAlert)) {
this.passedAlert = this.createDom('span', {href: "?", className: "passingAlert bar"});
this.passedAlert.innerHTML = "Passing " + specPluralizedFor(this.passedCount);
// failing specs UI
if (isUndefined(this.failedAlert)) {
this.failedAlert = this.createDom('span', {href: "?", className: "failingAlert bar"});
this.failedAlert.innerHTML = "Failing " + specPluralizedFor(this.failedCount);
if (this.failedCount === 1 && isDefined(dom.alert)) {
// summary info
this.summaryMenuItem.innerHTML = "" + specPluralizedFor(this.runningSpecCount);
this.detailsMenuItem.innerHTML = "" + this.failedCount + " failing";
this.complete = function() {
this.skippedAlert.innerHTML = "Ran " + this.runningSpecCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount) + " - run all";
if (this.failedCount === 0) {
dom.alert.appendChild(this.createDom('span', {className: 'passingAlert bar'}, "Passing " + specPluralizedFor(this.passedCount)));
} else {
dom.banner.appendChild(this.createDom('span', {className: 'duration'}, "finished in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s"));
return this;
function showDetails() {
if ( === -1) {
dom.reporter.className += " showDetails";
function isUndefined(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'undefined';
function isDefined(obj) {
return !isUndefined(obj);
function specPluralizedFor(count) {
var str = count + " spec";
if (count > 1) {
str += "s"
return str;
jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView = function(spec, dom, views) {
this.spec = spec;
this.dom = dom;
this.views = views;
this.symbol = this.createDom('li', { className: 'pending' });
this.summary = this.createDom('div', { className: 'specSummary' },
this.createDom('a', {
className: 'description',
href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.spec.getFullName()),
title: this.spec.getFullName()
}, this.spec.description)
this.detail = this.createDom('div', { className: 'specDetail' },
this.createDom('a', {
className: 'description',
href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.spec.getFullName()),
title: this.spec.getFullName()
}, this.spec.getFullName())
jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.status = function() {
return this.getSpecStatus(this.spec);
jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.refresh = function() {
this.symbol.className = this.status();
switch (this.status()) {
case 'skipped':
case 'passed':
case 'failed':
jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv = function() {
this.summary.className += ' ' + this.status();
this.appendToSummary(this.spec, this.summary);
jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.appendFailureDetail = function() {
this.detail.className += ' ' + this.status();
var resultItems = this.spec.results().getItems();
var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' });
for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) {
var result = resultItems[i];
if (result.type == 'log') {
messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString()));
} else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) {
messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message));
if (result.trace.stack) {
messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack));
if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) {
jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers(jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView);jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView = function(suite, dom, views) {
this.suite = suite;
this.dom = dom;
this.views = views;
this.element = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' },
this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.suite.getFullName()) }, this.suite.description)
this.appendToSummary(this.suite, this.element);
jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView.prototype.status = function() {
return this.getSpecStatus(this.suite);
jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView.prototype.refresh = function() {
this.element.className += " " + this.status();
/* @deprecated Use jasmine.HtmlReporter instead
jasmine.TrivialReporter = function(doc) {
this.document = doc || document;
this.suiteDivs = {};
this.logRunningSpecs = false;
jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.createDom = function(type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) {
var el = document.createElement(type);
for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var child = arguments[i];
if (typeof child === 'string') {
} else {
if (child) { el.appendChild(child); }
for (var attr in attrs) {
if (attr == "className") {
el[attr] = attrs[attr];
} else {
el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
return el;
jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) {
var showPassed, showSkipped;
this.outerDiv = this.createDom('div', { id: 'TrivialReporter', className: 'jasmine_reporter' },
this.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' },
this.createDom('div', { className: 'logo' },
this.createDom('span', { className: 'title' }, "Jasmine"),
this.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, runner.env.versionString())),
this.createDom('div', { className: 'options' },
"Show ",
showPassed = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__", type: 'checkbox' }),
this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__" }, " passed "),
showSkipped = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__", type: 'checkbox' }),
this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__" }, " skipped")
this.runnerDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'runner running' },
this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?' }, "run all"),
this.runnerMessageSpan = this.createDom('span', {}, "Running..."),
this.finishedAtSpan = this.createDom('span', { className: 'finished-at' }, ""))
var suites = runner.suites();
for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
var suite = suites[i];
var suiteDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' },
this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, "run"),
this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, suite.description));
this.suiteDivs[] = suiteDiv;
var parentDiv = this.outerDiv;
if (suite.parentSuite) {
parentDiv = this.suiteDivs[];
this.startedAt = new Date();
var self = this;
showPassed.onclick = function(evt) {
if (showPassed.checked) {
self.outerDiv.className += ' show-passed';
} else {
self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-passed/, '');
showSkipped.onclick = function(evt) {
if (showSkipped.checked) {
self.outerDiv.className += ' show-skipped';
} else {
self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-skipped/, '');
jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {
var results = runner.results();
var className = (results.failedCount > 0) ? "runner failed" : "runner passed";
this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("class", className);
//do it twice for IE
this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("className", className);
var specs = runner.specs();
var specCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) {
if (this.specFilter(specs[i])) {
var message = "" + specCount + " spec" + (specCount == 1 ? "" : "s" ) + ", " + results.failedCount + " failure" + ((results.failedCount == 1) ? "" : "s");
message += " in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s";
this.runnerMessageSpan.replaceChild(this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?'}, message), this.runnerMessageSpan.firstChild);
this.finishedAtSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Finished at " + new Date().toString()));
jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) {
var results = suite.results();
var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
if (results.totalCount === 0) { // todo: change this to check results.skipped
status = 'skipped';
this.suiteDivs[].className += " " + status;
jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) {
if (this.logRunningSpecs) {
this.log('>> Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...');
jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) {
var results = spec.results();
var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
if (results.skipped) {
status = 'skipped';
var specDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'spec ' + status },
this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()) }, "run"),
this.createDom('a', {
className: 'description',
href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()),
title: spec.getFullName()
}, spec.description));
var resultItems = results.getItems();
var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' });
for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) {
var result = resultItems[i];
if (result.type == 'log') {
messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString()));
} else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) {
messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message));
if (result.trace.stack) {
messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack));
if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) {
jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.log = function() {
var console = jasmine.getGlobal().console;
if (console && console.log) {
if (console.log.apply) {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
} else {
console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie
jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.getLocation = function() {
return this.document.location;
jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.specFilter = function(spec) {
var paramMap = {};
var params = this.getLocation().search.substring(1).split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
var p = params[i].split('=');
paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = decodeURIComponent(p[1]);
if (!paramMap.spec) {
return true;
return spec.getFullName().indexOf(paramMap.spec) === 0;
body { background-color: #eeeeee; padding: 0; margin: 5px; overflow-y: scroll; }
#HTMLReporter { font-size: 11px; font-family: Monaco, "Lucida Console", monospace; line-height: 14px; color: #333333; }
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#HTMLReporter a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
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#HTMLReporter .banner, #HTMLReporter .symbolSummary, #HTMLReporter .summary, #HTMLReporter .resultMessage, #HTMLReporter .specDetail .description, #HTMLReporter .alert .bar, #HTMLReporter .stackTrace { padding-left: 9px; padding-right: 9px; }
#HTMLReporter #jasmine_content { position: fixed; right: 100%; }
#HTMLReporter .version { color: #aaaaaa; }
#HTMLReporter .banner { margin-top: 14px; }
#HTMLReporter .duration { color: #aaaaaa; float: right; }
#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary { overflow: hidden; *zoom: 1; margin: 14px 0; }
#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li { display: block; float: left; height: 7px; width: 14px; margin-bottom: 7px; font-size: 16px; }
#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.passed { font-size: 14px; }
#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.passed:before { color: #5e7d00; content: "\02022"; }
#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.failed { line-height: 9px; }
#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.failed:before { color: #b03911; content: "x"; font-weight: bold; margin-left: -1px; }
#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.skipped { font-size: 14px; }
#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.skipped:before { color: #bababa; content: "\02022"; }
#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.pending { line-height: 11px; }
#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.pending:before { color: #aaaaaa; content: "-"; }
#HTMLReporter .bar { line-height: 28px; font-size: 14px; display: block; color: #eee; }
#HTMLReporter .runningAlert { background-color: #666666; }
#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert { background-color: #aaaaaa; }
#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert:first-child { background-color: #333333; }
#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert:hover { text-decoration: none; color: white; text-decoration: underline; }
#HTMLReporter .passingAlert { background-color: #a6b779; }
#HTMLReporter .passingAlert:first-child { background-color: #5e7d00; }
#HTMLReporter .failingAlert { background-color: #cf867e; }
#HTMLReporter .failingAlert:first-child { background-color: #b03911; }
#HTMLReporter .results { margin-top: 14px; }
#HTMLReporter #details { display: none; }
#HTMLReporter .resultsMenu, #HTMLReporter .resultsMenu a { background-color: #fff; color: #333333; }
#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summaryMenuItem { font-weight: normal; text-decoration: inherit; }
#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summaryMenuItem:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
#HTMLReporter.showDetails .detailsMenuItem { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; }
#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summary { display: none; }
#HTMLReporter.showDetails #details { display: block; }
#HTMLReporter .summaryMenuItem { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; }
#HTMLReporter .summary { margin-top: 14px; }
#HTMLReporter .summary .suite .suite, #HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary { margin-left: 14px; }
#HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary.passed a { color: #5e7d00; }
#HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary.failed a { color: #b03911; }
#HTMLReporter .description + .suite { margin-top: 0; }
#HTMLReporter .suite { margin-top: 14px; }
#HTMLReporter .suite a { color: #333333; }
#HTMLReporter #details .specDetail { margin-bottom: 28px; }
#HTMLReporter #details .specDetail .description { display: block; color: white; background-color: #b03911; }
#HTMLReporter .resultMessage { padding-top: 14px; color: #333333; }
#HTMLReporter .resultMessage span.result { display: block; }
#HTMLReporter .stackTrace { margin: 5px 0 0 0; max-height: 224px; overflow: auto; line-height: 18px; color: #666666; border: 1px solid #ddd; background: white; white-space: pre; }
#TrivialReporter { padding: 8px 13px; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; overflow-y: scroll; background-color: white; font-family: "Helvetica Neue Light", "Lucida Grande", "Calibri", "Arial", sans-serif; /*.resultMessage {*/ /*white-space: pre;*/ /*}*/ }
#TrivialReporter a:visited, #TrivialReporter a { color: #303; }
#TrivialReporter a:hover, #TrivialReporter a:active { color: blue; }
#TrivialReporter .run_spec { float: right; padding-right: 5px; font-size: .8em; text-decoration: none; }
#TrivialReporter .banner { color: #303; background-color: #fef; padding: 5px; }
#TrivialReporter .logo { float: left; font-size: 1.1em; padding-left: 5px; }
#TrivialReporter .logo .version { font-size: .6em; padding-left: 1em; }
#TrivialReporter .runner.running { background-color: yellow; }
#TrivialReporter .options { text-align: right; font-size: .8em; }
#TrivialReporter .suite { border: 1px outset gray; margin: 5px 0; padding-left: 1em; }
#TrivialReporter .suite .suite { margin: 5px; }
#TrivialReporter .suite.passed { background-color: #dfd; }
#TrivialReporter .suite.failed { background-color: #fdd; }
#TrivialReporter .spec { margin: 5px; padding-left: 1em; clear: both; }
#TrivialReporter .spec.failed, #TrivialReporter .spec.passed, #TrivialReporter .spec.skipped { padding-bottom: 5px; border: 1px solid gray; }
#TrivialReporter .spec.failed { background-color: #fbb; border-color: red; }
#TrivialReporter .spec.passed { background-color: #bfb; border-color: green; }
#TrivialReporter .spec.skipped { background-color: #bbb; }
#TrivialReporter .messages { border-left: 1px dashed gray; padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em; }
#TrivialReporter .passed { background-color: #cfc; display: none; }
#TrivialReporter .failed { background-color: #fbb; }
#TrivialReporter .skipped { color: #777; background-color: #eee; display: none; }
#TrivialReporter .resultMessage span.result { display: block; line-height: 2em; color: black; }
#TrivialReporter .resultMessage .mismatch { color: black; }
#TrivialReporter .stackTrace { white-space: pre; font-size: .8em; margin-left: 10px; max-height: 5em; overflow: auto; border: 1px inset red; padding: 1em; background: #eef; }
#TrivialReporter .finished-at { padding-left: 1em; font-size: .6em; } .passed, .skipped { display: block; }
#TrivialReporter #jasmine_content { position: fixed; right: 100%; }
#TrivialReporter .runner { border: 1px solid gray; display: block; margin: 5px 0; padding: 2px 0 2px 10px; }
var isCommonJS = typeof window == "undefined";
* Top level namespace for Jasmine, a lightweight JavaScript BDD/spec/testing framework.
* @namespace
var jasmine = {};
if (isCommonJS) exports.jasmine = jasmine;
* @private
jasmine.unimplementedMethod_ = function() {
throw new Error("unimplemented method");
* Use <code>jasmine.undefined</code> instead of <code>undefined</code>, since <code>undefined</code> is just
* a plain old variable and may be redefined by somebody else.
* @private
jasmine.undefined = jasmine.___undefined___;
* Show diagnostic messages in the console if set to true
jasmine.VERBOSE = false;
* Default interval in milliseconds for event loop yields (e.g. to allow network activity or to refresh the screen with the HTML-based runner). Small values here may result in slow test running. Zero means no updates until all tests have completed.
* Default timeout interval in milliseconds for waitsFor() blocks.
jasmine.getGlobal = function() {
function getGlobal() {
return this;
return getGlobal();
* Allows for bound functions to be compared. Internal use only.
* @ignore
* @private
* @param base {Object} bound 'this' for the function
* @param name {Function} function to find
jasmine.bindOriginal_ = function(base, name) {
var original = base[name];
if (original.apply) {
return function() {
return original.apply(base, arguments);
} else {
// IE support
return jasmine.getGlobal()[name];
jasmine.setTimeout = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'setTimeout');
jasmine.clearTimeout = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'clearTimeout');
jasmine.setInterval = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'setInterval');
jasmine.clearInterval = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'clearInterval');
jasmine.MessageResult = function(values) {
this.type = 'log';
this.values = values;
this.trace = new Error(); // todo: test better
jasmine.MessageResult.prototype.toString = function() {
var text = "";
for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) text += " ";
if (jasmine.isString_(this.values[i])) {
text += this.values[i];
} else {
text += jasmine.pp(this.values[i]);
return text;
jasmine.ExpectationResult = function(params) {
this.type = 'expect';
this.matcherName = params.matcherName;
this.passed_ = params.passed;
this.expected = params.expected;
this.actual = params.actual;
this.message = this.passed_ ? 'Passed.' : params.message;
var trace = (params.trace || new Error(this.message));
this.trace = this.passed_ ? '' : trace;
jasmine.ExpectationResult.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.message;
jasmine.ExpectationResult.prototype.passed = function () {
return this.passed_;
* Getter for the Jasmine environment. Ensures one gets created
jasmine.getEnv = function() {
var env = jasmine.currentEnv_ = jasmine.currentEnv_ || new jasmine.Env();
return env;
* @ignore
* @private
* @param value
* @returns {Boolean}
jasmine.isArray_ = function(value) {
return jasmine.isA_("Array", value);
* @ignore
* @private
* @param value
* @returns {Boolean}
jasmine.isString_ = function(value) {
return jasmine.isA_("String", value);
* @ignore
* @private
* @param value
* @returns {Boolean}
jasmine.isNumber_ = function(value) {
return jasmine.isA_("Number", value);
* @ignore
* @private
* @param {String} typeName
* @param value
* @returns {Boolean}
jasmine.isA_ = function(typeName, value) {
return Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object ' + typeName + ']';
* Pretty printer for expecations. Takes any object and turns it into a human-readable string.
* @param value {Object} an object to be outputted
* @returns {String}
jasmine.pp = function(value) {
var stringPrettyPrinter = new jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter();
return stringPrettyPrinter.string;
* Returns true if the object is a DOM Node.
* @param {Object} obj object to check
* @returns {Boolean}
jasmine.isDomNode = function(obj) {
return obj.nodeType > 0;
* Returns a matchable 'generic' object of the class type. For use in expecations of type when values don't matter.
* @example
* // don't care about which function is passed in, as long as it's a function
* expect(mySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function));
* @param {Class} clazz
* @returns matchable object of the type clazz
jasmine.any = function(clazz) {
return new jasmine.Matchers.Any(clazz);
* Returns a matchable subset of a JSON object. For use in expectations when you don't care about all of the
* attributes on the object.
* @example
* // don't care about any other attributes than foo.
* expect(mySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({foo: "bar"});
* @param sample {Object} sample
* @returns matchable object for the sample
jasmine.objectContaining = function (sample) {
return new jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining(sample);
* Jasmine Spies are test doubles that can act as stubs, spies, fakes or when used in an expecation, mocks.
* Spies should be created in test setup, before expectations. They can then be checked, using the standard Jasmine
* expectation syntax. Spies can be checked if they were called or not and what the calling params were.
* A Spy has the following fields: wasCalled, callCount, mostRecentCall, and argsForCall (see docs).
* Spies are torn down at the end of every spec.
* Note: Do <b>not</b> call new jasmine.Spy() directly - a spy must be created using spyOn, jasmine.createSpy or jasmine.createSpyObj.
* @example
* // a stub
* var myStub = jasmine.createSpy('myStub'); // can be used anywhere
* // spy example
* var foo = {
* not: function(bool) { return !bool; }
* }
* // actual foo.not will not be called, execution stops
* spyOn(foo, 'not');
// foo.not spied upon, execution will continue to implementation
* spyOn(foo, 'not').andCallThrough();
* // fake example
* var foo = {
* not: function(bool) { return !bool; }
* }
* // foo.not(val) will return val
* spyOn(foo, 'not').andCallFake(function(value) {return value;});
* // mock example
* foo.not(7 == 7);
* expect(foo.not).toHaveBeenCalled();
* expect(foo.not).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
* @constructor
* @see spyOn, jasmine.createSpy, jasmine.createSpyObj
* @param {String} name
jasmine.Spy = function(name) {
* The name of the spy, if provided.
this.identity = name || 'unknown';
* Is this Object a spy?
this.isSpy = true;
* The actual function this spy stubs.
this.plan = function() {
* Tracking of the most recent call to the spy.
* @example
* var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
* mySpy(1, 2);
* mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [1, 2];
this.mostRecentCall = {};
* Holds arguments for each call to the spy, indexed by call count
* @example
* var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
* mySpy(1, 2);
* mySpy(7, 8);
* mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [7, 8];
* mySpy.argsForCall[0] = [1, 2];
* mySpy.argsForCall[1] = [7, 8];
this.argsForCall = [];
this.calls = [];
* Tells a spy to call through to the actual implemenatation.
* @example
* var foo = {
* bar: function() { // do some stuff }
* }
* // defining a spy on an existing property:
* spyOn(foo, 'bar').andCallThrough();
jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallThrough = function() {
this.plan = this.originalValue;
return this;
* For setting the return value of a spy.
* @example
* // defining a spy from scratch: foo() returns 'baz'
* var foo = jasmine.createSpy('spy on foo').andReturn('baz');
* // defining a spy on an existing property: returns 'baz'
* spyOn(foo, 'bar').andReturn('baz');
* @param {Object} value
jasmine.Spy.prototype.andReturn = function(value) {
this.plan = function() {
return value;
return this;
* For throwing an exception when a spy is called.
* @example
* // defining a spy from scratch: foo() throws an exception w/ message 'ouch'
* var foo = jasmine.createSpy('spy on foo').andThrow('baz');
* // defining a spy on an existing property: throws an exception w/ message 'ouch'
* spyOn(foo, 'bar').andThrow('baz');
* @param {String} exceptionMsg
jasmine.Spy.prototype.andThrow = function(exceptionMsg) {
this.plan = function() {
throw exceptionMsg;
return this;
* Calls an alternate implementation when a spy is called.
* @example
* var baz = function() {
* // do some stuff, return something
* }
* // defining a spy from scratch: foo() calls the function baz
* var foo = jasmine.createSpy('spy on foo').andCall(baz);
* // defining a spy on an existing property: calls an anonymnous function
* spyOn(foo, 'bar').andCall(function() { return 'baz';} );
* @param {Function} fakeFunc
jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallFake = function(fakeFunc) {
this.plan = fakeFunc;
return this;
* Resets all of a spy's the tracking variables so that it can be used again.
* @example
* spyOn(foo, 'bar');
* expect(;
* expect(;
jasmine.Spy.prototype.reset = function() {
this.wasCalled = false;
this.callCount = 0;
this.argsForCall = [];
this.calls = [];
this.mostRecentCall = {};
jasmine.createSpy = function(name) {
var spyObj = function() {
spyObj.wasCalled = true;
var args = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
spyObj.mostRecentCall.object = this;
spyObj.mostRecentCall.args = args;
spyObj.calls.push({object: this, args: args});
return spyObj.plan.apply(this, arguments);
var spy = new jasmine.Spy(name);
for (var prop in spy) {
spyObj[prop] = spy[prop];
return spyObj;
* Determines whether an object is a spy.
* @param {jasmine.Spy|Object} putativeSpy
* @returns {Boolean}
jasmine.isSpy = function(putativeSpy) {
return putativeSpy && putativeSpy.isSpy;
* Creates a more complicated spy: an Object that has every property a function that is a spy. Used for stubbing something
* large in one call.
* @param {String} baseName name of spy class
* @param {Array} methodNames array of names of methods to make spies
jasmine.createSpyObj = function(baseName, methodNames) {
if (!jasmine.isArray_(methodNames) || methodNames.length === 0) {
throw new Error('createSpyObj requires a non-empty array of method names to create spies for');
var obj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < methodNames.length; i++) {
obj[methodNames[i]] = jasmine.createSpy(baseName + '.' + methodNames[i]);
return obj;
* All parameters are pretty-printed and concatenated together, then written to the current spec's output.
* Be careful not to leave calls to <code>jasmine.log</code> in production code.
jasmine.log = function() {
var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec;
spec.log.apply(spec, arguments);
* Function that installs a spy on an existing object's method name. Used within a Spec to create a spy.
* @example
* // spy example
* var foo = {
* not: function(bool) { return !bool; }
* }
* spyOn(foo, 'not'); // actual foo.not will not be called, execution stops
* @see jasmine.createSpy
* @param obj
* @param methodName
* @returns a Jasmine spy that can be chained with all spy methods
var spyOn = function(obj, methodName) {
return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.spyOn(obj, methodName);
if (isCommonJS) exports.spyOn = spyOn;
* Creates a Jasmine spec that will be added to the current suite.
* // TODO: pending tests
* @example
* it('should be true', function() {
* expect(true).toEqual(true);
* });
* @param {String} desc description of this specification
* @param {Function} func defines the preconditions and expectations of the spec
var it = function(desc, func) {
return jasmine.getEnv().it(desc, func);
if (isCommonJS) = it;
* Creates a <em>disabled</em> Jasmine spec.
* A convenience method that allows existing specs to be disabled temporarily during development.
* @param {String} desc description of this specification
* @param {Function} func defines the preconditions and expectations of the spec
var xit = function(desc, func) {
return jasmine.getEnv().xit(desc, func);
if (isCommonJS) exports.xit = xit;
* Starts a chain for a Jasmine expectation.
* It is passed an Object that is the actual value and should chain to one of the many
* jasmine.Matchers functions.
* @param {Object} actual Actual value to test against and expected value
var expect = function(actual) {
return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.expect(actual);
if (isCommonJS) exports.expect = expect;
* Defines part of a jasmine spec. Used in cominbination with waits or waitsFor in asynchrnous specs.
* @param {Function} func Function that defines part of a jasmine spec.
var runs = function(func) {
if (isCommonJS) exports.runs = runs;
* Waits a fixed time period before moving to the next block.
* @deprecated Use waitsFor() instead
* @param {Number} timeout milliseconds to wait
var waits = function(timeout) {
if (isCommonJS) exports.waits = waits;
* Waits for the latchFunction to return true before proceeding to the next block.
* @param {Function} latchFunction
* @param {String} optional_timeoutMessage
* @param {Number} optional_timeout
var waitsFor = function(latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) {
jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waitsFor.apply(jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec, arguments);
if (isCommonJS) exports.waitsFor = waitsFor;
* A function that is called before each spec in a suite.
* Used for spec setup, including validating assumptions.
* @param {Function} beforeEachFunction
var beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) {
if (isCommonJS) exports.beforeEach = beforeEach;
* A function that is called after each spec in a suite.
* Used for restoring any state that is hijacked during spec execution.
* @param {Function} afterEachFunction
var afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) {
if (isCommonJS) exports.afterEach = afterEach;
* Defines a suite of specifications.
* Stores the description and all defined specs in the Jasmine environment as one suite of specs. Variables declared
* are accessible by calls to beforeEach, it, and afterEach. Describe blocks can be nested, allowing for specialization
* of setup in some tests.
* @example
* // TODO: a simple suite
* // TODO: a simple suite with a nested describe block
* @param {String} description A string, usually the class under test.
* @param {Function} specDefinitions function that defines several specs.
var describe = function(description, specDefinitions) {
return jasmine.getEnv().describe(description, specDefinitions);
if (isCommonJS) exports.describe = describe;
* Disables a suite of specifications. Used to disable some suites in a file, or files, temporarily during development.
* @param {String} description A string, usually the class under test.
* @param {Function} specDefinitions function that defines several specs.
var xdescribe = function(description, specDefinitions) {
return jasmine.getEnv().xdescribe(description, specDefinitions);
if (isCommonJS) exports.xdescribe = xdescribe;
// Provide the XMLHttpRequest class for IE 5.x-6.x:
jasmine.XmlHttpRequest = (typeof XMLHttpRequest == "undefined") ? function() {
function tryIt(f) {
try {
return f();
} catch(e) {
return null;
var xhr = tryIt(function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0");
}) ||
tryIt(function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0");
}) ||
tryIt(function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
}) ||
tryIt(function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (!xhr) throw new Error("This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest.");
return xhr;
} : XMLHttpRequest;
* @namespace
jasmine.util = {};
* Declare that a child class inherit it's prototype from the parent class.
* @private
* @param {Function} childClass
* @param {Function} parentClass
jasmine.util.inherit = function(childClass, parentClass) {
* @private
var subclass = function() {
subclass.prototype = parentClass.prototype;
childClass.prototype = new subclass();
jasmine.util.formatException = function(e) {
var lineNumber;
if (e.line) {
lineNumber = e.line;
else if (e.lineNumber) {
lineNumber = e.lineNumber;
var file;
if (e.sourceURL) {
file = e.sourceURL;
else if (e.fileName) {
file = e.fileName;
var message = ( && e.message) ? ( + ': ' + e.message) : e.toString();
if (file && lineNumber) {
message += ' in ' + file + ' (line ' + lineNumber + ')';
return message;
jasmine.util.htmlEscape = function(str) {
if (!str) return str;
return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
jasmine.util.argsToArray = function(args) {
var arrayOfArgs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) arrayOfArgs.push(args[i]);
return arrayOfArgs;
jasmine.util.extend = function(destination, source) {
for (var property in source) destination[property] = source[property];
return destination;
* Environment for Jasmine
* @constructor
jasmine.Env = function() {
this.currentSpec = null;
this.currentSuite = null;
this.currentRunner_ = new jasmine.Runner(this);
this.reporter = new jasmine.MultiReporter();
this.updateInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
this.defaultTimeoutInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
this.lastUpdate = 0;
this.specFilter = function() {
return true;
this.nextSpecId_ = 0;
this.nextSuiteId_ = 0;
this.equalityTesters_ = [];
// wrap matchers
this.matchersClass = function() {
jasmine.Matchers.apply(this, arguments);
jasmine.util.inherit(this.matchersClass, jasmine.Matchers);
jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(jasmine.Matchers.prototype, this.matchersClass);
jasmine.Env.prototype.setTimeout = jasmine.setTimeout;
jasmine.Env.prototype.clearTimeout = jasmine.clearTimeout;
jasmine.Env.prototype.setInterval = jasmine.setInterval;
jasmine.Env.prototype.clearInterval = jasmine.clearInterval;
* @returns an object containing jasmine version build info, if set.
jasmine.Env.prototype.version = function () {
if (jasmine.version_) {
return jasmine.version_;
} else {
throw new Error('Version not set');
* @returns string containing jasmine version build info, if set.
jasmine.Env.prototype.versionString = function() {
if (!jasmine.version_) {
return "version unknown";
var version = this.version();
var versionString = version.major + "." + version.minor + "." +;
if (version.release_candidate) {
versionString += ".rc" + version.release_candidate;
versionString += " revision " + version.revision;
return versionString;
* @returns a sequential integer starting at 0
jasmine.Env.prototype.nextSpecId = function () {
return this.nextSpecId_++;
* @returns a sequential integer starting at 0
jasmine.Env.prototype.nextSuiteId = function () {
return this.nextSuiteId_++;
* Register a reporter to receive status updates from Jasmine.
* @param {jasmine.Reporter} reporter An object which will receive status updates.
jasmine.Env.prototype.addReporter = function(reporter) {
jasmine.Env.prototype.execute = function() {
jasmine.Env.prototype.describe = function(description, specDefinitions) {
var suite = new jasmine.Suite(this, description, specDefinitions, this.currentSuite);
var parentSuite = this.currentSuite;
if (parentSuite) {
} else {
this.currentSuite = suite;
var declarationError = null;
try {;
} catch(e) {
declarationError = e;
if (declarationError) {"encountered a declaration exception", function() {
throw declarationError;
this.currentSuite = parentSuite;
return suite;
jasmine.Env.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) {
if (this.currentSuite) {
} else {
jasmine.Env.prototype.currentRunner = function () {
return this.currentRunner_;
jasmine.Env.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) {
if (this.currentSuite) {
} else {
jasmine.Env.prototype.xdescribe = function(desc, specDefinitions) {
return {
execute: function() {
}; = function(description, func) {
var spec = new jasmine.Spec(this, this.currentSuite, description);
this.currentSpec = spec;
if (func) {
return spec;
jasmine.Env.prototype.xit = function(desc, func) {
return {
id: this.nextSpecId(),
runs: function() {
jasmine.Env.prototype.compareObjects_ = function(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
if (a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === b && b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === a) {
return true;
a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = b;
b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = a;
var hasKey = function(obj, keyName) {
return obj !== null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined;
for (var property in b) {
if (!hasKey(a, property) && hasKey(b, property)) {
mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual.");
for (property in a) {
if (!hasKey(b, property) && hasKey(a, property)) {
mismatchKeys.push("expected missing key '" + property + "', but present in actual.");
for (property in b) {
if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue;
if (!this.equals_(a[property], b[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) {
mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (b[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(b[property].toString()) : b[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (a[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(a[property].toString()) : a[property]) + "' in actual.");
if (jasmine.isArray_(a) && jasmine.isArray_(b) && a.length != b.length) {
mismatchValues.push("arrays were not the same length");
delete a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
delete b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0);
jasmine.Env.prototype.equals_ = function(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || [];
mismatchValues = mismatchValues || [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.equalityTesters_.length; i++) {
var equalityTester = this.equalityTesters_[i];
var result = equalityTester(a, b, this, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues);
if (result !== jasmine.undefined) return result;
if (a === b) return true;
if (a === jasmine.undefined || a === null || b === jasmine.undefined || b === null) {
return (a == jasmine.undefined && b == jasmine.undefined);
if (jasmine.isDomNode(a) && jasmine.isDomNode(b)) {
return a === b;
if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) {
return a.getTime() == b.getTime();
if (a.jasmineMatches) {
return a.jasmineMatches(b);
if (b.jasmineMatches) {
return b.jasmineMatches(a);
if (a instanceof jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining) {
return a.matches(b);
if (b instanceof jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining) {
return b.matches(a);
if (jasmine.isString_(a) && jasmine.isString_(b)) {
return (a == b);
if (jasmine.isNumber_(a) && jasmine.isNumber_(b)) {
return (a == b);
if (typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object") {
return this.compareObjects_(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues);
//Straight check
return (a === b);
jasmine.Env.prototype.contains_ = function(haystack, needle) {
if (jasmine.isArray_(haystack)) {
for (var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) {
if (this.equals_(haystack[i], needle)) return true;
return false;
return haystack.indexOf(needle) >= 0;
jasmine.Env.prototype.addEqualityTester = function(equalityTester) {
/** No-op base class for Jasmine reporters.
* @constructor
jasmine.Reporter = function() {
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) {
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) {
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) {
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) {
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
jasmine.Reporter.prototype.log = function(str) {
* Blocks are functions with executable code that make up a spec.
* @constructor
* @param {jasmine.Env} env
* @param {Function} func
* @param {jasmine.Spec} spec
jasmine.Block = function(env, func, spec) {
this.env = env;
this.func = func;
this.spec = spec;
jasmine.Block.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) {
try {
} catch (e) {;
/** JavaScript API reporter.
* @constructor
jasmine.JsApiReporter = function() {
this.started = false;
this.finished = false;
this.suites_ = [];
this.results_ = {};
jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) {
this.started = true;
var suites = runner.topLevelSuites();
for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
var suite = suites[i];
jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.suites = function() {
return this.suites_;
jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarize_ = function(suiteOrSpec) {
var isSuite = suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite;
var summary = {
name: suiteOrSpec.description,
type: isSuite ? 'suite' : 'spec',
children: []
if (isSuite) {
var children = suiteOrSpec.children();
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
return summary;
jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.results = function() {
return this.results_;
jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpec = function(specId) {
return this.results_[specId];
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {
this.finished = true;
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) {
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) {
this.results_[] = {
messages: spec.results().getItems(),
result: spec.results().failedCount > 0 ? "failed" : "passed"
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.log = function(str) {
jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpecs = function(specIds){
var results = {};
for (var i = 0; i < specIds.length; i++) {
var specId = specIds[i];
results[specId] = this.summarizeResult_(this.results_[specId]);
return results;
jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarizeResult_ = function(result){
var summaryMessages = [];
var messagesLength = result.messages.length;
for (var messageIndex = 0; messageIndex < messagesLength; messageIndex++) {
var resultMessage = result.messages[messageIndex];
text: resultMessage.type == 'log' ? resultMessage.toString() : jasmine.undefined,
passed: resultMessage.passed ? resultMessage.passed() : true,
type: resultMessage.type,
message: resultMessage.message,
trace: {
stack: resultMessage.passed && !resultMessage.passed() ? resultMessage.trace.stack : jasmine.undefined
return {
result : result.result,
messages : summaryMessages
* @constructor
* @param {jasmine.Env} env
* @param actual
* @param {jasmine.Spec} spec
jasmine.Matchers = function(env, actual, spec, opt_isNot) {
this.env = env;
this.actual = actual;
this.spec = spec;
this.isNot = opt_isNot || false;
this.reportWasCalled_ = false;
// todo: @deprecated as of Jasmine 0.11, remove soon [xw]
jasmine.Matchers.pp = function(str) {
throw new Error("jasmine.Matchers.pp() is no longer supported, please use jasmine.pp() instead!");
// todo: @deprecated Deprecated as of Jasmine 0.10. Rewrite your custom matchers to return true or false. [xw] = function(result, failing_message, details) {
throw new Error("As of jasmine 0.11, custom matchers must be implemented differently -- please see jasmine docs");
jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_ = function(prototype, matchersClass) {
for (var methodName in prototype) {
if (methodName == 'report') continue;
var orig = prototype[methodName];
matchersClass.prototype[methodName] = jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_(methodName, orig);
jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_ = function(matcherName, matcherFunction) {
return function() {
var matcherArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
var result = matcherFunction.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.isNot) {
result = !result;
if (this.reportWasCalled_) return result;
var message;
if (!result) {
if (this.message) {
message = this.message.apply(this, arguments);
if (jasmine.isArray_(message)) {
message = message[this.isNot ? 1 : 0];
} else {
var englishyPredicate = matcherName.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(s) { return ' ' + s.toLowerCase(); });
message = "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + (this.isNot ? " not " : " ") + englishyPredicate;
if (matcherArgs.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < matcherArgs.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) message += ",";
message += " " + jasmine.pp(matcherArgs[i]);
message += ".";
var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({
matcherName: matcherName,
passed: result,
expected: matcherArgs.length > 1 ? matcherArgs : matcherArgs[0],
actual: this.actual,
message: message
return jasmine.undefined;
* toBe: compares the actual to the expected using ===
* @param expected
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBe = function(expected) {
return this.actual === expected;
* toNotBe: compares the actual to the expected using !==
* @param expected
* @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toBe() instead.
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotBe = function(expected) {
return this.actual !== expected;
* toEqual: compares the actual to the expected using common sense equality. Handles Objects, Arrays, etc.
* @param expected
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toEqual = function(expected) {
return this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected);
* toNotEqual: compares the actual to the expected using the ! of jasmine.Matchers.toEqual
* @param expected
* @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toEqual() instead.
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotEqual = function(expected) {
return !this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected);
* Matcher that compares the actual to the expected using a regular expression. Constructs a RegExp, so takes
* a pattern or a String.
* @param expected
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toMatch = function(expected) {
return new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual);
* Matcher that compares the actual to the expected using the boolean inverse of jasmine.Matchers.toMatch
* @param expected
* @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toMatch() instead.
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotMatch = function(expected) {
return !(new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual));
* Matcher that compares the actual to jasmine.undefined.
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeDefined = function() {
return (this.actual !== jasmine.undefined);
* Matcher that compares the actual to jasmine.undefined.
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeUndefined = function() {
return (this.actual === jasmine.undefined);
* Matcher that compares the actual to null.
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeNull = function() {
return (this.actual === null);
* Matcher that boolean not-nots the actual.
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeTruthy = function() {
return !!this.actual;
* Matcher that boolean nots the actual.
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeFalsy = function() {
return !this.actual;
* Matcher that checks to see if the actual, a Jasmine spy, was called.
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalled = function() {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
throw new Error('toHaveBeenCalled does not take arguments, use toHaveBeenCalledWith');
if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
this.message = function() {
return [
"Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called.",
"Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called."
return this.actual.wasCalled;
/** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).toHaveBeenCalled() instead */
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasCalled = jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalled;
* Matcher that checks to see if the actual, a Jasmine spy, was not called.
* @deprecated Use expect(xxx).not.toHaveBeenCalled() instead
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalled = function() {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
throw new Error('wasNotCalled does not take arguments');
if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
this.message = function() {
return [
"Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to not have been called.",
"Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called."
return !this.actual.wasCalled;
* Matcher that checks to see if the actual, a Jasmine spy, was called with a set of parameters.
* @example
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalledWith = function() {
var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
this.message = function() {
if (this.actual.callCount === 0) {
// todo: what should the failure message for .not.toHaveBeenCalledWith() be? is this right? test better. [xw]
return [
"Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was never called.",
"Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was."
} else {
return [
"Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but was called with " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall),
"Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but was called with " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall)
return this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs);
/** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).toHaveBeenCalledWith() instead */
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasCalledWith = jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalledWith;
/** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith() instead */
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalledWith = function() {
var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
this.message = function() {
return [
"Expected spy not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was",
"Expected spy to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was"
return !this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs);
* Matcher that checks that the expected item is an element in the actual Array.
* @param {Object} expected
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toContain = function(expected) {
return this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected);
* Matcher that checks that the expected item is NOT an element in the actual Array.
* @param {Object} expected
* @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toContain() instead.
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotContain = function(expected) {
return !this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected);
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeLessThan = function(expected) {
return this.actual < expected;
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeGreaterThan = function(expected) {
return this.actual > expected;
* Matcher that checks that the expected item is equal to the actual item
* up to a given level of decimal precision (default 2).
* @param {Number} expected
* @param {Number} precision
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeCloseTo = function(expected, precision) {
if (!(precision === 0)) {
precision = precision || 2;
var multiplier = Math.pow(10, precision);
var actual = Math.round(this.actual * multiplier);
expected = Math.round(expected * multiplier);
return expected == actual;
* Matcher that checks that the expected exception was thrown by the actual.
* @param {String} expected
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toThrow = function(expected) {
var result = false;
var exception;
if (typeof this.actual != 'function') {
throw new Error('Actual is not a function');
try {
} catch (e) {
exception = e;
if (exception) {
result = (expected === jasmine.undefined || this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected));
var not = this.isNot ? "not " : "";
this.message = function() {
if (exception && (expected === jasmine.undefined || !this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected))) {
return ["Expected function " + not + "to throw", expected ? expected.message || expected : "an exception", ", but it threw", exception.message || exception].join(' ');
} else {
return "Expected function to throw an exception.";
return result;
jasmine.Matchers.Any = function(expectedClass) {
this.expectedClass = expectedClass;
jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.jasmineMatches = function(other) {
if (this.expectedClass == String) {
return typeof other == 'string' || other instanceof String;
if (this.expectedClass == Number) {
return typeof other == 'number' || other instanceof Number;
if (this.expectedClass == Function) {
return typeof other == 'function' || other instanceof Function;
if (this.expectedClass == Object) {
return typeof other == 'object';
return other instanceof this.expectedClass;
jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.jasmineToString = function() {
return '<jasmine.any(' + this.expectedClass + ')>';
jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining = function (sample) {
this.sample = sample;
jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining.prototype.jasmineMatches = function(other, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || [];
mismatchValues = mismatchValues || [];
var env = jasmine.getEnv();
var hasKey = function(obj, keyName) {
return obj != null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined;
for (var property in this.sample) {
if (!hasKey(other, property) && hasKey(this.sample, property)) {
mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual.");
else if (!env.equals_(this.sample[property], other[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) {
mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (other[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(other[property].toString()) : other[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (this.sample[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(this.sample[property].toString()) : this.sample[property]) + "' in actual.");
return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0);
jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining.prototype.jasmineToString = function () {
return "<jasmine.objectContaining(" + jasmine.pp(this.sample) + ")>";
// Mock setTimeout, clearTimeout
// Contributed by Pivotal Computer Systems,
jasmine.FakeTimer = function() {
var self = this;
self.setTimeout = function(funcToCall, millis) {
self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, false);
return self.timeoutsMade;
self.setInterval = function(funcToCall, millis) {
self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, true);
return self.timeoutsMade;
self.clearTimeout = function(timeoutKey) {
self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
self.clearInterval = function(timeoutKey) {
self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.reset = function() {
this.timeoutsMade = 0;
this.scheduledFunctions = {};
this.nowMillis = 0;
jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.tick = function(millis) {
var oldMillis = this.nowMillis;
var newMillis = oldMillis + millis;
this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, newMillis);
this.nowMillis = newMillis;
jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.runFunctionsWithinRange = function(oldMillis, nowMillis) {
var scheduledFunc;
var funcsToRun = [];
for (var timeoutKey in this.scheduledFunctions) {
scheduledFunc = this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey];
if (scheduledFunc != jasmine.undefined &&
scheduledFunc.runAtMillis >= oldMillis &&
scheduledFunc.runAtMillis <= nowMillis) {
this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
if (funcsToRun.length > 0) {
funcsToRun.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.runAtMillis - b.runAtMillis;
for (var i = 0; i < funcsToRun.length; ++i) {
try {
var funcToRun = funcsToRun[i];
this.nowMillis = funcToRun.runAtMillis;
if (funcToRun.recurring) {
} catch(e) {
this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis);
jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.scheduleFunction = function(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) {
this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = {
runAtMillis: this.nowMillis + millis,
funcToCall: funcToCall,
recurring: recurring,
timeoutKey: timeoutKey,
millis: millis
* @namespace
jasmine.Clock = {
defaultFakeTimer: new jasmine.FakeTimer(),
reset: function() {
tick: function(millis) {
runFunctionsWithinRange: function(oldMillis, nowMillis) {
jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis);
scheduleFunction: function(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) {
jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.scheduleFunction(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring);
useMock: function() {
if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) {
var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec;
installMock: function() {
jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer;
uninstallMock: function() {
jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.real;
real: {
setTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout,
clearTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout,
setInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval,
clearInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval
assertInstalled: function() {
if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) {
throw new Error("Mock clock is not installed, use jasmine.Clock.useMock()");
isInstalled: function() {
return jasmine.Clock.installed == jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer;
installed: null
jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.real;
//else for IE support
jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout = function(funcToCall, millis) {
if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply) {
return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout(funcToCall, millis);
jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval = function(funcToCall, millis) {
if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply) {
return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval(funcToCall, millis);
jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout = function(timeoutKey) {
if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) {
return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout(timeoutKey);
jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval = function(timeoutKey) {
if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) {
return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval(timeoutKey);
* @constructor
jasmine.MultiReporter = function() {
this.subReporters_ = [];
jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.MultiReporter, jasmine.Reporter);
jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype.addReporter = function(reporter) {
(function() {
var functionNames = [
for (var i = 0; i < functionNames.length; i++) {
var functionName = functionNames[i];
jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype[functionName] = (function(functionName) {
return function() {
for (var j = 0; j < this.subReporters_.length; j++) {
var subReporter = this.subReporters_[j];
if (subReporter[functionName]) {
subReporter[functionName].apply(subReporter, arguments);
* Holds results for a set of Jasmine spec. Allows for the results array to hold another jasmine.NestedResults
* @constructor
jasmine.NestedResults = function() {
* The total count of results
this.totalCount = 0;
* Number of passed results
this.passedCount = 0;
* Number of failed results
this.failedCount = 0;
* Was this suite/spec skipped?
this.skipped = false;
* @ignore
this.items_ = [];
* Roll up the result counts.
* @param result
jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.rollupCounts = function(result) {
this.totalCount += result.totalCount;
this.passedCount += result.passedCount;
this.failedCount += result.failedCount;
* Adds a log message.
* @param values Array of message parts which will be concatenated later.
jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.log = function(values) {
this.items_.push(new jasmine.MessageResult(values));
* Getter for the results: message & results.
jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.getItems = function() {
return this.items_;
* Adds a result, tracking counts (total, passed, & failed)
* @param {jasmine.ExpectationResult|jasmine.NestedResults} result
jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.addResult = function(result) {
if (result.type != 'log') {
if (result.items_) {
} else {
if (result.passed()) {
} else {
* @returns {Boolean} True if <b>everything</b> below passed
jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.passed = function() {
return this.passedCount === this.totalCount;
* Base class for pretty printing for expectation results.
jasmine.PrettyPrinter = function() {
this.ppNestLevel_ = 0;
* Formats a value in a nice, human-readable string.
* @param value
jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.format = function(value) {
if (this.ppNestLevel_ > 40) {
throw new Error('jasmine.PrettyPrinter: format() nested too deeply!');
try {
if (value === jasmine.undefined) {
} else if (value === null) {
} else if (value === jasmine.getGlobal()) {
} else if (value.jasmineToString) {
} else if (typeof value === 'string') {
} else if (jasmine.isSpy(value)) {
this.emitScalar("spy on " + value.identity);
} else if (value instanceof RegExp) {
} else if (typeof value === 'function') {
} else if (typeof value.nodeType === 'number') {
} else if (value instanceof Date) {
this.emitScalar('Date(' + value + ')');
} else if (value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__) {
this.emitScalar('<circular reference: ' + (jasmine.isArray_(value) ? 'Array' : 'Object') + '>');
} else if (jasmine.isArray_(value) || typeof value == 'object') {
value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = true;
if (jasmine.isArray_(value)) {
} else {
delete value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
} else {
} finally {
jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.iterateObject = function(obj, fn) {
for (var property in obj) {
if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue;
fn(property, obj.__lookupGetter__ ? (obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== jasmine.undefined &&
obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== null) : false);
jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_;
jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_;
jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_;
jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_;
jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter = function() {;
this.string = '';
jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter, jasmine.PrettyPrinter);
jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = function(value) {
jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = function(value) {
this.append("'" + value + "'");
jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = function(array) {
this.append('[ ');
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
this.append(', ');
this.append(' ]');
jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = function(obj) {
var self = this;
this.append('{ ');
var first = true;
this.iterateObject(obj, function(property, isGetter) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
self.append(', ');
self.append(' : ');
if (isGetter) {
} else {
this.append(' }');
jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.append = function(value) {
this.string += value;
jasmine.Queue = function(env) {
this.env = env;
this.blocks = [];
this.running = false;
this.index = 0;
this.offset = 0;
this.abort = false;
jasmine.Queue.prototype.addBefore = function(block) {
jasmine.Queue.prototype.add = function(block) {
jasmine.Queue.prototype.insertNext = function(block) {
this.blocks.splice((this.index + this.offset + 1), 0, block);
jasmine.Queue.prototype.start = function(onComplete) {
this.running = true;
this.onComplete = onComplete;
jasmine.Queue.prototype.isRunning = function() {
return this.running;
jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE = true;
jasmine.Queue.prototype.next_ = function() {
var self = this;
var goAgain = true;
while (goAgain) {
goAgain = false;
if (self.index < self.blocks.length && !this.abort) {
var calledSynchronously = true;
var completedSynchronously = false;
var onComplete = function () {
if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && calledSynchronously) {
completedSynchronously = true;
if (self.blocks[self.index].abort) {
self.abort = true;
self.offset = 0;
var now = new Date().getTime();
if (self.env.updateInterval && now - self.env.lastUpdate > self.env.updateInterval) {
self.env.lastUpdate = now;
self.env.setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
} else {
if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && completedSynchronously) {
goAgain = true;
} else {
calledSynchronously = false;
if (completedSynchronously) {
} else {
self.running = false;
if (self.onComplete) {
jasmine.Queue.prototype.results = function() {
var results = new jasmine.NestedResults();
for (var i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i++) {
if (this.blocks[i].results) {
return results;
* Runner
* @constructor
* @param {jasmine.Env} env
jasmine.Runner = function(env) {
var self = this;
self.env = env;
self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
self.before_ = [];
self.after_ = [];
self.suites_ = [];
jasmine.Runner.prototype.execute = function() {
var self = this;
if (self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting) {
self.queue.start(function () {
jasmine.Runner.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) {
beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach';
jasmine.Runner.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) {
afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach';
jasmine.Runner.prototype.finishCallback = function() {
jasmine.Runner.prototype.addSuite = function(suite) {
jasmine.Runner.prototype.add = function(block) {
if (block instanceof jasmine.Suite) {
jasmine.Runner.prototype.specs = function () {
var suites = this.suites();
var specs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
specs = specs.concat(suites[i].specs());
return specs;
jasmine.Runner.prototype.suites = function() {
return this.suites_;
jasmine.Runner.prototype.topLevelSuites = function() {
var topLevelSuites = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.suites_.length; i++) {
if (!this.suites_[i].parentSuite) {
return topLevelSuites;
jasmine.Runner.prototype.results = function() {
return this.queue.results();
* Internal representation of a Jasmine specification, or test.
* @constructor
* @param {jasmine.Env} env
* @param {jasmine.Suite} suite
* @param {String} description
jasmine.Spec = function(env, suite, description) {
if (!env) {
throw new Error('jasmine.Env() required');
if (!suite) {
throw new Error('jasmine.Suite() required');
var spec = this; = env.nextSpecId ? env.nextSpecId() : null;
spec.env = env;
spec.suite = suite;
spec.description = description;
spec.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
spec.afterCallbacks = [];
spec.spies_ = [];
spec.results_ = new jasmine.NestedResults();
spec.results_.description = description;
spec.matchersClass = null;
jasmine.Spec.prototype.getFullName = function() {
return this.suite.getFullName() + ' ' + this.description + '.';
jasmine.Spec.prototype.results = function() {
return this.results_;
* All parameters are pretty-printed and concatenated together, then written to the spec's output.
* Be careful not to leave calls to <code>jasmine.log</code> in production code.
jasmine.Spec.prototype.log = function() {
return this.results_.log(arguments);
jasmine.Spec.prototype.runs = function (func) {
var block = new jasmine.Block(this.env, func, this);
return this;
jasmine.Spec.prototype.addToQueue = function (block) {
if (this.queue.isRunning()) {
} else {
* @param {jasmine.ExpectationResult} result
jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatcherResult = function(result) {
jasmine.Spec.prototype.expect = function(actual) {
var positive = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this);
positive.not = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this, true);
return positive;
* Waits a fixed time period before moving to the next block.
* @deprecated Use waitsFor() instead
* @param {Number} timeout milliseconds to wait
jasmine.Spec.prototype.waits = function(timeout) {
var waitsFunc = new jasmine.WaitsBlock(this.env, timeout, this);
return this;
* Waits for the latchFunction to return true before proceeding to the next block.
* @param {Function} latchFunction
* @param {String} optional_timeoutMessage
* @param {Number} optional_timeout
jasmine.Spec.prototype.waitsFor = function(latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) {
var latchFunction_ = null;
var optional_timeoutMessage_ = null;
var optional_timeout_ = null;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var arg = arguments[i];
switch (typeof arg) {
case 'function':
latchFunction_ = arg;
case 'string':
optional_timeoutMessage_ = arg;
case 'number':
optional_timeout_ = arg;
var waitsForFunc = new jasmine.WaitsForBlock(this.env, optional_timeout_, latchFunction_, optional_timeoutMessage_, this);
return this;
}; = function (e) {
var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({
passed: false,
message: e ? jasmine.util.formatException(e) : 'Exception',
trace: { stack: e.stack }
jasmine.Spec.prototype.getMatchersClass_ = function() {
return this.matchersClass || this.env.matchersClass;
jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatchers = function(matchersPrototype) {
var parent = this.getMatchersClass_();
var newMatchersClass = function() {
parent.apply(this, arguments);
jasmine.util.inherit(newMatchersClass, parent);
jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(matchersPrototype, newMatchersClass);
this.matchersClass = newMatchersClass;
jasmine.Spec.prototype.finishCallback = function() {
jasmine.Spec.prototype.finish = function(onComplete) {
if (onComplete) {
jasmine.Spec.prototype.after = function(doAfter) {
if (this.queue.isRunning()) {
this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, doAfter, this));
} else {
jasmine.Spec.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) {
var spec = this;
if (!spec.env.specFilter(spec)) {
spec.results_.skipped = true;
spec.env.currentSpec = spec;
spec.queue.start(function () {
jasmine.Spec.prototype.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue = function() {
var runner = this.env.currentRunner();
var i;
for (var suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) {
for (i = 0; i < suite.before_.length; i++) {
this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.before_[i], this));
for (i = 0; i < runner.before_.length; i++) {
this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.before_[i], this));
for (i = 0; i < this.afterCallbacks.length; i++) {
this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, this.afterCallbacks[i], this));
for (suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) {
for (i = 0; i < suite.after_.length; i++) {
this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.after_[i], this));
for (i = 0; i < runner.after_.length; i++) {
this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.after_[i], this));
jasmine.Spec.prototype.explodes = function() {
throw 'explodes function should not have been called';
jasmine.Spec.prototype.spyOn = function(obj, methodName, ignoreMethodDoesntExist) {
if (obj == jasmine.undefined) {
throw "spyOn could not find an object to spy upon for " + methodName + "()";
if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] === jasmine.undefined) {
throw methodName + '() method does not exist';
if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] && obj[methodName].isSpy) {
throw new Error(methodName + ' has already been spied upon');
var spyObj = jasmine.createSpy(methodName);
spyObj.baseObj = obj;
spyObj.methodName = methodName;
spyObj.originalValue = obj[methodName];
obj[methodName] = spyObj;
return spyObj;
jasmine.Spec.prototype.removeAllSpies = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.spies_.length; i++) {
var spy = this.spies_[i];
spy.baseObj[spy.methodName] = spy.originalValue;
this.spies_ = [];
* Internal representation of a Jasmine suite.
* @constructor
* @param {jasmine.Env} env
* @param {String} description
* @param {Function} specDefinitions
* @param {jasmine.Suite} parentSuite
jasmine.Suite = function(env, description, specDefinitions, parentSuite) {
var self = this; = env.nextSuiteId ? env.nextSuiteId() : null;
self.description = description;
self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
self.parentSuite = parentSuite;
self.env = env;
self.before_ = [];
self.after_ = [];
self.children_ = [];
self.suites_ = [];
self.specs_ = [];
jasmine.Suite.prototype.getFullName = function() {
var fullName = this.description;
for (var parentSuite = this.parentSuite; parentSuite; parentSuite = parentSuite.parentSuite) {
fullName = parentSuite.description + ' ' + fullName;
return fullName;
jasmine.Suite.prototype.finish = function(onComplete) {
this.finished = true;
if (typeof(onComplete) == 'function') {
jasmine.Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) {
beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach';
jasmine.Suite.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) {
afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach';
jasmine.Suite.prototype.results = function() {
return this.queue.results();
jasmine.Suite.prototype.add = function(suiteOrSpec) {
if (suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite) {
} else {
jasmine.Suite.prototype.specs = function() {
return this.specs_;
jasmine.Suite.prototype.suites = function() {
return this.suites_;
jasmine.Suite.prototype.children = function() {
return this.children_;
jasmine.Suite.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) {
var self = this;
this.queue.start(function () {
jasmine.WaitsBlock = function(env, timeout, spec) {
this.timeout = timeout;, env, null, spec);
jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.WaitsBlock, jasmine.Block);
jasmine.WaitsBlock.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) {
if (jasmine.VERBOSE) {
this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + this.timeout + ' ms...');
this.env.setTimeout(function () {
}, this.timeout);
* A block which waits for some condition to become true, with timeout.
* @constructor
* @extends jasmine.Block
* @param {jasmine.Env} env The Jasmine environment.
* @param {Number} timeout The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the condition to become true.
* @param {Function} latchFunction A function which returns true when the desired condition has been met.
* @param {String} message The message to display if the desired condition hasn't been met within the given time period.
* @param {jasmine.Spec} spec The Jasmine spec.
jasmine.WaitsForBlock = function(env, timeout, latchFunction, message, spec) {
this.timeout = timeout || env.defaultTimeoutInterval;
this.latchFunction = latchFunction;
this.message = message;
this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch = 0;, env, null, spec);
jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.WaitsForBlock, jasmine.Block);
jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT = 10;
jasmine.WaitsForBlock.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) {
if (jasmine.VERBOSE) {
this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen'));
var latchFunctionResult;
try {
latchFunctionResult = this.latchFunction.apply(this.spec);
} catch (e) {;
if (latchFunctionResult) {
} else if (this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch >= this.timeout) {
var message = 'timed out after ' + this.timeout + ' msec waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen');{
name: 'timeout',
message: message
this.abort = true;
} else {
this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch += jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT;
var self = this;
this.env.setTimeout(function() {
}, jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT);
jasmine.version_= {
"major": 1,
"minor": 2,
"build": 0,
"revision": 1337005947
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
/*! jQuery UI - v1.9.1 - 2012-11-14
* Includes: jquery.ui.core.css, jquery.ui.resizable.css, jquery.ui.selectable.css, jquery.ui.accordion.css, jquery.ui.autocomplete.css, jquery.ui.button.css, jquery.ui.datepicker.css, jquery.ui.dialog.css,, jquery.ui.progressbar.css, jquery.ui.slider.css, jquery.ui.spinner.css, jquery.ui.tabs.css, jquery.ui.tooltip.css
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/* Icons
/* states and images */
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/* Misc visuals
/* Overlays */
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.ui-autocomplete {
position: absolute;
top: 0; /* #8656 */
cursor: default;
/* workarounds */
* html .ui-autocomplete { width:1px; } /* without this, the menu expands to 100% in IE6 */
.ui-button { display: inline-block; position: relative; padding: 0; margin-right: .1em; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; zoom: 1; overflow: visible; } /* the overflow property removes extra width in IE */
.ui-button, .ui-button:link, .ui-button:visited, .ui-button:hover, .ui-button:active { text-decoration: none; }
.ui-button-icon-only { width: 2.2em; } /* to make room for the icon, a width needs to be set here */
button.ui-button-icon-only { width: 2.4em; } /* button elements seem to need a little more width */
.ui-button-icons-only { width: 3.4em; }
button.ui-button-icons-only { width: 3.7em; }
/*button text element */
.ui-button .ui-button-text { display: block; line-height: 1.4; }
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.ui-button-icon-only .ui-button-text, .ui-button-icons-only .ui-button-text { padding: .4em; text-indent: -9999999px; }
.ui-button-text-icon-primary .ui-button-text, .ui-button-text-icons .ui-button-text { padding: .4em 1em .4em 2.1em; }
.ui-button-text-icon-secondary .ui-button-text, .ui-button-text-icons .ui-button-text { padding: .4em 2.1em .4em 1em; }
.ui-button-text-icons .ui-button-text { padding-left: 2.1em; padding-right: 2.1em; }
/* no icon support for input elements, provide padding by default */
input.ui-button { padding: .4em 1em; }
/*button icon element(s) */
.ui-button-icon-only .ui-icon, .ui-button-text-icon-primary .ui-icon, .ui-button-text-icon-secondary .ui-icon, .ui-button-text-icons .ui-icon, .ui-button-icons-only .ui-icon { position: absolute; top: 50%; margin-top: -8px; }
.ui-button-icon-only .ui-icon { left: 50%; margin-left: -8px; }
.ui-button-text-icon-primary .ui-button-icon-primary, .ui-button-text-icons .ui-button-icon-primary, .ui-button-icons-only .ui-button-icon-primary { left: .5em; }
.ui-button-text-icon-secondary .ui-button-icon-secondary, .ui-button-text-icons .ui-button-icon-secondary, .ui-button-icons-only .ui-button-icon-secondary { right: .5em; }
.ui-button-text-icons .ui-button-icon-secondary, .ui-button-icons-only .ui-button-icon-secondary { right: .5em; }
/*button sets*/
.ui-buttonset { margin-right: 7px; }
.ui-buttonset .ui-button { margin-left: 0; margin-right: -.3em; }
/* workarounds */
button.ui-button::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; padding: 0; } /* reset extra padding in Firefox */
.ui-datepicker { width: 17em; padding: .2em .2em 0; display: none; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-header { position:relative; padding:.2em 0; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev, .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next { position:absolute; top: 2px; width: 1.8em; height: 1.8em; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev-hover, .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next-hover { top: 1px; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev { left:2px; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next { right:2px; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev-hover { left:1px; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next-hover { right:1px; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev span, .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next span { display: block; position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: -8px; top: 50%; margin-top: -8px; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-title { margin: 0 2.3em; line-height: 1.8em; text-align: center; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-title select { font-size:1em; margin:1px 0; }
.ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-month-year {width: 100%;}
.ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-month,
.ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-year { width: 49%;}
.ui-datepicker table {width: 100%; font-size: .9em; border-collapse: collapse; margin:0 0 .4em; }
.ui-datepicker th { padding: .7em .3em; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; border: 0; }
.ui-datepicker td { border: 0; padding: 1px; }
.ui-datepicker td span, .ui-datepicker td a { display: block; padding: .2em; text-align: right; text-decoration: none; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-buttonpane { background-image: none; margin: .7em 0 0 0; padding:0 .2em; border-left: 0; border-right: 0; border-bottom: 0; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button { float: right; margin: .5em .2em .4em; cursor: pointer; padding: .2em .6em .3em .6em; width:auto; overflow:visible; }
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button.ui-datepicker-current { float:left; }
/* with multiple calendars */
.ui-datepicker.ui-datepicker-multi { width:auto; }
.ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group { float:left; }
.ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group table { width:95%; margin:0 auto .4em; }
.ui-datepicker-multi-2 .ui-datepicker-group { width:50%; }
.ui-datepicker-multi-3 .ui-datepicker-group { width:33.3%; }
.ui-datepicker-multi-4 .ui-datepicker-group { width:25%; }
.ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group-last .ui-datepicker-header { border-left-width:0; }
.ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group-middle .ui-datepicker-header { border-left-width:0; }
.ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-buttonpane { clear:left; }
.ui-datepicker-row-break { clear:both; width:100%; font-size:0em; }
/* RTL support */
.ui-datepicker-rtl { direction: rtl; }
.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-prev { right: 2px; left: auto; }
.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-next { left: 2px; right: auto; }
.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-prev:hover { right: 1px; left: auto; }
.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-next:hover { left: 1px; right: auto; }
.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-buttonpane { clear:right; }
.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button { float: left; }
.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button.ui-datepicker-current { float:right; }
.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-group { float:right; }
.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-group-last .ui-datepicker-header { border-right-width:0; border-left-width:1px; }
.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-group-middle .ui-datepicker-header { border-right-width:0; border-left-width:1px; }
/* IE6 IFRAME FIX (taken from datepicker 1.5.3 */
.ui-datepicker-cover {
position: absolute; /*must have*/
z-index: -1; /*must have*/
filter: mask(); /*must have*/
top: -4px; /*must have*/
left: -4px; /*must have*/
width: 200px; /*must have*/
height: 200px; /*must have*/
}.ui-dialog { position: absolute; padding: .2em; width: 300px; overflow: hidden; }
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { padding: .4em 1em; position: relative; }
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-title { float: left; margin: .1em 16px .1em 0; }
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close { position: absolute; right: .3em; top: 50%; width: 19px; margin: -10px 0 0 0; padding: 1px; height: 18px; }
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close span { display: block; margin: 1px; }
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close:hover, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close:focus { padding: 0; }
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content { position: relative; border: 0; padding: .5em 1em; background: none; overflow: auto; zoom: 1; }
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane { text-align: left; border-width: 1px 0 0 0; background-image: none; margin: .5em 0 0 0; padding: .3em 1em .5em .4em; }
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-dialog-buttonset { float: right; }
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button { margin: .5em .4em .5em 0; cursor: pointer; }
.ui-dialog .ui-resizable-se { width: 14px; height: 14px; right: 3px; bottom: 3px; }
.ui-draggable .ui-dialog-titlebar { cursor: move; }
.ui-menu { list-style:none; padding: 2px; margin: 0; display:block; outline: none; }
.ui-menu .ui-menu { margin-top: -3px; position: absolute; }
.ui-menu .ui-menu-item { margin: 0; padding: 0; zoom: 1; width: 100%; }
.ui-menu .ui-menu-divider { margin: 5px -2px 5px -2px; height: 0; font-size: 0; line-height: 0; border-width: 1px 0 0 0; }
.ui-menu .ui-menu-item a { text-decoration: none; display: block; padding: 2px .4em; line-height: 1.5; zoom: 1; font-weight: normal; }
.ui-menu .ui-menu-item a.ui-state-focus,
.ui-menu .ui-menu-item a.ui-state-active { font-weight: normal; margin: -1px; }
.ui-menu .ui-state-disabled { font-weight: normal; margin: .4em 0 .2em; line-height: 1.5; }
.ui-menu .ui-state-disabled a { cursor: default; }
/* icon support */
.ui-menu-icons { position: relative; }
.ui-menu-icons .ui-menu-item a { position: relative; padding-left: 2em; }
/* left-aligned */
.ui-menu .ui-icon { position: absolute; top: .2em; left: .2em; }
/* right-aligned */
.ui-menu .ui-menu-icon { position: static; float: right; }
.ui-progressbar { height:2em; text-align: left; overflow: hidden; }
.ui-progressbar .ui-progressbar-value {margin: -1px; height:100%; }.ui-slider { position: relative; text-align: left; }
.ui-slider .ui-slider-handle { position: absolute; z-index: 2; width: 1.2em; height: 1.2em; cursor: default; }
.ui-slider .ui-slider-range { position: absolute; z-index: 1; font-size: .7em; display: block; border: 0; background-position: 0 0; }
.ui-slider-horizontal { height: .8em; }
.ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-handle { top: -.3em; margin-left: -.6em; }
.ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-range { top: 0; height: 100%; }
.ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-range-min { left: 0; }
.ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-range-max { right: 0; }
.ui-slider-vertical { width: .8em; height: 100px; }
.ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-handle { left: -.3em; margin-left: 0; margin-bottom: -.6em; }
.ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-range { left: 0; width: 100%; }
.ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-range-min { bottom: 0; }
.ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-range-max { top: 0; }.ui-spinner { position:relative; display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; vertical-align: middle; }
.ui-spinner-input { border: none; background: none; padding: 0; margin: .2em 0; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: .4em; margin-right: 22px; }
.ui-spinner-button { width: 16px; height: 50%; font-size: .5em; padding: 0; margin: 0; text-align: center; position: absolute; cursor: default; display: block; overflow: hidden; right: 0; }
.ui-spinner a.ui-spinner-button { border-top: none; border-bottom: none; border-right: none; } /* more specificity required here to overide default borders */
.ui-spinner .ui-icon { position: absolute; margin-top: -8px; top: 50%; left: 0; } /* vertical centre icon */
.ui-spinner-up { top: 0; }
.ui-spinner-down { bottom: 0; }
/* TR overrides */
.ui-spinner .ui-icon-triangle-1-s {
/* need to fix icons sprite */
background-position:-65px -16px;
.ui-tabs { position: relative; padding: .2em; zoom: 1; } /* position: relative prevents IE scroll bug (element with position: relative inside container with overflow: auto appear as "fixed") */
.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav { margin: 0; padding: .2em .2em 0; }
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/* Fades and background-images don't work well together in IE6, drop the image */
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/* Interaction Cues
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/* Icons
/* states and images */
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/* Misc visuals
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/* Overlays */
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\ No newline at end of file
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* To view and modify this theme, visit
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-160px}.ui-icon-seek-first{background-position:-80px -160px}.ui-icon-stop{background-position:-96px -160px}.ui-icon-eject{background-position:-112px -160px}.ui-icon-volume-off{background-position:-128px -160px}.ui-icon-volume-on{background-position:-144px -160px}.ui-icon-power{background-position:0 -176px}.ui-icon-signal-diag{background-position:-16px -176px}.ui-icon-signal{background-position:-32px -176px}.ui-icon-battery-0{background-position:-48px -176px}.ui-icon-battery-1{background-position:-64px -176px}.ui-icon-battery-2{background-position:-80px -176px}.ui-icon-battery-3{background-position:-96px -176px}.ui-icon-circle-plus{background-position:0 -192px}.ui-icon-circle-minus{background-position:-16px -192px}.ui-icon-circle-close{background-position:-32px -192px}.ui-icon-circle-triangle-e{background-position:-48px -192px}.ui-icon-circle-triangle-s{background-position:-64px -192px}.ui-icon-circle-triangle-w{background-position:-80px -192px}.ui-icon-circle-triangle-n{background-position:-96px -192px}.ui-icon-circle-arrow-e{background-position:-112px -192px}.ui-icon-circle-arrow-s{background-position:-128px -192px}.ui-icon-circle-arrow-w{background-position:-144px -192px}.ui-icon-circle-arrow-n{background-position:-160px -192px}.ui-icon-circle-zoomin{background-position:-176px -192px}.ui-icon-circle-zoomout{background-position:-192px -192px}.ui-icon-circle-check{background-position:-208px -192px}.ui-icon-circlesmall-plus{background-position:0 -208px}.ui-icon-circlesmall-minus{background-position:-16px -208px}.ui-icon-circlesmall-close{background-position:-32px -208px}.ui-icon-squaresmall-plus{background-position:-48px -208px}.ui-icon-squaresmall-minus{background-position:-64px -208px}.ui-icon-squaresmall-close{background-position:-80px -208px}.ui-icon-grip-dotted-vertical{background-position:0 -224px}.ui-icon-grip-dotted-horizontal{background-position:-16px -224px}.ui-icon-grip-solid-vertical{background-position:-32px -224px}.ui-icon-grip-solid-horizontal{background-position:-48px -224px}.ui-icon-gripsmall-diagonal-se{background-position:-64px -224px}.ui-icon-grip-diagonal-se{background-position:-80px -224px}.ui-corner-all,.ui-corner-top,.ui-corner-left,.ui-corner-tl{-moz-border-radius-topleft:4px;-webkit-border-top-left-radius:4px;-khtml-border-top-left-radius:4px;border-top-left-radius:4px}.ui-corner-all,.ui-corner-top,.ui-corner-right,.ui-corner-tr{-moz-border-radius-topright:4px;-webkit-border-top-right-radius:4px;-khtml-border-top-right-radius:4px;border-top-right-radius:4px}.ui-corner-all,.ui-corner-bottom,.ui-corner-left,.ui-corner-bl{-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:4px;-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius:4px;-khtml-border-bottom-left-radius:4px;border-bottom-left-radius:4px}.ui-corner-all,.ui-corner-bottom,.ui-corner-right,.ui-corner-br{-moz-border-radius-bottomright:4px;-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius:4px;-khtml-border-bottom-right-radius:4px;border-bottom-right-radius:4px}.ui-widget-overlay{background:#666 url(images/ui-bg_diagonals-thick_20_666666_40x40.png) 50% 50% repeat;opacity:.5;filter:Alpha(Opacity=50)}.ui-widget-shadow{margin:-5px 0 0 -5px;padding:5px;background:#000 url(images/ui-bg_flat_10_000000_40x100.png) 50% 50% repeat-x;opacity:.2;filter:Alpha(Opacity=20);-moz-border-radius:5px;-khtml-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;border-radius:5px}
\ No newline at end of file
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
], function () {
if (console===undefined || console.log===undefined) {
console = { log: function () {}, error: function () {} };
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ Strophe.addConnectionPlugin('roster',
Strophe.addNamespace('ROSTER_VER', 'urn:xmpp:features:rosterver');
Strophe.addNamespace('NICK', '');
/** Function: supportVersioning
* return true if roster versioning is enabled on server
......@@ -183,13 +184,17 @@ Strophe.addConnectionPlugin('roster',
* Parameters:
* (String) jid
* (String) message
* (String) message (optional)
* (String) nick (optional)
subscribe: function(jid, message)
subscribe: function(jid, message, nick) {
var pres = $pres({to: jid, type: "subscribe"});
if (message && message != "")
if (message && message !== "") {
if (nick && nick !== "") {
pres.c('nick', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.NICK}).t(nick);
/** Function: unsubscribe
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
Plugin to implement the vCard extension.
Author: Nathan Zorn (
CoffeeScript port: Andreas Guth (
/* jslint configuration:
/* global document, window, setTimeout, clearTimeout, console,
XMLHttpRequest, ActiveXObject,
Base64, MD5,
Strophe, $build, $msg, $iq, $pres
var buildIq;
buildIq = function(type, jid, vCardEl) {
var iq;
iq = $iq(jid ? {
type: type,
to: jid
} : {
type: type
iq.c("vCard", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.VCARD
if (vCardEl) {
return iq;
Strophe.addConnectionPlugin('vcard', {
_connection: null,
init: function(conn) {
this._connection = conn;
return Strophe.addNamespace('VCARD', 'vcard-temp');
Retrieve a vCard for a JID/Entity
(Function) handler_cb - The callback function used to handle the request.
(String) jid - optional - The name of the entity to request the vCard
If no jid is given, this function retrieves the current user's vcard.
get: function(handler_cb, jid, error_cb) {
var iq;
iq = buildIq("get", jid);
return this._connection.sendIQ(iq, handler_cb, error_cb);
/* Function
Set an entity's vCard.
set: function(handler_cb, vCardEl, jid, error_cb) {
var iq;
iq = buildIq("set", jid, vCardEl);
return this._connection.sendIQ(iq, handler_cb, error_rb);
// Underscore.js 1.3.3
// (c) 2009-2012 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.
// Underscore is freely distributable under the MIT license.
// Portions of Underscore are inspired or borrowed from Prototype,
// Oliver Steele's Functional, and John Resig's Micro-Templating.
// For all details and documentation:
// Underscore.js 1.4.4
// (c) 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.
// Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
(function() {
......@@ -24,8 +21,9 @@
var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype, FuncProto = Function.prototype;
// Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes.
var slice = ArrayProto.slice,
unshift = ArrayProto.unshift,
var push = ArrayProto.push,
slice = ArrayProto.slice,
concat = ArrayProto.concat,
toString = ObjProto.toString,
hasOwnProperty = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty;
......@@ -46,7 +44,11 @@
nativeBind = FuncProto.bind;
// Create a safe reference to the Underscore object for use below.
var _ = function(obj) { return new wrapper(obj); };
var _ = function(obj) {
if (obj instanceof _) return obj;
if (!(this instanceof _)) return new _(obj);
this._wrapped = obj;
// Export the Underscore object for **Node.js**, with
// backwards-compatibility for the old `require()` API. If we're in
......@@ -58,11 +60,11 @@
exports._ = _;
} else {
root['_'] = _;
root._ = _;
// Current version.
_.VERSION = '1.3.3';
_.VERSION = '1.4.4';
// Collection Functions
// --------------------
......@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@
obj.forEach(iterator, context);
} else if (obj.length === +obj.length) {
for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
if (i in obj &&, obj[i], i, obj) === breaker) return;
if (, obj[i], i, obj) === breaker) return;
} else {
for (var key in obj) {
......@@ -96,10 +98,11 @@
each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
results[results.length] =, value, index, list);
if (obj.length === +obj.length) results.length = obj.length;
return results;
var reduceError = 'Reduce of empty array with no initial value';
// **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`,
// or `foldl`. Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `reduce` if available.
_.reduce = _.foldl = _.inject = function(obj, iterator, memo, context) {
......@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@
memo =, memo, value, index, list);
if (!initial) throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty array with no initial value');
if (!initial) throw new TypeError(reduceError);
return memo;
......@@ -130,9 +133,22 @@
if (context) iterator = _.bind(iterator, context);
return initial ? obj.reduceRight(iterator, memo) : obj.reduceRight(iterator);
var reversed = _.toArray(obj).reverse();
if (context && !initial) iterator = _.bind(iterator, context);
return initial ? _.reduce(reversed, iterator, memo, context) : _.reduce(reversed, iterator);
var length = obj.length;
if (length !== +length) {
var keys = _.keys(obj);
length = keys.length;
each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
index = keys ? keys[--length] : --length;
if (!initial) {
memo = obj[index];
initial = true;
} else {
memo =, memo, obj[index], index, list);
if (!initial) throw new TypeError(reduceError);
return memo;
// Return the first value which passes a truth test. Aliased as `detect`.
......@@ -162,18 +178,16 @@
// Return all the elements for which a truth test fails.
_.reject = function(obj, iterator, context) {
var results = [];
if (obj == null) return results;
each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
if (!, value, index, list)) results[results.length] = value;
return results;
return _.filter(obj, function(value, index, list) {
return !, value, index, list);
}, context);
// Determine whether all of the elements match a truth test.
// Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `every` if available.
// Aliased as `all`.
_.every = _.all = function(obj, iterator, context) {
iterator || (iterator = _.identity);
var result = true;
if (obj == null) return result;
if (nativeEvery && obj.every === nativeEvery) return obj.every(iterator, context);
......@@ -197,23 +211,22 @@
return !!result;
// Determine if a given value is included in the array or object using `===`.
// Aliased as `contains`.
_.include = _.contains = function(obj, target) {
var found = false;
if (obj == null) return found;
// Determine if the array or object contains a given value (using `===`).
// Aliased as `include`.
_.contains = _.include = function(obj, target) {
if (obj == null) return false;
if (nativeIndexOf && obj.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return obj.indexOf(target) != -1;
found = any(obj, function(value) {
return any(obj, function(value) {
return value === target;
return found;
// Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection.
_.invoke = function(obj, method) {
var args =, 2);
var isFunc = _.isFunction(method);
return, function(value) {
return (_.isFunction(method) ? method || value : value[method]).apply(value, args);
return (isFunc ? method : value[method]).apply(value, args);
......@@ -222,11 +235,33 @@
return, function(value){ return value[key]; });
// Convenience version of a common use case of `filter`: selecting only objects
// containing specific `key:value` pairs.
_.where = function(obj, attrs, first) {
if (_.isEmpty(attrs)) return first ? null : [];
return _[first ? 'find' : 'filter'](obj, function(value) {
for (var key in attrs) {
if (attrs[key] !== value[key]) return false;
return true;
// Convenience version of a common use case of `find`: getting the first object
// containing specific `key:value` pairs.
_.findWhere = function(obj, attrs) {
return _.where(obj, attrs, true);
// Return the maximum element or (element-based computation).
// Can't optimize arrays of integers longer than 65,535 elements.
// See:
_.max = function(obj, iterator, context) {
if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj) && obj[0] === +obj[0]) return Math.max.apply(Math, obj);
if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj) && obj[0] === +obj[0] && obj.length < 65535) {
return Math.max.apply(Math, obj);
if (!iterator && _.isEmpty(obj)) return -Infinity;
var result = {computed : -Infinity};
var result = {computed : -Infinity, value: -Infinity};
each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
var computed = iterator ?, value, index, list) : value;
computed >= result.computed && (result = {value : value, computed : computed});
......@@ -236,9 +271,11 @@
// Return the minimum element (or element-based computation).
_.min = function(obj, iterator, context) {
if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj) && obj[0] === +obj[0]) return Math.min.apply(Math, obj);
if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj) && obj[0] === +obj[0] && obj.length < 65535) {
return Math.min.apply(Math, obj);
if (!iterator && _.isEmpty(obj)) return Infinity;
var result = {computed : Infinity};
var result = {computed : Infinity, value: Infinity};
each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
var computed = iterator ?, value, index, list) : value;
computed < result.computed && (result = {value : value, computed : computed});
......@@ -248,51 +285,80 @@
// Shuffle an array.
_.shuffle = function(obj) {
var shuffled = [], rand;
each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (index + 1));
shuffled[index] = shuffled[rand];
var rand;
var index = 0;
var shuffled = [];
each(obj, function(value) {
rand = _.random(index++);
shuffled[index - 1] = shuffled[rand];
shuffled[rand] = value;
return shuffled;
// An internal function to generate lookup iterators.
var lookupIterator = function(value) {
return _.isFunction(value) ? value : function(obj){ return obj[value]; };
// Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iterator.
_.sortBy = function(obj, val, context) {
var iterator = _.isFunction(val) ? val : function(obj) { return obj[val]; };
_.sortBy = function(obj, value, context) {
var iterator = lookupIterator(value);
return _.pluck(, function(value, index, list) {
return {
value : value,
index : index,
criteria :, value, index, list)
}).sort(function(left, right) {
var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria;
if (a === void 0) return 1;
if (b === void 0) return -1;
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
var a = left.criteria;
var b = right.criteria;
if (a !== b) {
if (a > b || a === void 0) return 1;
if (a < b || b === void 0) return -1;
return left.index < right.index ? -1 : 1;
}), 'value');
// Groups the object's values by a criterion. Pass either a string attribute
// to group by, or a function that returns the criterion.
_.groupBy = function(obj, val) {
// An internal function used for aggregate "group by" operations.
var group = function(obj, value, context, behavior) {
var result = {};
var iterator = _.isFunction(val) ? val : function(obj) { return obj[val]; };
var iterator = lookupIterator(value || _.identity);
each(obj, function(value, index) {
var key = iterator(value, index);
(result[key] || (result[key] = [])).push(value);
var key =, value, index, obj);
behavior(result, key, value);
return result;
// Use a comparator function to figure out at what index an object should
// be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search.
_.sortedIndex = function(array, obj, iterator) {
iterator || (iterator = _.identity);
// Groups the object's values by a criterion. Pass either a string attribute
// to group by, or a function that returns the criterion.
_.groupBy = function(obj, value, context) {
return group(obj, value, context, function(result, key, value) {
(_.has(result, key) ? result[key] : (result[key] = [])).push(value);
// Counts instances of an object that group by a certain criterion. Pass
// either a string attribute to count by, or a function that returns the
// criterion.
_.countBy = function(obj, value, context) {
return group(obj, value, context, function(result, key) {
if (!_.has(result, key)) result[key] = 0;
// Use a comparator function to figure out the smallest index at which
// an object should be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search.
_.sortedIndex = function(array, obj, iterator, context) {
iterator = iterator == null ? _.identity : lookupIterator(iterator);
var value =, obj);
var low = 0, high = array.length;
while (low < high) {
var mid = (low + high) >> 1;
iterator(array[mid]) < iterator(obj) ? low = mid + 1 : high = mid;
var mid = (low + high) >>> 1;, array[mid]) < value ? low = mid + 1 : high = mid;
return low;
......@@ -301,14 +367,14 @@
_.toArray = function(obj) {
if (!obj) return [];
if (_.isArray(obj)) return;
if (_.isArguments(obj)) return;
if (obj.toArray && _.isFunction(obj.toArray)) return obj.toArray();
if (obj.length === +obj.length) return, _.identity);
return _.values(obj);
// Return the number of elements in an object.
_.size = function(obj) {
return _.isArray(obj) ? obj.length : _.keys(obj).length;
if (obj == null) return 0;
return (obj.length === +obj.length) ? obj.length : _.keys(obj).length;
// Array Functions
......@@ -318,10 +384,11 @@
// values in the array. Aliased as `head` and `take`. The **guard** check
// allows it to work with ``.
_.first = _.head = _.take = function(array, n, guard) {
if (array == null) return void 0;
return (n != null) && !guard ?, 0, n) : array[0];
// Returns everything but the last entry of the array. Especcialy useful on
// Returns everything but the last entry of the array. Especially useful on
// the arguments object. Passing **n** will return all the values in
// the array, excluding the last N. The **guard** check allows it to work with
// ``.
......@@ -332,6 +399,7 @@
// Get the last element of an array. Passing **n** will return the last N
// values in the array. The **guard** check allows it to work with ``.
_.last = function(array, n, guard) {
if (array == null) return void 0;
if ((n != null) && !guard) {
return, Math.max(array.length - n, 0));
} else {
......@@ -339,26 +407,34 @@
// Returns everything but the first entry of the array. Aliased as `tail`.
// Especially useful on the arguments object. Passing an **index** will return
// the rest of the values in the array from that index onward. The **guard**
// Returns everything but the first entry of the array. Aliased as `tail` and `drop`.
// Especially useful on the arguments object. Passing an **n** will return
// the rest N values in the array. The **guard**
// check allows it to work with ``. = _.tail = function(array, index, guard) {
return, (index == null) || guard ? 1 : index); = _.tail = _.drop = function(array, n, guard) {
return, (n == null) || guard ? 1 : n);
// Trim out all falsy values from an array.
_.compact = function(array) {
return _.filter(array, function(value){ return !!value; });
return _.filter(array, _.identity);
// Internal implementation of a recursive `flatten` function.
var flatten = function(input, shallow, output) {
each(input, function(value) {
if (_.isArray(value)) {
shallow ? push.apply(output, value) : flatten(value, shallow, output);
} else {
return output;
// Return a completely flattened version of an array.
_.flatten = function(array, shallow) {
return _.reduce(array, function(memo, value) {
if (_.isArray(value)) return memo.concat(shallow ? value : _.flatten(value));
memo[memo.length] = value;
return memo;
}, []);
return flatten(array, shallow, []);
// Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s).
......@@ -369,30 +445,33 @@
// Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already
// been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm.
// Aliased as `unique`.
_.uniq = _.unique = function(array, isSorted, iterator) {
var initial = iterator ?, iterator) : array;
_.uniq = _.unique = function(array, isSorted, iterator, context) {
if (_.isFunction(isSorted)) {
context = iterator;
iterator = isSorted;
isSorted = false;
var initial = iterator ?, iterator, context) : array;
var results = [];
// The `isSorted` flag is irrelevant if the array only contains two elements.
if (array.length < 3) isSorted = true;
_.reduce(initial, function (memo, value, index) {
if (isSorted ? _.last(memo) !== value || !memo.length : !_.include(memo, value)) {
var seen = [];
each(initial, function(value, index) {
if (isSorted ? (!index || seen[seen.length - 1] !== value) : !_.contains(seen, value)) {
return memo;
}, []);
return results;
// Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of
// the passed-in arrays.
_.union = function() {
return _.uniq(_.flatten(arguments, true));
return _.uniq(concat.apply(ArrayProto, arguments));
// Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the
// passed-in arrays. (Aliased as "intersect" for back-compat.)
_.intersection = _.intersect = function(array) {
// passed-in arrays.
_.intersection = function(array) {
var rest =, 1);
return _.filter(_.uniq(array), function(item) {
return _.every(rest, function(other) {
......@@ -404,8 +483,8 @@
// Take the difference between one array and a number of other arrays.
// Only the elements present in just the first array will remain.
_.difference = function(array) {
var rest = _.flatten(, 1), true);
return _.filter(array, function(value){ return !_.include(rest, value); });
var rest = concat.apply(ArrayProto,, 1));
return _.filter(array, function(value){ return !_.contains(rest, value); });
// Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share
......@@ -414,10 +493,28 @@
var args =;
var length = _.max(_.pluck(args, 'length'));
var results = new Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) results[i] = _.pluck(args, "" + i);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
results[i] = _.pluck(args, "" + i);
return results;
// Converts lists into objects. Pass either a single array of `[key, value]`
// pairs, or two parallel arrays of the same length -- one of keys, and one of
// the corresponding values.
_.object = function(list, values) {
if (list == null) return {};
var result = {};
for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
if (values) {
result[list[i]] = values[i];
} else {
result[list[i][0]] = list[i][1];
return result;
// If the browser doesn't supply us with indexOf (I'm looking at you, **MSIE**),
// we need this function. Return the position of the first occurrence of an
// item in an array, or -1 if the item is not included in the array.
......@@ -426,22 +523,29 @@
// for **isSorted** to use binary search.
_.indexOf = function(array, item, isSorted) {
if (array == null) return -1;
var i, l;
var i = 0, l = array.length;
if (isSorted) {
if (typeof isSorted == 'number') {
i = (isSorted < 0 ? Math.max(0, l + isSorted) : isSorted);
} else {
i = _.sortedIndex(array, item);
return array[i] === item ? i : -1;
if (nativeIndexOf && array.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return array.indexOf(item);
for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) if (i in array && array[i] === item) return i;
if (nativeIndexOf && array.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return array.indexOf(item, isSorted);
for (; i < l; i++) if (array[i] === item) return i;
return -1;
// Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `lastIndexOf` if available.
_.lastIndexOf = function(array, item) {
_.lastIndexOf = function(array, item, from) {
if (array == null) return -1;
if (nativeLastIndexOf && array.lastIndexOf === nativeLastIndexOf) return array.lastIndexOf(item);
var i = array.length;
while (i--) if (i in array && array[i] === item) return i;
var hasIndex = from != null;
if (nativeLastIndexOf && array.lastIndexOf === nativeLastIndexOf) {
return hasIndex ? array.lastIndexOf(item, from) : array.lastIndexOf(item);
var i = (hasIndex ? from : array.length);
while (i--) if (array[i] === item) return i;
return -1;
......@@ -470,25 +574,23 @@
// Function (ahem) Functions
// ------------------
// Reusable constructor function for prototype setting.
var ctor = function(){};
// Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments,
// optionally). Binding with arguments is also known as `curry`.
// Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Function.bind` if available.
// We check for `func.bind` first, to fail fast when `func` is undefined.
_.bind = function bind(func, context) {
var bound, args;
// optionally). Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Function.bind` if
// available.
_.bind = function(func, context) {
if (func.bind === nativeBind && nativeBind) return nativeBind.apply(func,, 1));
if (!_.isFunction(func)) throw new TypeError;
args =, 2);
return bound = function() {
if (!(this instanceof bound)) return func.apply(context, args.concat(;
ctor.prototype = func.prototype;
var self = new ctor;
var result = func.apply(self, args.concat(;
if (Object(result) === result) return result;
return self;
var args =, 2);
return function() {
return func.apply(context, args.concat(;
// Partially apply a function by creating a version that has had some of its
// arguments pre-filled, without changing its dynamic `this` context.
_.partial = function(func) {
var args =, 1);
return function() {
return func.apply(this, args.concat(;
......@@ -496,7 +598,7 @@
// all callbacks defined on an object belong to it.
_.bindAll = function(obj) {
var funcs =, 1);
if (funcs.length == 0) funcs = _.functions(obj);
if (funcs.length === 0) funcs = _.functions(obj);
each(funcs, function(f) { obj[f] = _.bind(obj[f], obj); });
return obj;
......@@ -527,23 +629,26 @@
// Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once
// during a given window of time.
_.throttle = function(func, wait) {
var context, args, timeout, throttling, more, result;
var whenDone = _.debounce(function(){ more = throttling = false; }, wait);
return function() {
context = this; args = arguments;
var context, args, timeout, result;
var previous = 0;
var later = function() {
previous = new Date;
timeout = null;
if (more) func.apply(context, args);
result = func.apply(context, args);
if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (throttling) {
more = true;
} else {
return function() {
var now = new Date;
var remaining = wait - (now - previous);
context = this;
args = arguments;
if (remaining <= 0) {
timeout = null;
previous = now;
result = func.apply(context, args);
} else if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
throttling = true;
return result;
......@@ -553,16 +658,18 @@
// N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the
// leading edge, instead of the trailing.
_.debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout;
var timeout, result;
return function() {
var context = this, args = arguments;
var later = function() {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
if (!immediate) result = func.apply(context, args);
if (immediate && !timeout) func.apply(context, args);
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) result = func.apply(context, args);
return result;
......@@ -573,7 +680,9 @@
return function() {
if (ran) return memo;
ran = true;
return memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
func = null;
return memo;
......@@ -582,7 +691,8 @@
// conditionally execute the original function.
_.wrap = function(func, wrapper) {
return function() {
var args = [func].concat(, 0));
var args = [func];
push.apply(args, arguments);
return wrapper.apply(this, args);
......@@ -604,7 +714,9 @@
_.after = function(times, func) {
if (times <= 0) return func();
return function() {
if (--times < 1) { return func.apply(this, arguments); }
if (--times < 1) {
return func.apply(this, arguments);
......@@ -622,7 +734,23 @@
// Retrieve the values of an object's properties.
_.values = function(obj) {
return, _.identity);
var values = [];
for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) values.push(obj[key]);
return values;
// Convert an object into a list of `[key, value]` pairs.
_.pairs = function(obj) {
var pairs = [];
for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) pairs.push([key, obj[key]]);
return pairs;
// Invert the keys and values of an object. The values must be serializable.
_.invert = function(obj) {
var result = {};
for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) result[obj[key]] = key;
return result;
// Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object.
......@@ -638,28 +766,43 @@
// Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s).
_.extend = function(obj) {
each(, 1), function(source) {
if (source) {
for (var prop in source) {
obj[prop] = source[prop];
return obj;
// Return a copy of the object only containing the whitelisted properties.
_.pick = function(obj) {
var result = {};
each(_.flatten(, 1)), function(key) {
if (key in obj) result[key] = obj[key];
var copy = {};
var keys = concat.apply(ArrayProto,, 1));
each(keys, function(key) {
if (key in obj) copy[key] = obj[key];
return result;
return copy;
// Return a copy of the object without the blacklisted properties.
_.omit = function(obj) {
var copy = {};
var keys = concat.apply(ArrayProto,, 1));
for (var key in obj) {
if (!_.contains(keys, key)) copy[key] = obj[key];
return copy;
// Fill in a given object with default properties.
_.defaults = function(obj) {
each(, 1), function(source) {
if (source) {
for (var prop in source) {
if (obj[prop] == null) obj[prop] = source[prop];
return obj;
......@@ -678,19 +821,16 @@
return obj;
// Internal recursive comparison function.
function eq(a, b, stack) {
// Internal recursive comparison function for `isEqual`.
var eq = function(a, b, aStack, bStack) {
// Identical objects are equal. `0 === -0`, but they aren't identical.
// See the Harmony `egal` proposal:
if (a === b) return a !== 0 || 1 / a == 1 / b;
// A strict comparison is necessary because `null == undefined`.
if (a == null || b == null) return a === b;
// Unwrap any wrapped objects.
if (a._chain) a = a._wrapped;
if (b._chain) b = b._wrapped;
// Invoke a custom `isEqual` method if one is provided.
if (a.isEqual && _.isFunction(a.isEqual)) return a.isEqual(b);
if (b.isEqual && _.isFunction(b.isEqual)) return b.isEqual(a);
if (a instanceof _) a = a._wrapped;
if (b instanceof _) b = b._wrapped;
// Compare `[[Class]]` names.
var className =;
if (className != return false;
......@@ -720,14 +860,15 @@
if (typeof a != 'object' || typeof b != 'object') return false;
// Assume equality for cyclic structures. The algorithm for detecting cyclic
// structures is adapted from ES 5.1 section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO`.
var length = stack.length;
var length = aStack.length;
while (length--) {
// Linear search. Performance is inversely proportional to the number of
// unique nested structures.
if (stack[length] == a) return true;
if (aStack[length] == a) return bStack[length] == b;
// Add the first object to the stack of traversed objects.
var size = 0, result = true;
// Recursively compare objects and arrays.
if (className == '[object Array]') {
......@@ -737,20 +878,24 @@
if (result) {
// Deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties.
while (size--) {
// Ensure commutative equality for sparse arrays.
if (!(result = size in a == size in b && eq(a[size], b[size], stack))) break;
if (!(result = eq(a[size], b[size], aStack, bStack))) break;
} else {
// Objects with different constructors are not equivalent.
if ('constructor' in a != 'constructor' in b || a.constructor != b.constructor) return false;
// Objects with different constructors are not equivalent, but `Object`s
// from different frames are.
var aCtor = a.constructor, bCtor = b.constructor;
if (aCtor !== bCtor && !(_.isFunction(aCtor) && (aCtor instanceof aCtor) &&
_.isFunction(bCtor) && (bCtor instanceof bCtor))) {
return false;
// Deep compare objects.
for (var key in a) {
if (_.has(a, key)) {
// Count the expected number of properties.
// Deep compare each member.
if (!(result = _.has(b, key) && eq(a[key], b[key], stack))) break;
if (!(result = _.has(b, key) && eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack))) break;
// Ensure that both objects contain the same number of properties.
......@@ -762,13 +907,14 @@
// Remove the first object from the stack of traversed objects.
return result;
// Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal.
_.isEqual = function(a, b) {
return eq(a, b, []);
return eq(a, b, [], []);
// Is a given array, string, or object empty?
......@@ -782,7 +928,7 @@
// Is a given value a DOM element?
_.isElement = function(obj) {
return !!(obj && obj.nodeType == 1);
return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1);
// Is a given value an array?
......@@ -796,40 +942,36 @@
return obj === Object(obj);
// Is a given variable an arguments object?
_.isArguments = function(obj) {
return == '[object Arguments]';
// Add some isType methods: isArguments, isFunction, isString, isNumber, isDate, isRegExp.
each(['Arguments', 'Function', 'String', 'Number', 'Date', 'RegExp'], function(name) {
_['is' + name] = function(obj) {
return == '[object ' + name + ']';
// Define a fallback version of the method in browsers (ahem, IE), where
// there isn't any inspectable "Arguments" type.
if (!_.isArguments(arguments)) {
_.isArguments = function(obj) {
return !!(obj && _.has(obj, 'callee'));
// Is a given value a function?
// Optimize `isFunction` if appropriate.
if (typeof (/./) !== 'function') {
_.isFunction = function(obj) {
return == '[object Function]';
// Is a given value a string?
_.isString = function(obj) {
return == '[object String]';
// Is a given value a number?
_.isNumber = function(obj) {
return == '[object Number]';
return typeof obj === 'function';
// Is a given object a finite number?
_.isFinite = function(obj) {
return _.isNumber(obj) && isFinite(obj);
return isFinite(obj) && !isNaN(parseFloat(obj));
// Is the given value `NaN`?
// Is the given value `NaN`? (NaN is the only number which does not equal itself).
_.isNaN = function(obj) {
// `NaN` is the only value for which `===` is not reflexive.
return obj !== obj;
return _.isNumber(obj) && obj != +obj;
// Is a given value a boolean?
......@@ -837,16 +979,6 @@
return obj === true || obj === false || == '[object Boolean]';
// Is a given value a date?
_.isDate = function(obj) {
return == '[object Date]';
// Is the given value a regular expression?
_.isRegExp = function(obj) {
return == '[object RegExp]';
// Is a given value equal to null?
_.isNull = function(obj) {
return obj === null;
......@@ -857,7 +989,8 @@
return obj === void 0;
// Has own property?
// Shortcut function for checking if an object has a given property directly
// on itself (in other words, not on a prototype).
_.has = function(obj, key) {
return, key);
......@@ -878,14 +1011,49 @@
// Run a function **n** times.
_.times = function (n, iterator, context) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++), i);
_.times = function(n, iterator, context) {
var accum = Array(n);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) accum[i] =, i);
return accum;
// Escape a string for HTML interpolation.
_.escape = function(string) {
return (''+string).replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#x27;').replace(/\//g,'&#x2F;');
// Return a random integer between min and max (inclusive).
_.random = function(min, max) {
if (max == null) {
max = min;
min = 0;
return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1));
// List of HTML entities for escaping.
var entityMap = {
escape: {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;',
"'": '&#x27;',
'/': '&#x2F;'
entityMap.unescape = _.invert(entityMap.escape);
// Regexes containing the keys and values listed immediately above.
var entityRegexes = {
escape: new RegExp('[' + _.keys(entityMap.escape).join('') + ']', 'g'),
unescape: new RegExp('(' + _.keys(entityMap.unescape).join('|') + ')', 'g')
// Functions for escaping and unescaping strings to/from HTML interpolation.
_.each(['escape', 'unescape'], function(method) {
_[method] = function(string) {
if (string == null) return '';
return ('' + string).replace(entityRegexes[method], function(match) {
return entityMap[method][match];
// If the value of the named property is a function then invoke it;
// otherwise, return it.
......@@ -895,11 +1063,15 @@
return _.isFunction(value) ? : value;
// Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object, ensuring that
// they're correctly added to the OOP wrapper as well.
// Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object.
_.mixin = function(obj) {
each(_.functions(obj), function(name){
addToWrapper(name, _[name] = obj[name]);
var func = _[name] = obj[name];
_.prototype[name] = function() {
var args = [this._wrapped];
push.apply(args, arguments);
return, func.apply(_, args));
......@@ -907,7 +1079,7 @@
// Useful for temporary DOM ids.
var idCounter = 0;
_.uniqueId = function(prefix) {
var id = idCounter++;
var id = ++idCounter + '';
return prefix ? prefix + id : id;
......@@ -922,72 +1094,78 @@
// When customizing `templateSettings`, if you don't want to define an
// interpolation, evaluation or escaping regex, we need one that is
// guaranteed not to match.
var noMatch = /.^/;
var noMatch = /(.)^/;
// Certain characters need to be escaped so that they can be put into a
// string literal.
var escapes = {
'\\': '\\',
"'": "'",
'r': '\r',
'n': '\n',
't': '\t',
'u2028': '\u2028',
'u2029': '\u2029'
'\\': '\\',
'\r': 'r',
'\n': 'n',
'\t': 't',
'\u2028': 'u2028',
'\u2029': 'u2029'
for (var p in escapes) escapes[escapes[p]] = p;
var escaper = /\\|'|\r|\n|\t|\u2028|\u2029/g;
var unescaper = /\\(\\|'|r|n|t|u2028|u2029)/g;
// Within an interpolation, evaluation, or escaping, remove HTML escaping
// that had been previously added.
var unescape = function(code) {
return code.replace(unescaper, function(match, escape) {
return escapes[escape];
// JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation.
// Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace,
// and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code.
_.template = function(text, data, settings) {
settings = _.defaults(settings || {}, _.templateSettings);
// Compile the template source, taking care to escape characters that
// cannot be included in a string literal and then unescape them in code
// blocks.
var source = "__p+='" + text
.replace(escaper, function(match) {
return '\\' + escapes[match];
.replace(settings.escape || noMatch, function(match, code) {
return "'+\n_.escape(" + unescape(code) + ")+\n'";
.replace(settings.interpolate || noMatch, function(match, code) {
return "'+\n(" + unescape(code) + ")+\n'";
.replace(settings.evaluate || noMatch, function(match, code) {
return "';\n" + unescape(code) + "\n;__p+='";
}) + "';\n";
var render;
settings = _.defaults({}, settings, _.templateSettings);
// Combine delimiters into one regular expression via alternation.
var matcher = new RegExp([
(settings.escape || noMatch).source,
(settings.interpolate || noMatch).source,
(settings.evaluate || noMatch).source
].join('|') + '|$', 'g');
// Compile the template source, escaping string literals appropriately.
var index = 0;
var source = "__p+='";
text.replace(matcher, function(match, escape, interpolate, evaluate, offset) {
source += text.slice(index, offset)
.replace(escaper, function(match) { return '\\' + escapes[match]; });
if (escape) {
source += "'+\n((__t=(" + escape + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'";
if (interpolate) {
source += "'+\n((__t=(" + interpolate + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'";
if (evaluate) {
source += "';\n" + evaluate + "\n__p+='";
index = offset + match.length;
return match;
source += "';\n";
// If a variable is not specified, place data values in local scope.
if (!settings.variable) source = 'with(obj||{}){\n' + source + '}\n';
source = "var __p='';" +
"var print=function(){, '')};\n" +
source = "var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join," +
"print=function(){,'');};\n" +
source + "return __p;\n";
var render = new Function(settings.variable || 'obj', '_', source);
try {
render = new Function(settings.variable || 'obj', '_', source);
} catch (e) {
e.source = source;
throw e;
if (data) return render(data, _);
var template = function(data) {
return, data, _);
// Provide the compiled function source as a convenience for build time
// precompilation.
template.source = 'function(' + (settings.variable || 'obj') + '){\n' +
source + '}';
// Provide the compiled function source as a convenience for precompilation.
template.source = 'function(' + (settings.variable || 'obj') + '){\n' + source + '}';
return template;
......@@ -997,29 +1175,15 @@
return _(obj).chain();
// The OOP Wrapper
// OOP
// ---------------
// If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that
// can be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all the
// underscore functions. Wrapped objects may be chained.
var wrapper = function(obj) { this._wrapped = obj; };
// Expose `wrapper.prototype` as `_.prototype`
_.prototype = wrapper.prototype;
// Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results.
var result = function(obj, chain) {
return chain ? _(obj).chain() : obj;
// A method to easily add functions to the OOP wrapper.
var addToWrapper = function(name, func) {
wrapper.prototype[name] = function() {
var args =;, this._wrapped);
return result(func.apply(_, args), this._chain);
var result = function(obj) {
return this._chain ? _(obj).chain() : obj;
// Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object.
......@@ -1028,32 +1192,35 @@
// Add all mutator Array functions to the wrapper.
each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function(name) {
var method = ArrayProto[name];
wrapper.prototype[name] = function() {
var wrapped = this._wrapped;
method.apply(wrapped, arguments);
var length = wrapped.length;
if ((name == 'shift' || name == 'splice') && length === 0) delete wrapped[0];
return result(wrapped, this._chain);
_.prototype[name] = function() {
var obj = this._wrapped;
method.apply(obj, arguments);
if ((name == 'shift' || name == 'splice') && obj.length === 0) delete obj[0];
return, obj);
// Add all accessor Array functions to the wrapper.
each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function(name) {
var method = ArrayProto[name];
wrapper.prototype[name] = function() {
return result(method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments), this._chain);
_.prototype[name] = function() {
return, method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments));
_.extend(_.prototype, {
// Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object.
wrapper.prototype.chain = function() {
chain: function() {
this._chain = true;
return this;
// Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object.
wrapper.prototype.value = function() {
value: function() {
return this._wrapped;
// Underscore.string
// (c) 2010 Esa-Matti Suuronen <esa-matti aet suuronen dot org>
// Underscore.string is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.
// Documentation:
// Some code is borrowed from MooTools and Alexandru Marasteanu.
// Version '2.2.0rc'
!function(root, String){
'use strict';
// Defining helper functions.
var nativeTrim = String.prototype.trim;
var nativeTrimRight = String.prototype.trimRight;
var nativeTrimLeft = String.prototype.trimLeft;
var parseNumber = function(source) { return source * 1 || 0; };
var strRepeat = function(str, qty){
if (qty < 1) return '';
var result = '';
while (qty > 0) {
if (qty & 1) result += str;
qty >>= 1, str += str;
return result;
var slice = [].slice;
var defaultToWhiteSpace = function(characters) {
if (characters == null)
return '\\s';
else if (characters.source)
return characters.source;
return '[' + _s.escapeRegExp(characters) + ']';
var escapeChars = {
lt: '<',
gt: '>',
quot: '"',
apos: "'",
amp: '&'
var reversedEscapeChars = {};
for(var key in escapeChars){ reversedEscapeChars[escapeChars[key]] = key; }
// sprintf() for JavaScript 0.7-beta1
// Copyright (c) Alexandru Marasteanu <alexaholic [at) gmail (dot] com>
// All rights reserved.
var sprintf = (function() {
function get_type(variable) {
return, -1).toLowerCase();
var str_repeat = strRepeat;
var str_format = function() {
if (!str_format.cache.hasOwnProperty(arguments[0])) {
str_format.cache[arguments[0]] = str_format.parse(arguments[0]);
return, str_format.cache[arguments[0]], arguments);
str_format.format = function(parse_tree, argv) {
var cursor = 1, tree_length = parse_tree.length, node_type = '', arg, output = [], i, k, match, pad, pad_character, pad_length;
for (i = 0; i < tree_length; i++) {
node_type = get_type(parse_tree[i]);
if (node_type === 'string') {
else if (node_type === 'array') {
match = parse_tree[i]; // convenience purposes only
if (match[2]) { // keyword argument
arg = argv[cursor];
for (k = 0; k < match[2].length; k++) {
if (!arg.hasOwnProperty(match[2][k])) {
throw new Error(sprintf('[_.sprintf] property "%s" does not exist', match[2][k]));
arg = arg[match[2][k]];
} else if (match[1]) { // positional argument (explicit)
arg = argv[match[1]];
else { // positional argument (implicit)
arg = argv[cursor++];
if (/[^s]/.test(match[8]) && (get_type(arg) != 'number')) {
throw new Error(sprintf('[_.sprintf] expecting number but found %s', get_type(arg)));
switch (match[8]) {
case 'b': arg = arg.toString(2); break;
case 'c': arg = String.fromCharCode(arg); break;
case 'd': arg = parseInt(arg, 10); break;
case 'e': arg = match[7] ? arg.toExponential(match[7]) : arg.toExponential(); break;
case 'f': arg = match[7] ? parseFloat(arg).toFixed(match[7]) : parseFloat(arg); break;
case 'o': arg = arg.toString(8); break;
case 's': arg = ((arg = String(arg)) && match[7] ? arg.substring(0, match[7]) : arg); break;
case 'u': arg = Math.abs(arg); break;
case 'x': arg = arg.toString(16); break;
case 'X': arg = arg.toString(16).toUpperCase(); break;
arg = (/[def]/.test(match[8]) && match[3] && arg >= 0 ? '+'+ arg : arg);
pad_character = match[4] ? match[4] == '0' ? '0' : match[4].charAt(1) : ' ';
pad_length = match[6] - String(arg).length;
pad = match[6] ? str_repeat(pad_character, pad_length) : '';
output.push(match[5] ? arg + pad : pad + arg);
return output.join('');
str_format.cache = {};
str_format.parse = function(fmt) {
var _fmt = fmt, match = [], parse_tree = [], arg_names = 0;
while (_fmt) {
if ((match = /^[^\x25]+/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
else if ((match = /^\x25{2}/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
else if ((match = /^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^\)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-fosuxX])/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
if (match[2]) {
arg_names |= 1;
var field_list = [], replacement_field = match[2], field_match = [];
if ((field_match = /^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
while ((replacement_field = replacement_field.substring(field_match[0].length)) !== '') {
if ((field_match = /^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
else if ((field_match = /^\[(\d+)\]/.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
else {
throw new Error('[_.sprintf] huh?');
else {
throw new Error('[_.sprintf] huh?');
match[2] = field_list;
else {
arg_names |= 2;
if (arg_names === 3) {
throw new Error('[_.sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported');
else {
throw new Error('[_.sprintf] huh?');
_fmt = _fmt.substring(match[0].length);
return parse_tree;
return str_format;
// Defining underscore.string
var _s = {
VERSION: '2.2.0rc',
isBlank: function(str){
if (str == null) str = '';
return (/^\s*$/).test(str);
stripTags: function(str){
if (str == null) return '';
return String(str).replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/g, '');
capitalize : function(str){
str = str == null ? '' : String(str);
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
chop: function(str, step){
if (str == null) return [];
str = String(str);
step = ~~step;
return step > 0 ? str.match(new RegExp('.{1,' + step + '}', 'g')) : [str];
clean: function(str){
return _s.strip(str).replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
count: function(str, substr){
if (str == null || substr == null) return 0;
return String(str).split(substr).length - 1;
chars: function(str) {
if (str == null) return [];
return String(str).split('');
swapCase: function(str) {
if (str == null) return '';
return String(str).replace(/\S/g, function(c){
return c === c.toUpperCase() ? c.toLowerCase() : c.toUpperCase();
escapeHTML: function(str) {
if (str == null) return '';
return String(str).replace(/[&<>"']/g, function(m){ return '&' + reversedEscapeChars[m] + ';'; });
unescapeHTML: function(str) {
if (str == null) return '';
return String(str).replace(/\&([^;]+);/g, function(entity, entityCode){
var match;
if (entityCode in escapeChars) {
return escapeChars[entityCode];
} else if (match = entityCode.match(/^#x([\da-fA-F]+)$/)) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(match[1], 16));
} else if (match = entityCode.match(/^#(\d+)$/)) {
return String.fromCharCode(~~match[1]);
} else {
return entity;
escapeRegExp: function(str){
if (str == null) return '';
return String(str).replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
splice: function(str, i, howmany, substr){
var arr = _s.chars(str);
arr.splice(~~i, ~~howmany, substr);
return arr.join('');
insert: function(str, i, substr){
return _s.splice(str, i, 0, substr);
include: function(str, needle){
if (needle === '') return true;
if (str == null) return false;
return String(str).indexOf(needle) !== -1;
join: function() {
var args =,
separator = args.shift();
if (separator == null) separator = '';
return args.join(separator);
lines: function(str) {
if (str == null) return [];
return String(str).split("\n");
reverse: function(str){
return _s.chars(str).reverse().join('');
startsWith: function(str, starts){
if (starts === '') return true;
if (str == null || starts == null) return false;
str = String(str); starts = String(starts);
return str.length >= starts.length && str.slice(0, starts.length) === starts;
endsWith: function(str, ends){
if (ends === '') return true;
if (str == null || ends == null) return false;
str = String(str); ends = String(ends);
return str.length >= ends.length && str.slice(str.length - ends.length) === ends;
succ: function(str){
if (str == null) return '';
str = String(str);
return str.slice(0, -1) + String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(str.length-1) + 1);
titleize: function(str){
if (str == null) return '';
return String(str).replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(c){ return c.toUpperCase(); });
camelize: function(str){
return _s.trim(str).replace(/[-_\s]+(.)?/g, function(match, c){ return c.toUpperCase(); });
underscored: function(str){
return _s.trim(str).replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z]+)/g, '$1_$2').replace(/[-\s]+/g, '_').toLowerCase();
dasherize: function(str){
return _s.trim(str).replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').replace(/[-_\s]+/g, '-').toLowerCase();
classify: function(str){
return _s.titleize(String(str).replace(/_/g, ' ')).replace(/\s/g, '');
humanize: function(str){
return _s.capitalize(_s.underscored(str).replace(/_id$/,'').replace(/_/g, ' '));
trim: function(str, characters){
if (str == null) return '';
if (!characters && nativeTrim) return;
characters = defaultToWhiteSpace(characters);
return String(str).replace(new RegExp('\^' + characters + '+|' + characters + '+$', 'g'), '');
ltrim: function(str, characters){
if (str == null) return '';
if (!characters && nativeTrimLeft) return;
characters = defaultToWhiteSpace(characters);
return String(str).replace(new RegExp('^' + characters + '+'), '');
rtrim: function(str, characters){
if (str == null) return '';
if (!characters && nativeTrimRight) return;
characters = defaultToWhiteSpace(characters);
return String(str).replace(new RegExp(characters + '+$'), '');
truncate: function(str, length, truncateStr){
if (str == null) return '';
str = String(str); truncateStr = truncateStr || '...';
length = ~~length;
return str.length > length ? str.slice(0, length) + truncateStr : str;
* _s.prune: a more elegant version of truncate
* prune extra chars, never leaving a half-chopped word.
* @author
prune: function(str, length, pruneStr){
if (str == null) return '';
str = String(str); length = ~~length;
pruneStr = pruneStr != null ? String(pruneStr) : '...';
if (str.length <= length) return str;
var tmpl = function(c){ return c.toUpperCase() !== c.toLowerCase() ? 'A' : ' '; },
template = str.slice(0, length+1).replace(/.(?=\W*\w*$)/g, tmpl); // 'Hello, world' -> 'HellAA AAAAA'
if (template.slice(template.length-2).match(/\w\w/))
template = template.replace(/\s*\S+$/, '');
template = _s.rtrim(template.slice(0, template.length-1));
return (template+pruneStr).length > str.length ? str : str.slice(0, template.length)+pruneStr;
words: function(str, delimiter) {
if (_s.isBlank(str)) return [];
return _s.trim(str, delimiter).split(delimiter || /\s+/);
pad: function(str, length, padStr, type) {
str = str == null ? '' : String(str);
length = ~~length;
var padlen = 0;
if (!padStr)
padStr = ' ';
else if (padStr.length > 1)
padStr = padStr.charAt(0);
switch(type) {
case 'right':
padlen = length - str.length;
return str + strRepeat(padStr, padlen);
case 'both':
padlen = length - str.length;
return strRepeat(padStr, Math.ceil(padlen/2)) + str
+ strRepeat(padStr, Math.floor(padlen/2));
default: // 'left'
padlen = length - str.length;
return strRepeat(padStr, padlen) + str;
lpad: function(str, length, padStr) {
return _s.pad(str, length, padStr);
rpad: function(str, length, padStr) {
return _s.pad(str, length, padStr, 'right');
lrpad: function(str, length, padStr) {
return _s.pad(str, length, padStr, 'both');
sprintf: sprintf,
vsprintf: function(fmt, argv){
return sprintf.apply(null, argv);
toNumber: function(str, decimals) {
if (str == null || str == '') return 0;
str = String(str);
var num = parseNumber(parseNumber(str).toFixed(~~decimals));
return num === 0 && !str.match(/^0+$/) ? Number.NaN : num;
numberFormat : function(number, dec, dsep, tsep) {
if (isNaN(number) || number == null) return '';
number = number.toFixed(~~dec);
tsep = tsep || ',';
var parts = number.split('.'), fnums = parts[0],
decimals = parts[1] ? (dsep || '.') + parts[1] : '';
return fnums.replace(/(\d)(?=(?:\d{3})+$)/g, '$1' + tsep) + decimals;
strRight: function(str, sep){
if (str == null) return '';
str = String(str); sep = sep != null ? String(sep) : sep;
var pos = !sep ? -1 : str.indexOf(sep);
return ~pos ? str.slice(pos+sep.length, str.length) : str;
strRightBack: function(str, sep){
if (str == null) return '';
str = String(str); sep = sep != null ? String(sep) : sep;
var pos = !sep ? -1 : str.lastIndexOf(sep);
return ~pos ? str.slice(pos+sep.length, str.length) : str;
strLeft: function(str, sep){
if (str == null) return '';
str = String(str); sep = sep != null ? String(sep) : sep;
var pos = !sep ? -1 : str.indexOf(sep);
return ~pos ? str.slice(0, pos) : str;
strLeftBack: function(str, sep){
if (str == null) return '';
str += ''; sep = sep != null ? ''+sep : sep;
var pos = str.lastIndexOf(sep);
return ~pos ? str.slice(0, pos) : str;
toSentence: function(array, separator, lastSeparator, serial) {
separator = separator || ', '
lastSeparator = lastSeparator || ' and '
var a = array.slice(), lastMember = a.pop();
if (array.length > 2 && serial) lastSeparator = _s.rtrim(separator) + lastSeparator;
return a.length ? a.join(separator) + lastSeparator + lastMember : lastMember;
toSentenceSerial: function() {
var args =;
args[3] = true;
return _s.toSentence.apply(_s, args);
slugify: function(str) {
if (str == null) return '';
var from = "ąàáäâãåæćęèéëêìíïîłńòóöôõøùúüûñçżź",
to = "aaaaaaaaceeeeeiiiilnoooooouuuunczz",
regex = new RegExp(defaultToWhiteSpace(from), 'g');
str = String(str).toLowerCase().replace(regex, function(c){
var index = from.indexOf(c);
return to.charAt(index) || '-';
return _s.dasherize(str.replace(/[^\w\s-]/g, ''));
surround: function(str, wrapper) {
return [wrapper, str, wrapper].join('');
quote: function(str) {
return _s.surround(str, '"');
exports: function() {
var result = {};
for (var prop in this) {
if (!this.hasOwnProperty(prop) || prop.match(/^(?:include|contains|reverse)$/)) continue;
result[prop] = this[prop];
return result;
repeat: function(str, qty, separator){
if (str == null) return '';
qty = ~~qty;
// using faster implementation if separator is not needed;
if (separator == null) return strRepeat(String(str), qty);
// this one is about 300x slower in Google Chrome
for (var repeat = []; qty > 0; repeat[--qty] = str) {}
return repeat.join(separator);
levenshtein: function(str1, str2) {
if (str1 == null && str2 == null) return 0;
if (str1 == null) return String(str2).length;
if (str2 == null) return String(str1).length;
str1 = String(str1); str2 = String(str2);
var current = [], prev, value;
for (var i = 0; i <= str2.length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j <= str1.length; j++) {
if (i && j)
if (str1.charAt(j - 1) === str2.charAt(i - 1))
value = prev;
value = Math.min(current[j], current[j - 1], prev) + 1;
value = i + j;
prev = current[j];
current[j] = value;
return current.pop();
// Aliases
_s.strip = _s.trim;
_s.lstrip = _s.ltrim;
_s.rstrip = _s.rtrim; = _s.lrpad;
_s.rjust = _s.lpad;
_s.ljust = _s.rpad;
_s.contains = _s.include;
_s.q = _s.quote;
// CommonJS module is defined
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
// Export module
module.exports = _s;
exports._s = _s;
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// Register as a named module with AMD.
define('underscore.string', [], function() {
return _s;
} else {
// Integrate with Underscore.js if defined
// or create our own underscore object.
root._ = root._ || {};
root._.string = root._.str = _s;
}(this, String);
......@@ -5,4 +5,6 @@ TODO:
* Add /leave command
* Inform users of /help via placeholder in textarea
* Create a single sprite image from the current images
* Add "keep me logged in" feature when logging in manually
* Add support for XMPP server feature detection
* Implement "Fetch user vCard" feature.
body {
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================================================== */
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p img { margin: 0; }
p.lead { font-size: 21px; line-height: 27px; color: #777; }
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/* #Links
================================================== */
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a:hover, a:focus {color: rgb(164, 72, 72);}
p a, p a:visited { line-height: inherit; }
......@@ -25,10 +25,6 @@
height: 1.1em;
#toggle-online-users {
display: none;
#connecting-to-chat {
background: url(images/spinner.gif) no-repeat left;
padding-left: 1.4em;
......@@ -119,7 +115,6 @@ {
.chat-textarea {
border: 0;
height: 50px;
width: 100%;
.chat-textarea-chatbox-selected {
......@@ -152,14 +147,24 @@ {
font-weight: bold;
color: #F62817;
white-space: nowrap;
max-width: 100px;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
display: inline-block;
.chat-event, .chat-date, .chat-help {
color: #808080;
.chat-date {
display: inline-block;
padding-top: 10px;
div#chatrooms {
div#login-dialog {
height: 279px;
......@@ -184,7 +189,6 @@ div.delayed .chat-message-me {
.chat-head .avatar {
height: 35px;
float: left;
margin-right: 6px;
......@@ -227,7 +231,7 @@ p.chatroom-topic {
a.subscribe-to-user {
padding-left: 2em;
background: url('/add_icon.png') no-repeat 3px top;
background: url('images/add_icon.png') no-repeat 3px top;
font-weight: bold;
......@@ -237,7 +241,7 @@ div.add-xmpp-contact {
padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
margin: 0 0.5em;
clear: both;
background: url('/add_icon.png') no-repeat 3px 3px;
background: url('images/add_icon.png') no-repeat 3px 3px;
font-weight: bold;
......@@ -248,7 +252,7 @@ div.add-xmpp-contact a.add-xmpp-contact {
#fancy-xmpp-status-select a.change-xmpp-status-message {
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(250, 250, 250, 1);
background: url('/pencil_icon.png') no-repeat right top;
background: url('images/pencil_icon.png') no-repeat right top;
float: right;
clear: right;
width: 1em;
......@@ -353,8 +357,8 @@ input {
background: url(images/user_offline_panel.png) no-repeat 5px 2px;
#xmppchat-roster dd.current-xmpp-contact.busy,
#xmppchat-roster dd.current-xmpp-contact.busy:hover {
#xmppchat-roster dd.current-xmpp-contact.dnd,
#xmppchat-roster dd.current-xmpp-contact.dnd:hover {
background: url(images/user_busy_panel.png) no-repeat 5px 2px;
......@@ -368,8 +372,13 @@ input {
#xmppchat-roster dd a {
margin-left: 2em;
margin-left: 1.5em;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(250, 250, 250, 1);
display: inline-block;
width: 113px;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.remove-xmpp-contact-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane {
......@@ -418,9 +427,10 @@ dd.available-chatroom,
#xmppchat-roster dd a.remove-xmpp-contact {
background: url('/delete_icon.png') no-repeat right top;
background: url('images/delete_icon.png') no-repeat right top;
padding: 0 1em 1em 0;
float: right;
width: 22px;
margin: 0;
......@@ -435,7 +445,7 @@ dd.available-chatroom,
.chatbox {
width: 200px;
width: 201px;
.chatroom {
......@@ -478,6 +488,14 @@ div#controlbox-panes {
width: 199px;
form#xmppchat-login {
padding: 2em 0 0.3em 0.5em;
form#xmppchat-login input {
display: block;
form.add-chatroom {
padding: 0.5em 0 0.3em 0.5em;
......@@ -545,6 +563,7 @@ ul#controlbox-tabs a.current, ul#controlbox-tabs a.current:hover {
div#settings {
border: 0;
font-size: 14px;
......@@ -565,6 +584,7 @@ form.sendXMPPMessage {
background-clip: padding-box;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
height: 54px;
#set-custom-xmpp-status {
......@@ -631,7 +651,7 @@ input.custom-xmpp-status {
background: url(images/user_offline_panel.png) no-repeat left;
.dropdown a.busy {
.dropdown a.dnd {
background: url(images/user_busy_panel.png) no-repeat left;
......@@ -16,62 +16,75 @@
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// paths: {
// "patterns": "Libraries/Patterns"
// },
paths: {
"sjcl": "Libraries/sjcl",
"tinysort": "Libraries/jquery.tinysort",
"underscore": "Libraries/underscore",
"backbone": "Libraries/backbone",
"localstorage": "Libraries/backbone.localStorage",
"strophe": "Libraries/strophe",
"strophe.muc": "Libraries/strophe.muc",
"strophe.roster": "Libraries/strophe.roster",
"strophe.vcard": "Libraries/strophe.vcard"
// define module dependencies for modules not using define
shim: {
'Libraries/backbone': {
'backbone': {
//These script dependencies should be loaded before loading
deps: [
//Once loaded, use the global 'Backbone' as the
//module value.
exports: 'Backbone'
'Libraries/strophe.muc': {
deps: ['Libraries/strophe', 'jquery']
'underscore': {
exports: '_'
'strophe.muc': {
deps: ['strophe', 'jquery']
'Libraries/strophe.roster': {
deps: ['Libraries/strophe', 'jquery']
'strophe.roster': {
deps: ['strophe', 'jquery']
'strophe.vcard': {
deps: ['strophe', 'jquery']
], function (Burry, _s) {
var store = new Burry.Store('');
// Init underscore.str
_.str = _s;
define("converse", [
], function() {
// Use Mustache style syntax for variable interpolation
_.templateSettings = {
evaluate : /\{\[([\s\S]+?)\]\}/g,
interpolate : /\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}/g
return factory(jQuery, store, _, console);
return factory(jQuery, _, console);
} else {
// Browser globals
var store = new Burry.Store('');
_.templateSettings = {
evaluate : /\{\[([\s\S]+?)\]\}/g,
interpolate : /\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}/g
root.xmppchat = factory(jQuery, store, _, console || {log: function(){}});
root.xmppchat = factory(jQuery, _, console || {log: function(){}});
}(this, function ($, store, _, console) {
}(this, function ($, _, console) {
var xmppchat = {};
xmppchat.msg_counter = 0;
......@@ -82,6 +95,12 @@
return String(str).indexOf(needle) !== -1;
xmppchat.autoLink = function (text) {
// Convert URLs into hyperlinks
var re = /((http|https|ftp):\/\/[\w?=&.\/\-;#~%\-]+(?![\w\s?&.\/;#~%"=\-]*>))/g;
return text.replace(re, '<a target="_blank" href="$1">$1</a>');
xmppchat.toISOString = function (date) {
var pad;
if (typeof date.toISOString !== 'undefined') {
......@@ -105,9 +124,10 @@
    var numericKeys = [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11],
struct = /^\s*(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}\.?\d*)Z\s*$/.exec(datestr),
minutesOffset = 0;
minutesOffset = 0,
i, k;
for (var i = 0, k; (k = numericKeys[i]); ++i) {
for (i = 0; (k = numericKeys[i]); ++i) {
struct[k] = +struct[k] || 0;
// allow undefined days and months
......@@ -124,20 +144,29 @@
xmppchat.updateMsgCounter = function () {
this.msg_counter += 1;
if (this.msg_counter > 0) {
if (^Messages \(\d\) /) === -1) {
if (^Messages \(\d+\) /) == -1) {
document.title = "Messages (" + this.msg_counter + ") " + document.title;
} else {
document.title = document.title.replace(/^Messages \(\d\) /, "Messages (" + this.msg_counter + ") ");
document.title = document.title.replace(/^Messages \(\d+\) /, "Messages (" + this.msg_counter + ") ");
} else if (^\(\d\) /) !== -1) {
document.title = document.title.replace(/^Messages \(\d\) /, "");
} else if (^Messages \(\d+\) /) != -1) {
document.title = document.title.replace(/^Messages \(\d+\) /, "");
xmppchat.incrementMsgCounter = function () {
this.msg_counter += 1;
xmppchat.clearMsgCounter = function () {
this.msg_counter = 0;
xmppchat.collections = {
/* FIXME: XEP-0136 specifies 'urn:xmpp:archive' but the mod_archive_odbc
* add-on for ejabberd wants the URL below. This might break for other
......@@ -183,99 +212,70 @@
xmppchat.ClientStorage = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function (own_jid) {
this.set({ 'own_jid' : own_jid });
addMessage: function (jid, msg, direction) {
var bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid),
now = xmppchat.toISOString(new Date()),
msgs = store.get(hex_sha1(this.get('own_jid')+bare_jid)) || [];
if (msgs.length >= 30) {
msgs.push(sjcl.encrypt(hex_sha1(this.get('own_jid')), now+' '+direction+' '+msg));
store.set(hex_sha1(this.get('own_jid')+bare_jid), msgs);
getMessages: function (jid) {
var bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid),
decrypted_msgs = [], i;
var msgs = store.get(hex_sha1(this.get('own_jid')+bare_jid)) || [],
msgs_length = msgs.length;
for (i=0; i<msgs_length; i++) {
decrypted_msgs.push(sjcl.decrypt(hex_sha1(this.get('own_jid')), msgs[i]));
return decrypted_msgs;
getLastMessage: function (jid) {
var bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid);
var msgs = store.get(hex_sha1(this.get('own_jid')+bare_jid)) || [];
if (msgs.length) {
return sjcl.decrypt(hex_sha1(this.get('own_jid')), msgs[msgs.length-1]);
return undefined;
clearMessages: function (jid) {
var bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid);
store.set(hex_sha1(this.get('own_jid')+bare_jid), []);
getOpenChats: function () {
var key = hex_sha1(this.get('own_jid')+'-open-chats'),
chats = store.get(key) || [],
chats_length = chats.length,
decrypted_chats = [],
for (i=0; i<chats_length; i++) {
return decrypted_chats;
addOpenChat: function (jid) {
// TODO: Hash stored chats?
var key = hex_sha1(this.get('own_jid')+'-open-chats'),
chats = store.get(key) || [];
if (_.indexOf(chats, jid) == -1) {
store.set(key, chats);
removeOpenChat: function (jid) {
var key = hex_sha1(this.get('own_jid')+'-open-chats'),
chats = store.get(key) || [];
if (_.has(chats, jid) != -1) {
chats.splice(_.indexOf(chats, jid), 1);
store.set(key, chats);
xmppchat.Message = Backbone.Model.extend();
flush: function () {
// Clears all localstorage content handled by burry.js
// Only used in tests
xmppchat.Messages = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: xmppchat.Message
xmppchat.ChatBox = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {
if (this.get('box_id') !== 'controlbox') {
this.messages = new xmppchat.Messages();
this.messages.localStorage = new Backbone.LocalStorage(
'user_id' : Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.get('jid')),
'box_id' : hex_sha1(this.get('jid')),
'fullname' : this.get('fullname'),
'portrait_url': this.get('portrait_url'),
'user_profile_url': this.get('user_profile_url')
'url': this.get('url'),
'image_type': this.get('image_type'),
'image_src': this.get('image_src')
messageReceived: function (message) {
var $message = $(message),
body = xmppchat.autoLink($message.children('body').text()),
from = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($message.attr('from')),
composing = $message.find('composing'),
delayed = $message.find('delay').length > 0,
fullname = this.get('fullname').split(' ')[0],
stamp, time, sender;
if (!body) {
if (composing.length) {
fullname: fullname,
sender: 'them',
delayed: delayed,
time: xmppchat.toISOString(new Date()),
composing: composing.length
} else {
if (delayed) {
stamp = $message.find('delay').attr('stamp');
time = stamp;
} else {
time = xmppchat.toISOString(new Date());
if (from == xmppchat.bare_jid) {
fullname = 'me';
sender = 'me';
} else {
sender = 'them';
fullname: fullname,
sender: sender,
delayed: delayed,
time: time,
message: body
xmppchat.ChatBoxView = Backbone.View.extend({
......@@ -300,150 +300,69 @@
'<span class="chat-message-content">{{message}}</span>' +
autoLink: function (text) {
// Convert URLs into hyperlinks
var re = /((http|https|ftp):\/\/[\w?=&.\/\-;#~%\-]+(?![\w\s?&.\/;#~%"=\-]*>))/g;
return text.replace(re, '<a target="_blank" href="$1">$1</a>');
appendMessage: function (message) {
var now = new Date(),
time = now.toLocaleTimeString().substring(0,5),
minutes = now.getMinutes().toString(),
$chat_content = this.$el.find('.chat-content');
var msg ='jid'));
if (typeof msg !== 'undefined') {
var prev_date = new Date(Date(msg.split(' ', 2)[0]));
if (this.isDifferentDay(prev_date, now)) {
$chat_content.append($('<div class="chat-date">&nbsp;</div>'));
$chat_content.append($('<div class="chat-date"></div>').text(now.toString().substring(0,15)));
message = this.autoLink(message);
// TODO use minutes logic or remove it
if (minutes.length==1) {minutes = '0'+minutes;}
'sender': 'me',
'time': time,
'message': message,
'username': 'me',
'extra_classes': ''
new_day_template: _.template(
'<time class="chat-date" datetime="{{isodate}}">{{datestring}}</time>'
insertStatusNotification: function (message, replace) {
var $chat_content = this.$el.find('.chat-content');
.append($('<div class="chat-event"></div>').text(message));
messageReceived: function (message) {
/* XXX: event.mtype should be 'xhtml' for XHTML-IM messages,
but I only seem to get 'text'.
var $message = $(message);
var body = this.autoLink($message.children('body').text()),
from = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($message.attr('from')),
to = $message.attr('to'),
composing = $message.find('composing'),
showMessage: function (message) {
var time = message.get('time'),
times = this.model.messages.pluck('time'),
this_date = xmppchat.parseISO8601(time),
$chat_content = this.$el.find('.chat-content'),
delayed = $message.find('delay').length > 0,
fullname = this.model.get('fullname'),
time, stamp, username, sender;
if (xmppchat.xmppstatus.getStatus() === 'offline') {
previous_message, idx, prev_date, isodate;
// If this message is on a different day than the one received
// prior, then indicate it on the chatbox.
idx = _.indexOf(times, time)-1;
if (idx >= 0) {
previous_message =;
prev_date = xmppchat.parseISO8601(previous_message.get('time'));
isodate = this_date;
isodate = xmppchat.toISOString(isodate);
if (this.isDifferentDay(prev_date, this_date)) {
isodate: isodate,
datestring: this_date.toString().substring(0,15)
if (xmppchat.xmppstatus.get('status') === 'offline') {
// only update the UI if the user is not offline
if (!body) {
if (composing.length) {
this.insertStatusNotification(fullname+' '+'is typing');
if (message.get('composing')) {
this.insertStatusNotification(message.get('fullname')+' '+'is typing');
} else {
if (from == xmppchat.connection.bare_jid) {
// I am the sender, so this must be a forwarded message...
username = 'me';
sender = 'me';
} else {, body, 'from');
username = fullname.split(' ')[0];
sender = 'them';
if (delayed) {
// XXX: Test properly (for really old messages we somehow need to show
// their date as well)
stamp = $message.find('delay').attr('stamp');
time = (new Date(stamp)).toLocaleTimeString().substring(0,5);
} else {
time = (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString().substring(0,5);
'sender': sender,
'time': time,
'message': body,
'username': username,
'extra_classes': delayed && 'delayed' || ''
'sender': message.get('sender'),
'time': this_date.toLocaleTimeString().substring(0,5),
'message': message.get('message'),
'username': message.get('fullname'),
'extra_classes': message.get('delayed') && 'delayed' || ''
if (message.get('sender') != 'me') {
isDifferentDay: function (prev_date, next_date) {
return ((next_date.getDate() != prev_date.getDate()) || (next_date.getFullYear() != prev_date.getFullYear()) || (next_date.getMonth() != prev_date.getMonth()));
insertClientStoredMessages: function () {
var msgs ='jid')),
msgs_length = msgs.length,
$content = this.$el.find('.chat-content'),
prev_date, this_date, i;
for (i=0; i<msgs_length; i++) {
var msg = msgs[i],
msg_array = msg.split(' ', 2),
date = msg_array[0];
if (i === 0) {
this_date = new Date(Date(date));
if (this.isDifferentDay(this_date, new Date())) {
$content.append($('<div class="chat-date"></div>').text(this_date.toString().substring(0,15)));
} else {
prev_date = this_date;
this_date = new Date(Date(date));
if (this.isDifferentDay(prev_date, this_date)) {
$content.append($('<div class="chat-date">&nbsp;</div>'));
$content.append($('<div class="chat-date"></div>').text(this_date.toString().substring(0,15)));
msg = this.autoLink(String(msg).replace(/(.*?\s.*?\s)/, ''));
if (msg_array[1] == 'to') {
'sender': 'me',
'time': this_date.toLocaleTimeString().substring(0,5),
'message': msg,
'username': 'me',
'extra_classes': 'delayed'
} else {
'sender': 'them',
'time': this_date.toLocaleTimeString().substring(0,5),
'message': msg,
'username': this.model.get('fullname').split(' ')[0],
'extra_classes': 'delayed'
return (
(next_date.getDate() != prev_date.getDate()) ||
(next_date.getFullYear() != prev_date.getFullYear()) ||
(next_date.getMonth() != prev_date.getMonth()));
addHelpMessages: function (msgs) {
......@@ -467,7 +386,7 @@
if (match) {
if (match[1] === "clear") {
else if (match[1] === "help") {
......@@ -480,21 +399,24 @@
var message = $msg({from: xmppchat.connection.bare_jid, to: bare_jid, type: 'chat', id: timestamp})
var message = $msg({from: xmppchat.bare_jid, to: bare_jid, type: 'chat', id: timestamp})
.c('active', {'xmlns': ''});
// Forward the message, so that other connected resources are also aware of it.
// TODO: Forward the message only to other connected resources (inside the browser)
var forwarded = $msg({to:xmppchat.connection.bare_jid, type:'chat', id:timestamp})
var forwarded = $msg({to:xmppchat.bare_jid, type:'chat', id:timestamp})
.c('forwarded', {xmlns:'urn:xmpp:forward:0'})
.c('delay', {xmns:'urn:xmpp:delay',stamp:timestamp}).up()
this.appendMessage(text);, text, 'to');
// Add the new message
fullname: 'me',
sender: 'me',
time: xmppchat.toISOString(new Date()),
message: text
keyPressed: function (ev) {
......@@ -504,13 +426,20 @@
if(ev.keyCode == 13) {
message = $textarea.val();
if (message !== '') {
if (this.model.get('chatroom')) {
} else {
this.$'composing', false);
} else {
} else if (!this.model.get('chatroom')) {
// composing data is only for single user chat
composing = this.$'composing');
if (!composing) {
if (ev.keyCode != 47) {
......@@ -525,52 +454,52 @@
saveChatToStorage: function () {'jid'));
onChange: function (item, changed) {
if (_.has(item.changed, 'chat_status')) {
var chat_status = item.get('chat_status'),
fullname = item.get('fullname');
if (this.$':visible')) {
if (chat_status === 'offline') {
this.insertStatusNotification(fullname+' '+'has gone offline');
} else if (chat_status === 'away') {
this.insertStatusNotification(fullname+' '+'has gone away');
} else if ((chat_status === 'dnd')) {
this.insertStatusNotification(fullname+' '+'is busy');
} else if (chat_status === 'online') {
} if (_.has(item.changed, 'status')) {
removeChatFromStorage: function () {'jid'));
showStatusMessage: function (msg) {
this.$el.find('p.user-custom-message').text(msg).attr('title', msg);
closeChat: function () {
var that = this;
$('#'+this.model.get('box_id')).hide('fast', function () {
initialize: function (){
this.model.messages.on('add', this.showMessage, this);
this.model.on('show',, this);
this.model.on('destroy', function (model, response, options) { this.$el.hide('fast'); }, this);
this.model.on('change', this.onChange, this);
xmppchat.roster.on('change', function (item, changed) {
var fullname = this.model.get('fullname'),
presence_type = item.get('presence_type');
if (item.get('jid') === this.model.get('jid')) {
if (_.has(changed.changes, 'presence_type')) {
if (this.$':visible')) {
if (presence_type === 'offline') {
this.insertStatusNotification(fullname+' '+'has gone offline');
} else if (presence_type === 'away') {
this.insertStatusNotification(fullname+' '+'has gone away');
} else if ((presence_type === 'busy') || (presence_type === 'dnd')) {
this.insertStatusNotification(fullname+' '+'is busy');
} else if (presence_type === 'online') {
} else if (_.has(changed.changes, 'status')) {
this.$el.find('p.user-custom-message').text(item.get('status')).attr('title', item.get('status'));
this.render().show().model.messages.fetch({add: true});
if (this.model.get('status')) {
}, this);
template: _.template(
'<div class="chat-head chat-head-chatbox">' +
'<a class="close-chatbox-button">X</a>' +
'<a href="{{user_profile_url}}" class="user">' +
'<img src="{{portrait_url}}" alt="Avatar of {{fullname}}" class="avatar" />' +
'<a href="{{url}}" target="_blank" class="user">' +
'<div class="chat-title"> {{ fullname }} </div>' +
'</a>' +
'<p class="user-custom-message"><p/>' +
......@@ -586,29 +515,43 @@
render: function () {
this.$el.attr('id', this.model.get('box_id'))
if (this.model.get('image')) {
var img_src = 'data:'+this.model.get('image_type')+';base64,'+this.model.get('image'),
canvas = $('<canvas height="35px" width="35px" class="avatar"></canvas>'),
ctx = canvas.get(0).getContext('2d'),
img = new Image(); // Create new Image object
img.onload = function() {
var ratio = img.width/img.height;
ctx.drawImage(img,0,0, 35*ratio, 35);
img.src = img_src;
return this;
isVisible: function () {
return this.$':visible');
focus: function () {
return this;
show: function () {
this.$el.css({'opacity': 0,
'display': 'inline'})
.animate({opacity: '1'}, 200);
if (this.$':visible')) {
return this.focus();
this.$el.css({'opacity': 0, 'display': 'inline'}) .animate({opacity: '1'}, 200);
if (xmppchat.connection) {
// Without a connection, we haven't yet initialized
// localstorage;
return this;
scrollDown: function () {
var $content = this.$el.find('.chat-content');
return this;
......@@ -628,7 +571,7 @@
'<span id="xmpp-status-holder">'+
'<select id="select-xmpp-status">'+
'<option value="online">Online</option>'+
'<option value="busy">Busy</option>'+
'<option value="dnd">Busy</option>'+
'<option value="away">Away</option>'+
'<option value="offline">Offline</option>'+
......@@ -645,8 +588,8 @@
render: function () {
return this;
......@@ -668,7 +611,7 @@
.attr('id', 'found-users-'
$('<a class="subscribe-to-user" href="#" title="Click to add as a chat contact"></a>')
.attr('data-recipient', Strophe.escapeNode('@'+xmppchat.connection.domain)
.attr('data-recipient', Strophe.escapeNode('@'+xmppchat.domain)
......@@ -682,12 +625,11 @@
jid = $target.attr('data-recipient'),
name = $target.text();
xmppchat.connection.roster.add(jid, name, [], function (iq) {
xmppchat.connection.roster.subscribe(jid, null, xmppchat.fullname);
xmppchat.RoomsPanel = Backbone.View.extend({
......@@ -716,8 +658,8 @@
render: function () {
return this;
......@@ -729,7 +671,7 @@
updateRoomsList: function () {
xmppchat.connection.muc.listRooms(xmppchat.connection.muc_domain, $.proxy(function (iq) {
xmppchat.connection.muc.listRooms(xmppchat.muc_domain, $.proxy(function (iq) {
var name, jid, i,
rooms = $(iq).find('query').find('item'),
rooms_length = rooms.length,
......@@ -757,32 +699,23 @@
} else {
name = $('').val().trim().toLowerCase();
if (name) {
jid = Strophe.escapeNode(name) + '@' + xmppchat.connection.muc_domain;
jid = Strophe.escapeNode(name) + '@' + xmppchat.muc_domain;
} else {
xmppchat.SettingsPanel = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#settings'
xmppchat.ControlBox = xmppchat.ChatBox.extend({
initialize: function () {
'box_id' : 'controlbox'
'id': jid,
'jid': jid,
'name': Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid)),
'nick': xmppchat.xmppstatus.get('fullname')||xmppchat.bare_jid,
'chatroom': true,
'box_id' : hex_sha1(jid)
xmppchat.ControlBoxView = xmppchat.ChatBoxView.extend({
// XXX: Options for the (still to be done) 'settings' tab:
// * Show offline users
// * Auto-open chatbox when a message was received.
tagName: 'div',
className: 'chatbox',
id: 'controlbox',
......@@ -792,7 +725,26 @@
initialize: function () {
this.model.on('change', $.proxy(function (item, changed) {
if (_.has(item.changed, 'connected')) {
if (_.has(item.changed, 'visible')) {
if (item.changed.visible === true) {;
}, this));
this.model.on('show',, this);
this.model.on('destroy', $.proxy(function (model, response, options) {
}, this));
if (this.model.get('visible')) {;
template: _.template(
......@@ -824,64 +776,35 @@
render: function () {
var that = this;
this.$el.hide('fast', function () {
return this;
if ((!xmppchat.prebind) && (!xmppchat.connection)) {
// Add login panel if the user still has to authenticate
this.loginpanel = new xmppchat.LoginPanel();
this.loginpanel.$parent = this.$el;
} else {
this.contactspanel = new xmppchat.ContactsPanel();
this.contactspanel.$parent = this.$el;
// TODO: Only add the rooms panel if the server supports MUC
this.roomspanel = new xmppchat.RoomsPanel();
this.roomspanel.$parent = this.$el;
xmppchat.ChatRoom = xmppchat.ChatBox.extend({
initialize: function (jid, nick) {
'id': jid,
'name': Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid)),
'nick': nick,
'jid': jid,
'box_id' : hex_sha1(jid)
}, {'silent': true});
return this;
xmppchat.ChatRoomView = xmppchat.ChatBoxView.extend({
length: 300,
tagName: 'div',
className: 'chatroom',
events: {
'click .close-chatbox-button': 'closeChatRoom',
'click a.close-chatbox-button': 'closeChat',
'keypress': 'keyPressed'
closeChatRoom: function () {
delete xmppchat.chatboxesview.views[this.model.get('jid')];
keyPressed: function (ev) {
var $textarea = $(,
if(ev.keyCode == 13) {
message = $textarea.val();
message = message.replace(/^\s+|\s+jQuery/g,"");
if (message !== '') {
sendChatRoomMessage: function (body) {
var match = body.replace(/^\s*/, "").match(/^\/(.*?)(?: (.*))?$/) || [false],
switch (match[1]) {
......@@ -916,7 +839,6 @@
// TODO see why muc is flagged as unresolved variable
this.last_msgid = xmppchat.connection.muc.groupchat(this.model.get('jid'), body);
......@@ -944,13 +866,27 @@
initialize: function () {
// TODO see why muc is flagged as unresolved variable
$.proxy(this.onChatRoomMessage, this),
$.proxy(this.onChatRoomPresence, this),
$.proxy(this.onChatRoomRoster, this));
this.model.messages.on('add', this.showMessage, this);
this.model.on('destroy', function (model, response, options) {
this.render().show().model.messages.fetch({add: true});
onLeave: function () {
......@@ -961,7 +897,6 @@
onChatRoomPresence: function (presence, room) {
// TODO see if nick is useful
var nick = room.nick,
$presence = $(presence),
from = $presence.attr('from');
......@@ -981,51 +916,54 @@
var $message = $(message),
body = $message.children('body').text(),
jid = $message.attr('from'),
composing = $message.find('composing'),
$chat_content = this.$el.find('.chat-content'),
sender = Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid)),
delayed = $message.find('delay').length > 0,
subject = $message.children('subject').text(),
match, template, message_datetime, message_date, dates, isodate;
if (!body) { return true; } // XXX: Necessary?
if (subject) {
this.$el.find('.chatroom-topic').text(subject).attr('title', subject);
if (!body) {
if (composing.length) {
this.insertStatusNotification(sender+' '+'is typing');
return true;
} else {
if (sender === this.model.get('nick')) {
// Our own message which is already appended
return true;
if (delayed) {
stamp = $message.find('delay').attr('stamp');
message_datetime = xmppchat.parseISO8601(stamp);
} else {
message_datetime = new Date();
// If this message is on a different day than the one received
// prior, then indicate it on the chatbox.
dates = $chat_content.find("time").map(function(){return $(this).attr("datetime");}).get();
message_date = message_datetime;
isodate = xmppchat.toISOString(message_date);
if (_.indexOf(dates, isodate) == -1) {
isodate: isodate,
datestring: message_date.toString().substring(0,15)
match = body.match(/^\/(.*?)(?: (.*))?$/);
if ((match) && (match[1] === 'me')) {
body = body.replace(/^\/me/, '*'+sender);
'sender': 'room',
'time': (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString().substring(0,5),
'message': body,
'username': sender,
'extra_classes': ($message.find('delay').length > 0) && 'delayed' || ''
template = this.action_template;
} else {
template = this.message_template;
if (sender === this.model.get('nick')) {
sender = 'me';
'sender': 'room',
'time': (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString().substring(0,5),
'sender': sender == 'me' && sender || 'room',
'time': message_date.toLocaleTimeString().substring(0,5),
'message': body,
'username': sender,
'extra_classes': ($message.find('delay').length > 0) && 'delayed' || ''
'extra_classes': delayed && 'delayed' || ''
return true;
......@@ -1048,13 +986,6 @@
return true;
show: function () {
this.$el.css({'opacity': 0,
'display': 'inline'})
.animate({opacity: '1'}, 200);
return this;
render: function () {
this.$el.attr('id', this.model.get('box_id'))
......@@ -1062,111 +993,50 @@
xmppchat.ChatBoxes = Backbone.Collection.extend();
xmppchat.ChatBoxesView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#collective-xmpp-chat-data',
restoreOpenChats: function () {
var open_chats =;
if (_.indexOf(open_chats, 'controlbox') != -1) {
// Controlbox already exists, we just need to show it.
_.each(open_chats, $.proxy(function (jid) {
if (jid != 'controlbox') {
if (strinclude(jid, xmppchat.connection.muc_domain)) {
} else {
}, this));
isChatRoom: function (jid) {
return Strophe.getDomainFromJid(jid) === xmppchat.connection.muc_domain;
xmppchat.ChatBoxes = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: xmppchat.ChatBox,
createChatBox: function (jid, data) {
var box, view;
if (this.isChatRoom(jid)) {
box = new xmppchat.ChatRoom(jid, xmppchat.fullname);
view = new xmppchat.ChatRoomView({
'model': box
onConnected: function () {
this.localStorage = new Backbone.LocalStorage(
if (!this.get('controlbox')) {
id: 'controlbox',
box_id: 'controlbox'
} else {
box = new xmppchat.ChatBox({
'id': jid,
'jid': jid,
'fullname': data.fullname,
'portrait_url': data.portrait_url,
'user_profile_url': data.user_profile_url
view = new xmppchat.ChatBoxView({
model: box
// This will make sure the Roster is set up
// Get cached chatboxes from localstorage
add: true, success:
$.proxy(function (collection, resp) {
if (_.include(_.pluck(resp, 'id'), 'controlbox')) {
// If the controlbox was saved in localstorage, it must be visible
}, this)
this.views[jid] = view.render();
return view;
closeChat: function (jid) {
var view = this.views[jid];
if (view) {
openChat: function (jid) {
var view;
jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid);
if (this.model.get(jid)) {
} else if (this.isChatRoom(jid)) {
view = this.createChatBox(jid);
} else {
$.getJSON(portal_url + "/xmpp-userinfo?user_id=" + Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid), $.proxy(function (data) {
view = this.createChatBox(jid, data);
}, this));
showChat: function (jid) {
var view = this.views[jid];
if (view.isVisible()) {
} else {;
if (jid !== 'controlbox') {
return view;
messageReceived: function (message) {
var partner_jid, $message = $(message),
message_from = $message.attr('from');
if ( message_from == xmppchat.connection.jid) {
// FIXME: Forwarded messages should be sent to specific resources, not broadcasted
if (message_from == xmppchat.connection.jid) {
// FIXME: Forwarded messages should be sent to specific resources,
// not broadcasted
return true;
var $forwarded = $message.children('forwarded');
if ($forwarded.length) {
$message = $forwarded.children('message');
var from = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(message_from),
to = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($message.attr('to')),
view, resource;
if (from == xmppchat.connection.bare_jid) {
resource, chatbox;
if (from == xmppchat.bare_jid) {
// I am the sender, so this must be a forwarded message...
partner_jid = to;
resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid($message.attr('to'));
......@@ -1174,77 +1044,82 @@
partner_jid = from;
resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(message_from);
view = this.views[partner_jid];
if (!view) {
$.getJSON(portal_url + "/xmpp-userinfo?user_id=" + Strophe.getNodeFromJid(partner_jid), $.proxy(function (data) {
view = this.createChatBox(partner_jid, data);
chatbox = this.get(partner_jid);
if (!chatbox) {
$.proxy(function (jid, fullname, image, image_type, url) {
chatbox = this.create({
'id': jid,
'jid': jid,
'fullname': fullname,
'image_type': image_type,
'image': image,
'url': url
xmppchat.roster.addResource(partner_jid, resource);
}, this),
$.proxy(function () {
// # FIXME
console.log("An error occured while fetching vcard");
}, this));
return undefined;
} else if (!view.isVisible()) {
return true;
xmppchat.roster.addResource(partner_jid, resource);
return true;
xmppchat.ChatBoxesView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#collective-xmpp-chat-data',
initialize: function () {
// boxesviewinit
this.views = {};
this.options.model.on("add", function (item) {
// The controlbox added automatically, but we don't show it
// automatically (only when it was open before page load or
// upon a click).
if (item.get('id') != 'controlbox') {
var view = this.views[item.get('id')];
if (!view) {
if (item.get('chatroom')) {
view = new xmppchat.ChatRoomView({'model': item});
} else if (item.get('box_id') === 'controlbox') {
view = new xmppchat.ControlBoxView({model: item});
} else {
view = new xmppchat.ChatBoxView({model: item});
this.views[item.get('id')] = view;
} else {
view.model = item;
if (item.get('id') !== 'controlbox') {
// FIXME: Why is it necessary to again append chatboxes?
}, this);
this.views = {};
// Add the controlbox view and the panels
var controlbox = xmppchat.controlbox;
controlbox.contactspanel = new xmppchat.ContactsPanel().render();
controlbox.roomspanel = new xmppchat.RoomsPanel().render(); // TODO: Only add the rooms panel if the server supports MUC
// Add the roster
xmppchat.roster = new xmppchat.RosterItems();
xmppchat.rosterview = new xmppchat.RosterView({'model':xmppchat.roster});
// Rebind events (necessary for click events on tabs inserted via the panels)
// Add the controlbox model to this collection (will trigger showChat)
this.views.controlbox = controlbox;
xmppchat.RosterItem = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function (jid, subscription, ask, name) {
var user_id = Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid);
if (!name) {
name = user_id;
initialize: function (attributes, options) {
var jid = attributes.jid;
if (!attributes.fullname) {
attributes.fullname = jid;
this.set({ 'id': jid,
'jid': jid,
'ask': ask,
'bare_jid': Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid),
'user_id': user_id,
'subscription': subscription,
'fullname': name,
_.extend(attributes, {
'id': jid,
'user_id': Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid),
'resources': [],
'presence_type': 'offline',
'status': 'offline'
}, {'silent': true});
'chat_status': 'offline',
'status': 'offline',
'sorted': false
xmppchat.RosterItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'dd',
......@@ -1256,45 +1131,40 @@
openChat: function (ev) {
var jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.model.get('jid')),
chatbox = xmppchat.chatboxes.get(jid);
if (chatbox) {
} else {
'id': this.model.get('jid'),
'jid': this.model.get('jid'),
'fullname': this.model.get('fullname'),
'image_type': this.model.get('image_type'),
'image': this.model.get('image'),
'url': this.model.get('url')
removeContact: function (ev) {
var that = this;
title: 'Are you sure you want to remove this contact?',
dialogClass: 'remove-xmpp-contact-dialog',
resizable: false,
width: 200,
position: {
my: 'center',
at: 'center',
of: '#controlbox'
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Remove": function() {
var bare_jid = that.model.get('bare_jid');
$(this).dialog( "close" );
var result = confirm("Are you sure you want to remove this contact?");
if (result === true) {
var bare_jid = this.model.get('jid');
xmppchat.connection.roster.remove(bare_jid, function (iq) {
"Cancel": function() {
$(this).dialog( "close" );
acceptRequest: function (ev) {
var jid = this.model.get('jid');
xmppchat.connection.roster.add(jid, this.model.get('fullname'), [], function (iq) {
xmppchat.connection.roster.subscribe(jid, null, xmppchat.fullname);
......@@ -1325,7 +1195,7 @@
var item = this.model,
ask = item.get('ask'),
subscription = item.get('subscription');
if (ask === 'subscribe') {
......@@ -1333,7 +1203,7 @@
} else if (ask === 'request') {
} else if (subscription === 'both' || subscription === 'to') {
......@@ -1344,33 +1214,40 @@
initialize: function () {
this.options.model.on('change', function (item, changed) {
if (_.has(changed.changes, 'presence_type')) {
this.$el.attr('class', item.changed.presence_type);
if (_.has(item.changed, 'chat_status')) {
this.$el.attr('class', item.changed.chat_status);
}, this);
xmppchat.getVCard = function (jid, callback, errback) {
xmppchat.connection.vcard.get($.proxy(function (iq) {
$vcard = $(iq).find('vCard');
var fullname = $vcard.find('FN').text(),
img = $vcard.find('BINVAL').text(),
img_type = $vcard.find('TYPE').text(),
url = $vcard.find('URL').text();
callback(jid, fullname, img, img_type, url);
}, this), jid, errback);
xmppchat.RosterItems = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: xmppchat.RosterItem,
initialize: function () {
this._connection = xmppchat.connection;
comparator : function (rosteritem) {
var presence_type = rosteritem.get('presence_type'),
var chat_status = rosteritem.get('chat_status'),
rank = 4;
switch(presence_type) {
switch(chat_status) {
case 'offline':
rank = 0;
case 'unavailable':
rank = 1;
case 'away':
case 'xa':
rank = 2;
case 'busy':
case 'away':
rank = 3;
case 'dnd':
......@@ -1391,7 +1268,7 @@
fullname = $this.attr('name');
if (action === 'add') {
xmppchat.connection.roster.add(jid, fullname, [], function (iq) {
xmppchat.connection.roster.subscribe(jid, null, xmppchat.fullname);
......@@ -1406,12 +1283,6 @@
return, id);
addRosterItem: function (jid, subscription, ask, name, options) {
var model = new xmppchat.RosterItem(jid, subscription, ask, name);
model.options = options || {};
addResource: function (bare_jid, resource) {
var item = this.getItem(bare_jid),
......@@ -1444,53 +1315,92 @@
return 0;
clearResources: function (bare_jid) {
var item = this.getItem(bare_jid);
if (item) {
item.set({'resources': []});
subscribeBack: function (jid) {
var bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid);
if (xmppchat.connection.roster.findItem(bare_jid)) {
xmppchat.connection.roster.subscribe(jid, null, xmppchat.fullname);
} else {
xmppchat.connection.roster.add(jid, '', [], function (iq) {
xmppchat.connection.roster.subscribe(jid, null, xmppchat.fullname);
getTotalResources: function (bare_jid) {
var item = this.getItem(bare_jid);
if (item) {
return _.size(item.get('resources'));
unsubscribe: function (jid) {
/* Upon receiving the presence stanza of type "unsubscribed",
* the user SHOULD acknowledge receipt of that subscription state
* notification by sending a presence stanza of type "unsubscribe"
* this step lets the user's server know that it MUST no longer
* send notification of the subscription state change to the user.
if (xmppchat.connection.roster.findItem(jid)) {
xmppchat.connection.roster.remove(jid, function (iq) {
return 0;
getNumOnlineContacts: function () {
var count = 0,
models = this.models,
models_length = models.length;
for (var i=0; i<models_length; i++) {
if (_.indexOf(['offline', 'unavailable'], models[i].get('presence_type')) === -1) {
models_length = models.length,
for (i=0; i<models_length; i++) {
if (_.indexOf(['offline', 'unavailable'], models[i].get('chat_status')) === -1) {
return count;
cleanCache: function (items) {
/* The localstorage cache containing roster contacts might contain
* some contacts that aren't actually in our roster anymore. We
* therefore need to remove them now.
var id, i,
roster_ids = [];
for (i=0; i < items.length; ++i) {
for (i=0; i < this.models.length; ++i) {
id = this.models[i].get('id');
if (_.indexOf(roster_ids, id) === -1) {
rosterHandler: function (items) {
var model, item, i, items_length = items.length,
last_item = items[items_length - 1],
options = {};
for (i=0; i<items_length; i+=1) {
item = items[i];
model = this.getItem(item.jid);
_.each(items, function (item, index, items) {
if (this.isSelf(item.jid)) { return; }
var model = this.getItem(item.jid);
if (!model) {
if (item === last_item) {
options.isLast = true;
this.addRosterItem(item.jid, item.subscription, item.ask,, options);
is_last = false;
if (index === (items.length-1)) { is_last = true; }
jid: item.jid,
subscription: item.subscription,
ask: item.ask,
is_last: is_last
} else {
if ((item.subscription === 'none') && (item.ask === null)) {
// This user is no longer in our roster
} else if (model.get('subscription') !== item.subscription || model.get('ask') !== item.ask) {
// only modify model attributes if they are different from the
// ones that were already set when the rosterItem was added
if (model.get('subscription') !== item.subscription || model.get('ask') !== item.ask) {
model.set({'subscription': item.subscription, 'ask': item.ask});;
}, this);
presenceHandler: function (presence) {
......@@ -1500,50 +1410,33 @@
resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid),
presence_type = $presence.attr('type'),
show = $presence.find('show'),
chat_status = show.text() || 'online',
status_message = $presence.find('status'),
item, model;
if (this.isSelf(bare_jid)) {
if (xmppchat.connection.jid != jid) {
if ((xmppchat.connection.jid !== jid)&&(presence_type !== 'unavailabe')) {
// Another resource has changed it's status, we'll update ours as well.
// FIXME: We should ideally differentiate between converse.js using
// resources and other resources (i.e Pidgin etc.)
// TODO see if xmppstatus is truly unresolved
xmppchat.xmppstatus.set({'status': presence_type});
xmppchat.xmppstatus.set({'status': chat_status});
return true;
} else if (($presence.find('x').attr('xmlns') || '').indexOf(Strophe.NS.MUC) === 0) {
return true; // Ignore MUC
if ((status_message.length) && (status_message.text() && (presence_type !== 'unavailable'))) {
model = this.getItem(bare_jid);
model.set({'status': status_message.text()});
item = this.getItem(bare_jid);
if (item && (status_message.text() != item.get('status'))) {
item.set({'status': status_message.text()});
if ((presence_type === 'error') || (presence_type === 'subscribed') || (presence_type === 'unsubscribe')) {
return true;
} else if (presence_type === 'subscribe') {
item = this.getItem(bare_jid);
// TODO see if auto_subscribe is truly an unresolved variable
if (xmppchat.auto_subscribe) {
if ((!item) || (item.get('subscription') != 'to')) {
if (xmppchat.connection.roster.findItem(bare_jid)) {
$.getJSON(portal_url + "/xmpp-userinfo?user_id=" + Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid), $.proxy(function (data) {
xmppchat.connection.roster.update(jid, data.fullname, [], function (iq) {
}, this));
} else {
$.getJSON(portal_url + "/xmpp-userinfo?user_id=" + Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid), $.proxy(function (data) {
xmppchat.connection.roster.add(jid, data.fullname, [], function (iq) {
}, this));
} else {
......@@ -1551,50 +1444,39 @@
if ((item) && (item.get('subscription') != 'none')) {
} else {
$.getJSON(portal_url + "/xmpp-userinfo?user_id=" + Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid), $.proxy(function (data) {
this.addRosterItem(bare_jid, 'none', 'request', data.fullname, {'isLast': true});
}, this));
} else if (presence_type === 'unsubscribed') {
/* Upon receiving the presence stanza of type "unsubscribed",
* the user SHOULD acknowledge receipt of that subscription state
* notification by sending a presence stanza of type "unsubscribe"
* this step lets the user's server know that it MUST no longer
* send notification of the subscription state change to the user.
if (xmppchat.connection.roster.findItem(bare_jid)) {
xmppchat.connection.roster.remove(bare_jid, function (iq) {
$.proxy(function (jid, fullname, img, img_type, url) {
jid: bare_jid,
subscription: 'none',
ask: 'request',
fullname: fullname,
image: img,
image_type: img_type,
url: url,
is_last: true
} else {
if ((presence_type === undefined) && (show)) {
if (show.text() === 'chat') {
presence_type = 'online';
} else if (show.text() === 'dnd') {
presence_type = 'busy';
} else if (show.text() === 'xa') {
presence_type = 'offline';
} else {
presence_type = show.text();
}, this),
$.proxy(function (jid, fullname, img, img_type, url) {
console.log("Error while retrieving vcard");
this.add({jid: bare_jid, subscription: 'none', ask: 'request', fullname: jid, is_last: true});
}, this)
if ((presence_type !== 'offline')&&(presence_type !== 'unavailable')) {
this.addResource(bare_jid, resource);
model = this.getItem(bare_jid);
model.set({'presence_type': presence_type});
} else {
} else if (presence_type === 'unsubscribed') {
} else if (presence_type === 'unavailable') {
if (this.removeResource(bare_jid, resource) === 0) {
model = this.getItem(bare_jid);
if (model) {
model.set({'presence_type': presence_type});
if (item) {
item.set({'chat_status': 'offline'});
} else if (item) {
// presence_type is undefined
this.addResource(bare_jid, resource);
item.set({'chat_status': chat_status});
return true;
......@@ -1605,6 +1487,15 @@
id: 'xmppchat-roster',
rosteritemviews: {},
removeRosterItem: function (item) {
var view = this.rosteritemviews[];
if (view) {
delete this.rosteritemviews[];
initialize: function () {
this.model.on("add", function (item) {
var view = new xmppchat.RosterItemView({model: item});
......@@ -1617,19 +1508,38 @@
}, this);
this.model.on('change', function (item) {
this.model.on('change', function (item, changed) {
this.updateChatBox(item, changed);
}, this);
this.model.on("remove", function (item) {
// remove element from the rosterView instance
delete this.rosteritemviews[];
}, this);
// XXX: Not completely sure if this is needed ('remove' might be
// enough).
this.model.on("destroy", function (item) {
}, this);
this.model.fetch({add: true}); // Get the cached roster items from localstorage
updateChatBox: function (item, changed) {
var chatbox = xmppchat.chatboxes.get(item.get('jid')),
changes = {};
if (!chatbox) { return; }
if (_.has(item.changed, 'chat_status')) {
changes.chat_status = item.get('chat_status');
if (_.has(item.changed, 'status')) {
changes.status = item.get('status');
template: _.template('<dt id="xmpp-contact-requests">Contact requests</dt>' +
......@@ -1642,7 +1552,7 @@
$pending_contacts = this.$el.find('#pending-xmpp-contacts'),
$count, presence_change;
if (item) {
var user_id = Strophe.getNodeFromJid(,
var jid =,
view = this.rosteritemviews[],
ask = item.get('ask'),
subscription = item.get('subscription'),
......@@ -1655,7 +1565,7 @@
} else if (subscription === 'both' || subscription === 'to') {
if (!item.options.sorted) {
if (!item.get('sorted')) {
// this attribute will be true only after all of the elements have been added on the page
// at this point all offline
......@@ -1666,24 +1576,23 @@
presence_change = view.model.changed['presence_type'];
presence_change = view.model.changed.chat_status;
if (presence_change) {
// resort all items only if the model has changed it's presence_type as this render
// resort all items only if the model has changed it's chat_status as this render
// is also triggered when the resource is changed which always comes before the presence change
// therefore we avoid resorting when the change doesn't affect the position of the item
$my_contacts.after($my_contacts.siblings('dd.current-xmpp-contact.offline').tsort('a', crit));
$my_contacts.after($my_contacts.siblings('dd.current-xmpp-contact.unavailable').tsort('a', crit));
$my_contacts.after($my_contacts.siblings('dd.current-xmpp-contact.away').tsort('a', crit));
$my_contacts.after($my_contacts.siblings('dd.current-xmpp-contact.busy').tsort('a', crit));
$my_contacts.after($my_contacts.siblings('dd.current-xmpp-contact.dnd').tsort('a', crit));
$my_contacts.after($my_contacts.siblings('').tsort('a', crit));
if (item.options.isLast && !item.options.sorted) {
if (item.get('is_last') && !item.get('sorted')) {
// this will be true after all of the roster items have been added with the default
// options where all of the items are offline and now we can show the rosterView
item.options.sorted = true;
$my_contacts.after($my_contacts.siblings('dd.current-xmpp-contact.offline').tsort('a', crit));
$my_contacts.after($my_contacts.siblings('dd.current-xmpp-contact.unavailable').tsort('a', crit));
item.set('sorted', true);
......@@ -1699,54 +1608,60 @@
$count = $('#online-count');
return this;
initialSort: function () {
var $my_contacts = this.$el.find('#xmpp-contacts'),
crit = {order:'asc'};
$my_contacts.after($my_contacts.siblings('dd.current-xmpp-contact.offline').tsort('a', crit));
$my_contacts.after($my_contacts.siblings('dd.current-xmpp-contact.unavailable').tsort('a', crit));
xmppchat.XMPPStatus = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {
'status' : this.getStatus(),
'status_message' : this.getStatusMessage()
'status' : this.get('status'),
'status_message' : this.get('status_message')
initStatus: function () {
/* Called when the page is loaded and we aren't sure what the users
* status is. Will also cause the UI to be updated with the correct
* status.
var stat = this.getStatus();
var stat = this.get('status');
if (stat === undefined) {
stat = 'online';
this.setStatus(stat);{status: 'online'});
} else {
sendPresence: function (type) {
getStatus: function () {
return store.get(xmppchat.connection.bare_jid+'-xmpp-status');
var status_message = this.get('status_message'),
if (type === 'unavailable') {
presence = $pres({'type':type});
} else {
if (type === 'online') {
presence = $pres();
} else {
presence = $pres().c('show').t(type);
if (status_message) {
setStatus: function (value) {
this.set({'status': value});
store.set(xmppchat.connection.bare_jid+'-xmpp-status', value);
getStatusMessage: function () {
return store.get(xmppchat.connection.bare_jid+'-xmpp-custom-status');{'status': value});
setStatusMessage: function (status_message) {
this.set({'status_message': status_message});
store.set(xmppchat.connection.bare_jid+'-xmpp-custom-status', status_message);
xmppchat.connection.send($pres().c('show').t(this.get('status')).up().c('status').t(status_message));{'status_message': status_message});
......@@ -1774,7 +1689,7 @@
status_template: _.template(
'<div class="xmpp-status">' +
'<a class="choose-xmpp-status {{ presence_type }}" href="#" title="Click to change your chat status">' +
'<a class="choose-xmpp-status {{ chat_status }}" href="#" title="Click to change your chat status">' +
'{{ status_message }} <span class="value">{{ status_message }}</span>' +
'</a>' +
'<a class="change-xmpp-status-message" href="#" Title="Click here to write a custom status message"></a>' +
......@@ -1783,7 +1698,7 @@
renderStatusChangeForm: function (ev) {
var status_message = this.model.getStatus() || 'offline';
var status_message = this.model.get('status') || 'offline';
var input = this.change_status_message_template({'status_message': status_message});
......@@ -1805,15 +1720,30 @@
this.$el.find(".dropdown dd ul").hide();
updateStatusUI: function (ev) {
var stat = ev.get('status'),
status_message = ev.get('status_message') || "I am " + stat;
getPrettyStatus: function (stat) {
if (stat === 'chat') {
pretty_status = 'online';
} else if (stat === 'dnd') {
pretty_status = 'busy';
} else if (stat === 'xa') {
pretty_status = 'away for long';
} else {
pretty_status = stat || 'online';
return pretty_status;
updateStatusUI: function (model) {
if (!(_.has(model.changed, 'status')) && !(_.has(model.changed, 'status_message'))) {
var stat = model.get('status'),
status_message = model.get('status_message') || "I am " + this.getPrettyStatus(stat);
'presence_type': stat,
'chat_status': stat,
'status_message': status_message
choose_template: _.template(
......@@ -1831,10 +1761,13 @@
initialize: function () {
this.model.on("change", this.updateStatusUI, this);
render: function () {
// Replace the default dropdown with something nicer
// -------------------------------------------------
var $select = this.$el.find('select#select-xmpp-status'),
presence_type = this.model.getStatus() || 'offline',
chat_status = this.model.get('status') || 'offline',
options = $('option', $select),
options_list = [],
......@@ -1842,8 +1775,8 @@
'status_message': "I am " + presence_type,
'presence_type': presence_type
'status_message': "I am " + this.getPrettyStatus(chat_status),
'chat_status': chat_status
// iterate through all the <option> elements and add option values
......@@ -1855,11 +1788,72 @@
$options_target = this.$el.find("#target dd ul").hide();
return this;
// Listen for status change on the model and initialize
// ----------------------------------------------------
this.options.model.on("change", $.proxy(this.updateStatusUI, this));
xmppchat.LoginPanel = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
id: "login-dialog",
events: {
'submit form#xmppchat-login': 'authenticate'
tab_template: _.template(
'<li><a class="current" href="#login">Sign in</a></li>'),
template: _.template(
'<form id="xmppchat-login">' +
'<label>XMPP ID:</label>' +
'<input type="text" id="jid">' +
'<label>Password:</label>' +
'<input type="password" id="password">' +
'<label>BOSH Service URL:</label>' +
'<input type="text" id="bosh_service_url">' +
'<input type="submit" name="submit"/>' +
authenticate: function (ev) {
var $form = $(,
bosh_service_url = $form.find('input#bosh_service_url').val(),
jid = $form.find('input#jid').val(),
password = $form.find('input#password').val(),
connection = new Strophe.Connection(bosh_service_url);
connection.connect(jid, password, $.proxy(function (status) {
if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) {
// TODO: Get users fullname (probably via vCard) here
$(document).trigger('jarnxmpp.connected', connection);
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.Error) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTING) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL) {
console.log('Connection Failed');
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL) {
console.log('Authenticating Failed');
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.ATTACHED) {
}, this));
remove: function () {
render: function () {
return this;
......@@ -1867,17 +1861,40 @@
// --------------
$(document).ready($.proxy(function () {
var chatdata = $('div#collective-xmpp-chat-data'),
$connecting = $('span#connecting-to-chat'),
$connecting = $('span#connecting-to-chat').hide(),
$toggle = $('a#toggle-online-users');
this.username = chatdata.attr('username');
this.fullname = chatdata.attr('fullname');
this.prebind = chatdata.attr('prebind');
this.auto_subscribe = chatdata.attr('auto_subscribe') === "True" || false;
this.chatboxes = new this.ChatBoxes();
this.chatboxesview = new this.ChatBoxesView({model: this.chatboxes});
this.controlbox = new xmppchat.ControlBoxView({
model: new xmppchat.ControlBox({'id':'controlbox', 'jid':'controlbox'})
$toggle.bind('click', $.proxy(function (e) {
if ($("div#controlbox").is(':visible')) {
} else {
var controlbox = this.chatboxes.get('controlbox');
if (!controlbox) {
controlbox = this.chatboxes.add({
id: 'controlbox',
box_id: 'controlbox',
visible: true
if (this.connection) {;
} else {
}, this));
$(document).bind('jarnxmpp.connecting', $.proxy(function (ev, conn) {
$toggle.hide(function () {
}, this));
$(document).bind('jarnxmpp.disconnected', $.proxy(function (ev, conn) {
......@@ -1890,21 +1907,28 @@
$(document).bind('jarnxmpp.connected', $.proxy(function (ev, connection) {
this.connection = connection;
// this.connection.xmlInput = function (body) { console.log(body); };
// this.connection.xmlOutput = function (body) { console.log(body); };
this.connection.bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.connection.jid);
this.connection.domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(this.connection.jid);
this.connection.muc_domain = 'conference.' + this.connection.domain; = new this.ClientStorage(this.connection.bare_jid);
this.connection.xmlInput = function (body) { console.log(body); };
this.connection.xmlOutput = function (body) { console.log(body); };
this.bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.connection.jid);
this.domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(this.connection.jid);
this.muc_domain = 'conference.' + this.domain;
this.chatboxes = new this.ChatBoxes();
this.chatboxesview = new this.ChatBoxesView({'model': this.chatboxes});
// Set up the roster
this.roster = new this.RosterItems();
this.roster.localStorage = new Backbone.LocalStorage(
this.xmppstatus = new this.XMPPStatus({id:1});
this.xmppstatus.localStorage = new Backbone.LocalStorage(
this.rosterview = new this.RosterView({'model':this.roster});
$.proxy(this.roster.subscribeToSuggestedItems, this.roster),
'', 'message', null);
// TODO check this callback as pycharm returns a warning of invalid number
// of parameters
$.proxy(this.roster.rosterHandler, this.roster),
null, 'presence', null);
......@@ -1918,32 +1942,16 @@
$.proxy(function (message) {
return true;
}, this), null, 'message', 'chat');
// XMPP Status
this.xmppstatus = new this.XMPPStatus();
this.xmppstatusview = new this.XMPPStatusView({
'model': this.xmppstatus
this.xmppstatusview = new this.XMPPStatusView({'model': this.xmppstatus}).render();
}, this));
// Controlbox toggler
if ($toggle.length) {
$toggle.bind('click', $.proxy(function (e) {
if ($("div#controlbox").is(':visible')) {
} else {
}, this));
} else {
}, this));
}, xmppchat));

723 Bytes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Converse.js Demo Page</title>
<!-- This is a special version of jQuery with RequireJS built-in -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Libraries/css/jquery-ui-1.9.1.custom/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.9.1.custom.css" type="text/css" media="all">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="base.css" type="text/css" media="all">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="converse.css" type="text/css" media="all">
<!-- This is a special version of jQuery with RequireJS built-in -->
<script data-main="main" src="Libraries/require-jquery.js"></script>
<h1>Converse.js Demo Page</h1>
Log in with your Jabber/XMPP ID and password.
<!-- login dialog -->
<div id='login_dialog' class='hidden'>
<label>Login ID:</label>
<input type='text' id='jid'>
<input type='password' id='password'>
<label>BOSH Service URL:</label>
<input type='text' id='bosh_service_url'>
<p><tt>Converse.js</tt> implements an <a href="">XMPP</a> based instant messaging client in the browser.</p>
<p>It's used by <a href=""></a>, which is a <a href="">Plone</a> instant messaging add-on.</p>
<p>The ultimate goal is to enable anyone to add chat functionality to their websites, regardless of the server backend.</p>
<p>Currently this is not yet 100% the case, as the code makes ajax calls to the (Plone) backend to fetch user info.</p>
<li>Manually or automically subscribe to other users.</li>
<li>Accept or decline contact requests</li>
<li>Chat status (online, busy, away, offline)</li>
<li>Custom status messages</li>
<li>Typing notifications</li>
<li>Third person messages (/me )</li>
<li>Multi-user chat in chatrooms</li>
<li>Chatroom Topics</li>
<li>vCard support</li>
<p>A screencast of (a very old version of) <tt>Converse.js</tt> in action via <tt></tt>
can be seen <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<p>It depends on quite a few third party libraries, including <a href="">strophe.js</a>,
<a href="http:/">backbone.js</a> and <a href="http:/">require.js</a>.</p>
<p><tt>Converse.js</tt> is released under both the <a href="">MIT</a>
and <a href="">GPL</a> licenses.</p>
Head on down to our <a href="">Github repo</a>.
<div id="chatpanel" i18n:domain="">
<div id="collective-xmpp-chat-data"></div>
<div id="toggle-controlbox">
<a href="#" class="chat" id="toggle-online-users">
<span i18n:translate="">Online Users</span> (<strong id="online-count">0</strong>)
<span id="connecting-to-chat" i18n:translate="">Connecting to chat ...</span>
require(["jquery", "converse"], function($) {
$(function() {
autoOpen: true,
draggable: false,
modal: true,
title: 'Connect to XMPP',
buttons: {
"Connect": function () {
$(document).trigger('connect', {
jid: $('#jid').val(),
password: $('#password').val(),
bosh_service_url: $('#bosh_service_url').val()
$(document).bind('connect', function (ev, data) {
var connection = new Strophe.Connection(data.bosh_service_url);
connection.connect(data.jid, data.password, function (status) {
if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) {
$(document).trigger('jarnxmpp.connected', connection);
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.Error) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTING) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL) {
console.log('Connection Failed');
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL) {
console.log('Authenticating Failed');
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.ATTACHED) {
require(["jquery", "converse"], function($) {});
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