Commit 1676258c authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Move the MAM features to a separate plugin.

parent da72be8f
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ require.config({
"converse-controlbox": "src/converse-controlbox",
"converse-core": "src/converse-core",
"converse-headline": "src/converse-headline",
"converse-mam": "src/converse-mam",
"converse-muc": "src/converse-muc",
"converse-notification": "src/converse-notification",
"converse-otr": "src/converse-otr",
......@@ -228,6 +229,7 @@ if (typeof define !== 'undefined') {
// translations that you care about.
"converse-chatview", // Renders standalone chat boxes for single user chat
"converse-muc", // XEP-0045 Multi-user chat
"converse-otr", // Off-the-record encryption for one-on-one messages
"converse-controlbox", // The control box
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
sent_stanza = iq;
IQ_id = sendIQ.bind(this)(iq, callback, errback);
spyOn(converse.features, 'onMAMPreferences').andCallThrough();
spyOn(converse, 'onMAMPreferences').andCallThrough();
var feature = new converse.Feature({
'var': Strophe.NS.MAM
......@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
......@@ -122,9 +122,6 @@
return, _.partial(_.compose(converse.wrappedChatBox, converse.chatboxes.getChatBox.bind(converse.chatboxes)), _, true));
'archive': {
'query': converse.queryForArchivedMessages.bind(converse)
'tokens': {
'get': function (id) {
if (!converse.expose_rid_and_sid || typeof converse.connection === "undefined") {
......@@ -107,95 +107,6 @@
// TODO Refactor into external MAM plugin
// XEP-0059 Result Set Management
var RSM_ATTRIBUTES = ['max', 'first', 'last', 'after', 'before', 'index', 'count'];
// XEP-0313 Message Archive Management
var MAM_ATTRIBUTES = ['with', 'start', 'end'];
converse.queryForArchivedMessages = function (options, callback, errback) {
/* Do a MAM (XEP-0313) query for archived messages.
* Parameters:
* (Object) options - Query parameters, either MAM-specific or also for Result Set Management.
* (Function) callback - A function to call whenever we receive query-relevant stanza.
* (Function) errback - A function to call when an error stanza is received.
* The options parameter can also be an instance of
* Strophe.RSM to enable easy querying between results pages.
* The callback function may be called multiple times, first
* for the initial IQ result and then for each message
* returned. The last time the callback is called, a
* Strophe.RSM object is returned on which "next" or "previous"
* can be called before passing it in again to this method, to
* get the next or previous page in the result set.
var date, messages = [];
if (typeof options === "function") {
callback = options;
errback = callback;
if (!converse.features.findWhere({'var': Strophe.NS.MAM})) {
converse.log('This server does not support XEP-0313, Message Archive Management');
var queryid = converse.connection.getUniqueId();
var attrs = {'type':'set'};
if (typeof options !== "undefined" && options.groupchat) {
if (!options['with']) {
throw new Error('You need to specify a "with" value containing the chat room JID, when querying groupchat messages.');
} = options['with'];
var stanza = $iq(attrs).c('query', {'xmlns':Strophe.NS.MAM, 'queryid':queryid});
if (typeof options !== "undefined") {
stanza.c('x', {'xmlns':Strophe.NS.XFORM, 'type': 'submit'})
.c('field', {'var':'FORM_TYPE', 'type': 'hidden'})
if (options['with'] && !options.groupchat) {
stanza.c('field', {'var':'with'}).c('value').t(options['with']).up().up();
_.each(['start', 'end'], function (t) {
if (options[t]) {
date = moment(options[t]);
if (date.isValid()) {
stanza.c('field', {'var':t}).c('value').t(date.format()).up().up();
} else {
throw new TypeError('archive.query: invalid date provided for: '+t);
if (options instanceof Strophe.RSM) {
} else if (_.intersection(RSM_ATTRIBUTES, _.keys(options)).length) {
stanza.cnode(new Strophe.RSM(options).toXML());
converse.connection.addHandler(function (message) {
var $msg = $(message), $fin, rsm;
if (typeof callback === "function") {
$fin = $msg.find('fin[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]');
if ($fin.length) {
rsm = new Strophe.RSM({xml: $fin.find('set')[0]});
_.extend(rsm, _.pick(options, ['max']));
_.extend(rsm, _.pick(options, MAM_ATTRIBUTES));
callback(messages, rsm);
return false; // We've received all messages, decommission this handler
} else if (queryid === $msg.find('result').attr('queryid')) {
return true;
} else {
return false; // There's no callback, so no use in continuing this handler.
}, Strophe.NS.MAM);
converse.connection.sendIQ(stanza, null, errback, converse.message_archiving_timeout);
converse.log = function (txt, level) {
var logger;
if (typeof console === "undefined" || typeof console.log === "undefined") {
......@@ -237,7 +148,6 @@
Strophe.addNamespace('CARBONS', 'urn:xmpp:carbons:2');
Strophe.addNamespace('CHATSTATES', '');
Strophe.addNamespace('CSI', 'urn:xmpp:csi:0');
Strophe.addNamespace('MAM', 'urn:xmpp:mam:0');
Strophe.addNamespace('ROSTERX', '');
Strophe.addNamespace('RSM', '');
Strophe.addNamespace('XFORM', 'jabber:x:data');
......@@ -346,7 +256,6 @@
allow_dragresize: true,
allow_logout: true,
animate: true,
archived_messages_page_size: '20',
authentication: 'login', // Available values are "login", "prebind", "anonymous".
auto_away: 0, // Seconds after which user status is set to 'away'
auto_list_rooms: false,
......@@ -365,8 +274,6 @@
jid: undefined,
keepalive: false,
locked_domain: undefined,
message_archiving: 'never', // Supported values are 'always', 'never', 'roster' (See )
message_archiving_timeout: 8000, // The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before aborting a MAM (XEP-0313) request
message_carbons: false, // Support for XEP-280
no_trimming: false, // Set to true for phantomjs tests (where browser apparently has no width)
password: undefined,
......@@ -1378,7 +1285,7 @@
createMessage: function ($message, $delay, archive_id) {
createMessage: function ($message, $delay) {
$delay = $delay || $message.find('delay');
var body = $message.children('body').text(),
delayed = $delay.length > 0,
......@@ -1409,15 +1316,14 @@
} else {
sender = 'them';
return this.messages.create({
chat_state: chat_state,
delayed: delayed,
fullname: fullname,
message: body || undefined,
msgid: msgid,
sender: sender,
time: time,
archive_id: archive_id
time: time
......@@ -1466,8 +1372,7 @@
chatbox, resource,
from_jid = $message.attr('from'),
to_jid = $message.attr('to'),
to_resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(to_jid),
archive_id = $message.find('result[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]').attr('id');
to_resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(to_jid);
if (to_resource && to_resource !== converse.resource) {
converse.log('Ignore incoming message intended for a different resource: '+to_jid, 'info');
......@@ -1506,7 +1411,7 @@
if (msgid && chatbox.messages.findWhere({msgid: msgid})) {
return true; // We already have this message stored.
chatbox.createMessage($message, $delay, archive_id);
chatbox.createMessage($message, $delay);
converse.roster.addResource(contact_jid, resource);
converse.emit('message', message);
return true;
......@@ -1943,57 +1848,7 @@
onFeatureAdded: function (feature) {
var prefs = feature.get('preferences') || {};
converse.emit('serviceDiscovered', feature);
if (feature.get('var') === Strophe.NS.MAM && prefs['default'] !== converse.message_archiving) {
// Ask the server for archiving preferences
$iq({'type': 'get'}).c('prefs', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.MAM}),
_.bind(this.onMAMPreferences, this, feature),
_.bind(this.onMAMError, this, feature)
onMAMPreferences: function (feature, iq) {
/* Handle returned IQ stanza containing Message Archive
* Management (XEP-0313) preferences.
* XXX: For now we only handle the global default preference.
* The XEP also provides for per-JID preferences, which is
* currently not supported in converse.js.
* Per JID preferences will be set in chat boxes, so it'll
* probbaly be handled elsewhere in any case.
var $prefs = $(iq).find('prefs[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]');
var default_pref = $prefs.attr('default');
var stanza;
if (default_pref !== converse.message_archiving) {
stanza = $iq({'type': 'set'}).c('prefs', {'xmlns':Strophe.NS.MAM, 'default':converse.message_archiving});
$prefs.children().each(function (idx, child) {
converse.connection.sendIQ(stanza, _.bind(function (feature, iq) {
// XXX: Strictly speaking, the server should respond with the updated prefs
// (see example 18:
// but Prosody doesn't do this, so we don't rely on it.{'preferences': {'default':converse.message_archiving}});
}, this, feature),
_.bind(this.onMAMError, this, feature)
} else {{'preferences': {'default':converse.message_archiving}});
onMAMError: function (iq) {
if ($(iq).find('feature-not-implemented').length) {
converse.log("Message Archive Management (XEP-0313) not supported by this browser");
} else {
converse.log("An error occured while trying to set archiving preferences.");
addClientIdentities: function () {
......@@ -2009,11 +1864,12 @@
* See:
// FIXME: should go into MUC
// FIXME: should go into Roster view plugin?
converse.connection.disco.addFeature(Strophe.NS.ROSTERX); // Limited support
if (converse.use_vcards) {
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
// TODO: remove this dependency
], factory);
}(this, function (converse, converse_api) {
"use strict";
// Converse.js (A browser based XMPP chat client)
// Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Jan-Carel Brand <>
// Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
/*global define */
// XEP-0059 Result Set Management
(function (root, factory) {
define("converse-mam", [
], factory);
}(this, function (converse, converse_api) {
"use strict";
var $ = converse_api.env.jQuery,
Strophe = converse_api.env.Strophe,
$iq = converse_api.env.$iq,
_ = converse_api.env._,
moment = converse_api.env.moment;
var RSM_ATTRIBUTES = ['max', 'first', 'last', 'after', 'before', 'index', 'count'];
// XEP-0313 Message Archive Management
var MAM_ATTRIBUTES = ['with', 'start', 'end'];
Strophe.addNamespace('MAM', 'urn:xmpp:mam:0');
converse_api.plugins.add('mam', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
// plugin architecture they will replace existing methods on the
// relevant objects or classes.
// New functions which don't exist yet can also be added.
Features: {
addClientFeatures: function () {
return this._super.addClientFeatures.apply(this, arguments);
ChatBoxes: {
createMessage: function ($message, $delay) {
var message = this._super.createMessage.apply(this, arguments);{
archive_id: $message.find('result[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]').attr('id')
initialize: function () {
/* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is
* loaded by converse.js's plugin machinery.
archived_messages_page_size: '20',
message_archiving: 'never', // Supported values are 'always', 'never', 'roster' (
message_archiving_timeout: 8000, // Time (in milliseconds) to wait before aborting MAM request
converse.queryForArchivedMessages = function (options, callback, errback) {
/* Do a MAM (XEP-0313) query for archived messages.
* Parameters:
* (Object) options - Query parameters, either MAM-specific or also for Result Set Management.
* (Function) callback - A function to call whenever we receive query-relevant stanza.
* (Function) errback - A function to call when an error stanza is received.
* The options parameter can also be an instance of
* Strophe.RSM to enable easy querying between results pages.
* The callback function may be called multiple times, first
* for the initial IQ result and then for each message
* returned. The last time the callback is called, a
* Strophe.RSM object is returned on which "next" or "previous"
* can be called before passing it in again to this method, to
* get the next or previous page in the result set.
var date, messages = [];
if (typeof options === "function") {
callback = options;
errback = callback;
if (!converse.features.findWhere({'var': Strophe.NS.MAM})) {
converse.log('This server does not support XEP-0313, Message Archive Management');
var queryid = converse.connection.getUniqueId();
var attrs = {'type':'set'};
if (typeof options !== "undefined" && options.groupchat) {
if (!options['with']) {
throw new Error('You need to specify a "with" value containing the chat room JID, when querying groupchat messages.');
} = options['with'];
var stanza = $iq(attrs).c('query', {'xmlns':Strophe.NS.MAM, 'queryid':queryid});
if (typeof options !== "undefined") {
stanza.c('x', {'xmlns':Strophe.NS.XFORM, 'type': 'submit'})
.c('field', {'var':'FORM_TYPE', 'type': 'hidden'})
if (options['with'] && !options.groupchat) {
stanza.c('field', {'var':'with'}).c('value').t(options['with']).up().up();
_.each(['start', 'end'], function (t) {
if (options[t]) {
date = moment(options[t]);
if (date.isValid()) {
stanza.c('field', {'var':t}).c('value').t(date.format()).up().up();
} else {
throw new TypeError('archive.query: invalid date provided for: '+t);
if (options instanceof Strophe.RSM) {
} else if (_.intersection(RSM_ATTRIBUTES, _.keys(options)).length) {
stanza.cnode(new Strophe.RSM(options).toXML());
converse.connection.addHandler(function (message) {
var $msg = $(message), $fin, rsm;
if (typeof callback === "function") {
$fin = $msg.find('fin[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]');
if ($fin.length) {
rsm = new Strophe.RSM({xml: $fin.find('set')[0]});
_.extend(rsm, _.pick(options, ['max']));
_.extend(rsm, _.pick(options, MAM_ATTRIBUTES));
callback(messages, rsm);
return false; // We've received all messages, decommission this handler
} else if (queryid === $msg.find('result').attr('queryid')) {
return true;
} else {
return false; // There's no callback, so no use in continuing this handler.
}, Strophe.NS.MAM);
converse.connection.sendIQ(stanza, null, errback, converse.message_archiving_timeout);
_.extend(converse_api, {
/* Extend default converse.js API to add methods specific to MAM
'archive': {
'query': converse.queryForArchivedMessages.bind(converse)
converse.onMAMError = function (iq) {
if ($(iq).find('feature-not-implemented').length) {
converse.log("Message Archive Management (XEP-0313) not supported by this browser");
} else {
converse.log("An error occured while trying to set archiving preferences.");
converse.onMAMPreferences = function (feature, iq) {
/* Handle returned IQ stanza containing Message Archive
* Management (XEP-0313) preferences.
* XXX: For now we only handle the global default preference.
* The XEP also provides for per-JID preferences, which is
* currently not supported in converse.js.
* Per JID preferences will be set in chat boxes, so it'll
* probbaly be handled elsewhere in any case.
var $prefs = $(iq).find('prefs[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]');
var default_pref = $prefs.attr('default');
var stanza;
if (default_pref !== converse.message_archiving) {
stanza = $iq({'type': 'set'}).c('prefs', {'xmlns':Strophe.NS.MAM, 'default':converse.message_archiving});
$prefs.children().each(function (idx, child) {
converse.connection.sendIQ(stanza, _.partial(function (feature, iq) {
// XXX: Strictly speaking, the server should respond with the updated prefs
// (see example 18:
// but Prosody doesn't do this, so we don't rely on it.{'preferences': {'default':converse.message_archiving}});
}, feature),
} else {{'preferences': {'default':converse.message_archiving}});
var onFeatureAdded = function (evt, feature) {
var prefs = feature.get('preferences') || {};
if (feature.get('var') === Strophe.NS.MAM && prefs['default'] !== converse.message_archiving) {
// Ask the server for archiving preferences
$iq({'type': 'get'}).c('prefs', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.MAM}),
_.partial(converse.onMAMPreferences, feature),
_.partial(converse.onMAMError, feature)
converse.on('serviceDiscovered', onFeatureAdded.bind(converse.features));
......@@ -887,7 +887,6 @@
onChatRoomMessage: function (message) {
var $message = $(message),
archive_id = $message.find('result[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]').attr('id'),
$forwarded = $message.find('forwarded'),
......@@ -916,7 +915,7 @@
if (sender === '') {
return true;
this.model.createMessage($message, $delay, archive_id);
this.model.createMessage($message, $delay);
if (sender !== this.model.get('nick')) {
// We only emit an event if it's not our own message
converse.emit('message', message);
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