Commit 24e4dac2 authored by Weblate's avatar Weblate

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

parents 2d7e326d 80b36921
......@@ -172,33 +172,33 @@ BUILDS = dist/converse.js \
dist/converse-no-dependencies.min.js \
dist/converse.js: transpile src locale node_modules *.js
dist/converse.js: transpile src node_modules *.js
$(RJS) -o src/build.js include=converse out=dist/converse.js optimize=none
dist/converse.min.js: src locale node_modules *.js
dist/converse.min.js: src node_modules *.js
$(RJS) -o src/build.js include=converse out=dist/converse.min.js
dist/converse-esnext.js: src locale node_modules *.js transpile
dist/converse-esnext.js: src node_modules *.js transpile
$(RJS) -o src/build-esnext.js include=converse out=dist/converse-esnext.js optimize=none
dist/converse-esnext.min.js: src locale node_modules *.js transpile
dist/converse-esnext.min.js: src node_modules *.js transpile
$(RJS) -o src/build-esnext.js include=converse out=dist/converse-esnext.min.js
dist/inverse.js: transpile src locale node_modules *.js
dist/inverse.js: transpile src node_modules *.js
$(RJS) -o src/build-inverse.js include=inverse out=dist/inverse.js optimize=none
dist/inverse.min.js: src locale node_modules *.js
dist/inverse.min.js: src node_modules *.js
$(RJS) -o src/build-inverse.js include=inverse out=dist/inverse.min.js
dist/converse-no-jquery.js: transpile src locale node_modules *.js
dist/converse-no-jquery.js: transpile src node_modules *.js
$(RJS) -o src/build.js include=converse wrap.endFile=end-no-jquery.frag exclude=jquery exclude=jquery.noconflict out=dist/converse-no-jquery.js optimize=none
dist/converse-no-jquery.min.js: src locale node_modules *.js transpile
dist/converse-no-jquery.min.js: src node_modules *.js transpile
$(RJS) -o src/build.js include=converse wrap.endFile=end-no-jquery.frag exclude=jquery exclude=jquery.noconflict out=dist/converse-no-jquery.min.js
dist/converse-no-dependencies.js: transpile src locale node_modules *.js
dist/converse-no-dependencies.js: transpile src node_modules *.js
$(RJS) -o src/build-no-dependencies.js optimize=none out=dist/converse-no-dependencies.js
dist/converse-no-dependencies.min.js: src locale node_modules *.js
dist/converse-no-dependencies.min.js: src node_modules *.js
$(RJS) -o src/build-no-dependencies.js out=dist/converse-no-dependencies.min.js
dist/converse-mobile.js: transpile src locale node_modules *.js
dist/converse-mobile.js: transpile src node_modules *.js
$(RJS) -o src/build.js paths.converse=src/converse-mobile include=converse out=dist/converse-mobile.js optimize=none
dist/converse-mobile.min.js: src locale node_modules *.js
dist/converse-mobile.min.js: src node_modules *.js
$(RJS) -o src/build.js paths.converse=src/converse-mobile include=converse out=dist/converse-mobile.min.js
dist/converse-muc-embedded.js: transpile src locale node_modules *.js
dist/converse-muc-embedded.js: transpile src node_modules *.js
$(RJS) -o src/build.js paths.converse=src/converse-embedded include=converse out=dist/converse-muc-embedded.js optimize=none
dist/converse-muc-embedded.min.js: src locale node_modules *.js
dist/converse-muc-embedded.min.js: src node_modules *.js
$(RJS) -o src/build.js paths.converse=src/converse-embedded include=converse out=dist/converse-muc-embedded.min.js
.PHONY: jsmin
* This file can be used if no locale support is required.
(function (root, factory) {
define("locales", ['jed'], function (Jed) {
var translations = {
"domain": "converse",
"locale_data": {
"converse": {
"": {
"domain": "converse",
"lang": "en",
"plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
root.locales = { 'en': new Jed(translations) };
* This file specifies a single language dependency (for English).
* Translations take up a lot of space and you are therefore advised to remove
* from here any languages that you don't need.
(function (root, factory) {
paths: {
"jed": "Libraries/jed",
"en": "locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/en"
define("locales", [
], function (jed, en) {
root.locales = {};
root.locales.en = en;
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ require.config({
"es6-promise": "node_modules/es6-promise/dist/",
"eventemitter": "node_modules/otr/build/dep/eventemitter",
"form-utils": "src/form-utils",
"jed": "node_modules/jed/jed",
"jquery": "node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery",
"jquery.browser": "node_modules/jquery.browser/dist/jquery.browser",
"jquery.noconflict": "src/jquery.noconflict",
......@@ -33,10 +34,9 @@ require.config({
"lodash.converter": "3rdparty/lodash.fp",
"lodash.fp": "src/lodash.fp",
"lodash.noconflict": "src/lodash.noconflict",
"moment_with_locales": "3rdparty/moment_locales",
"pluggable": "node_modules/pluggable.js/dist/pluggable",
"polyfill": "src/polyfill",
"virtual-dom": "node_modules/virtual-dom/dist/virtual-dom",
"vdom-parser": "node_modules/vdom-parser/dist",
"sizzle": "node_modules/jquery/sizzle/dist/sizzle",
"strophe": "node_modules/strophe.js/strophe",
"strophe.disco": "node_modules/strophejs-plugin-disco/strophe.disco",
......@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ require.config({
"tpl": "node_modules/lodash-template-loader/loader",
"underscore": "src/underscore-shim",
"utils": "src/utils",
"vdom-parser": "node_modules/vdom-parser/dist",
"virtual-dom": "node_modules/virtual-dom/dist/virtual-dom",
"xss": "node_modules/xss/dist/xss",
"xss.noconflict": "src/xss.noconflict",
......@@ -82,29 +84,6 @@ require.config({
"crypto": "node_modules/otr/build/dep/crypto",
"salsa20": "node_modules/otr/build/dep/salsa20",
"otr": "node_modules/otr/build/otr",
// Locales paths
"locales": "src/locales",
"jed": "node_modules/jed/jed",
"af": "locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"ca": "locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"de": "locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"es": "locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"fr": "locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"he": "locale/he/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"hu": "locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"id": "locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"it": "locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"ja": "locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"nb": "locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"nl": "locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"pl": "locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"pt_BR": "locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"ru": "locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"uk": "locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"zh": "locale/zh/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json",
"moment_with_locales": "3rdparty/moment_locales",
packages: [{
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
......@@ -18,9 +19,7 @@
], factory);
}(this, function (
sizzle, Promise, _, polyfill,
utils, moment, Strophe, pluggable, Backbone) {
}(this, function (sizzle, Promise, _, polyfill, Jed, utils, moment, Strophe, pluggable, Backbone) {
/* Cannot use this due to Safari bug.
* See
......@@ -52,7 +51,8 @@
_.templateSettings = {
'escape': /\{\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}\}/g,
'evaluate': /\{\[([\s\S]+?)\]\}/g,
'interpolate': /\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}/g
'interpolate': /\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}/g,
'imports': { '_': _ }
const _converse = {
......@@ -131,6 +131,19 @@
_converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE = "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";
_converse.log = function (message, level) {
/* Logs messages to the browser's developer console.
* Parameters:
* (String) message - The message to be logged.
* (Integer) level - The loglevel which allows for filtering of log
* messages.
* Available loglevels are 0 for 'debug', 1 for 'info', 2 for 'warn',
* 3 for 'error' and 4 for 'fatal'.
* When using the 'error' or 'warn' loglevels, a full stacktrace will be
* logged as well.
if (message instanceof Error) {
message = message.stack;
......@@ -163,6 +176,137 @@
// ---------------------
// Translation machinery
// ---------------------
_converse.__ = function (str) {
/* Translate the given string based on the current locale.
* Parameters:
* (String) str - The string to translate.
if (_.isUndefined(Jed)) {
return str;
if (_.isUndefined(_converse.jed)) {
return Jed.sprintf.apply(Jed, arguments);
var t = _converse.jed.translate(str);
if (arguments.length>1) {
return t.fetch.apply(t, [], 1));
} else {
return t.fetch();
const detectLocale = function (library_check) {
/* Determine which locale is supported by the user's system as well
* as by the relevant library (e.g. converse.js or moment.js).
* Parameters:
* (Function) library_check - Returns a boolean indicating whether
* the locale is supported.
var locale, i;
if (window.navigator.userLanguage) {
locale = isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.userLanguage, library_check);
if (window.navigator.languages && !locale) {
for (i=0; i<window.navigator.languages.length && !locale; i++) {
locale = isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.languages[i], library_check);
if (window.navigator.browserLanguage && !locale) {
locale = isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.browserLanguage, library_check);
if (window.navigator.language && !locale) {
locale = isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.language, library_check);
if (window.navigator.systemLanguage && !locale) {
locale = isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.systemLanguage, library_check);
return locale || 'en';
const isMomentLocale = function (locale) {
if (!_.isString(locale)) { return false; }
return moment.locale() !== moment.locale(locale);
const getLocale = function (preferred_locale, isSupportedByLibrary) {
if (_.isString(preferred_locale)) {
if (preferred_locale === 'en' || isSupportedByLibrary(preferred_locale)) {
return preferred_locale;
return _converse.detectLocale(isSupportedByLibrary) || 'en';
const isLocaleAvailable = function (locale, available) {
/* Check whether the locale or sub locale (e.g. en-US, en) is supported.
* Parameters:
* (String) locale - The locale to check for
* (Function) available - returns a boolean indicating whether the locale is supported
if (available(locale)) {
return locale;
} else {
var sublocale = locale.split("-")[0];
if (sublocale !== locale && available(sublocale)) {
return sublocale;
const isLocaleSupported = function (locale) {
/* Check whether the passed in locale is supported by Converse
* Parameters:
* (String) locale: The given i18n locale
if (!_.isString(locale)) { return false; }
return _.includes(_converse.locales, locale);
const fetchLocale = (locale, locale_url) =>
/* Fetch the translations for the given local at the given URL.
* Parameters:
* (String) locale: The given i18n locale
* (String) locale_url: The URL from which the translations should be fetched
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!isLocaleSupported(locale) || locale === 'en') {
return resolve();
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
"application/json, text/javascript"
xhr.onload = function () {
if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) {
resolve(new Jed(window.JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)));
} else {
xhr.onerror = function () {
// --------------------------
// END: Translation machinery
// --------------------------
const PROMISES = [
......@@ -234,9 +378,9 @@
/* Internationalization */
moment.locale(utils.getLocale(settings.i18n, utils.isMomentLocale));
_converse.locale = utils.getLocale(settings.i18n, utils.isLocaleSupported);
const __ = _converse.__ = _.partial(utils.__, _converse);
moment.locale(getLocale(settings.i18n, isMomentLocale));
_converse.locale = getLocale(settings.i18n, isLocaleSupported);
const __ = _converse.__;
// XEP-0085 Chat states
......@@ -273,6 +417,11 @@
jid: undefined,
keepalive: true,
locales_url: '/locale/{{{locale}}}/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json',
locales: [
'af', 'ca', 'de', 'es', 'en', 'fr', 'he',
'hu', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'nb', 'nl',
'pl', 'pt_BR', 'ru', 'uk', 'zh'
message_carbons: true,
message_storage: 'session',
password: undefined,
......@@ -1884,15 +2033,15 @@
return _converse;
} else {
_.template(_converse.locales_url)({'locale': _converse.locale})
).then((jed) => {
_converse.jed = jed;
}).catch((reason) => {
_converse.log(reason, Strophe.LogLevel.FATAL);
_converse.log(reason, Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR);
return init_promise.promise;
......@@ -246,8 +246,19 @@
* loaded by converse.js's plugin machinery.
const { _converse } = this,
{ __ } = _converse,
{ ___ } = utils;
{ __ } = _converse;
function ___ (str) {
/* This is part of a hack to get gettext to scan strings to be
* translated. Strings we cannot send to the function above because
* they require variable interpolation and we don't yet have the
* variables at scan time.
* See actionInfoMessages further below.
return str;
// XXX: Inside plugins, all calls to the translation machinery
// (e.g. utils.__) should only be done in the initialize function.
// If called before, we won't know what language the user wants,
* This file specifies the language dependencies.
* Translations take up a lot of space and you are therefore advised to remove
* from here any languages that you don't need.
* See also src/moment_locales.js
/*global define */
(function (root, factory) {
], function ($, Jed) {
root.locales = {
'en': {},
'af': arguments[1],
'ca': arguments[2],
'de': arguments[3],
'es': arguments[4],
'fr': arguments[5],
'he': arguments[6],
'hu': arguments[7],
'id': arguments[8],
'it': arguments[9],
'ja': arguments[10],
'nb': arguments[11],
'nl': arguments[12],
'pl': arguments[13],
'pt-br': arguments[14],
'ru': arguments[15],
'uk': arguments[16],
'zh': arguments[17]
return root.locales;
......@@ -6,14 +6,13 @@
// Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Jan-Carel Brand <>
// Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
/*global define, escape, locales, window, Jed */
/*global define, escape, window */
(function (root, factory) {
], factory);
......@@ -22,12 +21,10 @@
) {
"use strict";
locales = locales || {};
const b64_sha1 = Strophe.SHA1.b64_sha1;
Strophe = Strophe.Strophe;
......@@ -109,78 +106,6 @@
var u = {};
// Translation machinery
// ---------------------
u.fetchLocale = (locale, locales_url) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!u.isLocaleSupported(locale) || locale === 'en') {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
_.template(locales_url)({'locale': locale}),
"application/json, text/javascript"
xhr.onload = function () {
if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) {
resolve(new Jed(window.JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)));
} else {
xhr.onerror = function () {
u.__ = function (_converse, str) {
if (_.isUndefined(window.Jed)) {
return str;
if (_.isUndefined(_converse.jed)) {
return Jed.sprintf.apply(window.Jed, [], 1));
var t = _converse.jed.translate(str);
if (arguments.length>1) {
return t.fetch.apply(t, [], 2));
} else {
return t.fetch();
u.___ = function (str) {
/* XXX: This is part of a hack to get gettext to scan strings to be
* translated. Strings we cannot send to the function above because
* they require variable interpolation and we don't yet have the
* variables at scan time.
* See actionInfoMessages in src/converse-muc.js
return str;
u.isLocaleAvailable = function (locale, available) {
/* Check whether the locale or sub locale (e.g. en-US, en) is supported.
* Parameters:
* (Function) available - returns a boolean indicating whether the locale is supported
if (available(locale)) {
return locale;
} else {
var sublocale = locale.split("-")[0];
if (sublocale !== locale && available(sublocale)) {
return sublocale;
u.addHyperlinks = function (text) {
const list = text.match(URL_REGEX) || [];
var links = [];
......@@ -480,56 +405,6 @@
u.detectLocale = function (library_check) {
/* Determine which locale is supported by the user's system as well
* as by the relevant library (e.g. converse.js or moment.js).
* Parameters:
* (Function) library_check - returns a boolean indicating whether
* the locale is supported.
var locale, i;
if (window.navigator.userLanguage) {
locale = u.isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.userLanguage, library_check);
if (window.navigator.languages && !locale) {
for (i=0; i<window.navigator.languages.length && !locale; i++) {
locale = u.isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.languages[i], library_check);
if (window.navigator.browserLanguage && !locale) {
locale = u.isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.browserLanguage, library_check);
if (window.navigator.language && !locale) {
locale = u.isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.language, library_check);
if (window.navigator.systemLanguage && !locale) {
locale = u.isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.systemLanguage, library_check);
return locale || 'en';
u.isLocaleSupported = function (locale) {
/* Check whether the passed in locale is supported by Converse */
if (!_.isString(locale)) { return false; }
return _.includes(_.keys(locales || {}), locale);
u.isMomentLocale = function (locale) {
if (!_.isString(locale)) { return false; }
return moment.locale() !== moment.locale(locale);
u.getLocale = function (preferred_locale, isSupportedByLibrary) {
if (_.isString(preferred_locale)) {
if (preferred_locale === 'en' || isSupportedByLibrary(preferred_locale)) {
return preferred_locale;
return u.detectLocale(isSupportedByLibrary) || 'en';
u.isOfType = function (type, item) {
return item.get('type') == type;
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