Commit 30e784b8 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Fix: `use_system_emojis` was `false` but unicode emojis shown in picker

parent 33f62bb9
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const u = converse.env.utils;
const original_timeout = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
describe("Emojis", function () {
fdescribe("Emojis", function () {
describe("The emoji picker", function () {
beforeEach(() => (jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10000));
......@@ -347,18 +347,19 @@ describe("Emojis", function () {
async function (done, _converse) {
await mock.waitForRoster(_converse, 'current');
const sender_jid = mock.cur_names[1].replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@montague.lit';
const contact_jid = mock.cur_names[1].replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@montague.lit';
'from': sender_jid,
'from': contact_jid,
'to': _converse.connection.jid,
'type': 'chat',
'id': _converse.connection.getUniqueId()
.c('active', {'xmlns': ''}).tree());
await new Promise(resolve => _converse.on('chatBoxViewInitialized', resolve));
const view = _converse.api.chatviews.get(sender_jid);
const view = _converse.api.chatviews.get(contact_jid);
await new Promise(resolve => view.model.messages.once('rendered', resolve));
await u.waitUntil(() => u.hasClass('chat-msg__text--larger', view.content.querySelector('.chat-msg__text')));
await u.waitUntil(() => view.content.querySelector('.chat-msg__text').innerHTML.replace(/<!---->/g, '') ===
'<img class="emoji" draggable="false" title=":innocent:" alt="😇" src="">');
const last_msg_sel = 'converse-chat-message:last-child .chat-msg__text';
let message = view.content.querySelector(last_msg_sel);
......@@ -381,6 +382,10 @@ describe("Emojis", function () {
const sent_stanzas = _converse.connection.sent_stanzas;
const sent_stanza = sent_stanzas.filter(s => s.nodeName === 'message').pop();
expect(sent_stanza.querySelector('body').innerHTML).toBe('💩 😇');
......@@ -119,9 +119,14 @@ export function getEmojiMarkup (data, options={unicode_only: false, add_title_wr
const emoji = data.emoji;
const shortname = data.shortname;
if (emoji) {
if (options.unicode_only) {
return emoji;
} else if (api.settings.get('use_system_emojis')) {
if (options.add_title_wrapper) {
if (api.settings.get('use_system_emojis')) {
return shortname ? html`<span title="${shortname}">${emoji}</span>` : emoji;
} else {
return emoji;
} else {
const path = api.settings.get('emoji_image_path');
return html`<img class="emoji"
......@@ -130,9 +135,6 @@ export function getEmojiMarkup (data, options={unicode_only: false, add_title_wr
} else {
return emoji;
} else if (options.unicode_only) {
return shortname;
} else {
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