Commit 3d0435a7 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Remove hack specific to the soon to be retired Slack XMPP gateway

parent eddc359a
......@@ -785,32 +785,6 @@
return data;
isDuplicateBasedOnTime (message) {
/* Checks whether a received messages is actually a
* duplicate based on whether it has a "ts" attribute
* with a unix timestamp.
* This is used for better integration with Slack's XMPP
* gateway, which doesn't use message IDs but instead the
* aforementioned "ts" attributes.
const entity = _converse.disco_entities.get(_converse.domain);
if (entity.identities.where({'name': "Slack-XMPP"})) {
const ts = message.getAttribute('ts');
if (_.isNull(ts)) {
return false;
} else {
return this.messages.where({
'sender': 'me',
'message': this.getMessageBody(message)
(msg) => Math.abs(moment(msg.get('time')).diff(moment.unix(ts))) < 5000
).length > 0;
return false;
isDuplicate (message, original_stanza) {
const msgid = message.getAttribute('id'),
jid = message.getAttribute('from'),
......@@ -824,7 +798,7 @@
(msg) => msg.get('msgid') === msgid && msg.get('fullname') === sender
).length > 0;
return this.isDuplicateBasedOnTime(message);
return false;
fetchFeaturesIfConfigurationChanged (stanza) {
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