Commit 6ef2e503 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Merge branch 'anon_login'

parents 960cf4a5 18fd854d
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ analytics.js
......@@ -182,6 +182,10 @@
// Constants
// ---------
var LOGIN = "login";
var ANONYMOUS = "anonymous";
var PREBIND = "prebind";
var VERIFIED= 2;
......@@ -240,6 +244,7 @@
allow_registration: true,
animate: true,
auto_list_rooms: false,
auto_login: false, // Currently only used in connection with anonymous login
auto_reconnect: false,
auto_subscribe: false,
bosh_service_url: undefined, // The BOSH connection manager URL.
......@@ -256,7 +261,9 @@
message_carbons: false,
no_trimming: false, // Set to true for phantomjs tests (where browser apparently has no width)
play_sounds: false,
prebind: false,
password: undefined,
authentication: 'login', // Available values are "login", "prebind", "anonymous".
prebind: false, // XXX: Deprecated, use "authentication" instead.
prebind_url: null,
providers_link: '', // Link to XMPP providers shown on registration page
rid: undefined,
......@@ -284,6 +291,16 @@
// Allow only whitelisted configuration attributes to be overwritten
_.extend(this, _.pick(settings, Object.keys(this.default_settings)));
// BBB
if (this.prebind === true) { this.authentication = PREBIND; }
if (this.authentication === ANONYMOUS) {
if (!this.jid) {
throw("Config Error: you need to provide the server's domain via the " +
"'jid' option when using anonymous authentication.");
if (settings.visible_toolbar_buttons) {
......@@ -431,7 +448,7 @@
this.reconnect = function () {
converse.giveFeedback(__('Reconnecting'), 'error');
if (!converse.prebind) {
if (converse.authentication !== "prebind") {
......@@ -690,7 +707,7 @@
this.OTR = Backbone.Model.extend({
// A model for managing OTR settings.
getSessionPassphrase: function () {
if (converse.prebind) {
if (converse.authentication === 'prebind') {
var key = b64_sha1(converse.connection.jid),
pass = window.sessionStorage[key];
if (typeof pass === 'undefined') {
......@@ -1730,8 +1747,7 @@
addContact: function (jid, name) {
name = _.isEmpty(name)? jid: name;
converse.connection.roster.add(jid, name, [], function (iq) {
converse.connection.roster.add(jid, _.isEmpty(name)? jid: name, [], function (iq) {
converse.connection.roster.subscribe(jid, null, converse.xmppstatus.get('fullname'));
......@@ -3139,13 +3155,6 @@
if (msgid && chatbox.messages.findWhere({msgid: msgid})) {
// FIXME: There's still a bug here..
// If a duplicate message is received just after the chat
// box was closed, then it'll open again (due to it being
// created here above), with no new messages.
// The solution is mostly likely to not let chat boxes show
// automatically when they are created, but to require
// "show" to be called explicitly.
return true; // We already have this message stored.
if (!this.isOnlyChatStateNotification($message) && from !== converse.bare_jid) {
......@@ -5154,8 +5163,14 @@
initialize: function (cfg) {
'auto_login': converse.auto_login,
'authentication': converse.authentication,
'label_username': __('XMPP Username:'),
'label_password': __('Password:'),
'label_anon_login': __('Click here to log in anonymously'),
'label_login': __('Log In')
......@@ -5173,8 +5188,12 @@
authenticate: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
var $form = $(,
$jid_input = $form.find('input[name=jid]'),
var $form = $(;
if (converse.authentication === ANONYMOUS) {
this.connect($form, converse.jid, null);
var $jid_input = $form.find('input[name=jid]'),
jid = $jid_input.val(),
$pw_input = $form.find('input[name=password]'),
password = $pw_input.val(),
......@@ -5203,12 +5222,15 @@
connect: function ($form, jid, password) {
var resource;
if ($form) {
$form.find('input[type=submit]').hide().after('<span class="spinner login-submit"/>');
var resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid);
if (!resource) {
jid += '/converse.js-' + Math.floor(Math.random()*139749825).toString();
if (jid) {
resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid);
if (!resource) {
jid += '/converse.js-' + Math.floor(Math.random()*139749825).toString();
converse.connection.connect(jid, password, converse.onConnect);
......@@ -5341,7 +5363,7 @@
rid = this.session.get('rid');
sid = this.session.get('sid');
jid = this.session.get('jid');
if (this.prebind) {
if (this.authentication === "prebind") {
if (!this.jid) {
throw new Error("initConnection: when using 'keepalive' with 'prebind, you must supply the JID of the current user.");
......@@ -5359,11 +5381,23 @@
if (rid && sid && jid) {{rid: rid}); // The RID needs to be increased with each request.
this.connection.attach(jid, sid, rid, this.onConnect);
} else if (this.auto_login) {
if (!this.jid) {
throw new Error("initConnection: If you use auto_login, you also need to provide a jid value");
if (this.authentication === ANONYMOUS) {
this.connection.connect(this.jid, null, this.onConnect);
} else if (this.authentication === LOGIN) {
if (!this.password) {
throw new Error("initConnection: If you use auto_login and "+
"authentication='login' then you also need to provide a password.");
this.connection.connect(this.jid, this.password, this.onConnect);
// Prebind without keepalive
} else if (this.prebind) {
} else if (this.authentication == "prebind") {
// prebind is used without keepalive
if (this.jid && this.sid && this.rid) {
this.connection.attach(this.jid, this.sid, this.rid, this.onConnect);
} else {
......@@ -5517,7 +5551,6 @@
converse.connection.roster.add(jid, _.isEmpty(name)? jid: name, [], function (iq) {
converse.connection.roster.subscribe(jid, null, converse.xmppstatus.get('fullname'));
return true;
'chats': {
......@@ -353,7 +353,8 @@
#conversejs .hor_centered {
text-align: center;
display: block;
margin: 0 auto; }
margin: 0 auto;
clear: both; }
#conversejs .toggle-controlbox,
#conversejs #minimized-chats {
border-top-left-radius: 4px;
......@@ -788,27 +789,32 @@
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow-x: hidden; }
#conversejs dd.available-chatroom {
display: inline-block;
overflow-x: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
border: none;
clear: both;
color: #6C4C44;
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #FAFAFA;
white-space: nowrap; }
#conversejs dd.available-chatroom {
width: 150px; }
#conversejs dd.available-chatroom:hover {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 14px; }
#conversejs dd.available-chatroom,
#conversejs dd.available-chatroom:hover {
background-color: #E3C9C1; }
#conversejs dd.available-chatroom:hover .room-info {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 14px; }
#conversejs #converse-roster dd {
font-weight: bold;
border: none;
display: block;
color: #6C4C44;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #FAFAFA;
clear: both;
overflow-y: hidden; }
color: #6C4C44;
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
overflow-y: hidden;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #FAFAFA; }
#conversejs .roster-group:hover,
#conversejs dd.available-chatroom:hover,
#conversejs #converse-roster dd:hover {
background-color: #E3C9C1; }
#conversejs .chatbox,
......@@ -981,15 +987,15 @@
font-weight: bold;
height: auto;
margin: 4px; }
#conversejs #converse-register .login-submit,
#conversejs #converse-login .login-submit,
#conversejs #converse-register .submit,
#conversejs #converse-login .submit {
#conversejs #converse-register .login-submit, #conversejs #converse-register .submit, #conversejs #converse-login .login-submit, #conversejs #converse-login .submit {
height: 30px;
padding: 0px;
font-size: 14px; }
#conversejs #converse-login .submit {
#conversejs #converse-register .submit, #conversejs #converse-login .submit {
margin: 1em 0; }
#conversejs #converse-register .login-anon, #conversejs #converse-login .login-anon {
height: auto;
white-space: normal; }
#conversejs form.add-chatroom {
background: none;
padding: 0.5em; }
......@@ -52,6 +52,11 @@
require(['converse'], function (converse) {
auto_login: true,
allow_registration: false,
allow_logout: false,
authentication: "anonymous",
jid: "",
bosh_service_url: '', // Please use this connection manager only for testing purposes
i18n: locales['en'], // Refer to ./locale/locales.js to see which locales are supported
keepalive: true,
......@@ -28,10 +28,77 @@ JS file so that it will include the new settings. Please refer to the
Configuration variables
* Default: ``login``
* Allowed values: `login`_, `anonymous`_, `prebind`_
This option states the way converse.js will authenticate.
The default means is ``login``, which means that the user either logs in manually with their
username and password, or automatically if used together with ``auto_login=true``
and ``jid`` and ``password`` values. See `auto_login`_.
This enables anonymous login if the XMPP server supports it. This option can be
used together with `auto_login`_ to automatically and anonymously log a user in
as soon as the page loads.
See also: :ref:`session-support`
Use this option when you want to attach to an existing XMPP
`BOSH <>`_ session.
Usually a BOSH session is set up server-side in your web app.
Attaching to an existing BOSH session that was set up server-side is useful
when you want to maintain a persistent single session for your users instead of
requiring them to log in manually.
When a BOSH session is initially created, you'll receive three tokens.
A JID (jabber ID), SID (session ID) and RID (Request ID).
Converse.js needs these tokens in order to attach to that same session.
There are two complementary configuration settings to ``prebind``.
They are :ref:`keepalive` and :ref:`prebind_url`.
``keepalive`` can be used keep the session alive without having to pass in
new RID and SID tokens to ``converse.initialize`` every time you reload the page.
This removes the need to set up a new BOSH session every time a page loads.
You do however still need to supply the user's JID so that converse.js can be
sure that the session it's resuming is for the right user.
``prebind_url`` lets you specify a URL which converse.js will call whenever a
new BOSH session needs to be set up.
Here's an example of converse.js being initialized with these three options:
.. code-block:: javascript
bosh_service_url: '',
keepalive: true,
jid: '',
authentication: 'prebind',
prebind_url: '',
allow_logout: false
Default: ``true``
* Default: ``true``
Allow the user to remove roster contacts by clicking on the delete icon
(i.e. traschcan) next to a contact's name in the roster.
......@@ -39,7 +106,7 @@ Allow the user to remove roster contacts by clicking on the delete icon
Default: ``true``
* Default: ``true``
Allow users to add one another as contacts. If this is set to false, the
**Add a contact** widget, **Contact Requests** and **Pending Contacts** roster
......@@ -49,7 +116,7 @@ ignored.
Default: ``true``
* Default: ``true``
Allow multi-user chat (muc) in chatrooms. Setting this to ``false`` will remove
the ``Chatrooms`` tab from the control box.
......@@ -57,14 +124,14 @@ the ``Chatrooms`` tab from the control box.
Default: ``true``
* Default: ``true``
Allow Off-the-record encryption of single-user chat messages.
Default: ``true``
* Default: ``true``
Support for `XEP-0077: In band registration <>`_
......@@ -73,14 +140,14 @@ Allow XMPP account registration showing the corresponding UI register form inter
Default: ``true``
* Default: ``true``
Show animations, for example when opening and closing chat boxes.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
If true, and the XMPP server on which the current user is logged in supports
multi-user chat, then a list of rooms on that server will be fetched.
......@@ -91,10 +158,24 @@ For each room on the server a query is made to fetch further details (e.g.
features, number of occupants etc.), so on servers with many rooms this
option will create lots of extra connection traffic.
* Default: ``false``
This option can be used to let converse.js automatically log the user in as
soon as the page loads.
It should be used either with ``authentication`` set to ``anonymous`` or to
If ``authentication`` is set to ``login``, then you will also need to provide a
valid ``jid`` and ``password`` values.
Default: ``true``
* Default: ``true``
Automatically reconnect to the XMPP server if the connection drops
......@@ -102,7 +183,7 @@ unexpectedly.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
If true, the user will automatically subscribe back to any contact requests.
......@@ -111,7 +192,7 @@ If true, the user will automatically subscribe back to any contact requests.
Default: ``undefined``
* Default: ``undefined``
To connect to an XMPP server over HTTP you need a `BOSH <>`_
connection manager which acts as a middle man between the HTTP and XMPP
......@@ -128,7 +209,7 @@ Please see the :ref:`websocket-url` configuration setting.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
Let the `OTR (Off-the-record encryption) <>`_ private
key be cached in your browser's session storage.
......@@ -151,14 +232,14 @@ This setting can only be used together with ``allow_otr = true``.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
If set to true, debugging output will be logged to the browser console.
Default: ``e.g.``
* Default: ``e.g.``
The placeholder text shown in the domain input on the registration form.
......@@ -178,12 +259,12 @@ with `prebind`_.
Default: ``true``
* Default: ``true``
Determines whether Converse.js will maintain the chat session across page
This setting should also be used in conjunction with :ref:`prebind`.
This setting should also be used in conjunction with ``authentication`` set to `prebind`_.
When using ``keepalive`` and ``prebind``, you will have to provide the `jid`_
of the current user to ensure that a cached session is only resumed if it
......@@ -192,7 +273,6 @@ belongs to the current user.
See also:
* :ref:`session-support`
* `Using prebind in connection with keepalive`_
.. note::
Currently the "keepalive" setting only works with BOSH and not with
......@@ -204,7 +284,7 @@ See also:
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
Support for `XEP-0280: Message Carbons <>`_
......@@ -225,7 +305,7 @@ solve this problem, while `forward_messages`_ uses
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
Allow the prebind tokens, RID (request ID) and SID (session ID), to be exposed
globally via the API. This allows other scripts served on the same page to use
......@@ -237,7 +317,7 @@ and inject fake chat messages.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
If set to ``true``, sent messages will also be forwarded to the sending user's
bare JID (their Jabber ID independent of any chat clients aka resources).
......@@ -261,7 +341,7 @@ logged in user, otherwise the user's vCard will be fetched.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
Hide the ``server`` input field of the form inside the ``Room`` panel of the
controlbox. Useful if you want to restrict users to a specific XMPP server of
......@@ -270,7 +350,7 @@ your choosing.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
If set to ``true``, then don't show offline users.
......@@ -285,7 +365,7 @@ Specify the locale/language. The language must be in the ``locales`` object. Ref
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
Plays a notification sound when you receive a personal message or when your
nickname is mentioned in a chat room.
......@@ -300,62 +380,6 @@ it in both formats as ```` and
```` should of course be your site's URL.
.. _`prebind`:
Default: ``false``
See also: :ref:`session-support`
Use this option when you want to attach to an existing XMPP
`BOSH <>`_ session.
Usually a BOSH session is set up server-side in your web app.
Attaching to an existing BOSH session that was set up server-side is useful
when you want to maintain a persistent single session for your users instead of
requiring them to log in manually.
When a BOSH session is initially created, you'll receive three tokens.
A JID (jabber ID), SID (session ID) and RID (Request ID).
Converse.js needs these tokens in order to attach to that same session.
There are two complementary configuration settings to ``prebind``.
They are :ref:`keepalive` and :ref:`prebind_url`.
``keepalive`` can be used keep the session alive without having to pass in
new RID and SID tokens to ``converse.initialize`` every time you reload the page.
This removes the need to set up a new BOSH session every time a page loads.
You do however still need to supply the user's JID so that converse.js can be
sure that the session it's resuming is for the right user.
``prebind_url`` lets you specify a URL which converse.js will call whenever a
new BOSH session needs to be set up.
Here's an example of converse.js being initialized with these three options:
.. code-block:: javascript
bosh_service_url: '',
keepalive: true,
prebind: true,
prebind_url: '',
allow_logout: false
.. note:: The ``prebind_url`` configuration setting is new in version 0.9 and
simplifies the code needed to set up and maintain prebinded sessions.
When using ``prebind``, ``prebind_url`` and ``keepalive``, you don't need
to manually pass in the RID, SID tokens anymore, but you still need to
provide the JID.
.. _`prebind_url`:
......@@ -366,7 +390,7 @@ prebind_url
See also: :ref:`session-support`
This setting should be used in conjunction with :ref:`prebind` and :ref:`keepalive`.
This setting should be used in conjunction with ``authentication`` set to `prebind` and :ref:`keepalive` set to ``true``.
It allows you to specify a URL which converse.js will call when it needs to get
the RID and SID (Request ID and Session ID) tokens of a BOSH connection, which
......@@ -384,7 +408,7 @@ three tokens::
Default: ````
* Default: ````
The hyperlink on the registration form which points to a directory of public
XMPP servers.
......@@ -393,7 +417,7 @@ XMPP servers.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
If set to ``true``, converse.js will show any roster groups you might have
......@@ -406,7 +430,7 @@ configured.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
The "controlbox" refers to the special chatbox containing your contacts roster,
status widget, chatrooms and other controls.
......@@ -420,7 +444,7 @@ page load.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
If set to ``true``, only online users will be shown in the contacts roster.
Users with any other status (e.g. away, busy etc.) will not be shown.
......@@ -428,7 +452,7 @@ Users with any other status (e.g. away, busy etc.) will not be shown.
Default: ``session``
* Default: ``session``
Valid options: ``session``, ``local``.
......@@ -457,7 +481,7 @@ Data in localStorage on the other hand is kept indefinitely.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
If set to ``true``, Converse.js will automatically try to initiate an OTR (off-the-record)
encrypted chat session every time you open a chat box.
......@@ -465,7 +489,7 @@ encrypted chat session every time you open a chat box.
Default: ``true``
* Default: ``true``
Determines whether the XMPP server will be queried for roster contacts' VCards
or not. VCards contain extra personal information such as your fullname and
......@@ -474,7 +498,7 @@ avatar image.
* Default:
.. code-block:: javascript
......@@ -508,7 +532,7 @@ Allows you to show or hide buttons on the chat boxes' toolbars.
Default: ``undefined``
* Default: ``undefined``
This option is used to specify a
`websocket <>`_ URI to which
......@@ -533,7 +557,7 @@ support.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
.. note::
XHR stands for XMLHTTPRequest, and is meant here in the AJAX sense (Asynchronous Javascript and XML).
......@@ -547,7 +571,7 @@ xhr_custom_status_url
.. note::
XHR stands for XMLHTTPRequest, and is meant here in the AJAX sense (Asynchronous Javascript and XML).
Default: Empty string
* Default: Empty string
Used only in conjunction with ``xhr_custom_status``.
......@@ -559,7 +583,7 @@ The message itself is sent in the request under the key ``msg``.
Default: ``false``
* Default: ``false``
.. note::
XHR stands for XMLHTTPRequest, and is meant here in the AJAX sense (Asynchronous Javascript and XML).
......@@ -582,7 +606,7 @@ xhr_user_search_url
.. note::
XHR stands for XMLHTTPRequest, and is meant here in the AJAX sense (Asynchronous Javascript and XML).
Default: Empty string
* Default: Empty string
Used only in conjunction with ``xhr_user_search``.
......@@ -28,12 +28,8 @@ bottom of your page (after the closing *</body>* element).
require(['converse'], function (converse) {
auto_list_rooms: false,
auto_subscribe: false,
bosh_service_url: '', // Please use this connection manager only for testing purposes
hide_muc_server: false,
i18n: locales.en, // Refer to ./locale/locales.js to see which locales are supported
prebind: false,
show_controlbox_by_default: true,
roster_groups: true
......@@ -289,6 +289,7 @@
text-align: center;
display: block;
margin: 0 auto;
clear: both;
......@@ -897,34 +898,39 @@
dd.available-chatroom {
display: inline-block;
overflow-x: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
border: none;
clear: both;
color: $text-color;
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 $text-shadow-color;
white-space: nowrap; {
width: 150px;
&:hover {
background-color: $highlight-color;
.room-info {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 14px;
dd.available-chatroom:hover {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 14px;
#converse-roster dd {
font-weight: bold;
border: none;
display: block;
color: $text-color;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 $text-shadow-color;
clear: both;
color: $text-color;
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
overflow-y: hidden;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 $text-shadow-color;
#converse-roster dd:hover {
background-color: $highlight-color;
......@@ -1162,19 +1168,21 @@
margin: 4px;
#converse-register .login-submit,
#converse-login .login-submit,
#converse-register .submit,
#converse-login .submit {
height: 30px;
padding: 0px;
font-size: $font-size;
#converse-login .submit {
margin: 1em 0;
#converse-register, #converse-login {
.login-submit, .submit {
height: 30px;
padding: 0px;
font-size: $font-size;
.submit {
margin: 1em 0;
.login-anon {
height: auto;
white-space: normal;
form.add-chatroom {
background: none;
padding: 0.5em;
......@@ -20,37 +20,39 @@
describe("with prebind", function () {
it("needs a jid when also using keepalive", function () {
var authentication = converse.authentication;
var connection = converse.connection;
var jid = converse.jid;
converse.bosh_service_url = "localhost";
converse.connection = undefined;
converse.jid = undefined;
converse.keepalive = true;
converse.prebind = true;
converse.authentication = "prebind";
new Error("initConnection: when using 'keepalive' with 'prebind, you must supply the JID of the current user."));
converse.authentication= authentication;
converse.bosh_service_url = undefined;
converse.connection = connection;
converse.jid = jid;
converse.keepalive = undefined;
converse.prebind = undefined;
it("needs jid, rid and sid values when not using keepalive", function () {
var authentication = converse.authentication;
var connection = converse.connection;
var jid = converse.jid;
converse.bosh_service_url = "localhost";
converse.connection = undefined;
converse.jid = undefined;
converse.keepalive = false;
converse.prebind = true;
converse.authentication = "prebind";
new Error("initConnection: If you use prebind and not keepalive, then you MUST supply JID, RID and SID values"));
converse.authentication= authentication;
converse.bosh_service_url = undefined;
converse.connection = connection;
converse.jid = jid;
converse.keepalive = undefined;
converse.prebind = undefined;
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
var pp;
// With no prebind, the user's XMPP password is used and nothing is
// stored in session storage.
this.prebind = false;
this.authentication = "manual";
this.connection.pass = 's3cr3t!';
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
// With prebind, a random passphrase is generated and stored in
// session storage.
this.prebind = true;
this.authentication = "prebind";
pp = this.otr.getSessionPassphrase();
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
// Clean up
this.prebind = false;
this.authentication = "manual";
}, converse));
}, converse, mock, test_utils));
<form id="converse-login" method="post">
<input type="email" name="jid" placeholder="user@server">
<input type="password" name="password" placeholder="password">
<input class="submit" type="submit" value="{{label_login}}">
<span class="conn-feedback"></span>
{[ if (auto_login) { ]}
<span class="spinner login-submit"/>
{[ } ]}
{[ if (!auto_login) { ]}
{[ if (authentication == LOGIN) { ]}
<input type="email" name="jid" placeholder="user@server">
<input type="password" name="password" placeholder="password">
<input class="submit" type="submit" value="{{label_login}}">
<span class="conn-feedback"></span>
{[ } ]}
{[ if (authentication == ANONYMOUS) { ]}
<input type="submit" class="submit login-anon" value="{{label_anon_login}}"/>
{[ } ]}
{[ if (authentication == PREBIND) { ]}
{[ } ]}
{[ } ]}
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