Commit 715ad816 authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

There should be space before ! and ?

parent 48823c9f
......@@ -160,18 +160,20 @@ checked in various language variants (Chinese or Japanese).
Trailing question
Source and translated do not both end with question mark. Question mark is
also checked in various language variants (Armenian, Arabic, Chinese, Korean,
Japanese, Ethiopic, Vai or Coptic).
Source and translated do not both end with question mark or it is not
correctly spaced. This includes spacing rules for French or Breton. Question
mark is also checked in various language variants (Armenian, Arabic, Chinese,
Korean, Japanese, Ethiopic, Vai or Coptic).
.. _check-end_exclamation:
Trailing exclamation
Source and translated do not both end with exclamation mark. Exclamation mark
is also check in various langauge variants (Chinese, Japanese, Korean,
Armenian, Limbu, Myanmar or Nko).
Source and translated do not both end with exclamation mark or it is not
correctly spaced. This includes spacing rules for French or Breton.
Exclamation mark is also check in various langauge variants (Chinese,
Japanese, Korean, Armenian, Limbu, Myanmar or Nko).
.. _check-python_format:
......@@ -120,15 +120,29 @@ CHECKS['end_colon'] = (_('Trailing colon'), check_end_colon, _('Source and trans
def check_end_question(source, target, flags, language):
if language.code.split('_')[0] in ['fr', 'br']:
if len(target) == 0:
return False
if source[-1] == ':':
if target[-2:] not in [' ?', ' ?', u' ?']:
return True
return False
return check_chars(source, target, -1, [u'?', u'՞', u'؟', u'⸮', u'?', u'፧', u'꘏', u'⳺'])
CHECKS['end_question'] = (_('Trailing question'), check_end_question, _('Source and translated do not both end with a question mark'))
CHECKS['end_question'] = (_('Trailing question'), check_end_question, _('Source and translated do not both end with a question mark or it is not correctly spaced'))
def check_end_exclamation(source, target, flags, language):
if language.code.split('_')[0] in ['fr', 'br']:
if len(target) == 0:
return False
if source[-1] == ':':
if target[-2:] not in [' !', ' !', u' !']:
return True
return False
return check_chars(source, target, -1, [u'!', u'!', u'՜', u'᥄', u'႟', u'߹'])
CHECKS['end_exclamation'] = (_('Trailing exclamation'), check_end_exclamation, _('Source and translated do not both end with an exclamation mark'))
CHECKS['end_exclamation'] = (_('Trailing exclamation'), check_end_exclamation, _('Source and translated do not both end with an exclamation mark or it is not correctly spaced'))
# For now all format string checks use generic implementation, but
# it should be switched to language specific
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