* This namespace contains public API methods which are are
* accessible on the global `converse` object.
* They are public, because any JavaScript in the
* page can call them. Public methods therefore don’t expose any sensitive
* or closured data. To do that, you’ll need to create a plugin, which has
* access to the private API method.
* @namespace converse
window.converse = {
const converse = {
* Public API method which initializes Converse.
* This method must always be called when using Converse.
* @memberOf converse
* @method initialize
* @param {object} config A map of [configuration-settings](https://conversejs.org/docs/html/configuration.html#configuration-settings).
* @example
* converse.initialize({
* allow_otr: true,
* auto_list_rooms: false,
* auto_subscribe: false,
* bosh_service_url: 'https://bind.example.com',
* hide_muc_server: false,
* i18n: locales['en'],
* keepalive: true,
* play_sounds: true,
* prebind: false,
* show_controlbox_by_default: true,
* debug: false,
* roster_groups: true
* });
'initialize'(settings, callback) {
return _converse.initialize(settings, callback);
* Exposes methods for adding and removing plugins. You'll need to write a plugin
* if you want to have access to the private API methods defined further down below.
* For more information on plugins, read the documentation on [writing a plugin](/docs/html/plugin_development.html).
* @namespace plugins
* @memberOf converse
'plugins': {
/** Registers a new plugin.
* @method converse.plugins.add
* @param {string} name The name of the plugin
* @param {object} plugin The plugin object
* @example
* const plugin = {
* initialize: function () {
* // Gets called as soon as the plugin has been loaded.
* // Inside this method, you have access to the private
* // API via `_covnerse.api`.
* // The private _converse object contains the core logic
* // and data-structures of Converse.
* }
* }
* converse.plugins.add('myplugin', plugin);
'add'(name, plugin) {
plugin.__name__ = name;
* Utility methods and globals from bundled 3rd party libraries.
* @memberOf converse
* @property {function} converse.env.$build - Creates a Strophe.Builder, for creating stanza objects.
* @property {function} converse.env.$iq - Creates a Strophe.Builder with an <iq/> element as the root.
* @property {function} converse.env.$msg - Creates a Strophe.Builder with an <message/> element as the root.
* @property {function} converse.env.$pres - Creates a Strophe.Builder with an <presence/> element as the root.
* @property {object} converse.env.Backbone - The [Backbone](http://backbonejs.org) object used by Converse to create models and views.
* @property {function} converse.env.Promise - The Promise implementation used by Converse.
* @property {function} converse.env.Strophe - The [Strophe](http://strophe.im/strophejs) XMPP library used by Converse.
* @property {object} converse.env._ - The instance of [lodash](http://lodash.com) used by Converse.
* @property {function} converse.env.f - And instance of Lodash with its methods wrapped to produce immutable auto-curried iteratee-first data-last methods.
* @property {function} converse.env.b64_sha1 - Utility method from Strophe for creating base64 encoded sha1 hashes.
* @property {object} converse.env.moment - [Moment](https://momentjs.com) date manipulation library.