Commit 8795e17b authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

parents f552641c b29bd8d4
......@@ -142,3 +142,70 @@ The changes are in this mode committed once one of following conditions happen:
* merge from upstream occurs
* import of translation happens
* translation for a language is completed
.. _custom-checks:
Customizing checks
Weblate comes with wide range of consistency checks (see :ref:`checks`), though
they might not 100% cover all you want to check. The list of performed checks
can be adjusted using :envvar:`CHECK_LIST` and you can also add custom checks.
All you need to do is to subclass :class:`trans.checks.Check`, set few
attributes and implement either ``check`` or ``check_single`` methods (first
one if you want to deal with plurals in your code, the latter one does this for
you). You will find below some examples.
Checking translation text does not contain "foo"
This is pretty simple check which just checks whether translation does not
contain string "foo".
.. code-block:: python
from trans.checks import Check
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
class FooCheck(Check):
# Used as identifier for check, should be unique
check_id = 'foo'
# Short name used to display failing check
name = _('Foo check')
# Description for failing check
description = _('Your translation is foo')
# Real check code
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
return 'foo' in target
Checking Czech translation text plurals differ
Check using language information to verify that two plural forms in Czech
language are not same.
.. code-block:: python
from trans.checks import Check
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
class PluralCzechCheck(Check):
# Used as identifier for check, should be unique
check_id = 'foo'
# Short name used to display failing check
name = _('Foo check')
# Description for failing check
description = _('Your translation is foo')
# Real check code
def check(self, sources, targets, flags, language, unit):
if self.is_language(language, ['cs']):
return targets[1] == targets[2]
return False
......@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@ Configuration
All settings are stored in :file:`` (as usual for Django).
.. envvar:: CHECK_LIST
List of consistency checks to perform on translation.
.. seealso:: :ref:`checks`, :ref:`custom-checks`
.. envvar:: COMMIT_MESSAGE
Message used on each commit Weblate does.
......@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@ preferences, translation to these languages will be shown.
Bellow translation can be also shown suggestions from other users, which you
can accept or delete.
Each project can have assigned dictionary for any language. This could be used
for storing terminology for given project, so that translations are consistent.
You can display terms from currently translated string in bottom tabs.
......@@ -101,6 +108,8 @@ Machine translation service provided by Microsoft.
.. _checks:
......@@ -263,3 +263,21 @@ LAZY_COMMITS = True
# Where to put Whoosh index
WHOOSH_INDEX = os.path.join(WEB_ROOT, 'whoosh-index')
# List of consistency checks
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.conf import settings
import re
PYTHON_PRINTF_MATCH = re.compile('''
......@@ -85,224 +87,333 @@ SAME_BLACKLIST = frozenset((
def plural_check(f):
class Check(object):
Generic decorator for working with plural translations.
Basic class for checks.
def _plural_check(sources, targets, flags, language, unit):
if f(sources[0], targets[0], flags, language, unit):
check_id = ''
name = ''
description = ''
def check(self, sources, targets, flags, language, unit):
Checks single unit, handling plurals.
# Check singular
if self.check_single(sources[0], targets[0], flags, language, unit):
return True
# Do we have more to check?
if len(sources) == 1:
return False
for t in targets[1:]:
if f(sources[1], t, flags, language, unit):
# Check plurals against plural from source
for target in targets[1:]:
if self.check_single(sources[1], target, flags, language, unit):
return True
# Check did not fire
return False
return _plural_check
# Check for not translated entries
def check_same(source, target, flags, language, unit):
# One letter things are usually labels or decimal/thousand separators
if len(source) == 1 and len(target) == 1:
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
Check for single phrase, not dealing with plurals.
return False
# English variants will have most things not translated
if language.code.split('_')[0] == 'en':
return False
def check_chars(self, source, target, pos, chars):
Generic checker for chars presence.
if len(target) == 0:
return False
s = source[pos]
t = target[pos]
return (s in chars and t not in chars) or (s not in chars and t in chars)
def check_format_strings(self, source, target, regex):
Generic checker for format strings.
if len(target) == 0:
return False
src_matches = set([x[0] for x in regex.findall(source)])
tgt_matches = set([x[0] for x in regex.findall(target)])
# We ignore %% as this is really not relevant. However it needs
# to be matched to prevent handling %%s as %s.
if '%' in src_matches:
if '%' in tgt_matches:
if src_matches != tgt_matches:
return True
# Probably shortcut
if source.isupper() and target.isupper():
return False
# Ignore words which are often same in foreigh language
if source.lower() in SAME_BLACKLIST or source.lower().rstrip(': ') in SAME_BLACKLIST:
return False
def is_language(self, language, vals):
Detects whether language is in given list, ignores language
return language.code.split('_')[0] in vals
return (source == target)
CHECKS['same'] = (_('Not translated'), check_same, _('Source and translated strings are same'))
def check_chars(source, target, pos, chars):
class SameCheck(Check):
Generic checker for chars presence.
Check for not translated entries.
if len(target) == 0:
return False
s = source[pos]
t = target[pos]
return (s in chars and t not in chars) or (s not in chars and t in chars)
check_id = 'same'
name = _('Not translated')
description = _('Source and translated strings are same')
# Checks for newlines at beginning/end
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
# One letter things are usually labels or decimal/thousand separators
if len(source) == 1 and len(target) == 1:
return False
def check_begin_newline(source, target, flags, language, unit):
return check_chars(source, target, 0, ['\n'])
# English variants will have most things not translated
if self.is_language(language, ['en']):
return False
CHECKS['begin_newline'] = (_('Starting newline'), check_begin_newline, _('Source and translated do not both start with a newline'))
# Probably shortcut
if source.isupper() and target.isupper():
return False
def check_end_newline(source, target, flags, language, unit):
return check_chars(source, target, -1, ['\n'])
# Ignore words which are often same in foreigh language
if source.lower() in SAME_BLACKLIST or source.lower().rstrip(': ') in SAME_BLACKLIST:
return False
CHECKS['end_newline'] = (_('Trailing newline'), check_end_newline, _('Source and translated do not both end with a newline'))
return (source == target)
# Whitespace check
class BeginNewlineCheck(Check):
Checks for newlines at beginning.
check_id = 'begin_newline'
name = _('Starting newline')
description = _('Source and translated do not both start with a newline')
def check_end_space(source, target, flags, language, unit):
# One letter things are usually decimal/thousand separators
if len(source) == 1 and len(target) <= 1:
return False
if language.code.split('_')[0] in ['fr', 'br']:
if len(target) == 0:
return False
if source[-1] in [':', '!', '?'] and target[-1] == ' ':
return False
return check_chars(source, target, -1, [' '])
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
return self.check_chars(source, target, 0, ['\n'])
CHECKS['end_space'] = (_('Trailing space'), check_end_space, _('Source and translated do not both end with a space'))
class EndNewlineCheck(Check):
Checks for newlines at end.
check_id = 'end_newline'
name = _('Trailing newline')
description = _('Source and translated do not both end with a newline')
# Check for punctation
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
return self.check_chars(source, target, -1, ['\n'])
def check_end_stop(source, target, flags, language, unit):
if len(source) == 1 and len(target) == 1:
return False
return check_chars(source, target, -1, [u'.', u'。', u'।', u'۔'])
class EndSpaceCheck(Check):
Whitespace check
check_id = 'end_space'
name = _('Trailing space')
description = _('Source and translated do not both end with a space')
CHECKS['end_stop'] = (_('Trailing stop'), check_end_stop, _('Source and translated do not both end with a full stop'))
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
# One letter things are usually decimal/thousand separators
if len(source) == 1 and len(target) <= 1:
return False
if self.is_language(language, ['fr', 'br']):
if len(target) == 0:
return False
if source[-1] in [':', '!', '?'] and target[-1] == ' ':
return False
return self.check_chars(source, target, -1, [' '])
class EndStopCheck(Check):
Check for final stop
check_id = 'end_stop'
name = _('Trailing stop')
description = _('Source and translated do not both end with a full stop')
def check_end_colon(source, target, flags, language, unit):
if language.code.split('_')[0] in ['fr', 'br']:
if len(target) == 0:
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
if len(source) == 1 and len(target) == 1:
return False
if source[-1] == ':':
if target[-3:] not in [' : ', '&nbsp;: ', u' : ']:
return True
return False
if language.code.split('_')[0] in ['ja']:
# Japanese sentence might need to end with full stop
# in case it's used before list.
if source[-1] == ':':
return check_chars(source, target, -1, [u':', u':', u'.', u'。'])
return False
return check_chars(source, target, -1, [u':', u':'])
return self.check_chars(source, target, -1, [u'.', u'。', u'।', u'۔'])
CHECKS['end_colon'] = (_('Trailing colon'), check_end_colon, _('Source and translated do not both end with a colon or colon is not correctly spaced'))
def check_end_question(source, target, flags, language, unit):
if language.code.split('_')[0] in ['fr', 'br']:
if len(target) == 0:
class EndColonCheck(Check):
Check for final colon
check_id = 'end_colon'
name = _('Trailing colon')
description = _('Source and translated do not both end with a colon or colon is not correctly spaced')
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
if self.is_language(language, ['fr', 'br']):
if len(target) == 0:
return False
if source[-1] == ':':
if target[-3:] not in [' : ', '&nbsp;: ', u' : ']:
return True
return False
if source[-1] == '?':
if target[-2:] not in [' ?', '&nbsp;?', u' ?']:
return True
return False
return check_chars(source, target, -1, [u'?', u'՞', u'؟', u'⸮', u'?', u'፧', u'꘏', u'⳺'])
if self.is_language(language, ['ja']):
# Japanese sentence might need to end with full stop
# in case it's used before list.
if source[-1] == ':':
return self.check_chars(source, target, -1, [u':', u':', u'.', u'。'])
return False
return self.check_chars(source, target, -1, [u':', u':'])
CHECKS['end_question'] = (_('Trailing question'), check_end_question, _('Source and translated do not both end with a question mark or it is not correctly spaced'))
def check_end_exclamation(source, target, flags, language, unit):
if language.code.split('_')[0] in ['fr', 'br']:
if len(target) == 0:
class EndQuestionCheck(Check):
Check for final question mark
check_id = 'end_question'
name = _('Trailing question')
description = _('Source and translated do not both end with a question mark or it is not correctly spaced')
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
if self.is_language(language, ['fr', 'br']):
if len(target) == 0:
return False
if source[-1] == '?':
if target[-2:] not in [' ?', '&nbsp;?', u' ?']:
return True
return False
if source[-1] == '!':
if target[-2:] not in [' !', '&nbsp;!', u' !']:
return True
return False
return check_chars(source, target, -1, [u'!', u'!', u'՜', u'᥄', u'႟', u'߹'])
return self.check_chars(source, target, -1, [u'?', u'՞', u'؟', u'⸮', u'?', u'፧', u'꘏', u'⳺'])
CHECKS['end_exclamation'] = (_('Trailing exclamation'), check_end_exclamation, _('Source and translated do not both end with an exclamation mark or it is not correctly spaced'))
class EndExclamationCheck(Check):
Check for final exclamation mark
check_id = 'end_exclamation'
name = _('Trailing exclamation')
description = _('Source and translated do not both end with an exclamation mark or it is not correctly spaced')
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
if self.is_language(language, ['fr', 'br']):
if len(target) == 0:
return False
if source[-1] == '!':
if target[-2:] not in [' !', '&nbsp;!', u' !']:
return True
return False
return self.check_chars(source, target, -1, [u'!', u'!', u'՜', u'᥄', u'႟', u'߹'])
# For now all format string checks use generic implementation, but
# it should be switched to language specific
def check_format_strings(source, target, regex):
class PythonFormatCheck(Check):
Generic checker for format strings.
Check for Python format string
if len(target) == 0:
return False
src_matches = set([x[0] for x in regex.findall(source)])
tgt_matches = set([x[0] for x in regex.findall(target)])
# We ignore %% as this is really not relevant. However it needs
# to be matched to prevent handling %%s as %s.
if '%' in src_matches:
if '%' in tgt_matches:
check_id = 'python_format'
name = _('Python format')
description = _('Format string does not match source')
if src_matches != tgt_matches:
return True
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
if not 'python-format' in flags:
return False
return self.check_format_strings(source, target, PYTHON_PRINTF_MATCH)
return False
class PHPFormatCheck(Check):
Check for PHP format string
check_id = 'php_format'
name = _('PHP format')
description = _('Format string does not match source')
# Check for Python format string
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
if not 'php-format' in flags:
return False
return self.check_format_strings(source, target, PHP_PRINTF_MATCH)
def check_python_format(source, target, flags, language, unit):
if not 'python-format' in flags:
return False
return check_format_strings(source, target, PYTHON_PRINTF_MATCH)
class CFormatCheck(Check):
Check for C format string
check_id = 'c_format'
name = _('C format')
description = _('Format string does not match source')
CHECKS['python_format'] = (_('Python format'), check_python_format, _('Format string does not match source'))
def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
if not 'c-format' in flags:
return False
return self.check_format_strings(source, target, C_PRINTF_MATCH)
# Check for PHP format string
def check_php_format(source, target, flags, language, unit):
if not 'php-format' in flags:
return False
return check_format_strings(source, target, PHP_PRINTF_MATCH)
class PluralsCheck(Check):
Check for incomplete plural forms
check_id = 'plurals'
name = _('Missing plurals')
description = _('Some plural forms are not translated')
CHECKS['php_format'] = (_('PHP format'), check_php_format, _('Format string does not match source'))
def check(self, sources, targets, flags, language, unit):
# Is this plural?
if len(sources) == 1:
return False
# Is at least something translated?
if targets == len(targets) * ['']:
return False
# Check for empty translation
return ('' in targets)
# Check for C format string
class ConsistencyCheck(Check):
Check for inconsistent translations
check_id = 'inconsistent'
name = _('Inconsistent')
description = _('This message has more than one translation in this project')
def check(self, sources, targets, flags, language, unit):
from trans.models import Unit
related = Unit.objects.filter(
translation__language = language,
translation__subproject__project = unit.translation.subproject.project,
checksum = unit.checksum
id =
for unit2 in related.iterator():
if !=
return True
def check_c_format(source, target, flags, language, unit):
if not 'c-format' in flags:
return False
return check_format_strings(source, target, C_PRINTF_MATCH)
CHECKS['c_format'] = (_('C format'), check_c_format, _('Format string does not match source'))
# Check for incomplete plural forms
def check_plurals(sources, targets, flags, language, unit):
# Is this plural?
if len(sources) == 1:
return False
# Is at least something translated?
if targets == len(targets) * ['']:
return False
# Check for empty translation
return ('' in targets)
CHECKS['plurals'] = (_('Missing plurals'), check_plurals, _('Some plural forms are not translated'))
# Check for inconsistent translations
def check_consistency(sources, targets, flags, language, unit):
from trans.models import Unit
related = Unit.objects.filter(
translation__language = language,
translation__subproject__project = unit.translation.subproject.project,
checksum = unit.checksum
id =
for unit2 in related.iterator():
if !=
return True
# Initialize checks list
for path in getattr(settings, 'CHECK_LIST', DEFAULT_CHECK_LIST):
i = path.rfind('.')
module, attr = path[:i], path[i+1:]
mod = __import__(module, {}, {}, [attr])
except ImportError, e:
raise ImproperlyConfigured('Error importing translation check module %s: "%s"' % (module, e))
cls = getattr(mod, attr)
except AttributeError:
raise ImproperlyConfigured('Module "%s" does not define a "%s" callable check' % (module, attr))
CHECKS[cls.check_id] = cls()
return False
CHECKS['inconsistent'] = (_('Inconsistent'), check_consistency, _('This message has more than one translation in this project'))
......@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ class Translation(models.Model):
for check in trans.checks.CHECKS:
cnt = self.unit_set.filter_type(check).count()
if cnt > 0:
desc = trans.checks.CHECKS[check][2] + (' (%d)' % cnt)
desc = trans.checks.CHECKS[check].description + (' (%d)' % cnt)
result.append((check, desc))
return result
......@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ class Unit(models.Model):
tgt = self.get_target_plurals()
failing = []
for check in trans.checks.CHECKS:
if trans.checks.CHECKS[check][1](src, tgt, self.flags, self.translation.language, self):
if trans.checks.CHECKS[check].check(src, tgt, self.flags, self.translation.language, self):
for check in self.checks():
......@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ class Suggestion(models.Model):
unit.fuzzy = False
unit.save_backend(request, False)
CHECK_CHOICES = [(x, trans.checks.CHECKS[x][0]) for x in trans.checks.CHECKS]
CHECK_CHOICES = [(x, trans.checks.CHECKS[x].name) for x in trans.checks.CHECKS]
class Check(models.Model):
checksum = models.CharField(max_length = 40, default = '', blank = True, db_index = True)
......@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ class Check(models.Model):
def get_description(self):
return trans.checks.CHECKS[self.check][2]
return trans.checks.CHECKS[self.check].description
def get_doc_url(self):
return '' % (
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