Commit aa7e3729 authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

Better look of share tab

parent b59a3cec
......@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@
<div id="share">
{% url 'widgets' project=object.slug as widgets_url %}
{% url 'data_project' project=object.slug as data_url %}
{% with object as project %}
{% include 'share.html' %}
{% endwith %}
{% load i18n %}
{% url 'widgets' project=project.slug as widgets_url %}
{% url 'data_project' project=project.slug as data_url %}
{% with object.get_share_url as share_url %}
<h3>{% trans "Share your translation" %}</h3>
<a href="{{ share_url }}" class="button">{% trans "Share on Facebook!" %}</a>
<a href="{% blocktrans %}Translate {{ object }} using %23Weblate at {{ share_url }}!{% endblocktrans %}" class="button">{% trans "Tweet this translation!" %}</a>
{% endwith %}
<h3>{% trans "Widgets" %}</h3>
{% blocktrans %}You can also promote this translation project using various <a href="{{ widgets_url }}">other possibilities</a>.{% endblocktrans %}
<h3>{% trans "Data export" %}</h3>
{% blocktrans %}Various <a href="{{ data_url }}">data exports</a> are available in machine readable formats.{% endblocktrans %}
{% endwith %}
......@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@
<div id="share">
{% url 'widgets' project=object.project.slug as widgets_url %}
{% url 'data_project' project=object.project.slug as data_url %}
{% with object.project as project %}
{% include 'share.html' %}
{% endwith %}
<div id="source">
......@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@
<div id="share">
{% url 'widgets' project=object.subproject.project.slug as widgets_url %}
{% url 'data_project' project=object.subproject.project.slug as data_url %}
{% with object.subproject.project as project %}
{% include 'share.html' %}
{% endwith %}
<div id="stats">
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