Commit ab934b85 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Turns out we need to patch bigint...

parent c5f2c88f
;(function (root, factory) {
var Salsa20, crypto
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['salsa20'], factory.bind(root, root.crypto))
define([], factory.bind(root, root.crypto || root.msCrypto))
} else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
Salsa20 = require('./salsa20.js')
crypto = require('crypto')
module.exports = factory(crypto, Salsa20)
module.exports = factory(require('crypto'))
} else {
root.BigInt = factory(root.crypto, root.Salsa20)
root.BigInt = factory(root.crypto || root.msCrypto)
}(this, function (crypto, Salsa20) {
}(this, function (crypto) {
// Big Integer Library v. 5.5
......@@ -151,7 +148,7 @@
// void linCombShift_(x,y,b,ys) //do x=x+b*(y<<(ys*bpe)) for bigInts x and y, and integers b and ys
// void mont_(x,y,n,np) //Montgomery multiplication (see comments where the function is defined)
// void multInt_(x,n) //do x=x*n where x is a bigInt and n is an integer.
// void rightShift_(x,n) //right shift bigInt x by n bits. 0 <= n < bpe. (This never overflows its array).
// void rightShift_(x,n) //right shift bigInt x by n bits. (This never overflows its array).
// void squareMod_(x,n) //do x=x*x mod n for bigInts x,n
// void subShift_(x,y,ys) //do x=x-(y<<(ys*bpe)). Negative answers will be 2s complement.
......@@ -195,18 +192,18 @@
var bpe = 0 // bits stored per array element
var mask=0; //AND this with an array element to chop it down to bpe bits
var radix=mask+1; //equals 2^bpe. A single 1 bit to the left of the last bit of mask.
// The number of significant bits in the fraction of a JavaScript
// floating-point number is 52, independent of platform.
// See:
var bpe = 26; // bits stored per array element
var radix = 1 << bpe; // equals 2^bpe
var mask = radix - 1; // AND this with an array element to chop it down to bpe bits
//the digits for converting to different bases
var digitsStr='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_=!@#$%^&*()[]{}|;:,.<>/?`~ \\\'\"+-';
//initialize the global variables
for (bpe = 0; (1<<(bpe+1)) > (1<<bpe); bpe++); // bpe = number of bits in the mantissa on this platform
bpe>>=1; // bpe = number of bits in one element of the array representing the bigInt
mask=(1<<bpe)-1; //AND the mask with an integer to get its bpe least significant bits
radix=mask+1; //2^bpe. a single 1 bit to the left of the first bit of mask
var one=int2bigInt(1,1,1); //constant used in powMod_()
//the following global variables are scratchpad memory to
......@@ -940,11 +937,13 @@
// q[i-ky]--;
for (;;) {
y2=(ky>1 ? y[ky-2] : 0)*q[i-ky];
y2=y2 & mask;
c = (c - y2) / radix;
y1=y1 & mask;
c = (c - y1) / radix;
if (c==r[i] ? y1==r[i-1] ? y2>(i>1 ? r[i-2] : 0) : y1>r[i-1] : c>r[i])
......@@ -972,11 +971,12 @@
if (c<0) {
b = c & mask;
b = -((c - b) / radix);
x[i]=c & mask;
c = ((c - x[i]) / radix) - b;
......@@ -1169,16 +1169,17 @@
if (c<0) {
b = c & mask;
b = -((c - b) / radix);
x[i]=c & mask;
c = ((c - x[i]) / radix) - b;
if (!c) return; //stop carrying as soon as the carry is zero
//right shift bigInt x by n bits. 0 <= n < bpe.
//right shift bigInt x by n bits.
function rightShift_(x,n) {
var i;
var k=Math.floor(n/bpe);
......@@ -1235,11 +1236,12 @@
if (c<0) {
b = c & mask;
b = -((c - b) / radix);
x[i]=c & mask;
c = ((c - x[i]) / radix) - b;
......@@ -1263,12 +1265,12 @@
for (c=0,i=0;i<k;i++) {
x[i]=c & mask;
c = (c - x[i]) / radix;
for (i=k;i<kk;i++) {
x[i]=c & mask;
c = (c - x[i]) / radix;
......@@ -1281,12 +1283,12 @@
for (c=0,i=ys;i<k;i++) {
x[i]=c & mask;
c = (c - x[i]) / radix;
for (i=k;c && i<kk;i++) {
x[i]=c & mask;
c = (c - x[i]) / radix;
......@@ -1299,12 +1301,12 @@
for (c=0,i=ys;i<k;i++) {
x[i]=c & mask;
c = (c - x[i]) / radix;
for (i=k;c && i<kk;i++) {
x[i]=c & mask;
c = (c - x[i]) / radix;
......@@ -1317,12 +1319,12 @@
for (c=0,i=ys;i<k;i++) {
x[i]=c & mask;
c = (c - x[i]) / radix;
for (i=k;c && i<kk;i++) {
x[i]=c & mask;
c = (c - x[i]) / radix;
......@@ -1335,12 +1337,12 @@
for (c=0,i=0;i<k;i++) {
x[i]=c & mask;
c = (c - x[i]) / radix;
for (i=k;c && i<x.length;i++) {
x[i]=c & mask;
c = (c - x[i]) / radix;
......@@ -1352,12 +1354,12 @@
for (c=0,i=0;i<k;i++) {
x[i]=c & mask;
c = (c - x[i]) / radix;
for (i=k;c && i<x.length;i++) {
x[i]=c & mask;
c = (c - x[i]) / radix;
......@@ -1409,11 +1411,11 @@
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
s0[2*i]=c & mask;
c = (c - s0[2*i]) / radix;
for (j=i+1;j<kx;j++) {
s0[i+j]=(c & mask);
c = (c - s0[i+j]) / radix;
......@@ -1497,7 +1499,7 @@
// n is odd
// np = -(n^(-1)) mod radix
function mont_(x,y,n,np) {
var i,j,c,ui,t,ks;
var i,j,c,ui,t,t2,ks;
var kn=n.length;
var ky=y.length;
......@@ -1514,24 +1516,35 @@
for (i=0; i<kn; i++) {
ui=((t & mask) * np) & mask; //the inner "& mask" was needed on Safari (but not MSIE) at one time
c=(t+ui*n[0]) >> bpe;
c = (c - (c & mask)) / radix;
//do sa=(sa+x[i]*y+ui*n)/b where b=2**bpe. Loop is unrolled 5-fold for speed
for (;j<ky-4;) { c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]+t*y[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]+t*y[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]+t*y[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]+t*y[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]+t*y[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++; }
for (;j<ky;) { c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]+t*y[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++; }
for (;j<kn-4;) { c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++; }
for (;j<kn;) { c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++; }
for (;j<ks;) { c+=sa[j]; sa[j-1]=c & mask; c>>=bpe; j++; }
for (;j<ky-4;) {
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]+t*y[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]+t*y[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]+t*y[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]+t*y[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]+t*y[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
for (;j<ky;) {
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]+t*y[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
for (;j<kn-4;) {
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
for (;j<kn;) {
c+=sa[j]+ui*n[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
for (;j<ks;) {
c+=sa[j]; t2=sa[j-1]=c & mask; c=(c-t2)/radix; j++;
sa[j-1]=c & mask;
......@@ -1541,9 +1554,120 @@
// otr.js stuff
// otr.js additions
// computes num / den mod n
function divMod(num, den, n) {
return multMod(num, inverseMod(den, n), n)
// computes one - two mod n
function subMod(one, two, n) {
one = mod(one, n)
two = mod(two, n)
if (greater(two, one)) one = add(one, n)
return sub(one, two)
// computes 2^m as a bigInt
function twoToThe(m) {
var b = Math.floor(m / bpe) + 2
var t = new Array(b)
for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) t[i] = 0
t[b - 2] = 1 << (m % bpe)
return t
// cache these results for faster lookup
var _num2bin = (function () {
var i = 0, _num2bin= {}
for (; i < 0x100; ++i) {
_num2bin[i] = String.fromCharCode(i) // 0 -> "\00"
return _num2bin
// serialize a bigInt to an ascii string
// padded up to pad length
function bigInt2bits(bi, pad) {
pad || (pad = 0)
bi = dup(bi)
var ba = ''
while (!isZero(bi)) {
ba = _num2bin[bi[0] & 0xff] + ba
rightShift_(bi, 8)
while (ba.length < pad) {
ba = '\x00' + ba
return ba
// converts a byte array to a bigInt
function ba2bigInt(data) {
var mpi = str2bigInt('0', 10, data.length)
data.forEach(function (d, i) {
if (i) leftShift_(mpi, 8)
mpi[0] |= d
return mpi
// returns a function that returns an array of n bytes
var randomBytes = (function () {
// in node
if ( typeof crypto !== 'undefined' &&
typeof crypto.randomBytes === 'function' ) {
return function (n) {
try {
var buf = crypto.randomBytes(n)
} catch (e) { throw e }
return, 0)
// in browser
else if ( typeof crypto !== 'undefined' &&
typeof crypto.getRandomValues === 'function' ) {
return function (n) {
var buf = new Uint8Array(n)
return, 0)
// err
else {
throw new Error('Keys should not be generated without CSPRNG.')
// Salsa 20 in webworker needs a 40 byte seed
function getSeed() {
return randomBytes(40)
// returns a single random byte
function randomByte() {
return randomBytes(1)[0]
// returns a k-bit random integer
function randomBitInt(k) {
if (k > 31) throw new Error("Too many bits.")
var i = 0, r = 0
var b = Math.floor(k / 8)
var mask = (1 << (k % 8)) - 1
if (mask) r = randomByte() & mask
for (; i < b; i++)
r = (256 * r) + randomByte()
return r
var BigInt = {
return {
str2bigInt : str2bigInt
, bigInt2str : bigInt2str
, int2bigInt : int2bigInt
......@@ -1556,130 +1680,26 @@
, equalsInt : equalsInt
, sub : sub
, mod : mod
, mod_ : mod_
, modInt : modInt
, mult : mult
, divInt_ : divInt_
, rightShift_ : rightShift_
, leftShift_ : leftShift_
, dup : dup
, greater : greater
, add : add
, addInt : addInt
, addInt_ : addInt_
, isZero : isZero
, bitSize : bitSize
, randTruePrime : randTruePrime
, millerRabin : millerRabin
, divide_ : divide_
, trim : trim
, expand : expand
, bpe : bpe
, primes : primes
, findPrimes : findPrimes
, getSeed : getSeed
, divMod : divMod
, subMod : subMod
, twoToThe : twoToThe
, bigInt2bits : bigInt2bits
, ba2bigInt : ba2bigInt
// from
var randomBitInt
function seedRand(buf) {
var state = new Salsa20([
buf[ 0], buf[ 1], buf[ 2], buf[ 3], buf[ 4], buf[ 5], buf[ 6], buf[ 7],
buf[ 8], buf[ 9], buf[10], buf[11], buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], buf[15],
buf[16], buf[17], buf[18], buf[19], buf[20], buf[21], buf[22], buf[23],
buf[24], buf[25], buf[26], buf[27], buf[28], buf[29], buf[30], buf[31]
buf[32], buf[33], buf[34], buf[35], buf[36], buf[37], buf[38], buf[39]
var width = 256
, chunks = 6
, significance = Math.pow(2, 52)
, overflow = significance * 2
function numerator() {
var bytes = state.getBytes(chunks)
var i = 0, r = 0
for (; i < chunks; i++) {
r = r * width + bytes[i]
return r
function randomByte() {
return state.getBytes(1)[0]
randomBitInt = function (k) {
if (k > 31) throw new Error("Too many bits.")
var i = 0, r = 0
var b = Math.floor(k / 8)
var mask = (1 << (k % 8)) - 1
if (mask) r = randomByte() & mask
for (; i < b; i++)
r = (256 * r) + randomByte()
return r
// This function returns a random double in [0, 1) that contains
// randomness in every bit of the mantissa of the IEEE 754 value.
return function () { // Closure to return a random double:
var n = numerator() // Start with a numerator n < 2 ^ 48
, d = Math.pow(width, chunks) // and denominator d = 2 ^ 48.
, x = 0 // and no 'extra last byte'.
while (n < significance) { // Fill up all significant digits by
n = (n + x) * width // shifting numerator and
d *= width // denominator and generating a
x = randomByte() // new least-significant-byte.
while (n >= overflow) { // To avoid rounding up, before adding
n /= 2 // last byte, shift everything
d /= 2 // right using integer math until
x >>>= 1 // we have exactly the desired bits.
return (n + x) / d // Form the number within [0, 1).
function getSeed() {
var buf
if ( (typeof crypto !== 'undefined') &&
(typeof crypto.randomBytes === 'function')
) {
try {
buf = crypto.randomBytes(40)
} catch (e) { throw e }
} else if ( (typeof crypto !== 'undefined') &&
(typeof crypto.getRandomValues === 'function')
) {
buf = new Uint8Array(40)
} else {
throw new Error('Keys should not be generated without CSPRNG.')
return, 0)
;(function seed() {
var HAS_CSPRNG = ((typeof crypto !== 'undefined') &&
((typeof crypto.randomBytes === 'function') ||
(typeof crypto.getRandomValues === 'function')
if (!HAS_CSPRNG) {
Math.random = seedRand(getSeed())
// reseed every 5 mins (not in ww)
if ( typeof setTimeout === 'function' && typeof document !== 'undefined' )
setTimeout(seed, 5 * 60 * 1000)
return BigInt
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