Commit b339f99c authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

minimize: Call `initMinimizedChats` earlier

We don't need to wait until we have the user JID given that this is just
a view being instantiated.
parent 05243524
......@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-minimize', {
function initMinimizedChats () {
_converse.minimized_chats = new _converse.MinimizedChats({model: _converse.chatboxes});
* Triggered once the _converse.MinimizedChats instance has been * initialized
* Triggered once the _converse.MinimizedChats instance has been initialized
* @event _converse#minimizedChatsInitialized
* @example _converse.api.listen.on('minimizedChatsInitialized', () => { ... });
......@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-minimize', {
/************************ BEGIN Event Handlers ************************/
_converse.api.listen.on('userSessionInitialized', () => initMinimizedChats());
_converse.api.listen.on('chatBoxViewsInitialized', () => initMinimizedChats());
_converse.api.listen.on('chatBoxInsertedIntoDOM', view => _converse.chatboxviews.trimChats(view));
_converse.api.listen.on('controlBoxOpened', view => _converse.chatboxviews.trimChats(view));
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