Commit bc7b7073 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Add support for simplified Chinese

parent 0ec74539
{"domain":"converse","locale_data":{"converse":{"":{"domain":"converse","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"es"},"The connection has dropped, attempting to reconnect.":[""],"Your Jabber ID and/or password is incorrect. Please try again.":[""],"Sorry, we could not connect to the XMPP host with domain: %1$s":[""],"The XMPP server did not offer a supported authentication mechanism":[""],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to add %1$s as a contact.":[""],"This client does not allow presence subscriptions":[""],"Personal message":["Mensaje personal"],"Send":[""],"me":["yo"],"Typing from another device":[""],"is typing":[""],"Stopped typing on the other device":[""],"has stopped typing":[""],"Remove messages":["Eliminar mensajes"],"Write in the third person":["Escribir en tercera persona"],"Show this menu":["Mostrar este menú"],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this chat box?":["¿Está seguro de querer limpiar los mensajes de esta conversación?"],"Insert a smiley":[""],"Start a call":[""],"Login":[""],"Jabber ID:":[""],"Password:":["Contraseña:"],"Submit":["Enviar"],"This contact is busy":["Este contacto está ocupado"],"This contact is online":["Este contacto está en línea"],"This 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habilitado"],"Room logging is now disabled":["El registro de la sala ahora está deshabilitado"],"This room is now semi-anonymous":["Esta sala ahora es semi-anónima"],"This room is now fully-anonymous":["Esta sala ahora es completamente anónima"],"A new room has been created":["Una nueva sala ha sido creada"],"You have been banned from this room":["Usted ha sido bloqueado de esta sala"],"You have been kicked from this room":["Usted ha sido expulsado de esta sala"],"You have been removed from this room because of an affiliation change":["Usted ha sido eliminado de esta sala debido a un cambio de afiliación"],"You have been removed from this room because the room has changed to members-only and you're not a member":["Usted ha sido eliminado de esta sala debido a que la sala cambio su configuración a solo-miembros y usted no es un miembro"],"Message":["Mensaje"],"Hide the list of occupants":[""],"Error: the \"%1$s\" command takes two arguments, the user's nickname and optionally a reason.":[""],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this room?":["¿Está seguro de querer limpiar los mensajes de esta sala?"],"Error: could not execute the command":[""],"Change user's affiliation to admin":[""],"Change user role to participant":[""],"Grant membership to a user":[""],"Remove user's ability to post messages":[""],"Change your nickname":[""],"Grant moderator role to user":[""],"Revoke user's membership":[""],"Set room subject (alias for /subject)":[""],"Allow muted user to post messages":[""],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"The nickname you chose is reserved or currently in use, please choose a different one.":[""],"Please choose your nickname":[""],"Nickname":["Apodo"],"This chatroom requires a password":["Esta sala de chat requiere una contraseña."],"Password: ":["Contraseña: "],"The reason given is: \"%1$s\".":[""],"Topic set by %1$s to: %2$s":["Tema fijado por %1$s a: %2$s"],"Occupants":["Ocupantes"],"Invite":[""],"Hidden":["Oculto"],"Message 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You may optionally include a message, explaining the reason for the invitation.":[""],"Please enter a valid XMPP username":[""],"Room name":["Nombre de sala"],"Server":["Servidor"],"Show rooms":["Mostrar salas"],"Rooms":["Salas"],"Click to open this room":["Haga click para abrir esta sala"],"Show more information on this room":["Mostrar más información en esta sala"],"Description:":["Descripción"],"Room Address (JID):":[""],"Occupants:":["Ocupantes:"],"Features:":["Características:"],"Requires authentication":["Autenticación requerida"],"Requires an invitation":["Requiere una invitación"],"Open room":["Abrir sala"],"Permanent room":["Sala permanente"],"Temporary room":["Sala temporal"],"%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s":[""],"%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s, and left the following reason: \"%3$s\"":[""],"Bookmark this room":[""],"The name for this bookmark:":[""],"Would you like this room to be automatically joined upon startup?":[""],"What should your nickname for this room be?":[""],"Sorry, something went wrong while trying to save your bookmark.":[""],"Remove this bookmark":[""],"Bookmarks":[""],"Re-establishing encrypted session":["Re-estableciendo sesión cifrada"],"Generating private key.":["Generando llave privada"],"Your browser might become unresponsive.":["Su navegador podría dejar de responder por un momento"],"Could not verify this user's identify.":["No se pudo verificar la identidad de este usuario"],"Your messages are not encrypted anymore":["Sus mensajes han dejado de cifrarse"],"Your message could not be sent":["Su mensaje no se pudo enviar"],"We received an unencrypted message":["Se recibío un mensaje sin cifrar"],"We received an unreadable encrypted message":["Se recibío un mensaje cifrado corrupto"],"Here are the fingerprints, please confirm them with %1$s, outside of this chat.\n\nFingerprint for you, %2$s: %3$s\n\nFingerprint for %1$s: %4$s\n\nIf you have confirmed that the fingerprints match, click OK, otherwise click Cancel.":["Por favor confirme los identificadores de %1$s fuera de este chat.\n\nSu identificador es, %2$s: %3$s\n\nEl identificador de %1$s es: %4$s\n\nDespués de confirmar los identificadores haga click en OK, cancele si no concuerdan."],"What is your security question?":["Introduzca su pregunta de seguridad"],"What is the answer to the security question?":["Introduzca la respuesta a su pregunta de seguridad"],"Invalid authentication scheme provided":["Esquema de autenticación inválido"],"Your messages are not encrypted. Click here to enable OTR encryption.":["Sus mensajes no están cifrados. 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Please try with a different provider.":[""],"Something went wrong while establishing a connection with \"%1$s\". Are you sure it exists?":[""],"Now logging you in":[""],"Registered successfully":[""],"The provider rejected your registration attempt. Please check the values you entered for correctness.":[""],"Notification from %1$s":[""],"%1$s says":[""],"wants to be your contact":[""],"Minimize this chat box":[""],"Click to restore this chat":["Haga click para eliminar este contacto"],"Minimized":["Minimizado"]}}}
\ No newline at end of file
{"domain":"converse","locale_data":{"converse":{"":{"domain":"converse","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es"},"The connection has dropped, attempting to reconnect.":["La conexión se ha perdido, intentando reconectar."],"An error occurred while connecting to the chat server.":["Ocurrió un error mientras se conectaba al servidor de chat."],"Your Jabber ID and/or password is incorrect. Please try again.":["Tu usuario de Jabber y/o tu contraseña no es correcta. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."],"Sorry, we could not connect to the XMPP host with domain: ":["Disculpe, no pudimos conectarnos al servidor XMPP con el dominio: "],"The XMPP server did not offer a supported authentication mechanism":["El servidor XMPP no ofreció un mecanismo de autenticación soportado"],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to add %1$s as a contact.":["Disculpe, hubo un error intentando añadir a %1$s como contacto."],"This client does not allow presence subscriptions":["Este cliente no permite las suscripciones presenciales"],"Click to hide these contacts":["Haga click para ocultar estos contactos"],"Close this chat box":["Cerrar esta ventana de chat"],"Personal message":["Mensaje personal"],"Send":["Enviar"],"You have unread messages":["Tienes mensajes sin leer"],"me":["yo"],"A very large message has been received. This might be due to an attack meant to degrade the chat performance. Output has been shortened.":["Se ha recibido un mensaje muy extenso. Esto puede deberse a un ataque que degrada el rendimiento del chat. Se ha acortado la salida."],"Typing from another device":["Escribiendo desde otro dispositivo"],"is typing":["está escribiendo"],"Stopped typing on the other device":["Paró de escribir en el otro dispositivo"],"has stopped typing":["ha parado de escribir"],"has gone away":["se ha marchado"],"Remove messages":["Eliminar mensajes"],"Write in the third person":["Escribir en tercera persona"],"Show this menu":["Mostrar este menú"],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this chat box?":["¿Está seguro de querer limpiar los mensajes de esta conversación?"],"has gone offline":["se ha desconectado"],"is busy":["está ocupado"],"Clear all messages":["Limpiar todos los mensajes"],"Insert a smiley":["Insertar un emoticono"],"Start a call":["Empezar una llamada"],"Login":["Iniciar sesión"],"Jabber ID:":["Jabber ID:"],"Password:":["Contraseña:"],"password":["contraseña"],"Submit":["Enviar"],"Click here to log in anonymously":["Haga click aquí para iniciar sesión de forma anónima"],"This 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to remove this contact?":["¿Esta seguro de querer eliminar este contacto?"],"I am %1$s":["Estoy %1$s"],"Click here to write a custom status message":["Haga click para escribir un mensaje de estatus personalizado"],"Click to change your chat status":["Haga click para cambiar su estatus de chat"],"Custom status":["Personalizar estatus"],"Save":["Guardar"],"online":["en línea"],"busy":["ocupado"],"away for long":["ausente por mucho tiempo"],"away":["ausente"],"user@domain":["usuario@dominio"],"Please enter a valid XMPP address":["Por favor, introduzca una dirección XMPP válida"],"Log out":["Desconectarse"],"Click to add new chat contacts":["Haga click para agregar nuevos contactos al chat"],"Add a contact":["Agregar un contacto"],"Contact name":["Nombre de contacto"],"Search":["Búsqueda"],"e.g.":["p.e."],"Add":["Añadir"],"No users found":["No se encontraron usuarios"],"Click to add as a chat contact":["Haga click para agregar como contacto de chat"],"Toggle chat":["Alternar chat"],"This 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has changed to members-only and you're not a member":["Usted ha sido eliminado de esta sala debido a que la sala cambió su configuración a solo-miembros y usted no es un miembro"],"Message":["Mensaje"],"Hide the list of occupants":[""],"Error: the \"%1$s\" command takes two arguments, the user's nickname and optionally a reason.":[""],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this room?":["¿Está seguro de querer limpiar los mensajes de esta sala?"],"Error: could not execute the command":[""],"Change user's affiliation to admin":[""],"Change user role to participant":[""],"Grant membership to a user":[""],"Remove user's ability to post messages":[""],"Change your nickname":[""],"Grant moderator role to user":[""],"Revoke user's membership":[""],"Set room subject (alias for /subject)":[""],"Allow muted user to post messages":[""],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"The nickname you chose is reserved or currently in use, please choose a different one.":[""],"Please choose your 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You may optionally include a message, explaining the reason for the invitation.":[""],"Please enter a valid XMPP username":[""],"Room name":["Nombre de sala"],"Server":["Servidor"],"Show rooms":["Mostrar salas"],"Rooms":["Salas"],"Click to open this room":["Haga click para abrir esta sala"],"Show more information on this room":["Mostrar más información en esta sala"],"Description:":["Descripción:"],"Room Address (JID):":[""],"Occupants:":["Ocupantes:"],"Features:":["Características:"],"Requires authentication":["Autenticación requerida"],"Requires an invitation":["Requiere una invitación"],"Open room":["Abrir sala"],"Permanent room":["Sala permanente"],"Temporary room":["Sala temporal"],"%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s":[""],"%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s, and left the following reason: \"%3$s\"":[""],"Bookmark this room":[""],"The name for this bookmark:":[""],"Would you like this room to be automatically joined upon startup?":[""],"What should your nickname for this room be?":[""],"Sorry, something went wrong while trying to save your bookmark.":[""],"Remove this bookmark":[""],"Bookmarks":[""],"Re-establishing encrypted session":["Re-estableciendo sesión cifrada"],"Generating private key.":["Generando llave privada."],"Your browser might become unresponsive.":["Su navegador podría dejar de responder."],"Could not verify this user's identify.":["No se pudo verificar la identidad de este usuario."],"Your messages are not encrypted anymore":["Sus mensajes han dejado de cifrarse"],"Your message could not be sent":["Su mensaje no se pudo enviar"],"We received an unencrypted message":["Se recibío un mensaje sin cifrar"],"We received an unreadable encrypted message":["Se recibío un mensaje cifrado corrupto"],"Here are the fingerprints, please confirm them with %1$s, outside of this chat.\n\nFingerprint for you, %2$s: %3$s\n\nFingerprint for %1$s: %4$s\n\nIf you have confirmed that the fingerprints match, click OK, otherwise click Cancel.":["Por favor confirme los identificadores de %1$s fuera de este chat.\n\nSu identificador es, %2$s: %3$s\n\nEl identificador de %1$s es: %4$s\n\nDespués de confirmar los identificadores haga click en OK, cancele si no concuerdan."],"What is your security question?":["¿Cuál es su pregunta de seguridad?"],"What is the answer to the security question?":["¿Cuál es la respuesta a la pregunta de seguridad?"],"Invalid authentication scheme provided":["Esquema de autenticación inválido"],"Your messages are not encrypted. Click here to enable OTR encryption.":["Sus mensajes no están cifrados. Haga click aquí para habilitar el cifrado OTR."],"End encrypted conversation":["Finalizar sesión cifrada"],"Refresh encrypted conversation":["Actualizar sesión cifrada"],"Start encrypted conversation":["Iniciar sesión cifrada"],"Verify with fingerprints":["Verificar con identificadores"],"Verify with SMP":["Verificar con SMP"],"What's this?":["¿Qué es esto?"],"unencrypted":["texto plano"],"unverified":["sin verificar"],"verified":["verificado"],"finished":["finalizado"],"Don't have a chat account?":[""],"Create an account":[""],"Create your account":[""],"Please enter the XMPP provider to register with:":[""],"Already have a chat account?":[""],"Log in here":[""],"Account Registration:":[""],"Register":[""],"Choose a different provider":[""],"Hold tight, we're fetching the registration form…":[""]," e.g.":[""],"Fetch registration form":[""],"Tip: A list of public XMPP providers is available":[""],"here":[""],"Sorry, we're unable to connect to your chosen provider.":[""],"Sorry, the given provider does not support in band account registration. Please try with a different provider.":[""],"Something went wrong while establishing a connection with \"%1$s\". Are you sure it exists?":[""],"Now logging you in":[""],"Registered successfully":[""],"The provider rejected your registration attempt. Please check the values you entered for correctness.":[""],"Notification from %1$s":["Notificación de %1$s"],"%1$s says":[""],"wants to be your contact":[""],"Minimize this chat box":[""],"Click to restore this chat":["Haga click para eliminar este contacto"],"Minimized":["Minimizado"]}}}
\ No newline at end of file
{"domain":"converse","locale_data":{"converse":{"":{"domain":"converse","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"fr"},"The connection has dropped, attempting to reconnect.":["La connexion a été perdue, tentative de reconnexion en cours."],"An error occurred while connecting to the chat server.":["Une erreur est survenue lors de la connexion au serveur de discussion."],"Your Jabber ID and/or password is incorrect. Please try again.":["Votre identifiant Jabber ou votre mot de passe est incorrect. Veuillez réessayer."],"The XMPP server did not offer a supported authentication mechanism":["Le serveur XMPP n’a pas proposé un mécanisme d’authentification pris en charge"],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to add %1$s as a contact.":["Désolé, il y a eu une erreur lors de la tentative d’ajout de %1$s comme contact."],"This client does not allow presence subscriptions":["Ce client ne permet pas les mises à jour de disponibilité"],"Click to hide these contacts":["Cliquez pour cacher ces contacts"],"Close this chat box":["Fermer cette fenêtre de discussion"],"Personal message":["Message personnel"],"Send":["Envoyer"],"You have unread messages":["Vous avez de nouveaux messages"],"me":["moi"],"Typing from another device":["Saisie depuis un autre appareil"],"is typing":["écrit"],"Stopped typing on the other device":["Fin de saisie depuis l’autre appareil"],"has stopped typing":["a arrêté d’écrire"],"has gone away":["est parti"],"Remove messages":["Effacer les messages"],"Write in the third person":["Écrire à la troisième personne"],"Show this menu":["Afficher ce menu"],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this chat box?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les messages de cette conversation ?"],"has gone offline":["s’est déconnecté"],"is busy":["est occupé"],"Clear all messages":["Supprimer tous les messages"],"Insert a smiley":["Insérer une émoticône"],"Start a call":["Démarrer un appel"],"Login":["Connexion"],"Jabber ID:":["Identifiant Jabber :"],"Password:":["Mot de passe :"],"password":["Mot de passe"],"Submit":["Soumettre"],"Click here to log in anonymously":["Cliquez ici pour se connecter anonymement"],"This contact is busy":["Ce contact est occupé"],"This contact is online":["Ce contact est connecté"],"This contact is offline":["Ce contact est déconnecté"],"This contact is unavailable":["Ce contact est indisponible"],"This contact is away for an extended period":["Ce contact est absent"],"This contact is away":["Ce contact est 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la tentative de retrait de %1$s comme contact."],"Are you sure you want to decline this contact request?":["Voulez-vous vraiment rejeter cette demande de contact ?"],"I am %1$s":["Je suis %1$s"],"Click here to write a custom status message":["Cliquez ici pour indiquer votre statut personnel"],"Click to change your chat status":["Cliquez pour changer votre statut"],"Custom status":["Statut personnel"],"Save":["Enregistrer"],"online":["en ligne"],"busy":["occupé"],"away for long":["absent pour une longue durée"],"away":["absent"],"offline":["Déconnecté"],"Username":["Nom"],"user@domain":["utilisateur@domaine"],"Please enter a valid XMPP address":["Veuillez saisir une adresse XMPP valide"],"Log out":["Se déconnecter"],"Click to add new chat contacts":["Cliquez pour ajouter de nouveaux contacts"],"Add a contact":["Ajouter un contact"],"Contact name":["Nom du contact"],"Search":["Rechercher"],"e.g.":["e.g."],"Add":["Ajouter"],"No users found":["Aucun utilisateur trouvé"],"Click to add as a chat contact":["Cliquer pour ajouter aux contacts"],"Toggle chat":["Ouvrir la discussion"],"This room is not anonymous":["Ce salon n’est pas anonyme"],"This room now shows unavailable members":["Ce salon affiche maintenant les membres indisponibles"],"This room does not show unavailable members":["Ce salon n’affiche pas les membres indisponibles"],"The room configuration has changed":["Les paramètres de ce salon ont été modifiés"],"Room logging is now enabled":["Le logging du salon est activé"],"Room logging is now disabled":["Le logging du salon est désactivé"],"This room is now no longer anonymous":["Ce salon n’est plus anonyme"],"This room is now semi-anonymous":["Ce salon est maintenant semi-anonyme"],"This room is now fully-anonymous":["Ce salon est maintenant entièrement anonyme"],"A new room has been created":["Un nouveau salon a été créé"],"You have been banned from this room":["Vous avez été banni de ce salon"],"You have been kicked from this room":["Vous avez été expulsé de ce salon"],"You have been removed from this room because of an affiliation change":["Vous avez été retiré de ce salon du fait d’un changement d’affiliation"],"You have been removed from this room because the room has changed to members-only and you're not a member":["Vous avez été retiré de ce salon parce que ce salon est devenu réservé aux membres et vous n’êtes pas membre"],"You have been removed from this room because the MUC (Multi-user chat) service is being shut down":["Vous avez été retiré de ce salon parce que le service de chat multi-utilisateur (MUC) est en cours d’extinction"],"%1$s has been banned":["%1$s a été banni"],"%1$s's nickname has changed":["L’alias de %1$s a changé"],"%1$s has been kicked out":["%1$s a été expulsé"],"%1$s has been removed because of an affiliation change":["%1$s a été supprimé à cause d’un changement d’affiliation"],"%1$s has been removed for not being a member":["%1$s a été supprimé car il n’est pas membre"],"Your nickname has been automatically set to %1$s":["Votre alias a été automatiquement défini à : %1$s"],"Your nickname has been changed to %1$s":["Votre alias a été modifié en : %1$s"],"Message":["Message"],"%1$s is no longer a moderator.":["%1$s n’est plus un modérateur."],"%1$s has been given a voice again.":["%1$s peut de nouveau parler."],"%1$s has been muted.":["%1$s ne peut plus parler."],"%1$s is now a moderator.":["%1$s est désormais un modérateur."],"Close and leave this room":["Fermer et quitter ce salon"],"Configure this room":["Configurer ce salon"],"Hide the list of occupants":["Cacher la liste des participants"],"Error: the \"%1$s\" command takes two arguments, the user's nickname and optionally a reason.":["Erreur : la commande « %1$s » prend deux paramètres, le pseudo de l’utilisateur et une raison optionnelle."],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this room?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les messages de ce salon ?"],"Error: could not execute the command":["Erreur : la commande ne peut pas être exécutée"],"Change user's affiliation to admin":["Changer le rôle de l’utilisateur en administrateur"],"Ban user from room":["Bannir l’utilisateur du salon"],"Change user role to participant":["Changer le rôle de l’utilisateur en participant"],"Kick user from room":["Expulser l’utilisateur du salon"],"Write in 3rd person":["Écrire à la troisième personne"],"Grant membership to a user":["Autoriser l’utilisateur à être membre"],"Remove user's ability to post messages":["Retirer le droit d’envoyer des messages"],"Change your nickname":["Changer votre alias"],"Grant moderator role to user":["Changer le rôle de l’utilisateur en modérateur"],"Grant ownership of this room":["Accorder la propriété à ce salon"],"Revoke user's membership":["Révoquer l’utilisateur des membres"],"Set room subject":["Indiquer le sujet du salon"],"Set room subject (alias for /subject)":["Définir le sujet de la salle (alias pour /subject)"],"Allow muted user to post messages":["Autoriser les utilisateurs muets à poster des messages"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"The nickname you chose is reserved or currently in use, please choose a different one.":["L’alias choisi est réservé ou actuellment utilisé, veuillez en choisir un différent."],"Please choose your nickname":["Veuillez choisir votre alias"],"Nickname":["Alias"],"Enter room":["Entrer dans le salon"],"This chatroom requires a password":["Ce salon nécessite un mot de passe"],"Password: ":["Mot de passe : "],"This action was done by %1$s.":["Cette action a été réalisée par %1$s."],"The reason given is: \"%1$s\".":["La raison indiquée est : « %1$s »."],"%1$s has entered and left the room.":["%1$s a rejoint puis quitté le salon."],"%1$s has left the room.":["%1$s a quitté le salon."],"You are not on the member list of this room.":["Vous n’êtes pas dans la liste des membres de ce salon."],"You have been banned from this room.":["Vous avez été banni de ce salon."],"No nickname was specified.":["Aucun alias n’a été indiqué."],"You are not allowed to create new rooms.":["Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à créer des salons."],"Your nickname doesn't conform to this room's policies.":["Votre alias n’est pas conforme à la politique de ce salon."],"This room does not (yet) exist.":["Ce salon n’existe pas (pour l’instant)."],"This room has reached its maximum number of occupants.":["Ce salon a atteint sa limite maximale d’occupants."],"Topic set by %1$s to: %2$s":["Le sujet « %2$s » a été défini par %1$s"],"Click to mention %1$s in your message.":["Cliquer pour citer %1$s dans votre message."],"This user is a moderator.":["Cet utilisateur est un modérateur."],"This user can send messages in this room.":["Cet utilisateur peut envoyer des messages dans ce salon."],"This user can NOT send messages in this room.":["Cet utilisateur ne peut PAS envoyer de messages dans ce salon."],"Occupants":["Participants :"],"Invite":["Inviter"],"Features":["Caractéristiques"],"Hidden":["Caché"],"Message archiving":["Archivage des messages"],"Members only":["Membres uniquement"],"Moderated":["Modéré"],"Non-anonymous":["Non-anonyme"],"Open":["Ouvert"],"Password protected":["Protégé par mot de passe"],"Persistent":["Persistant"],"Public":["Public"],"Semi-anonymous":["Semi-anonyme"],"Temporary":["Temporaire"],"Unmoderated":["Non modéré"],"No password":["Pas de mot de passe"],"This room is not publicly searchable":["Ce salon ne peut pas être recherché publiquement"],"Messages are archived on the server":["Les messages sont archivés sur le serveur"],"This room is restricted to members only":["Ce salon est restreint aux membres uniquement"],"This room is being moderated":["Ce salon est modéré"],"All other room occupants can see your XMPP username":["Tous les autres occupants de ce salon peuvent voir votre nom d’utilisateur XMPP"],"Anyone can join this room":["N’importe qui peut rejoindre ce salon"],"This room requires a password before entry":["Ce salon nécessite un mot de passe pour y accéder"],"This room persists even if it's unoccupied":["Ce salon persiste même s'il est inoccupé"],"This room is publicly searchable":["Ce salon peut être recherché publiquement"],"Only moderators can see your XMPP username":["Seuls les modérateurs peuvent voir votre identifiant XMPP"],"This room will disappear once the last person leaves":["Ce salon disparaîtra au départ de la dernière personne"],"This room is not being moderated":["Ce salon n’est pas modéré"],"This room does not require a password upon entry":["Ce salon ne nécessite pas de mot de passe pour y accéder"],"Please enter a valid XMPP username":["Veuillez saisir un identifiant utilisateur XMPP valide"],"Room name":["Nom du salon"],"Server":["Serveur"],"Join Room":["Rejoindre"],"Show rooms":["Afficher les salons"],"Rooms":["Salons"],"Click to open this room":["Cliquer pour ouvrir ce salon"],"Show more information on this room":["Afficher davantage d’informations sur ce salon"],"Description:":["Description :"],"Room Address (JID):":["Adresse du salon (JID) :"],"Occupants:":["Participants :"],"Features:":["Caractéristiques :"],"Requires authentication":["Nécessite une authentification"],"Requires an invitation":["Nécessite une invitation"],"Open room":["Ouvrir un salon"],"Permanent room":["Salon permanent"],"Temporary room":["Salon temporaire"],"%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s":["%1$s vous invite à rejoindre le salon : %2$s"],"%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s, and left the following reason: \"%3$s\"":["%1$s vous invite à rejoindre le salon : %2$s, avec le message suivant: « %3$s »"],"Bookmark this room":["Marquer ce salon"],"The name for this bookmark:":["Nom de ce marque-page :"],"Would you like this room to be automatically joined upon startup?":["Voulez-vous rejoindre automatiquement ce salon au lancement ?"],"What should your nickname for this room be?":["Quel alias devrait être utilisé pour ce salon ?"],"Are you sure you want to remove the bookmark \"%1$s\"?":["Voulez-vous vraiment retirer le marque-page « %1$s » ?"],"Sorry, something went wrong while trying to save your bookmark.":["Désolé, quelque chose s’est mal passé pendant la sauvegarde de ce marque-page."],"Leave this room":["Quitter ce salon"],"Remove this bookmark":["Retirer ce marque-page"],"Unbookmark this room":["Retirer ce salon"],"Click to toggle the bookmarks list":["Cliquer pour ouvrir la liste des salons"],"Bookmarks":["Marques-page"],"Click to toggle the rooms list":["Cliquer pour ouvrir la liste des salons"],"Open Rooms":["Ouvrir les salons"],"Are you sure you want to leave the room \"%1$s\"?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer le marque-page « %1$s » ?"],"Re-establishing encrypted session":["Rétablissement d’une session chiffrée"],"Generating private key.":["Génération de la clé privée."],"Your browser might become unresponsive.":["Votre navigateur pourrait ne plus répondre."],"Authentication request from %1$s\n\nYour chat contact is attempting to verify your identity, by asking you the question below.\n\n%2$s":["Demande d’authentification de %1$s\n\nVotre contact tente de vérifier votre identité, en vous posant la question ci-dessous.\n\n%2$s"],"Could not verify this user's identify.":["L’identité de cet utilisateur ne peut pas être vérifiée."],"Exchanging private key with contact.":["Échange de la clef privée avec le contact."],"Your messages are not encrypted anymore":["Vos messages ne sont plus chiffrés"],"Your messages are now encrypted but your contact's identity has not been verified.":["Vos messages sont maintenant chiffrés mais l’identité de votre contact n’a pas encore été vérifiée."],"Your contact's identify has been verified.":["L’identité de votre contact a été vérifiée."],"Your contact has ended encryption on their end, you should do the same.":["Votre contact a arrêté le chiffrement de son côté, vous devriez le faire aussi."],"Your message could not be sent":["Votre message ne peut pas être envoyé"],"We received an unencrypted message":["Un message non chiffré a été reçu"],"We received an unreadable encrypted message":["Un message chiffré illisible a été reçu"],"Here are the fingerprints, please confirm them with %1$s, outside of this chat.\n\nFingerprint for you, %2$s: %3$s\n\nFingerprint for %1$s: %4$s\n\nIf you have confirmed that the fingerprints match, click OK, otherwise click Cancel.":["Voici les empreintes de sécurité, veuillez les confirmer avec %1$s, en dehors de ce chat.\n\nEmpreinte pour vous, %2$s : %3$s\n\nEmpreinte pour %1$s : %4$s\n\nSi vous avez confirmé que les empreintes correspondent, cliquez OK, sinon cliquez Annuler."],"You will be prompted to provide a security question and then an answer to that question.\n\nYour contact will then be prompted the same question and if they type the exact same answer (case sensitive), their identity will be verified.":["Vous allez être invité à fournir une question de sécurité et une réponse à cette question.\n\nVotre contact devra répondre à la même question et s’il fournit la même réponse (sensible à la casse), son identité sera vérifiée."],"What is your security question?":["Quelle est votre question de sécurité ?"],"What is the answer to the security question?":["Quelle est la réponse à la question de sécurité ?"],"Invalid authentication scheme provided":["Schéma d’authentification fourni non valide"],"Your messages are not encrypted. Click here to enable OTR encryption.":["Vos messages ne sont pas chiffrés. Cliquez ici pour activer le chiffrement OTR."],"Your messages are encrypted, but your contact has not been verified.":["Vos messages sont chiffrés, mais votre contact n’a pas été vérifié."],"Your messages are encrypted and your contact verified.":["Vos messages sont chiffrés et votre contact est vérifié."],"Your contact has closed their end of the private session, you should do the same":["Votre contact a fermé la session privée de son côté, vous devriez le faire aussi"],"End encrypted conversation":["Terminer la conversation chiffrée"],"Refresh encrypted conversation":["Actualiser la conversation chiffrée"],"Start encrypted conversation":["Démarrer une conversation chiffrée"],"Verify with fingerprints":["Vérifier par empreintes de sécurité"],"Verify with SMP":["Vérifier par Question/Réponse"],"What's this?":["Qu’est-ce que c’est ?"],"unencrypted":["chiffré"],"unverified":["non vérifié"],"verified":["vérifié"],"finished":["terminé"],"Don't have a chat account?":["Vous n’avez pas de compte ?"],"Create an account":["Créer un compte"],"Create your account":["Créer votre compte"],"Please enter the XMPP provider to register with:":["Veuillez saisir le fournisseur XMPP auprès duquel s’enregistrer :"],"Already have a chat account?":["Vous avez déjà un compte ?"],"Log in here":["Connectez-vous ici"],"Account Registration:":["Création de compte :"],"Register":["S’enregistrer"],"Choose a different provider":["Choisir un autre fournisseur"],"Hold tight, we're fetching the registration form…":["Ne bougez pas, on va chercher le formulaire d’inscription…"]," e.g.":[" e.g."],"Fetch registration form":["Récupération du formulaire d’enregistrement"],"Tip: A list of public XMPP providers is available":["Astuce : une liste publique de fournisseurs XMPP est disponible"],"here":["ici"],"Sorry, we're unable to connect to your chosen provider.":["Désolé, nous n’avons pas pu nous connecter à votre fournisseur."],"Sorry, the given provider does not support in band account registration. Please try with a different provider.":["Désolé, le fournisseur indiqué ne supporte pas l’enregistrement de compte en ligne. Merci d’essayer avec un autre fournisseur."],"Something went wrong while establishing a connection with \"%1$s\". Are you sure it exists?":["Quelque chose a échoué lors de l’établissement de la connexion avec « %1$s ». Existe-t-il vraiment ?"],"Now logging you in":["En cours de connexion"],"Registered successfully":["Enregistré avec succès"],"The provider rejected your registration attempt. Please check the values you entered for correctness.":["Le fournisseur a rejeté votre demande d’enregistrement."],"Notification from %1$s":["Notification depuis %1$s"],"%1$s says":["%1$s dit"],"has come online":["s’est déconnecté"],"wants to be your contact":["veut être votre contact"],"Minimize this chat box":["Réduire cette fenêtre de discussion"],"Click to restore this chat":["Cliquez pour afficher cette discussion"],"Minimized":["Réduit(s)"]}}}
\ No newline at end of file
{"domain":"converse","locale_data":{"converse":{"":{"domain":"converse","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"fr"},"The connection has dropped, attempting to reconnect.":["La connexion a été perdue, tentative de reconnexion en cours."],"An error occurred while connecting to the chat server.":["Une erreur est survenue lors de la connexion au serveur de discussion."],"Your Jabber ID and/or password is incorrect. Please try again.":["Votre identifiant Jabber ou votre mot de passe est incorrect. Veuillez réessayer."],"The XMPP server did not offer a supported authentication mechanism":["Le serveur XMPP n’a pas proposé un mécanisme d’authentification pris en charge"],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to add %1$s as a contact.":["Désolé, il y a eu une erreur lors de la tentative d’ajout de %1$s comme contact."],"This client does not allow presence subscriptions":["Ce client ne permet pas les mises à jour de disponibilité"],"Click to hide these contacts":["Cliquez pour cacher ces contacts"],"Close this chat box":["Fermer cette fenêtre de discussion"],"Personal message":["Message personnel"],"Send":["Envoyer"],"You have unread messages":["Vous avez de nouveaux messages"],"me":["moi"],"Typing from another device":["Saisie depuis un autre appareil"],"is typing":["écrit"],"Stopped typing on the other device":["Fin de saisie depuis l’autre appareil"],"has stopped typing":["a arrêté d’écrire"],"has gone away":["est parti"],"Remove messages":["Effacer les messages"],"Write in the third person":["Écrire à la troisième personne"],"Show this menu":["Afficher ce menu"],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this chat box?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les messages de cette conversation ?"],"has gone offline":["s’est déconnecté"],"is busy":["est occupé"],"Clear all messages":["Supprimer tous les messages"],"Insert a smiley":["Insérer une émoticône"],"Start a call":["Démarrer un appel"],"Login":["Connexion"],"Jabber ID:":["Identifiant Jabber :"],"Password:":["Mot de passe :"],"password":["Mot de passe"],"Submit":["Soumettre"],"Click here to log in anonymously":["Cliquez ici pour se connecter anonymement"],"This contact is busy":["Ce contact est occupé"],"This contact is online":["Ce contact est connecté"],"This contact is offline":["Ce contact est déconnecté"],"This contact is unavailable":["Ce contact est indisponible"],"This contact is away for an extended period":["Ce contact est absent"],"This contact is away":["Ce contact est absent"],"Contacts":["Contacts"],"Groups":["Groupes"],"My contacts":["Mes contacts"],"Pending contacts":["Contacts en attente"],"Contact requests":["Demandes de contacts"],"Ungrouped":["Sans groupe"],"Filter":["Filtrer"],"State":["Status"],"Any":["Aucun"],"Unread":["Non lu"],"Online":["En ligne"],"Chatty":["Bavard"],"Busy":["Occupé"],"Away":["Absent"],"Extended Away":["Absence longue durée"],"Offline":["Déconnecté"],"Click to remove %1$s as a contact":["Cliquez pour retirer le contact « %1$s »"],"Click to accept the contact request from %1$s":["Cliquez pour accepter la demande de « %1$s »"],"Click to decline the contact request from %1$s":["Cliquez pour décliner la demande de contact de « %1$s »"],"Click to chat with this contact":["Cliquez pour discuter avec ce contact"],"Name":["Nom"],"Are you sure you want to remove this contact?":["Voulez-vous vraiment retirer ce contact ?"],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to remove %1$s as a contact.":["Désolé, il y a eu une erreur lors de la tentative de retrait de %1$s comme contact."],"Are you sure you want to decline this contact request?":["Voulez-vous vraiment rejeter cette demande de contact ?"],"I am %1$s":["Je suis %1$s"],"Click here to write a custom status message":["Cliquez ici pour indiquer votre statut personnel"],"Click to change your chat status":["Cliquez pour changer votre statut"],"Custom status":["Statut personnel"],"Save":["Enregistrer"],"online":["en ligne"],"busy":["occupé"],"away for long":["absent pour une longue durée"],"away":["absent"],"offline":["Déconnecté"],"Username":["Nom"],"user@domain":["utilisateur@domaine"],"Please enter a valid XMPP address":["Veuillez saisir une adresse XMPP valide"],"Log out":["Se déconnecter"],"Click to add new chat contacts":["Cliquez pour ajouter de nouveaux contacts"],"Add a contact":["Ajouter un contact"],"Contact name":["Nom du contact"],"Search":["Rechercher"],"e.g.":["e.g."],"Add":["Ajouter"],"No users found":["Aucun utilisateur trouvé"],"Click to add as a chat contact":["Cliquer pour ajouter aux contacts"],"Toggle chat":["Ouvrir la discussion"],"This room is not anonymous":["Ce salon n’est pas anonyme"],"This room now shows unavailable members":["Ce salon affiche maintenant les membres indisponibles"],"This room does not show unavailable members":["Ce salon n’affiche pas les membres indisponibles"],"The room configuration has changed":["Les paramètres de ce salon ont été modifiés"],"Room logging is now enabled":["Le logging du salon est activé"],"Room logging is now disabled":["Le logging du salon est désactivé"],"This room is now no longer anonymous":["Ce salon n’est plus anonyme"],"This room is now semi-anonymous":["Ce salon est maintenant semi-anonyme"],"This room is now fully-anonymous":["Ce salon est maintenant entièrement anonyme"],"A new room has been created":["Un nouveau salon a été créé"],"You have been banned from this room":["Vous avez été banni de ce salon"],"You have been kicked from this room":["Vous avez été expulsé de ce salon"],"You have been removed from this room because of an affiliation change":["Vous avez été retiré de ce salon du fait d’un changement d’affiliation"],"You have been removed from this room because the room has changed to members-only and you're not a member":["Vous avez été retiré de ce salon parce que ce salon est devenu réservé aux membres et vous n’êtes pas membre"],"You have been removed from this room because the MUC (Multi-user chat) service is being shut down":["Vous avez été retiré de ce salon parce que le service de chat multi-utilisateur (MUC) est en cours d’extinction"],"%1$s has been banned":["%1$s a été banni"],"%1$s's nickname has changed":["L’alias de %1$s a changé"],"%1$s has been kicked out":["%1$s a été expulsé"],"%1$s has been removed because of an affiliation change":["%1$s a été supprimé à cause d’un changement d’affiliation"],"%1$s has been removed for not being a member":["%1$s a été supprimé car il n’est pas membre"],"Your nickname has been automatically set to %1$s":["Votre alias a été automatiquement défini à : %1$s"],"Your nickname has been changed to %1$s":["Votre alias a été modifié en : %1$s"],"Message":["Message"],"%1$s is no longer a moderator.":["%1$s n’est plus un modérateur."],"%1$s has been given a voice again.":["%1$s peut de nouveau parler."],"%1$s has been muted.":["%1$s ne peut plus parler."],"%1$s is now a moderator.":["%1$s est désormais un modérateur."],"Close and leave this room":["Fermer et quitter ce salon"],"Configure this room":["Configurer ce salon"],"Hide the list of occupants":["Cacher la liste des participants"],"Error: the \"%1$s\" command takes two arguments, the user's nickname and optionally a reason.":["Erreur : la commande « %1$s » prend deux paramètres, le pseudo de l’utilisateur et une raison optionnelle."],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this room?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les messages de ce salon ?"],"Error: could not execute the command":["Erreur : la commande ne peut pas être exécutée"],"Change user's affiliation to admin":["Changer le rôle de l’utilisateur en administrateur"],"Ban user from room":["Bannir l’utilisateur du salon"],"Change user role to participant":["Changer le rôle de l’utilisateur en participant"],"Kick user from room":["Expulser l’utilisateur du salon"],"Write in 3rd person":["Écrire à la troisième personne"],"Grant membership to a user":["Autoriser l’utilisateur à être membre"],"Remove user's ability to post messages":["Retirer le droit d’envoyer des messages"],"Change your nickname":["Changer votre alias"],"Grant moderator role to user":["Changer le rôle de l’utilisateur en modérateur"],"Grant ownership of this room":["Accorder la propriété à ce salon"],"Revoke user's membership":["Révoquer l’utilisateur des membres"],"Set room subject":["Indiquer le sujet du salon"],"Set room subject (alias for /subject)":["Définir le sujet de la salle (alias pour /subject)"],"Allow muted user to post messages":["Autoriser les utilisateurs muets à poster des messages"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"The nickname you chose is reserved or currently in use, please choose a different one.":["L’alias choisi est réservé ou actuellment utilisé, veuillez en choisir un différent."],"Please choose your nickname":["Veuillez choisir votre alias"],"Nickname":["Alias"],"Enter room":["Entrer dans le salon"],"This chatroom requires a password":["Ce salon nécessite un mot de passe"],"Password: ":["Mot de passe : "],"This action was done by %1$s.":["Cette action a été réalisée par %1$s."],"The reason given is: \"%1$s\".":["La raison indiquée est : « %1$s »."],"%1$s has entered and left the room.":["%1$s a rejoint puis quitté le salon."],"%1$s has left the room.":["%1$s a quitté le salon."],"You are not on the member list of this room.":["Vous n’êtes pas dans la liste des membres de ce salon."],"You have been banned from this room.":["Vous avez été banni de ce salon."],"No nickname was specified.":["Aucun alias n’a été indiqué."],"You are not allowed to create new rooms.":["Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à créer des salons."],"Your nickname doesn't conform to this room's policies.":["Votre alias n’est pas conforme à la politique de ce salon."],"This room does not (yet) exist.":["Ce salon n’existe pas (pour l’instant)."],"This room has reached its maximum number of occupants.":["Ce salon a atteint sa limite maximale d’occupants."],"Topic set by %1$s to: %2$s":["Le sujet « %2$s » a été défini par %1$s"],"Click to mention %1$s in your message.":["Cliquer pour citer %1$s dans votre message."],"This user is a moderator.":["Cet utilisateur est un modérateur."],"This user can send messages in this room.":["Cet utilisateur peut envoyer des messages dans ce salon."],"This user can NOT send messages in this room.":["Cet utilisateur ne peut PAS envoyer de messages dans ce salon."],"Occupants":["Participants :"],"Invite":["Inviter"],"Features":["Caractéristiques"],"Hidden":["Caché"],"Message archiving":["Archivage des messages"],"Members only":["Membres uniquement"],"Moderated":["Modéré"],"Non-anonymous":["Non-anonyme"],"Open":["Ouvert"],"Password protected":["Protégé par mot de passe"],"Persistent":["Persistant"],"Public":["Public"],"Semi-anonymous":["Semi-anonyme"],"Temporary":["Temporaire"],"Unmoderated":["Non modéré"],"No password":["Pas de mot de passe"],"This room is not publicly searchable":["Ce salon ne peut pas être recherché publiquement"],"Messages are archived on the server":["Les messages sont archivés sur le serveur"],"This room is restricted to members only":["Ce salon est restreint aux membres uniquement"],"This room is being moderated":["Ce salon est modéré"],"All other room occupants can see your XMPP username":["Tous les autres occupants de ce salon peuvent voir votre nom d’utilisateur XMPP"],"Anyone can join this room":["N’importe qui peut rejoindre ce salon"],"This room requires a password before entry":["Ce salon nécessite un mot de passe pour y accéder"],"This room persists even if it's unoccupied":["Ce salon persiste même s'il est inoccupé"],"This room is publicly searchable":["Ce salon peut être recherché publiquement"],"Only moderators can see your XMPP username":["Seuls les modérateurs peuvent voir votre identifiant XMPP"],"This room will disappear once the last person leaves":["Ce salon disparaîtra au départ de la dernière personne"],"This room is not being moderated":["Ce salon n’est pas modéré"],"This room does not require a password upon entry":["Ce salon ne nécessite pas de mot de passe pour y accéder"],"Please enter a valid XMPP username":["Veuillez saisir un identifiant utilisateur XMPP valide"],"Room name":["Nom du salon"],"Server":["Serveur"],"Join Room":["Rejoindre"],"Show rooms":["Afficher les salons"],"Rooms":["Salons"],"Click to open this room":["Cliquer pour ouvrir ce salon"],"Show more information on this room":["Afficher davantage d’informations sur ce salon"],"Description:":["Description :"],"Room Address (JID):":["Adresse du salon (JID) :"],"Occupants:":["Participants :"],"Features:":["Caractéristiques :"],"Requires authentication":["Nécessite une authentification"],"Requires an invitation":["Nécessite une invitation"],"Open room":["Ouvrir un salon"],"Permanent room":["Salon permanent"],"Temporary room":["Salon temporaire"],"%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s":["%1$s vous invite à rejoindre le salon : %2$s"],"%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s, and left the following reason: \"%3$s\"":["%1$s vous invite à rejoindre le salon : %2$s, avec le message suivant: « %3$s »"],"Bookmark this room":["Marquer ce salon"],"The name for this bookmark:":["Nom de ce marque-page :"],"Would you like this room to be automatically joined upon startup?":["Voulez-vous rejoindre automatiquement ce salon au lancement ?"],"What should your nickname for this room be?":["Quel alias devrait être utilisé pour ce salon ?"],"Are you sure you want to remove the bookmark \"%1$s\"?":["Voulez-vous vraiment retirer le marque-page « %1$s » ?"],"Sorry, something went wrong while trying to save your bookmark.":["Désolé, quelque chose s’est mal passé pendant la sauvegarde de ce marque-page."],"Leave this room":["Quitter ce salon"],"Remove this bookmark":["Retirer ce marque-page"],"Unbookmark this room":["Retirer ce salon"],"Click to toggle the bookmarks list":["Cliquer pour ouvrir la liste des salons"],"Bookmarks":["Marques-page"],"Click to toggle the rooms list":["Cliquer pour ouvrir la liste des salons"],"Open Rooms":["Ouvrir les salons"],"Are you sure you want to leave the room \"%1$s\"?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer le marque-page « %1$s » ?"],"Re-establishing encrypted session":["Rétablissement d’une session chiffrée"],"Generating private key.":["Génération de la clé privée."],"Your browser might become unresponsive.":["Votre navigateur pourrait ne plus répondre."],"Authentication request from %1$s\n\nYour chat contact is attempting to verify your identity, by asking you the question below.\n\n%2$s":["Demande d’authentification de %1$s\n\nVotre contact tente de vérifier votre identité, en vous posant la question ci-dessous.\n\n%2$s"],"Could not verify this user's identify.":["L’identité de cet utilisateur ne peut pas être vérifiée."],"Exchanging private key with contact.":["Échange de la clef privée avec le contact."],"Your messages are not encrypted anymore":["Vos messages ne sont plus chiffrés"],"Your messages are now encrypted but your contact's identity has not been verified.":["Vos messages sont maintenant chiffrés mais l’identité de votre contact n’a pas encore été vérifiée."],"Your contact's identify has been verified.":["L’identité de votre contact a été vérifiée."],"Your contact has ended encryption on their end, you should do the same.":["Votre contact a arrêté le chiffrement de son côté, vous devriez le faire aussi."],"Your message could not be sent":["Votre message ne peut pas être envoyé"],"We received an unencrypted message":["Un message non chiffré a été reçu"],"We received an unreadable encrypted message":["Un message chiffré illisible a été reçu"],"Here are the fingerprints, please confirm them with %1$s, outside of this chat.\n\nFingerprint for you, %2$s: %3$s\n\nFingerprint for %1$s: %4$s\n\nIf you have confirmed that the fingerprints match, click OK, otherwise click Cancel.":["Voici les empreintes de sécurité, veuillez les confirmer avec %1$s, en dehors de ce chat.\n\nEmpreinte pour vous, %2$s : %3$s\n\nEmpreinte pour %1$s : %4$s\n\nSi vous avez confirmé que les empreintes correspondent, cliquez OK, sinon cliquez Annuler."],"You will be prompted to provide a security question and then an answer to that question.\n\nYour contact will then be prompted the same question and if they type the exact same answer (case sensitive), their identity will be verified.":["Vous allez être invité à fournir une question de sécurité et une réponse à cette question.\n\nVotre contact devra répondre à la même question et s’il fournit la même réponse (sensible à la casse), son identité sera vérifiée."],"What is your security question?":["Quelle est votre question de sécurité ?"],"What is the answer to the security question?":["Quelle est la réponse à la question de sécurité ?"],"Invalid authentication scheme provided":["Schéma d’authentification fourni non valide"],"Your messages are not encrypted. Click here to enable OTR encryption.":["Vos messages ne sont pas chiffrés. Cliquez ici pour activer le chiffrement OTR."],"Your messages are encrypted, but your contact has not been verified.":["Vos messages sont chiffrés, mais votre contact n’a pas été vérifié."],"Your messages are encrypted and your contact verified.":["Vos messages sont chiffrés et votre contact est vérifié."],"Your contact has closed their end of the private session, you should do the same":["Votre contact a fermé la session privée de son côté, vous devriez le faire aussi"],"End encrypted conversation":["Terminer la conversation chiffrée"],"Refresh encrypted conversation":["Actualiser la conversation chiffrée"],"Start encrypted conversation":["Démarrer une conversation chiffrée"],"Verify with fingerprints":["Vérifier par empreintes de sécurité"],"Verify with SMP":["Vérifier par Question/Réponse"],"What's this?":["Qu’est-ce que c’est ?"],"unencrypted":["chiffré"],"unverified":["non vérifié"],"verified":["vérifié"],"finished":["terminé"],"Don't have a chat account?":["Vous n’avez pas de compte ?"],"Create an account":["Créer un compte"],"Create your account":["Créer votre compte"],"Please enter the XMPP provider to register with:":["Veuillez saisir le fournisseur XMPP auprès duquel s’enregistrer :"],"Already have a chat account?":["Vous avez déjà un compte ?"],"Log in here":["Connectez-vous ici"],"Account Registration:":["Création de compte :"],"Register":["S’enregistrer"],"Choose a different provider":["Choisir un autre fournisseur"],"Hold tight, we're fetching the registration form…":["Ne bougez pas, on va chercher le formulaire d’inscription…"]," e.g.":[" e.g."],"Fetch registration form":["Récupération du formulaire d’enregistrement"],"Tip: A list of public XMPP providers is available":["Astuce : une liste publique de fournisseurs XMPP est disponible"],"here":["ici"],"Sorry, we're unable to connect to your chosen provider.":["Désolé, nous n’avons pas pu nous connecter à votre fournisseur."],"Sorry, the given provider does not support in band account registration. Please try with a different provider.":["Désolé, le fournisseur indiqué ne supporte pas l’enregistrement de compte en ligne. Merci d’essayer avec un autre fournisseur."],"Something went wrong while establishing a connection with \"%1$s\". Are you sure it exists?":["Quelque chose a échoué lors de l’établissement de la connexion avec « %1$s ». Existe-t-il vraiment ?"],"Now logging you in":["En cours de connexion"],"Registered successfully":["Enregistré avec succès"],"The provider rejected your registration attempt. Please check the values you entered for correctness.":["Le fournisseur a rejeté votre demande d’enregistrement."],"Notification from %1$s":["Notification depuis %1$s"],"%1$s says":["%1$s dit"],"has come online":["s’est déconnecté"],"wants to be your contact":["veut être votre contact"],"Minimize this chat box":["Réduire cette fenêtre de discussion"],"Click to restore this chat":["Cliquez pour afficher cette discussion"],"Minimized":["Réduit(s)"]}}}
\ No newline at end of file
{"domain":"converse","locale_data":{"converse":{"":{"domain":"converse","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"zh_Hans"},"The connection has dropped, attempting to reconnect.":["连接已经掉线,正在尝试重新连接。"],"An error occurred while connecting to the chat server.":["连接至聊天服务器时出现问题。"],"Your Jabber ID and/or password is incorrect. Please try again.":["你的Jabber ID或密码不正确,请重新输入。"],"Sorry, we could not connect to the XMPP host with domain: ":["抱歉,我们未能连接至此XMPP服务器: "],"The XMPP server did not offer a supported authentication mechanism":["XMPP服务器没有提供我们支持的验证方法"],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to add %1$s as a contact.":["抱歉,添加%1$s为联系人时出现了问题。"],"This client does not allow presence subscriptions":[""],"Click to hide these contacts":["按此隐藏联系人"],"Close this chat box":["关闭此聊天对话窗口"],"Personal message":["个人信息"],"Send":["发送"],"You have unread messages":["你有未读信息"],"me":["我"],"A very large message has been received. This might be due to an attack meant to degrade the chat performance. Output has been shortened.":["我们接收了一个非常大的信息。这可能是一个攻击,意图以信息的大小降低聊天质量。所以,我们缩短了输出的信息。"],"Typing from another device":["正在另一个装置上输入"],"is typing":["正在输入"],"Stopped typing on the other device":["已在另一个装置上停止输入"],"has stopped typing":["已停止输入"],"has gone away":["已经离开"],"Show this menu":["显示此菜单"],"Write in the third person":["以第三人称输入"],"Remove messages":["删除信息"],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this chat box?":["你确定要清除对话窗口的所有信息?"],"has gone offline":["已离线"],"is busy":["在忙碌"],"Clear all messages":["清除所有信息"],"Insert a smiley":["输入表情"],"Start a call":["开始语音通话"],"Login":["登录"],"Jabber ID:":["Jabber ID:"],"Password:":["密码:"],"password":["密码"],"Submit":["提交"],"Click here to log in anonymously":["按此以匿名登录"],"This contact is busy":["此联系人正在忙碌"],"This contact is online":["此联系人在线"],"This contact is offline":["此联系人不在线"],"This contact is unavailable":["此联系人不可用"],"This contact is away for an extended period":["此联系人已离开了一段长时间"],"This contact is away":["此联系人已离开"],"Contacts":["联系人"],"Groups":["群组"],"My contacts":["我的联系人"],"Pending contacts":[""],"Contact requests":["联系人请求"],"Ungrouped":[""],"Filter":["筛选"],"State":[""],"Any":[""],"Unread":["未读"],"Online":["在线"],"Chatty":["经常联系"],"Busy":["忙碌"],"Away":["离开"],"Extended Away":["长期离开"],"Offline":["离线"],"Click to remove %1$s as a contact":["按此删除%1$s为联络人"],"Click to accept the contact request from %1$s":["按此接受%1$s的联系人请求"],"Click to decline the contact request from %1$s":["按此拒绝%1$s的联系人请求"],"Click to chat with this contact":["按此与此联系人聊天"],"Name":["名称"],"Are you sure you want to remove this contact?":["你确定要删除此联系人吗?"],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to remove %1$s as a contact.":["抱歉,删除%1$s为联系人时出现了问题。"],"Are you sure you want to decline this contact request?":["你确定要拒绝此联系人请求吗?"],"I am %1$s":["我正%1$s"],"Click here to write a custom status message":["按此填写个性签名"],"Click to change your chat status":["按此更改你的聊天状态"],"Custom status":["个性签名"],"Save":["保存"],"online":["在线"],"busy":["忙碌"],"away 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change":[""],"You have been removed from this room because the room has changed to members-only and you're not a member":[""],"You have been removed from this room because the MUC (Multi-user chat) service is being shut down":[""],"%1$s has been banned":[""],"%1$s's nickname has changed":[""],"%1$s has been kicked out":[""],"%1$s has been removed because of an affiliation change":[""],"%1$s has been removed for not being a member":[""],"Your nickname has been automatically set to %1$s":[""],"Your nickname has been changed to %1$s":[""],"Message":[""],"%1$s is no longer a moderator.":[""],"%1$s has been given a voice again.":[""],"%1$s has been muted.":[""],"%1$s is now a moderator.":[""],"Close and leave this room":[""],"Configure this room":[""],"Hide the list of occupants":[""],"Error: the \"%1$s\" command takes two arguments, the user's nickname and optionally a reason.":[""],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this room?":[""],"Error: could not execute the command":[""],"Change user's affiliation to admin":[""],"Ban user from room":[""],"Change user role to participant":[""],"Kick user from room":[""],"Write in 3rd person":[""],"Grant membership to a user":[""],"Remove user's ability to post messages":[""],"Change your nickname":[""],"Grant moderator role to user":[""],"Grant ownership of this room":[""],"Revoke user's membership":[""],"Set room subject":[""],"Set room subject (alias for /subject)":[""],"Allow muted user to post messages":[""],"Cancel":[""],"The nickname you chose is reserved or currently in use, please choose a different one.":[""],"Please choose your nickname":[""],"Nickname":[""],"Enter room":[""],"This chatroom requires a password":[""],"Password: ":[""],"This action was done by %1$s.":[""],"The reason given is: \"%1$s\".":[""]," has left and re-entered the room.":[""]," has entered the room.":[""],"%1$s has entered and left the room.":[""],"%1$s has left the room.":[""],"You are not on the member list of this room.":[""],"You have been banned from this room.":[""],"No nickname was specified.":[""],"You are not allowed to create new rooms.":[""],"Your nickname doesn't conform to this room's policies.":[""],"This room does not (yet) exist.":[""],"This room has reached its maximum number of occupants.":[""],"Topic set by %1$s to: %2$s":[""],"Click to mention %1$s in your message.":[""],"This user is a moderator.":[""],"This user can send messages in this room.":[""],"This user can NOT send messages in this room.":[""],"Occupants":[""],"Invite":[""],"Features":[""],"Hidden":[""],"Message archiving":[""],"Members only":[""],"Moderated":[""],"Non-anonymous":[""],"Open":[""],"Password protected":[""],"Persistent":[""],"Public":[""],"Semi-anonymous":[""],"Temporary":[""],"Unmoderated":[""],"No password":[""],"This room is not publicly searchable":[""],"Messages are archived on the server":[""],"This room is restricted to members only":[""],"This room is being moderated":[""],"All other room occupants can see your XMPP username":[""],"Anyone can join this room":[""],"This room requires a password before entry":[""],"This room persists even if it's unoccupied":[""],"This room is publicly searchable":[""],"Only moderators can see your XMPP username":[""],"This room will disappear once the last person leaves":[""],"This room is not being moderated":[""],"This room does not require a password upon entry":[""],"You are about to invite %1$s to the chat room \"%2$s\". ":[""],"You may optionally include a message, explaining the reason for the invitation.":[""],"Please enter a valid XMPP username":[""],"Room name":[""],"Server":[""],"Join Room":[""],"Show rooms":[""],"Rooms":[""],"No rooms on %1$s":[""],"Rooms on %1$s":[""],"Click to open this room":[""],"Show more information on this room":[""],"Description:":[""],"Room Address (JID):":[""],"Occupants:":[""],"Features:":[""],"Requires authentication":[""],"Requires an invitation":[""],"Open room":[""],"Permanent room":[""],"Temporary room":[""],"%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s":[""],"%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s, and left the following reason: \"%3$s\"":[""],"Bookmark this room":[""],"The name for this bookmark:":[""],"Would you like this room to be automatically joined upon startup?":[""],"What should your nickname for this room be?":[""],"Are you sure you want to remove the bookmark \"%1$s\"?":[""],"Sorry, something went wrong while trying to save your bookmark.":[""],"Click to toggle the bookmarks list":[""],"Bookmarks":[""],"Leave this room":[""],"Remove this bookmark":[""],"Unbookmark this room":[""],"Click to toggle the rooms list":[""],"Open Rooms":[""],"Are you sure you want to leave the room \"%1$s\"?":[""],"Re-establishing encrypted session":[""],"Generating private key.":[""],"Your browser might become unresponsive.":[""],"Authentication request from %1$s\n\nYour chat contact is attempting to verify your identity, by asking you the question below.\n\n%2$s":[""],"Could not verify this user's identify.":[""],"Exchanging private key with contact.":[""],"Your messages are not encrypted anymore":[""],"Your messages are now encrypted but your contact's identity has not been verified.":[""],"Your contact's identify has been verified.":[""],"Your contact has ended encryption on their end, you should do the same.":[""],"Your message could not be sent":[""],"We received an unencrypted message":[""],"We received an unreadable encrypted message":[""],"Here are the fingerprints, please confirm them with %1$s, outside of this chat.\n\nFingerprint for you, %2$s: %3$s\n\nFingerprint for %1$s: %4$s\n\nIf you have confirmed that the fingerprints match, click OK, otherwise click Cancel.":[""],"You will be prompted to provide a security question and then an answer to that question.\n\nYour contact will then be prompted the same question and if they type the exact same answer (case sensitive), their identity will be verified.":[""],"What is your security question?":[""],"What is the answer to the security question?":[""],"Invalid authentication scheme provided":[""],"Your messages are not encrypted. Click here to enable OTR encryption.":[""],"Your messages are encrypted, but your contact has not been verified.":[""],"Your messages are encrypted and your contact verified.":[""],"Your contact has closed their end of the private session, you should do the same":[""],"End encrypted conversation":[""],"Refresh encrypted conversation":[""],"Start encrypted conversation":[""],"Verify with fingerprints":[""],"Verify with SMP":[""],"What's this?":[""],"unencrypted":[""],"unverified":[""],"verified":[""],"finished":[""],"Don't have a chat account?":[""],"Create an account":[""],"Create your account":[""],"Please enter the XMPP provider to register with:":[""],"Already have a chat account?":[""],"Log in here":[""],"Account Registration:":[""],"Register":[""],"Choose a different provider":[""],"Hold tight, we're fetching the registration form…":[""]," e.g.":[""],"Fetch registration form":[""],"Tip: A list of public XMPP providers is available":[""],"here":[""],"Sorry, we're unable to connect to your chosen provider.":[""],"Sorry, the given provider does not support in band account registration. Please try with a different provider.":[""],"Something went wrong while establishing a connection with \"%1$s\". Are you sure it exists?":[""],"Now logging you in":[""],"Registered successfully":[""],"The provider rejected your registration attempt. Please check the values you entered for correctness.":[""],"Notification from %1$s":[""],"%1$s says":[""],"has come online":[""],"wants to be your contact":[""],"Minimize this chat box":[""],"Click to restore this chat":[""],"Minimized":[""]}}}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
locales: [
'af', 'ca', 'de', 'es', 'en', 'fr', 'he',
'hu', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'nb', 'nl',
'pl', 'pt_BR', 'ru', 'uk', 'zh'
'pl', 'pt_BR', 'ru', 'uk', 'zh', 'zh_Hans'
message_carbons: true,
message_storage: 'session',
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