Commit c2a09996 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Put CSS files also in `./dist`

parent dd20fc4b
# Distribution directory
# Editor fluff
......@@ -18,18 +20,11 @@ pip-selfcheck.json
# python/buildout
# virtualenv/python/buildout
......@@ -37,10 +32,11 @@ share
......@@ -55,12 +51,6 @@ docs/doctrees
# Node.js
# Virtualenv/Buildout
......@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ release:
$(INSTALL) -D dist/converse-headless.js 'converse-assets-$(VERSION)/converse-headless.js'
$(INSTALL) -D src/headless/dist/converse-headless.min.js 'converse-assets-$(VERSION)/converse-headless.min.js'
$(INSTALL) -D src/headless/dist/ 'converse-assets-$(VERSION)/'
$(INSTALL) -D css/converse.css 'converse-assets-$(VERSION)/css/converse.css'
$(INSTALL) -D css/converse.min.css 'converse-assets-$(VERSION)/css/converse.min.css'
cp -r css/webfonts 'converse-assets-$(VERSION)/css/'
$(INSTALL) -D dist/converse.css 'converse-assets-$(VERSION)/dist/converse.css'
$(INSTALL) -D dist/converse.min.css 'converse-assets-$(VERSION)/dist/converse.min.css'
cp -r dist/webfonts 'converse-assets-$(VERSION)/dist/'
cp -r sounds 'converse-assets-$(VERSION)/'
find locale -type f -name '*.json' \
-exec $(INSTALL) -D '{}' 'converse-assets-$(VERSION)/{}' \;
......@@ -130,9 +130,9 @@ stamp-npm: $(LERNA) package.json package-lock.json src/headless/package.json
rm -rf node_modules stamp-npm
rm -f dist/*.min.js*
rm -f css/*.min.css
rm -f css/*.map
rm -f css/*.zip
rm -f dist/*.min.css
rm -f dist/*.map
rm -f dist/*.zip
rm -f *.zip
.PHONY: dev
......@@ -142,23 +142,25 @@ dev: stamp-npm
## Builds
.PHONY: css
css: sass/*.scss css/converse.css css/converse.min.css css/website.css css/website.min.css css/font-awesome.css
css: sass/*.scss dist/converse.css dist/converse.min.css dist/website.css dist/website.min.css dist/font-awesome.css
css/converse.css:: stamp-npm webpack.config.js sass
dist/converse.css:: stamp-npm webpack.config.js sass
$(NPX) webpack --type=css --mode=development
css/website.css:: stamp-npm sass
dist/website.css:: stamp-npm sass
$(SASS) --source-map true --include-path $(BOURBON) --include-path $(BOOTSTRAP) sass/website.scss $@
css/font-awesome.css:: stamp-npm sass
dist/font-awesome.css:: stamp-npm sass
$(SASS) --source-map true --include-path $(BOURBON) --include-path $(BOOTSTRAP) sass/font-awesome.scss $@
css/%.min.css:: css/%.css
make stamp-npm
dist/converse.min.css:: stamp-npm dist/converse.css
$(CLEANCSS) $< > $@
dist/website.min.css:: stamp-npm dist/website.css
$(CLEANCSS) $< > $@
.PHONY: watchcss
watchcss: stamp-npm
watchcss: stamp-npm
$(NPX) webpack --type=css --mode=development --watch
.PHONY: watchjs
......@@ -236,7 +238,7 @@ eslint: stamp-npm
$(ESLINT) spec/
.PHONY: check
check: eslint dist/converse.js
check: eslint dist/converse.js
LOG_CR_VERBOSITY=INFO $(CHROMIUM) --disable-gpu --no-sandbox http://localhost:$(HTTPSERVE_PORT)/tests/index.html
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
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