Commit 31376840 authored by Vitja Makarov's avatar Vitja Makarov

Speedup flow-control by using big-integer bitsets instead of native python sets

parent 4c644da3
......@@ -10,6 +10,13 @@ cdef class ControlBlock:
cdef public dict input
cdef public dict output
# Big integer it bitsets
cdef public object i_input
cdef public object i_output
cdef public object i_gen
cdef public object i_kill
cdef public object i_state
cpdef bint empty(self)
cpdef detach(self)
cpdef add_child(self, block)
......@@ -17,6 +24,20 @@ cdef class ControlBlock:
cdef class ExitBlock(ControlBlock):
cpdef bint empty(self)
cdef class NameAssignment:
cdef public bint is_arg
cdef public object lhs
cdef public object rhs
cdef public object entry
cdef public object pos
cdef public set refs
cdef public object bit
cdef class AssignmentList:
cdef public object bit
cdef public object mask
cdef public list stats
cdef class ControlFlow:
cdef public set blocks
cdef public set entries
......@@ -27,6 +48,8 @@ cdef class ControlFlow:
cdef public ExitBlock exit_point
cdef public ControlBlock block
cdef public dict assmts
cpdef newblock(self, parent=*)
cpdef nextblock(self, parent=*)
cpdef bint is_tracked(self, entry)
......@@ -37,6 +60,16 @@ cdef class ControlFlow:
cpdef mark_reference(self, node, entry)
cpdef normalize(self)
@cython.locals(offset=object, assmts=AssignmentList,
cpdef initialize(self)
@cython.locals(assmts=AssignmentList, assmt=NameAssignment)
cpdef set map_one(self, istate, entry)
@cython.locals(block=ControlBlock, parent=ControlBlock)
cdef reaching_definitions(self)
cdef class Uninitialized:
......@@ -55,6 +55,12 @@ class ControlBlock(object):
self.gen = {}
self.bounded = set()
self.i_input = 0
self.i_output = 0
self.i_gen = 0
self.i_kill = 0
self.i_state = 0
def empty(self):
return (not self.stats and not self.positions)
......@@ -79,6 +85,11 @@ class ExitBlock(ControlBlock):
return False
class AssignmentList:
def __init__(self):
self.stats = []
class ControlFlow(object):
"""Control-flow graph.
......@@ -196,6 +207,68 @@ class ControlFlow(object):
self.blocks -= unreachable
def initialize(self):
"""Set initial state, map assignments to bits."""
self.assmts = {}
offset = 0
for entry in self.entries:
assmts = AssignmentList()
assmts.bit = 1 << offset
assmts.mask = assmts.bit
self.assmts[entry] = assmts
offset += 1
for block in self.blocks:
for stat in block.stats:
if isinstance(stat, NameAssignment):
stat.bit = 1 << offset
assmts = self.assmts[stat.entry]
assmts.mask |= stat.bit
offset += 1
for block in self.blocks:
for entry, stat in block.gen.items():
assmts = self.assmts[entry]
if stat is Uninitialized:
block.i_gen |= assmts.bit
block.i_gen |= stat.bit
block.i_kill |= assmts.mask
block.i_output = block.i_gen
for entry in block.bounded:
block.i_kill |= self.assmts[entry].bit
for assmts in self.assmts.itervalues():
self.entry_point.i_gen |= assmts.bit
self.entry_point.i_output = self.entry_point.i_gen
def map_one(self, istate, entry):
ret = set()
assmts = self.assmts[entry]
if istate & assmts.bit:
for assmt in assmts.stats:
if istate & assmt.bit:
return ret
def reaching_definitions(self):
"""Per-block reaching definitions analysis."""
dirty = True
while dirty:
dirty = False
for block in self.blocks:
i_input = 0
for parent in block.parents:
i_input |= parent.i_output
i_output = (i_input & ~block.i_kill) | block.i_gen
if i_output != block.i_output:
dirty = True
block.i_input = i_input
block.i_output = i_output
class LoopDescr(object):
def __init__(self, next_block, loop_block):
......@@ -218,8 +291,6 @@ class ExceptionDescr(object):
self.finally_exit = finally_exit
class NameAssignment(object):
is_arg = False
def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, entry):
if lhs.cf_state is None:
lhs.cf_state = set()
......@@ -228,6 +299,7 @@ class NameAssignment(object):
self.entry = entry
self.pos = lhs.pos
self.refs = set()
self.is_arg = False
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(entry=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.entry)
......@@ -337,47 +409,8 @@ class MessageCollection(list):
def check_definitions(flow, compiler_directives):
"""Based on algo 9.11 from Dragon Book."""
# Initialize
for block in flow.blocks:
block.input = {}
block.output = {}
for entry, item in block.gen.items():
block.output[entry] = set([item])
entry_point = flow.entry_point
entry_point.input = {}
entry_point.output = {}
for entry in flow.entries:
entry_point.gen[entry] = Uninitialized
entry_point.output[entry] = set([Uninitialized])
# Per-block reaching definitons
dirty = True
while dirty:
dirty = False
for block in flow.blocks:
input = {}
for parent in block.parents:
for entry, items in parent.output.iteritems():
if entry in input:
input[entry] = set(items)
output = {}
for entry, items in input.iteritems():
if entry in block.gen:
output[entry] = set(items)
if entry in block.bounded:
for entry, item in block.gen.iteritems():
output[entry] = set([item])
if not dirty:
if output != block.output:
dirty = True
block.input = input
block.output = output
# Track down state
assignments = set()
......@@ -386,27 +419,28 @@ def check_definitions(flow, compiler_directives):
assmt_nodes = set()
for block in flow.blocks:
state = {}
for entry, items in block.input.iteritems():
state[entry] = set(items)
i_state = block.i_input
for stat in block.stats:
i_assmts = flow.assmts[stat.entry]
state = flow.map_one(i_state, stat.entry)
if isinstance(stat, NameAssignment):
i_state = i_state & ~i_assmts.mask
if stat.rhs:
state[stat.entry] = set([stat])
i_state |= stat.bit
state[stat.entry] = set([Uninitialized])
i_state |= i_assmts.bit
elif isinstance(stat, NameReference):
references[stat.node] = stat.entry
if not stat.node.allow_null:
for assmt in state[stat.entry]:
if assmt is not Uninitialized:
i_state &= ~i_assmts.bit
for assmt in state:
# Check variable usage
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