Commit 60e3f979 authored by scoder's avatar scoder

Merge pull request #420 from andreasvc/master

document array module
parents 5fe857dc ef1a33e3
......@@ -20,13 +20,16 @@ Safe usage with memory views
from cpython cimport array as c_array
from array import array
cdef c_array.array a = array('i', [1, 2, 3])
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])
cdef int[:] ca = a
print ca[0]
NB: the import brings the regular Python array object into the namespace
while the cimport adds functions accessible from Cython.
A Python array is constructed with a type signature and sequence of
initial values. For the possible type signatures, refer to the Python
documentation for the `array module <>`_.
......@@ -36,9 +39,9 @@ memory view, there will be a slight overhead to construct the memory
view. However, from that point on the variable can be passed to other
functions without overhead, so long as it is typed::
from cpython cimport array as c_array
from array import array
cdef c_array.array a = array('i', [1, 2, 3])
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])
cdef int[:] ca = a
cdef int overhead(object a):
......@@ -60,10 +63,10 @@ right type and signedness.
from cpython cimport array as c_array
from array import array
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef c_array.array a = array('i', [1, 2, 3])
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])
# access underlying pointer:
......@@ -71,6 +74,10 @@ right type and signedness.
from libc.string cimport memset
memset(, 0, len(a) * sizeof(int))
Note that any length-changing operation on the array object may invalidate the
Cloning, extending arrays
To avoid having to use the array constructor from the Python module,
......@@ -80,14 +87,14 @@ zero when requested.
from cpython cimport array as c_array
from array import array
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef c_array.array int_array_template = array('i', [])
cdef c_array.array newarray
cdef array.array int_array_template = array.array('i', [])
cdef array.array newarray
# create an array with 3 elements with same type as template
newarray = c_array.clone(int_array_template, 3, zero=False)
newarray = array.clone(int_array_template, 3, zero=False)
An array can also be extended and resized; this avoids repeated memory
reallocation which would occur if elements would be appended or removed
......@@ -95,13 +102,88 @@ one by one.
from cpython cimport array as c_array
from array import array
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef c_array.array a = array('i', [1, 2, 3])
cdef c_array.array b = array('i', [4, 5, 6])
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])
cdef array.array b = array.array('i', [4, 5, 6])
# extend a with b, resize as needed
c_array.extend(a, b)
array.extend(a, b)
# resize a, leaving just original three elements
c_array.resize(a, len(a) - len(b))
array.resize(a, len(a) - len(b))
API reference
Data fields
Direct access to the underlying contiguous C array, with given type;
e.g., ````.
The following functions are available to Cython from the array module::
int resize(array self, Py_ssize_t n) except -1
Fast resize / realloc. Not suitable for repeated, small increments; resizes
underlying array to exactly the requested amount.
int resize_smart(array self, Py_ssize_t n) except -1
Efficient for small increments (not available in Python 2.3 and lower); uses
growth pattern that delivers amortized linear-time appends.
cdef inline array clone(array template, Py_ssize_t length, bint zero)
Fast creation of a new array, given a template array. Type will be same as
``template``. If zero is ``True``, new array will be initialized with zeroes.
cdef inline array copy(array self)
Make a copy of an array.
cdef inline int extend_buffer(array self, char* stuff, Py_ssize_t n) except -1
Efficient appending of new data of same type (e.g. of same array type)
``n``: number of elements (not number of bytes!)
cdef inline int extend(array self, array other) except -1
Extend array with data from another array; types must match.
cdef inline void zero(array self)
Set all elements of array to zero.
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