Commit 8514f0f8 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Merge branch 'late_includes_auto'

parents 1c4f32b9 4592586d
......@@ -985,6 +985,7 @@ class GlobalState(object):
......@@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
if x not in L1:
extend_if_not_in(self.scope.include_files, scope.include_files)
extend_if_not_in(self.scope.include_files_early, scope.include_files_early)
extend_if_not_in(self.scope.include_files_late, scope.include_files_late)
extend_if_not_in(self.scope.included_files, scope.included_files)
......@@ -362,6 +363,10 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
code.putln("/* Implementation of '%s' */" % env.qualified_name)
code = globalstate['late_includes']
code.putln("/* Late includes */")
self.generate_includes(env, modules, code, early=False)
code = globalstate['all_the_rest']
self.generate_cached_builtins_decls(env, code)
......@@ -653,7 +658,8 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
code.putln("#define %s" % Naming.h_guard_prefix + self.api_name(env))
code.putln("#define %s" % Naming.api_guard_prefix + self.api_name(env))
self.generate_includes(env, cimported_modules, code)
code.putln("/* Early includes */")
self.generate_includes(env, cimported_modules, code, late=False)
code.putln("#if defined(PYREX_WITHOUT_ASSERTIONS) && !defined(CYTHON_WITHOUT_ASSERTIONS)")
code.putln("#define CYTHON_WITHOUT_ASSERTIONS")
......@@ -727,15 +733,22 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
code.putln(" #define DL_IMPORT(_T) _T")
def generate_includes(self, env, cimported_modules, code):
def generate_includes(self, env, cimported_modules, code, early=True, late=True):
includes = []
for filename in env.include_files:
if early:
includes += env.include_files_early
if late:
includes += [include for include in env.include_files_late
if include not in env.include_files_early]
for filename in includes:
byte_decoded_filenname = str(filename)
if byte_decoded_filenname[0] == '<' and byte_decoded_filenname[-1] == '>':
code.putln('#include %s' % byte_decoded_filenname)
code.putln('#include "%s"' % byte_decoded_filenname)
if early:
code.putln_openmp("#include <omp.h>")
def generate_filename_table(self, code):
......@@ -461,17 +461,27 @@ class StatNode(Node):
class CDefExternNode(StatNode):
# include_file string or None
# body StatNode
# body StatListNode
child_attrs = ["body"]
def analyse_declarations(self, env):
if self.include_file:
old_cinclude_flag = env.in_cinclude
env.in_cinclude = 1
env.in_cinclude = old_cinclude_flag
inc = self.include_file
if inc:
stats = self.body.stats
if inc[0] == '<' and inc[-1] == '>':
# System include => always early
elif stats and all(isinstance(node, CVarDefNode) for node in stats):
# Generate a late include if the body is not empty and
# all statements are variable or function declarations.
env.add_include_file(inc, late=True)
def analyse_expressions(self, env):
return self
......@@ -1067,7 +1067,8 @@ class ModuleScope(Scope):
# doc_cname string C name of module doc string
# utility_code_list [UtilityCode] Queuing utility codes for forwarding to
# python_include_files [string] Standard Python headers to be included
# include_files [string] Other C headers to be included
# include_files_early [string] C headers to be included before Cython decls
# include_files_late [string] C headers to be included after Cython decls
# string_to_entry {string : Entry} Map string const to entry
# identifier_to_entry {string : Entry} Map identifier string const to entry
# context Context
......@@ -1111,7 +1112,8 @@ class ModuleScope(Scope):
self.utility_code_list = []
self.module_entries = {}
self.python_include_files = ["Python.h"]
self.include_files = []
self.include_files_early = []
self.include_files_late = []
self.type_names = dict(outer_scope.type_names)
self.pxd_file_loaded = 0
self.cimported_modules = []
......@@ -1247,15 +1249,24 @@ class ModuleScope(Scope):
module = module.lookup_submodule(submodule)
return module
def add_include_file(self, filename):
if filename not in self.python_include_files \
and filename not in self.include_files:
def add_include_file(self, filename, late=False):
if filename in self.python_include_files:
# Possibly, the same include appears both as early and as late
# include. We'll deal with this at code generation time.
if late:
incs = self.include_files_late
incs = self.include_files_early
if filename not in incs:
def add_imported_module(self, scope):
if scope not in self.cimported_modules:
for filename in scope.include_files:
for filename in scope.include_files_early:
self.add_include_file(filename, late=False)
for filename in scope.include_files_late:
self.add_include_file(filename, late=True)
for m in scope.cimported_modules:
......@@ -129,6 +129,13 @@ A few more tricks and tips:
cdef extern from *:
* If a ``cdef extern from "inc.h"`` block is not empty and contains only
function or variable declarations (and no type declarations of any kind),
Cython will put the ``#include "inc.h"`` statement after all
declarations generated by Cython. This means that the included file
has access to the variables, functions, structures, ... which are
declared by Cython.
Implementing functions in C
PYTHON build_ext --inplace
PYTHON -c "import a"
PYTHON -c "import b"
######## ########
from Cython.Build import cythonize
from distutils.core import setup
ext_modules = cythonize("*.pyx"),
######## a.pxd ########
cdef extern from "a_early.h":
ctypedef int my_int
cdef extern from "a_late.h":
my_int square_value_plus_one()
cdef my_int my_value "my_value"
cdef my_int square "square"(my_int x)
######## a.pyx ########
my_value = 10
cdef my_int square "square"(my_int x):
return x * x
assert square_value_plus_one() == 101
# Square must be explicitly used for its proto to be generated.
cdef my_int use_square(x):
return square(x)
######## a_early.h ########
typedef int my_int;
######## a_late.h ########
static my_int square_value_plus_one() {
return square(my_value) + 1;
######## b.pyx ########
cimport a
# Likewise, a.square must be explicitly used.
assert a.square(a.my_value) + 1 == 101
assert a.square_value_plus_one() == 101
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