Commit 9c5679d6 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

Merge branch '0.29.x'

parents 7d1e4787 f8cd55f2
......@@ -162,6 +162,12 @@ Bugs fixed
* Support slice handling in newer Pythran versions.
(Github issue #2989)
* The search order for include files was changed. Previously it was
``include_directories``, ``Cython/Includes``, ``sys.path``. Now it is
``include_directories``, ``sys.path``, ``Cython/Includes``. This was done to
allow third-party ``*.pxd`` files to override the ones in Cython.
(Github issue #2905)
0.29.10 (2019-06-02)
......@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ class __Pyx_FakeReference {
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x030800A4
#define __Pyx_PyCode_New(a, p, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos) \
PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos)
#elif PY_VERSION_HEX > 0x030800B1
#elif PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x030800B2
#define __Pyx_PyCode_New(a, p, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos) \
PyCode_NewWithPosOnlyArgs(a, p, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos)
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