Commit a8cac59b authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw


parents ee139503 6c734f76
......@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ class AutoTestDictTransform(ScopeTrackingTransform):
def visit_ModuleNode(self, node):
if node.is_pxd:
return node
self.scope_type = 'module'
self.scope_node = node
if not self.current_directives['autotestdict']:
return node
self.all_docstrings = self.current_directives['autotestdict.all']
self.cdef_docstrings = self.all_docstrings or self.current_directives['autotestdict.cdef']
assert isinstance(node.body, StatListNode)
......@@ -59,8 +60,10 @@ class AutoTestDictTransform(ScopeTrackingTransform):
def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node):
if not node.doc:
return node
if not self.cdef_docstrings:
if isinstance(node, CFuncDefNode) and not node.py_func:
# skip non-cpdef cdef functions
return node
if not self.all_docstrings and '>>>' not in node.doc:
return node
pos = self.testspos
......@@ -68,7 +71,10 @@ class AutoTestDictTransform(ScopeTrackingTransform):
path =
elif self.scope_type in ('pyclass', 'cclass'):
if isinstance(node, CFuncDefNode):
if node.py_func is not None:
name =
name =
name =
if self.scope_type == 'cclass' and name in self.blacklist:
......@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ directive_defaults = {
'infer_types': None,
'infer_types.verbose': False,
'autotestdict': True,
'autotestdict.cdef': False,
'autotestdict.all': False,
'language_level': 2,
'warn': None,
......@@ -97,6 +99,8 @@ directive_scopes = { # defaults to available everywhere
'final' : ('cclass',), # add 'method' in the future
'internal' : ('cclass',),
'autotestdict' : ('module',),
'autotestdict.all' : ('module',),
'autotestdict.cdef' : ('module',),
'test_assert_path_exists' : ('function',),
'test_fail_if_path_exists' : ('function',),
version = '0.13'
# for backwards compatibility
from Cython import __version__ as version
from Cython.Compiler.Version import version as __version__
__version__ = "0.13"
# Void cython.* directives (for case insensitive operating systems).
from Cython.Shadow import *
......@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ except ValueError:
from Cython.Compiler.Version import version
from Cython import __version__ as version
name = 'Cython',
# Directive defaults to True
Tests doctesthack compiler directive.
Tests autotestdict compiler directive.
The doctests are actually run as part of this test;
which makes the test flow a bit untraditional. Both
module test and individual tests are run; finally,
Both module test and individual tests are run; finally,
all_tests_run() is executed which does final validation.
>>> items = list(__test__.items())
>>> items.sort()
>>> for key, value in items:
... print('%s ; %s' % (key, value))
MyCdefClass.cpdef_method (line 79) ; >>> add_log("cpdef class method")
MyCdefClass.method (line 76) ; >>> add_log("cdef class method")
MyClass.method (line 65) ; >>> add_log("class method")
doc_without_test (line 47) ; Some docs
mycpdeffunc (line 53) ; >>> add_log("cpdef")
myfunc (line 44) ; >>> add_log("def")
MyCdefClass.cpdef_method (line 76) ; >>> add_log("cpdef class method")
MyCdefClass.method (line 73) ; >>> add_log("cdef class method")
MyClass.method (line 62) ; >>> add_log("class method")
mycpdeffunc (line 49) ; >>> add_log("cpdef")
myfunc (line 40) ; >>> add_log("def")
......@@ -25,19 +22,18 @@ log = []
cdef cdeffunc():
Please don't include me!
>>> True
cdeffunc() # make sure it's being used
def all_tests_run():
assert log == [u'cdef class', u'cdef class method', u'class method', u'cpdef', u'cpdef class method', u'def'], log
assert log == [u'cdef class', u'cdef class method', u'class', u'class method', u'cpdef', u'cpdef class method', u'def'], log
def add_log(s):
if len(log) == len(__test__):
if len(log) == len(__test__) + 2:
# Final per-function doctest executed
......@@ -58,6 +54,7 @@ class MyClass:
Needs no hack
>>> add_log("class")
>>> True
......@@ -79,6 +76,9 @@ cdef class MyCdefClass:
cpdef cpdef_method(self):
""">>> add_log("cpdef class method")"""
cdef cdef_method(self):
""">>> add_log("cdef class method")"""
def __cinit__(self):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr
......@@ -142,5 +142,3 @@ cdef class MyOtherCdefClass:
>>> True
# cython: autotestdict.all=True
Tests autotestdict compiler directive.
Both module test and individual tests are run; finally,
all_tests_run() is executed which does final validation.
>>> items = list(__test__.items())
>>> items.sort()
>>> for key, value in items:
... print('%s ; %s' % (key, value))
MyCdefClass.cdef_method (line 79) ; >>> add_log("cdef class method")
MyCdefClass.cpdef_method (line 76) ; >>> add_log("cpdef class method")
MyCdefClass.method (line 73) ; >>> add_log("cdef class method")
MyClass.method (line 62) ; >>> add_log("class method")
cdeffunc (line 26) ; >>> add_log("cdef")
doc_without_test (line 43) ; Some docs
mycpdeffunc (line 49) ; >>> add_log("cpdef")
myfunc (line 40) ; >>> add_log("def")
log = []
cdef cdeffunc():
""">>> add_log("cdef")"""
cdeffunc() # make sure it's being used
def all_tests_run():
assert log == [u'cdef', u'cdef class', u'cdef class method', u'class', u'class method', u'cpdef', u'cpdef class method', u'def'], log
def add_log(s):
if len(log) == len(__test__):
# Final per-function doctest executed
def myfunc():
""">>> add_log("def")"""
def doc_without_test():
"""Some docs"""
def nodocstring():
cpdef mycpdeffunc():
""">>> add_log("cpdef")"""
class MyClass:
Needs no hack
>>> add_log("class")
>>> True
def method(self):
""">>> add_log("class method")"""
cdef class MyCdefClass:
Needs no hack
>>> add_log("cdef class")
>>> True
def method(self):
""">>> add_log("cdef class method")"""
cpdef cpdef_method(self):
""">>> add_log("cpdef class method")"""
cdef cdef_method(self):
""">>> add_log("cdef class method")"""
def __cinit__(self):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr
>>> True
def __dealloc__(self):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr
>>> True
def __richcmp__(self, other, int op):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr in Py 2
>>> True
def __nonzero__(self):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr in Py 3.1
>>> True
def __len__(self):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr in Py 3.1
>>> True
def __contains__(self, value):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr in Py 3.1
>>> True
cdef class MyOtherCdefClass:
Needs no hack
>>> True
def __bool__(self):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr in Py 2
>>> True
# cython: autotestdict.cdef=True
Tests autotestdict compiler directive.
Both module test and individual tests are run; finally,
all_tests_run() is executed which does final validation.
>>> items = list(__test__.items())
>>> items.sort()
>>> for key, value in items:
... print('%s ; %s' % (key, value))
MyCdefClass.cdef_method (line 78) ; >>> add_log("cdef class method")
MyCdefClass.cpdef_method (line 75) ; >>> add_log("cpdef class method")
MyCdefClass.method (line 72) ; >>> add_log("cdef class method")
MyClass.method (line 61) ; >>> add_log("class method")
cdeffunc (line 25) ; >>> add_log("cdef")
mycpdeffunc (line 48) ; >>> add_log("cpdef")
myfunc (line 39) ; >>> add_log("def")
log = []
cdef cdeffunc():
""">>> add_log("cdef")"""
cdeffunc() # make sure it's being used
def all_tests_run():
assert log == [u'cdef', u'cdef class', u'cdef class method', u'class', u'class method', u'cpdef', u'cpdef class method', u'def'], log
def add_log(s):
if len(log) == len(__test__) + 1:
# Final per-function doctest executed
def myfunc():
""">>> add_log("def")"""
def doc_without_test():
"""Some docs"""
def nodocstring():
cpdef mycpdeffunc():
""">>> add_log("cpdef")"""
class MyClass:
Needs no hack
>>> add_log("class")
>>> True
def method(self):
""">>> add_log("class method")"""
cdef class MyCdefClass:
Needs no hack
>>> add_log("cdef class")
>>> True
def method(self):
""">>> add_log("cdef class method")"""
cpdef cpdef_method(self):
""">>> add_log("cpdef class method")"""
cdef cdef_method(self):
""">>> add_log("cdef class method")"""
def __cinit__(self):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr
>>> True
def __dealloc__(self):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr
>>> True
def __richcmp__(self, other, int op):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr in Py 2
>>> True
def __nonzero__(self):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr in Py 3.1
>>> True
def __len__(self):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr in Py 3.1
>>> True
def __contains__(self, value):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr in Py 3.1
>>> True
cdef class MyOtherCdefClass:
Needs no hack
>>> True
def __bool__(self):
Should not be included, as it can't be looked up with getattr in Py 2
>>> True
#cython: doctesthack=True
#cython: autotestdict=True
Tests that doctesthack doesn't come into effect when
Tests that autotestdict doesn't come into effect when
a __test__ is defined manually.
If this doesn't work, then the function doctest should fail.
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