Commit ff889025 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

improve error reporting on mapped keyword arguments for C functions, implement...

improve error reporting on mapped keyword arguments for C functions, implement out-of-order keywords and C method mapping
parent 19c04084
......@@ -4343,15 +4343,18 @@ class GeneralCallNode(CallNode):
self.type = error_type
return self
if hasattr(self.function, 'entry'):
node = self.map_keywords_to_posargs(env)
if node is not None:
node = self.map_to_simple_call_node()
if node is not None and node is not self:
return node.analyse_types(env)
if self.function.entry.as_variable:
elif self.function.entry.as_variable:
self.function = self.function.coerce_to_pyobject(env)
elif node is self:
"Non-trivial keyword arguments and starred "
"arguments not allowed in cdef functions.")
error(self.pos, "Keyword and starred arguments "
"not allowed in cdef functions.")
# error was already reported
self.function = self.function.coerce_to_pyobject(env)
if self.keyword_args:
......@@ -4371,75 +4374,134 @@ class GeneralCallNode(CallNode):
self.is_temp = 1
return self
def map_keywords_to_posargs(self, env):
def map_to_simple_call_node(self):
Tries to map keyword arguments to declared positional arguments.
Returns self to try a Python call, None to report an error
or a SimpleCallNode if the mapping succeeds.
if not isinstance(self.positional_args, TupleNode):
# has starred argument
return None
return self
if not isinstance(self.keyword_args, DictNode):
# nothing to do here
return None
# keywords come from arbitrary expression => nothing to do here
return self
function = self.function
entry = getattr(function, 'entry', None)
if not entry or not entry.is_cfunction:
return None
return self
args = self.positional_args.args
pos_args = self.positional_args.args
kwargs = self.keyword_args
declared_args = entry.type.args
if len(declared_args) < len(args):
# will lead to an error elsewhere
if entry.is_cmethod:
declared_args = declared_args[1:] # skip 'self'
if len(pos_args) > len(declared_args):
error(self.pos, "function call got too many positional arguments, "
"expected %d, got %s" % (len(declared_args), len(args)))
"expected %d, got %s" % (len(declared_args),
return None
matched_pos_args = set([ for arg in declared_args[:len(args)]])
unmatched_args = declared_args[len(args):]
matched_kwargs = set()
args = list(args)
matched_args = set([ for arg in declared_args[:len(pos_args)]
if ])
unmatched_args = declared_args[len(pos_args):]
matched_kwargs_count = 0
args = list(pos_args)
# check for duplicate keywords
seen = set(matched_args)
has_errors = False
for arg in kwargs.key_value_pairs:
name = arg.key.value
if name in seen:
error(arg.pos, "argument '%s' passed twice" % name)
has_errors = True
# continue to report more errors if there are any
# match keywords that are passed in order
for decl_arg, arg in zip(unmatched_args, kwargs.key_value_pairs):
name = arg.key.value
if name in matched_pos_args:
error(arg.pos, "keyword argument '%s' passed twice" % name)
return None
if == name:
matched_kwargs_count += 1
# match simple keyword arguments that are passed out of order
if len(kwargs.key_value_pairs) > len(matched_kwargs):
# match keyword arguments that are passed out-of-order, but keep
# the evaluation of non-simple arguments in order by moving them
# into temps
from Cython.Compiler.UtilNodes import EvalWithTempExprNode, LetRefNode
temps = []
if len(kwargs.key_value_pairs) > matched_kwargs_count:
unmatched_args = declared_args[len(args):]
keywords = dict([ (arg.key.value, arg.value)
for arg in kwargs.key_value_pairs ])
keywords = dict([ (arg.key.value, (i, arg))
for i, arg in enumerate(kwargs.key_value_pairs,
len(pos_args)) ])
first_missing_keyword = None
for decl_arg in unmatched_args:
name =
arg_value = keywords.get(name)
if arg_value and arg_value.is_simple():
if name not in keywords:
# missing keyword argument => either done or error
if not first_missing_keyword:
first_missing_keyword = name
elif first_missing_keyword:
# wasn't the last keyword => gaps are not supported
error(self.pos, "C function call is missing "
"argument '%s'" % first_missing_keyword)
return None
pos, arg = keywords[name]
matched_kwargs_count += 1
if arg.value.is_simple():
# first missing keyword argument
# TODO: match keywords out-of-order and move values
# into ordered temps if necessary
temp = LetRefNode(arg.value)
assert temp.is_simple()
temps.append((pos, temp))
if temps:
# may have to move preceding non-simple args into temps
final_args = []
new_temps = []
first_temp_arg = temps[0][-1]
for arg_value in args:
if arg_value is first_temp_arg:
break # done
if arg_value.is_simple():
temp = LetRefNode(arg_value)
if new_temps:
args = final_args
temps = new_temps + [ arg for i,arg in sorted(temps) ]
# check for unexpected keywords
for arg in kwargs.key_value_pairs:
name = arg.key.value
if name not in matched_args:
has_errors = True
"C function got unexpected keyword argument '%s'" %
if not matched_kwargs:
return None
self.positional_args.args = args
if len(kwargs.key_value_pairs) == len(matched_kwargs):
# all keywords mapped => only positional arguments left
return SimpleCallNode(
self.pos, function=function, args=args)
kwargs.key_value_pairs = [
item for item in kwargs.key_value_pairs
if item.key.value not in matched_kwargs ]
if has_errors:
# error was reported already
return None
# all keywords mapped to positional arguments
# if we are missing arguments, SimpleCallNode will figure it out
node = SimpleCallNode(self.pos, function=function, args=args)
for temp in temps[::-1]:
node = EvalWithTempExprNode(temp, node)
return node
def generate_result_code(self, code):
if self.type.is_error: return
if self.keyword_args:
......@@ -8,14 +8,62 @@ cdef class A:
cdef some_method(self, x, y=1):
# ok
some_function(1, 2)
some_function(1, y=2)
# nok
some_function(1, x=1)
some_function(1, x=2, y=2)
some_function(1, y=2, z=3)
some_function(1, z=3)
some_function(1, 2, z=3)
some_function(x=1, y=2, z=3)
some_function(x=1, y=2, x=1)
some_function(x=1, y=2, x=1, z=3)
cdef A a = A()
# ok
a.some_method(1, 2)
a.some_method(1, y=2)
a.some_method(x=1, y=2)
# nok
a.some_method(1, x=1)
a.some_method(1, 2, x=1)
a.some_method(1, 2, y=2)
a.some_method(1, 2, x=1, y=2)
a.some_method(1, 2, y=2, x=1)
a.some_method(1, y=2, x=1)
a.some_method(1, 2, z=3)
a.some_method(1, y=2, z=3)
a.some_method(x=1, x=1)
a.some_method(x=1, x=1, y=2)
a.some_method(x=1, y=2, x=1)
_ERRORS = u"""
17:13: Keyword and starred arguments not allowed in cdef functions.
16:18: argument 'x' passed twice
17:18: argument 'x' passed twice
18:23: C function got unexpected keyword argument 'z'
19:18: C function got unexpected keyword argument 'z'
20:21: C function got unexpected keyword argument 'z'
21:25: C function got unexpected keyword argument 'z'
22:25: argument 'x' passed twice
23:25: argument 'x' passed twice
23:30: C function got unexpected keyword argument 'z'
33:18: argument 'x' passed twice
34:21: argument 'x' passed twice
35:21: argument 'y' passed twice
36:21: argument 'x' passed twice
36:26: argument 'y' passed twice
37:21: argument 'y' passed twice
37:26: argument 'x' passed twice
38:23: argument 'x' passed twice
39:21: C function got unexpected keyword argument 'z'
40:23: C function got unexpected keyword argument 'z'
41:20: argument 'x' passed twice
42:20: argument 'x' passed twice
43:25: argument 'x' passed twice
......@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ def cfunc_some_keywords_unordered():
return cfunc(1, 2, d=4, c=3)
def cfunc_some_keywords_unordered_sideeffect():
......@@ -55,7 +54,6 @@ def cfunc_some_keywords_unordered_sideeffect():
[4, 3]
return cfunc(1, 2, d=side_effect(4), c=side_effect(3))
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