Commit 2ad4cc98 authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

lang: add English

parent 7aeea5c1
{ {
"global_dict": { "global_dict": {
"cases": "Cases", "basket": "Basket",
"nodes": "Nodes", "brands": "Brands",
"pages": "Pages", "new": "Just Arrived",
"results": "Results", "apparel": "Apparel",
"reports": "Reports", "accessories": "Accesssories",
"suites": "Suites", "shoes": "Shoes",
"edit": "Edit", "sale": "Sales",
"delete": "Delete",
"dev": "Developemnt",
"test": "Test",
"test_environment": "UI test environment",
"test_cases": "<<nothing to see here>>",
"test_nodes": "<<nothing to see here>>",
"test_pages": "Create and run test pages locally",
"test_results": "<<nothing to see here>>",
"test_reports": "<<nothing to see here>>",
"test_suites": "<<nothing to see here>>",
"classic_login": "Or use the default login form",
"classic_slapos": "Login/Password",
"connection_status": "Connection",
"login_status": "Login",
"sync_status": "Synchronization",
"about": "About",
"about_subtitle": "",
"first": "First",
"previous": "Previous",
"next": "Next",
"last": "Last",
"english": "English",
"search": "Search", "search": "Search",
"account": "Account",
"invoices": "My Invoices",
"invoices_subtitle": "Administration of your invoices",
"servers": "My Servers",
"servers_subtitle":"Administration of your servers",
"services": "My Services",
"services_subtitle": "Administration of your services",
"networks": "My Networks",
"networks_subtitle":"Administration of your networks",
"monitoring": "Monitoring",
"monitoring_subtitle": "Status of your servers and instances",
"help": "Help",
"help_subtitle": "",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"download": "Download",
"forum": "Forum",
"blog": "Blog",
"dashboard": "My Dashboard",
"pricing": "Pricing",
"person": "My Account",
"person_subtitle": "Administration of your personal info",
"general": "General",
"nexedi": "Nexedi 2013",
"login": "Login", "login": "Login",
"menu": "Menu", "english": "Anglais",
"home": "Home", "french": "French",
"logout": "Logout", "contact": "Contact",
"pricing": "Pricing", "legal": "Legal",
"monitoring": "Monitoring", "top": "Top",
"blog": "Blog", "subscribe": "Subscribe",
"slapos": "SlapOS", "newsletter": "Fashion Newsletter",
"forum": "Forum", "suits": "Jumpsuits",
"help": "Help", "set": "Sets",
"download": "Download", "swimsuit": "Swimsuits",
"documentation": "Documentation", "dress": "Dresses",
"slapos": "SlapOS", "jacket_coat": "Jackets/Coats",
"slapos_logo": "Logo SlapOS", "knitwear": "Knitwear",
"slapos_pricing": "SlapOS Pricing", "shirt": "Shirts",
"sign_in": "Sign in using", "skirt": "Skirts",
"pricing_login": "To maintain sufficient resources, a minimal fee of 1 EUR will be charged if you use SlapOS services for more than 24 hours. By clicking on one of the signup buttons, you agree that you are subscribing to a payable service. All services you request will be invoiced to you at the end of the month.", "top": "Tops",
"find_out_more": "To find out more, please refer to:", "trouser": "Trousers",
"find_out_more_details": "For additional information, please refer to the following sections:" "tshirt": "T-Shirts",
"belt": "Belts",
"scarf": "Scarves",
"wallet": "Wallets",
"sac": "Handbags",
"jewels": "Jewellry/Bijoux"
}, },
"status_dict": { "status_dict": {
"forwarding": "Forwarding",
"loading_total": "Loading Total Number of Records",
"loading_set": "Loading Records",
"loading_config": "Loading Configuration",
"requesting": "Requesting",
"timeout": "Request Timeout. Try again.",
"ssl_error": "Please revoke existing certificate first",
"ssl_no": "Certificate does not exist",
"ssl_revoked": "Certificate revoked",
"ssl_generated": "Certificate generated",
"not_found": "Page not found",
"uploading": "Uploading",
"sync": "Synchronizing",
"synced": "Synchronized",
"fetching": "Fetching Data",
"storing": "Storing Data",
"downloading": "Downloading",
"rendering": "Rendering",
"saving": "Saving",
"saved": "Saved",
"failed": "Failed",
"updating": "Updating",
"removing": "Removing",
"starting": "Starting...",
"stopping": "Shutting Down...",
"success": "Ok",
"created": "Created",
"destroying": "Destroying",
"error": "Internal Error"
}, },
"validation_dict": { "validation_dict": {
"general": "Please correct the highlighted fields.",
"requires_auth": "Requires authorization.",
"external": "The input failed the external validator.",
"required": "Field is required but not found.",
"too_much_input": "Too much input given.",
"no_integer": "You did not enter an integer.",
"out_of_range": "The integer you entered is out of range.",
"too_many_lines": "You have entered too many lines.",
"too_many_chars": "You have entered too many characters.",
"too_long_lines": "One or more lines you have entered are too long.",
"not_valid_datetime": "The date/time you entered has no valid format.",
"out_of_range_datetime": "The date/time you entered is out of range.",
"option_not_available": "You selected on option not on the menu.",
"browser_support": "Your browser does not support:",
"no_items_found": "No items found.",
"not_float": "You did not enter a floating number.",
"not_email": "The input is not a valid email address",
"unknown_selection": "You selected an item that is not on the list."
}, },
"portal_type_dict": { "portal_type_dict": {
"network_dict": {
"text_dict": {
"title": "Title",
"status": "Status",
"parse_error": "Parsing Error",
"networks": "Networks",
"network_instance": "Network Instance",
"nonet": "No result",
"add": "New network",
"created_networks": "Created Networks",
"16": "16",
"32": "32",
"64": "64",
"search": "Search available networks",
"delete": "Delete",
"submit": "Add",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"nodata": "No servers associated with this network.",
"associated_servers": "Associated Servers"
"field_dict": {
"title": {
"title": "Title",
"description": "The title of this network."
"reference": {
"title": "Reference",
"description": "The reference identifier for this network."
"service_dict": {
"text_dict": {
"partitions_installed_for": "Partitions Installed For: ",
"services": "Services",
"service_configuration": "Service Configuration",
"select_release": "Select Release",
"install_release": "Install Release",
"connection_param": "Connection Parameters",
"image_url": "Image",
"stop": "Stop",
"start": "Start",
"update": "Update",
"software_type": "Software Type",
"recipe": "Instance XML Recipe",
"installations": "Installations",
"destroy": "Destroy",
"search": "Search available services",
"add": "New service",
"installed_services": "Installed Services",
"16": "16",
"32": "32",
"64": "64"
"field_dict": {
"reference": {
"title": "Reference",
"description": "The reference for this service instance."
"source_reference": {
"title": "Software Type",
"description": "The software type of this service."
"detail_description": {
"title": "Detail Description",
"description:":"The detailed description of this service."
"connection_password": {
"title": "Password",
"description": "The password for the connection url of this service installation."
"connection_backend_url": {
"title": "Backend URL",
"description": "The connection backend url of this service installation."
"connection_url": {
"title": "URL",
"description": "The connection url of this service installation."
"buildout": {
"title": "Buildout",
"description": "The buildout cfg file for this service installation."
"state": {
"title": "State",
"description": "The state of this service."
"recipe": {
"title": "XML Parameters",
"description": "The xml configuration for this service instance."
"computer": {
"title": "Computer",
"description": "The computer this service is made on."
"release": {
"title": "Release",
"description": "The release being this service is based on."
"timestamp": {
"title": "Timestamp",
"description": "Data and time this service was made."
"version": {
"title": "Version",
"description": "The version of the software installed on this computer."
"title": {
"title": "Title",
"description": "The title of the software being installed on this server."
"image_type": {
"title": "Type",
"description": "Type of image (icon/image)."
"image_url": {
"title": "Image",
"description": "The path to the icon/image for this software service."
"status": {
"title": "Status",
"description": "The status of the software being installed on this server."
"usage": {
"title": "Usage",
"description": "The usage of this software."
"id": {
"title": "ID",
"description": "The id of this software service."
"ticket_dict": {
"text_dict": {
"update": "Update",
"submit": "Add",
"help": "Support",
"support": "Support",
"ticket": "Ticket",
"current_tickets": "Current Messages",
"16": "16",
"32": "32",
"64": "64",
"add": "New ticket",
"generate": "Add"
"field_dict": {
"title": {
"title": "Title",
"description": "The title of this ticket."
"reference": {
"title": "Reference",
"description": "The reference identifier for this ticket."
"date": {
"title": "Date",
"description": "The date this message was posted."
"user": {
"title": "User",
"description": "The user who posted this ticket/message."
"status": {
"title": "Status",
"description": "The status of this ticket."
"resource": {
"title": "Type",
"description": "The type of this ticket."
"description": {
"title": "Message",
"description": "The message of this ticket"
"computer_dict": {
"text_dict": {
"select_release": "Select Release",
"add_software": "Install Software",
"release": "Release Installation",
"crt": "computer.crt",
"key": "computer.key",
"request_ssl": "Request SSL Certificate",
"ssl_request_info": "Here you can request a new SSL certificate for computer.\nAfter presenting it please copy key and certificate and store in secure place.\nIn case of certificate compromise or lost please request it again.\nCertificate is not stored on servers",
"submit": "Submit",
"update": "Update",
"update_scope": "Update the allocation scope",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"status": "Status",
"search": "Search available servers",
"add": "New Server",
"servers": "Servers",
"created_servers": "Created Servers",
"16": "16",
"32": "32",
"64": "64",
"config": "Set Configuration",
"scope": "Set Server Scope",
"ssl_on": "Request SSL",
"ssl_off": "Revoke SSL",
"delete": "Delete",
"server_instance": "Server Instance",
"instance_configuration": "Instance Configuration",
"installed_services": "Installed Services",
"title": "Computer Title",
"update": "Update Server",
"instance_certificate": "Instance Certificate"
"field_dict": {
"subjects": {
"title": "Friends (Email)",
"description": "Email adresses that should be authenticated to foo this server."
"scope": {
"title": "Allocation Scope",
"description": "The allocation scope for this computer."
"network": {
"title": "Network",
"description": "The network this computer should be associated to."
"inventory_url": {
"title": "Inventory URL",
"description": "The inventory URL for this server."
"title": {
"title": "Computer",
"description": "The name of a computer."
"reference": {
"title": "Reference",
"description": "The reference (ID) of this computer."
"group": {
"title": "Group",
"description": "The group (network) this computer is associated to."
"cpu_core": {
"title": "CPU",
"description": "The CPU core to be used for this computer."
"cpu_frequency": {
"title": "CPU Frequency",
"description": "The CPU frequency to be used for this computer."
"cpu_type": {
"title": "CPU Type",
"description": "The CPU type to be used for this computer."
"memory": {
"title": "Memory",
"description": "The memory to be allocated to this computer."
"memory_type": {
"title": "Memory Type",
"description": "The memory type to be used for this computer."
"region": {
"title": "Region",
"description": "The region this computer should be setup in."
"storage_capacity": {
"title": "Storage Capacity",
"description": "The storage capacity for this computer."
"storage_interface": {
"title": "Storage Interface",
"description": "The storage interface for this computer."
"storage_redundancy": {
"title": "Storage Redundancy",
"description": "The storage redundancy for this computer."
"wan": {
"title": "WAN Type",
"description": "The wide area network type for this computer."
"lan": {
"title": "LAN Type",
"description": "The local area network type for this computer."
"storage_technology": {
"title": "Storage Technology",
"description": "The storage technology to be used for this computer."
"description": {
"title": "Description",
"description": "The description for this computer."
"state": {
"title": "State",
"description": "The current state of this computer."
"netmask": {
"title": "Network Address",
"description": "The current network address of this computer."
"ip_address": {
"title": "IP Address",
"description": "The IP address of this computer."
"hostname": {
"title": "Hostname",
"description": "The hostname for this computer."
"test_page_dict": {
"text_dict": {
"metadata": "Metadata",
"history": "History",
"consistency": "Consistency",
"roles": "Local Roles",
"contents": "Contents",
"related": "Related Documents",
"edit_test": "Edit Tests",
"edit_slideshow": "Edit Slideshow",
"test_report": "Test Report",
"update": "Update",
"page": "Test Page",
"group": "Group Record Filter",
"filter": "Detailed Search",
"title": "Test Page Module",
"16": "16",
"32": "32",
"64": "64",
"overview": "Test Page Overview",
"empty": "No test pages found",
"search": "(I don't work but I should...) Search Test Pages.",
"long_title": "Long Title",
"add": "Add Test Page"
"field_dict": {
"reference": {
"title": "Reference",
"description": "The reference for this test page."
"text_content": {
"title": "Test Instructions",
"description": "The test instructions for this test page."
"content_type": {
"title": "Content Type",
"description": "The content type the test instructions are written in."
"title": {
"title": "Title",
"description": "The title of this test page."
"short_title": {
"title": "Short Title",
"description": "The short title of this test page."
"description": {
"title": "Description",
"description": "The description of this test page."
"version": {
"title": "Version",
"description": "The version of this test page."
"sort": {
"title": "Sort",
"description": "The sorting criteria? of this test page."
"language": {
"title": "Language",
"description": "The language of this test page."
"index": {
"title": "Index",
"description": "The index of this test page."
"state": {
"title": "State",
"description": "The state of this test page."
"_id": {
"title": "ID",
"description": "The id of this test page."
"person_dict": { "person_dict": {
"text_dict": { "text_dict": {
"noperson": "No person found",
"cancel": "Reset",
"account": "Account",
"register": "Register",
"nodata": "No person found",
"submit": "Update My Credentials",
"reset": "Reset",
"person": "Person Overview",
"16": "16",
"32": "32",
"64": "64",
"search": "Search Persons"
}, },
"field_dict": { "field_dict": {
"confirm_password": {
"title": "Confirm Password",
"description": "The confirmation of the password."
"activity": {
"title": "Activities",
"description": "Activities associated with this person."
"corporate_name": {
"title": "Corporation",
"description": "The corporation this person is associated to."
} ,
"date_of_birth": {
"title": "Date of Birth",
"description": "The date this person was born."
"street_address": {
"title": "Street Address",
"description": "The street address this person resides in."
"region": {
"title": "Region",
"description": "The region this person is from."
"city": {
"title": "City",
"description": "The city this person resides in."
"zip": {
"title": "Zip Code",
"description": "The zip code of the city the person resides in."
"answer": {
"title": "Credential Answer",
"description": "The answer to the credential question submitted by the person."
"question": {
"title": "Credential Question",
"description": "The credential question that will be asked to restore a password."
"question_custom": {
"title": "Custom Credential Question",
"description": "A credential question supplied by the person himself."
"email": {
"title": "Email Address",
"description": "The email address of the person."
"fax": {
"title": "Fax Number",
"description": "The fax number of the person."
"mobile": {
"title": "Mobile Number",
"description": "The mobile number of the person."
"phone": {
"title": "Phone Number",
"description": "The phone number of the person."
"first_name": {
"title": "First Name",
"description": "The first name of the person."
"work_function": {
"title": "Function",
"description": "The work function of this person."
"gender": {
"title": "Gender",
"description": "The gender of this person."
"last_name": {
"title": "Last Name",
"descriptions": "The last name of this person."
"nationality": {
"title": "Nationality",
"description": "The nationality of this person."
"password": {
"title": "Password",
"description": "The password chosen by this person."
"reference": {
"title": "Reference",
"description": "The reference??? for this person."
"reference_portal_type": {
"title": "Reference Portal Type",
"description": "The portal type this person object is referenced to."
"roles": {
"description": "The roles of a person in the organization."
"site": {
"title": "Site",
"description": "The site a person is assigned to."
"skill_list": {
"title": "Skill List",
"description": "The skills associated with a person."
"description": {
"title": "Description",
"description": "The description of a person."
"token_google": {
"title": "Google ID",
"description": "Google ID of this person"
"invoice_dict": {
"text_dict": {
"download": "Download",
"title": "My Invoices",
"nodata": "No invoices found",
"overview": "Invoice Overview",
"16": "16",
"32": "32",
"64": "64",
"search": "Search Invoices"
"field_dict": {
"id": {
"title": "ID",
"description": "The id the issued invoice."
"date": {
"title": "Date",
"description": "The date the invoice was issued on."
"total_price": {
"title": "Price",
"description": "The amount of this invoice."
"price_currency": {
"title": "Currency",
"description": "The currency this invoice was issued in."
"status": {
"title": "Status",
"description": "The status of this invoice."
"reference_portal_type": {
"title": "Reference portal_type",
"description": "The portal type this invoice is associated to."
"reference_id": {
"title": "Reference ID",
"description": "The id of the portal_type this invoice is associated to."
"software_dict": {
"data_dict": {
"kvm": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] KVM",
"description": ""
"nosql": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] NoSQL Tester",
"description": ""
"slapos_runner": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] SlapOS Web Runner",
"description": ""
"erp_scalability": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] ERP5 scalability testbed",
"description": ""
"mariadb": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] MariaDB",
"description": ""
"mysql": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] MySQL",
"description": ""
"kumofs": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Kumofs",
"description": ""
"memcached": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Memcached",
"description": ""
"zabbix": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Zabbix Agent",
"description": ""
"erp5": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] ERP5",
"description": ""
"erp5_testnode": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] ERP5 Test Node",
"description": ""
"slapos_master": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] SlapOS Master",
"description": ""
"xwiki": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] XWiki",
"description": ""
"webdav": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Davstorage",
"description": ""
"wordpress": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Wordpress",
"description": ""
"cubrid": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Cubrid",
"description": ""
"os_commerce": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] OS-Commerce",
"description": ""
"open_x": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] OpenX",
"description": ""
"magento": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Magento",
"description": ""
"joomla": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Joomla",
"description": ""
"ez_publish": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] EZPublish",
"description": ""
"eskuel": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] eSKUeL",
"description": ""
"b2evolution": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] B2Evolution",
"description": ""
"net2ftp": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Net2FTP",
"description": ""
"zencart": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Zencart",
"description": ""
"xoops": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Xoops",
"description": ""
"tiki": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Tiki",
"description": ""
"sugarcrm": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Sugar-CRM",
"description": ""
"status_net": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] StatusNET",
"description": ""
"spip": {
"description": ""
"punbb": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] PunBB",
"description": ""
"prestashop": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Prestashop",
"description": ""
"piwik": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Pikwik",
"description": ""
"piwigo": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Piwigo",
"description": ""
"pimcore": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Pimcore",
"description": ""
"phpnuke": {
"description": ""
"drupal": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Drupal",
"description": ""
"dotproject": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Dotproject",
"description": ""
"dotclear": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Dotclear",
"description": ""
"coppermine": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Coppermine",
"description": ""
"cmsmadesimple": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] CMS Made Simple",
"description": ""
"silverstripe": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] SilverStripe",
"description": ""
"phpbb": {
"description": ""
"mediawiki": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] MediaWiki",
"description": ""
"phpmyadmin": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] PHPMyAdmin",
"description": ""
"seleniumrunner": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Selenium Runner",
"description": ""
"apache_frontend": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Apache Frontend",
"description": ""
"cloudooo": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Cloudooo",
"description": ""
"occi_xwiki": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] OCCI Xwiki",
"description": ""
"slap_test_agent": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Slap Test Agent",
"description": ""
"html5_app_server": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] HTML5 Application Server",
"description": ""
"lxc": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] LXC",
"description": ""
"gitrepo": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Gitrepo",
"description": ""
"condor": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Condor",
"description": ""
"boinc_client": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] BOINC Client",
"description": ""
"boinc_server": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] BOINC Server",
"description": ""
"maarch": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Maarch",
"description": ""
"postgresSQL": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] PostgresSQL",
"description": ""
"doku_wiki": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] DokuWiki",
"description": ""
"open_goo": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] OpenGoo",
"description": ""
"feng_office": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Feng Office",
"description": ""
"tiny_rss": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Tiny RSS",
"description": ""
"etherpad_lite": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] Etherpad lite",
"description": ""
"slapos_setup_tester": {
"title": "[EXPERIMENTAL] SlapOS Setup Tester",
"description": ""
"text_dict": {
"installation_parameters": "Installation Parameters",
"software": "Software",
"destroy": "Destroy",
"release": "Release",
"installed_services": "Installed Services",
"status": "Status",
"search": "Search available software",
"16": "16",
"32": "32",
"64": "64",
"128": "128",
"no_software": "No services installed"
"field_dict": {
"url_string": {
"title": "Software URL",
"description": "The URL to this software installation."
"id": {
"title": "ID",
"description": "The id the software service was registered with."
"title": {
"title": "Title",
"description": "The name of the software service."
"description": {
"title": "Description",
"description": "The description of the software service."
"image_type": {
"title": "Image Type",
"description": "Type of Image (Icon/Image)."
"image_url": {
"title": "URL",
"description": "The path to the icon/image for this software service."
"price": {
"title": "Price",
"description": "The price per period for this software service."
"currency": {
"title": "Currency",
"description": "The currency billed for usage of this software service."
"period": {
"title": "Period",
"description": "The billing period for usage of this software service."
"release_dict": {
"text_dict": {
"install": "Install",
"instance_title": "Instance Title",
"software_release": "Software Release",
"request": "Request",
"cancel": "Reset",
"prepare_instance": "Preparing instance...",
"instance_id": "Instance ID",
"instance_recipe": "Instance Configuration",
"instance_server": "Computer",
"instance_network": "Network",
"16": "16",
"32": "32",
"64": "64",
"search": "Search available releases",
"available_releases": "Available Releases"
"field_dict": {
"title": {
"title": "Title",
"description": "The name of this software release."
"description": {
"title": "Description",
"description": "The description of the software release."
"detail": {
"title": "Detail Description",
"description": "The detailed description of this service."
"version": {
"title": "Version",
"description": "The version of the software release."
"id": {
"title": "ID",
"description": "The id of the software release."
"reference_portal_type": {
"title": "Reference Portal Type",
"description": "The portal type this release is associated to."
"reference_id": {
"title": "Reference ID",
"description": "The id of the referenced portal_type this release is associated to."
"release_image_type": {
"title": "Image Type",
"description": "Type of Image (Icon/Image)"
"release_image_url": {
"title": "Image",
"description": "The path to the icon/image for this software service."
} }
} }
} }
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