Commit 507f9afa authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

harmonized gadget scheme API for listgrid

parent afd5a3cf
"portal_type_source": "Software Product",
"portal_type_title": "software",
"portal_type_fields": "software_fieldlist",
"initial_query": {"include_docs": true, "limit":[0,8]},
"form": true,
"id": "software_overview",
"property_dict": {
"link": true,
"link_identifier": "id",
"link_external": null,
"link_source": "item_url",
"ribbon": null,
"radio": null,
"check": null,
"dynamic_children": [0]
"scheme": [
"position": "left",
"fieldlist": [
{"field": "image_url", "type": "image"},
{"field": "title", "type": "alt"},
{"field": "some_translation_pointer", "type": "alt_i18n"},
{"custom": true, "type": "icon", "value": "baz"}
"position": "center",
"fieldlist": [
{"field": "title", "type": "h1"},
{"field": "description", "type": "p"},
{"field": "price", "type": "p", "aside": true},
{"field": "some_url", "type":"count"}
"position": "right",
"fieldlist": [
{"custom": true, "type": "icon", "value": "bar"},
{"field": "some_url", "type": "url", "external": true, "action": baz, "title": null, "title_i18n": null}
"children": [{
"type": "listview",
"class_list": "",
"theme": "slapos-white",
"property_dict": {
"alt_icon": null
"numbered": false
"inset": true,
"reveal": true,
"filter": true,
"input": "#foo"
"placeholder": null,
"filter_theme": null,
"divider_theme": "slapos-white",
"autodividers": true,
"count_theme": "slapos-white"
"children": []
* {
* "generate": "gadget",
* "type": "listview",
* "class_list": "",
* "theme": "slapos-black",
* "property_dict": {
* "alt_icon": null
* "numbered": false
* "inset": true,
* "reveal": true,
* "filter": true,
* "input": "#foo"
* "placeholder": null,
* "filter_theme": null,
* "divider_theme": "slapos-white",
* "autodividers": true,
* "count_theme": "slapos-white"
* },
* "children": [
* {
* "type": "item/divider",
* "id": null,
* "external": true,
* "href": "index.html",
* "icon": "foo"/null,
* "title": null,
* "title_i18n":"",
* "left": {
* "icon": "foo",
* "image": "",
* "alt": null,
* "alt_i18n": null
* },
* "center": {
* "text": [
* {"type":"p", "aside": true, "text":"foo", "text_i18n":null},
* {"type": "span", "count": true, "text": "somevalue"}
* ]
* },
* "right": {
* "radio": true,
* "check": true,
* "icon": null,
* "action": "foo",
* "href": "",
* "title": null,
* "title_i18n": "",
* "external": true
* }
* ]
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,6 +10,22 @@
"link_identifier": "id",
"dynamic_children": [1]
"scheme": [
"position": "left",
"fieldlist": [
{"field": "image_url", "type": "image"},
{"field": "title", "type": "alt"}
"position": "center",
"fieldlist": [
{"field": "title", "type": "h1"},
{"field": "description", "type": "p"}
"children": [{
"generate": "widget",
"type": "controlbar",
......@@ -642,18 +642,23 @@
* @param {object} url_pointer Info which layout items are created for
* @return {object} mapped object
// TODO: this should be in a storage-related utility object!
// TODO: count/aside still not implemented on listview
// TODO: add remaining mapping!
// TODO: MAKE GENERIC API with layout!
"mapListItems": function (items, spec, url_pointer) {
var property, obj, i, item, clean, value, store, split, host,
i18n, application, level, core, arr;
var obj, i, j, k, item, level, core, arr, section, field, props, pos;
if (spec.scheme === undefined) {
util.error("mapListItems: Missing scheme");
} else {
arr = [];
props = spec.property_dict;
// link base for internal links
if ( && !props.link_source) {
level = url_pointer.layout;
core = url_pointer.fragment_list.slice(0, level + 1).join("::");
arr = [];
// loop items and map according to scheme
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) {
item = items[i].doc;
obj = {
......@@ -663,97 +668,68 @@
// if include_docs is not set, item will be undefined!
// throw error for missing data
if (item === undefined) {
util.error("mapListItems: missing include_docs");
util.error("mapListItems: Missing include_docs/data-set");
} else {
// TODO: keep ?
// ribbon
if (props.ribbon) {
obj.ribbon = true;
// TODO: move radio/check into feature_dict and on item level?
// radio
if ( {
if ( {
obj.right = {"radio": true, "action": "check"};
// checkbox
if (spec.property_dict.check) {
if (props.check) {
obj.right = {"check": true, "action": "check"};
// TODO: we can't handle normal URLs if they are passed!
// should only be possible if links will be external, but how to set?
if ( {
obj.href = "#" + core + "::" +
item[spec.property_dict.link_identifier || "id"];
// link
if ( {
obj.href = item[props.link_source] ||
("#" + core + "::" + item[props.link_identifier || "id"]);
if (props.link_external) {
obj.external = true;
// TODO: don't do this based on hardcoded filenames!!!
for (property in item) {
if (item.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
clean = property.replace((spec.portal_type_title + "_"), "");
switch (clean) {
case "url":
obj.href = item[property];
split = item[property].split("//");
// loop scheme sections
for (j = 0; j < spec.scheme.length; j += 1) {
section = spec.scheme[j];
pos = section.position;
obj[pos] = obj[pos] || {};
// TODO: crap... an empty link will generate a ribbon...
if (item[property] === "") {
obj.ribbon = true;
// loop scheme fields
for (k = 0; k < section.fieldlist.length; k += 1) {
field = section.fieldlist[k];
// TODO: refactor. Determining whether a link is external
if (split.length > 1) {
host = split[1].split("/")[0];
application = split[1].split("/")[1];
if ((split.length > 1 && !== host) ||
application === "app") {
obj.external = true;
case "_id": = item[property];
case "title":
value = item[property];
obj[clean] = value;
i18n = item[property + "_i18n"] || null;{
"type": "h1",
"text": value,
"text_i18n": i18n
case "description":
i18n = item[property + "_i18n"] || null;{
"type": "p",
"text": item[property],
"text_i18n": i18n
if (obj[pos].text) {
// add object to text-array
// TODO: not nice & find better handling for i18n tags!
"text": item[field.field],
"aside": field.aside || null,
"count": field.count || null,
"text_i18n": item[field.field + "_18n"] || null
case "image_type":
obj.left = {};
obj.left[item[property]] = (store !== undefined ? store : false);
case "image_url":
if (obj.left !== undefined) {
if (obj.left.image === false) {
obj.left.image = item[property];
obj.left.alt = item.title;
if (obj.left.icon === false) {
obj.left.icon = item[property];
} else {
store = item[property];
// set type to item field or field value (custom fields!)
obj[pos][field.type] = item[field.field || field.value];
return arr;
......@@ -2641,12 +2617,13 @@
* "left": {
* "icon": "foo",
* "image": "",
* "alt": null
* "alt": null,
* "alt_i18n": null
* },
* "center": {
* "count": 3689,
* "text": [
* {"aside": true, "type":"p", "text":"foo", "text_i18n":null}
* {"type":"p", "aside": true, "text":"foo", "text_i18n":null},
* {"type": "span", "count": true, "text": "3689"}
* ]
* },
* "right": {
......@@ -2669,7 +2646,8 @@
// TODO: add to form support via children
// TODO: add collapsible support if needed
// TODO: mesh with live data!
// TODO: dividers? will not be in spec, so can only be listview option!
// TODO: count/aside still not implemented on listview
factory.listview = function (spec, url_dict, update) {
var fragment, config, list, i, item, props, divider, static_item, j,
input_dict, action, block, target, icon, auto, last,
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