Commit b286b8c0 authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck


parent a66ebf80
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, nomen: true, sloppy: true, todo: true */
/*global console, window, jIO, complex_queries, FormData, RSVP, document,
jQuery, i18n, Recaptcha, XMLHttpRequest, Modernizr */
jQuery, i18n, Recaptcha, XMLHttpRequest, alert, Modernizr */
(function (window, document, $) {
"use strict";
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
// TODO: optgroup support!
factory.element = function (spec) {
var element, setter, attribute, logic, item, i, j, mock, recurse, pic;
var element, setter, attribute, logic, item, i, mock, recurse, pic;
// element
element = document.createElement(spec.type);
......@@ -379,7 +379,8 @@
// class string: assemble
container_class_list += (no_validate ? "" : " ui-corner-all ui-shadow-inset") +
container_class_list += (no_validate ? "" :
" ui-corner-all ui-shadow-inset") +
disabled + readonly + (action || "") + (clear || "") +
(theme ? (" ui-bar-" + theme + " ") : " ui-body-inherit ");
......@@ -466,7 +467,7 @@
"type": "span",
"direct": {"className": "ui-invalid-label"},
"attributes": {},
"logic": {"text":"wrong"}
"logic": {"text": "wrong"}
......@@ -594,7 +595,7 @@
} else {
target = container.querySelector("[data-update]") ||
container.querySelector("div.ui-content") ||
// return new page and/or pointer to gadget content container
......@@ -641,7 +642,7 @@
* @return {object} object including fragment, child-selector, placeholder
factory.widget.collapsibleset = function (spec) {
var container, fragment, form, obj, prop;
var container, form, obj, prop;
// TODO: why spec.set, BS?
if (spec.set) {
......@@ -736,13 +737,13 @@
// TODO: add dynamic
factory.widget.collapsible = function (spec) {
var container, header, target, link, form, tranlate, collapsed, translate;
var container, header, target, link, form, collapsed, translate;
translate = spec.text_i18n ? "translate " : " ";
collapsed = spec.collapsed === false;
container = factory.element({
"type": spec.form ? "fieldset": "div",
"type": spec.form ? "fieldset" : "div",
"direct": {
"className": "ui-collapsible " + ( ? "ui-mini " : "") +
(!spec.inset ? "" : "ui-collapsible-inset ui-corner-all ") +
......@@ -789,7 +790,7 @@
"logic": {
"data-i18n": spec.text_i18n ? ("[node]" + spec.text_i18n) : null,
"data-ajax": spec.href ? "false" : null,
"data-ajax": spec.href ? "false" : null
link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(spec.text || "\u00A0"));
......@@ -810,7 +811,8 @@
"type": "div",
"direct": {
"className": "ui-collapsible-content " + (spec.collapsed === false ?
"" : "ui-collapsible-content-collapsed ") + "ui-body-" + (spec.content_theme || "inherit")
"" : "ui-collapsible-content-collapsed ") + "ui-body-" +
(spec.content_theme || "inherit")
"attributes": {
"aria-hidden": spec.collapsed === false ? false : true
......@@ -1011,7 +1013,7 @@
"direct": {"className": "ui-fieldcontain translate"},
"attributes": {"title": spec.label.title},
"logic": {
"data-i18n": i18n ? ("[title]" + spec.label.title_i18n) : null,
"data-i18n": i18n ? ("[title]" + spec.label.title_i18n) : null
label = factory.element({
......@@ -1118,7 +1120,7 @@
// add popup
"type": "div",
"direct": {
"className": "ui-popup ui-body-" + spec.theme +
(spec.shadow ? " ui-overlay-shadow " : " ") +
" ui-corner-all " + spec.class_list,
......@@ -1211,9 +1213,9 @@
return {
"fragment": container,
"child_selector": container.querySelector("div#" + id),
"child_selector": container.querySelector("div#" + id)
/* ********************************************************************** */
/* JQM Navbar */
......@@ -1241,7 +1243,9 @@
target = function (j) {
return factory.element({
"type": "li",
"direct": {"className": "ui-block-" + util.toLetter(j + 1).toLowerCase()}
"direct": {
"className": "ui-block-" + util.toLetter(j + 1).toLowerCase()
......@@ -1296,7 +1300,7 @@
* @return {object} fragment
factory.widget.controlbar = function (spec) {
var container, slot, pass, class_list, wrap;
var container, slot, pass, class_list;
pass = function (container) {
return {
......@@ -1304,7 +1308,7 @@
"child_selector": container.firstElementChild || container,
"add_on_dom": === "document"
container = document.createDocumentFragment();
slot = spec.slot;
......@@ -1360,15 +1364,15 @@
// NOTE: Needs JQM pre-enhancement if outside page!
factory.widget.panel = function (spec) {
var container, id, wrap, fragment, closer, element;
var container, id, wrap, closer;
container = document.createDocumentFragment();
id = || ((spec.data_url || "global") + "-panel");
// content wrapper with optional close button
wrap = function (j, len) {
switch (true) {
case (j === 0):
var fragment, element;
if (j === 0) {
fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
element = factory.element({
"type": "div",
......@@ -1380,18 +1384,18 @@
return fragment;
case (j === len - 1):
return factory.element({
} else if (j === len - 1) {
fragment = factory.element({
"type": "div",
"direct": {"className": "panel_element panel_element_last"}
return factory.element({
} else {
fragment = factory.element({
"type": "div",
"direct": {"className": "panel_element"}
return fragment;
// panel
......@@ -1459,7 +1463,7 @@
* @return HTML fragment
factory.widget.form = function (spec) {
var container, form_id, form, item_id, stamp, encode, sauce, captcha, wrap;
var container, form_id, form, item_id, stamp, captcha, sauce, wrap;
container = document.createDocumentFragment();
form_id = "form_" + util.uuid();
......@@ -1500,6 +1504,7 @@
// TODO: only if shim is available!
//encode = window.btoa || window.shim.Base64.encode;
//sauce = encode(stamp.toString() + spec.secret_hash);
sauce = undefined;
"type": "input",
......@@ -1556,6 +1561,7 @@
// assemble
wrap = undefined;
return {
"fragment": container,
"child_selector": container.querySelectorAll("form")[0],
......@@ -1609,13 +1615,12 @@
factory.widget.carousel = function (spec) {
var fragment, generator, empty_string, has_handles, make_handle, is_thumb,
controller, control, i, id, radio_id;
controller, i, id, radio_id;
// makes carousel elements
generator = function (element, wrapper, i) {
var item, config, target, has_link;
var item, target, has_link;
config = wrapper.property_dict;
has_link = element.href;
item = factory.element({
"type": "li",
......@@ -1652,12 +1657,12 @@
"href": "#",
"className": "ui-carousel-handle ui-carousel-handle-" + direction +
" ui-btn ui-btn-icon-notext ui-corner-all ui-icon-carat-" +
direction.slice(0,1) + " ui-shadow translate"
direction.slice(0, 1) + " ui-shadow translate"
"attributes": {"data-i18n": "global_dict." + direction},
"logic": {"text": direction}
fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
empty_string = "";
......@@ -1803,24 +1808,26 @@
// TODO: add collapsible support if needed
// TODO: dividers? will not be in spec, so can only be listview option!
factory.widget.listview = function (spec) {
var fragment, filter, has_filter, generator;
var fragment, has_filter, generator;
// generate list item
generator = function (element, wrapper, i) {
var divider, static_item, theme, config, auto, last, item, target, content;
var divider, static_item, theme, config, auto, last, item, target, list,
config = wrapper.property_dict;
divider = element.type === "divider" ? true : undefined;
static_item = (element.href === undefined && !divider) ? true : undefined;
theme = config.divider_theme || config.theme || "inherit";
// autodividers (TODO: does this work?)
// autodividers (TODO: does this work? NO!!! do with i!)
if (config.autodividers) {
auto = element.text[0].text.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase();
if (last !== auto) {
list = document.createDocumentFragment();
"type": "li",
"direct": {
"className": "ui-li-divider ui-bar-" + theme +
(i === 0 ? " ui-first-child" :
((i === config.length - 1) ?
......@@ -1838,7 +1845,11 @@
target = document.createDocumentFragment();
} else {
element.is_main = true;
target = factory.util.generateContentElement("link", element, config)[0];
target = factory.util.generateContentElement(
// generate contents, split button will return [frag1, frag2, class_list]
......@@ -1885,7 +1896,7 @@
// NOTE: if input provided, the filter is already there!
if (spec.filter && spec.input === undefined) {
has_filter = true;
filter = factory.widget.formElement({
"type": "input",
"direct": {
"id": "filter_" + ( || "items"),
......@@ -1901,7 +1912,7 @@
"logic": {
"clear": "true"
......@@ -2033,7 +2044,7 @@
generator = function (element, wrapper, i) {
var item, quirk_dict, row, temp, cell, j, field, link, logic, faux_id,
var quirk_dict, row, temp, cell, j, field, link, logic, faux_id,
attributes, property, snippet, title, k, button, group, dict, set,
wrap, lookup, item_href;
......@@ -2047,13 +2058,11 @@
// checkbox/radio
if (!quirk_dict.no_items && (quirk_dict.check || {
switch (true) {
case (quirk_dict.global_check):
if (quirk_dict.global_check) {
element.action = "check_all";
case (quirk_dict.check && !quirk_dict.global_check):
if (quirk_dict.check && !quirk_dict.global_check) {
element.action = "check_all_visible";
cell = factory.element({"type": "th"});
faux_id = wrap ? element.action : "select_" + element[0].id;
......@@ -2072,7 +2081,8 @@
"type": "input",
"direct": {
"id": (wrap ? quirk_dict.reference + "_" : "") + faux_id,
"name": quirk_dict.check ? faux_id : "radio_" + quirk_dict.reference,
"name": quirk_dict.check ? faux_id : "radio_" +
"className": element.action ? "action" : ""
"attributes": dict,
......@@ -2120,7 +2130,7 @@
// action menu (calling widget is cheating...)
if (field.action_list) {
group = factory.widget.controlgroup({"direction":"horizontal"});
group = factory.widget.controlgroup({"direction": "horizontal"});
for (k = 0; k < field.action_list.length; k += 1) {
button = field.action_list[k];
if ( {
......@@ -2149,8 +2159,8 @@
link = group.fragment;
// link/sorting
} else if ( && field.href ||
(wrap && quirk_dict.sortable && field.sort)
} else if ( && (field.href ||
(wrap && quirk_dict.sortable && field.sort))
) {
// header link (sorting) or href link
link = factory.element({
......@@ -2343,7 +2353,7 @@
crumb = spec.children[i];
if (typeof crumb === "string") {
pass = {
"href": base += (patch + crumb),
"href": base + (patch + crumb),
"text": crumb
patch = "/";
......@@ -2377,7 +2387,11 @@
len = arr.length;
for (k = 0; k < len; k += 1) {
block = arr[k];
content = factory.util.generateContentElement(block.type, block, config);
content = factory.util.generateContentElement(
class_string += content[1];
if (content[1] === split) {
......@@ -2403,7 +2417,7 @@
// TODO: class_string only works for listview, could be expanded
// TODO: this is crap though....
factory.util.generateContentElement = function (type, spec, config) {
var id, is_type, is_main, no_icon, input_dict, container, is_text;
var id, is_type, is_main, no_icon, input_dict, container;
switch (type) {
......@@ -2467,15 +2481,16 @@
"href": spec.href || "#",
"className": "ui-btn " + " ui-btn-" +
(config.split_theme || config.theme || "inherit") +
(no_icon ? " " : (is_main ? " ui-btn-icon-right ":
(no_icon ? " " : (is_main ? " ui-btn-icon-right " :
" ui-btn-icon-" + (spec.iconpos || "notext")) +
" ui-icon-" + (config.icon || spec.icon || "carat-r"))
"attributes": {
"title": spec.title || "",
"data-i18n": "[title]" + (spec.title_i18n || "") + ";" + (spec.text_i18n || "")
"data-i18n": "[title]" + (spec.title_i18n || "") + ";" +
(spec.text_i18n || "")
"logic": {
"rel": spec.external ? "external" : null,
"data-ajax": spec.external ? "false" : null,
"text": spec.text || null
......@@ -2521,7 +2536,6 @@
"className": "ui-li-count ui-body-" +
(config.count_theme || config.theme)
"attributes": {},
"logic": {"text": spec.count}
}), "ui-li-has-count"];
......@@ -2542,7 +2556,6 @@
"data-i18n": spec.text_i18n || spec.title_i18n || null
}), ""];
......@@ -2579,8 +2592,10 @@
"text": content_dict.dynamic || content_dict.message || "No items found.",
"text_i18n": content_dict.message_i18n || "validation_dict.no_items_found",
"text": content_dict.dynamic || content_dict.message ||
"No items found.",
"text_i18n": content_dict.message_i18n ||
"colspan": counter || count
......@@ -2594,12 +2609,16 @@
"center": {
"text": [{
"type": "h1",
"text": content_dict.dynamic || content_dict.message || "No items found.",
"text_i18n": content_dict.message_i18n || "validation_dict.no_items_found"
"text": content_dict.dynamic || content_dict.message ||
"No items found.",
"text_i18n": content_dict.message_i18n ||
default: alert("placeholder for no items missing"); break;
alert("placeholder for no items missing");
......@@ -2679,13 +2698,13 @@
"data-type": "search",
"type": "search"
"logic":{"clear":"true", "action":"search"}
"logic": {"clear": "true", "action": "search"}
for (i = 0; i < spec.info_list.length; i += 1) {
"type": "div",
"direct": {"className":"info"},
"direct": {"className": "info"},
"attributes": {"data-info": spec.info_list[i]}
......@@ -2716,7 +2735,11 @@
for (n = 0; n < spec.option_list.length; n += 1) {
option = spec.option_list[n];
option_list.push({"value": option.value, "text": option.text, "text_i18n": option.text_i18n});
"value": option.value,
"text": option.text,
"text_i18n": option.text_i18n
config = {
......@@ -2730,43 +2753,43 @@
"property_dict": {"direction": "horizontal"},
"children": [{
"type": "a",
"direct":{"className":"action", "href":"#"},
"direct": {"className": "action", "href": "#"},
"attributes": {
"data-i18n": "global_dict.first",
"data-action": "first",
"data-icon": "step-backward",
"data-iconpos": "notext"
"logic": {"text":"First"}
"logic": {"text": "First"}
}, {
"type": "a",
"direct":{"className":"action", "href":"#"},
"direct": {"className": "action", "href": "#"},
"attributes": {
"data-i18n": "global_dict.previous",
"data-action": "prev",
"data-icon": "backward",
"data-iconpos": "notext"
"logic": {"text":"Previous"}
"logic": {"text": "Previous"}
}, {
"direct":{"id": "select_" + util.uuid(), "className": "action"},
"type": "select",
"direct": {"id": "select_" + util.uuid(), "className": "action"},
"attributes": {
"data-icon": "bars",
"data-action": "limit",
"data-iconpos": "notext"
"logic": {"options":option_list}
"logic": {"options": option_list}
}, {
"type": "a",
"direct":{"className":"action", "href":"#"},
"direct": {"className": "action", "href": "#"},
"attributes": {
"data-i18n": "",
"data-action": "next",
"data-icon": "forward",
"data-iconpos": "notext"
"logic": {"text":"Next"}
"logic": {"text": "Next"}
......@@ -2775,14 +2798,14 @@
if (!app.storage_dict.property_dict.skip_total_records) {
"type": "a",
"direct":{"className":"action", "href":"#"},
"direct": {"className": "action", "href": "#"},
"attributes": {
"data-i18n": "global_dict.last",
"data-action": "last",
"data-icon": "step-forward",
"data-iconpos": "notext"
"logic": {"text":"Last"}
"logic": {"text": "Last"}
......@@ -2798,7 +2821,7 @@
* @param {obj} object Action object (popupbeforeposition)
factory.util.generateDynamicContents = function (obj) {
var i, j, promises, fragment, element, reference, state, $el;
var element, reference, state, $el;
element = obj.gadget;
reference = element.getAttribute("data-reference");
......@@ -2808,7 +2831,6 @@
if (state !== reference) {
if (reference === null) {
app.util.error("Global Bindings: No element handler");
fragment = factory.element("p", {}, {}, {"text": "No element handler"});
} else {
element.setAttribute("data-state", reference);
element.setAttribute("data-reference", reference);
......@@ -2816,7 +2838,6 @@
// empty gadget and reload
// TODO: how to replace in javaScript?
element.innerHTML = "";
promises = [];
// fetch content
......@@ -2908,230 +2929,6 @@
factory.util.setDynamicPointer(obj, "ui_panel_sales");
// =================================================
* POST an object
* @method new
* @param {object} obj Action Object
"new": function (obj) {
.then(function (response) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.saved", "check");
app.navigate(obj, response);
.fail(function (error) {
switch (error.status) {
case 408: app.util.loader("", "status_dict.timeout", "clock-o"); break;
case 400: app.util.loader("", "validation_dict.general", "ban"); break;
default: app.util.loader("", "status_dict.error", "ban"); break;
* PUT an object
* @method update
* @param {object} obj Action Object
"update": function (obj) {
.then(function (response) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.saved", "check");
app.navigate(obj, response);
.fail(function (error) {
switch (error.status) {
case 408: app.util.loader("", "status_dict.timeout", "clock-o"); break;
case 400: app.util.loader("", "validation_dict.general", "ban"); break;
default: app.util.loader("", "status_dict.error", "ban"); break;
* update server scope - custom action, because my_ not implemented,
* same for ticket status updates
* @method update
* @param {object} obj Action Object
"update_scope": function (obj) {
obj.force_data = true;
.then(function (response) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.saved", "check");
app.navigate(obj, response);
.fail(function (error) {
switch (error.status) {
case 408: app.util.loader("", "status_dict.timeout", "clock-o"); break;
default: app.util.loader("", "status_dict.error", "ban"); break;
* Install a service on a machine
* @method install
* @param {object} obj Action Object
"install": function (obj) {
// HACK: no good way to refer to the calling server!
obj.state.reference =
* Revoke a SSL certificate - custom action, so extra entry
* @method revoke_ssl
* @param {object} obj Action Object
"revoke_ssl": function (obj) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.updating");
.then(function (response) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.ssl_revoked", "check");
.fail(function (error) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.ssl_no", "ban");
* Request SSL certificate
* @method request_ssl
* @param {object} obj Action Object
"request_ssl": function (obj) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.requesting");
.then(function (response) {
// get certificate!
flux = flux || {};
flux._temp = util.parse(response._temp);
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.ssl_generated", "check");
app.navigate(obj, response);
.fail(function (error) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.ssl_error", "ban");
* Start a software instance
* @method start_instance
* @param {object} obj Action Object
"destroy": function (obj) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.destroying", "trash");
.then(function (response) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.success", "check");
app.navigate(obj, response);
* Start a software instance
* @method start
* @param {object} obj Action Object
"start": function (obj) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.starting", "signal");
.then(function (response) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.success", "check");
* Stop a software instance
* @method stop_instance
* @param {object} obj Action Object
"stop": function (obj) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.stopping", "ban");
.then(function (response) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.success", "check");
* GET an object
* @method get
* @param {object} obj Action Object
"get": function (obj) {
* Download a file (as pdf)
* @method download
* @param {object} obj Action Object
"download": function (obj) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.downloading");
.then(function (response) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.rendering");
window.location.href =;
// ==============================================
// /**
// * Destroy an installation = service object
// * @method destroy
// * @param {object} obj Action Object
// **/
// "destroy": function (obj) {
// storage.remove(obj);
// },
* Start a software instance
* @method start_instance
* @param {object} obj Action Object
"destroy_installation": function (obj) {
var element = obj.element,
id = obj.state.fragment_list[1],
decode = /^[^\/]*%2[^\/]*$/.test(id);
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.destroying", "trash");
"url": window.decodeURIComponent(element.href),
"type": element.getAttribute("data-method"),
"xhrFields": {
"withCredentials": true
.then(function (answer) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.success", "check");
.fail(function(error) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.success", "check");
if (util.parse( === "" && id && obj.state.callback) {
$.mobile.changePage(obj.state.callback.replace("__id__", decode ? id : window.encodeURIComponent(id)));
// ==============================================================
* Look up single value from dict
* @method translateLookup
......@@ -3508,7 +3305,7 @@
quirk_dict = wrapper.property_dict;
record = item.doc;
id = record[quirk_dict.link_identifier] || record["_id"] || item["_id"];
id = record[quirk_dict.link_identifier] || record._id || item._id;
new_item = {};
// id
......@@ -3527,11 +3324,18 @@
// loop field_list = cells
for (k = 0; k < segment.field_list.length; k += 1) {
cell = util.mergeObject(new_item, util.cloneObject(segment.field_list[k]));
cell = util.mergeObject(
// custom header (!) cells have text/i18n defined
if (!cell.custom) {
cell.text = util.generateText(record[field.value || field.field], cell, record);
cell.text = util.generateText(
record[cell.value || cell.field],
cell.text_i18n = record.text_i18n || null;
......@@ -3556,19 +3360,19 @@
// TODO: not nice & find better handling for text elements and i18n tags
// NOTE: make sure there is no "id" flying through here!!! only _id
map.listItem = function (item, wrapper, i) {
var quirk_dict, core, section, pos, label, j, k, field, setter,
record, property, source, new_item, id, key, obj, translation_fields;
var quirk_dict, section, pos, label, j, k, field, setter, record, new_item,
id, key, obj, translation_fields;
translation_fields = "titletextlabel";
quirk_dict = wrapper.property_dict;
record = item.doc;
id = record[quirk_dict.link_identifier] || record["_id"] || item["_id"];
id = record[quirk_dict.link_identifier] || record._id || item._id;
new_item = {};
// radio
if ( {
label = true;
new_item.right = [{"type":"radio", "action": "check"}];
new_item.right = [{"type": "radio", "action": "check"}];
// checkbox
......@@ -3630,8 +3434,8 @@
// TODO: should we wrap in span_12 here. why do we wrap at all, do with CSS
map.formItem = function (item, wrapper, i) {
var helper, getHelp, j, k, segment, section, field, setValue, root, veto,
textarea_value, override_value, value,field_value, validation_list,
class_list, el, type, clear, alt_name, fetch_items, option_list, pass,
textarea_value, override_value, value, field_value, validation_list,
class_list, el, type, clear, alt_name, fetch_items, pass,
field_list, l, m, section_list, container, disabled, readonly;
getHelp = function (prop) {
......@@ -3644,24 +3448,25 @@
// TODO: remove this crap or make it generic...
// set = setter_list ... JSLINT
setValue = function (setter) {
var i, len, set_value, set_flux, setter_list, lookup_value, set_reference;
var n, len, set_value, set_flux, set, val, set_reference;
if (setter.logic) {
set_reference = setter.logic.setReference;
set_value = setter.logic.setValue;
lookup_value = setter.logic.lookupValue;
setter_list = setter.logic.setters;
val = setter.logic.lookupValue;
set = setter.logic.setters;
set_flux = setter.logic.setFlux;
if (setter_list) {
len = setter_list.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
if (lookup_value) {
if (set) {
len = set.length;
for (n = 0; n < len; n += 1) {
if (val) {
// FU§$%&/NG HAL
setter.logic[setter_list[i]] = item.doc[lookup_value[i][0]][lookup_value[i][1]][lookup_value[i][2]];
setter.logic[set[n]] = item.doc[val[n][0]][val[n][1]][val[n][2]];
} else {
setter.logic[setter_list[i]] = item.doc[set_value];
setter.logic[set[n]] = item.doc[set_value];
} else if (set_value) {
......@@ -3688,11 +3493,9 @@
// NOTE: all children of a form will be passed through here, these can
// be ready HTML constructor objects, widgets or form elements
// requiring mapping (custom or based on element.field_dict)
switch (true) {
case !!
if (!! {
case !!item.generate:
} else if (!!item.generate) {
// we must declare wrap for non-form elements here, because they
// don't belong into any widget
container = getHelp({
......@@ -3700,10 +3503,8 @@
"class_list": "span_" + (item.property_dict.wrap || 1)
} else {
helper = getHelp({"wrap": "fragment"});
// nothing to do, pass back directly
......@@ -3739,8 +3540,8 @@
root = item.field_dict[field.field];
veto = util.mergeObject(
field.overrides || {},
{"properties": {}, "widget": {}
{"properties": {}, "widget": {}}
value = item.doc[field.setValue || field.field];
// flag false/missing field_dict
......@@ -3759,9 +3560,8 @@
// easy way out if not enabled
// TODO: should be full field setup with label... and span
switch (true) {
case ( === false || === false):
if ( === false || === false) {
pass = {
"push": {
"type": "span",
......@@ -3770,8 +3570,7 @@
"logic": {"text": field_value}
case (veto.type === "ImageField" || root.type === "ImageField"):
} else if (veto.type === "ImageField" || root.type === "ImageField") {
pass = {
"push": {
"type": "img",
......@@ -3779,7 +3578,6 @@
"attributes": {"skip": true}
// check for options (select elements), which need to be fetched
......@@ -3802,7 +3600,9 @@
// required fields
if ( === true) {
if ( === undefined || === true) {
if ( === undefined || === true
) {
class_list += "required ";
......@@ -3946,8 +3746,8 @@
"attachment": fetch_items,
"pass": pass
}).then(function (answer) {
var i, j, value, option, len, loaded_options, el_type, radio_check,
clone, clone_opt, group, push, group_id;
var o, p, new_value, option, len, loaded_options, el_type,
radio_check, clone, clone_opt, group, push, group_id;
loaded_options = answer.response;
......@@ -3956,16 +3756,16 @@
push = answer.pass.push;
push.logic.options = util.parse(loaded_options);
value = push.logic.value;
new_value = push.logic.value;
len = loaded_options.length;
el_type = push.attributes.type;
radio_check = (el_type === "radio" || el_type === "checkbox");
// TODO: set value here? this is a mapper??!
if (value) {
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
option = loaded_options[i];
if (option.value === value) {
if (new_value) {
for (o = 0; o < len; o += 1) {
option = loaded_options[o];
if (option.value === new_value) {
option.checked = true;
option.selected = "selected";
......@@ -3989,15 +3789,15 @@
"children": []
for (j = 0; j < len; j += 1) {
clone_opt = loaded_options[j];
for (p = 0; p < len; p += 1) {
clone_opt = loaded_options[p];
clone = {
"type": "input",
"logic": util.cloneObject(push.logic),
"attributes": util.cloneObject(push.attributes),
"direct": util.cloneObject(
}; += "_" + j; += "_" + p;
if (clone_opt.checked) { = true;
......@@ -4038,7 +3838,7 @@
for (m = 0; m < section_response_list.length; m += 1) {
return RSVP.resolve(helper)
return RSVP.resolve(helper);
......@@ -4066,40 +3866,39 @@
// there is no need to look it up in pass.config.property_dict...
// TODO: jump is bad, it is the lookup for the data to display. rename!
storage.fetch = function (obj) {
var pass, query, method, map, config, answer, lookup, pointer, action_id,
var pass, query, method, mapper, config, answer, lookup, pointer, action_id,
pass = obj.pass;
quirk = obj.state || pass.config_dict;
lookup = obj.state || quirk.property_dict || storage.obj;
query = obj.query || lookup.query || storage.obj;
pointer = (lookup["url_pointer"] || storage.obj).jump;
pointer = (lookup.url_pointer || storage.obj).jump;
// TODO: action > id, this should be triggered via form submit not link!
action_id = ((obj.element || storage.obj).href || "").split("/").pop();
if (action_id) {
pointer = undefined;
query = {"_id": window.decodeURIComponent(action_id)}
query = {"_id": window.decodeURIComponent(action_id)};
switch (true) {
// F%&/() JSLINT...
if (!!pointer) {
// TODO: "hack" for forcing get into allDocs, don't overwrite criteria!
case !!pointer:
map = "values";
mapper = "values";
query.select_list = query.select_list || pass.data_dict.field_list;
query.limit = query.limit || pass.config_dict.initial_query.limit;
case ((query.select_list || storage.arr).length > 0 && !query.include_docs):
map = "values";
case (!!query._id):
map = "single_item";
} else if ((query.select_list || storage.arr).length > 0 &&
) {
mapper = "values";
} else if (!!query._id) {
mapper = "single_item";
method = "get";
config = {
"_view": quirk.view
// TODO: remove - pass custom query to storage
......@@ -4116,21 +3915,27 @@
if (action_id) {
return response;
answer = storage.mapResponse(response, map);
answer = storage.mapResponse(response, mapper);
return {
"response": answer || response,
"pass": pass
}).fail(function(error) {
}).fail(function (error) {
switch (error.status) {
case 408: app.util.loader("", "status_dict.timeout", "clock-o"); break;
case 400: app.util.loader("", "validation_dict.general", "ban"); break;
default: app.util.loader("", "status_dict.error", "ban"); break;
case 408:
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.timeout", "clock-o");
case 400:
app.util.loader("", "validation_dict.general", "ban");
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.error", "ban");
* Write to storage = POST or PUT
......@@ -4140,10 +3945,10 @@
// TODO: storage.add included prefetch of field_items and validation
// TODO: storage.add deleted identifier if create_new was set
storage.write = function (obj) {
var form, data, valid, prefix, config, method, action, pointer, id;
var form, data, valid, prefix, config, method, action, pointer;
form = obj.form;
pointer = (obj.element || storage.span).getAttribute("data-action"),
pointer = (obj.element || storage.span).getAttribute("data-action");
action = (obj.state.url_pointer || storage.obj)[pointer];
config = {};
prefix = + "_";
......@@ -4151,7 +3956,7 @@
if (valid) {
data = obj.sample_data || storage.parseForm(valid, prefix, true);
// TODO: remove, used for update scope, which does not honor form definition
// TODO: remove, used for update scope, doesn't honor form definition
if (obj.force_data) {
config._force_data = true;
......@@ -4180,10 +3985,9 @@
return RSVP.resolve(
app.storage_dict.items[method || "post"](data, config)
} else {
app.util.loader("", "validation_dict.general", "ban");
return RSVP.reject({"status": 400});
......@@ -4232,54 +4036,7 @@
// NOTE: throw to get back in success chain!!!
throw error;
* Load files from disk (fallback, not using storage)
* @method loadFromDiskAndSave
* @param {object} obj Configuration object (may include pass)
* @return {object} object
// TODO: put/putAttachment should be set somewhere more general!
// TODO: merge with fetch/write - requires attachment and storage handling
storage.oldload = function (obj) {
var url, destination;
// fetch and store if set
return util.ajax({"url": url})
.then(function (event) {
destination = || app.storage_dict.settings;
if (!destination) {
app.util.error("load: storage not defined");
return RSVP.all([]);
return destination.put({"_id": (obj.file || "settings")})
.then(function () {
return destination.putAttachment({
"_id": (obj.file || "settings"),
"_attachment": (obj.attachment ||
"_data": JSON.stringify(util.parse(,
"_mimetype": "application/json"
.then(function (response) {
if (obj.pass) {
return {
"response": response,
"pass": obj.pass
return response;
......@@ -4355,14 +4112,13 @@
// WARNING: jIO dependency!
storage.parseQuery = function (query, type, key, value, field_list, restore) {
var property, wrap, query_object, query_clean, default_query, obj,
is_value, i, is_id, decode;
var wrap, query_object, query_clean, default_query, obj, is_value, i, is_id;
is_value = value && value !== "";
is_id = query && query.query && query.query._id;
// "id" = "bar" => THIS SHOULD BE GET!
if (is_value && key && key === "_id" || is_id) {
if ((is_value && key && key === "_id") || is_id) {
obj = {"_id": window.decodeURIComponent(is_id ? query.query._id : value)};
......@@ -4418,8 +4174,11 @@
wrap = "";
for (i = 0; i < field_list.length; i += 1) {
if (!util.findKey(
(query_object || {}), "query_list", "key", field_list[i])
) {
query_object || {},
)) {
wrap += field_list[i] + ': "' +
obj.wildcard_character +
value +
......@@ -4575,7 +4334,7 @@
// TODO: verfiy this is valid!
data["_id"] =;
data._id =;, record));
......@@ -4589,7 +4348,7 @@
* @return {object} form fields/errors
storage.validate = function (form_to_test) {
var i, pass, form_to_submit, anti_spam, valid, test_time, test_empty,
var i, pass, anti_spam, valid, test_time, test_empty,
test_full, form_element, form_elements;
pass = false;
......@@ -4665,8 +4424,8 @@
if (store && items.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) {
.then(function() {
store.remove({"_id": items[i]})
.then(function () {
if (config.state.callback) {
......@@ -4718,16 +4477,16 @@
* @param {Object} response The action response
app.navigate = function (obj, response) {
var answer, id, goto, decode;
var answer, id, goto_page, decode;
if (obj.state.callback) {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.forwarding");
answer = util.parse(response);
id =;
decode = /^[^\/]*%2[^\/]*$/.test(id);
goto = decode ? id : window.encodeURIComponent(id);
goto_page = decode ? id : window.encodeURIComponent(id);
$.mobile.changePage(obj.state.callback.replace("__id__", goto));
$.mobile.changePage(obj.state.callback.replace("__id__", goto_page));
......@@ -5033,7 +4792,8 @@
info_field_list = element.querySelectorAll(".info");
info = "";
no_total = total === undefined && app.storage_dict.property_dict.skip_total_records;
no_total = total === undefined &&
generateInfo = function (text, text_i18n) {
return factory.element(
......@@ -5075,7 +4835,8 @@
no_items = options.limit[1] || 0;
zero_no_show = (no_limit === 0 && use_total !== 0) ? 1 : no_limit;
if (no_total) {
min = ((no_limit + no_items === 0) ? use_total : no_limit + no_items);
min = ((no_limit + no_items === 0) ? use_total :
no_limit + no_items);
total_records = "";
} else {
min = Math.min(
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