Commit c81ec47c authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

data: removed unneeded files

parent 587fd960
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"i18n": "validation_dict.relation_result_ambiguous"
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\ No newline at end of file
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"_id": "step001",
"career_title": "Student",
"career_location": "Regensburg, Germany",
"career_company": "Elementary School Regensburg East",
"career_type": "education",
"date_started": "1984/09/15",
"date_ended": "1988/07/31",
"ongoing": null,
"career_description": "\nEveryone's gotta start somewhere.",
"career_tags": "Reading, Writing, Math",
"career_subordinate_id": "FOO"
\ No newline at end of file
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"_id": "job001",
"job_title": "Web Developer",
"job_location": "Boulder, CO",
"job_poster_subordinate_company_title": "comp001",
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"job_description": "\nWhy Develop at Markit On Demand?\n\nWe pride ourselves in having a large community of developers who actively support each other through open dialogue and brain storming. We love to solve problems quickly and elegantly while keeping the codebase maintainable and lean. Though we have grown into a larger company you will be working on a small, focused team supporting a handful of important clients. We encourage learning new technologies and how to apply them to our already solid foundation and are always happy to have an impromptu code review. We have a full Quality Assurance team who takes pride in ensuring our sites are bug free and give users the best possible experience.\n\nWhat you will do and learn:\n\n- Engineer and maintain high traffic, high visibility sites for the world’s largest financial firms and media outlets. (We received 5 billion hits last month).\n- Gain exposure to stock market and other financial data while developing applications that present dynamic information from a variety of sources.\n- Use proprietary technologies and standard best practices to build and deliver high performance web applications to users across the globe.\n- Compliment enterprise application sites with both existing and custom jQuery plugins.\n- Utilize progressive enhancement techniques to support older browsers while simultaneously delivering cutting-edge user experience in modern browsers.\n\nWhat We Offer\n\nMarkit On Demand offers a terrific working environment that creates an abundance of opportunities for motivated individuals. We possess a unique and compelling culture that is intellectually stimulating, encourages creativity and recognizes individual and team contribution. We offer a great benefits package including medical with HSA/FSA, dental, vision, 401K with Company Match, vacation and personal days, alternative transportation benefits and there really is an unlimited supply of chocolate!",
"job_tags": ".net,c#,css,javascript,html",
"job_requirements":"\n- Solid understanding of client-side development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript\n- Experience utilizing frameworks like jQuery, jQuery Mobile, and html5shiv\n- Ability to develop full-scale applications with .NET/C#, or comparable platforms\n- Experience with object-oriented principles and development patterns like MVC\n- Excellent technical, analytical, and communication skills\n- Experience or interest in learning mobile web development a plus\n- Demonstrated ability to work and learn independently or as part of a team\n- Must be authorized to work in the United States on a full-time basis",
"date_posted": "2014/02/12",
"job_screenshot_subordinate_company_screenshot_url": "comp001",
"_id": "job002",
"job_title": "Front End Developer for Funded Start-Up",
"job_location": "Waltham, MA ",
"job_poster_subordinate_company_title": "comp002",
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"job_description": "AdAgility is on the hunt for a super star Front End Developer (and a few qualified technical interns) Are you a passionate Front End Developer with the ability to create an awesome user experience? Do you have a strong grasp of and desire to work with JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Photoshop? Have you worked in an Agile development environment? Are you interested in making a massive impact as a key player on a small team? Do you want to be part of an innovative team transforming our corner of the ad-tech market?",
"job_tags": "css, jquery, html, javascript",
"job_requirements":"\n2+ years of experience in front-end development with strong portfolio and examples Ability to create great looking mockups in Photoshop\nStrong experience in JavaScript & JQuery\nHighly skilled coder focus on code reusability, performance and faithfulness to design Detail-oriented and quality-minded with a strong aesthetic sense (UI/UX design) Hands-on experience with consumer web, e-commerce, and online advertising\nis a unique opportunity to join a world-class team at the critical early stage of our evolution.\nAdAgility is a Waltham based media and technology company that is developing a next generation technology for ecommerce sites to better monetize their transactional paths online and via mobile.",
"date_posted": "2014/04/01",
"job_screenshot_subordinate_company_screenshot_url": "comp002",
"_id": "job003",
"job_title": "Senior Front End Developer (contract)",
"job_location": "Culver City, CA",
"job_poster_subordinate_company_title": "comp003",
"job_post_logo_subordinate_logo_url": "comp003",
"job_post_subordinate_website_url": "comp003",
"job_description": "You are a front-end code assassin. When delivered a mission, you methodically plan out and execute your targets one by one with the kind of pride and craftsmanship that only a master carpenter has for his work. Armed with a state-of-the-art toolbox that includes numerous technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, WebGL and Canvas, you quickly and efficiently silence your victims whether they are layered PSD mockups or simply vague ideas that need to be turned into working prototypes. Familiarity with back-ends and AJAX requests is also a huge requirement. While this is primarily a front-end job, you know just as well as anyone else that the most interesting front-ends have solid back-ends. We’re not saying you need to be an expert or anything, but hopefully you’ve logged some time with PHP, Python or .NET and know how to work with different templating engines.",
"job_tags": "html, javascript, jquery, css, responsive-design",
"job_requirements":"On the day-to-day you’ll be cutting code for the most part, but also participating in brainstorming sessions and consulting with designers. Oftentimes, you’ll need to work with producers to help scope out certain pieces of the project. Sometimes you’ll be the lone wolf; sometimes you’ll be working as part of a squad. Many of the projects we take on are technically challenging and have short timelines. In those cases you’ll need to be Johnny-on-the-spot. When you aren’t on a mission, you’ll be asked to come up with and develop side projects you feel passionate about. Over the long term, you’ll be working in an environment that’ll continually challenge you to be your best and reward you for being brave enough to do so.",
"personal_requirements":"\n- 5 years minimum experience\n- Expert knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript / jQuery, AJAX\n- Expert knowledge of Responsive Design and Cross-Browser Compatibility\n- Experience working with the 3rd party APIs like Facebook, Twitter, Google Maps, YouTube (any other is a plus)\n- Experience with LESS and SCSS\n- Understanding Design Patterns\n- Some Experience with .NET, PHP, Python or another server-side language\n- Experience with MVC frameworks\n- Demonstrable experience working with HTML5 Canvas and WebGL\n- Experience with HTML5 game engines for mobile and / or desktop is a plus\n- Superb written and oral communication skills\n- A personable attitude and the ability to work well with different personality types",
"date_posted": "2014/04/10",
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