Commit d3df0e73 authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

doc: removed old documentation files

parent 0924f134
"_links": {
"object_view": [
{"href": "", "name": "View"},
{"href": "", "name": "Details"},
{"href": "", "name": "Assignments"},
{"href": "", "name": "Transactions"},
{"href": "", "name": "Financial Information"},
{"href": "", "name": "Documents"},
{"href": "", "name": "Events"},
{"href": "", "name": "Credential"},
{"href": "", "name": "Translation"},
{"href": "", "name": "Consistency"},
{"href": "", "name": "History"},
{"href": "", "name": "Metadata"}
"self": {"href": ""},
"type": {"href": "", "name": "Person"}
"title": "Person 22\u00f6"
{type: fieldlist, span: 2, gadget: bar},
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{type: listbox: span: 2, gadget: zzz}
> If tabs only include "sub-layouts", we don't need to fetch the tab-gadget
configuration, which would recursively re-run the gadget loop and
fetch all gadgets. Would make syntax coherent, but requires another
HTTP request for getting the gadget configuration.
Page layout action/jumps/tasks...
> new listview API!
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{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Bug Event workflow --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 46, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Bug Lines to Send", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Bug Workflow --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 278, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Open Bugs", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 12, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Bugs to Resolve", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 617, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Bugs to Follow", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 732, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Bugs Assigned to Follow", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Document Ingestion Workflow --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 12, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Ingested Documents", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Document Publication Workflow --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 5, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Documents to Submit", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 29, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Documents to Review", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Events Workflow --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 560, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Planned Events to Confirm", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 10, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Confirmed Events to Generate", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Inventory Workflow --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 7, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Inventories to validate", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Order Workflow --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 6, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Purchase Orders to Plan", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 1, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Purchase Orders to Confirm", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 174, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Sale Orders to Plan", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 7, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Sale Orders to Order", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 9, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Sale Orders to Confirm", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 143, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Offered Sale Orders to Follow", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Packing List Workflow --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 112, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Sale Packing List to Prepare", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 12, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Sale Packing List to Validate", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 102, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Sale Packing List to Solve", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Project Workflow --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 1, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Project to Open", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Task Report Workflow --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 4, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Task Reports to Follow", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Task Workflow --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 2, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Tasks to Validate", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 1, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Tasks to Order", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Validation Workflow --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 3689, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Persons to Validate", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 1759, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Organisations to Validate", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 123, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Products to Validate", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 106, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Services to Validate", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 5, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Sale Trade Conditions to Validate", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 5, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Transformations to Validate", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 2, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Sale Supplies to Validate", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "count": 1, "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Purchase Supplies to Validate", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- Other --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Update Credentials", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Undo", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "divider", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"-- User --", "text_i18n":""}]},
{"type": "item", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Preferences", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]},
{"type": "item", "texts":[{"type":"h1", "text":"Log out", "text_i18n":""}], "actions":[{"type":"link", "href":"index.html"}]}
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\ No newline at end of file
Draft API
> Info:
> A section defines a section of content
> Syntax:
type Type of element (fieldlist, tabs, listbox, ...)
span "Columns" to span - 1/2/more
gadget Id of gadget to load
> Notes:
> Types must have a construct[Type] method to build the type of element
> The gadget configuration defines the "instance" of the type
> To add own types add construct[Type] method
> Example JSON:
{"type": "fieldlist", "span": 2, "gadget": "bar"},
{"type": "fieldlist", "span": 1, "gadget": "baz"},
{"type": "fieldlist", "span": 1, "gadget": "bam"},
{"type": "tabs", "span": 2, "gadget": "foo"},
{"type": "listbox": "span": 2, "gadget": "zzz"}
> Example HTML:
<div class="span_2">
<div class="gadget" data-gadget-type="fieldlist" data-gadget-id="bar"></div>
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<div class="span_2">
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> Info:
> A module can have one ore more layouts corresponding to pages
> Every hierarchy level needs a layout (one for Persons, on for Person, etc)
> A page must have at least one "default" section
> Syntax:
[page_name] link parameter(s) to determine page (?container=a&palette=x)
title Page title to set
title_i18n Client-side translation lookup value
theme Page theme (handles all JQM CSS)
fixed Fix header/footer for this page (default to true)
sections See "sections"
> Example JSON (container > palette > box > items > item = 5 hierarchies)
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// sample item with all options
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