• Gabriel Monnerat's avatar
    erp5_document_scanner: Add a tales expression as default field value · e73ac2a6
    Gabriel Monnerat authored
    The default value is a JSON containing 2 keys:
    - the relative_url of an active process
    - the list of active process image content to aggregate
    By default, when the field is rendered for the first time, this tales expression is evaluated and a new active process is created at that point.
    So, default json is like: {active_process: 'portal_activities/1234', image_list: []}
    * store the active_process relative_url in the gadget state in the render method
    * store the image_list in the gadget state in the render_method
    * change getContent method to send a json build from the active_process and image_list state
rjs_gadget_document_scanner_js.js 23.7 KB