Commit 24b3ec49 authored by Nicolas Delaby's avatar Nicolas Delaby

Refactor ERP5SyncML partialy

  - replace 4Suite by lxml
  - use new None type
  - store Partial Data in CDATA node instead a Comment node (avoid replacement of '--' by '@-@@-@')
  - list type are loads with marshaler
  - several optimisations, clean useless code
  - testERP5SyncML ran 33% faster than before.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 52b3897e
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
from Products.ERP5SyncML.XMLSyncUtils import XMLSyncUtilsMixin
from Products.ERP5SyncML.Subscription import Conflict
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ERP5SyncML.XMLSyncUtils import Parse
from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime
from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
from email import Encoders
......@@ -41,19 +40,9 @@ from cStringIO import StringIO
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, unescape
import re
import cStringIO
from lxml import etree
from xml.marshal.generic import loads as unmarshaler
from zLOG import LOG, INFO, DEBUG
from Ft.Xml.Domlette import Print, PrettyPrint
except ImportError:
LOG('ERP5Conduit', INFO, "Can't import Print and PrettyPrint")
class Print:
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
raise ImportError, '4Suite-XML is not installed'
class PrettyPrint:
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
raise ImportError, '4Suite-XML is not installed'
class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
......@@ -133,11 +122,11 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
conflict_list = []
xml = self.convertToXml(xml)
if xml is None:
return {'conflict_list':conflict_list, 'object':sub_object}
return {'conflict_list': conflict_list, 'object': sub_object}
# In the case where this new node is a object to add
if xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD and \
if xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD and \
self.getSubObjectDepth(xml) == 0:
if self.isHistoryAdd(xml)!=-1: # bad hack XXX to be removed
if self.isHistoryAdd(xml) != -1: # bad hack XXX to be removed
for element in self.getXupdateElementList(xml):
xml = self.getElementFromXupdate(element)
conflict_list += self.addNode(
......@@ -147,7 +136,7 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
elif xml.nodeName == 'object':
elif xml.tag == 'object':
if object_id is None:
object_id = self.getAttribute(xml, 'id')
if object_id is not None:
......@@ -158,9 +147,9 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
sub_object = None
if sub_object is None: # If so, it doesn't exist
portal_type = ''
if xml.nodeName == 'object':
if xml.tag == 'object':
portal_type = self.getObjectType(xml)
elif xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD: # Deprecated ???
elif xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD: # Deprecated ???
portal_type = self.getXupdateObjectType(xml) # Deprecated ???
sub_object, reset_local_roles, reset_workflow = self.constructContent(
......@@ -172,8 +161,8 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
elif xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD \
and self.getSubObjectDepth(xml)>=1:
elif xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD \
and self.getSubObjectDepth(xml) >= 1:
sub_object_id = self.getSubObjectId(xml)
if previous_xml is not None and sub_object_id is not None:
# Find the previous xml corresponding to this subobject
......@@ -195,12 +184,12 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
conflict_list += self.addNode(xml=sub_xml,object=sub_object,
previous_xml=sub_previous_xml, force=force,
simulate=simulate, **kw)['conflict_list']
elif xml.nodeName == self.history_tag or self.isHistoryAdd(xml)>0:
elif xml.tag == self.history_tag or self.isHistoryAdd(xml)>0:
conflict_list += self.addWorkflowNode(object, xml, simulate)
#elif xml.nodeName in self.local_role_list or self.isLocalRole(xml)>0 and not simulate:
elif xml.nodeName in self.local_role_list:
conflict_list += self.addLocalRoleNode(object, xml)
elif xml.nodeName in self.local_permission_list:
#elif xml.tag in self.local_role_list or self.isLocalRole(xml)>0 and not simulate:
elif xml.tag in self.local_role_list:
self.addLocalRoleNode(object, xml)
elif xml.tag in self.local_permission_list:
conflict_list += self.addLocalPermissionNode(object, xml)
conflict_list += self.updateNode(xml=xml,object=object, force=force,
......@@ -221,7 +210,7 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
xml = self.convertToXml(xml)
if object_id is None:
#LOG('ERP5Conduit.deleteNode', DEBUG, 'deleteNode, SubObjectDepth: %i' % self.getSubObjectDepth(xml))
if xml.nodeName == self.xml_object_tag:
if xml.tag == self.xml_object_tag:
object_id = self.getAttribute(xml,'id')
elif self.getSubObjectDepth(xml) == 1:
object_id = self.getSubObjectId(xml)
......@@ -240,17 +229,17 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
self.deleteObject(object, object_id)
# In the case where we have to delete an user role
# If we are still there, this means the delete is for this node
elif xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_DEL:
elif xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_DEL:
xml = self.getElementFromXupdate(xml)
if xml.nodeName in self.local_role_list and not simulate:
if xml.tag in self.local_role_list and not simulate:
# We want to del a local role
user = self.getAttribute(xml,'id')
#LOG('ERP5Conduit.deleteNode local_role: ', DEBUG, 'user: %s' % repr(user))
if xml.nodeName.find(self.local_role_tag)>=0:
if xml.tag.find(self.local_role_tag)>=0:
elif xml.nodeName.find(self.local_group_tag)>=0:
elif xml.tag.find(self.local_group_tag)>=0:
if xml.nodeName in self.local_permission_list and not simulate:
if xml.tag in self.local_permission_list and not simulate:
permission = self.getAttribute(xml,'id')
return conflict_list
......@@ -277,10 +266,10 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
if xml is None:
return {'conflict_list':conflict_list, 'object':object}
xml = self.convertToXml(xml)
#LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', DEBUG, 'xml.nodeName: %s' % xml.nodeName)
#LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', DEBUG, 'xml.tag: %s' % xml.tag)
#LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode, force: ', DEBUG, force)
# we have an xupdate xml
if xml.nodeName == 'xupdate:modifications':
if xml.xpath('name()') == 'xupdate:modifications':
conflict_list += self.applyXupdate(object=object,
......@@ -290,27 +279,24 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
# we may have only the part of an xupdate
args = {}
if self.isProperty(xml) and not(self.isSubObjectModification(xml)):
if self.isProperty(xml):
keyword = None
for subnode in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == 'select':
select_list = subnode.nodeValue.split('/') # Something like:
value = xml.attrib.get('select', None)
if value is not None:
select_list = value.split('/') # Something like:
new_select_list = ()
for select_item in select_list:
if select_item.find('[')>=0:
if select_item.find('[') >= 0:
select_item = select_item[:select_item.find('[')]
new_select_list += (select_item,)
select_list = new_select_list # Something like : ('','object','sid')
keyword = select_list[len(select_list)-1] # this will be 'sid'
data_xml = xml
data = None
if xml.nodeName not in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD:
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == 'xupdate:element':
for subnode1 in subnode.attributes:
if subnode1.nodeName == 'name':
keyword = subnode1.nodeValue
if xml.xpath('name()') not in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD:
for subnode in xml:
if subnode.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_EL:
keyword = subnode.attrib.get('name', None)
data_xml = subnode
#We can call add node
......@@ -321,7 +307,7 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
return conflict_list
if xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_DEL:
if xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_DEL:
conflict_list += self.deleteNode(xml=xml,
......@@ -329,17 +315,12 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
return conflict_list
if keyword is None: # This is not a selection, directly the property
keyword = xml.nodeName
if len(self.getElementNodeList(data_xml)) == 0:
data = data_xml.childNodes[0].data
except IndexError: # There is no data
data = None
keyword = xml.tag
if not (keyword in self.NOT_EDITABLE_PROPERTY):
# We will look for the data to enter
data_type = object.getPropertyType(keyword)
#LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', DEBUG, 'data_type: %s for keyword: %s' % (str(data_type), keyword))
data = self.convertXmlValue(data, data_type=data_type)
data = self.convertXmlValue(xml, data_type=data_type)
args[keyword] = data
args = self.getFormatedArgs(args=args)
# This is the place where we should look for conflicts
......@@ -367,11 +348,10 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
if 1:
# This is a conflict
isConflict = 1
string_io = StringIO()
PrettyPrint(xml, stream=string_io)
xml_string = etree.tostring(xml, encoding='utf-8')
conflict = Conflict(object_path=object.getPhysicalPath(),
if not (data_type in self.binary_type_list):
......@@ -392,8 +372,9 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
elif keyword == self.history_tag and not simulate:
# This is the case where we have to call addNode
conflict_list += self.addNode(xml=subnode,object=object,force=force,
conflict_list += self.addNode(xml=subnode, object=object,
force=force, simulate=simulate,
elif keyword in (self.local_role_tag, self.local_permission_tag) and not simulate:
# This is the case where we have to update Roles or update permission
#LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', DEBUG, 'we will add a local role')
......@@ -401,20 +382,21 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
#roles = self.convertXmlValue(data,data_type='tokens')
xml = self.getElementFromXupdate(xml)
conflict_list += self.addNode(xml=xml, object=object, force=force,
conflict_list += self.addNode(xml=xml, object=object,
force=force, simulate=simulate,
elif self.isSubObjectModification(xml):
# We should find the object corresponding to
# this update, so we have to look in the previous_xml
sub_object_id = self.getSubObjectId(xml)
#LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', DEBUG,'isSubObjectModification sub_object_id: %s' % sub_object_id)
if previous_xml is not None and sub_object_id is not None:
sub_previous_xml = self.getSubObjectXml(sub_object_id,previous_xml)
sub_previous_xml = self.getSubObjectXml(sub_object_id, previous_xml)
#LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', DEBUG, 'isSubObjectModification sub_previous_xml: %s' % str(sub_previous_xml))
if sub_previous_xml is not None:
sub_object = None
sub_object = object[sub_object_id]
sub_object = object._getOb(sub_object_id)
except KeyError:
if sub_object is not None:
......@@ -425,7 +407,8 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
#LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', DEBUG, 'sub_xml: %s' % str(sub_xml))
# Then do the udpate
conflict_list += self.updateNode(xml=sub_xml, object=sub_object,
force=force, previous_xml=sub_previous_xml,
simulate=simulate, **kw)
elif previous_xml is None and xml is not None and sub_object_id is not None:
sub_object = None
......@@ -465,19 +448,17 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
new_args = {}
for keyword in args.keys():
data = args[keyword]
if type(keyword) is type(u"a"):
if isinstance(keyword, unicode):
keyword = keyword.encode(self.getEncoding())
if type(data) is type([]) or type(data) is type(()):
if isinstance(data, (tuple, list)):
new_data = []
for item in data:
if type(item) is type(u"a"):
if isinstance(item, unicode):
item = item.encode(self.getEncoding())
item = item.replace('@@@','\n')
new_data += [item]
data = new_data
if type(data) is type(u"a"):
if isinstance(data, unicode):
data = data.encode(self.getEncoding())
data = data.replace('@@@','\n')
if keyword == 'binary_data':
#LOG('ERP5Conduit.getFormatedArgs', DEBUG, 'binary_data keyword: %s' % str(keyword))
msg = MIMEBase('application','octet-stream')
......@@ -487,17 +468,17 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
new_args[keyword] = data
return new_args
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isProperty')
def isProperty(self, xml):
Check if it is a simple property
not an attribute @type it's a metadata
bad_list = (self.sub_object_exp,self.history_exp)
for subnode in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == 'select':
value = subnode.nodeValue
bad_list = (self.sub_object_exp, self.history_exp, self.attribute_type_exp,)
value = xml.attrib.get('select', None)
if value is not None:
for bad_string in bad_list:
if,value) is not None:
if is not None:
return 0
return 1
......@@ -508,22 +489,20 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
This will change the xml in order to change the update
from the object to the subobject
xml_copy = xml.cloneNode(True) #make a deepcopy of the node xml
for subnode in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml_copy):
if subnode.nodeName == 'select':
subnode.nodeValue = self.getSubObjectSelect(subnode.nodeValue)
from copy import deepcopy
xml_copy = deepcopy(xml)
return xml_copy
def isHistoryAdd(self, xml):
bad_list = (self.history_exp,)
for subnode in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == 'select':
value = subnode.nodeValue
value = xml.attrib.get('select')
if value is not None:
for bad_string in bad_list:
if,value) is not None:
if,value) is None:
if is not None:
if is None:
return 1
return -1
......@@ -536,11 +515,10 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
Check if it is a modification from an subobject
good_list = (self.sub_object_exp,)
for subnode in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml) :
if subnode.nodeName == 'select':
value = subnode.nodeValue
value = xml.attrib.get('select', None)
if value is not None:
for good_string in good_list:
if,value) is not None:
if is not None:
return 1
return 0
......@@ -553,45 +531,44 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
1 means it is a subobject
2 means it is more depth than subobject
#LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'xml.nodeName: %s' % xml.nodeName)
if xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_TAG:
#LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'xml.tag: %s' % xml.tag)
if xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_TAG:
i = 0
if xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_INSERT:
if xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_INSERT:
i = 1
#LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'xml2.nodeName: %s' % xml.nodeName)
for subnode in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml):
#LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'subnode.nodeName: %s' % subnode.nodeName)
if subnode.nodeName == 'select':
value = subnode.nodeValue
#LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'xml2.tag: %s' % xml.tag)
value = xml.attrib.get('select', None)
if value is not None:
#LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'subnode.nodeValue: %s' % subnode.nodeValue)
if,value) is not None:
if is not None:
return 2 # This is sure in all cases
elif,value) is not None:
elif is not None:
#new_select = self.getSubObjectSelect(value) # Still needed ???
#if self.getSubObjectSelect(new_select) != new_select:
# return (2 - i)
#return (1 - i)
return (2 - i)
elif,value) is not None:
elif is not None:
return (1 - i)
return 0
def getSubObjectSelect(self, select):
def changeSubObjectSelect(self, xml):
Return a string wich is the selection for the subobject
ex: for "/object[@id='161']/object[@id='default_address']/street_address"
it returns "/object[@id='default_address']/street_address"
if,select) is not None:
select = xml.attrib.get('select')
if is not None:
s = '/'
if'/.*/',select) is not None: # This means we have more than just object
new_value = select[select.find(s,select.find(s)+1):]
if'/.*/', select) is not None: # This means we have more than just object
new_value = select[select.find(s, select.find(s)+1):]
new_value = '/'
select = new_value
return select
xml.attrib['select'] = select
......@@ -600,13 +577,12 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
Return the id of the subobject in an xupdate modification
object_id = None
for subnode in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == 'select':
value = subnode.nodeValue
if,value) is not None:
value = xml.attrib.get('select', None)
if value is not None:
if is not None:
s = "'"
first = value.find(s)+1
object_id = value[first:value.find(s,first)]
first = value.find(s) + 1
object_id = value[first:value.find(s, first)]
return object_id
return object_id
......@@ -617,13 +593,12 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
Return the id of the subobject in an xupdate modification
object_id = None
for subnode in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == 'select':
value = subnode.nodeValue
if,value) is not None:
value = xml.attrib.get('select', None)
if value is not None:
if is not None:
s = self.history_tag
object_id = value[value.find(s):]
object_id = object_id[object_id.find("'")+1:]
object_id = object_id[object_id.find("'") + 1:]
object_id = object_id[:object_id.find("'")]
return object_id
return object_id
......@@ -635,9 +610,9 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
Return the xml of the subobject which as the id object_id
xml = self.convertToXml(xml)
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == self.xml_object_tag:
if object_id == self.getAttribute(subnode,'id'):
for subnode in xml:
if subnode.tag == self.xml_object_tag:
if object_id == self.getAttribute(subnode, 'id'):
return subnode
return None
......@@ -646,11 +621,7 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
Retrieve the given parameter from the xml
for attribute in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml):
if attribute.nodeName == param:
data = attribute.value
return self.convertXmlValue(data, data_type='string')
return None
return xml.attrib.get(param, None)
def getObjectProperty(self, property, xml, data_type=None):
......@@ -659,34 +630,24 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
xml = self.convertToXml(xml)
# document, with childNodes[0] a DocumentType and childNodes[1] the Element Node
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == property:
if data_type is None:
data_type = self.getPropertyType(subnode)
data = subnode.childNodes[0].data
except IndexError: # There is no data
data = None
data = self.convertXmlValue(data, data_type=data_type)
return data
for subnode in xml:
if subnode.tag == property:
return self.convertXmlValue(subnode)
return None
def convertToXml(self,xml):
def convertToXml(self, xml):
if xml is a string, convert it to a node
if xml is None:
if type(xml) in (type('a'),type(u'a')):
if type(xml) is type(u'a'):
if xml is None: return None
if isinstance(xml, (str, unicode)):
if isinstance(xml, unicode):
xml = xml.encode('utf-8')
xml = Parse(xml)
#LOG('Conduit.convertToXml not failed',0,'ok')
xml = xml.childNodes[0] # Because we just created a new xml
xml = etree.XML(xml)
# If we have the xml from the node erp5, we just take the subnode
if xml.nodeName == 'erp5':
xml = self.getElementNodeList(xml)[0]
if xml.tag == 'erp5':
xml = xml[0]
return xml
......@@ -694,23 +655,14 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
Retrieve the portal type from an xml
portal_type = None
attr_list = xml.xpath('.//@portal_type[1]')
if attr_list:
portal_type = attr_list[0].value.encode('utf-8')
return portal_type
return '%s' % xml.xpath('string(.//@portal_type)')
def getPropertyType(self, xml):
Retrieve the portal type from an xml
p_type = None
attr_list = xml.xpath('.//@type[1]')
if attr_list:
p_type = attr_list[0].value.encode('utf-8')
p_type = self.convertXmlValue(p_type, data_type='string')
return p_type
return '%s' % xml.xpath('string(.//@type)')
def getXupdateObjectType(self, xml):
......@@ -718,22 +670,11 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
Retrieve the portal type from an xupdate
XXXX This should not be used any more !!! XXXXXXXXXXX
if xml.nodeName.find('xupdate')>=0:
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == 'xupdate:element':
for subnode1 in self.getElementNodeList(subnode):
if subnode1.nodeName == 'xupdate:attribute':
for attribute in subnode1.attributes:
if attribute.nodeName == 'name':
if attribute.nodeValue == 'portal_type':
data = subnode1.childNodes[0].data
data = self.convertXmlValue(data)
return data
return None
return xml.xpath('string(.//*[name() == "xupdate:attribute"][@name = "portal_type"])') or None
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'newObject')
def newObject(self, object=None, xml=None, simulate=0, reset_local_roles=1, reset_workflow=1):
def newObject(self, object=None, xml=None, simulate=0, reset_local_roles=1,
modify the object with datas from
the xml (action section)
......@@ -747,24 +688,16 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
if getattr(object, 'workflow_history', None) is not None and reset_workflow:
object.workflow_history = PersistentMapping()
if xml.nodeName.find('xupdate') >= 0:
xml = self.getElementNodeList(xml)[0]
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName not in self.NOT_EDITABLE_PROPERTY:
if xml.tag.find('xupdate') >= 0:
xml = xml[0]
for subnode in xml.xpath('*'):
#get only Element nodes (not Comments or Processing instructions)
if subnode.tag not in self.NOT_EDITABLE_PROPERTY:
keyword_type = self.getPropertyType(subnode)
# This is the case where the property is a list
keyword = str(subnode.nodeName)
data = None
while subnode.hasChildNodes(): # We check that this tag is not empty
subnode = subnode.firstChild
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.TEXT_NODE:
data =
args[keyword] = data
#if args.has_key(keyword):
# LOG('newObject',0,'data: %s' % str(args[keyword]))
if args.has_key(keyword):
args[keyword] = self.convertXmlValue(args[keyword], keyword_type)
elif subnode.nodeName in self.ADDABLE_PROPERTY:
keyword = subnode.tag
args[keyword] = self.convertXmlValue(subnode, keyword_type)
elif subnode.tag in self.ADDABLE_PROPERTY + (self.xml_object_tag,):
self.addNode(object=object, xml=subnode, force=1)
# We should first edit the object
args = self.getFormatedArgs(args=args)
......@@ -775,10 +708,10 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
# Then we may create subobject
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName in (self.xml_object_tag,): #,self.history_tag):
self.addNode(object=object, xml=subnode)
## Then we may create subobject
#for subnode in xml:
#if subnode.tag in (self.xml_object_tag,): #,self.history_tag):
#self.addNode(object=object, xml=subnode)
def afterNewObject(self, object):
......@@ -790,8 +723,8 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
Return a worklow status from xml
status = {}
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
keyword = self.convertXmlValue(subnode.nodeName)
for subnode in xml:
keyword = subnode.tag
value = self.getObjectProperty(keyword, xml)
status[keyword] = value
return status
......@@ -801,45 +734,32 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
Retrieve the list of xupdate:element subnodes
e_list = []
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_EL:
e_list += [subnode]
#LOG('getXupdateElementList, e_list:',0,e_list)
return e_list
return xml.xpath('|'.join(['.//*[name() = "%s"]' % name for name in self.XUPDATE_EL]))
def getElementFromXupdate(self, xml):
from a xupdate:element returns the element as xml
if xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_EL:
result = unicode('<', encoding='utf-8')
result += xml.attributes.values()[0].nodeValue
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml): #getElementNodeList
if subnode.nodeName == 'xupdate:attribute':
result += ' %s=' % subnode.attributes.values()[0].nodeValue
result += '"%s"' % subnode.childNodes[0].nodeValue
if xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_EL:
result = '<'
tag_name = xml.attrib.get('name')
result += tag_name
for subnode in xml:
if subnode.xpath('name()') == 'xupdate:attribute':
result += ' %s=' % subnode.attrib.get('name')
result += '"%s"' % subnode.text
result += '>'
# Then dumps the xml and remove what we does'nt want
#xml_string = StringIO()
#xml_string = xml_string.getvalue()
#xml_string = unicode(xml_string,encoding='utf-8')
xml_string = self.nodeToString(xml)
xml_string = unicode(xml_string, encoding='utf-8')
#if type(xml_string) is type (u'a'):
# xml_string = xml_string.encode('utf-8')
maxi = max(xml_string.find('>')+1,\
result += xml_string[maxi:xml_string.find('</xupdate:element>')]
result += '</%s>' % xml.attributes.values()[0].nodeValue
return self.convertToXml(result.encode('utf-8'))
if xml.nodeName in (self.XUPDATE_UPDATE+self.XUPDATE_DEL):
result += '</%s>' % tag_name
return self.convertToXml(result)
if xml.xpath('name()') in (self.XUPDATE_UPDATE + self.XUPDATE_DEL):
result = u'<'
for subnode in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == 'select':
attribute = subnode.nodeValue
attribute = xml.attrib.get('select')
s = '[@id='
s_place = attribute.find(s)
select_id = None
......@@ -848,17 +768,14 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
select_id = select_id[:select_id.find("'",1)+1]
s_place = len(attribute)
property = attribute[:s_place]
if property.find('/') == 0:
property = property[1:]
property = attribute[:s_place].strip('/')
result += property
if select_id is not None:
result += ' id=%s' % select_id
result += '>'
xml_string = self.nodeToString(xml)
xml_string = unicode(xml_string,encoding='utf-8')
maxi = xml_string.find('>')+1
result += xml_string[maxi:xml_string.find('</%s>' % xml.nodeName)]
result += xml_string[maxi:xml_string.find('</%s>' % xml.xpath('name()'))]
result += '</%s>' % (property)
#LOG('getElementFromXupdate, result:',0,repr(result))
return self.convertToXml(result)
......@@ -870,49 +787,42 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
Return the list of workflow actions
action_list = []
if xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_EL:
action_list += [xml]
if xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_EL:
return action_list
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == self.action_tag:
action_list += [subnode]
for subnode in xml:
if subnode.tag == self.action_tag:
return action_list
def convertXmlValue(self, data, data_type=None):
def convertXmlValue(self, node, data_type=None):
It is possible that the xml change the value, for example
there is some too much '\n' and some spaces. We have to do some extra
things so that we convert correctly the value
XXXNicolas: I'm totally disagree with, so i comment this code
if data is None:
if node is None: return None
if data_type is None:
data_type = self.getPropertyType(node)
if data_type == self.none_type: return None
data = node.text
if data is not None and isinstance(data, unicode):
data = data.encode('utf-8')
elif data is None:
if data_type in self.list_type_list:
data = ()
if data_type in self.text_type_list:
elif data_type in self.text_type_list:
data = ''
return data
#data = data.replace('\n','')
if isinstance(data, unicode):
data = data.encode(self.getEncoding())
if data == 'None':
return None
# We can now convert string in tuple, dict, binary...
if data_type in self.list_type_list:
if type(data) is type('a'):
data = tuple(data.split('@@@'))
data = unmarshaler(node.text)
elif data_type in self.text_type_list:
data = data.replace('@@@','\n')
# elif data_type in self.binary_type_list:
# data = data.replace('@@@','\n')
# msg = MIMEBase('application','octet-stream')
# Encoders.encode_base64(msg)
# msg.set_payload(data)
# data = msg.get_payload(decode=1)
data = unescape(data)
elif data_type in self.pickle_type_list:
data = data.replace('@@@','\n')
msg = MIMEBase('application','octet-stream')
msg = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
data = msg.get_payload(decode=1)
......@@ -925,7 +835,7 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
if data == '{}':
data = {}
dict_list = map(lambda x:x.split(':'),data[1:-1].split(','))
dict_list = map(lambda x:x.split(':'), data[1:-1].split(','))
data = map(lambda (x,y):(x.replace(' ','').replace("'",''),int(y)),dict_list)
data = dict(data)
return data
......@@ -939,15 +849,14 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
Parse the xupdate and then it will call the conduit
conflict_list = []
if type(xupdate) in (type('a'),type(u'a')):
xupdate = Parse(xupdate)
if isinstance(xupdate, (str, unicode)):
xupdate = etree.XML(xupdate)
#When xupdate mix different object, (like object and his subobject) we need to treat them separatly
if self.isMixedXupdate(xupdate):
#return to updateNode with only one line
#del all sub_element
sub_node_list = self.getElementNodeList(xupdate)
#clean the node
for subnode in sub_node_list:
for subnode in xupdate:
#Create one xupdate:modification per update node
conflict_list += self.updateNode(xml=subnode,
......@@ -955,38 +864,37 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
return conflict_list
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xupdate):
for subnode in xupdate:
sub_xupdate = self.getSubObjectXupdate(subnode)
selection_name = ''
if subnode.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD:
conflict_list += conduit.addNode(xml=sub_xupdate,object=object, \
force=force, simulate=simulate, **kw)['conflict_list']
elif subnode.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_DEL:
conflict_list += conduit.deleteNode(xml=sub_xupdate, object=object, \
if subnode.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD:
conflict_list += conduit.addNode(xml=sub_xupdate,object=object,
force=force, simulate=simulate,
elif subnode.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_DEL:
conflict_list += conduit.deleteNode(xml=sub_xupdate, object=object,
force=force, simulate=simulate, **kw)
elif subnode.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_UPDATE:
conflict_list += conduit.updateNode(xml=sub_xupdate, object=object, \
elif subnode.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_UPDATE:
conflict_list += conduit.updateNode(xml=sub_xupdate, object=object,
force=force, simulate=simulate, **kw)
#elif subnode.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_INSERT:
# conflict_list += conduit.addNode(xml=subnode, object=object, force=force, **kw)
return conflict_list
def isMixedXupdate(self, xml):
#If an xupdate:modifications contains modification which concerns different objects
subnode_list = self.getElementNodeList(xml)
subnode_list = xml
nb_sub = len(subnode_list)
comp = 0
for subnode in subnode_list:
value = self.getAttribute(subnode, 'select')
if, value):
if is not None:
comp += 1
if nb_sub == comp:
return 0
return 1
def isWorkflowActionAddable(self, object=None,status=None,wf_tool=None,
def isWorkflowActionAddable(self, object=None, status=None, wf_tool=None,
wf_id=None, xml=None):
Some checking in order to check if we should add the workfow or not
We should not returns a conflict list as we wanted before, we should
......@@ -1018,7 +926,6 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
This is really usefull if you want to write your
own Conduit.
portal_types = getToolByName(object, 'portal_types')
#LOG('ERP5Conduit.addNode',0,'portal_type: |%s|' % str(portal_type))
object.newContent(portal_type=portal_type, id=object_id)
......@@ -1037,7 +944,7 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
wf_id = self.getAttribute(xml,'id')
if wf_id is None: # History added by xupdate
wf_id = self.getHistoryIdFromSelect(xml)
xml = self.getElementNodeList(xml)[0]
xml = xml[0]
#for action in self.getWorkflowActionFromXml(xml):
status = self.getStatusFromXml(xml)
#LOG('addNode, status:',0,status)
......@@ -1067,19 +974,17 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
This allows to specify how to handle the local role informations.
This is really usefull if you want to write your own Conduit.
conflict_list = []
# We want to add a local role
roles = self.convertXmlValue(xml.childNodes[0].data,data_type='tokens')
user = self.getAttribute(xml,'id')
roles = self.convertXmlValue(xml, data_type='tokens')
user = self.getAttribute(xml, 'id')
roles = list(roles) # Needed for CPS, or we have a CPS error
#LOG('local_role: ',0,'user: %s roles: %s' % (repr(user),repr(roles)))
#user = roles[0]
#roles = roles[1:]
if xml.nodeName.find(self.local_role_tag)>=0:
elif xml.nodeName.find(self.local_group_tag)>=0:
return conflict_list
if xml.tag.find(self.local_role_tag) >= 0:
object.manage_setLocalRoles(user, roles)
elif xml.tag.find(self.local_group_tag) >= 0:
object.manage_setLocalGroupRoles(user, roles)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'addLocalPermissionNode')
def addLocalPermissionNode(self, object, xml):
......@@ -1090,17 +995,17 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
conflict_list = []
# We want to add a local role
#LOG('addLocalPermissionNode, xml',0,xml)
if len(xml.childNodes)>0:
roles = self.convertXmlValue(xml.childNodes[0].data,data_type='tokens')
if len(xml.text):
roles = self.convertXmlValue(xml, data_type='tokens')
roles = list(roles) # Needed for CPS, or we have a CPS error
roles = ()
permission = self.getAttribute(xml,'id')
permission = self.getAttribute(xml, 'id')
#LOG('local_role: ',0,'permission: %s roles: %s' % (repr(permission),repr(roles)))
#user = roles[0]
#roles = roles[1:]
if xml.nodeName.find(self.local_permission_tag)>=0:
if xml.tag.find(self.local_permission_tag) >= 0:
object.manage_setLocalPermissions(permission, roles)
return conflict_list
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'editDocument')
......@@ -1123,11 +1028,7 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
return an xml string corresponding to the node
buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
Print(node, stream=buf, encoding='utf-8')
xml_string = buf.getvalue()
return xml_string
return etree.tostring(node, encoding='utf-8')
def getGidFromObject(self, object):
......@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ class VCardConduit(ERP5Conduit, SyncCode):
portal_type = 'Person' #the VCard can just use Person
if sub_object is None:
new_object, reset_local_roles, reset_workflow = ERP5Conduit.constructContent(self, object, object_id,
new_object, reset_local_roles, reset_workflow = ERP5Conduit.constructContent(self, object, object_id, portal_type)
else: #if the object exist, it juste must be update
new_object = sub_object
#LOG('addNode', 0, 'new_object:%s, sub_object:%s' % (new_object, sub_object))
......@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ class VCardConduit(ERP5Conduit, SyncCode):
#in a first time, conflict are not used
return {'conflict_list':None, 'object': new_object}
return {'conflict_list':[], 'object': new_object}
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'deleteNode')
def deleteNode(self, xml=None, object=None, object_id=None, force=None,
......@@ -89,12 +88,11 @@ class VCardConduit(ERP5Conduit, SyncCode):
A node is deleted
#LOG('deleteNode :', 0, 'object:%s, object_id:%s' % (str(object), str(object_id)))
conflict_list = []
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
LOG('VCardConduit',0,'deleteNode, Unable to delete: %s' % str(object_id))
return conflict_list
return []
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'updateNode')
def updateNode(self, xml=None, object=None, previous_xml=None, force=0,
......@@ -156,7 +154,7 @@ class VCardConduit(ERP5Conduit, SyncCode):
#elif ... put here the other encodings
property_value_list_well_incoded = property_value_list
return property_value_list_well_incoded
......@@ -175,7 +173,7 @@ class VCardConduit(ERP5Conduit, SyncCode):
for vcard_line in vcard_list:
if ':' in vcard_line:
property, property_value = vcard_line.split(':')
property_value_list = property_value.split(';')
property_parameters_list = []
property_name = ''
if ';' in property:
......@@ -202,21 +200,21 @@ class VCardConduit(ERP5Conduit, SyncCode):
if type(property_name) is type(u'a'):
if isinstance(property_name, unicode):
property_name = property_name.encode('utf-8')
tmp = []
for property_value in property_value_list:
if type(property_value) is type(u'a'):
if isinstance(property_value, unicode):
property_value = property_value.encode('utf-8')
property_value_list = tmp
if property_name in convert_dict.keys():
if property_name == 'N' and len(property_value_list) > 1:
edit_dict[convert_dict['N']] = property_value_list[0]
edit_dict[convert_dict['FN']] = property_value_list[1]
edit_dict[convert_dict[property_name]] = property_value_list[0]
#LOG('edit_dict =',0,edit_dict)
return edit_dict
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
import smtplib # to send emails
from Publication import Publication,Subscriber
from Subscription import Signature
from XMLSyncUtils import Parse
from XMLSyncUtils import XMLSyncUtils
from Conduit.ERP5Conduit import ERP5Conduit
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
......@@ -54,9 +53,9 @@ class PublicationSynchronization(XMLSyncUtils):
LOG('PubSyncInit', INFO, 'Starting... publication: %s' % (publication.getPath()))
#the session id is set at the same value of those of the client
#same for the message id
#at the begining of the synchronization the subscriber is not authenticated
#the last_message_id is 1 because the message that
......@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ class PublicationSynchronization(XMLSyncUtils):
if authentication_type == publication.getAuthenticationType():
authentication_format = publication.getAuthenticationFormat()
decoded = subscriber.decode(authentication_format, data)
if decoded not in ('', None) and ':' in decoded:
if decoded and ':' in decoded:
(login, password) = decoded.split(':')
uf = self.getPortalObject().acl_users
for plugin_name, plugin in uf._getOb('plugins').listPlugins(
......@@ -492,10 +492,6 @@ class Signature(Folder, SyncCode):
Set the partial string we will have to
deliver in the future
if type(xml) is type(u'a'):
xml = xml.encode('utf-8')
if xml is not None:
xml = xml.replace('@-@@-@','--') # need to put back '--'
self.partial_xml = xml
def getPartialXML(self):
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
import smtplib # to send emails
from Subscription import Subscription,Signature
from XMLSyncUtils import XMLSyncUtils, Parse
from XMLSyncUtils import XMLSyncUtils
import commands
from Conduit.ERP5Conduit import ERP5Conduit
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.TypeDefinition import list_types
from Globals import Persistent
import re
class SyncCode(Persistent):
......@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ class SyncCode(Persistent):
text_type_list = ('text','string')
list_type_list = list_types
none_type = 'None'
force_conflict_list = ('layout_and_schema','ModificationDate')
binary_type_list = ('image','file','document','pickle')
date_type_list = ('date',)
......@@ -105,18 +107,12 @@ class SyncCode(Persistent):
ADDABLE_PROPERTY = local_role_list + (history_tag,) + local_permission_list
NOT_EDITABLE_PROPERTY = ('id','object','uid','xupdate:attribute') \
sub_object_exp = "/object\[@id='.*'\]/"
object_exp = "/object\[@id='.*'\]"
sub_sub_object_exp = "/object\[@id='.*'\]/object\[@id='.*'\]/"
history_exp = "/%s\[@id='.*'\]" % history_tag
local_role_exp = "/%s\[@id='.*'\]" % local_role_tag
local_group_exp = "/%s\[@id='.*'\]" % local_group_tag
bad_local_role_exp = "/%s\[@id='.*'\]/" % local_role_tag
bad_local_group_exp = "/%s\[@id='.*'\]/" % local_group_tag
bad_history_exp = "/%s\[@id='.*'\]/" % history_tag
local_role_and_group_list = (local_group_exp,local_role_exp)
bad_local_role_and_group_list = (bad_local_group_exp,bad_local_role_exp)
sub_object_exp = re.compile("/object\[@id='.*'\]/")
object_exp = re.compile("/object\[@id='.*'\]")
attribute_type_exp = re.compile("^.*attribute::type$")
sub_sub_object_exp = re.compile("/object\[@id='.*'\]/object\[@id='.*'\]/")
history_exp = re.compile("/%s\[@id='.*'\]" % history_tag)
bad_history_exp = re.compile("/%s\[@id='.*'\]/" % history_tag)
#media types :
......@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ from Products.ERP5SyncML import Conduit
from Publication import Publication, Subscriber
from Products.BTreeFolder2.BTreeFolder2 import BTreeFolder2
from Subscription import Subscription
from XMLSyncUtils import Parse
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions
from PublicationSynchronization import PublicationSynchronization
from SubscriptionSynchronization import SubscriptionSynchronization
......@@ -490,7 +489,7 @@ class SynchronizationTool( SubscriptionSynchronization,
for conflict in conflict_list:
if conflict.getObjectPath() == path:
#LOG('getSynchronizationState', DEBUG, 'found a conflict: %s' % str(conflict))
state_list += [[conflict.getSubscriber(),self.CONFLICT]]
state_list.append([conflict.getSubscriber(), self.CONFLICT])
for domain in self.getSynchronizationList():
destination = domain.getDestinationPath()
#LOG('getSynchronizationState', TRACE, 'destination: %s' % str(destination))
......@@ -499,7 +498,6 @@ class SynchronizationTool( SubscriptionSynchronization,
if j_path.find(destination)==0:
o_id = j_path[len(destination)+1:].split('/')[0]
#LOG('getSynchronizationState', TRACE, 'o_id: %s' % o_id)
subscriber_list = []
if domain.domain_type==self.PUB:
subscriber_list = domain.getSubscriberList()
......@@ -512,13 +510,13 @@ class SynchronizationTool( SubscriptionSynchronization,
state = signature.getStatus()
#LOG('getSynchronizationState:', TRACE, 'sub.dest :%s, state: %s' % \
found = None
found = False
# Make sure there is not already a conflict giving the state
for state_item in state_list:
if state_item[0]==subscriber:
found = 1
if found is None:
state_list += [[subscriber,state]]
if state_item[0] == subscriber:
found = True
if not found:
state_list.append([subscriber, state])
return state_list
......@@ -30,27 +30,18 @@ import smtplib
from Products.ERP5SyncML.SyncCode import SyncCode
from Products.ERP5SyncML.Subscription import Signature
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
from StringIO import StringIO
from ERP5Diff import ERP5Diff
from zLOG import LOG, INFO
from Ft.Xml import Parse
except ImportError:
LOG('XMLSyncUtils', INFO, "Can't import Parse")
class Parse:
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
raise ImportError, '4Suite-XML is not installed'
from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import Element
from lxml.builder import E
from xml.dom import minidom
from base64 import b16encode, b16decode
except ImportError:
from base64 import encodestring as b16encode, decodestring as b16decode
from Ft.Xml.Domlette import PrettyPrint
except ImportError:
from xml.dom.ext import PrettyPrint
from xml.dom import minidom
class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
......@@ -61,34 +52,30 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
Since the Header is always almost the same, this is the
way to set one quickly.
xml_list = []
xml = xml_list.append
xml(' <SyncHdr>\n')
xml(' <VerDTD>1.1</VerDTD>\n')
xml(' <VerProto>SyncML/1.1</VerProto>\n')
xml(' <SessionID>%s</SessionID>\n' % session_id)
xml(' <MsgID>%s</MsgID>\n' % msg_id)
xml(' <Target>\n')
xml(' <LocURI>%s</LocURI>\n' % target)
if target_name not in (None, ''):
xml(' <LocName>%s</LocName>\n' %target_name)
xml(' </Target>\n')
xml(' <Source>\n')
xml(' <LocURI>%s</LocURI>\n' % source)
if source_name not in (None, ''):
xml(' <LocName>%s</LocName>\n' % source_name)
xml(' </Source>\n')
if dataCred not in (None, ''):
xml(' <Cred>\n')
xml(' <Meta>\n')
xml(" <Format xmlns='syncml:metinf'>%s</Format>\n" % authentication_format)
xml(" <Type xmlns='syncml:metinf'>%s</Type>\n" % authentication_type)
xml(' </Meta>\n')
xml(' <Data>%s</Data>\n' % dataCred)
xml(' </Cred>\n')
xml(' </SyncHdr>\n')
xml_a = ''.join(xml_list)
return xml_a
if source:
if source_name:
source_name = source_name.decode('utf-8')
node_to_append = E.Source(E.LocURI(source), E.LocName(source_name or ''))
if target_name:
target_name = target_name.decode('utf-8')
node_to_append = E.Target(E.LocURI(target), E.LocName(target_name or ''))
xml = (E.SyncHdr(
E.SessionID('%s' % session_id),
E.MsgID('%s' % msg_id),
if dataCred:
E.Meta(E.Format(authentication_format, xmlns='syncml:metinf'),
E.Type(authentication_type, xmlns='syncml:metinf'),),
return etree.tostring(xml, encoding='utf-8',
xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=False)
def SyncMLAlert(self, cmd_id, sync_code, target, source, last_anchor,
......@@ -96,28 +83,26 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
Since the Alert section is always almost the same, this is the
way to set one quickly.
xml_list = []
xml = xml_list.append
xml(' <Alert>\n')
xml(' <CmdID>%s</CmdID>\n' % cmd_id)
xml(' <Data>%s</Data>\n' % sync_code)
xml(' <Item>\n')
xml(' <Target>\n')
xml(' <LocURI>%s</LocURI>\n' % target)
xml(' </Target>\n')
xml(' <Source>\n')
xml(' <LocURI>%s</LocURI>\n' % source)
xml(' </Source>\n')
xml(' <Meta>\n')
xml(' <Anchor>\n')
xml(' <Last>%s</Last>\n' % last_anchor)
xml(' <Next>%s</Next>\n' % next_anchor)
xml(' </Anchor>\n')
xml(' </Meta>\n')
xml(' </Item>\n')
xml(' </Alert>\n')
xml_a = ''.join(xml_list)
return xml_a
xml = (E.Alert(
E.CmdID('%s' % cmd_id),
E.Data('%s' % sync_code),
return etree.tostring(xml, encoding='utf-8',
xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=False)
def SyncMLStatus(self, remote_xml, data_code, cmd_id, next_anchor,
......@@ -127,56 +112,50 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
#list of element in the SyncBody bloc
syncbody_element_list = remote_xml.xpath('//SyncBody/*')
message_id = self.getMessageId(remote_xml)
sub_syncbody_element_list = remote_xml.xpath('/SyncML/SyncBody/*')
message_id = self.getMessageIdFromXml(remote_xml)
xml_list = []
xml = xml_list.append
if data_code != self.AUTH_REQUIRED:#because for AUTH_REQUIRED, SyncMLChal is #called
# status for SyncHdr
message_id = self.getMessageId(remote_xml)
xml(' <Status>\n')
xml(' <CmdID>%s</CmdID>\n' % cmd_id)
cmd_id += 1
xml(' <MsgRef>%s</MsgRef>\n' % self.getMessageId(remote_xml))
xml(' <MsgRef>%s</MsgRef>\n' % message_id)
xml(' <CmdRef>0</CmdRef>\n') #to make reference to the SyncHdr, it's 0
xml(' <Cmd>SyncHdr</Cmd>\n')
xml(' <TargetRef>%s</TargetRef>\n' \
% remote_xml.xpath('string(//SyncHdr/Target/LocURI)').encode('utf-8'))
xml(' <SourceRef>%s</SourceRef>\n' \
% remote_xml.xpath('string(//SyncHdr/Source/LocURI)').encode('utf-8'))
if isinstance(data_code, int):
data_code = str(data_code)
xml(' <Data>%s</Data>\n' % data_code)
target_uri = remote_xml.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/Target/LocURI)')
xml(' <TargetRef>%s</TargetRef>\n' % (target_uri))
source_uri = remote_xml.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/Source/LocURI)')
xml(' <SourceRef>%s</SourceRef>\n' % (source_uri))
xml(' <Data>%s</Data>\n' % (data_code))
xml(' </Status>\n')
#add the status bloc corresponding to the receive command
for syncbody_element in syncbody_element_list:
#LOG('SyncMLStatus : ', DEBUG, "command:%s, subscription:%s" % (str(syncbody_element.nodeName), subscription))
if str(syncbody_element.nodeName) not in ('Status', 'Final', 'Get'):
for sub_syncbody_element in sub_syncbody_element_list:
#LOG('SyncMLStatus : ', DEBUG, "command:%s, subscription:%s" % (str(syncbody_element.tag), subscription))
if sub_syncbody_element.tag not in ('Status', 'Final', 'Get'):
xml(' <Status>\n')
xml(' <CmdID>%s</CmdID>\n' % cmd_id)
cmd_id += 1
xml(' <MsgRef>%s</MsgRef>\n' % message_id)
xml(' <CmdRef>%s</CmdRef>\n' \
% syncbody_element.xpath('string(.//CmdID)').encode('utf-8'))
xml(' <Cmd>%s</Cmd>\n' % syncbody_element.nodeName.encode('utf-8'))
% sub_syncbody_element.xpath('string(.//CmdID)'))
xml(' <Cmd>%s</Cmd>\n' % sub_syncbody_element.tag)
target_ref = syncbody_element.xpath('string(.//Target/LocURI)').encode('utf-8')
if target_ref not in (None, ''):
target_ref = sub_syncbody_element.xpath('string(.//Target/LocURI)')
if target_ref:
xml(' <TargetRef>%s</TargetRef>\n' % target_ref )
source_ref = syncbody_element.xpath('string(.//Source/LocURI)').encode('utf-8')
if source_ref not in (None, ''):
source_ref = sub_syncbody_element.xpath('string(.//Source/LocURI)')
if source_ref:
xml(' <SourceRef>%s</SourceRef>\n' % source_ref )
if syncbody_element.nodeName.encode('utf-8') == 'Add':
xml(' <Data>%s</Data>\n' % str(self.ITEM_ADDED))
elif syncbody_element.nodeName.encode('utf-8') == 'Alert' and \
syncbody_element.xpath('string(.//Data)').encode('utf-8') == \
if sub_syncbody_element.tag == 'Add':
xml(' <Data>%s</Data>\n' % self.ITEM_ADDED)
elif sub_syncbody_element.tag == 'Alert' and \
sub_syncbody_element.xpath('string(.//Data)') == \
xml(' <Data>%s</Data>\n' % str(self.REFRESH_REQUIRED))
xml(' <Data>%s</Data>\n' % str(self.SUCCESS))
if str(syncbody_element.nodeName) == 'Alert':
xml(' <Data>%s</Data>\n' % self.REFRESH_REQUIRED)
elif sub_syncbody_element.tag == 'Alert':
xml(' <Item>\n')
xml(' <Data>\n')
xml(' <Anchor>\n')
......@@ -184,16 +163,18 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
xml(' </Anchor>\n')
xml(' </Data>\n')
xml(' </Item>\n')
xml(' <Data>%s</Data>\n' % self.SUCCESS)
xml(' </Status>\n')
if str(syncbody_element.nodeName) == 'Get' and subscription != None:
cmd_ref = syncbody_element.xpath('string(.//CmdID)').encode('utf-8')
if sub_syncbody_element.tag == 'Get' and subscription is not None:
cmd_ref = '%s' % sub_syncbody_element.xpath('string(.//CmdID)')
syncml_result = self.SyncMLPut(
cmd_id += 1
xml_a = ''.join(xml_list)
......@@ -207,57 +188,51 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
if remote_xml is not None:
xml_list = []
xml = xml_list.append
xml(' <Status>\n')
#here there is a lot of test to keep compatibility with older call
if cmd_id not in (None,'') :
xml(' <CmdID>%s</CmdID>\n' % cmd_id)
if msg_ref not in (None,''):
xml(' <MsgRef>%s</MsgRef>\n' % msg_ref)
if cmd_ref not in (None,''):
xml(' <CmdRef>%s</CmdRef>\n' %cmd_ref)
if cmd not in (None,''):
xml(' <Cmd>%s</Cmd>\n' % cmd)
if target_ref not in (None,''):
xml(' <TargetRef>%s</TargetRef>\n' % target_ref)
if source_ref not in (None,''):
xml(' <SourceRef>%s</SourceRef>\n' % source_ref)
if sync_code not in (None,''):
xml(' <Data>%s</Data>\n' % sync_code)
xml(' </Status>\n')
xml_a = ''.join(xml_list)
return xml_a
msg_ref = '%s' % remote_xml.xpath("string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/MsgID)")
cmd_ref = '%s' % remote_xml.xpath("string(.//CmdID)")
target_ref = '%s' % remote_xml.xpath("string(.//Target/LocURI)")
source_ref = '%s' % remote_xml.xpath("string(.//Source/LocURI)")
xml = (E.Status())
if cmd_id:
xml.append(E.CmdID('%s' % cmd_id))
if msg_ref:
if cmd_ref:
if cmd:
if target_ref:
if source_ref:
if sync_code:
xml.append(E.Data('%s'% sync_code))
return etree.tostring(xml, encoding='utf-8',
xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=False)
def SyncMLChal(self, cmd_id, cmd, target_ref, source_ref, auth_format,
auth_type, data_code):
This is used in order to ask crendentials
xml_list = []
xml = xml_list.append
xml(' <Status>\n')
xml(' <CmdID>%s</CmdID>\n' % cmd_id)
xml(' <MsgRef>1</MsgRef>\n')
xml(' <CmdRef>0</CmdRef>\n')
xml(' <Cmd>%s</Cmd>\n' % cmd)
xml(' <TargetRef>%s</TargetRef>\n' % target_ref)
xml(' <SourceRef>%s</SourceRef>\n' % source_ref)
xml(' <Chal>\n')
xml(' <Meta>\n')
xml(" <Format xmlns='syncml:metinf'>%s</Format>\n" % auth_format)
xml(" <Type xmlns='syncml:metinf'>%s</Type>\n" % auth_type)
xml(' </Meta>\n')
xml(' </Chal>\n')
xml(' <Data>%s</Data>\n' % str(data_code))
xml(' </Status>\n')
xml_a = ''.join(xml_list)
return xml_a
xml = (E.Status(
E.CmdID('%s' % cmd_id),
E.Format(auth_format, xmlns='syncml:metinf'),
E.Type(auth_type, xmlns='syncml:metinf')
E.Data('%s' % data_code)
return etree.tostring(xml, encoding='utf-8',
xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=False)
def SyncMLPut(self, cmd_id, subscription, markup='Put', cmd_ref=None,
......@@ -269,16 +244,16 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
conduit_name = subscription.getConduit()
conduit = self.getConduitByName(conduit_name)
#if the conduit support the SyncMLPut :
if hasattr(conduit, 'getCapabilitiesCTTypeList') and \
hasattr(conduit, 'getCapabilitiesVerCTList') and \
hasattr(conduit, 'getPreferedCapabilitieVerCT'):
if getattr(conduit, 'getCapabilitiesCTTypeList', None) is not None and \
getattr(conduit, 'getCapabilitiesVerCTList', None) is not None and \
getattr(conduit, 'getPreferedCapabilitieVerCT', None) is not None:
xml_list = []
xml = xml_list.append
xml(' <%s>\n' % markup)
xml(' <CmdID>%s</CmdID>\n' % cmd_id)
if message_id not in (None, ''):
if message_id:
xml(' <MsgRef>%s</MsgRef>\n' % message_id)
if cmd_ref not in (None, '') :
if cmd_ref:
xml(' <CmdRef>%s</CmdRef>\n' % cmd_ref)
xml(' <Meta>\n')
xml(' <Type>application/vnd.syncml-devinf+xml</Type>\n');
......@@ -365,84 +340,80 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
Add an object with the SyncML protocol
xml_list = []
xml = xml_list.append
xml(' <Add>\n')
xml(' <CmdID>%s</CmdID>\n' % cmd_id)
xml(' <Meta>\n')
xml(' <Type>%s</Type>\n' % media_type)
xml(' </Meta>\n')
xml(' <Item>\n')
xml(' <Source>\n')
xml(' <LocURI>%s</LocURI>\n' % gid)
xml(' </Source>\n')
if media_type == self.MEDIA_TYPE['TEXT_XML']:
xml(' <Data>')
data_node = Element('Data')
if media_type == self.MEDIA_TYPE['TEXT_XML'] and isinstance(xml_string, str):
elif media_type == self.MEDIA_TYPE['TEXT_XML'] and \
not isinstance(xml_string, str):
#xml_string could be Partial element if partial XML
xml(' <Data><![CDATA[')
if more_data == 1:
xml(' <MoreData/>\n')
xml(' </Item>\n')
xml(' </Add>\n')
xml_a = ''.join(xml_list)
return xml_a
cdata = etree.CDATA(xml_string.decode('utf-8'))
data_node.text = cdata
xml = (E.Add(
E.CmdID('%s' % cmd_id),
if more_data:
item_node = xml.find('Item')
return etree.tostring(xml, encoding='utf-8',
xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=False)
def deleteXMLObject(self, cmd_id=0, object_gid=None, rid=None, xml_object=''):
Delete an object with the SyncML protocol
xml_list = []
xml = xml_list.append
xml(' <Delete>\n')
xml(' <CmdID>%s</CmdID>\n' % cmd_id)
xml(' <Item>\n')
if rid not in (None, ''):
xml(' <Target>\n')
xml(' <LocURI>%s</LocURI>\n' % rid)
xml(' </Target>\n')
if rid:
elem_to_append = E.Target(E.LocURI('%s' % rid))
xml(' <Source>\n')
xml(' <LocURI>%s</LocURI>\n' % object_gid)
xml(' </Source>\n')
xml(' </Item>\n')
xml(' </Delete>\n')
xml_a = ''.join(xml_list)
return xml_a
elem_to_append = E.Source(E.LocURI('%s' % object_gid))
xml = (E.Delete(
E.CmdID('%s' % cmd_id),
return etree.tostring(xml, encoding='utf-8',
xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=False)
def replaceXMLObject(self, cmd_id=0, object=None, xml_string=None,
more_data=0, gid=None, rid=None, media_type=None):
Replace an object with the SyncML protocol
xml_list = []
xml = xml_list.append
xml(' <Replace>\n')
xml(' <CmdID>%s</CmdID>\n' % cmd_id)
xml(' <Meta>\n')
xml(' <Type>%s</Type>\n' % media_type)
xml(' </Meta>\n')
xml(' <Item>\n')
if rid is not None:
xml(' <Target>\n')
xml(' <LocURI>%s</LocURI>\n' % str(rid))
xml(' </Target>\n')
if rid:
elem_to_append = E.Target(E.LocURI('%s' % rid))
xml(' <Source>\n')
xml(' <LocURI>%s</LocURI>\n' % str(gid))
xml(' </Source>\n')
xml(' <Data>')
xml(' </Data>\n')
if more_data == 1:
xml(' <MoreData/>\n')
xml(' </Item>\n')
xml(' </Replace>\n')
xml_a = ''.join(xml_list)
return xml_a
elem_to_append = E.Source(E.LocURI('%s' % gid))
data_node = Element('Data')
if not isinstance(xml_string, (str, unicode)):
xml = (E.Replace(
E.CmdID('%s' % cmd_id),
if more_data:
item_node = xml.find('Item')
return etree.tostring(xml, encoding='utf-8',
xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=False)
def getXupdateObject(self, object_xml=None, old_xml=None):
......@@ -467,93 +438,68 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
xupdate = xupdate[xupdate.find('<xupdate:modifications'):]
return xupdate
def getSessionId(self, xml):
def getSessionIdFromXml(self, xml):
We will retrieve the session id of the message
session_id = 0
session_id = xml.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/SessionID)')
session_id = int(session_id)
return session_id
return int(xml.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/SessionID)'))
def getMessageId(self, xml):
def getMessageIdFromXml(self, xml):
We will retrieve the message id of the message
message_id = 0
message_id = xml.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/MsgID)')
message_id = int(message_id)
return message_id
return int(xml.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/MsgID)'))
def getTarget(self, xml):
return the target in the SyncHdr section
url = ''
url = xml.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/Target/LocURI)')
url = url.encode('utf-8')
return url
return '%s' % xml.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/Target/LocURI)')
def getAlertLastAnchor(self, xml_stream):
Return the value of the last anchor, in the
alert section of the xml_stream
last_anchor = xml_stream.xpath('string(.//Alert/Item/Meta/Anchor/Last)')
last_anchor = last_anchor.encode('utf-8')
return last_anchor
return '%s' % xml_stream.xpath('string(.//Alert/Item/Meta/Anchor/Last)')
def getAlertNextAnchor(self, xml_stream):
Return the value of the next anchor, in the
alert section of the xml_stream
next_anchor = xml_stream.xpath('string(.//Alert/Item/Meta/Anchor/Next)')
next_anchor = next_anchor.encode('utf-8')
return next_anchor
return '%s' % xml_stream.xpath('string(.//Alert/Item/Meta/Anchor/Next)')
def getSourceURI(self, xml):
return the source uri of the data base
source_uri = xml.xpath('string(//SyncBody/Alert/Item/Source/LocURI)')
if isinstance(source_uri, unicode):
source_uri = source_uri.encode('utf-8')
return source_uri
return '%s' % xml.xpath('string(//SyncBody/Alert/Item/Source/LocURI)')
def getTargetURI(self, xml):
return the target uri of the data base
target_uri = xml.xpath('string(//SyncBody/Alert/Item/Target/LocURI)')
if isinstance(target_uri, unicode):
target_uri = target_uri.encode('utf-8')
return target_uri
return '%s' % xml.xpath('string(//SyncBody/Alert/Item/Target/LocURI)')
def getSubscriptionUrlFromXML(self, xml):
return the source URI of the syncml header
subscription_url = xml.xpath('string(//SyncHdr/Source/LocURI)')
if isinstance(subscription_url, unicode):
subscription_url = subscription_url.encode('utf-8')
return subscription_url
return '%s' % xml.xpath('string(//SyncHdr/Source/LocURI)')
def getStatusTarget(self, xml):
Return the value of the alert code inside the xml_stream
status = xml.xpath('string(TargetRef)')
if isinstance(status, unicode):
status = status.encode('utf-8')
return status
return '%s' % xml.xpath('string(TargetRef)')
def getStatusCode(self, xml):
Return the value of the alert code inside the xml_stream
status_code = xml.xpath('string(Data)')
if status_code not in ('', None, []):
status_code = '%s' % xml.xpath('string(Data)')
if status_code:
return int(status_code)
return None
......@@ -562,81 +508,64 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
Return the value of the command inside the xml_stream
cmd = None
if xml.nodeName=='Status':
cmd = xml.xpath('string(//Status/Cmd)')
if isinstance(cmd, unicode):
cmd = cmd.encode('utf-8')
if xml.tag == 'Status':
cmd = '%s' % xml.xpath('string(//Status/Cmd)')
return cmd
def getCred(self, xml):
return the credential information : type, format and data
format = '%s' % xml.xpath("string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/Cred/Meta/*[local-name() = 'Format'])")
type = '%s' % xml.xpath("string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/Cred/Meta/*[local-name() = 'Type'])")
data = '%s' % xml.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/Cred/Data)')
first_node = xml.childNodes[0]
format = first_node.xpath("string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/Cred/Meta/*[local-name() = 'Format'])")
type = first_node.xpath("string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/Cred/Meta/*[local-name() = 'Type'])")
data = first_node.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/Cred/Data)')
format = format.encode('utf-8')
type = type.encode('utf-8')
data = data.encode('utf-8')
return (format, type, data)
def checkCred(self, xml_stream):
Check if there's a Cred section in the xml_stream
return xml_stream.xpath('string(SyncML/SyncHdr/Cred)') not in ('', None, [])
return bool(xml_stream.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncHdr/Cred)'))
def getChal(self, xml):
return the chalenge information : format and type
first_node = xml.childNodes[0]
format = first_node.xpath("string(//*[local-name() = 'Format'])")
type = first_node.xpath("string(//*[local-name() = 'Type'])")
format = format.encode('utf-8')
type = type.encode('utf-8')
format = '%s' % xml.xpath("string(//*[local-name() = 'Format'])")
type = '%s' % xml.xpath("string(//*[local-name() = 'Type'])")
return (format, type)
def checkChal(self, xml_stream):
Check if there's a Chal section in the xml_stream
return xml_stream.xpath('string(SyncML/SyncBody/Status/Chal)') not in ('', None, [])
return bool(xml_stream.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncBody/Status/Chal)'))
def checkMap(self, xml_stream):
Check if there's a Map section in the xml_stream
return xml_stream.xpath('string(SyncML/SyncBody/Map)') not in ('', None, [])
return bool(xml_stream.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncBody/Map)'))
def setRidWithMap(self, xml_stream, subscriber):
get all the local objects of the given target id and set them the rid with
the given source id (in the Map section)
item_list = xml_stream.xpath('SyncML/SyncBody/Map/MapItem')
item_list = xml_stream.xpath('/SyncML/SyncBody/Map/MapItem')
for map_item in item_list:
gid = map_item.xpath('string(.//Target/LocURI)').encode('utf-8')
gid = '%s' % map_item.xpath('string(.//Target/LocURI)')
signature = subscriber.getSignatureFromGid(gid)
rid = map_item.xpath('string(.//Source/LocURI)').encode('utf-8')
rid = '%s' % map_item.xpath('string(.//Source/LocURI)')
def getAlertCodeFromXML(self, xml_stream):
Return the value of the alert code inside the full syncml message
alert_code = xml_stream.xpath('string(SyncML/SyncBody/Alert/Data)')
if alert_code not in (None, ''):
alert_code = '%s' % xml_stream.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncBody/Alert/Data)')
if alert_code:
return int(alert_code)
return None
......@@ -645,19 +574,19 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
Check if there's an Alert section in the xml_stream
return xml_stream.xpath('string(SyncML/SyncBody/Alert)') not in ('', None, [])
return bool(xml_stream.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncBody/Alert)'))
def checkSync(self, xml_stream):
Check if there's an Sync section in the xml_xtream
return xml_stream.xpath('string(SyncML/SyncBody/Sync)') not in ('', None, [])
return bool(xml_stream.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncBody/Sync)'))
def checkStatus(self, xml_stream):
Check if there's a Status section in the xml_xtream
return xml_stream.xpath('string(SyncML/SyncBody/Status)') not in ('', None, [])
return bool(xml_stream.xpath('string(/SyncML/SyncBody/Status)'))
def getSyncActionList(self, xml_stream):
......@@ -671,13 +600,13 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
the data are : cmd, code and source
status_list = []
xml = xml_stream.xpath('//Status')
for status in xml:
status_node_list = xml_stream.xpath('//Status')
for status in status_node_list:
tmp_dict = {}
tmp_dict['cmd'] = status.xpath('string(./Cmd)').encode('utf-8')
tmp_dict['code'] = status.xpath('string(./Data)').encode('utf-8')
tmp_dict['source'] = status.xpath('string(./SourceRef)').encode('utf-8')
tmp_dict['target'] = status.xpath('string(./TargetRef)').encode('utf-8')
tmp_dict['cmd'] = '%s' % status.xpath('string(./Cmd)')
tmp_dict['code'] = '%s' % status.xpath('string(./Data)')
tmp_dict['source'] = '%s' % status.xpath('string(./SourceRef)')
tmp_dict['target'] = '%s' % status.xpath('string(./TargetRef)')
return status_list
......@@ -685,77 +614,48 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
return the section data in text form, it's usefull for the VCardConduit
data = action.xpath('string(Item/Data)')
if isinstance(data, unicode):
data = data.encode('utf-8')
return data
return '%s' % action.xpath('string(.//Item/Data)')
def getDataSubNode(self, action):
Return the node starting with <object....> of the action
if action.xpath('.//Item/Data') not in ([], None):
data_node = action.xpath('.//Item/Data')[0]
if data_node.hasChildNodes():
return data_node.childNodes[0]
return None
def getPartialData(self, action):
Return the node starting with <object....> of the action
comment_list = action.xpath('.//Item/Data[comment()]')
if comment_list != []:
return comment_list[0].childNodes[0].data.encode('utf-8')
object_node_list = action.xpath('.//Item/Data/*[1]')
if object_node_list:
return object_node_list[0]
return None
def getActionId(self, action):
Return the rid of the object described by the action
id = action.xpath('string(.//Item/Source/LocURI)')
if id in (None, ''):
id = action.xpath('string(.//Item/Target/LocURI)')
if isinstance(id, unicode):
id = id.encode('utf-8')
id = '%s' % action.xpath('string(.//Item/Source/LocURI)')
if not id:
id = '%s' % action.xpath('string(.//Item/Target/LocURI)')
return id
def checkActionMoreData(self, action):
Return the rid of the object described by the action
return action.xpath('Item/MoreData') not in ([],None)
return bool(action.xpath('.//Item/MoreData'))
def getActionType(self, action):
Return the type of the object described by the action
action_type = action.xpath('string(Meta/Type)')
if isinstance(action_type, unicode):
action_type = action_type.encode('utf-8')
return action_type
def getElementNodeList(self, node):
Return childNodes that are ElementNode
return node.xpath('*')
def getTextNodeList(self, node):
Return childNodes that are ElementNode
subnode_list = []
for subnode in node.childNodes or []:
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.TEXT_NODE:
subnode_list += [subnode]
return subnode_list
return '%s' % action.xpath('string(.//Meta/Type)')
def getAttributeNodeList(self, node):
def cutXML(self, xml_string):
Return childNodes that are ElementNode
Sliced a xml tree a return two fragment
return node.xpath('@*')
line_list = xml_string.split('\n')
short_string = '\n'.join(line_list[:self.MAX_LINES])
rest_string = '\n'.join(line_list[self.MAX_LINES:])
xml_string = etree.Element('Partial')
xml_string.text = etree.CDATA(short_string.decode('utf-8'))
return xml_string, rest_string
def getSyncMLData(self, domain=None, remote_xml=None, cmd_id=0,
subscriber=None, xml_confirmation=None, conduit=None,
......@@ -773,8 +673,8 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
local_gid_list = []
syncml_data = kw.get('syncml_data','')
result = {'finished':1}
if isinstance(remote_xml, str) or isinstance(remote_xml, unicode):
remote_xml = Parse(remote_xml)
if isinstance(remote_xml, (str, unicode)):
remote_xml = etree.XML(remote_xml)
if domain.isOneWayFromServer():
#Do not set object_path_list, subscriber send nothing
......@@ -792,8 +692,8 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
gid = b16decode(domain.getGidFromObject(object))
if gid in gid_not_encoded_list:
number = len([item for item in gid_not_encoded_list if item.startswith(gid)])
if number > 0:
gid = gid+'__'+str(number+1)
if number:
gid = '%s__%s' % (gid, str(number+1))
#LOG('getSyncMLData :', DEBUG,'gid_not_encoded_list:%s, local_gid_list:%s, gid:%s' % (gid_not_encoded_list, local_gid_list, gid))
......@@ -834,27 +734,27 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
object = self.unrestrictedTraverse(object_path)
status = self.SENT
object_gid = domain.getGidFromObject(object)
if object_gid in ('', None):
if not object_gid:
local_gid_list += [object_gid]
force = 0
if syncml_data.count('\n') < self.MAX_LINES and not \'.'):
# If not we have to cut
#LOG('getSyncMLData', DEBUG, 'object_path: %s' % '/'.join(object_path))
#LOG('getSyncMLData', DEBUG, 'xml_mapping: %s' % str(domain.getXMLMapping()))
#LOG('getSyncMLData', DEBUG, 'code: %s' % str(self.getAlertCodeFromXML(remote_xml)))
#LOG('getSyncMLData', DEBUG, 'gid_list: %s' % str(local_gid_list))
#LOG('getSyncMLData', DEBUG, 'subscriber.getGidList: %s' % subscriber.getGidList())
#LOG('getSyncMLData', DEBUG, 'hasSignature: %s' % str(subscriber.hasSignature(object_gid)))
#LOG('getSyncMLData', DEBUG, 'alert_code == slowsync: %s' % str(self.getAlertCodeFromXML(remote_xml) == self.SLOW_SYNC))
#LOG('getSyncMLData', 0, 'object_path: %s' % '/'.join(object_path))
#LOG('getSyncMLData', 0, 'xml_mapping: %s' % str(domain.getXMLMapping()))
#LOG('getSyncMLData', 0, 'code: %s' % str(self.getAlertCodeFromXML(remote_xml)))
#LOG('getSyncMLData', 0, 'gid_list: %s' % str(local_gid_list))
#LOG('getSyncMLData', 0, 'subscriber.getGidList: %s' % subscriber.getGidList())
#LOG('getSyncMLData', 0, 'hasSignature: %s' % str(subscriber.hasSignature(object_gid)))
#LOG('getSyncMLData', 0, 'alert_code == slowsync: %s' % str(self.getAlertCodeFromXML(remote_xml) == self.SLOW_SYNC))
signature = subscriber.getSignatureFromGid(object_gid)
## Here we first check if the object was modified or not by looking at dates
#if signature is not None:
#LOG('getSyncMLData', DEBUG, 'signature.getStatus: %s' % signature.getStatus())
status = self.SENT
more_data = 0
# For the case it was never synchronized, we have to send everything
if signature is not None and signature.getXMLMapping() is None:
......@@ -862,32 +762,18 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
signature.getStatus() != self.PARTIAL) or \
self.getAlertCodeFromXML(remote_xml) == self.SLOW_SYNC:
#LOG('getSyncMLData', DEBUG, 'Current object.getPath: %s' % object.getPath())
xml_object = domain.getXMLFromObject(object)
xml_string = xml_object
if isinstance(xml_string, unicode):
xml_string = xml_object.encode('utf-8')
xml_string = domain.getXMLFromObject(object)
gid = subscriber.getGidFromObject(object)
signature = Signature(id=gid, object=object).__of__(subscriber)
if xml_string.count('\n') > self.MAX_LINES:
if xml_string.find('--') >= 0: # This make comment fails, so we need to replace
xml_string = xml_string.replace('--','@-@@-@')
i = 0
short_string = ''
rest_string = xml_string
while i < self.MAX_LINES:
short_string += rest_string[:rest_string.find('\n')+1]
rest_string = xml_string[len(short_string):]
i += 1
#LOG('getSyncMLData', DEBUG, 'setPartialXML with: %s' % str(rest_string))
xml_string, rest_string = self.cutXML(xml_string)
more_data = 1
status = self.PARTIAL
xml_string = '<!--' + short_string + '-->'
gid = signature.getRid()#in fisrt, we try with rid if there is one
if gid is None:
gid = signature.getGid()
#in fisrt, we try with rid if there is one
gid = signature.getRid() or signature.getGid()
syncml_data += self.addXMLObject(
......@@ -918,26 +804,16 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
xml_string = self.getXupdateObject(xml_object, signature.getXML())
else: #if there is no xml, we re-send all the object
xml_string = xml_object
if xml_string.count('\n') > self.MAX_LINES:
if subscriber.getMediaType() != self.MEDIA_TYPE['TEXT_XML']:
xml_string = xml_object
elif xml_string.count('\n') > self.MAX_LINES:
# This make comment fails, so we need to replace
if xml_string.find('--') >= 0:
xml_string = xml_string.replace('--', '@-@@-@')
i = 0
xml_string, rest_string = self.cutXML(xml_string)
more_data = 1
short_string_list = []
short_string_list_ap = short_string_list.append
rest_string = xml_string
while i < self.MAX_LINES:
rest_string = xml_string[len(''.join(short_string_list)):]
i += 1
status = self.PARTIAL
xml_string = '<!--' + ''.join(short_string_list) + '-->'
if subscriber.getMediaType() != self.MEDIA_TYPE['TEXT_XML']:
xml_string = xml_object
rid = signature.getRid()#in fisrt, we try with rid if there is one
gid = signature.getGid()
syncml_data += self.replaceXMLObject(
......@@ -983,25 +859,16 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
elif signature.getStatus() == self.PARTIAL:
xml_string = signature.getPartialXML()
if xml_string.count('\n') > self.MAX_LINES:
i = 0
short_string_list = []
short_string_list_ap = short_string_list.append
rest_string = xml_string
while i < self.MAX_LINES:
rest_string = xml_string[len(''.join(short_string_list)):]
i += 1
xml_to_send = Element('Partial')
xml_to_send.text = etree.CDATA(xml_string.decode('utf-8'))
if(subscriber.getMediaType() != self.MEDIA_TYPE['TEXT_XML']):
xml_to_send = domain.getXMLFromObject(object)
elif xml_string.count('\n') > self.MAX_LINES:
xml_to_send, rest_string = self.cutXML(xml_string)
more_data = 1
xml_string = ''.join(short_string_list)
status = self.PARTIAL
if xml_string.find('--') >= 0: # This make comment fails, so we need to replace
xml_string = xml_string.replace('--','@-@@-@')
xml_string = '<!--' + xml_string + '-->'
if(subscriber.getMediaType() != self.MEDIA_TYPE['TEXT_XML']):
xml_string = domain.getXMLFromObject(object)
if signature.getAction() == 'Replace':
rid = signature.getRid()#in fisrt, we try with rid if there is one
gid = signature.getGid()
......@@ -1010,18 +877,17 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
elif signature.getAction() == 'Add':
gid = signature.getRid()#in fisrt, we try with rid if there is one
if gid == None:
gid = signature.getGid()
#in fisrt, we try with rid if there is one
gid = signature.getRid() or signature.getGid()
syncml_data += self.addXMLObject(
if not more_data:
......@@ -1048,25 +914,22 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
#LOG('applyActionList args', DEBUG, 'domain : %s\n subscriber : %s\n cmd_id : %s' % (domain.getPath(), subscriber.getPath(), cmd_id))
#LOG('applyActionList', DEBUG, self.getSyncActionList(remote_xml))
for action in self.getSyncActionList(remote_xml):
if isinstance(action, unicode):
action = action.encode('utf-8')
conflict_list = []
status_code = self.SUCCESS
# Thirst we have to check the kind of action it is
partial_data = self.getPartialData(action)
partial_data = '%s' % action.xpath('string(.//Item/Data/Partial)')
rid = self.getActionId(action)
if action.nodeName != 'Delete':
if hasattr(conduit, 'getGidFromXML') and \
gid_from_xml_list) not in ('', None):
if action.tag != 'Delete':
if getattr(conduit, 'getGidFromXML', None) is not None and \
conduit.getGidFromXML(self.getDataText(action), gid_from_xml_list):
gid = conduit.getGidFromXML(self.getDataText(action),
gid = b16encode(gid)
gid = rid
gid = rid
object_id = domain.generateNewIdWithGenerator(object=destination, gid=gid)
signature = subscriber.getSignatureFromGid(gid)
if signature is not None and rid != gid:
......@@ -1083,7 +946,7 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
#LOG('applyActionList, try to find an object with rid', DEBUG, '')
object = subscriber.getObjectFromRid(rid)
signature = subscriber.getSignatureFromRid(rid)
if signature not in ('', None):
if signature is not None:
gid = signature.getId()
#LOG('applyActionList subscriber.getObjectFromGid %s' % gid, DEBUG, object)
if signature is None:
......@@ -1097,33 +960,30 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
force = signature.getForce()
if self.checkActionMoreData(action) == 0:
if not self.checkActionMoreData(action):
data_subnode = None
if partial_data != None:
if partial_data:
signature_partial_xml = signature.getPartialXML()
if signature_partial_xml is not None:
data_subnode = signature.getPartialXML() + partial_data
if signature_partial_xml:
data_subnode = signature_partial_xml + partial_data
data_subnode = partial_data
#LOG('applyActionList', DEBUG, 'data_subnode: %s' % data_subnode)
if subscriber.getMediaType() == self.MEDIA_TYPE['TEXT_XML']:
data_subnode = Parse(data_subnode)
data_subnode = data_subnode.childNodes[0] # Because we just created a new xml
# document, with childNodes[0] a DocumentType and childNodes[1] the Element Node
data_subnode = etree.XML(data_subnode)
if subscriber.getMediaType() != self.MEDIA_TYPE['TEXT_XML']:
data_subnode = self.getDataText(action)
data_subnode = self.getDataSubNode(action)
if action.nodeName == 'Add':
if action.tag == 'Add':
# Then store the xml of this new subobject
reset = 0
if object is None:
add_data = conduit.addNode(xml=data_subnode,
if add_data['conflict_list'] not in ('', None, []):
conflict_list += add_data['conflict_list']
# Retrieve directly the object from addNode
object = add_data['object']
if object is not None:
......@@ -1134,11 +994,9 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
#Object was retrieve but need to be updated without recreated
#usefull when an object is only deleted by workflow.
if data_subnode is not None:
if type(data_subnode) != type(''):
string_io = StringIO()
PrettyPrint(data_subnode, stream=string_io)
xml_string = string_io.getvalue()
actual_xml = subscriber.getXMLFromObject(object = object, force=1)
if not isinstance(data_subnode, str):
xml_string = etree.tostring(data_subnode, encoding='utf-8')
actual_xml = subscriber.getXMLFromObject(object=object, force=1)
data_subnode = self.getXupdateObject(xml_string, actual_xml)
conflict_list += conduit.updateNode(
......@@ -1153,9 +1011,10 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
if reset:
#After a reset we want copy the LAST XML view on Signature.
#this implementation is not sufficient, need to be improved.
string_io = StringIO()
PrettyPrint(data_subnode, stream=string_io)
xml_object = string_io.getvalue()
if not isinstance(data_subnode, str):
xml_object = etree.tostring(data_subnode, encoding='utf-8')
xml_object = data_subnode
xml_object = domain.getXMLFromObject(object)
......@@ -1168,7 +1027,7 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
cmd_id +=1
elif action.nodeName == 'Replace':
elif action.tag == 'Replace':
#LOG('applyActionList', DEBUG, 'object: %s will be updated...' % str(object))
if object is not None:
#LOG('applyActionList', DEBUG, 'object: %s will be updated...' %
......@@ -1185,14 +1044,11 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
xml_object = domain.getXMLFromObject(object)
if conflict_list != []:
if conflict_list:
status_code = self.CONFLICT
signature.setConflictList(signature.getConflictList() \
+ conflict_list)
string_io = StringIO()
PrettyPrint(data_subnode, stream=string_io)
data_subnode_string = string_io.getvalue()
data_subnode_string = etree.tostring(data_subnode, encoding='utf-8')
elif not simulate:
......@@ -1206,13 +1062,11 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
# This means we are on the publisher side and we want to store
# the xupdate from the subscriber and we also want to generate
# the current xupdate from the last synchronization
string_io = StringIO()
PrettyPrint(data_subnode, stream=string_io)
data_subnode_string = string_io.getvalue()
data_subnode_string = etree.tostring(data_subnode, encoding='utf-8')
#LOG('applyActionList, subscriber_xupdate:', TRACE, data_subnode_string)
elif action.nodeName == 'Delete':
elif action.tag == 'Delete':
object_id = signature.getId()
#LOG('applyActionList Delete on : ', DEBUG, (signature.getId(), subscriber.getObjectFromGid(object_id)))
if subscriber.getMediaType() != self.MEDIA_TYPE['TEXT_XML']:
......@@ -1220,7 +1074,7 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
data_subnode = self.getDataSubNode(action)
#LOG('applyActionList, object gid to delete :', 0, subscriber.getObjectFromGid(object_id))
if subscriber.getObjectFromGid(object_id) not in (None, ''):
if subscriber.getObjectFromGid(object_id) is not None:
#if the object exist:
......@@ -1242,10 +1096,10 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
#LOG('applyActionList', DEBUG, 'waiting more data for :%s' % signature.getId())
xml_confirmation += self.SyncMLConfirmation(
if conflict_list != [] and signature is not None:
if conflict_list and signature is not None:
# We had a conflict
......@@ -1259,14 +1113,15 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
status_list = self.getSyncBodyStatusList(remote_xml)
has_status_list = 0
destination_waiting_more_data = 0
if status_list != []:
for status in status_list:
if not status['code']:
status_cmd = status['cmd']
object_gid = status['source']
if object_gid in ('', None, []):
if not object_gid:
object_gid = status['target']
status_code = int(status['code'])
if status_cmd in ('Add','Replace',):
if status_cmd in ('Add', 'Replace',):
has_status_list = 1
signature = subscriber.getSignatureFromGid(object_gid)
if signature is None:
......@@ -1342,10 +1197,9 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
has_response = 0 #check if syncmodif replies to this messages
cmd_id = 1 # specifies a SyncML message-unique command identifier
#LOG('SyncModif', DEBUG, 'Starting... domain: %s' % domain.getId())
first_node = remote_xml.childNodes[0]
# Get informations from the header
xml_header = first_node.childNodes[1]
if xml_header.nodeName != "SyncHdr":
xml_header = remote_xml[0]
if xml_header.tag != "SyncHdr":
LOG('SyncModif', INFO, 'This is not a SyncML Header')
raise ValueError, "Sorry, This is not a SyncML Header"
......@@ -1358,24 +1212,24 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
# We have to check if this message was not already, this can be dangerous
# to update two times the same object
message_id = self.getMessageId(remote_xml)
message_id = self.getMessageIdFromXml(remote_xml)
correct_message = subscriber.checkCorrectRemoteMessageId(message_id)
if not correct_message: # We need to send again the message
LOG('SyncModif, no correct message:', INFO, "sending again...")
last_xml = subscriber.getLastSentMessage()
LOG("SyncModif last_xml :", INFO, last_xml)
string_io = StringIO()
PrettyPrint(remote_xml, stream=string_io)
remote_xml = string_io.getvalue()
remote_xml = etree.tostring(remote_xml, encoding='utf-8',
LOG("SyncModif remote_xml :", INFO, remote_xml)
if last_xml != '':
if last_xml:
has_response = 1
if domain.domain_type == self.PUB: # We always reply
xml=last_xml, domain=domain,
elif domain.domain_type == self.SUB:
......@@ -1435,7 +1289,7 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
destination_url = ''
# alert message if we want more data
if destination_waiting_more_data == 1:
if destination_waiting_more_data:
......@@ -1448,10 +1302,9 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
cmd_id = cmd_id+1
if domain.getActivityEnabled():
#use activities to get SyncML data.
if not (isinstance(remote_xml, str) or isinstance(remote_xml, unicode)):
string_io = StringIO()
remote_xml = string_io.getvalue()
if not isinstance(remote_xml, (str, unicode)):
remote_xml = etree.tostring(remote_xml, encoding='utf-8',
xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=False)
......@@ -1518,12 +1371,8 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
domain = self.unrestrictedTraverse(kw['domain_relative_url'])
subscriber = self.unrestrictedTraverse(kw['subscriber_relative_url'])
conduit = subscriber.getConduit()
result = self.getSyncMLData(
domain = domain,
subscriber = subscriber,
conduit = conduit,
max = self.MAX_OBJECTS,
result = self.getSyncMLData(domain=domain, subscriber=subscriber,
conduit=conduit, max=self.MAX_OBJECTS, **kw)
syncml_data = result['syncml_data']
cmd_id = result['cmd_id']
kw['syncml_data'] = syncml_data
......@@ -1537,7 +1386,7 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
xml_confirmation = result['xml_confirmation']
cmd_id = result['cmd_id']
cmd_id_before_getsyncmldata = kw['cmd_id_before_getsyncmldata']
remote_xml = Parse(kw['remote_xml'])
remote_xml = etree.XML(kw['remote_xml'])
xml_list = kw['xml_list']
has_status_list = kw['has_status_list']
has_response = kw['has_response']
......@@ -1555,6 +1404,7 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
def sendSyncModif(self, syncml_data, cmd_id_before_getsyncmldata, subscriber,
domain, xml_confirmation, remote_xml, xml_list,
has_status_list, has_response):
xml = xml_list.append
if syncml_data != '':
xml(' <Sync>\n')
......@@ -1584,7 +1434,7 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
if syncml_data == '':
if not syncml_data:
LOG('this is the end of the synchronisation session !!!', INFO, domain.getId())
......@@ -1652,17 +1502,15 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
result = None
if xml_client is not None:
if isinstance(xml_client, str) or isinstance(xml_client, unicode):
xml_client = Parse(xml_client)
first_node = xml_client.childNodes[0]
if first_node.nodeName != "SyncML":
if isinstance(xml_client, (str, unicode)):
xml_client = etree.XML(xml_client)
if xml_client.tag != "SyncML":
LOG('PubSync', INFO, 'This is not a SyncML Message')
raise ValueError, "Sorry, This is not a SyncML Message"
alert_code = self.getAlertCodeFromXML(xml_client)
# Get informations from the header
client_header = first_node.childNodes[1]
if client_header.nodeName != "SyncHdr":
client_header = xml_client[0]
if client_header.tag != "SyncHdr":
LOG('PubSync', INFO, 'This is not a SyncML Header')
raise ValueError, "Sorry, This is not a SyncML Header"
subscription_url = self.getSubscriptionUrlFromXML(client_header)
......@@ -1717,17 +1565,17 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
response = None #check if subsync replies to this messages
subscription = self.unrestrictedTraverse(subscription_path)
if msg is None and (subscription.getSubscriptionUrl()).find('file')>=0:
if msg is None and (subscription.getSubscriptionUrl()).find('file') >= 0:
msg = self.readResponse(sync_id=subscription.getSubscriptionUrl(),
if msg is None:
response = self.SubSyncInit(subscription)
xml_client = msg
if isinstance(xml_client, str) or isinstance(xml_client, unicode):
xml_client = Parse(xml_client)
if isinstance(xml_client, (str, unicode)):
xml_client = etree.XML(xml_client)
status_list = self.getSyncBodyStatusList(xml_client)
if status_list not in (None, []):
if status_list:
status_code_syncHdr = status_list[0]['code']
if status_code_syncHdr.isdigit():
status_code_syncHdr = int(status_code_syncHdr)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2004 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
......@@ -486,23 +487,23 @@ class TestERP5SyncML(TestERP5SyncMLMixin, ERP5TypeTestCase):
ZopeTestCase._print('\nTest First Synchronization ')
LOG('Testing... ',0,'test_08_FirstSynchronization')
nb_person = self.populatePersonServer(quiet=1,run=1)
self.setupPublicationAndSubscription(quiet=1, run=1)
nb_person = self.populatePersonServer(quiet=1, run=1)
portal_sync = self.getSynchronizationTool()
for sub in portal_sync.getSubscriptionList():
self.assertEquals(sub.getSynchronizationType(), SyncCode.SLOW_SYNC)
# Synchronize the first client
nb_message1 = self.synchronize(self.sub_id1)
for sub in portal_sync.getSubscriptionList():
if sub.getTitle() == self.sub_id1:
self.assertEquals(sub.getSynchronizationType(), SyncCode.TWO_WAY)
self.assertEquals(sub.getSynchronizationType(), SyncCode.SLOW_SYNC)
self.assertEqual(nb_message1, self.nb_message_first_synchronization)
# Synchronize the second client
nb_message2 = self.synchronize(self.sub_id2)
for sub in portal_sync.getSubscriptionList():
self.assertEquals(sub.getSynchronizationType(), SyncCode.TWO_WAY)
self.assertEqual(nb_message2, self.nb_message_first_synchronization)
self.checkFirstSynchronization(id=self.id1, nb_person=nb_person)
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