Commit 82a3d64f authored by Guillaume Michon's avatar Guillaume Michon

- Changed some behaviors : use immobilisation periods calculated in...

- Changed some behaviors : use immobilisation periods calculated in ImmobilisableItem, allow monthly amortisation.
- Changed simulation movement generation to be compliant with "section changes but not actual owner" cases
- Handle "continuing" amortisation methods
- Some bug fixes

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 5389303f
......@@ -31,11 +31,13 @@ from DateTime import DateTime
from copy import deepcopy
from string import lower, capitalize
from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import centis, getClosestDate, addToDate
from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import millis, centis, getClosestDate, addToDate
from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import getDecimalNumberOfYearsBetween
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, Constraint, Interface
from Products.ERP5.Document.Rule import Rule
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ERP5.Document.ImmobilisationMovement import NO_CHANGE_METHOD
from zLOG import LOG
......@@ -62,70 +64,22 @@ class AmortisationRule(Rule):
, PropertySheet.DublinCore
# CMF Factory Type Information
factory_type_information = \
{ 'id' : portal_type
, 'meta_type' : meta_type
, 'description' : """\
An ERP5 Rule..."""
, 'icon' : 'rule_icon.gif'
, 'product' : 'ERP5'
, 'factory' : 'addAmortisationRule'
, 'immediate_view' : 'rule_view'
, 'allow_discussion' : 1
, 'allowed_content_types': ()
, 'filter_content_types' : 1
, 'global_allow' : 1
, 'actions' :
( { 'id' : 'view'
, 'name' : 'View'
, 'category' : 'object_view'
, 'action' : 'rule_view'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.View, )
, { 'id' : 'list'
, 'name' : 'Object Contents'
, 'category' : 'object_action'
, 'action' : 'folder_contents'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.View, )
, { 'id' : 'print'
, 'name' : 'Print'
, 'category' : 'object_print'
, 'action' : 'rule_print'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.View, )
, { 'id' : 'metadata'
, 'name' : 'Metadata'
, 'category' : 'object_view'
, 'action' : 'metadata_edit'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.View, )
, { 'id' : 'translate'
, 'name' : 'Translate'
, 'category' : 'object_action'
, 'action' : 'translation_template_view'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.TranslateContent, )
movement_name_dict = { 'immobilisation': { 'immo': 'start_immo',
'amo': 'start_amo',
'vat': 'start_vat',
'in_out':'start_in_out' },
'input': 'start_input',
'extra_input':'start_extra_input' },
'unimmobilisation': { 'immo': 'stop_immo',
'amo': 'stop_amo',
'vat': 'stop_vat',
'in_out':'stop_in_out' },
'output':'stop_output' },
'annuity': { 'depr': 'annuity_depr',
'amo': 'annuity_amo' },
'amo': 'annuity_amo',
'temp_depr':'annuity_temp_depr' },
'transfer': { 'immo': 'transfer_immo',
'amo': 'transfer_amo',
'depr': 'transfer_depr'},
'correction': 'correction'
......@@ -149,17 +103,9 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
An applied rule can be expanded only if its parent movement
is expanded.
valid_state_list = ['delivered']
invalid_state_list = self.getPortalUpdatableAmortisationTransactionStateList()
to_aggregate_movement_list = []
class CachedValues:
This empty class is used to pass an object through the heavy price calculation,
in order to cache already calculated results, so the calculation is shorter
def updateSimulationMovementProperties(simulation_movement, calculated_movement, set_ratio=0):
Update the properties of the given simulation movement according
......@@ -171,7 +117,6 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
modified_properties = []
for (key, value) in calculated_movement.items():
#if value != None and key not in ('name','status','id','divergent'):
if key not in ('name','status','id','divergent'):
getter_name = 'get%s' % ''.join([capitalize(o) for o in key.split('_')])
getter = getattr(simulation_movement, getter_name)
......@@ -186,7 +131,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
setter_name = 'set%s' % ''.join([capitalize(o) for o in key.split('_')])
setter = getattr(simulation_movement, setter_name)
if set_ratio:
......@@ -210,7 +155,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
simulation_movement = applied_rule.newContent(portal_type=delivery_line_type, id=new_id)
updateSimulationMovementProperties(simulation_movement = simulation_movement,
calculated_movement = property_dict)
if aggregated_movement['status'] in valid_state_list:
if aggregated_movement['status'] not in invalid_state_list:
# The Simulation Movement corresponds to an Amortisation Transaction Line
# whose Amortisation Transaction is in a valid state, so we cannot modify
# the Simulation Movement. Some new Simulation Movements are so created
......@@ -273,7 +218,8 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
if ('quantity' in modified_properties and len(modified_properties)>1) or \
('quantity' not in modified_properties and len(modified_properties)>0):
simulation_movement.edit(delivery='', profit_quantity=0,
return 0
......@@ -307,8 +253,8 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
the already made correction
method_movements_created = 0
for (type, aggregated_movement_list) in aggregated_movement_dict.items():
if type != self.movement_name_dict['correction']:
for (m_type, aggregated_movement_list) in aggregated_movement_dict.items():
if m_type != self.movement_name_dict['correction']:
for aggregated_movement in aggregated_movement_list:
movements_created = updateSimulationMovementToZero(aggregated_movement = aggregated_movement,
correction_number = correction_number,
......@@ -319,7 +265,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
# Some correction movements may still be unused, we need to set them to 0
unused_correction_list = []
for correction_movement_list_list in correction_movement_dict.values():
for correction_movement_list in correction_movement_list:
for correction_movement_list in correction_movement_list_list:
for correction_movement in correction_movement_list:
correction_movement_list = aggregated_movement_dict.get( self.movement_name_dict['correction'], [] )
......@@ -339,6 +285,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
### Start of expand() ###
delivery_line_type = 'Simulation Movement'
to_notify_delivery_list = []
# Get the item we come from
my_item = applied_rule.getCausalityValue()
# Only expand if my_item is not None
......@@ -346,26 +293,22 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
### First, plan the theorical accounting movements
cached_values = CachedValues()
accounting_movement_list = []
immobilisation_movement_list = my_item.getImmobilisationMovementValueList(cached_data=cached_values)
period_number = 0
current_immo_movement = None
for mvt_number in range(len(immobilisation_movement_list)):
# Update previous, current and next movement variables
prev_immo_movement = current_immo_movement
current_immo_movement = immobilisation_movement_list[mvt_number]
if current_immo_movement.getImmobilisation():
period_number += 1
next_immo_movement = None
if mvt_number < len(immobilisation_movement_list) - 1:
next_immo_movement = immobilisation_movement_list[mvt_number + 1]
# Calculate the accounting movements
accounting_movements = self._getAccountingMovement(current_immo_movement=current_immo_movement,
period_number = period_number,
cached_data = cached_values)
immo_cache_dict = {'period':{}, 'price':{}}
immo_period_list = my_item.getImmobilisationPeriodList(immo_cache_dict=immo_cache_dict)
for period_number in range(len(immo_period_list)):
immo_cache_dict['price'] = {}
previous_period = None
next_period = None
immo_period = immo_period_list[period_number]
if period_number != 0: previous_period=immo_period_list[period_number-1]
if period_number != len(immo_period_list)-1: next_period=immo_period_list[period_number+1]
accounting_movements = self._getAccountingMovement(immo_period=immo_period,
### The next step is to create the simulation movements
......@@ -388,8 +331,6 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
# we store it according to the state of the corresponding
# Amortisation Transaction. We also make a data structure
# to make easier the future work of correspondance
accounting_status = portal_workflow.getStatusOf('amortisation_transaction_workflow', delivery_value.getParent())
accounting_status = accounting_status['amortisation_transaction_state']
movement_dict = { 'stop_date': movement.getStopDate(),
'start_date': movement.getStartDate(),
'quantity': movement.getQuantity(),
......@@ -399,18 +340,15 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
'destination': movement.getDestination(),
'resource_value': movement.getResourceValue(),
'id': movement.getId(),
'status': accounting_status,
'status': delivery_value.getRootDeliveryValue().getSimulationState(),
'divergent': movement.isDivergent() }
self._placeMovementInStructure(aggregated_period_dict, movement_dict, movement_id_period_number, movement_id_name)
# Add the delivery to the list to be notified (since each aggregated movement will be modified)
parent = delivery_value.getParent()
if parent:
path = parent.getPhysicalPath()
if not path in self._v_notify_dict.keys():
self._v_notify_dict[path] = None
parent = delivery_value.getRootDeliveryValue()
if parent is not None:
# Deletion of non-aggregated movements
# Re-handle data of calculated movements to make easier the future
# work of correspondance
......@@ -438,21 +376,23 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
matched_dict = self._matchAmortisationPeriods(calculated_period_dict, aggregated_period_dict)
# We can now apply the calculated movements on the applied rule
if aggregated_period_dict != {}:
new_period = max(aggregated_period_dict.keys()) + 1
except TypeError:
new_period = 0
for (c_period_number, calculated_dict) in calculated_period_dict.items():
# First, look for a potential found match
match = matched_dict.get(c_period_number, None)
if match is None:
# We did not find any match for this calculated period, so we
# simply add the Simulation Movements into the Simulation
for (type, movement_list) in calculated_dict.items():
for (mov_type, movement_list) in calculated_dict.items():
for movement_number in range(len(movement_list)):
movement = movement_list[movement_number]
if movement['quantity'] != 0:
new_id = '%s_%i_%i' % (type, new_period, movement_number)
new_id = '%s_%i_%i' % (mov_type, new_period, movement_number)
simulation_movement = applied_rule.newContent(portal_type=delivery_line_type, id=new_id)
# Set the properties
updateSimulationMovementProperties(simulation_movement = simulation_movement,
......@@ -468,15 +408,15 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
correction_data = self._getCorrectionMovementData(aggregated_movement_dict)
correction_number = correction_data['correction_number']
correction_movement_dict = correction_data['correction_movement_dict']
for (type, calculated_movement_list) in calculated_dict.items():
aggregated_movement_list = aggregated_movement_dict.get(type, [])
for (mov_type, calculated_movement_list) in calculated_dict.items():
aggregated_movement_list = aggregated_movement_dict.get(mov_type, [])
new_aggregated_number = 0
for aggregated_movement in aggregated_movement_list:
movement_id = int( aggregated_movement['id'].split('_')[-1] )
if movement_id + 1 > new_aggregated_number:
new_aggregated_number = movement_id + 1
if type in self.movement_name_dict['annuity'].values():
if mov_type in self.movement_name_dict['annuity'].values():
# Annuity movement
# We use relocate to match the movements.
to_delete_from_aggregated = []
......@@ -494,7 +434,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
# No matching found. We simply create the annuity
new_id = '%s_%i_%i' % (type, aggregated_period_number, new_aggregated_number)
new_id = '%s_%i_%i' % (mov_type, aggregated_period_number, new_aggregated_number)
simulation_movement = applied_rule.newContent(portal_type=delivery_line_type, id=new_id)
updateSimulationMovementProperties(simulation_movement = simulation_movement,
calculated_movement = calculated_movement)
......@@ -538,7 +478,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
# There is no aggregated movement left. We simply create the remaining calculated movements
new_id = '%s_%i_%i' % (type, aggregated_period_number, new_aggregated_number)
new_id = '%s_%i_%i' % (mov_type, aggregated_period_number, new_aggregated_number)
simulation_movement = applied_rule.newContent(portal_type=delivery_line_type, id=new_id)
updateSimulationMovementProperties(simulation_movement = simulation_movement,
calculated_movement = calculated_movement)
......@@ -554,7 +494,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
# We delete this movement type from aggregation, in order to determine
# the types which have not been matched later
del aggregated_movement_dict[type]
del aggregated_movement_dict[mov_type]
except KeyError:
......@@ -586,6 +526,12 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
movement_relative_url_list = [m.getRelativeUrl() for m in to_aggregate_movement_list])
# Finally notify modified deliveries in order to update causality state
for delivery_value in to_notify_delivery_list:
def _getCorrectionMovementData(self, aggregated_movement_dict):
......@@ -637,7 +583,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
matching = { 'max':0, 'score':0 }
for matching_parameter in parameter_list:
matching['max'] = matching['max'] + 1
if movement_a[matching_parameter] == movement_b[matching_parameter]:
if movement_a.get(matching_parameter) == movement_b.get(matching_parameter):
matching['score'] = matching['score'] + 1
return matching
......@@ -648,7 +594,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
# We first compare the dates of immobilisation, so we can compare the annuity suit
# first directly, and then by relocating in time
relocate_list = [0, 1, -1]
aggregated_immobilisation = calculated_dict.get(self.movement_name_dict['immobilisation']['immo'], [])
aggregated_immobilisation = aggregated_dict.get(self.movement_name_dict['immobilisation']['immo'], [])
if len(calculated_immobilisation) != 0 and len(aggregated_immobilisation) != 0:
c_immobilisation_movement = calculated_immobilisation[-1]
a_immobilisation_movement = aggregated_immobilisation[-1]
......@@ -659,7 +605,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
date_difference = int(- getDecimalNumberOfYearsBetween(c_date, a_date))
if abs(date_difference) >= 1:
relocate_list.extend(date_difference-1, date_difference, date_difference+1)
relocate_list.extend([date_difference-1, date_difference, date_difference+1])
for o in relocate_list[:]:
while relocate_list.count(o) > 1:
......@@ -672,12 +618,16 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
a_annuity_list = aggregated_dict.get(self.movement_name_dict['annuity']['amo'], [])
c_annuity_list = calculated_dict.get(self.movement_name_dict['annuity']['amo'], [])
for i in range(len(a_annuity_list)):
if not (i + relocate < 0 or i + relocate > len(c_annuity_list) - 1):
a_annuity = a_annuity_list[i]
if not (i + relocate < 0 or i + relocate > len(c_annuity_list) - 1):
c_annuity = c_annuity_list[i + relocate]
# Simulate an empty c_annuity to take into account non-matched movements
c_annuity = {}
this_matching = calculateMovementMatch(a_annuity, c_annuity)
relocate_matching['score'] = relocate_matching['score'] + this_matching['score']
relocate_matching['max'] = relocate_matching['max'] + this_matching['max']
# Compare the current relocated matching with the best relocated matching found until now
if current_matching['max'] == 0:
current_matching_ratio = 0
......@@ -724,6 +674,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
matching_ratio_list.append( { 'calculated_period' : calculated_period_number,
'aggregated_period' : aggregated_period_number,
'ratio' : ratio,
'max' : current_matching['max'],
'relocate' : current_matching['relocate'],
'non-annuity' : current_matching['non-annuity'] } )
......@@ -765,24 +716,24 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, '_getAccountingMovement')
def _getAccountingMovement(self,current_immo_movement,next_immo_movement=None, previous_immo_movement=None,
period_number=0, **kw):
def _getAccountingMovement(self, immo_period, previous_period, next_period, period_number=0, item=None, **kw):
Calculates the value of accounting movements during the period
Calculates the value of accounting movements during the given period
between the two given immobilisation movements.
If next_immo_movement is None, accounting movements are made at infinite.
# These methods are used to create dictionaries containing data to return
def buildImmobilisationCalculatedMovementList(date, period, source_section, destination_section,
currency, movement_list=[]):
return buildSpecificCalculatedMovementList(date, period, 0, source_section, destination_section,
currency, movement_list, 'immobilisation')
def buildUnimmobilisationCalculatedMovementList(date, period, source_section, destination_section,
currency, movement_list=[]):
return buildSpecificCalculatedMovementList(date, period, 0, source_section, destination_section,
currency, movement_list, 'unimmobilisation')
def buildTransferCalculatedMovementList(date, period, source_section, destination_section,
currency, movement_list=[]):
return buildSpecificCalculatedMovementList(date, period, 0, source_section, destination_section,
currency, movement_list, 'transfer')
def buildAnnuityCalculatedMovementList(date, period, annuity, source_section, destination_section,
currency, movement_list=[]):
return buildSpecificCalculatedMovementList(date, period, annuity, source_section, destination_section,
......@@ -799,90 +750,141 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
destination_section, currency, movement_list = []):
return_list = []
for movement in movement_list:
{ 'stop_date' : date,
'name' : '%s_%i_%i' % (movement['name'], period, annuity),
'quantity' : movement['quantity'],
'source' : movement['source'],
'destination' : movement['destination'],
'source_section_value' : source_section,
'destination_section_value' : destination_section,
'resource_value' : currency } )
return return_list
item = current_immo_movement.getParent()
returned_list = []
if item is not None:
if immo_period is not None:
# Get some variables
disposal_price = current_immo_movement.getDisposalPrice()
begin_price = current_immo_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationPrice(**kw)
begin_remaining = current_immo_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationDuration(**kw)
section = current_immo_movement.getSectionValue()
currency = current_immo_movement.getPriceCurrency()
start_movement = immo_period.get('start_movement')
start_date = immo_period.get('start_date')
start_method = immo_period.get('start_method')
initial_method = immo_period.get('initial_method')
initial_date = immo_period.get('initial_date')
initial_duration = immo_period.get('initial_duration')
disposal_price = immo_period.get('initial_disposal_price')
initial_price = immo_period.get('initial_price')
section = immo_period.get('owner')
continuous = immo_period.get('continuous')
new_owner = section
currency = section.getPriceCurrency()
if currency is not None:
currency = self.currency[currency.split('/')[-1]]
start_date = current_immo_movement.getStopDate()
stop_date = None
if next_immo_movement is not None:
stop_date = next_immo_movement.getStopDate()
returned_list = []
# Calculate particular accounting movements (immobilisation beginning, end, ownership change...)
immobilised_before = item.isImmobilised(at_date = start_date - centis)
immobilised_after = current_immo_movement.getImmobilisation()
replace = 0 # replace is used to know if we need to reverse an one-side movement
# in order to have a one-side movement whose destination side is unset
if immobilised_before and previous_immo_movement is not None:
immo_begin_price = previous_immo_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationPrice(**kw)
immo_end_price = current_immo_movement.getDefaultAmortisationPrice(**kw) # We use this method in order
# to get the calculated value of the item, and not the
# value entered later by the user
if immo_end_price is not None:
# Set "end of amortisation period" data
amortisation_price = immo_begin_price - immo_end_price
end_vat = previous_immo_movement.getVat() * immo_end_price / immo_begin_price
immo_end_price_vat = immo_end_price + end_vat
# XXX FIXME : do something if currency is None
currency = self.currency_module[currency.split('/')[-1]]
stop_date = immo_period.get('stop_date', addToDate(initial_date, month=initial_duration))
# Period start and previous period stop
# Possible cases :
# 1) Item is unimmobilised before : start immobilisation
# 2) Item is immobilised before :
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | | Owner does not change | Owner changes but the | Actual owner changes |
# | | | actual owner does not | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# |NO_CHANGE movement | Nothing to do | Transfer |Stop immo - start immo|
# |Continuous movement| Optional transfer | Transfer |Stop immo - start immo|
# | Other | Stop immo - start immo| Stop immo - start immo |Stop immo - start immo|
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "Optional Transfer" means "transfer from old accounts to new ones if they change"
# "Transfer" means "transfer all non-solded accounts from a section to another"
# "Continuous movement" means "same method as previous period and method is continuous"
# Note that section can change without changing owner.
# "Actual owner changes" means "the 'group' property of both owners differ"
build_unimmo = 0
build_immo = 0
build_transfer = 0
build_optional_transfer = 0
previous_method = None
previous_stop_date = None
previous_owner = None
if immo_period is None:
if previous_period is not None:
build_unimmo = 1
if previous_period is not None:
previous_method = previous_period['initial_method']
previous_stop_date = previous_period['stop_date']
previous_owner = previous_period['owner']
if previous_stop_date is None or previous_stop_date != start_date:
build_unimmo = 1
build_immo = 1
previous_group = previous_owner.getGroup()
new_group = new_owner.getGroup()
if previous_group is None or \
new_group is None or \
previous_group != new_group:
build_unimmo = 1
build_immo = 1
if start_method not in ("",NO_CHANGE_METHOD) and (\
previous_method is None or \
start_method != previous_method or \
not start_movement.getAmortisationMethodParameterForItem(item, "continuous")["continuous"]):
build_unimmo = 1
build_immo = 1
if previous_owner != new_owner:
build_transfer = 1
if start_movement.getAmortisationMethodParameterForItem(item, "continuous")["continuous"]:
build_optional_transfer = 1
#else nothing to do
if previous_period is None:
build_unimmo = 0
build_transfer = 0
build_optional_transfer = 0
# Build previous period unimmobilisation
if build_unimmo:
previous_initial_price = previous_period['initial_price']
previous_start_date = previous_period['start_date']
previous_stop_date = previous_period['stop_date']
previous_start_movement = previous_period['start_movement']
previous_section = previous_owner
previous_currency = previous_section.getPriceCurrency()
if previous_currency is not None:
# XXX FIXME : do something if currency is None
previous_currency = self.currency_module[previous_currency.split('/')[-1]]
previous_stop_price = item.getAmortisationPrice(at_date=previous_stop_date, **kw)
if previous_stop_price is not None:
previous_amortised_price = previous_initial_price - previous_stop_price
buildUnimmobilisationCalculatedMovementList(date = start_date,
buildUnimmobilisationCalculatedMovementList(date = previous_stop_date,
period = period_number - 1,
source_section = None,
destination_section = previous_immo_movement.getSectionValue(),
currency = currency,
source_section = previous_section,
destination_section = None,
currency = previous_currency,
{ 'name' : 'immo',
'quantity' : -immo_begin_price,
'source' : None,
'destination' : previous_immo_movement.getImmobilisationAccount() },
{ 'name' : 'vat',
'quantity' : -end_vat,
'source' : None,
'destination' : previous_immo_movement.getVatAccount() },
'quantity' : previous_initial_price,
'source' : previous_period['start_immobilisation_account']
or previous_period['initial_immobilisation_account'],
'destination' : None, },
{ 'name' : 'amo',
'quantity' : amortisation_price,
'source' : None,
'destination' : previous_immo_movement.getAmortisationAccount() },
{ 'name' : 'in_out',
'quantity' : immo_end_price_vat,
'source' : None,
'destination' : previous_immo_movement.getOutputAccount() }
'quantity' : -previous_amortised_price,
'source' : previous_period['start_amortisation_account']
or previous_period['initial_amortisation_account'],
'destination' : None, },
{ 'name' : 'output',
'quantity' : previous_amortised_price - previous_initial_price,
'source' : previous_period['start_output_account']
or previous_period['initial_output_account'],
'destination' : None, }
] ) )
replace = 1
if immobilised_after:
# Set "begin of amortisation" data
immo_begin_price = begin_price
begin_vat = current_immo_movement.getVat()
if len(returned_list) > 0 and round(immo_begin_price,2) == round(immo_end_price,2) and round(begin_vat,2) == round(end_vat,2):
# Gather data into a single movement
returned_list[0]['source'] = current_immo_movement.getImmobilisationAccount()
returned_list[1]['source'] = current_immo_movement.getVatAccount()
returned_list[2]['source'] = current_immo_movement.getAmortisationAccount()
returned_list[3]['source'] = current_immo_movement.getInputAccount()
for i in range(4):
returned_list[i]['source_section_value'] = section
replace = 0
# Create another movement
# Build current period immobilisation
if build_immo:
initial_vat = immo_period.get("initial_vat") or 0
buildImmobilisationCalculatedMovementList(date = start_date,
period = period_number,
......@@ -891,46 +893,101 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
currency = currency,
{ 'name' : 'immo',
'quantity' : - immo_begin_price,
'source' : current_immo_movement.getImmobilisationAccount(),
'quantity' : - initial_price,
'source' : immo_period.get('start_immobilisation_account')
or immo_period.get('initial_immobilisation_account'),
'destination' : None },
{ 'name' : 'vat',
'quantity' : - begin_vat,
'source' : current_immo_movement.getVatAccount(),
'quantity' : - initial_vat,
'source' : immo_period.get('start_vat_account')
or immo_period.get('initial_vat_account'),
'destination' : None },
{ 'name' : 'amo',
'quantity' : 0,
'source' : current_immo_movement.getAmortisationAccount(),
'source' : immo_period.get('start_amortisation_account')
or immo_period.get('initial_amortisation_account'),
'destination' : None },
{ 'name' : 'in_out',
'quantity' : immo_begin_price + begin_vat,
'source' : current_immo_movement.getInputAccount(),
{ 'name' : 'input',
'quantity' : immo_period.get('initial_main_price') + initial_vat,
'source' : immo_period.get('start_input_account')
or immo_period.get('initial_input_account'),
'destination' : None },
{ 'name' : 'extra_input',
'quantity' : immo_period.get('initial_extra_cost_price') or 0,
'source' : immo_period.get('start_extra_cost_account')
or immo_period.get('initial_extra_cost_account'),
'destination' : None }
] ) )
if replace:
# Replace destination by source on the immobilisation-ending writings
for i in range(4):
returned_list[i]['source'] = returned_list[i]['destination']
returned_list[i]['source_section_value'] = returned_list[i]['destination_section_value']
returned_list[i]['destination'] = None
returned_list[i]['destination_section_value'] = None
returned_list[i]['quantity'] = - returned_list[i]['quantity']
# Build accounts transfer if the owner changes
# XXX FIXME : do something if currency != previous currency
if build_transfer:
transfer_line_list = []
for name, key in (('immo','immobilisation_account'),
('amo', 'amortisation_account')):
previous_account = previous_period.get('start_'+ key) or previous_period['initial_'+key]
new_account = immo_period.get('start_' + key) or immo_period.get('initial_'+key)
cumulated_price = previous_period.get('cumulated_price_dict',{}).get( (previous_account,previous_owner), 0)
if cumulated_price != 0:
transfer_line_list.append({ 'name' : name,
'quantity' : cumulated_price,
'source' : new_account,
'destination' : previous_account })
buildTransferCalculatedMovementList(date = start_date,
period = period_number,
source_section = new_owner,
destination_section = previous_owner,
currency = currency,
movement_list = transfer_line_list))
# Build accounts transfer if they change
# XXX FIXME : do something if currency != previous currency
if build_optional_transfer:
transfer_line_list = []
for name, key in (('immo','immobilisation_account'),
('amo', 'amortisation_account'),
('depr', 'depreciation_account')):
previous_account = previous_period.get('start_'+ key) or previous_period['initial_'+key]
new_account = immo_period.get('start_' + key) or immo_period['initial_'+key]
cumulated_price = previous_period.get('cumulated_price_dict',{}).get( (previous_account, previous_owner), 0)
if previous_account != new_account and cumulated_price != 0:
transfer_line_list.append({ 'name' : name,
'quantity' : cumulated_price,
'source' : new_account,
'destination' : previous_account })
buildTransferCalculatedMovementList(date = start_date,
period = period_number,
source_section = new_owner,
destination_section = previous_owner,
currency = currency,
movement_list = transfer_line_list))
# Calculate the annuities
current_price = begin_price
if immobilised_after:
def buildAnnuity(from_date, to_date, depr_account, amo_account, precision, depr_name, amo_name):
# Search for the first financial end date after the first immobilisation movement
end_date = getClosestDate(target_date=start_date,
end_date = getClosestDate(target_date=from_date,
adding_dict = {precision:1}
if end_date == initial_date:
end_date = addToDate(end_date, **adding_dict)
annuity_number = 0
while (stop_date is None and current_price > disposal_price) or \
(stop_date is not None and end_date - stop_date < 0):
if continuous:
current_price = item.getAmortisationPrice(at_date=from_date, **kw)
if current_price is None:
current_price = initial_price
current_price = initial_price
# Proceed for each annuity
while end_date - to_date < 0:
annuity_price = 0
annuity_end_price = item.getAmortisationPrice(at_date=end_date, **kw)
if annuity_end_price is None:
if annuity_end_price is not None:
# Count this annuity only if it is in the current period
if end_date - from_date > 0:
annuity_price = current_price - annuity_end_price
if annuity_price < 0:
......@@ -943,24 +1000,21 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
destination_section = None,
currency = currency,
{ 'name' : 'depr',
{ 'name' : depr_name,
'quantity' : - annuity_price,
'source' : current_immo_movement.getDepreciationAccount(),
'source' : depr_account,
'destination' : None },
{ 'name' : 'amo',
{ 'name' : amo_name,
'quantity' : annuity_price,
'source' : current_immo_movement.getAmortisationAccount(),
'source' : amo_account,
'destination' : None }
] ) )
current_price -= annuity_price
end_date = addToDate(end_date, {'year':1})
end_date = addToDate(end_date, **adding_dict)
annuity_number += 1
# Proceed the last annuity (incomplete, from financial year end date to stop_date)
if stop_date is not None:
# We use getDefaultAmortisationPrice in order to get the calculated value of the item,
# and not the value entered later by the user for the next immobilisation period
annuity_end_price = next_immo_movement.getDefaultAmortisationPrice(**kw)
# Proceed the last annuity (maybe incomplete, from financial year end date to to_date)
annuity_end_price = item.getAmortisationPrice(at_date=to_date, **kw)
if annuity_end_price is not None and annuity_end_price < current_price:
annuity_price = current_price - annuity_end_price
if annuity_price != 0:
......@@ -972,47 +1026,67 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
destination_section = None,
currency = currency,
{ 'name' : 'depr',
{ 'name' : depr_name,
'quantity' : - annuity_price,
'source' : current_immo_movement.getDepreciationAccount(),
'source' : depr_account,
'destination' : None },
{ 'name' : 'amo',
{ 'name' : amo_name,
'quantity' : annuity_price,
'source' : current_immo_movement.getAmortisationAccount(),
'source' : amo_account,
'destination' : None }
] ) )
# Construct an unimmobilisation set of movements if the disposal value
# is greater than 0
if stop_date is None and disposal_price and current_price <= disposal_price:
end_date = addToDate(end_date, year=-1)
amortisation_price = begin_price - current_price
end_vat = current_immo_movement.getVat() * current_price / begin_price
immo_end_price_vat = current_price + end_vat
buildUnimmobilisationCalculatedMovementList(date = end_date,
period = period_number,
source_section = current_immo_movement.getSectionValue(),
destination_section = None,
currency = currency,
{ 'name' : 'immo',
'quantity' : begin_price,
'source' : current_immo_movement.getImmobilisationAccount(),
'destination' : None },
{ 'name' : 'vat',
'quantity' : end_vat,
'source' : current_immo_movement.getVatAccount(),
'destination' : None },
{ 'name' : 'amo',
'quantity' : - amortisation_price,
'source' : current_immo_movement.getAmortisationAccount(),
'destination' : None },
{ 'name' : 'in_out',
'quantity' : - immo_end_price_vat,
'source' : current_immo_movement.getOutputAccount(),
'destination' : None }
] ) )
if immo_period is not None:
monthly_account = immo_period.get('start_monthly_amortisation_account') \
or immo_period.get('initial_monthly_amortisation_account')
final_depreciation_account = immo_period.get('start_depreciation_account') \
or immo_period.get('initial_depreciation_account')
amortisation_account = immo_period.get('start_amortisation_account') \
or immo_period.get('initial_amortisation_account')
# Build monthly annuities
if monthly_account is not None:
inter_depreciation_account = monthly_account
inter_depreciation_account = amortisation_account
# Build yearly annuities
# Accumulate quantities and add them to the period dict
if previous_period is not None:
cumulated_price_dict = dict(previous_period.get('cumulated_price_dict',{}))
cumulated_price_dict = {}
for line in returned_list:
quantity = line['quantity']
if quantity != 0:
source = line['source']
destination = line['destination']
source_section_value = line['source_section_value']
destination_section_value = line['destination_section_value']
if source is not None and source_section_value is not None:
cumulated_source = cumulated_price_dict.get( (source, source_section_value), 0)
cumulated_source += quantity
cumulated_price_dict[(source, source_section_value)] = cumulated_source
if destination is not None and destination_section_value is not None:
cumulated_destination = cumulated_price_dict.get( (destination, destination_section_value), 0)
cumulated_destination -= quantity
cumulated_price_dict[(destination_section_value)] = cumulated_destination
immo_period['cumulated_price_dict'] = cumulated_price_dict
return returned_list
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