Commit a121ee63 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Type-based 'getBaseAmountQuantity' is given a "brain" wrapping the input amount

As first parameter, an object wrapping the input amount (by acquisition)
is passed instead of the amount itself.
The purpose of this object is to provide additional information about current
amount generation. It has 2 public methods:
- getGeneratedAmountQuantity
- getBaseAmountList

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent b4d6c89c
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ class AmountGeneratorLine(MappedValue, XMLMatrix, Amount,
def getBaseAmountQuantity(cls, delivery_amount, base_application, rounding):
"""Default method to compute quantity for the given base_application"""
value = delivery_amount.getGeneratedAmountQuantity(base_application)
delivery_amount = delivery_amount.getObject()
if base_application in delivery_amount.getBaseContributionList():
value += cls._getBaseAmountQuantity(delivery_amount)
return value
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
import random
import zope.interface
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Acquisition import Implicit
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, interfaces
from Products.ERP5Type.TransactionalVariable import getTransactionalVariable
from Products.ERP5.Document.MappedValue import MappedValue
......@@ -43,76 +44,84 @@ from Products.ERP5.Document.MappedValue import MappedValue
# Old simulation implemented both but they conflict.
# Current code implements the 2nd option: Should we use 'use' instead ?
class BaseAmount(dict):
class BaseAmountDict(Implicit):
"""Dictionary holding accumulated base amounts
def __init__(self, context, cache, method_kw):
self._context = context
def __init__(self, cache, method_kw):
self._dict = {}
self._frozen = set()
self._lazy = []
self._amount_list = []
self._cache = cache
self._method_kw = method_kw
def getContext(self):
return self._context
def setAmountGeneratorLine(self, amount_generator_line):
self._amount_generator_line = amount_generator_line
def recurse(self, portal_type=None):
for amount in self._context.objectValues(portal_type=portal_type):
def recurseMovementList(self, movement_list):
for amount in movement_list:
# Add only movement which are input. Output will be recalculated.
# XXX See above comment about the absence of base_application
# (for example, we could check if resource use category is in the
# normal resource use preference list).
if not amount.getBaseApplication():
base_amount = self.__class__(amount, self._cache, self._method_kw)
for base_amount in base_amount.recurse(portal_type):
yield base_amount
amount = self.__class__(self._cache, self._method_kw).__of__(amount)
yield amount
yield self
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Get intermediate computed quantity for given base_application"""
if key in self._frozen:
def contribute(self, base_amount, value):
if base_amount in self._frozen:
raise ValueError("Can not contribute to %r because this base_amount is"
" already applied. Order of Amount Generator Lines is"
" wrong." % key)
" wrong." % base_amount)
self._dict[base_amount] = self._getQuantity(base_amount) + value
def _getQuantity(self, base_amount):
"""Get intermediate computed quantity for given base_application"""
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
return self._dict[base_amount]
except KeyError:
value = 0
amount_generator_line = self._amount_generator_line
for lazy in self._lazy:
lazy._amount_generator_line = amount_generator_line
value += lazy.getQuantity(key)
self[key] = value
for base_amount_dict in self._amount_list:
base_amount_dict._amount_generator_line = amount_generator_line
value += base_amount_dict.getGeneratedAmountQuantity(base_amount)
self._dict[base_amount] = value
return value
def getQuantity(self, key):
"""Get final computed quantity for given base_application
getBaseAmountList__roles__ = None # public
def getBaseAmountList(self):
"""Return list of amounts that are sub-objects of self
Returned objects are wrapped like self.
Example: for a delivery, they are manually created movements.
return list(self._amount_list)
getGeneratedAmountQuantity__roles__ = None # public
def getGeneratedAmountQuantity(self, base_amount):
"""Get final computed quantity for given base_amount
Note: During a call to getQuantity, this method may be called again by
getGeneratedAmountQuantity for the same amount and key.
In this case, the returned value is the last intermediate value just
before finalization.
if key in self._frozen:
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
self[key] # initialize entry before we freeze it
if base_amount in self._frozen:
return self._getQuantity(base_amount)
method = self._cache[key]
method = self._cache[base_amount]
except KeyError:
method = self._amount_generator_line._getTypeBasedMethod(
if method is not None:
method = method(key)
method = method(base_amount)
if method is None:
method = self._amount_generator_line.getBaseAmountQuantity
self._cache[key] = method
self[key] = value = method(self._context, key, **self._method_kw)
self._cache[base_amount] = method
value = method(self, base_amount, **self._method_kw)
self._dict[base_amount] = value
return value
......@@ -135,14 +144,6 @@ class AmountGeneratorMixin:
# Declarative interfaces
def getGeneratedAmountQuantity(self, base_application):
"""Give access to computed quantities during generation of amounts"""
base_amount = getTransactionalVariable()[
return base_amount.getQuantity(base_application)
def getGeneratedAmountList(self, amount_list=None, rounding=False,
......@@ -169,23 +170,25 @@ class AmountGeneratorMixin:
result = []
args = (getTransactionalVariable().setdefault(
"amount_generator.BaseAmount", {}),
"amount_generator.BaseAmountDict", {}),
# If amount_list is None, then try to collect amount_list from
# the current context
if amount_list is None:
if self.providesIMovementCollection():
base_amount_list = BaseAmount(self, *args) \
base_amount_list = BaseAmountDict(*args).__of__(self) \
elif self.providesIAmount():
base_amount_list = BaseAmount(self, *args),
base_amount_list = BaseAmountDict(*args).__of__(self),
elif self.providesIAmountList():
base_amount_list = (BaseAmount(amount, *args) for amount in self)
base_amount_list = (BaseAmountDict(*args).__of__(amount)
for amount in self)
raise ValueError("%r must implement IMovementCollection, IAmount or"
" IAmountList" % self)
base_amount_list = (BaseAmount(amount, *args) for amount in amount_list)
base_amount_list = (BaseAmountDict(*args).__of__(amount)
for amount in amount_list)
# First define the method that will browse recursively
# the amount generator lines and accumulate applicable values
......@@ -264,7 +267,7 @@ class AmountGeneratorMixin:
# need values converted to the default management unit.
# If no quantity is provided, we consider that the value is 1.0
# (XXX is it OK ?) XXX-JPS Need careful review with taxes
quantity = float(sum(map(base_amount.getQuantity,
quantity = float(sum(map(base_amount.getGeneratedAmountQuantity,
for quantity_key in ('net_quantity', 'converted_quantity',
'net_converted_quantity', 'quantity'):
......@@ -297,25 +300,17 @@ class AmountGeneratorMixin:
quantity *= (property_dict.get('price') or 1) / \
(property_dict.get('efficiency') or 1)
for base_contribution in property_dict['base_contribution_set']:
base_amount[base_contribution] += quantity
base_amount.contribute(base_contribution, quantity)
is_mapped_value = isinstance(self, MappedValue)
tv = getTransactionalVariable()
# backup & restore existing cached value for reentrancy
original_cache = tv.get('amount_generator.getGeneratedAmountList')
tv['amount_generator.getGeneratedAmountList'] = base_amount_cache = {}
for base_amount in base_amount_list:
delivery_amount = base_amount.getContext()
base_amount_cache[delivery_amount] = base_amount
delivery_amount = base_amount.getObject()
if not is_mapped_value:
self = delivery_amount.asComposedDocument(amount_generator_type_list)
# Browse recursively the amount generator lines and accumulate
# applicable values - now execute the method
tv['amount_generator.getGeneratedAmountList'] = original_cache
return result
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ class TestComplexTradeModelLineUseCase(TestTradeModelLineMixin):
def getBaseAmountQuantity(delivery_amount, base_application, **kw):
if delivery_amount.isDelivery():
total_quantity = sum([movement.getQuantity()
for movement in delivery_amount.getMovementList()
for movement in delivery_amount.getBaseAmountList()
if base_application in movement.getBaseContributionList()])
if total_quantity < 3:
return 0
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ return getBaseAmountQuantity""")
'special_discount', """\
return lambda delivery_amount, base_application, **kw: \\
3 <= sum([movement.getQuantity()
for movement in delivery_amount.getMovementList()
for movement in delivery_amount.getBaseAmountList()
if base_application in movement.getBaseContributionList()])""")
trade_condition = self.createTradeCondition(
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ return lambda delivery_amount, base_application, **kw: \\
'special_discount', """\
def getBaseAmountQuantity(delivery_amount, base_application, **kw):
total_quantity = sum([movement.getQuantity()
for movement in delivery_amount.getMovementList()
for movement in delivery_amount.getBaseAmountList()
if base_application in movement.getBaseContributionList()])
if total_quantity < 3:
return 0
......@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ return lambda delivery_amount, base_application, **kw: \\
'special_discount', """\
def getBaseAmountQuantity(delivery_amount, base_application, **kw):
highest_price = quantity = 0
for movement in delivery_amount.getMovementList():
for movement in delivery_amount.getBaseAmountList():
if base_application in movement.getBaseContributionList():
quantity += movement.getQuantity()
if movement.getResourceValue().getProductLine() == 'video/dvd':
......@@ -504,6 +504,12 @@ class TestTradeModelLine(TestTradeModelLineMixin):
if not build:
# Check amount_generator refuses to produce amounts
# if lines are not ordered correctly.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, order.getGeneratedAmountList)
for movement in (order, order['taxed'], order['discounted'],
self.checkComposition(movement, [trade_condition], {
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