Commit b45914fa authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

ExternalMethod: code refactoring + optimizations

The main optimization is the replacement of
by a simple
like it was before commit c2ce3ba0
parent 3a5ac55b
......@@ -14,46 +14,64 @@
from inspect import getargs
from Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod import *
from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass
from zLOG import LOG, WARNING
from . import PatchClass
from .PythonScript import addGuard
class _(PatchClass(ExternalMethod)):
def getFunction(self, reload=False, f=None):
Patch to get ZODB Component Extension function if available, otherwise
fallback on filesystem Extension
Patch2: do not use hasattr.
if f is None:
reloadIfChanged = getFuncDefaults = getFuncCode = filepath = None
def func_defaults(self):
return self.getFunction()[1]
def func_code(self):
return self.getFunction()[2]
def getFunction(self, reload=False):
component_module = __import__(
'erp5.component.extension.' + self._module,
except ImportError:
fromlist="*", level=0)
except ImportError, e:
if str(e) != "No module named " + self._module:
# Fall back loudly if a component exists but is broken.
# XXX: We used __import__ instead of
# erp5.component.extension.find_load_module
# because the latter is much slower.
# XXX: Should we also fall back on FS if the module imports
# successfully but does not contain the wanted function?
LOG("ERP5Type.dynamic", WARNING,
"Could not load Component module %r"
% ('erp5.component.extension.' + self._module),
if not reload:
from Globals import DevelopmentMode
if DevelopmentMode:
last_read, path = self._v_fs
except AttributeError:
last_read = None
path = getPath('Extensions', self._module,
suffixes=('', 'py', 'pyc'))
ts = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MTIME]
if last_read != ts:
self._v_fs = ts, path
reload = True
f = getObject(self._module, self._function, reload)
f = getattr(component_module, self._function)
ff = getattr(f, 'im_func', f)
self._v_func_defaults = ff.func_defaults
self._v_func_code = FuncCode(ff,f is not ff)
return f
ExternalMethod_reloadIfChanged = ExternalMethod.reloadIfChanged
def reloadIfChanged(self):
component_module = __import__(
'erp5.component.extension.' + self._module,
except ImportError:
return ExternalMethod_reloadIfChanged(self)
_f = self._v_f
if _f[0] is f:
return _f
except AttributeError:
ff = getattr(f, 'im_func', f)
self._v_f = _f = f, ff.func_defaults, FuncCode(ff, f is not ff)
return _f
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
"""Call an ExternalMethod
......@@ -72,48 +90,13 @@ class _(PatchClass(ExternalMethod)):
In this case, the URL parent of the object is supplied as the
first argument.
Monkey patches:
- check guard against context, if guard exists.
- call ZODB Component Extension, by trying first to import ZODB
Component Extension if available, otherwise fallback on filesystem
- access volatile attribute safely
- fix magic "self" argument when positional arguments get their values
from kw.
import erp5.component.extension
component_module = erp5.component.extension.find_load_module(self._module)
if component_module is not None:
f = getattr(component_module, self._function)
import Globals # for data
filePath = self.filepath()
if filePath==None:
raise RuntimeError,\
"external method could not be called " \
"because it is None"
if not os.path.exists(filePath):
raise RuntimeError,\
"external method could not be called " \
"because the file does not exist"
if Globals.DevelopmentMode:
f = None
_v_f = getattr(self, '_v_f', None)
if not _v_f or (f and f is not _v_f):
f = self.getFunction(f=f)
f = _v_f
_f = self.getFunction()
f = _f[0]
__traceback_info__=args, kw, self._v_func_defaults
__traceback_info__ = args, kw, _f[1]
# XXX: We'd like to use inspect.getcallargs instead of try..except.
# However, for the same reason as we use getargs instead of
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import unittest
import transaction
from persistent import Persistent
from ZODB.broken import BrokenModified
from zExceptions import NotFound
from Products.ERP5Type.dynamic.portal_type_class import synchronizeDynamicModules
from Products.ERP5Type.dynamic.lazy_class import ERP5BaseBroken, InitGhostBase
from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
......@@ -2011,14 +2012,8 @@ class TestZodbExtensionComponent(_TestZodbComponent):
# XXX-arnau: perhaps the error message should be more meaningful?
except RuntimeError, e:
'external method could not be called because it is None')
else:"TestExternalMethod should not be callable")
self.assertRaisesRegexp(NotFound, "The specified module,"
" 'TestExternalMethodComponent', couldn't be found.", external_method)
from Products.ERP5Type.Core.DocumentComponent import DocumentComponent
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