A cookie is set for every different Origin and contains a HMAC signature of the Origin and the User-Agent of the app accessing it. The cookie is set with HttpOnly flag, so that it cannot be read by JavaScript apps.
The HMAC key is reset each time you restart the server.
flaskdav is under the GPL2 license.
flaskdav is under the GPL2 license.
utils.py is a modified version of PyWebDAV's server/fshandler.py under GPL2 License
utils.py is a modified version of PyWebDAV's server/fshandler.py under GPL2 License
original file: https://code.google.com/p/pywebdav/source/browse/pywebdav/server/fshandler.py
original file: https://code.google.com/p/pywebdav/source/browse/pywebdav/server/fshandler.py