Should there be a need to extend the default functionality provided by Code Quality, as stated in [Code Quality](#code-quality-starter), [Analysis Plugins]( are available.
For example, to use the [SonarJava analyzer](,
add a file named `.codeclimate.yml` containing the [enablement code](
for the plugin to the root of your repository:
This adds SonarJava to the `plugins:` section of the [default `.codeclimate.yml`](
included in your project.
Changes to the `plugins:` section do not affect the `exclude_patterns` section of the
defeault `.codeclimate.yml`. See the Code Climate documentation for
[excluding files and folders](
for more details.
Here's [an example project]( that uses Code Quality with a `.codeclimate.yml` file.
## Troubleshooting
## Troubleshooting
### Changing the default configuration has no effect
A common issue is that the terms `Code Quality` (GitLab specific) and `Code Climate`
(Engine used by GitLab) are very similar. You must add a **`.codeclimate.yml`** file
to change the default configuration, **not** a `.codequality.yml` file. If you use
the wrong filename, the [default `.codeclimate.yml`](
is still used.
### No Code Quality report is displayed in a Merge Request
### No Code Quality report is displayed in a Merge Request