[GitLab](https://about.gitlab.com/) is a Git-based fully featured platform for software development.
**[GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE)](https://about.gitlab.com/gitlab-ee/)** is an opencore product, self-hosted, available under distinct [subscriptions](https://about.gitlab.com/products/).
GitLab EE contains all the features available in [GitLab Community Edition (CE)](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/), plus premium features available in each version: **Enterprise Edition Starter** (**EES**) and **Enterprise Edition Premium** (**EEP**). Everything available in **EES** is also available in **EEP**.
[GitLab](https://about.gitlab.com/) is a Git-based fully featured platform
for software development.
**GitLab Community Edition (CE)** is an opensource product, self-hosted, free to use.
All [GitLab products](https://about.gitlab.com/products/) contain the features
available in GitLab CE. Premium features are available in
**GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE)** is an opencore product, self-hosted,
available under distinct [subscriptions](https://about.gitlab.com/products/).
GitLab EE contains all the features available in
[GitLab Community Edition (CE)](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/),
plus premium features available in each version: **Enterprise Edition Starter**
(**EES**) and **Enterprise Edition Premium** (**EEP**). Everything available in
**EES** is also available in **EEP**.
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Shortcuts to GitLab's most visited docs:
| [GitLab CI](ci/README.md) | Other |
@@ -35,11 +28,7 @@ Shortcuts to GitLab's most visited docs:
-[GitLab Workflow](workflow/README.md): Enhance your workflow with the best of GitLab Workflow.
- See also [GitLab Workflow - an overview](https://about.gitlab.com/2016/10/25/gitlab-workflow-an-overview/).
-[GitLab Markdown](user/markdown.md): GitLab's advanced formatting system (GitLab Flavored Markdown).
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- [GitLab Slash Commands](user/project/slash_commands.md): Textual shortcuts for common actions on issues or merge requests that are usually done by clicking buttons or dropdowns in GitLab's UI
-[GitLab Slash Commands](user/project/slash_commands.md): Textual shortcuts for common actions on issues or merge requests that are usually done by clicking buttons or dropdowns in GitLab's UI.
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### User account
@@ -68,18 +57,12 @@ Manage files and branches from the UI (user interface):
-[Work In Progress Merge Requests](user/project/merge_requests/work_in_progress_merge_requests.md)
-[Merge Request discussion resolution](user/discussions/index.md#moving-a-single-discussion-to-a-new-issue): Resolve discussions, move discussions in a merge request to an issue, only allow merge requests to be merged if all discussions are resolved.
-**(EES/EEP)**[Merge Request approval](user/project/merge_requests/merge_request_approvals.md): Make sure every merge request is approved by one or more people before getting merged.
-[Milestones](user/project/milestones/index.md): Organize issues and merge requests into a cohesive group, optionally setting a due date.
-**(EES/EEP)**[Burndown Charts](user/project/milestones/index.md#burndown-charts): Watch your project's progress throughout a specific milestone.
-[Work In Progress Merge Requests](user/project/merge_requests/work_in_progress_merge_requests.md)
-[Merge Request discussion resolution](user/discussions/index.md#moving-a-single-discussion-to-a-new-issue): Resolve discussions, move discussions in a merge request to an issue, only allow merge requests to be merged if all discussions are resolved.
-[Milestones](user/project/milestones/index.md): Organize issues and merge requests into a cohesive group, optionally setting a due date.
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-[Todos](workflow/todos.md): A chronological list of to-dos that are waiting for your input, all in a simple dashboard.
### Git and GitLab
@@ -124,12 +99,9 @@ Manage files and branches from the UI (user interface):
Take a step ahead and dive into GitLab's advanced features.
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-**(EEP)**[GitLab Service Desk](user/project/service_desk.md): A simple way to allow people to create issues in your GitLab instance without needing their own user account.
-**(EEP)**[File Locking](user/project/file_lock.md): Lock a file to avoid merge conflicts.
-**(EES/EEP)**[Contribution Analytics](analytics/contribution_analytics.md): See detailed statistics of projects' contributors.
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-[GitLab Pages](user/project/pages/index.md): Build, test, and deploy your static website with GitLab Pages.
-[Snippets](user/snippets.md): Snippets allow you to create little bits of code.
-[Wikis](workflow/project_features.md#wiki): Enhance your repository documentation with built-in wikis.
@@ -139,11 +111,8 @@ Take a step ahead and dive into GitLab's advanced features.
-[GitLab CI](ci/README.md): Explore the features and capabilities of Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment with GitLab.
-[Auto Deploy](ci/autodeploy/index.md): Configure GitLab CI for the deployment of your application.
-[Review Apps](ci/review_apps/index.md): Preview changes to your app right from a merge request.
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-**(EEP)**[Deploy Boards](user/project/deploy_boards.md): View of the current health and status of each CI environment running on Kubernetes, displaying the status of the pods in the deployment.
-**(EEP)**[Canary Deployments](user/project/deploy_boards.md#canary-deployments): A popular CI strategy, where a small portion of the fleet is updated to the new version first.
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-[GitLab Cycle Analytics](user/project/cycle_analytics.md): Cycle Analytics measures the time it takes to go from an [idea to production](https://about.gitlab.com/2016/08/05/continuous-integration-delivery-and-deployment-with-gitlab/#from-idea-to-production-with-gitlab) for each project you have.
-[GitLab Container Registry](user/project/container_registry.md): Learn how to use GitLab's built-in Container Registry.
@@ -155,11 +124,7 @@ Take a step ahead and dive into GitLab's advanced features.
### Integrations
-[Project Services](user/project/integrations/project_services.md): Integrate a project with external services, such as CI and chat.
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- [GitLab Integrations](integration/README.md): Integrate with multiple third-party services with GitLab to allow external issue trackers and external authentication.
-[GitLab Integration](integration/README.md): Integrate with multiple third-party services with GitLab to allow external issue trackers and external authentication.
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@@ -175,27 +140,23 @@ have access to GitLab administration tools and settings.
-[Migrate GitLab CI to CE/EE](migrate_ci_to_ce/README.md): If you have an old GitLab installation (older than 8.0), follow this guide to migrate your existing GitLab CI data to GitLab CE/EE.
-[Restart GitLab](administration/restart_gitlab.md): Learn how to restart GitLab and its components.
-[Update](update/README.md): Update guides to upgrade your installation.
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-[Upload your GitLab License](user/admin_area/license.md) Upload the license you purchased for GitLab Enterprise Edition to unlock its features.
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### User permissions
-[Access restrictions](user/admin_area/settings/visibility_and_access_controls.md#enabled-git-access-protocols): Define which Git access protocols can be used to talk to GitLab
-[Authentication/Authorization](topics/authentication/index.md#gitlab-administrators): Enforce 2FA, configure external authentication with LDAP, SAML, CAS and additional Omniauth providers.
-[High Availability](administration/high_availability/README.md): Configure multiple servers for scaling or high availability.
-[User cohorts](user/admin_area/user_cohorts.md): View user activity over time.
-[User cohorts](user/admin_area/user_cohorts.md) View user activity over time.
-[Web terminals](administration/integration/terminal.md): Provide terminal access to environments from within GitLab.
-**(EES/EEP)**[Audit logs and events](administration/audit_events.md): View the changes made within the GitLab server.
-**(EES/EEP)**[Elasticsearch](integration/elasticsearch.md): A flexible, scalable and powerful search service to keep GitLab's search fast when dealing with huge amount of data.
@@ -207,32 +168,16 @@ have access to GitLab administration tools and settings.
-**(EES/EEP)**[Database load balancing](administration/database_load_balancing.md): Distribute database queries among multiple database servers.
-**(EES/EEP)**[Omnibus support for external MySQL DB](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/database.html#using-a-mysql-database-management-server-enterprise-edition-only): Omnibus package supports configuring an external MySQL database.
-**(EES/EEP)**[Omnibus support for log forwarding](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/logs.html#udp-log-shipping-gitlab-enterprise-edition-only)
- GitLab CI
- [CI admin settings](user/admin_area/settings/continuous_integration.md): Define max artifacts size and expiration.
### GitLab admins' superpowers
-[Container Registry](administration/container_registry.md): Configure Docker Registry with GitLab.
-[Custom Git hooks](administration/custom_hooks.md): Custom Git hooks (on the filesystem) for when webhooks aren't enough.
-[Git LFS configuration](workflow/lfs/lfs_administration.md): Learn how to use LFS under GitLab.