Commit 09e56167 authored by Grzegorz Bizon's avatar Grzegorz Bizon Committed by Robert Speicher

Merge branch 'fix/private-labels-permissions' into 'master'

Fix vulnerability that leaks private labels and milestones

## Summary

This fixes vulnerability that leaks information about private labels and milestones because of  insecure direct object reference in issueable create service.
This affects merge requests and issues.


## Fix

This MR introduces additional check that rejects labels and milestone that does not belong to the same project issue/merg request does.

## Further work

`IssuableBaseService` may benefit from encapsulating filters in separate class/module, which then may improve coherency in this class.


See merge request !1954
parent aae70565
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 8.8.0 (unreleased)
v 8.7.0 (unreleased)
- Gitlab::GitAccess and Gitlab::GitAccessWiki are now instrumented
- Fix vulnerability that made it possible to gain access to private labels and milestones
- The number of InfluxDB points stored per UDP packet can now be configured
- Fix error when cross-project label reference used with non-existent project
- Transactions for /internal/allowed now have an "action" tag set
- Method instrumentation now uses Module#prepend instead of aliasing methods
- Repository.clean_old_archives is now instrumented
- Add support for environment variables on a job level in CI configuration file
- SQL query counts are now tracked per transaction
- The Projects::HousekeepingService class has extra instrumentation
- All service classes (those residing in app/services) are now instrumented
- Developers can now add custom tags to transactions
- Loading of an issue's referenced merge requests and related branches is now done asynchronously
- Enable gzip for assets, makes the page size significantly smaller. !3544 / !3632 (Connor Shea)
- Add support to cherry-pick any commit into any branch in the web interface (Minqi Pan)
- Project switcher uses new dropdown styling
- Load award emoji images separately unless opening the full picker. Saves several hundred KBs of data for most pages. (Connor Shea)
- Do not include award_emojis in issue and merge_request comment_count !3610 (Lucas Charles)
- Restrict user profiles when public visibility level is restricted.
- Add ability set due date to issues, sort and filter issues by due date (Mehmet Beydogan)
- All images in discussions and wikis now link to their source files !3464 (Connor Shea).
- Return status code 303 after a branch DELETE operation to avoid project deletion (Stan Hu)
- Add setting for customizing the list of trusted proxies !3524
- Allow projects to be transfered to a lower visibility level group
- Fix `signed_in_ip` being set to when using a reverse proxy !3524
- Improved Markdown rendering performance !3389
- Make shared runners text in box configurable
- Don't attempt to look up an avatar in repo if repo directory does not exist (Stan Hu)
- API: Ability to subscribe and unsubscribe from issues and merge requests (Robert Schilling)
- Expose project badges in project settings
- Make /profile/keys/new redirect to /profile/keys for back-compat. !3717
- Preserve time notes/comments have been updated at when moving issue
- Make HTTP(s) label consistent on clone bar (Stan Hu)
- Add support for `after_script`, requires Runner 1.2 (Kamil Trzciński)
- Expose label description in API (Mariusz Jachimowicz)
- API: Ability to update a group (Robert Schilling)
- API: Ability to move issues (Robert Schilling)
- Fix Error 500 after renaming a project path (Stan Hu)
- Fix a bug whith trailing slash in teamcity_url (Charles May)
- Allow back dating on issues when created or updated through the API
- Allow back dating on issue notes when created through the API
- Propose license template when creating a new LICENSE file
- API: Expose /licenses and /licenses/:key
- Fix avatar stretching by providing a cropping feature
- API: Expose `subscribed` for issues and merge requests (Robert Schilling)
- Allow SAML to handle external users based on user's information !3530
- Allow Omniauth providers to be marked as `external` !3657
- Add endpoints to archive or unarchive a project !3372
- Fix a bug whith trailing slash in bamboo_url
- Add links to CI setup documentation from project settings and builds pages
- Display project members page to all members
- Handle nil descriptions in Slack issue messages (Stan Hu)
- Add automated repository integrity checks (OFF by default)
- API: Expose open_issues_count, closed_issues_count, open_merge_requests_count for labels (Robert Schilling)
- API: Ability to star and unstar a project (Robert Schilling)
- Add default scope to projects to exclude projects pending deletion
- Allow to close merge requests which source projects(forks) are deleted.
- Ensure empty recipients are rejected in BuildsEmailService
- Use rugged to change HEAD in Project#change_head (P.S.V.R)
- API: Ability to filter milestones by state `active` and `closed` (Robert Schilling)
- API: Fix milestone filtering by `iid` (Robert Schilling)
- Make before_script and after_script overridable on per-job (Kamil Trzciński)
- API: Delete notes of issues, snippets, and merge requests (Robert Schilling)
- Implement 'Groups View' as an option for dashboard preferences !3379 (Elias W.)
- Better errors handling when creating milestones inside groups
- Fix high CPU usage when PostReceive receives refs/merge-requests/<id>
- Hide `Create a group` help block when creating a new project in a group
- Implement 'TODOs View' as an option for dashboard preferences !3379 (Elias W.)
- Allow issues and merge requests to be assigned to the author !2765
- Make Ci::Commit to group only similar builds and make it stateful (ref, tag)
- Gracefully handle notes on deleted commits in merge requests (Stan Hu)
- Decouple membership and notifications
- Fix creation of merge requests for orphaned branches (Stan Hu)
- API: Ability to retrieve a single tag (Robert Schilling)
- While signing up, don't persist the user password across form redisplays
- Fall back to `In-Reply-To` and `References` headers when sub-addressing is not available (David Padilla)
- Remove "Congratulations!" tweet button on newly-created project. (Connor Shea)
- Fix admin/projects when using visibility levels on search (PotHix)
- Build status notifications
- API: Expose user location (Robert Schilling)
- API: Do not leak group existence via return code (Robert Schilling)
- ClosingIssueExtractor regex now also works with colons. e.g. "Fixes: #1234" !3591
- Update number of Todos in the sidebar when it's marked as "Done". !3600
- Sanitize branch names created for confidential issues
- API: Expose 'updated_at' for issue, snippet, and merge request notes (Robert Schilling)
- API: User can leave a project through the API when not master or owner. !3613
- Fix repository cache invalidation issue when project is recreated with an empty repo (Stan Hu)
- Fix: Allow empty recipients list for builds emails service when pushed is added (Frank Groeneveld)
- Improved markdown forms
- Diff design updates (colors, button styles, etc)
- Copying and pasting a diff no longer pastes the line numbers or +/-
- Add null check to formData when updating profile content to fix Firefox bug
- Disable spellcheck and autocorrect for username field in admin page
- Delete tags using Rugged for performance reasons (Robert Schilling)
- Add Slack notifications when Wiki is edited (Sebastian Klier)
- Diffs load at the correct point when linking from from number
- Selected diff rows highlight
- Fix emoji categories in the emoji picker
- API: Properly display annotated tags for GET /projects/:id/repository/tags (Robert Schilling)
- Add encrypted credentials for imported projects and migrate old ones
- Properly format all merge request references with ! rather than # !3740 (Ben Bodenmiller)
- Author and participants are displayed first on users autocompletion
- Show number sign on external issue reference text (Florent Baldino)
- Updated print style for issues
- Use GitHub Issue/PR number as iid to keep references
- Import GitHub labels
- Import GitHub milestones
- Fix emoji catgories in the emoji picker
- Execute system web hooks on push to the project
- Allow enable/disable push events for system hooks
- Fix GitHub project's link in the import page when provider has a custom URL
- Add RAW build trace output and button on build page
- Add incremental build trace update into CI API
v 8.6.7
- Fix persistent XSS vulnerability in `commit_person_link` helper
- Fix persistent XSS vulnerability in Label and Milestone dropdowns
......@@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ class IssuableBaseService < BaseService
def filter_params(issuable_ability_name = :issue)
params[:assignee_id] = "" if params[:assignee_id] == IssuableFinder::NONE
params[:milestone_id] = "" if params[:milestone_id] == IssuableFinder::NONE
ability = :"admin_#{issuable_ability_name}"
......@@ -49,6 +50,29 @@ class IssuableBaseService < BaseService
def filter_assignee
if params[:assignee_id] == IssuableFinder::NONE
params[:assignee_id] = ''
def filter_milestone
milestone_id = params[:milestone_id]
return unless milestone_id
if milestone_id == IssuableFinder::NONE ||
project.milestones.find_by(id: milestone_id).nil?
params[:milestone_id] = ''
def filter_labels
return if params[:label_ids].to_a.empty?
params[:label_ids] =
project.labels.where(id: params[:label_ids]).pluck(:id)
def update(issuable)
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ describe Issues::BulkUpdateService, services: true do
describe :update_milestone do
before do
@milestone = create :milestone
@milestone = create(:milestone, project: @project)
@params = {
issues_ids: [],
......@@ -3,40 +3,75 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe Issues::CreateService, services: true do
let(:project) { create(:empty_project) }
let(:user) { create(:user) }
describe '#execute' do
let(:issue) {, user, opts).execute }
context 'when params are valid' do
let(:assignee) { create(:user) }
let(:milestone) { create(:milestone, project: project) }
let(:labels) { create_pair(:label, project: project) }
describe :execute do
context 'valid params' do
before do << [user, :master] << [assignee, :master]
opts = {
title: 'Awesome issue',
let(:opts) do
{ title: 'Awesome issue',
description: 'please fix',
assignee: assignee
@issue =, user, opts).execute
assignee: assignee,
milestone_id: }
it { expect(@issue).to be_valid }
it { expect(@issue.title).to eq('Awesome issue') }
it { expect(@issue.assignee).to eq assignee }
it { expect(issue).to be_valid }
it { expect(issue.title).to eq('Awesome issue') }
it { expect(issue.assignee).to eq assignee }
it { expect(issue.labels).to match_array labels }
it { expect(issue.milestone).to eq milestone }
it 'creates a pending todo for new assignee' do
attributes = {
project: project,
author: user,
user: assignee,
action: Todo::ASSIGNED,
state: :pending
expect(Todo.where(attributes).count).to eq 1
context 'when label belongs to different project' do
let(:label) { create(:label) }
let(:opts) do
{ title: 'Title',
description: 'Description',
label_ids: [] }
it 'does not assign label'do
expect(issue.labels).to_not include label
context 'when milestone belongs to different project' do
let(:milestone) { create(:milestone) }
let(:opts) do
{ title: 'Title',
description: 'Description',
milestone_id: }
it 'does not assign milestone' do
expect(issue.milestone).to_not eq milestone
......@@ -4,10 +4,15 @@ describe Issues::UpdateService, services: true do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:user2) { create(:user) }
let(:user3) { create(:user) }
let(:issue) { create(:issue, title: 'Old title', assignee_id: }
let(:label) { create(:label) }
let(:project) { create(:empty_project) }
let(:label) { create(:label, project: project) }
let(:label2) { create(:label) }
let(:project) { issue.project }
let(:issue) do
create(:issue, title: 'Old title',
project: project)
before do << [user, :master]
require 'spec_helper'
describe MergeRequests::UpdateService, services: true do
let(:project) { create(:project) }
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:user2) { create(:user) }
let(:user3) { create(:user) }
let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, :simple, title: 'Old title', assignee_id: }
let(:project) { merge_request.project }
let(:label) { create(:label) }
let(:label) { create(:label, project: project) }
let(:label2) { create(:label) }
let(:merge_request) do
create(:merge_request, :simple, title: 'Old title',
source_project: project)
before do << [user, :master] << [user2, :developer]
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