Commit 0eccf742 authored by Mike Kozono's avatar Mike Kozono

Convert status values to expected types

parent b096b659
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ class GeoNodeStatus < ApplicationRecord
delegate :selective_sync_type, to: :geo_node
after_initialize :initialize_feature_flags
before_save :coerce_status_field_values, if: :status_changed?
attr_accessor :storage_shards
......@@ -166,25 +167,23 @@ class GeoNodeStatus < ApplicationRecord
def self.alternative_status_store_accessor(attr_names)
attr_names.each do |attr_name|
define_method(attr_name) do
status[attr_name].nil? ? read_attribute(attr_name) : status[attr_name].to_i
val = status[attr_name]
# Backwards-compatible line for when the status was written by an
# earlier release without the `status` field
val ||= read_attribute(attr_name)
convert_status_value(attr_name, val)
define_method("#{attr_name}=") do |val|
status[attr_name] = val.nil? ? nil : val.to_i
return unless self.class.column_names.include?(attr_name)
val = convert_status_value(attr_name, val)
write_attribute(attr_name, val)
status[attr_name] = val
# We migrated from attributes stored in individual columns to
# a single JSONB hash. To create accessors method for every fields in hash we could use
# Rails embeded store_accessor but in this case we won't have smooth update procedure.
# The method "alternative_status_store_accessor" does actually the same that store_accessor would
# but it uses the old fashioned fields in case the new ones are not set yet. We also casting the type into integer when
# we set the value to preserve the old behaviour.
alternative_status_store_accessor RESOURCE_STATUS_FIELDS
def self.current_node_status
......@@ -236,6 +235,36 @@ class GeoNodeStatus < ApplicationRecord
self.column_names - EXCLUDED_PARAMS + EXTRA_PARAMS
# Helps make alternative_status_store_accessor act more like regular Rails
# attributes. Request params values are always strings, but when saved as
# attributes of a model, they are converted to the appropriate types. We could
# manually map a specified type to each attribute, but for now, the type can
# be easily inferred by the attribute name.
# If you add a new status attribute that does not look like existing
# attributes, then you'll get an error until you handle it in the cases below.
# @param [String] attr_name the status key
# @param [String, Integer, Boolean] val being assigned or retrieved
# @return [String, Integer, Boolean] converted value based on attr_name
def convert_status_value(attr_name, val)
return if val.nil?
case attr_name
when /_count\z/ then val.to_i
when /_enabled\z/ then val.to_s == 'true'
else raise "Unhandled status attribute name format \"#{attr_name}\""
# Leverages attribute reader methods written by
# alternative_status_store_accessor to convert string values to integers and
# booleans if necessary.
def coerce_status_field_values
status_attrs = status.slice(*RESOURCE_STATUS_FIELDS)
def initialize_feature_flags
self.repository_verification_enabled = Gitlab::Geo.repository_verification_enabled?
......@@ -1327,18 +1327,17 @@ RSpec.describe GeoNodeStatus, :geo, :geo_fdw do
context 'backward compatibility when counters stored in separate columns' do
describe '#projects_count' do
it 'counts the number of projects' do
it 'returns data from the deprecated field if it is not defined in the status field' do
subject.write_attribute(:projects_count, 10)
subject.status = {}
expect(subject.projects_count).to eq 10
it 'sets data in both ways, deprecated and the new one' do
it 'sets data in the new status field' do
subject.projects_count = 10
expect(subject.projects_count).to eq 10
expect(subject.read_attribute(:projects_count)).to eq 10
it 'uses column counters when calculates percents using attr_in_percentage' do
......@@ -1358,5 +1357,13 @@ RSpec.describe GeoNodeStatus, :geo, :geo_fdw do
expect(subject.projects_count).to eq 10
context 'status booleans are converted into booleans' do
it 'returns boolean value' do
subject.status = { "repositories_replication_enabled" => "true" }
expect(subject.repositories_replication_enabled).to eq true
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