@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Here's some info we've gathered to get you started.
The first steps towards your GitLab CI/CD journey.
-[Getting started with GitLab CI/CD](quick_start/README.md): understand how GitLab CI/CD works.
-GitLab CI/CD configuration file: [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](yaml/README.md) - Learn all about the ins and outs of `.gitlab-ci.yml`.
-[GitLab CI/CD configuration file: `.gitlab-ci.yml`](yaml/README.md) - Learn all about the ins and outs of `.gitlab-ci.yml`.
-[Pipelines and jobs](pipelines.md): configure your GitLab CI/CD pipelines to build, test, and deploy your application.
- Runners: The [GitLab Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/) is responsible by running the jobs in your CI/CD pipeline. On GitLab.com, Shared Runners are enabled by default, so
you don't need to set up anything to start to use them with GitLab CI/CD.
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ you don't need to set up anything to start to use them with GitLab CI/CD.
## Exploring GitLab CI/CD
-[CI/CD Variables](variables/README.md) - Learn how to use variables defined in
your `.gitlab-ci.yml` or secured ones defined in your project's settings
your `.gitlab-ci.yml` or the ones defined in your project's settings
-[Where variables can be used](variables/where_variables_can_be_used.md) - A
deeper look on where and how the CI/CD variables can be used
-**The permissions model** - Learn about the access levels a user can have for
| **ARTIFACT_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS** | 8.15 | 1.9 | Number of attempts to download artifacts running a job |
| **CHAT_INPUT** | 10.6 | all | Additional arguments passed in the [ChatOps](../chatops/README.md) command **[ULTIMATE]** |
| **CHAT_CHANNEL** | 10.6 | all | Source chat channel which triggered the [ChatOps](../chatops/README.md) command **[ULTIMATE]** |
| **CI** | all | 0.4 | Mark that job is executed in CI environment |
| **CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME** | 9.0 | all | The branch or tag name for which project is built |
| **CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG** | 9.0 | all | `$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME` lowercased, shortened to 63 bytes, and with everything except `0-9` and `a-z` replaced with `-`. No leading / trailing `-`. Use in URLs, host names and domain names. |
@@ -46,6 +55,8 @@ future GitLab releases.**
| **CI_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION** | 10.8 | all | The description of the commit: the message without first line, if the title is shorter than 100 characters; full message in other case. |
| **CI_CONFIG_PATH** | 9.4 | 0.5 | The path to CI config file. Defaults to `.gitlab-ci.yml` |
| **CI_DEBUG_TRACE** | all | 1.7 | Whether [debug tracing](#debug-tracing) is enabled |
| **CI_DEPLOY_USER** | 10.8 | all | Authentication username of the [GitLab Deploy Token][gitlab-deploy-token], only present if the Project has one related.|
| **CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD** | 10.8 | all | Authentication password of the [GitLab Deploy Token][gitlab-deploy-token], only present if the Project has one related.|
| **CI_DISPOSABLE_ENVIRONMENT** | all | 10.1 | Marks that the job is executed in a disposable environment (something that is created only for this job and disposed of/destroyed after the execution - all executors except `shell` and `ssh`). If the environment is disposable, it is set to true, otherwise it is not defined at all. |
| **CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME** | 8.15 | all | The name of the environment for this job |
| **CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG** | 8.15 | all | A simplified version of the environment name, suitable for inclusion in DNS, URLs, Kubernetes labels, etc. |
@@ -82,19 +93,14 @@ future GitLab releases.**
| **CI_SERVER_REVISION** | all | all | GitLab revision that is used to schedule jobs |
| **CI_SERVER_VERSION** | all | all | GitLab version that is used to schedule jobs |
| **CI_SHARED_ENVIRONMENT** | all | 10.1 | Marks that the job is executed in a shared environment (something that is persisted across CI invocations like `shell` or `ssh` executor). If the environment is shared, it is set to true, otherwise it is not defined at all. |
| **ARTIFACT_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS** | 8.15 | 1.9 | Number of attempts to download artifacts running a job |
| **GET_SOURCES_ATTEMPTS** | 8.15 | 1.9 | Number of attempts to fetch sources running a job |
| **GITLAB_CI** | all | all | Mark that job is executed in GitLab CI environment |
| **GITLAB_USER_ID** | 8.12 | all | The id of the user who started the job |
| **GITLAB_USER_EMAIL** | 8.12 | all | The email of the user who started the job |
| **GITLAB_USER_ID** | 8.12 | all | The id of the user who started the job |
| **GITLAB_USER_LOGIN** | 10.0 | all | The login username of the user who started the job |
| **GITLAB_USER_NAME** | 10.0 | all | The real name of the user who started the job |
| **GITLAB_FEATURES** | 10.6 | all | The comma separated list of licensed features available for your instance and plan |
| **RESTORE_CACHE_ATTEMPTS** | 8.15 | 1.9 | Number of attempts to restore the cache running a job |
| **CHAT_INPUT** | 10.6 | all | Additional arguments passed in the [ChatOps](../chatops/README.md) command. |
| **CHAT_CHANNEL** | 10.6 | all | Source chat channel which triggered the [ChatOps](../chatops/README.md) command. |
| **CI_DEPLOY_USER** | 10.8 | all | Authentication username of the [GitLab Deploy Token][gitlab-deploy-token], only present if the Project has one related.|
| **CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD** | 10.8 | all | Authentication password of the [GitLab Deploy Token][gitlab-deploy-token], only present if the Project has one related.|
## 9.0 Renaming
@@ -561,40 +567,12 @@ Below you can find supported syntax reference:
Pattern matching is case-sensitive by default. Use `i` flag modifier, like
`/pattern/i` to make a pattern case-insensitive.
### Unsupported predefined variables
Because GitLab evaluates variables before creating jobs, we do not support a
few variables that depend on persistence layer, like `$CI_JOB_ID`.
Environments (like `production` or `staging`) are also being created based on
what jobs pipeline consists of, thus some environment-specific variables are
not supported as well.
We do not support variables containing tokens because of security reasons.
You can find a full list of unsupported variables below:
These variables are also not supported in a context of a
[dynamic environment name][dynamic-environments].
### Secret variables with an environment scope
We do support secret variables defined with an environment scope. Given that
there is a secret variable `$STAGING_SECRET` defined in a scope of
`review/staging/*`, following job that is using dynamic environments feature,
is going to be created, based on the matching variable expression.
is going to be created, based on the matching variable expression:
| `environment:url` | yes | GitLab | The variable expansion is made by GitLab's [internal variable expansion mechanism](#gitlab-internal-variable-expansion-mechanism).<ul><li>**Supported:** all variables defined for a job (secret variables, variables from `.gitlab-ci.yml`, variables from triggers, variables from pipeline schedules)</li><li>**Not suported:** variables defined in Runner's `config.toml` and variables created in job's `script`</li></ul> |
| `environment:name` | yes | GitLab | Similar to `environment:url`, but the variables expansion **doesn't support**: <ul><li>variables that are based on the environment's name (`CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME`, `CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG`)</li><li>any other variables related to environment (currently only `CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL`)</li><li>[persisted variables](#persisted-variables)</li></ul> |
| `variables` | yes | Runner | The variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner's [internal variable expansion mechanism](#gitlab-runner-internal-variable-expansion-mechanism) |
| `image` | yes | Runner | The variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner's [internal variable expansion mechanism](#gitlab-runner-internal-variable-expansion-mechanism) |
| `services:[]` | yes | Runner | The variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner's [internal variable expansion mechanism](#gitlab-runner-internal-variable-expansion-mechanism) |
| `services:[]:name` | yes | Runner | The variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner's [internal variable expansion mechanism](#gitlab-runner-internal-variable-expansion-mechanism) |
| `cache:key` | yes | Runner | The variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner's [internal variable expansion mechanism](#gitlab-runner-internal-variable-expansion-mechanism) |
| `artifacts:name` | yes | Runner | The variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner's shell environment |
| `script`, `before_script`, `after_script` | yes | Script execution shell | The variable expansion is made by the [execution shell environment](#execution-shell-environment) |
| `only:variables:[]`, `except:variables:[]` | no | n/a | The variable must be in the form of `$variable`.<br/>**Not supported:**<ul><li>variables that are based on the environment's name (`CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME`, `CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG`)</li><li>any other variables related to environment (currently only `CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL`)</li><li>[persisted variables](#persisted-variables)</li></ul> |
### `config.toml` file
NOTE: **Note:**
You can read more about `config.toml` in the [Runner's docs](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html).
| `runners.environment` | yes | The variable expansion is made by the Runner's [internal variable expansion mechanism](#gitlab-runner-internal-variable-expansion-mechanism) |
| `runners.kubernetes.pod_labels` | yes | The Variable expansion is made by the Runner's [internal variable expansion mechanism](#gitlab-runner-internal-variable-expansion-mechanism) |
| `runners.kubernetes.pod_annotations` | yes | The Variable expansion is made by the Runner's [internal variable expansion mechanism](#gitlab-runner-internal-variable-expansion-mechanism) |
## Expansion mechanisms
There are three expansion mechanisms:
- GitLab
- GitLab Runner
- Execution shell environment
### GitLab internal variable expansion mechanism
The expanded part needs to be in a form of `$variable`, or `${variable}` or `%variable%`.
Each form is handled in the same way, no matter which OS/shell will finally handle the job,
since the expansion is done in GitLab before any Runner will get the job.