info:To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about..example/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments
# NuGet API
This is the API documentation for [NuGet Packages](../../user/packages/nuget_repository/
This API is used by the [NuGet package manager client](
and is generally not meant for manual consumption.
For instructions on how to upload and install NuGet packages from the GitLab
package registry, see the [NuGet package registry documentation](../../user/packages/nuget_repository/
These endpoints do not adhere to the standard API authentication methods.
See the [NuGet package registry documentation](../../user/packages/nuget_repository/
for details on which headers and token types are supported.
## Package index
> Introduced in GitLab 12.8.
Returns the index for a given package, which includes a list of available versions:
GET projects/:id/packages/nuget/download/:package_name/index