If you are using MySQL you need to grant the GitLab user the necessary
permissions on the database:
mysql -u root -p-e"GRANT TRIGGER ON \`gitlabhq_production\`.* TO 'git'@'localhost';"
If you use MySQL with replication, or just have MySQL configured with binary logging,
you will need to also run the following on all of your MySQL servers:
mysql -u root -p-e"SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;"
You can make this setting permanent by adding it to your `my.cnf`:
### 12. Update configuration files
#### New `unicorn.rb` configuration
We have made [changes](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/22372) to `unicorn.rb` to allow GitLab run with both Unicorn and Puma in future.
Make `/home/git/gitlab/config/unicorn.rb` the same as https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/11-7-stable/config/unicorn.rb.example but with your settings.
In particular, make sure that `require_relative "/home/git/gitlab/lib/gitlab/cluster/lifecycle_events"` line exists and the `before_exec`, `before_fork`, and `after_fork` handlers are configured as shown below:
# Signal application hooks that we're about to fork
# Signal application hooks of worker start
#### New configuration options for `gitlab.yml`
There might be configuration options available for [`gitlab.yml`][yaml]. View them with the command below and apply them manually to your current `gitlab.yml`:
There might be new configuration options available for [`gitlab.default.example`][gl-example]. View them with the command below and apply them manually to your current `/etc/default/gitlab`: